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Hx: itching, bleeding, ulcerations and pain. Area of pigentation.

Exam. Inspection and palpation

Investigaton: FBC. IMAGING.

Management: wide wound excision , analgesia and antibiotics.

What do you see? Muscular structure with hairs at the bottom.

Rectum extending to anus.

Diagnosis: CA rectum,

Hx: LOA, LOW, Pain when passing stool, constipated

Exam: per rectal exam. Anaemia

Investigations: FBC
Tubular muscular structure with a lesion on the middle part.

Diagnosis; CA oesophagus.

Hx: Dysphagia, weight loss, loss of appetite, haematemesis odynophagia


Investigation: barium swallow, endoscopy, biopsy,

Management: THREE Ps =

Surgical: stoma, anastomosis.

Complications: bleeding, tracheomalacia and cachexia

Muscular tube with a blind end.

Diagnosis: appendicitis. Differentials: ruptured ectopic pregnancy


Exams: Signs.

Investigations: Baseline/routine, pregnancy test, imaging: USS, CT and Abdominal Xray.

Management: Surgical, antibiotics, rehydrate,

Complications: peritonitis, gangrene, I.O

What do you see: muscular structure with an ulceration?

Diagnosis: Peptic ulcer. Diff: crohn’s, gastritis, pancreatitis,

Hx: abdominal pain(epigastric), heart burn, haematemesis and melena

Exam: tenderness, percussion???

Management: triple therapy: omeprazole, metronidazole and amoxicillin. Analgesia, surgical.

Investigations: endoscopy, CT, barium meal, Xray, Blood: H.pylori

Complication: perforation.
What do you see? Rough, Tubular structure, white structure. cloaca

Diagnosis: chronic osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, osteoarthritis, abscess???

Hx: fever, pain, draining sinus, swelling of the limb.

Exam: reduced range of motion, tenderness, visible swelling, draining sinus,

Investigation: Xray, bone scan, C/S, FBC,

Management: antibiotics, analgesia, surgical: drainage of pus, removing the sequester,

Complication: multiple abscess, sepsis, impaired gait.

What do you see? Blind ended tubular structure filled with round, opaque, white structures.

Diagnosis: gall stones. Diff: kidney stones, ca head of pancreas,

Hx: Charcod’s triad : Fever, pain and jaundice.

Exam: tenderness, murphy’s test! Yellowing of the conjunctiva

Investigations? Routine tests, Serum bilirubin, albumin, LFTS nd U/Es, Xray, CT and USS, ECRP.

Management: ?????

Complications? Perforation, obstructive jaundice

What do you see? Mass attached to a tubular structure.

Diagnosis: goitre. Diff: Solitary/multinodular goitre, CA thyroid,

Hx: swelling in the neck, pressure effects, loss of weight, loss of appetite, heat/cold intolerant
Exam: tremors, examine swelling, sweaty palms, eyes. (EXAMINATION OF THYROID)

Investigations: TSH, T3 AND T4, radioiodine uptake, USS, Xray,

Management: medical and surgical.

Complication: pressure effects.

What do you see? White, solid, opaque, irregular structures.

Diagnosis: bladder calculi. Diff diagnosis????????????

Hx: prostatism. Dysuria, urine retention, pelvic pain,

Exam: ???????///

What do you see? Black tubular structure, invaginated in itself (Intussusception)

Diagnosis: intussusception diff: I.O, Sigmoid Volvulus, Paralytic ileus

Hx: abdominal pain, distention, vomiting, constipation, dehydration

Exam: Per rectal: no stool, tenderness, distended abdomen, plus/minus bowel sounds. Guarding

Investigations: Plain xray=supine and erect. FBC, U/Es

Management: rehydrate, catheterise, surgical.

Tubular structure with a perforation.

Diagnosis: perforated bowel. Diff: peritonitis


Invesigations; xray. Air fluid levels.

Folded tubular structure.



Hydronephrosis. READ SRB.

Tubular structure with an interluminal protrusion


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