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The Israeli Kibbutz failed women demanded to raise their own children

If Mexican free-tailed bats fed would feed their own young just as often as the
the infants for the good of the offspring of their peers
species, then they

Tinbergen experimented with make the nest less attractive to predators that
nesting birds and found that might prey on their young chicks
their laborious efforts in
removing broken eggshells
from their nests functioned to

Paternity uncertainty implies that there is always some probability that another
male has fertilized the female's egg(s)

Paternity uncertainty makes it less profitable

________ for males, compared
with females, to invest in

The mating opportunity cost the costs of missed mating opportunities as a

hypothesis states that result of investment in offspring are greater for
males than for females

When the sex ratio is high (a more investing in

surplus of men), men are
___________ their children than
when there is a surplus of

Men who are more attractive reduce their parental effort

Evolved mechanisms of likelihood that offspring are full siblings

parental care should be
sensitive to all of the following

Flinn found that stepfathers' less frequent; more aggressive

interactions with stepchildren
were __________ and _________ than
genetic fathers' interactions
with their children.

Which of the following information about a partner's sexual fidelity during

sources of information is most the period that she conceived
relevant for men's assessments
of their relatedness to

A woman's successful increase

promotion of a man's belief
that he is the father of her
offspring should _____ his
willingness to invest in that

Daly and Wilson found that four times

mother's remarks about a
baby's resemblance to the
father were _______as frequent
as her remarks about the
baby's resemblance to her.

The _________ showed a mother's kin

particular bias for asserting a
resemblance between the
father and the baby.

When viewing infant faces that men; they would be least resentful paying child
had been morphed together support to that child
with their own face, _____
indicated ____________.

fMRI studies have revealed men; inhibiting negative responses

that ______'s brains show
increased activation of the
brain regions linked to
_____________ when viewing
children's faces that resemble
their own

Men who rate their wives high invest more in their children
on trustworthiness tend to

Burch and Gallup found that not looking like them; more severe physical
men who rated their children injuries on their partners
as _____________ inflicted

Anderson, Kaplan, and 5.5 times more likely

Lancaster found that genetic
offspring were ___________ than
stepchildren to receive
parental funding for college.

Daly and Wilson found that forty

children living with one
genetic parent and one
stepparent were about ___
times more likely to be
physically abused than
children living with both
genetic parents.

The risk of being murdered by decreases

a genetic parent or stepparent
____________ with the age of the

The primary caretaker women have adaptations that increase the

hypothesis states that chances of their children's survival

Which hypothesis predicts attachment promotion hypothesis

that women will be better than
men at decoding all facial
expressions of emotion?

Which hypothesis states that tend-and-befriend hypothesis

women possess adaptations
which allow them to protect
children from danger as well
as maintain social ties that can
provide protection?

Under ___________ parents should some conditions; the same unit of investment
invest more in an ill child than benefits the ill child more than the healthy child
in a healthy child, because

Discriminative parental a suite of parental mechanisms designed to

solicitude describes channel investment towards children better able
to convert investment into reproductive success

In one twin study, by eight the healthier twin

months after giving birth,
every single mother had
directed more positive
maternal behavior toward

The Trivers-Willard hypothesis parents will invest more in sons when the parents
predicts that __________. are in good condition

___________ women are more younger; older

likely than ___________ to commit

Aka fathers hold their children they hold their children significantly less than Aka
more than fathers in any other mothers
culture, but __________.

Aka men of higher status less than half of the

devote___________ effort holding
their infants than do men of
lower status.

When viewing pictures of women's eyes dilated more than men's; women's
babies, _________________; when eyes dilated more than men's
viewing pictures of babies
with their mothers,

Men __________ with a woman's interact more; attract the woman

child before they are married
than after, suggesting that
men channel investment
toward the child in an effort to

Parent-offspring conflict Trivers

theory was proposed by

In a study of adolescents, may be strategies for extracting investment from

researchers found that suicide parents
attempts __________.

Parent-offspring conflict selection will favor adaptations in children to

predicts that __________. manipulate parents toward children's optimum
level of investment

Production of human both a & b

chorionic gonadotropin is an
adaptation in fetuses
designed to __________.

As parents age, parents are less and less valuable; are more and more
_____________ to children precisely valuable
when the children___________ to
the parents.

Parent-offspring conflict conflict between parents and child due to their

theory identified the sharing fewer genes with each other than they do
important arena of __________ with themselves

Which of the following is true Fathers feel more emotionally close to offspring
of how parents feel about who resemble them while mothers feel equally
their children based on their close to all their offspring regardless of
facial similarity? resemblance

Which of the following Men's self-perceived mate value is positively

supports the hypothesis that correlated with flirting behavior and negatively
men's mating and parenting correlated with attention paid to offspring
efforts are traded off against
one another?

According to parent-offspring presence of a younger half-sibling

conflict theory, which of the
following conditions should
produce the highest level of
conflict between a mother
and her child?

Parents and offspring differ in parents and offspring do not share 100% of their
the relative importance of genes
certain mate traits. Parent-
offspring conflict theory
predicts that this occurs
because __________

Young women tend to pursue all of the above

more of a short-term mating
strategy than their parents
report preferring for their
daughters. According to an
evolutionary perspective, why
do parents and daughters
disagree about this?

Offspring tend to prefer physical attractiveness; good family background

____________ in their mates more
than parents who prefer
____________ more than offspring
in the offspring's mate.

Perilloux and colleagues parents guard sons and daughters equally against
examined the phenomenon of physical injury but guard daughters more in social
daughter guarding from an and mating contexts
evolutionary perspective.
Their results indicated that

Selection will favor their genetic relatedness

adaptations for helping kin in
proportion to ______________

Hamilton's rule states that c < rb

Hamilton's rule specifies both a & b

Using Hamilton's rule, a benefit given to a full sibling must be twice the
costs to the actor for altruistic decision rules to

The fact that only genes that evolvability constraint

code for traits that fulfill
Hamilton's rule can spread
throughout the population is
also known as the __________

___________ score lower on middleborns; firstborns & lastborns

measures of family solidarity
and identity than ___________.

Sulloway's theory predicts that children will inhabit different niches depending on
their birth order

Which of the following Middleborns end up receiving less total parental

statements about birth order investment even if the parents divide their
is true? investment equally among all the children present
in the household at a given time.

Among ground squirrels, full sisters; half sisters

__________ were more likely than
___________ to cooperate in
mutual defense of their

The grandmother hypothesis states that menopause evolved as a means of

ceasing direct reproduction, to force women to
invest in children and then grandchildren

Daly, Salmon, and Wilson cooperation between kin will be a function of their
state that in all societies closeness and will be linked with genetic overlap

An implication of inclusive elder members of an extended kin family will

fitness theory on familial encourage younger members to behave more
relations is that __________. altruistically toward collateral kin

Which of the following is not a bait-and-switch hypothesis

hypothesis offered to explain
alarm calling in ground

Of the three hypotheses that inclusive fitness hypothesis

Sherman offered to explain
calling in ground squirrels, the
______________ received the most
empirical support.

Newborn who are breastfed prefer the scent of their father to that of their

Which of the following is not a geological distance

primitive of Doug Jones's
proposed universal grammar
which governs all kin
classification systems?

What is the adaptive value of It allows us to identify those who are more
distinguishing between capable of giving altruism and those who are
different kin members in terms more likely in need of altruism.
of their social rank?

Essock-Vitale and McGuire Los Angeles women were more likely to report
found that __________ helping close kin than distal kin

Burnstein, Crandall, and helping is greater as a function of increased

Kitayama found that __________ genetic relatedness and increases in the
reproductive value of the relative

Buss argues that no other theory besides inclusive fitness

hypothesis predicts a helping gradient that follows
from the amount of genetic overlap

Ten-year-olds are helped less one; the ten-year-olds are higher in reproductive
than ________ -year-olds, despite value
the fact that ___________.

Korchmaros and Kenny emotional closeness

identified ____________ as a
psychological mediator of
helping behavior among kin.

Which of the following is NOT the person's sex

an indicator of emotional
closeness among different
levels of kin?

The death of a _________ child healthy; sickly

causes more grief than the
death of a(n) ___________ child.

Individuals maintain greater their female kin compared to male kin

vigilance over the mating
relationships of __________.

Flinn's study of children's stepfather and half-siblings present

cortisol levels based on
household composition
revealed that children living
with which of the following
family units possessed the
highest cortisol levels?

Smith, Kish and Crawford people leave more of their estate to offspring
found that than to siblings

Men who lose their wives are both a & b

more likely than women who
lose their husbands to __________.

Bossong found that men were more likely to allocate most resources to a spouse
if she was of post-reproductive age

Reasonable interpretations of decision rules exist which are byproducts of

findings from wills include all parental mechanisms designed to operate earlier
of the following except in the life of the parent

Paternal grandfathers face two

_________ link(s) of possible
cuckoldry between
themselves and their

Based on certainty of maternal grandmothers; paternal grandfathers

relatedness to grandchildren,
__________ should invest more
than ___________

Discriminative grandparental should follow the degree of relational certainty

investment inherent in the different types of grandparental

Gaulin, McBurney and maternal aunts and uncles; paternal aunts and
Brakeman-Wartell found that uncles
___________ invest more than

Which grandparent's survival maternal grandmothers

best predicted the survival of
the grandchild, according to a
study covering the years 1770-
1861 in England?

Altruism toward cousins MoSis > FaSis, MoBro > FaBro

should fall into which of the
following patterns, according
to inclusive fitness theory?
(FaBro = father's brother's
children; FaSis = father's sister's
children; MoBro = mother's
brother's children; MoSis =
mother's sister's children)

Which of the following familial benefits model

models has been proposed to
explain the evolution of

Sibling conflicts stem from access to parental resources

Although rare, brothers do disgraced the family with her mate choice
sometimes kill their sisters in
the form of an "honor killing"
because the sister __________.

parental conflict centers on how much parental investment each parent will
give to the offspring within the family

Studies that use masking the top half of the face is particularly important for
methods on photographs kinship detection
have determined that __________

Why would it be adaptive to all of the above

be able to detect kinship
between people you are not
related to?

Recent studies on the effect individuals help relatives more than friends and
of genetic relatedness on mates only when the cost of the help is very high
helping behavior have
demonstrated that __________.

The absent father hypothesis proposes that menopause occurs because women
tend to lose their mates, either to death or to a
younger woman, after middle age

The problem of altruism describes problems associated with how altruism

among non-relatives could evolve given the
selfish designs that aid in the reproduction of non-
relatives at a cost to the altruist

social exchange is a form of cooperation

the theory of reciprocal both a & b

a "gain in trade" is The scenario in which each party receives more in

future returns than it costs to deliver the benefit

One of the most important ensuring that benefits bestowed will be returned
adaptive problems for the in the future
altruist is __________.

The _____________ is a hypothetical Prisoner's Dilemma

situation in which two people
are forced to weigh the costs
and benefits of cooperation,
temptations to defect, and
punishment for mutual

If the Prisoner's Dilemma defect

game is played only once, the
best choice of action for a
given player would be to

Axelrod and Hamilton found the simplest strategy devised

that the best strategy in the
Prisoner's Dilemma was

In which ways is the Prisoner's Partners possess equal power to punish and
Dilemma artificial compared reward; partners cannot communicate with one
to everyday life? another.

The tit for tat strategy involves cooperating on the first move, then reciprocating
a partner's move for each move thereafter

Which of the following is NOT insist on more than equity

a means of promoting
cooperation, as identified by

Wilkinson discovered that non-randomly

vampire bats __________
regurgitate a portion of the
blood they have sucked for
ingestion by others.

De Waal found that male being granted sexual access to females

chimpanzees often benefit
from social alliances by

Who developed social Cosmides and Tooby

contract theory?

Social contract theory was developed to explain cooperative exchange

in humans with an emphasis on how humans have
solved the adaptive problem of cheater detection

The only way reciprocal organisms have mechanisms to detect and avoid
altruism can evolve is if _________ cheaters

Which of the following was the ability to remember all aspects of the histories
not a cognitive capacity that of interactions with different individuals
must have evolved to motivate
forming social contracts and
avoiding the threat of

Over evolutionary time, ________ opportunistic cheaters; exclusive cooperators

will reproduce more than

The Wason selection task and detecting cheaters in social exchange, abstract
modifications of it suggest problems
that humans are good at
___________ but poor at ____________.

Individuals in other cultures, as well as

such as the Shiwiar, do
____________ Harvard University
undergraduates on Wason
selection task problems.

Gigerenzer and Hug found one's point of view

that ___________ governs the
types of cheaters for which
one looks.

Brown proposed that humans assess the genuineness of an altruistic act

have an adaptation that allows
them to __________

Successful performance on not linked to

cheater detection tasks is
_______________ successful
performance on altruist
detection tasks.

The social-exchange heuristic a cognitive adaptation designed to bias us toward

refers to __________. not exploiting a partner who is cooperating

Costly signaling refers to altruism that is costly to the provider and thereby
yields honest signals to others regarding one's
quality as a coalitional ally

People report _________ when feeling pleasure; a sign of friendship

they help others in need
without insisting on, or
expecting, any future reward.
Shackelford and Buss found
that this can be interpreted as
a _____________

The banker's paradox is a term those who need money the most are least likely to
that implies that __________ receive money and those that need it the least are
the most likely to receive money

A ___________ person is more replaceable; irreplaceable

vulnerable to desertion than is
someone who is ____________

Which of the following group the class clown

members should feel most
threatened by a new male
group member who is very
attractive and exceptionally
good at telling jokes?

Which of the following is NOT seek out groups that reciprocate the attributes
a strategy for increasing the you offer
odds of becoming
irreplaceable, as discussed by
Tooby and Cosmides?

Tooby and Cosmides argue fair-weather friends and true friends

that selection should fashion
assessment mechanisms that
make differentiations between

Friendship niches refer to the adaptive problem of deciding who will fill
limited friendship slots

Bleske and Buss found that men; more

________ evaluated the potential
for sexual access to their
opposite-sex friends as

Cooperative coalitions are alliances of more than two individuals for the
purpose of collective action to achieve a
particular goal

Price found that the best predictor of punitive sentiments was the
degree of a person's own participation in a
cooperative coalition

Among the Shuar in Ecuador, did not cooperate when they could
punishment is especially harsh
toward in-group members
who ______________________—even
more than toward out-group

Which of the following has Observing an unfair game player receiving

been demonstrated about physical pain activates the brain's reward centers.
punitive sentiments?

What is the hypothesized cultural group selection

process by which transmitted
ideas, beliefs and values
spread because of the
competitive advantages they
provide to groups holding

In order for cooperative detecting altruistic members

coalitions to emerge,
individuals must be able to
solve all of the following
adaptive problems EXCEPT

memory for cheaters may be of their rarity in the population

heightened because

Which of the following is NOT People show heightened memory for cheaters, but
true of our cognitive this does not result in behavioral changes during
mechanisms related to economic games
cheater detection?

Studies have documented that people who cheat look different than people who
their participants pay more cooperate
attention to, and better
remember, faces of people
who actually cheated in the
past—even when the
participant is unaware of
whether the target individual
cheated or not. This implies
that __________

Which of the following has genuine smiles

been identified as a potential
facial cue to altruistic

Indirect reciprocity theory when the target of our altruism cannot reciprocate
explains our tendency to
behave altruistically __________

Benefits of costly signaling all of the above


According to costly signaling When behaving altruistically anonymously, we are

theory, how does context more likely to choose a low-cost option.
affect our altruistic

According to the alliance an individual who highly values you as a friend

hypothesis, which of the
following would be the most
valuable friend?

Which of the following as women's tendency to mate exogamously

been hypothesized to
underlie the differences
documented between how
men and women approach
same-sex friendships?

Men's same-sex friendships instrumental

appear to be designed to be
more _________ than women's.

The mere presence of ___________ one witness

is sufficient to increase the
punishment of non-

Studies have documented that 1 minute; 5 minutes

in interactions between 3
people, a clear hierarchy
emerges within _________________in
50 percent and within ___________
among the other 50 percent.

If a cricket wins a fight, it will become more aggressive in subsequent fights;

___________ and if it loses a fight it becomes more submissive

Male crickets that win seek sexual favors from female crickets
intrasexual competitions are
more likely to _______________

Mazur and Booth found that remained high; dropped dramatically

testosterone levels of the
winners of tennis matches
_____________ and the
testosterone levels of losers
of matches _____________

Fighting avoidance is they risk injury; they risk energetic costs of

beneficial to potential losers engaging in a fight
because _______________ and
beneficial to potential winners
because _____________

Although the dominance strategies of individuals

hierarchy does not have a
function, the ______________ do
have a function

A dominance hierarchy refers the fact that some individuals within a group
to reliably gain greater access than others to key

In its simplest form, a transitive

dominance hierarchy is ________

After a victory, a male crayfish both the new loser and new winner experience
will experience excitation by excitation by serotonin at that synapse
serotonin within a specific
synapse while the loser
experiences inhibition by
serotonin at the same
particular synapse. When the
same two crayfish compete
and the result of the fight is a
reversal of the winner and
loser, __________.

The best predictor of the number of submissive greetings he receives

dominance status of a male
chimpanzee is __________

Failure to display a submissive both males and females

greeting to a dominant male
chimpanzee by ___________ will
often provoke aggressive
retaliation in the dominant

A dominant male chimpanzee 50

in a colony typically secures at
least ______ percent of all

In most social species, once are not static

dominance hierarchies form,
they _________

__________________ provides a sexual access to females

powerful adaptive rationale
for the evolution of

Dominance hierarchies and the degree of cooperation over resource

production hierarchies differ in acquisition

Prestige is defined as domain-general status

Prestigious individuals are the information they can provide; the

sought for ___________ and reproductively relevant rewards they can offer

Elevated status can give men preferential selection as mates by women

greater sexual access along
which of the following paths?

Betzig found that, among the high-status; greater sexual access to women
first six civilizations,
disproportionately had

Which of the following Men with high status are less likely to be sexually
statements about modern polygynous.
men's status is NOT true?

Whiting and Edwards found all of the above

that girls were less likely than
boys to engage in __________

Maccoby described one of rough-and-tumble play

the two most robust sex
differences in preschool years
to be __________.

Social dominance orientation higher in men than in women


Men rated ______________ as more egoistic dominant acts; prosocial dominant acts
socially desirable than women
did; women rated __________ as
more socially desirable than
men did.

Megargee found that the majority

______________ of the high-
dominant men and women
became leaders in interactions
with same-sex, low-dominant

Megargee found that, when appointment by the women

low-dominance men were
teamed with high-dominance
women, the men became
leaders through ____________.

Cummins' dominance theory deontic reasoning and indicative reasoning

makes the distinction between

For deontic rules, people seek rule violations; instances that conform to the rule
out ______________; for indicative
rules, people seek out

When people are angered or returns to normal; the target was lower in status
frustrated, their blood
pressure rises. If given the
opportunity to aggress
against the person who
caused their anger, their
blood pressure _________—but
only if ___________________

Resource-holding potential an evaluation of the organism's relative strengths

refers to __________. and weaknesses compared to peers

Winners of a competition increase their helping behaviors

experience elevated mood
and _________________

Social anxiety may be an avoid status loss

adaptive response designed
to __________.

Women experience more physical attractiveness; sexual experience

envy over a rival's ______________
while men experience more
envy over a rival's _________________

When told that a given man is taller

of high status, participants
tend to rate him as _______________

Mueller and Mazur found that facial dominance

_________ predicted attainment of
higher ranks in the military
twenty years later.

Mismatch experiments which both sets of participants experienced elevated

involve placing high- stress levels
testosterone individuals into
low-status situations and low-
testosterone individuals into
high-status situations revealed
that __________

McGuire and Raleigh studied as a lower-ranking individual gained status, his

serotonin levels in association serotonin level increased
with dominance and found
that __________

Self-esteem, from the a subjective indicator of other people's evaluations

perspective of sociometer of oneself
theory, is __________

When exposed to _______________ photos of physically attractive women; photos of

women rated themselves as highly dominant men
less desirable than their
mates; when exposed to
________________ men rated
themselves as less desirable
than their mates

_______ are far more likely to use women

appeasement strategies when
dealing with a high-status

Hartung proposed that avoid risks and costs imposed by dominant

deceiving down may be an individuals by portraying oneself as subordinate
adaptive solution designed to

Schadenfreude is a term the experience of pleasure at another's misfortune

referring to __________.

Feather investigated how If the individual was low-status, participants felt

people react to the failure of more pleasure.
another individual. Which of
the following is NOT a finding
from his studies?

Which of the following is a key costly signaling

route to higher prestige?

Which of the following is most possession and demonstration of specialized

likely to result in attaining a knowledge
leadership role?

Bi-strategic controllers engage in prosocial and coercive strategies to

obtain dominance and popularity

Contemporary Americans tall

prefer their leaders to be
_________, and such individuals
also believe themselves to be
more capable of leading and
more willing to do so.

Studies looking at the effects testosterone is associated with dominance but not
of testosterone imply that prestige

Which of the following Testosterone is highly linked to dominance only

correctly depicts the among men who are low in cortisol.
interaction effect in men?

Self-esteem seems to be among single men

correlated to self-perceived
mate value, particularly _________

Chapter 13 CH. 11 Chapter

ethics quiz
7 ch 11

57 terms 51 terms 46terms

18 terms

hannah_rinehart2 hannah_rinehart2 hannah_rinehart2


Evolutionary Psychology Exam 3 PSYC 4302 Test 3 Psychology

ethics quiz 9chp 3

105 terms 61 terms 46 terms


Caitlin-Brammer TheNeth shellybelly1027



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