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Libra Sign North Node

Your Soul Mission and Path to Fulfillment!

"Follow your Libra Sign North Node to Your Internal Bliss!"

The nodes (south and north node) are two points in an astrological chart that possess
priceless information about one's karmic past and soul-destined future.

Calculated by using the birth data of the individual, the nodes symbolize the unique life
path that one is on and can answer many questions about his own, as well as his
partner's, inner struggles and desires -- answers that can transform not only his
relationship but his life.

Since there are twelve signs of the zodiac, there are also twelve unique nodal positions --
each pair of nodes (north and south) representing two opposite signs of the zodiac.

For instance, a Libra sign north node is paired with an Aries sign south node because they
are opposites.

And because they are opposites, they create a clear picture of the dualistic struggle that
resides within the Libra north node/Aries south node individual.

Often, the individual is unaware of the war taking place inside, a situation that could go on
for years. As time passes he is dumfounded by his inability to progress in life -
professionally, emotionally, and spiritually. He doesn't understand why he keeps
repeating the same mistakes over and over again and continues to dwell on the past as he
desperately dreams of the future.

All of us have our own set of visible (and invisible) struggles to work through -- obstacles
that the nodes of the moon can help us isolate and resolve while simultaneously freeing us
to move forward on our destined path.

We all know that knowledge is power...and that's why I offer a bit of it to give you
the strength and courage you need to not only live, but thrive.

This week I'd like to begin with a brief overview of the Libra Sign North Node/Aries Sign
South Node position.
To start, let's take a look at some keywords. These words describe the polarity between
these two opposing signs and can offer you a glimpse of the soul journey that the
individual with this nodal position is on.

Just remember that the south node represents the comfortable but not necessarily healthy
habits within your personality - patterns that have accumulated over lifetimes that now
need to be acknowledged and released.

The north node, on the other hand, represents your soul's potential - the direction of the
future...the behavioral habits that will lead you to greater happiness and the kind of life that
you will find fulfilling.

Here are a few Aries South Node traits that should be put to rest, sort of speak, if the
individual with this nodal position is to live an emotionally rich life: Domineering, tactless,
defying, brash, arrogant, uncooperative, self-absorbed, selfish, arrogant, hot-headed,

Here are a few Libra North Node traits that the individual might at first find foreign but
eventually will need to acquire if he is to connect to his true soul potential and live the life
he was meant to live:

Balanced, just, diplomatic, refined, cooperative, fair-minded, social, charming, pleasing,

peace-promoting, mediating, harmonious.

The journey from an Aries sign south node to a Libra sign north node will not be easy. But
then again, neither is anything else in life that’s worth doing.

Obstacles are simply strategically placed hurdles meant to remind us of our inner strength
and hidden needs. Therefore, as long as the Libra sign north node individual remembers
that his soul is creating the kind of life he needs in order to evolve as a spiritual individual,
he will make it through the transformation just fine.

The following are a few hurdles that he must overcome in order to bring a sense of
harmony and balance into his life:

He must learn to control his ego

He must understand the importance of self-sacrifice

He must learn the lessons of cooperation

He must realize that, in this lifetime, his powerful energy is meant to help those that
surround him, not him.

He must force himself to listen

He must stop concentrating on winning and instead focus on sharing

He must stop agonizing over the unfairness of the world; why other people receive what
he, himself wants yet doesn’t get

He must accept that his current life’s soul path is all about selfless giving

The word “must” is a strong word. I realize that. But it is an appropriate word to
use when speaking about the needs of the soul. For if the Libra sign north individual fails
to learn any or all of the lessons mentioned above, he might just find himself living a
lonely, empty, and unfulfilling existence.

The north node path is offering the Libra sign soul an opportunity to gain wisdom, strength,
and freedom. But it is up to him to choose whether to accept the gift.

Having said all that, it might not be such a bad idea for the Libra sign north node individual
to surround himself with people and symbols that can support his journey.

By encircling himself with people who understand him and symbols that exude the Libra
sign energy, he gains the support needed to follow his soul mission and ultimately, his
path to fulfillment.

Now, if you’re reading this article and it's your mate that has the Libra sign north node,
and you do that for your mate, well...that's just about the greatest gift that you could ever
give him/or her.
Why? Well, because there's nothing like the feeling one gets when he realizes that he has
found someone who really gets him -- a true friend...lover...and the irreplaceable soul
companion he's been searching for his entire life.

...that soul companion who is you!

Have an adventurous journey my friend!

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