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INFI Questions

1. What are the modules you worked in the project?

2. How can you diffrenciate Order Release from Order Base?
3. How do you create shipment for below scenario.


4. Mail notifications questions
5. How to edit subject in mail which is sent as notifications?
6. In how many types we can send attachment in otm as a mail.
(I told as an attachment, as an link,as a link and user must login to view the content)
7. What is the importance of subject property in style sheet profile?
8. Tell me about direct sql update?
9. What is the use of Expression in the agent action(IF) explain with an example?
I explained taking below example
I am using saved query to assign a value to variable in using assign varible action.
And I am checking whether the variable assigned to it is not null using IF action using experssion.
10. What is the use of threshold explain with example.
I have taken order modified agent and qouted that if certian amount of weight is modified then only
agent is trigered?
11. Can we put threshold to use total gross weight?
I said that no we cant use it with total attriute and next question was on what you can use threshold I
had no answer ;)
12. Explain latest enchancement which has done by you.
13. Explain latest client meeting attended for requirement gathering and how did you maaped it
functionally and technically?
14. I have received an order from external system and I dont have src and dest locations in otm
created before order has been received.Now what is the way to create an location on fly?
I said when ever transmission is received in otm it is splited in trancations so lets say and order is
receivecd it is splited into transorder,item and location each and every transaction contains
transmission code of IU(insert update) so every time a new location/Item is recieved it is
automaticcally created.
15. What are different transmission codes( I could only answer IU,II,D and i missed otheres
which he told me)
16. explain how mappings are done for external system
17. How transmissions are received into OTM and is there any setup should be done like for
I told for inbound we have provide either of INITXML/WMservlet URL's to SOA team for feeding
the transmissions into OTM. And we have provide mapping specfications to which feilds are
mapped in otm for inbound.
18. Have you used Integartion saved query ? I said no and next question was give me insights of
this I said I have no idea how and where it is being used.
19. How can you upload multiple tables in to one csv at a go I have explained multi tablecsv
20. What happens internally in OTM when ever an XML is uploded in OTM?
21. Can you insert csv content into an xml and upload it back to OTM? I said no idea abt this
22. Asked about reports I have explained from the scratch.
23. Is there a way to put bar code in report?
I said I havnt worked on it but read abt it in blogs and it is possible to implement.
24. Have you modified any glog.xsd in OTM.
I said I havent modified it then he asked do you the impact of using default glog.xsd I explained
him that it puts load on transmission tables and instead of modifing the glog.xsd we are using xml
template in out xml profile to minimize the load in transmissions tables.He asked me to explain
with an example I have explained him.
25. So In how many ways you can send transmission out of OTM.(using webservice,ftp,httpand

Few other very basic questions they asked I dont remeber them

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