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Aubrey Souders


TEL 311

16 November 2020

Project Narrative Outline

Driving Question: How has technology influenced your life and how different would modern life

be without it?

Day Standards & Learning Assessment Technology Used

Learning Activities
1 Standard: Students will Students will write - Tablet to
begin learning an exit ticket to the view the
HS.H4.2 Explain about the teacher explaining photos
how artistic, Renaissance- an why they feel the - Printer to
philosophical, and important point in Renaissance was print the
scientific ideas history for art, so important. photos if
have developed science, and tablets are
and shaped society technology. Students will not
and institutions. explain how they available
Activities will think the - Group
Learning include: Renaissance still discussion
Objective: affects them to this board (i.e.
- Analyzing day. Padlet)
Students will be photos of
able to understand artwork
why the events of pre and
the Renaissance post
were so important renaissanc
and they will e
explain to the - Group
teacher why and discussion
how this historical , why is
period still affects this event
them today. so
2 Standard: Students will Students will write - Resources
partake in activity a reflection on provided by
HS.H2.4 Compare where they have what they learned the teacher
causes and effects to develop their from the isolation to build
of isolationism “civilization” activity. They will their
and globalism. with a group of 3- include the civilization
4 students while difficulty of - Internet to
Learning being separated advancing without look up any
Objective: from other group outside help questions
members. (easy/hard), the they may
Students will be differences have
able to evaluate between groups
the causes of with different
isolationism and materials, and why
globalism and this is important to
assess that would understand.
affect a
Students will then
create a
civilization that is
separate from the
rest of the class
and then compare
with each other.
3 Standard: Students will be The students’ - Internet to
partaking in a assessment will be search for
HS.SP3.2 class debate about through their sources to
Gather relevant the Industrial resources: use in their
information from Revolution. One argument
multiple sources side will argue all - Did the - Lectures
representing a the benefits and students and videos
wide range of why it was a good find that back up
views while using event, the other credible their claims
origin, authority, side will argue resources? - School
structure, context, the opposite. - What are databases
and corroborative some areas
value of the source During this class, that they
to guide the the students will struggled
selection. be finding in?
credible resources - Did they
Learning they can use find any
Objective: towards their sources for
arguments. the
Students will be opposing
able to construct The students will view?
an argument that is give their
based on the resources to the
resources they find teacher to check
during class. them.
Students will
report their
sources to the
teacher and
discuss why their
resources are
4 Standard: The students will The students’ - Not much
be presenting assessment will be technology
HS.SP3.8 their arguments based on their should be
Present arguments on the Industrial involvement in the used in this
and explanations Revolution. debate: scenario
that feature ideas Using the unless
and perspectives resources they - Did the students
on issues and have gathered the students have their
topics to reach a previous class; show an facts and
range of audiences they will partake understandi sources
and venues in a class debate. ng of their written
using print, oral, One side will side of the down on an
and digital argue for and the argument? electronic
technologies. other will argue - Did each device.
against. student
Learning participate
Objective: in the
Students will be - Did the
able to properly students
debate their side of give
the argument and thoughtful
justify why their points that
side is right. The show their
students will then investigatio
be able to analyze n into the
the other side’s topic?
arguments and
come up with
5 Standard: Students will Students’ - Apps
come up with a assessment will be students can
HS.G2.4 flyer explaining through their flyer use to make
Evaluate the use how the Industrial and whether or not the flyer if
and sustainability Revolution will they show an they decide
of natural negatively affect understanding of not go
resources. farmers and the the topic and digital
environment. It is followed the (Photoshop,
Learning to be made in the requirements of Canva,
Objective: style of a political the flyer project. various
cartoon, with painting
Students will be exaggerated apps, and
able to investigate features and texts, more)
how popular in order to really - The internet
revolutions (like drive their point. to search for
the Industrial Age) additional
affected the lives sources that
of the common have not
folk. From there been
students will provided by
design a flyer that the teacher
aims to show the
negative side of
6 Standard: Students will see Students will work - Programs to
how hierarchies together to come write down
HS.H3.3 Compare and social classes up with short their
the ways in which were formed. analyses about analyses
economic each journal entry. (Word,
philosophies Afterwards, they Google
influenced will read and Students can work Docs)
political, analyze primary together in a group - Classroom
economic, and source journal or individually, but website to
social entries from the must be able to submit
developments. different describe the (Google
perspectives and journal entries in at classroom,
Learning discuss their least one Canvas,
Objective: thoughts and paragraph with full Blackboard)
feelings about the sentences.
Students will be text.
able to examine
journal entries in
order to outline in
a short analysis
how social classes
and hierarchies
affected society.
7 Standard: Students will be Students will write - Students in
randomly divided a reflection based the elite
HS.H3.5 Explain into working on their assigned class will be
how different class and elite social class and given
labor systems class. From here, their opinions on laptops and
developed and students will go their role. fewer things
affected societies about the rest of to research
over time. the class period Was it fair? Did while the
by being given you enjoy? What working
Learning different could be done to class with
Objectives: workloads improve the role? be given
(pretend How are the roles textbooks
Students will be workloads) and beneficial to the and more
able to describe different “pay” community? Etc. things to
their designated for their work. research
roles and whether
that made life Halfway through
easier or harder. the class, the
Students will roles will switch.
examine their
roles and explain
in a reflection the
pros and cons.
8 Standard: Students will Students will - Students
partake in partake in a class will list off
HS.H4.3 Examine classroom discussion on how the various
how access to discussions about they feel the forms of
information and how technology “technology free” technology
technology has has influenced environment at the
been used to their lives. affected their beginning of
influence society learning. the class
Students will
Learning identify Was it better? Was
Objective: technology in the it worse? How has
classroom technology shaped
Students will be (anything from a the way education
able to list and mechanical pencil works? Did you
locate the various to a smartphone) enjoy this activity?
items in the After students Students should
classroom. have identified all reflect on this
Students then will the technology in exercise in order to
describe their the room, the understand how
technology-free teacher will take technology affects
experience in the the students their day to day
form of class outside and all lives, even if they
discussion. they are allowed are not completely
to take with them aware of it.
is a piece of paper
and a wooden
pencil (provided
by the teacher).
The teacher will
conduct the
lesson outside to
give students an
idea of how it
was like to teach
and learn without
9 Standard: For this lesson, Students will write - There
the teacher will an exit ticket based should not
HS.H1.7 Analyze bring in someone on the speaker’s be any
how technological who can presentation. They technology
innovation and professionally will be sure to used in this
trade has affected speak on this include one new class other
economic topic (economics fact that they than the
development and teacher, someone learned, how the speaker’s
transformed who rose up from presentation relates form of
societies the bottom, etc.) to their life, and a presentation
in order to give question they
Learning students an idea would like
Objectives: of how this is answered.
real-modern life
Students will be and not just an
able to infer from aspect of history.
the speaker’s
presentation how
innovation has
affected their lives
by writing it on an
exit ticket.
10 Standard: Students will Students will be - Presentation
work together in taking on the role programs to
HS.SP1.3 groups to come of an inventor explain and
Evaluate the up with a timeline during the pitch their
significance of to show the Industrial age of inventions
past events as they chronological technology. (PowerPoint
relate to their own order of each , Prezi,
lives and the revolution and Students will Google
world. invention that research one Slides,
they have learned invention that they YouTube,
Learning about up until this find significant homemade
Objective: point. and create a pitch commercial,
as to why that etc.)
Students will be Students will invention is - Students can
able to design an have a quick needed (I.E. why is utilize any
inventor’s pitch debate on which this invention technology
based on who they invention they needed, why is it tools they
picked and the think is the most important, what have in their
research they have important (there benefit will come arsenal, they
conducted. will be four from it). just have to
Students will groups with four check with
describe their different Students can the teacher
inventions and inventions) present their first.
explain why it is a project in any way
good idea to invest they want, but they
it it. must present as
though they are the

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