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The LC Valiants’ (Lourdes College Basketball team) won its’ first ever championship
game at the South District Meet 2019 last September 6, 2019, held at the Nazareth
gym, Cagayan de Oro City. Coach Rods Oponda said “The 3x3 players are engaged
into rigid practices for body conditioning for the first 2 weeks. Afterwards, we have
then implemented some set plays and basic skills for 3x3 basketball for them to
apply in-game. Also, they have been tuned-up various times with their co-varsity
players”. That leads the Lourdes College a tied game against Corpus Christi Knights,
with the score 10-10, the winner of the game will be declared, whoever shoots the
first 2 points in the 1 minute extension. Luckily Earon Madridano scored the last shot
of the game, that led the LC Valiants’ to win the first championship game at the
South District meet, together with Ahron Abas, Piolo Reyes and their team captain
and the lead scorer of the game, Tom Ocampo.

Tom Ocampo as the team captain said after winning their first championship game,
“Playing for the school was an honor. Winning the championship felt like a dream
because diba, who would’ve thought na ma pilde namo ang one of the strongest
teams here in CDO. I was very happy that day especially when I saw how happy my
coach and my other teammates were. Coach Rods’ words of wisdom were a great
instrument for us to win the championship. I wouldn’t be able to make it if it weren’t
for my coach and teammates who worked really hard. But most of all, I won’t be able
to make it if not for God, and for the people who inspired and supported me all
throughout the way.”
The championship led the team to the Division Level held at the Nazareth gym
Cagayan de Oro City, last September 28-29, 2019. Again, the LC Valiants, led its
way up to the championship game, but unfortunately, luck was not on their side. As
to what coach Rods said after losing the game against the Agusan National High
School, “The moment when I saw the team being down by 7 points in the last 2
mins, made me realize that it was really too early for them to be division champs
since we are the youngest among all the contestants, the boys gave their all-out
spirit but the age gap, the experience, are the factors that made us lose. The league
was designed for SHS students but ours despite being from JHS (one actually from
grade eight) still manages to be at the top and I know that next year we will bounce
back wiser and stronger.”
“To be honest, that loss made me feel down and almost made me lose hope. It
made me want to quit basketball. Fortunately, someone was there to lift me up, I
won’t mention the person but you know who you are and I am very thankful for your
presence.” The star player Tom Ocampo said after their game.
After all of these experiences, they made these things as a motivation to become
better, making this as an inspiration to win next year with the uplifting words coming
from Coach Rods that made them believe with the skills that they have in basketball
once again.

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