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The only difference between normal and organic food is the cost
Albert Howard, F.H. King, Rudolf Steiner is the first person that develop
the concept di organic food in the early 1900s. Organic food is growing because
it has many benefits. We strongly disagree that the only difference between
normal food and organic food is the cost because the benefits of organic food is
healthier and better quality. However, it was undeniable that organic food is
also costly and not always available.
Organic food is healthier. It has more beneficial nutrients. The example is
it has an antioxidant if we compare to the normal food. Organic food more often
be a choice for everyone that want to be healthier person nowadays. So organic
food is really healthier than normal food.
Moreover, the quality of organic food is better than normal food. This is
because organic food is safer than normal food. Organic food was being
produced by organic farming without dangerous chemicals that can harm
human’s health. Organic food such as fruits and vegetables are more quality
than normal food as these organic foods are produced from the fertile soil. Thus,
organic food more likely the best for human’s health.
Disadvantage of organic food is costly. It often cost more than normal
food because of limited supply and the demand that keep increasing, for
example soil addictive such as manure, organic mineral and an organic feed
such as hay and brain. Thus, organic food is more costly than normal food.
Also, organic food is not always available. This is due to some countries
may have issues with how to produce organic food. Furthermore, organic food
is also limited in some countries. Despite that, there are also some countries that
higher demand on this organic food that lead to its insufficient. Hence, organic
food is hard to produce.
In conclusion, cost is not the only different between normal and organic
food because organic food is healthier and more quality than normal food.
However, organic food is costly and not always available. It is important for
people to know which food is the best to consume. Once again, we are disagree
on the statement that ‘the only difference between normal an organic food is

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