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One early Saturday morning, Mother

went to market. She brought two large
baskets with her. She bought 2-1/2
kilos of beef, 1 kilo of pork and 2 kilos
of fresh fish. She also bought
vegetables like cabbage, beans,
tomatoes, onions, and carrots. She
bought bananas, pineapple, and papaya,
1. Box the word that tells when the story
a. Saturday b. Sunday c. Monday
2. Underline the word which tells where Mother
a. church b. school c. market
3. Write the number of things she bought.
4. Encircle the number of baskets she brought to
a. 10 b. 11 c. 2
5. Draw the vegetables she bought.
One of the most beautiful flowering
trees is the golden shower. It is found
in parks and in gardens. It got its name
from its golden yellow flowers that
bloom in clusters. This tree is useful as
well as beautiful. Its bark is used for
tanning leather and for medicine. It
also bears a tubelike fruit. The pulp of
the tubelike pod is also used for
1. Copy the name of the tree.
2. Write the color of its flowers and draw a
square around it.
3. What word best describes how it blooms?
Underline the correct answer.
singly pairs clusters
4. Name the parts that are used for medicine.
5. The golden shower is beautiful but not useful.
Answer with True or False.
One Monday morning, Jose woke up early
to get ready for school. His mother told him
to wear his new “camisa” made of abaca. Jose
looked quiet and sad. He didn’t like to wear
“But I want you to wear it,” his mother
Jose looked at his mother and politely
answered, “Yes, Mother.”
1. Box the word that described Jose.
a. intelligent b. obedient c. helpful
2. Write the word that tells what his Mother wanted
him to wear.
3. Copy the name of the plant mentioned in the
4. Copy the word that tells how Jose answered his
5. Box the letter of the phrase that tells when this
story happened.
a. when Rizal was a boy
b. when Rizal was a grown-up man
c. when Rizal was dead

Cindy loved the new rag doll that

Grandmother gave her on her birthday. She
did not want anybody to touch it. After
showing the doll to everybody, she placed it
in the box. Then she placed the box carefully
on the shelf before she left her room.
Her younger sister came and played with
Cindy’s rag doll. She laid it on the dirty floor,
sat on it, and bumped it against the wall.
Then Cindy came back.

1. Write the name of the girl who owned the new

doll. Encircle it.
2. What do you think did Cindy see when she came
back? Copy only the letter of the answer.
a. The doll was broken.
b. The doll became a rubber doll.
c. The doll was as new as before.
3. What kind of girl was Cindy’s younger sister? Box
the word.
a. envious b. naughty c. lovable
4. Inside a circle, write the name of the person who
gave the rag doll to Cindy.
5. Write the word which describes how Cindy laid
her doll on the shelf.

The forget-me-not are little, dainty,

funnel-shaped, violet flowers. They
grow in clusters at the end of the
stems. They are odorless but are very
attractive when in bloom. They are said
to be a symbol of modesty and humility.
Forget-me-not plants grow easily
and are propagated by means of

1. Write the name of the flower that is

described in the selection.
2. Draw the shape of the flower.
3. Draw a box under the flower and
color the flower.
4. Draw a cluster of the flower
described in the selection.
5. If the flower in the selection is
fragrant, write yes, if not, write the
words sweet-smelling.
Mother and the children had been
expecting Father for supper. They
watched TV while waiting for him.
When the program was over, it was
already nine o’clock. Mother and the
children looked at each other. Father
had never been late for supper before.
1. How do you think did they feel? Box your
a. sad b. worried c. excited
2. Who was late? Write his name in a square.
3. Who waited for him? Underline your answer.
Mother the children
mother and the children
4. Draw a clock and copy the time the story
5. Write the word which tells how many times
Father had been late before.
The guava tree is one of the most
common trees in the Philippines. It
grows on any kind of soil. Its leaves are
thick, rough and oblong. The fruits are
round and crowned. Unripe fruits are
green which turns yellow when ripe.
Guava leaves when boiled in water can
be used as medicine. It is a cure for
stomachache or diarrhea. Sometimes, it
is also used for washing wounds.
1. Draw the fruit that you read in this selection.
2. Write three words that describe the leaves of
this tree.
3. Write the color of the fruit when unripe. Box
your answer.
4. What part of the tree is used as medicine?
Draw your answer.
5. Name two sicknesses that can be cured with
the boiled leaves of this tree.
Drums, cymbals, and bells are percussion
instruments. They produce sounds when you strike
them with some force.
Guitars, banjos, and ukuleles are string
instruments. Sounds are produced when their
strings are strummed.
The flute, pipe, and the trombone are wind
instruments. When blown into, these instruments
produce sound.
Used alone or in groups, these instruments can
produce music.
1. What is the selection about? Copy the letter of
the correct answer.
a. music
b. sounds
c. musical instruments
2. Name the string instruments mentioned in the
3. Draw the percussion instruments mentioned in the
4. Name the wind instruments mentioned in the
5. What makes string instrument produce sound?
Draw it.
It was Wednesday morning. Mother
prepared some nice dishes while Ariel
cleaned the house. Armin arranged the
furniture and Cecille changed the curtains.
They helped each other cheerfully. They
wanted to surprise their youngest brother,
Rolando, who’s celebrating his eleventh
In the afternoon, they all waited at the
porch. Soon Rolando’s friends started to
1. Write the name and age of the boy who was
celebrating his birthday.
2. Box the name of the person who prepared
the dishes.
3. Write the number of the children in the
family and their names.
4. Is Rolando the eldest? If no, write the
opposite word of eldest.
5. Write the part of the house where they
Father is busy in his office the whole day.
When he arrives home, Cynthia, Chiqui, and
Manny run to meet him. They kiss Father’s
hand and lead him to his favorite chair.
Cynthia removes Father’s shoes while Chiqui
get his slippers. Father asks Manny to turn
on the television set so he can watch the
television with Father until Mother calls
them for supper.
1. Write the names of the children in the story.

2. What does Father do upon arriving home? Underline your

a. read a book
b. watch the television
c. read the newspaper
3. Why does Mother call them? Copy only the letter of the
correct answer.

a. Lunch is ready
b. Supper is the ready
c. Breakfast is ready
4. What kind of a family is described in the selection? Copy
only the letter of the correct answer.

a. wealthy family
b. broken family
c. loving and happy family
5. Draw what Chiqui gets for Father.
Sound may be pleasant or unpleasant. A
pleasant sound is nice to hear. An unpleasant
sound is annoying to the ears.
Noise is an pleasant sound. It is disturbing
because it has no pitch, harmony and control.
Music is a pleasant sound, it has a definite
pitch and its vibration is regular and controlled.
Its loudness and intensity are controlled.

1. What is the selection about? Copy the letter of the

correct answer.
a. pleasant sound
b. unpleasant sound
c. sound
2. What kind of sound is pleasing to hear? Box the
a. loud b. music c. noise
3. What kind of sound is irritating to the ears?
Encircle the word.
a. pleasant b. unpleasant c. noise
4. Write at least two reasons that make music pleasant.
5. Write at least two things that make noise disturbing
Insects are found anywhere. They are
either harmful or beneficial. The butterfly
and the bee are beneficial. They help
pollinate the flowers. The dragonfly is also a
helpful insect. It eats other insects that
destroy plants.
Ants, flies, cockroaches, aphids, termites,
and mosquitoes are insect pests. They
destroy our crops and homes, cause illnesses,
and kill our plants. They are harmful to men,
animals, and plants.

1. Copy the word that tells where insects can be

2. Write the names of three beneficial insects.
3. Write the number of harmful insects
mentioned in the selection.
4. Name two things which insects destroy.
5. Copy the letter that tells what insects may
a. floods b. illnesses c. rain
It was Saturday. Fely woke up early to help
Mother. Fely arranged the pieces of furniture in
the living room. She scrubbed and swept the
floor. She dusted the table and the chairs. She
emptied the ash trays. She got the flower vase
and put some fresh flowers in it.
When Father, Lito, and Rene woke up, they
were surprised to see the house. It has never
been like that before.
1. What did Fely do with the flower vase? Copy the
letter of the correct answer.
a. She threw it in the waste basket.
b. She put fresh flowers in the vase.
c. She broke the vase and bought a new one.
2. What kind of a girl was Fely? Box your answer.
a. kind and truthful b. industrious c.
3. How did Fely clean the living room? Encircle your
a. thoroughly b. haphazardly c. lazily
4. Was Father, Rene, and Lito surprised to see the
living room? Answer with Yes or No.
5. Write when the story happened.
Trees are one of the most important things
on Earth. Trees give us food, clothing, and
shelter. Medicine also comes from some trees and
Trees absorb water through its roots, and
send out water vapor through its leaves, thus
making the air around us much cooler.
Forest trees regulate the flow of water and
keep our rivers and streams supplied with ground
water all year round. They also prevent excess
water from flowing and flooding low-lying areas
which destroy homes and farms.
1. Print the title of this selection.
2. What do trees do? Check the letter of your
a. They prevent rain.
b. They prevent floods.
c. They stop the clouds from forming.
3. Write at least three things which trees give.
4. Write the two things which flood destroy.
5. Write the part of the tree which absorbs water.
Put the word in a box.
It was Christmas eve. Father,
Mother, and the children were
gathered around the Christmas tree.
They eagerly opened their gifts. Father
got a blue tie. Mother got a pink dress.
Jose got a battery-operated toy car.
Lita got a new book and a ball pen, and
Mila received a walking doll. They were
all very happy to see their gifts.

1. Inside a circle, write when the story happened.

2. Draw the tree around which the family was
gathered. Put some gifts under it.
3. Draw the things each member of the family
got. Put their names under their gifts.
4. Draw a square around the word which tells how
they opened their gifts.
5. How many were there in the family? Copy and
check the number.
6 10 5
Of all the insects, ants live a life closest to
that of man. They live I a man’s home or near his
home. They can be found in his kitchen, in his
dining room or anywhere in his yard.
Ants are insect pests. They walk all over dead
animals and wastes carry germs on their legs.
The best way to control ants is to keep
places, especially homes, clean. Another way is to
destroy their nests by pouring boiling water,
kerosene, or oil in them.

1. Write what this selection is about and encircle

your answer.
2. Write at least three places mentioned in the
selection that tells where ants can be found.
3. Ants are insect pests. Answer with true or false.
4. What is the best way of controlling ants? Copy
the letter of the best answer.
a. killing them one at a time
b. stepping on them
c. keeping the house clean
5. Name three things that can be used to destroy
ants’ nests.

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