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questionStatement answerA answerB answerC D

Identify the first line of a constructor declaration in the
following code? public class try_ques { // A int
current, step; public void cart(int strength) { strength
= strength + 1 ;//B } public try_ques(int players, int stage)
// C { setCurrent(players,stage); } public void
setCurrent(int value,int value2) { current=value;
step=value2; }// D } A B C D
of class
two have
a field
Given the following code, which statements are true? Class named Class two None of
One { private int one_value; } class two extends one { int one_valu extends Both A and the
two_value; } e. class one. B. above.
void func int func() boolean func(voi
Which one of these declarations is a valid method {/* ... {/* ... func(void) d) {/*
declaration? */} */} {/* ... */} ... */}
It allows
An enum access to
type can all the An enum
impleme elements type can
nt stored in define All of
interface the constructor the
Which of the following is true about enumumerations? s. collection. s. above.
int int
i[]=new int i=new int i=new i[]=new
Which of the following is a valid statement? int[1]; int; int(); int();
Which of the following statements is wrong? public class
ques { // A public static void main (String[] args)
{ int i=0; final int b=0; int c=0;//1 i=i++;//2 b=b+
+;//3 c=c++;//4 } } 1 2 3 4
Which of the following is not a reserved keyword? public static void main
What will the output of the following code: public class
try_ques { // A public static void main(String[] args) { None of
int b=0; try { char c='B'; b=(int)c; } finally { Compilati the
System.out.println(b); } } } 66 on error 0 above
What will be the output of the following code? public class
try_ques { public static void main(String[] args)
{ float i=(float)(1/2 + 3/2 + 0.1); System.out.println(i); } } 1.1 1 2 1.5
subclass Every
of a non- Java
abstract object
A class class can has a
can only be public
extend declared A final class method
one as can be named
Which of the following is not true in Java? class. abstract. abstract. length.

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