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Bawoo The Night Devil

North London was fully under lockdown and people who stayed there shifted to another
country which is an island. North London militaries said that the Island would be safe for the
people who got attacked from the menacing night devil called Bawoo.

This story was held in 2020 which happened in North London. North London is a
beautiful country and has many prominent scientists who work to ameliorate the country
towards the progression of today's globe's lifeblood which is science and technology. Doctor
Michael who is a well-known scientist and epitome for the most current science generation.

Doctor Michael's empowerment in science field gave him quite superiority. North London
people always encouraged his new ideas but Doctor Michael was very arrogant. They were
many assistants burned both ends of candle under Doctor Michael's tutelage.Moniishaa was the
one among them.Her ideas was different from Doctor Michael's.

"Hey guys,today I'm going to conduct a new project called Bawoo", said enthusiastically
Doctor Michael to his fellow assistants. "What do you mean by Bawoo, Doc?", asked
Moniishaa. "Yeah, good question, Ishaa. According to today's exponentially risen technology,
the world needs metallic men to replace the human beings but in my opinion, I'm going to utilise
the spirits of people who had left this world by creating a good fiend - Bawoo" said Doctor

"Is that feasible, Doc?" posed by the assistants. "No doubt about it! Ultimately, it's my
project. There is no space to add the word, 'IMPOSSIBLE'," said the opinionated Dr Michael.
Immediately, Moniishaa started to opine "However, Doc, I think.....hmm" but Dr Michael
interfered in between and dispersed the meeting.
Monishaa's mind perplexed with the ideas proposed by Dr.Michael. Her curiosity made her
discovered about the possibilities of creating such creature.
The next day, Dr Michael introduced his new juniors who lend their helping hands in
Project Bawoo and simultaneously the old assistants were dropped off the Project Bawoo. The
old assistants were in great shock and dubious about Dr Michael's strange behaviour that was
totally antagonistic to them.The peculiar incident pushed Moniishaa into a bizarre. So,Dr Arul
who is uncle to Moniishaa helped her to find the enigma disguised behind Project Bawoo.
"Well, Ishaa, while I researched this, I got to know that it is possible to create such
Bawoo but guarantee for people's safety and security is zero since the spirits are hard to be
obedient and at a certain point, they might turn into devils" said Dr Arul. Stunned, Moniishaa,
"Oh my God! It seems like a red flag waving. We have to put a halt to his Project Bawoo before
the second turns into a minute".

Continued Dr Arul, "Hurm... I had done it before your age but he sticked to his opinions
and never spared even a minute to be all ears to my advice. Arrogant he was! And, still he is! In
return, I lost my hand due to his nuisance!".
" Then uncle how to stop him? You should not take a step back from this deadly issue."
Moniishaa whispered."Well,i can help you but it is difficult to face him "said Dr Arul. " Uncle,i can
understand the situation, but right now we need a support to face him".After Moniishaa said this
to Dr Arul,she turned her head towards Dr Arul's son's photo who was the Major in military of
North London and his name Major Gajen.

"Uncle we should to call him. Only he will support us in our fight against Project
Bawoo.Ok uncle i need to go to the lab to check how far Dr Michael done his project with his
new juniors". Moniishaa said and rushed immediately to the lab. After Dr Arul told, " Ok Ishaa,
take care", he started to take his phone and dial his son Major Gajen.

"Take it carefully", said Dr Michael while pointing his finger towards a box. The box
piqued Nisha and eventually she asked, "What's inside it, Doc?". Dr Michael laughed cynically
and said, " The major component that involves in Project Bawoo and that is Spirit! Yes, spirits
are taking a chill pill inside the box". "What do you mean, Doc? Anyhow, when Doc wants to
implant the spirit into a corpse?", asked Nisha. "I am going to do so in a while. Uh, Anan, please
open the positive energy from the energy tool ," Dr Michael instructed. Dr Michael was
circumvented by his assistants who were awaiting the outcome nervously.
The sound from the energy tool was very high and Dr Michael slowly twisted the spirit
box.While he was twisting the box, a short circuit betided. The whole lab was filled
caliginosity,suddenly the corpse was missing.Dr Michael was panic and some of assistants were
"Ishaa! Hello Ishaa! A pandemonium is happening here. Please don't come to the
lab.The spirit which was implanted into the corpse is missing.Something is happening weird. It's
totally out of our control!" the words came from Nisha's shivering mouth to Moniishaa through a
phone call."What the hell is happening there?Nisha where are you now?hello please talk
buddy!"while Moniishaa asked the question Nisha's phone was not reachable.
Moniishaa rushed to Dr.Arul's house. "Uncle, something has happened in the lab.
Nisha's phone is not reachable," Moniishaa gabbled. "Oh shit,let's go to the lab come!" Dr Arul
said and Moniishaa and Dr.Arul were on their way to the lab.After they reached the lab,there
were many people standing outside the lab and looked at the puzzled lab.

A few hours later, some police cars arrived to the lab. Moniishaa and Dr.Arul gained their
bravery and walked into the lab. Some workers and Dr.Michael's assistants were
screaming."Nisha! Where are you? Come out! The cops are here and don't fear," Moniishaa
shouted while searching her friend Nisha. F.B.I Wiishan instructed some police officers to go
inside the lab.

Moniishaa and Dr Arul saw 4 death bodies who were Dr Michael's assistants. She was
nervous and continued searching Nisha. "Hey! Stay there.Who are you, black man? What are
you doing here? Hey you! Answer my question," F.B.I Wiishan asked while pointing his gun to
an unknown person who was standing near the window. The unknown person turned his head
and his eyes were red in colour such like an evil. "He is Bawoo. Move away!!!!", shouted Dr
Michael and pulled Wiishan's hand into a room.

"Doctor why are you hiding in this room and who is Bawoo? What's happening here?"
Wiishan asked some questions to Dr.Michael. As Dr Michael wanted to open his mouth,
Moniishaa and Dr Arul came into the room. "Arul! Is that you? Thank God! You come back. Only
you can give a solution to my stupid project," Dr Michael touched Dr Arul's leg and begged him
to help.

"What happened Michael?" Dr Arul asked him. "I have done a huge mistake in this
project Bawoo.The spirit is very strong and very powerful. I accidentally implanted the wrong
spirit into the corpse. The corpse gets alive and becomes a devil.The Bawoo is now very
treacherous!" Dr Michael explained the matter to Dr.Arul.

"Are you kidding, doctor? You have done the foolish project and now North London's
people are in danger. For sure, you will be behind the bars for the rest of your life for doing this
kind of fatal project," Wiishan warned Dr Michael. "Now, how to stop him, Doc," Moniishaa
asked to Dr Michael with panic.

"I have no idea! He is very powerful and I saw Bawoo killed my assistants and drank their
blood," Dr.Michael said. "What the.....he drank blood? We need to leave this place right
now..let's move" Wiishan was dreaded and helped them to go out.

"Ishaa!! Thank God! You have come already. We need to leave this place right now." Nisha
hugged Moniishaa while talking to her. After they were cleared out by the police officers, some
of the workers and assistants stucked inside the lab and some of them were killed by the
Apart from that,after police officers saved them which was instructed by Wiishan,the public
were screaming and yelling at Bawoo which was jumping from the building. The public ran here
and there after Bawoo started to attack them.

"Holly shit!!! shoot the bloody devil!" Wiishan ordered his police crew. After Wiishan and
his crew started to shoot Bawoo, he jumped high and attacked the police crew. "Bloody devil
didn't die! Squad, run!!!", shouted Wiishan while starting his car engine. "Get in car you bloody
Dr Michael, Moniishaa, Nisha and Dr Arul. Damn car, get started fast" Wiishan yelled.While
Wiishan starting his car Bawoo's shadow came near the car."Oh my god!!he's here" a huskey
voice from Nisha."Guys let's get away from this car!"Moniishaa shouted and got down from the
car.While Moniishaa,Nisha,Dr Michael and Wiishan were running,they heard a voice from Dr
Arul"No! Leave me,don't kill me! Moniishaa help me!!!!" he said to Bawoo who came close to
him."Uncle!Wiishan help him!"Moniishaa asked Wiishan for help Dr.Arul from Bawoo who went
to attack him."Wiishan..No leave him there.Let's go! We need to save our lives first!He already
lost his one hand" Dr Michael said. "How selfish are you doc!you bloody scientist!" Moniishaa
and nisha shouted to Dr Michael. While Wiishan took a step towards Dr Arul,a flash bang was
thrown infront Bawoo.Bawoo screamed of the flash who fear the light.Everyone,looked towards
a car sound which was the Mustang Eleanor."Papa!give your hand and get into the car!" a harsh
voice from the car which was Major Gajen.
Major Gajen put Dr Arul which was his father inside the car and he got down from his car
with a M416 gun and wore safety vest and started to shoot Bawoo.He continuously shooted
Bawoo and Bawoo escaped from the place."Hey Moniishaa!get in the car we need to leave this
place now!" Major Gajen said to Moniishaa while saw Dr.Michael and said "And you stay there..
If you come with us i will burry you..understand you traitor!".Dr Michael was standing like
nothing none at all." No Major..we need to save Dr Michael because he was the first discovered
the Bawoo and if he and Dr Arul hand together, they can research for ways to stop the
Bawoo.So,please forget the past and save him"Moniishaa said.Major Gajen looked furtively at
Dr.Michael who got into the car.
"Hello sir,how about me sir?I'm Wiishan FBI.Is that the Military on their way?" Wiishan
asked to Major Gajen."Yeah Wiishan,i already informed the military through walkie talkie. You
take the red hammer there and follow me" Major gajen said.While they were on their way, they
saw the military surrounding the city.Major Gajen stopped his car at an ex Military man's house
and his name Mr Deva.After they entered inside Mr Deva's house,Moniishaa,Nisha,Dr Michael,
Wiishan,Dr Arul gazed the tv live news which was about the city of North London was fully
damaged and so much of deaths happened.

"Hey Major!just now i noticed Bawoo's look which was shown in the news.It's very terrible
and big! I already informed our squad about some strong weapons that can use to destroy the
Bawoo" Mr Deva started his conversation with Major Gajen."It's not possible.. The military can't
destroy the Bawoo even though they have so much of strong weapons.He is a devil which only
appears in night time.I saw Bawoo was scared after Major Gajen thrown flash bang.It means he
agitates for light and he will come in night time only"Mr Michael stood near the tv and said to Mr
Deva."It's all your bloody old guy!"Major Gajen yelled and started to slap Dr

Wiishan,Mr Deva and Dr Arul asked Major Gajen to calm down."Now,we need a best way
or some scientifical ways to destroy the Bawoo.In 1 hour the sun will rising, then we have some
time to find the solution. "Dr Arul said to them." Well! I can help you guys!"said Wiishan."Let's
save our country guys!" Moniishaa and Nisha said.The half city was damaged in a night,the
militaries were searching the Bawoo but Bawoo couldn't caught."Ishaa,do you have any
ideas?"Nisha asked."I have researched with Dr Arul yesterday so,i knew that Bawoo which was
create in scientifical way it can't dead as soon.Only we can control it's power with Butene Virus!
It's possible."after Moniishaa and Nisha discussed about this Dr.Arul said "What did you
tell?Butine Virus!yeah Ishaa only now i got to know about this way.Thanks Ishaa for recalling
me this virus."

"Ishaa you said that the Butine Virus only can use to control Bawoo's power and how to
destroy Bawoo?" Mr Deva asked."No way sir! Bawoo is a devil it's difficult to destroy him.Other
than that Dr Michael implanted the negative spirit into the corpse. We only can clear the people
from this city"Moniishaa said her opinion to Mr Deva."Hah?do you think this is possible? There
are so many popularity lives in this city,how could we clear them out of this city?" Wiishan was
shocked and told this to Moniishaa.
"We can clear out the people with military's support.Ishaa's idea is amazing." Major Gajen
said."Hey guys! I have a news ,according to our FBI information Bawoo grows bigger!" Wiishan
said."Yeah that is his power and strength " Dr Michael said.After they all talked about
Bawoo,suddenly Major Gajen's walkie talkie activated."Major!Major we followed Bawoo's
footprints yesterday night and we knew that where Bawoo went.It was a dark cave which was
located near the City of Croydon.Major we planned to attack Bawoo there.We need your
permission and please join with us"a military man talked to Major Gajen through the walkie
"I will come and join with you all in awhile! Over!Over!" Major Gajen replied to his assistant
military."So,Major i think you should go there and they need your help"Mr Deva said to Major
Gajen."Ok,sir.Papa be safe and stay here.Ishaa take care of my dad and Nisha help them to
formulate the Butine Virus.One more thing,Wiishan keep monitoring this dumb scientists! If any
urgent,just call me through the walkie talkie." Major Gajen instructed Wiishan while pointing Dr
Michael, "Do I become FBI officer just for monitoring him, don't I?"
Wiishan mumbled.

"Uncle, afterwards, we can't waste even an ounce of our energy to formulate the Butine
Virus." Moniishaa said."Let's move!Mr Deva show us one room to start our work."Dr Arul told to
Mr Deva."Ok,Arul!Take the second room.It's very comfortable to start your work"Mr Deva said
while show the way of the room.
After Major Gajen went to his Military camp a Military squad was on stand by and waiting for
Major Gajen's instructions."Ok squad!Let's move"Major Gajen ordered them and got in the
The helicopter flied towards the cave where Bawoo was spotted.After the military force
reached there,one military team were landing into the cave.Another team were instructing them
from the helicopter through walkie talkie which was Major Gajen's team."Over!Over!
squad,shoot with flare gun into the cave!"Major Gajen ordered. After the team shot with flare
gun one huge sound was heard by the team."Team take position! " Major Gajen said. A few
minutes later one big monolith was thrown by Bawoo which killed three militaries.The other
militaries started to shoot continuously and Major Gajen's team started to shoot with M79 from
the helicopter but Bawoo didn't die. Major Gajen freezed for the nonce after the big red eyes
gave its haunted look at him from the dark cave. Pitifully, Major Gajen didn't realise that it was
the harbinger of Bawoo, emphasising, "I'm immortal!"." Squad get in the helicopter faster!Major
Gajen ordered to the team who landed first.

"Michael do you have the red box in your hammer car?" Dr Arul asked."Yeah in the mini
fridge.For What?"Dr Michael said."Things to create Butine are in the box right that's why.Nisha
please bring the box"Dr Arul told to Nisha."I arrange the microscope on the table uncle! Ah
Nisha hurry up open the box."Moniishaa said while arranged the microscope."Girls please wear
the plumbum glove because Butine Virus so dangerous" an advised from Dr.Arul.
Major Gajen and his team went back to their Military camp in the evening​."​ That Bawoo is
shows that he is immortal where by we can't kill him" Major Gajen whispered with full of
tension."Major we lost 3 preeminent military men" the leader of military squad told."Major hurry
up! I got the signal of Bawoo in which the GPS tracker was injected by our team.The Bawoo's
signal indicated that Bawoo was going towards the town. "What!!! Major, we need to alert the
city!" the leader shouted. "Let's move, squad! Take the M79 to kill the bloody Bawoo!" After that
a call from Dr.Arul surprised Major Gajen because a pleasant news stating that Butine Virus was
invented by Dr.Arul,Moniishaa and Nisha was heard by Major Gajen.

"Over!Over! Gajen, what is happening there?" Mr Deva asked via walkie-talkie. "Mr Deva
just now we got the signal of Bawoo that showed Bawoo's whereabout. We are on our way to
the town and please you guys come to the town safely with the Butine Virus!" Major Gajen
instructed Mr Deva. FBI Wiishan took the Hammer together with Mr Deva,Dr Arul, Moniishaa,
Nisha and Dr Michael towards the town where instructed by Mr Deva.

The Bawoo entered the town and started to threaten the people. People were screaming
and running here and there.The gigantic tower collapsed and fell down. This brought a huge
death toll. The terror roar of Bawoo frightened the alived people who seeked safety.The cars
were thrown here and there by Bawoo. Bawoo pulled out the street lamps and damaged other
light sources. In the long run, the city turned into Hell.

Simultaneously, Major Gajen's military team were arriving there by their

helicopters."Major!! Look at the people. They are dying!" The leader shouted. "We need to land
immediately to control him first before my brother brings the Butine Virus" Major Gajen
instructed. "Ok Major! We land first, squad! And you don't land first until we give order. Over!
Over!" the leader ordered. At the same time, Major Gajen's team landed. Dr Arul, Moniishaa,
Nisha, Mr Deva, FBI Wiishan and Dr Michael arrived. The Bawoo came towards the helicopter
after hearing it's sound.
"Major! Look at the bloody Bawoo. It is stepping towards us." The leader shouted."Squad! Take
position.People! Move away faster" Major Gajen ordered.

Major Gajen started to take position with his M79 and his team started to shoot Bawoo.
Major Gajen shooted with his M79 and consequently, the Bawoo was lying on the land. In
awhile, the FBI arrived there to save the people."Gajen! Take this Butine Virus and inject Bawoo
immediately" Dr Arul told."Uncle,before that we need a sniper injection gun to fix the Butine
Virus" Moniishaa said."Thank god ishaa, but where we have to find it?" Dr Arul said. "Oh! Come
on! Why are you beating around the bush? Just ask me directly. I can bring it from our FBI cars"
Wiishan told. "FBI Wiishan here! bring the sniper injection gun immediately to me" Wiishan
ordered to his team via walkie-talkie.

After Wiishan's team brought the gun,Wiishan pass it to Major Gajen to inject the
Bawoo.The people were went to a safe place with the help of FBI team and Military team.While
Major Gajen was stepping towards to the Bawoo to inject him.Unfortunately,the Bawoo woke up
and shocked him. "Oh shit!" Major Gajen whispered. "Gajen!! Inject him faster" after Mr Deva
and Dr Arul shouted Major Gajen was panicked and trying to inject the Butine Virus on Bawoo's
body and unexpectedly, the Bawoo thrown Major Gajen that side."My brother! You bloody
devil"Dr Arul shouted and trying to shoot with G18 gun with his one hand.Moniishaa trying to
stop him because the Bawoo came towards him. "Guys run!!" Nisha shouted and unfortunately
Mr Deva fell down. Wiishan and his FBI team take position with their guns and the military team
started to shoot Bawoo from helicopter. Another military team who land first, trying to safe other
people."Major!over!over!Please wake up!Are you there?" the leader talked to Major Gajen via

The Bawoo slowly came nearly to Mr Deva who fell down. Mr Deva took the M-148 gun
which was near to him and started to shoot Bawoo. The Bawoo roared angrily and came closer
to Mr Deva to kill him. Dr.Michael saved Mr Deva and sadly the Bawoo caught Dr.Michael.
"Heyh! What are you doing? I'm the doctor who creates you. Don't kill me," Dr.Michael said but
unexpectedly Bawoo killed him with its sharp nail. "No!!" Mr Deva screamed and FBI Wiishan
asked him to move to a safe place. Major Gajen was dizzy.The Bawoo soon saw the helicopter
and jumped towards the helicopter and smashed it."We need to inject the virus. Where is he?
Major Gajen?!" Moniishaa asked while searching for Major Gajen.

People were screaming and shouting but the Military team and FBI team sent them to an
inferior place. "You, bloody ugly face! I'm gonna kill you!" the leader shouted furiously and took
the dropped M79 gun to shoot again the Bawoo. This time,the Bawoo never got down and it
made the leader stupefied. The Bawoo gazed the leader in the heat of passion while taking a
smashed car and throwing it towards the leader where it brought to a deleterious death. As soon
as possible Moniishaa saw Major Gajen was lying there. She soon ran towards him and started
to wake up him." Major! Please wake up we need your support ! " Moniishaa said. After heard
Moniishaa's voice Major Gajen slowly open his eyes.
"Ishaa the gun over there! wait i asked the leader's help" Major Gajen said while taking his
walkie-talkie."Major, the leader and your another team in helicopters were died!" Moniishaa told.
Major Gajen reacted sadly and found the sniper inject gun. The Bawoo roar and smashed the

"​ Major, are you there?" Mr Deva asked via his walkie talkie."Yes captain! I want to take
the gun and try to shoot the devil in a while," Major Gajen said."First of all, we need to clear
these people out here" Mr Deva said. "Captain, I have an idea. Please call the chief military to
bring more soldiers and two or three army planes to bring these people to a safe place. Please!
Captain. Discuss with the Chief immediately because we don't have sufficient time," Major said.
"Ok Major!" Mr Deva agreed. After Major Gajen talked to Mr Deva, he took the gun and
searched Bawoo.Major Gajen and Moniishaa walked towards the Bawoo's roar.

"Hello,Chief. I' m Captain Deva. I hope you already knew about the situation here. I need
your support to clear this people safely" Mr Deva said to Chief Military via his phone. "Yes
Captain! How may I help you?" Chief asked. " Chief, please send 3 army planes and a
helicopter to take people to a safer place. Moreover, Major Gajen needs a team from your side.I
hope you will do this favour," Mr Deva said. "Thank God! I can do this because it is my
responsibility," the chief said. Mr Deva thanked him and informed Dr Arul and Wiishan. Later,
Wiishan told the people via megaphone.

After 30 minutes,the army planes came and landed on the ground. People safely walked
into the planes with help of the military and FBI teams. The new military team came and
searched Bawoo to attack him. After hearing some noises, Bawoo came to the spot
unfortunately. People rushed and collided while getting into the planes. The military and FBI
teams started to fire Bawoo. After that, Major Gajen and Moniishaa arrived there. "Ishaa, Mr
Deva has done what I had said. You go and get into the plane. I can handle this Bloody Bawoo,"
Major Gajen said. Moniishaa also ran towards the plane where she saw Mr Deva, Dr.Arul, Nisha
and Wiishan. The Bawoo also started to attack the teams. Major Gajen can't focus on Bawoo to
inject him. All the people successfully got into the planes and the planes were also ready to take
off slowly. The FBI team unfortunately got a huge attack from Bawoo where many of them died.
There was only one military team to control Bawoo. "Gajen! Get into the helicopter!" Dr Arul, Mr
Deva and Moniishaa shouted but Major Gajen didn't realize their words. "Oh my God! Who is
she? I think she couldn't get into plane. Uncle, ask the pilot to stop this take off," Moniishaa
said." It's impossible, Ishaa! I think the girl accidentally fell down in between the crowd. The
planes are going to take off," Mr Deva said.

"Uncle, I don't know what is her name also. She is really very pity. We must help her,"
Moniishaa shouted. "Her name is Laila and she is my ex- lover," a crying voice from Wiishan.
After he noticed her ex- lover Laila, he started to jump from the taking off plane. Laila was very
scared and unexpectedly Bawoo looked at her. Bawoo ran towards her. While Wiishan saw
Bawoo running towards Laila, "No! Laila run!" Wiishan shouted. The military team was still firing
at Bawoo. Wiishan ran towards Laila and jumped while pushing Laila to the other side to save
her from Bawoo."Go, Laila! Get into the plane faster and don't worry about me," Wiishan said.
"No, Wiishan! Oh my Jesus!" Moniishaa shouted. Laila also ran towards the plane faster before
the plane completed the take off. Laila wiped her tears and got into the plane. "Major!! Give me
the inject gun" Wiishan shouted to Major Gajen who ran towards him.The Bawoo caught
Wiishan at the same time Wiishan got the inject gun."Wiishan!! No"Laila,Moniishaa,Mr Deva,Dr
Arul shouted with fully tears.The Military team still firing at Bawoo and Major Gajen threw some
grenades. The Bawoo took his sharp nail and started to stabbed Wiishan. Wiishan started to
shoot the Butine Virus exactly on Bawoo's right eye.

Bawoo roared and released Wiishan from his hand. Wiishan fell down on the ground at the
same time the Bawoo lied on the ground. "Wiishan! Wake up man! You did it! Come on!" Major
Gajen tried to wake up Wiishan but he didn't move. "Hmm! He has gone. He saved the city but
we lost him," Dr Arul said to Laila who was crying for Wiishan. Everyone gave consolation to
Laila. "He saved me! He said that he still loves me! But, I didn't care about him after our break
up. I just love him so much," Laila said sadly. The planes went to the military place.
In the morning, Major took Wiishan's corpse to the military place. Bawoo which was dizzy
got into a big cage and the cage was brought into a big plane. "Well done, Major! You killed the
Bawoo and saved the city," the Chief said. "I'm sorry Chief. I didn't do that. This guy, Wiishan
unfortunately died on the spot," Major Gajen said. "Hmm. So the city is in a safe zone?" The
chief asked. "No! We just control Bawoo for only one day. It means Bawoo in dizzy condition
and his power is also in controlled mode. So the plane which brought Bawoo went to a cave to
release the Bawoo," Major Gajen said. "What? So what we can do now?" Chief asked. "Well! I
have an idea!" Moniishaa said. "Proceed, my child" the chief said.
"Chief, we can do one thing that is we can shift this North London people to Greenish Island
which is near to North London," Moniishaa said. "What! Are you kidding? It's impossible," the
chief said. "It's possible! The island is one of our North London places. Plus, the island also has
facilities as North London but the number of people is less so we can increase the population
there and it is also safe place for them," Moniisha said. "Ishaa's idea is great. Chief, it's all in
your hand," Dr Arul and Mr Deva said. "So, when we want to move there?" After the chief said,
Moniishaa,Dr Arul,Mr Deva, and Major Gajen felt very happy.

"Today, Chief! Before the Bawoo wake up" Major Gajen told." So,the Bawoo is immortal?"
The chief asked. "Yes, Chief. Dr Michael created him like that," Dr Arul explained. "Over! Over!
Major, Bawoo escaped from the cage and jumped out from the plane," the voice from walkie-
talkie literally shocked them to hear. "See, Chief! The Butine Virus just controlsl Bawoo's power
only at most for one day. We need to do something else or follow Ishaa's idea to save our
people," Major Gajen said. "Ok, Major! I agree. Let's do the preparation for migration of people
to Greenish Island," the Chief told. After the Chief approved Moniishaa's idea, all the militaries
worked hand in hand to move all the people into two big military airplanes. All the people
successfully got into the planes. A team took a helicopter to surround the City to look for any
human's footsteps unfortunately they noticed many dead bodies and no one was there. The
planes were ready to take off. "Even we got broke up, I still love you, Wiishan. Thank you!" Laila
said while hugging and Wiishan's dead body and crying. Moniishaa convinced her to get into
the plane.

Major Gajen, Mr Deva, and Chief got into a helicopter. The planes took off from the military
place. All the people wiped their tears after leaving their own city. Some of them cried and felt
touched. The moments they lived in the city were demonstrated into their eyes. The planes
successfully arrived at Greenish Island after 1 hour. The people started to step out from the
planes. They looked the place with full of surprises. The buildings, houses attracted them to
make a new life there. Greenish Island's people welcomed the North London people happily.

After a few minutes, Major Gajen's helicopter landed on the Island. Dr Arul hugged Major
Gajen and Moniishaa felt very happy. "So, Major, we escaped safely from Bawoo. Now we are
totally safe right?" Mr Deva asked dubiously. "I think so, Captain. But Bawoo is still alive. He will
come again to the city to destroy," Major Gajen said with much surety. "Hmm… Yeah but our
team said that there was no any human but only corpses were found by them," the Chief said.
A pleasant night with the bright Moon came. Greenish Island and North London people had
their hearty dinner in Greenish Island while in North London, the lonely Bawoo roared and its
sound still frightened the Greenish Island. Dr Arul and Moniishaa still worked for inventing
Bawoo killer medicine. Just because of Dr Michael's immorally act that was even antagonist to
any religion, the effects that Bawoo brought and left were unable to cope with.

Story Written By,

Sarwiishan Manohar

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