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Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 68, No. 5, 2005, Pages 1054–1059

Copyright Q, International Association for Food Protection

Effect of Water Activity and Temperature on Growth and the

Relationship between Fumonisin Production and the Radial
Growth of Fusarium verticillioides and
Fusarium proliferatum on Corn

1Laboratory of Food Microbiology and Food Preservation and 2Laboratory of Food Chemistry, Department of Food Safety and Food Quality, Faculty
of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, B 9000 Gent, Belgium

MS 04-436: Received 14 September 2004/Accepted 22 January 2005

The two major fumonisin-producing Fusarium species are Fusarium verticillioides and Fusarium proliferatum. The growth
and fumonisin production of these two isolates on corn was studied at water activities (aw) between 0.860 and 0.975 and at
temperatures between 15 and 308C. Growth rates (g, mm/day) were obtained by linear regression during the linear phase of
growth. In general, growth rates for both isolates increased significantly (P , 0.05) with increases in aw and temperature.
Both fumonisin production and radial growth (mycelial development) for both isolates increased with aw at all temperatures
investigated, but the effect of temperature on this relationship was not obvious. The effect of temperature on fumonisin
production at high aw values optimal for growth was only marginal, whereas at lower aw values the effect of temperature was
more pronounced, with more fumonisin production occurring at temperatures not optimal for growth. The optimum temperature
for fumonisin production was between 15 and 258C. For F. proliferatum, the optimum temperature for growth at all aw values,
308C, resulted in the poorest fumonisin production. For both isolates, the slowest initial rate of fumonisin production was at
158C, the temperature at which the slowest growth rates were obtained.

Although the Fusarium species are best known for the in production, effects have been evaluated after relatively
production of the tricothecene mycotoxins (26), species long periods of time; in most cases, single measurements
such as Fusarium verticillioides and Fusarium proliferatum were made after two or more weeks. The major objective
produce a series of other important secondary metabolites of the present study was to obtain a better understanding
such as moniliformin, fusarin C, fusaric acid, and fumoni- of the relationship between growth and fumonisin produc-
sins (3, 5, 6, 16, 18, 32). Fumonisins are important because tion as influenced by water activity (aw) and temperature
of their links to both human and animal toxicoses from by evaluating both growth and fumonisin production over
consumption of contaminated corn-based food and feeds shorter time and growth intervals.
(28, 29).
Corn intended for human consumption and containing MATERIALS AND METHODS
high levels of fumonisins has been associated with high Experimental design. A full factorial design was used to
incidences of esophageal cancer in the Transkei region of investigate F. verticillioides and F. proliferatum growth and fu-
South Africa (19, 29–31), in Northern Italy (9), in the Linx- monisin production on corn. Four temperatures (15, 22, 25, and
hian region of China (8, 29), and in the southeastern United 308C) and four aw values between 0.860 and 0.975 at which
States (11). The incidence of neural tube defects in Transkei growth took place were examined with 20 replicates prepared per
South Africa also is very high (34). The association of fu- condition. Samples for fumonisin analysis were collected six times
during the growth to coincide either with time intervals of 1 week
monisins with animal toxicoses such as equine leucoence-
for colonies that grew slowly or with colony diameters of ap-
phalomalacia (28) and porcine pulmonary edema (12, 28)
proximately 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 85 mm for colonies that grew
has been well documented. Fumonisins also have been re- rapidly.
ported to be hepatotoxic, nephrotoxic, and carcinogenic to
rats (10, 11, 14). Corn grain. Dried yellow corn was obtained from Aveve
The effects of environmental factors, competition, and NV (Leuven, Belgium). The corn had an initial moisture content
antifungal agents on growth and/or fumonisin production of 12.79 6 0.45% dry basis and an aw of 0.698 6 0.015. Both
by F. verticillioides and F. proliferatum have been previ- adsorption and desorption isotherms were developed to fully char-
acterize the water content of the corn substrate.
ously investigated (2, 4, 7, 20–24). In experiments used to
investigate the relationship between growth or time and tox- Fungal isolates. F. verticillioides Sheldon (25N) and F. pro-
liferatum (Matsushima) Nirenberg (73N) were isolated from corn
* Author for correspondence. Tel: 11 32-9-264-6178; Fax: 11 32-9- and are proven high fumonisin producers. The two isolates were
225-5510; E-mail: obtained from the Food Technology Department Culture Collec-

FIGURE 1. Plots of colony growth rate g (mm/day) versus temperature (8C) for (a) F. verticillioides and (b) F. proliferatum at different
aw values.

tion of the University of Lleida (Lleida, Spain). Both isolates were Fumonisin analyses. The total fumonisin concentration in
maintained on potato dextrose agar (PDA) (Oxoid, Basingstoke, the samples was determined in duplicate for each sample using a
UK). commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit
(RIDASCREEN Fumonisin Fast, BioPharm, Darmstadt, Germa-
Preparation of corn substrate. The corn was sterilized us- ny) containing a competitive immunoassay for the quantitative
ing 25 kGy of g-irradiation at IBA Mediris (Fleurus, Belgium) to analysis of fumonisin residues in corn and corn products. For this
ensure no fungal infection or contamination of the substrate while ELISA, the mean lower detection limit for fumonisins is 0.2 mg/
retaining the ability of the corn to germinate. Corn kernels were g, and the upper quantification limit is 9 mg/g. Sample extraction
then stored aseptically at 4 to 78C until further use. The adjust- and preparation and assay conditions were as suggested by the
ment of aw to the desired value was achieved by the direct addition manufacturer. However, samples with fumonisin concentrations
of a certain amount of sterile distilled water as determined by the higher than 9 mg/g were diluted until the concentration fell within
adsorption isotherms developed for corn. The corn kernels were the limits of the assay.
then allowed to equilibrate in two phases: they were kept at 48C
for 2 days with periodic mixing and then placed in perforated Mathematical and statistical methods. The slopes of plots
aluminum cups over a glycerol-water solution with aw similar to of colony diameter during the linear growth phase versus time
that desired in the substrate and incubated for 7 days at the final were estimated by simple linear regression using Excel 2000 (Mi-
incubation temperature. The final aw was determined using the crosoft, Redmond, Wash.), and the colony growth rate (g, mm/
Novasina Thermoconstanter (TH200, Axair Ltd. Systems, Pfaffi- day) was determined. Division of g by 2 gives the radial growth
kon, Switzerland). rate (mm/day). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to de-
termine whether the environmental factors had a significant effect
Preparation of inoculum, inoculation, incubation, and on colony growth rates.
growth assessment. An inoculation loop was used to aseptically
scrape sporulating mycelia from the surface of PDA slants on RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
which the isolates were maintained. The loop was then used to
centrally inoculate the surfaces of petri plates (90 mm) containing
Effect of aw and temperature on growth rates of F.
PDA. The plate were incubated at 308C for 6 days and then at verticillioides and F. proliferatum. The growth curves
15, 22, 25, or 308C for 1 day to enable the isolates to adapt to based on colony diameters were typical of fungal growth
the incubation conditions to be investigated. About 24 g of re- for both isolates and were characterized by a lag phase for
hydrated corn was placed in each sterile plate to form a single those colonies where growth was hindered by low aw and/
layer of kernels. A 5.6-mm-diameter agar disk cut from the margin or temperature and followed by linear growth for all colo-
of a 7-day-old colony growing on PDA was transferred to the nies. Figure 1 shows the estimated colony growth rate g at
center of each plate using a sterile cork borer. Plates containing different aw values as a function of the temperature for F.
kernels of the same aw were then placed over glycerol-water so- verticillioides and F. proliferatum. The upper asymptote of
lutions of the same aw in sealed containers, with 20 plates in each growth was not achieved in most cases because of the lim-
container. Containers were then incubated at 15, 22, 25, or 308C.
ited radial growth surface of the 90-mm-diameter plates or
From each container, four randomly chosen plates containing
growing colonies were assessed periodically for changes in
the maximum period of 6 weeks of incubation with no sub-
growth. The growth was assessed as the change in diameter of the strate limitation. At high aw values and temperatures suit-
growing colony and was determined by measuring two perpen- able for growth, the colonies grew rapidly, reaching the
dicular diameters per chosen plate. The average of the four chosen plate diameter after a few days, whereas at less optimal
colonies was used to evaluate the change in colony diameter at a conditions the colonies grew at a very slow rate and some
particular time. did not reach 90 mm within 6 weeks.
1056 SAMAPUNDO ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 68, No. 5

TABLE 1. Analysis of variance of growth rates of Fusarium ver- et al. (15), Cahagnier et al. (7), Marin et al. (20, 22, 24),
ticillioides and F. proliferatum at different aw and temperature and Velluti et al. (33).
Effect of aw on the relationship between fumonisin
Variable df MSb MSc Fb Fc
production and radial growth. The effect of aw on the
Temperature 3 31.9 13.6 27.8d 28.0d relationship between colony diameter or time and fumoni-
aw 3 12.2 3.1 10.7d 6.5d sin production at different temperatures is shown for F.
Residual 9 1.1 0.5 proliferatum and F. verticillioides in Figures 2 and 3, re-
Total 15 spectively. For both isolates at the temperatures investigat-
ed, fumonisin production was highly aw dependent. Gen-
df, degrees of freedom; MS, mean square. erally, more fumonisin was produced for the same amount
b F. verticillioides.
c F. proliferatum. of growth (colony diameter) or time elapsed under condi-
d P , 0.05. tion of higher aw values. When F. verticillioides colonies
grown at 308C reached 80 mm diameter, fumonisin at
168.1, 3.7, 0.9, and 1.0 mg/g were produced at aw values
Table 1 shows the results of the ANOVA for the sig- of 0.969, 0.949, 0.937, and 0.922, respectively. The greatest
nificance of the effects of temperature and/or aw on the differences occurred between aw values of 0.969 and 0.949,
growth rates of F. verticillioides and F. proliferatum. Both where the decrease in fumonisin production ranged from 4-
aw and temperature had a significant effect (P , 0.05) on to almost 50-fold. The only exception to this trend was
the growth rates of both isolates. Despite the significant noted for F. proliferatum at 15 and 258C, where the amount
effect of each variable, there was no interaction between of fumonisin produced for the same amount of growth was
the variables for either isolate. However, Marin et al. (20, initially greater at aw 0.948 than at 0.972. However more
22, 24), and Velluti et al. (33) found interactions between fumonisin was produced for the same amount of growth at
aw and temperature in relation to growth rates of F. proli- aw 0.972 than at 0.948 after a colony diameter of approx-
feratum and F. verticillioides. Although the reason for these imately 70 mm had been reached at both temperatures.
different results is not clear, the range of conditions in the The general trend of a marked decrease in the amount
present study may not have been large enough for inter- of fumonisin produced and in the rate of production in re-
actions to be observed. sponse to a decrease in aw at the temperatures investigated
The optimum temperature for growth for both isolates has been reported by others but with larger colonies and
was 308C at all aw values tested. Using in vitro studies, over longer periods of time. Marin et al. (20) observed the
other researchers have found various optimum temperatures same trend for one F. verticillioides isolate (25N) and two
for growth. Marin et al. (20, 22) reported an optimum of F. proliferatum isolates (75N and 131N), which all gener-
308C on various growth media, including autoclaved corn, ally produced more fumonisin at aw 0.98 than at 0.95 and
for both F. proliferatum and F. verticillioides. Alberts et al. 0.92 after 4 weeks at 15 to 308C. Fumonisin B1 production
(1) reported optimum growth at both 20 and 258C for F. increased with aw at temperatures between 7 and 308C for
verticillioides on autoclaved corn, and Le Bars et al. (15) isolates of F. verticillioides and F. proliferatum grown on
reported optimum growth at 258C for F. verticillioides on corn (21). Marin et al. (20) also reported that F. prolifer-
autoclaved corn. Generally, an increase in aw or temperature atum grown at 158C produced more fumonisin at aw 0.95
results in an increase in the growth rate for both isolates. and 0.92 than at 0.98 after 2 and 4 weeks, results similar
This results confirms similar findings reported by Le Bars to ours. Thus, aw stress may be stimulating fumonisin pro-

FIGURE 2. Plots of (a) colony diameter (mm) and (b) time (days) versus fumonisin (mg/g) produced by F. proliferatum at different
temperatures and aw values.

FIGURE 3. Plots of colony diameter (mm) (a and b) and time (days) (c and d) versus fumonisin (mg/g) produced by F. verticillioides
at different temperatures and aw values.

duction by F. proliferatum at temperatures suboptimal for and 144.1 mg/g were produced after approximately 80 mm
growth during the initial growth phases. There also may be of colony growth at 22, 25, 15, and 308C, respectively. At
a species-specific component, because this result was not aw 0.948, the most fumonisin was produced at 158C, and
observed for F. verticillioides. production decreased in order at 25, 22, and 308C for the
Effect of temperature on the relationship between same amount of growth. At aw 0.928, much less fumonisin
growth and fumonisin production. The effect of temper- was produced in comparison to that produced at higher aw
ature on fumonisin production as a function of growth or values; 32.4, 10.9, 6.7, and 0.8 mg/g were produced after
time at different aw values is shown for F. proliferatum and approximately 80 mm of colony growth at 25, 22, 15, and
F. verticillioides in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. Although 308C, respectively.
the effect of temperature on the rate of mycelial develop- Figure 2b shows the fumonisin production results for
ment follows a very clear pattern, its effect on fumonisin F. proliferatum as a function of time. For this isolate at aw
production is not as clear. For both isolates, the effect of 0.972, the production rates were fastest at 22, 25, and 308C
temperature on the rate of fumonisin production, the and slowest at 158C. The time for significant fumonisin
amount of fumonisin produced for the same amount of production to occur was shorter, approximately 7 to 10
growth, and the final amount of fumonisin produced varied days, at the higher temperatures and longer at 158C (ap-
markedly with aw. proximately 14 days). At aw 0.948, the fumonisin produc-
Figure 2a shows the fumonisin production results for tion rate was highest at 258C and did not differ significantly
F. proliferatum based on colony diameter. For this isolate at 22, 30, and 158C. However, it generally took longer for
at aw 0.972, the most fumonisin was produced at 228C, and significant fumonisin production to occur at 30 and 158C
production decreased in order at 15, 25, and 308C for the than at 22 and 258C.
same amount of growth. At aw 0.972, 192.6, 160.7, 153.9, Although 308C was the optimum temperature for
1058 SAMAPUNDO ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 68, No. 5

growth of F. proliferatum, it resulted in production of the atum at aw 0.928 and 308C, at which a maximum fumonisin
smallest amount of fumonisin at any aw. The smallest concentration of 3.2 mg/g was attained after 14 days. There-
amounts of fumonisin at any colony diameter and after ap- after, the concentration progressively decreased to 0.8 mg/
proximately 80 mm of colony growth or 6 weeks of incu- g after 38 days.
bation at any aw were also produced at 308C. The effect of The stimulation of mycotoxin formation under condi-
temperature on fumonisin production appears to be margin- tions of growth stress has long been postulated. However,
al at higher aw; fumonisin production by F. proliferatum at the results of this and other studies indicate that different
aw 0.969 and 308C was still high. The total fumonisin pro- stresses have different effects; aw is positively correlated
duced and rate of production were lowest at 158C. with fumonisin production and production rate and tem-
The findings from the few available studies of F. pro- perature has a less direct effect. At aw values suboptimal
liferatum are consistent with those of the present study. Ma- for growth, fumonisin production is higher at intermediate
rin et al. (21) reported that the optimum temperature for temperatures.
fumonisin B1 production was 158C followed by 20, 25, 10,
and 308C at aw 0.97, which is consistent with our finding ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
that the smallest amount of fumonisin was produced at The authors are grateful to the Belgian Technical Cooperation (Brus-
308C. Marin et al. (20) also found an increase in fumonisin sels, Belgium) for their financial assistance and the Department of Food
produced by F. proliferatum (131N) after 4 weeks as tem- Technology Culture Collection, University of Lleida (Lleida, Spain) for
supplying the fungal isolates.
perature was increased from 15 to 308C at aw 0.98. How-
ever, in accordance with our results, these authors noted REFERENCES
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