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Issues Raised In This Case:-

# Whether Section 125 of the Code Of Criminal Procedure is concerned with Muslims or not.
# Whether the amount of Mehr given by the husband on divorce is adequate to get the
husband rid and is liable to maintain his wife or not.
# whether Uniform Civil Code applies to all religions or not.

1. Whether the payment of Mahr by the husband on divorce is sufficient to absolve him
of any duty to pay maintenance to his wife?
2. Is there any provision in the Muslim Personal Law under which a sum is payable to
the wife on divorce?
3. Whether Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C) applies to the
4. Is there any conflict between the provisions of Sec. 125 of Cr.P.C and those of the
Muslim Personal Law on the liability of the Muslim husband to provide for the
maintenance of his divorced wife?
5. Will Section 125 of Cr.P.C prevail over the provisions of personal laws of the parties,
if the two are in conflict?

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