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Focus Group #1 Protocol

#RPIMHM Overview
How familiar are you with the #RPIMHM campaign?

Probe: How would you describe it to an incoming first-year student?

What do you like about the Instagram format of the information?

Probe: Is there anything that you think could be improved about the way that the
information is conveyed?

Probe: If there is a link to a long-form article (like a blog post) in the Instagram
post, how likely are you to read the blog post?

What, if any, particular topics stuck out to you from last year’s #RPIMHM campaign?

Probe: For the Instagram posts that you’ve swiped through, what caught your
eye first, the interesting graphic or the title?

Campus Climate
What mental health issues do you think are most prevalent in the RPI community?

Other than #RPIMHM, what mental health resources are available on campus?

Probe: Are there programs in your residence hall about mental health? Do you
go to them?

Probe: If you wanted to learn more about mental health or mental wellbeing,
where would you go for more information: online, on-campus events
(lectures/workshops, RA programs) with friends/peers, one-on-one with a
knowledgeable professional?

Content Ideas
What are some things that cause you stress while at RPI?

Going into your freshman year, what were you concerned about the most?

Probe: How did you deal with these concerns?

There are many different types of wellness, which are all connected to each other. By
promoting wellness in these areas, we can promote mental health. Please circle one
two three types of wellness that you would be most interested in seeing featured on
#RPIMHM and turn the paper in.
Focus Group #2 Protocol
Content Ideas
[Explain bookmark and video that will be distributed during summer orientation.]

Going into your freshman year, what things were you concerned about? What were your
biggest worries?

Probe: How did you deal with these concerns?

Probe: Where did you go to find more information?

What advice would you give first year students about staying healthy at RPI?

What things was your family concerned about when you started attending RPI? What
were their biggest worries?

Probe: How did they deal with these concerns?

[Distribute wellness wheel handout and explain the Mueller Center’s Wellness Institute.]

Which of these dimensions of health would you be interested in seeing more of on the
#RPIMHM campaign?

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