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AI part:

This part will include the following parts:

1. Object detection (two ears and nose) on given photo

2. Calculation module (sill be based on previous point)
3. Training module. This module will be generate time by time new TensorFlow model for object
4. File storage with given images. This storage also should contains also label data (where on this
image ears and nose). This images will be used for Training module.
5. UI-part for labeling of image by user.
6. Backend for UI. Will provide UI-module with all data from image storage and save label

All modules will be developed on Java and is based on TensorFlow technology. Base element is the
TensorFlow model – the special structure that contains mathematic model of neural network. Training
module will generate this model time by time.

The given image will be received from mobile app via REST-API calls. As answer on this request will be
calculated image (with calculated lines according to documentation) and all necessary data. The given
image will be save in image storage. Also result of object detection and result of calculation should be
saved in DB.

We propose to generate time by time new model for increasing the quality of object detection. After collect
some count of new images in image storage – user should add label for this image (specify on image the
where there are ears and nose). After that training module can be run and as result we will have new
model that will detect object more accuracy. Need to keep in mind that the process of training will take a
lot of time (till a couple of days).

TF model



Calculation Image
Storage Module

UI Backend

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