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Name: Julian Vasco,

Grade: 10-1 Date: 10/15/2020

QCA LAB REPORT - 2020-2021 -P1 GRADE 10-1.
How to be a great doctor with the scientific method?
1. Observe: observe scientific and chemical methods and formulas for the
development of new techniques to heal people or new cures for the different
diseases that come out today in the day to day.
2. Research: search for different books by different authors or internet pages
where there are new things to learn and be a better professional and successful.
3. Raise Hypothesis: According to research and observations, conclusions and
new knowledge can be reached from which questions may arise and a hypothesis
may arise.
4. Experiment: Through the hypothesis, it will be possible to see the importance
of the medicine and this be able to appreciate that this can manifest itself from
many ways.
5. Data analysis : This step will help me choose which branch of medicine I want
to dedicate or specialize, seeing the pros and cons of each one
6. Conclusions Through the scientific method I could reach certain types of
conclusions: Which could help me in my work, professional and intellectual field.

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