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1 -Choose the correct modal to complete the sentence.

1. My friend promised to pick me up at 7:00. It's now 7:25 and I don't see him. He might have forgotten

a. might forget. b. must have forgotten. c. might be forgetting. d. might have forgotten.

2. My white shirt now has green streaks in it. I can't have washed it properly

a. must to wash it properly. b. can't have washed it properly. c. must not have not washed it properly.
d. can't wash it properly.

3. Betty said she was hungry, but she didn't eat very much after all. She couldn't have liked the food.

a. couldn't have been hungry. b. couldn't like the food. c. couldn't have liked the food.
d. can't like the food.

4. The hockey player's injury kept him out of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. He must have been

a must have been disappointed. b. must have been disappointment.

c must have been disappointing. d. might have been disappointed.

5. I don't know why he hasn't called me back. He might have forgotten my number.

a might have forgotten my number. b. might forget my number.

c might be forgetting my number. d. must have forgotten my number.

2 -Make the correct past modal form (use could have / would have / should have + past participle).

1) I would have bought bread but I didn’t know we needed it. (past possibility).

2) We should not have invited so many people to our party! I’m worried that we won’t have enough room for
everyone. (past negative advice / regret).

3) I should have started saving money years ago! (past advice / regret).

4) You should not have been rude to him. He’s going to be really angry now. (past negative advice / regret).
5) The weather could not have been any worse! (past negative possibility)

3- Complete the situations using modal verbs in the past ( might / may / could – should – must –can’t + have +
past participle of the verb)

Example - Someone was ringing. It must have been my brother____________________________

1) Last summer I took four exams and failed them all! ________________________________________________

2) She speaks excellent French. she must have studied languages

3) We agreed to meet yesterday but when I got there I didn't see him. he may have forgotten or he might
have stayed slept

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