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Meghan Fitzpatrick: Personal Statement

Growing up, I can remember my twin brother getting sick and me sitting by his side making sure
he was alright while piling blankets on top of him to keep him from getting cold and doing
everything I could to make him feel better. By nature, I am caring and I will do everything in my
power to make someone feel better. All of this, lead me to want to become an occupational
therapist. I hold a special place in my heart for those who have been through life-altering events
that are trying to get back to normal life and nothing would make me happier than helping people
achieve that. I was not always interested in occupational therapy, it took lots of research and
advice to land on the major that felt like the perfect fit. My caring nature lead me to the decision
of pursuing a degree in occupational therapy.

Currently, I am attending State College of Florida (SCF), where I am pursuing an Associate of

the Arts degree--to get in my general classes before transferring. I look forward to learning what
I can about occupational therapy and gaining a better understanding of what it entails. Along
with attending school, I work at Starbucks five days a week, as well as, helping out with my
parent’s landscape lighting company whenever I can.

I am currently trying to get my general classes done at SCF, before I plan on transferring to the
University of Central Florida to receive a Bachelor’s of Occupational Therapy degree. I also plan
on applying for internships, that allow me to gain experience in occupational therapy. After I
graduate, I would like to work in a hospital where I am able to assist in people getting back to
their normal life. I am considering going back to school to earn my Master’s degree in
occupational therapy, so I could gain even more knowledge in my field. I am excited to see
where my degree in occupational therapy will take me.

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