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Michael E. Carey, MD

Gunshot wounds to the brain account for PHYSICAL CORRELATES OF

more than 30,000 civilian deaths yearly in MISSILE WOUNDING
the United States.35 For soldiers engaged in
ground combat, head wounds (largely brain) Missile wounding can only be understood
have accounted for almost half of all deaths in terms of the physical interactions between
since World War 11. 15 The author's interest the missile and tissue through which it passes.
in the problem of brain wounding developed The primary destructive effect of a missile in-
after serving as a neurosurgeon in Vietnam. teracting with tissue is caused by the crushing
On returning to the United States and review- action of the missile itself.26• 29• 31• 34• 40 Besides
ing war wound literature, it became apparent this direct action, however, a missile moving
that little was known about brain wounding in a water or tissue medium generates three
from missiles in modern biologic terms.* distinct types of pressures within the medium
Amazingly, fewer than 25 laboratory papers which it transits. 29• 30• 31
had ever been published in which a brain
wound from a missile had been replicated
in an anesthetized animal and the effects on Juxtamissile Pressure
the brain studied. Realizing that experimental
research on missile injury to the brain was Extremely high pressures (thousands of at-
an unmet need that would benefit both sol- mospheres) are generated just in front of and
diers and civilians, the U.S. Army funded at right angles to a moving missile owing to
the author's laboratory. flow of the surrounding medium around the
missile. The pressure is confined to the mis-
Experiments cited from the LSU Brain Trauma Labora-
sile's immediate vicinity.
tory were performed by Drs. George Sarna, Dan Torbati,
Joseph Soblosky, and Deepak Awasthi under U.S. Army
Contracts DAMD17-83-C-3145 and DAMD17-86-C-6098. Longitudinal Strong Shock
This peer-reviewed, Department of Defense-funded con- Wave Pressure
tract was terminated before completion by Congress,
w hich acted at the behest of animal rights activists. Opin-
ions expressed are those of the author and are not to be When a missile strikes an object, a high-
construed as an official Department of the Army position. pressure compression front or shock wave is
*References 7-12, 14, 20- 25, 27, 37, and 39. formed that moves spherically away from the

From the Department of Neurosurgery, Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans, Louisiana




missile strike-point. A blunt missile may cause transfer of sufficient energy to surrounding
a strong shock wave if it impacts with a strike tissues to distort and tear them. 34
velocity as low as 60% of the velocity of sound
in the medium. The velocity of the shock wave
in tissue approximates the velocity of sound in Pressure Waves from Kinetic Energy
water (1460 m/ sec) (Fig. 1). The longitudinal, Transfer (Ordinary Pressure Waves)
strong shock pressure wave initially has a steep
front but its shape and duration may be When a missile passes through tissue, ki-
changed with propagation through a medium, netic energy is transferred to nearby tissue ele-
particularly one that is not homogeneous, such ments, which are propeled radially from the
as tissue. As it travels, therefore, the steep front missile track, thereby increasing pressure in
of a strong shock wave becomes less steep and, this tissue. A large subatmospheric temporary
finally, assumes the characteristics of an ordi- cavity forms directly behind the missile as a
nary pressure wave (see subsequently). In wa- consequence of the radial movement of tissue
ter, the peak pressure of a strong shock wave away from the missile path. When the elastic
may exceed 80 atm, but the entire strong shock limit of the outwardly displaced tissue is
wave event lasts only about 10 µ,sec . In the reached, the tissue falls inward from whence
absence of a fluid-to-air interface, strong pres- it was displaced. This cycle may be repeated
sure waves are thought not to cause tissue several times before the deranged tissue comes
damage because their brief duration prevents to rest around the permanent track created by

4.3 a im
d. p


+ v
11111 111
Time (msecl Pamb

Figure 1. Missile (a), black circle travelling through medium (hatched area). The "strong" shock wave (b) moves with
the speed of sound in the medium. This shock wave has an extremely sharp front represented by the vertical line in
graph (d). Its velocity through the medium is indicated by v. The extremely high overpressure ( p) lasts only microseconds.
Owing to kinetic energy transfer, tissue molecules are thrust radially away from the missile's path, creating an overpressure
laterally, OP1, and a near vacuum (white area) directly behind the missile. Once thrust aside, the molecules of the medium
tend to fall back to their original position (first collapse) but then move laterally again to set up another overpressure in
the medium, OP2. This cycle is repeated, OP3, until the kinetic energy is expended. These overpressures are indicated
in oscilloscope trace (c). Overpressures caused by radial displacement of tissue molecules are "ordinary" pressure waves
that last milliseconds and cause tissue damage about the wound track. The authors hypothesize that they also cause
damage at a distance in the brain.

the missile. The oscillating, outward and in- which, when deposited within the brain, create
ward rush of tissue creates long-lasting (mil- destructive ordinary pressure waves that may
liseconds) lower amplitude (20 to 30 atm) widely disrupt the brain. WDMET data pro-
pressure waves, which propagate widely vided an instance of fatal and severe brain
throughout the medium and may distort and wound by an AK47 round fired from 400 yards.
damage tissues at a distance from the site of Owing to their irregular, nonaerodynamic
actual missile injury (see Fig. 1).29• 30· 31 shape, fragments lose velocities and kinetic en-
ergies exponentially over distance. Lighter
fragments lose velocity and energy with partic-
ENERGY OF WOUNDING ular rapidity. Yards from the site of an ord-
nance explosion, the typical shell fragment has
The kinetic energy (KE) of any missile equals lost much of its initial kinetic energy. Although
0.5 X missile mass x (missile velocity) 2• The such a fragment may penetrate the skull, the
amount of tissue damage caused by a mis- amount of tissue destruction caused directly
sile may be correlated with the amount of by its crushing effect may be small. The ordi-
missile kinetic energy deposited within the nary pressure waves that it sets up may not
tissue by the missile.34· 40 The missile kinetic widely disrupt brain tissue because it does not
energy of deposit (KEd) = KEen - KEeX! where deposit much energy within the brain. If its
KEen = missile kinetic energy of entry and trajectory does not cross vital brain structures,
KEex = missile kinetic energy of exit. If a mis- such a missile, producing relatively little brain
sile is retained within the tissue, Eex = 0, and all destruction, may be compatible with life, al-
missile energy is deposited within the tissue. If though it may cause a discrete neurologic injury.
a missile exits, only part of its kinetic energy This fundamental difference between bullets
is deposited. The same amount of energy may and fragments accounts for the fact that ap-
be deposited by a small-mass missile with a proximately 90% of all brain wounds operated
large velocity or a large-mass missile with on by neurosurgeons in Vietnam were caused
small velocity. Kinetic energy deposited by a by fragments. Brain wounds from bullets that
missile is partitioned between that which di- the neurosurgeon saw were undoubtedly
rectly crushes tissues in its path and that which caused by tangential wounds in which only
displaces tissues adjacent to the missile track. 26 part of the bullet's energy was deposited
The latter is less destructive than the former within the brain or by spent rounds (as by
owing to the elastic properties of the displaced ricochet) in which bullet kinetic energy was
tissue, which may be deformed without being greatly decremented and bullet energy depos-
irrevocably destroyed (L. Sturdivan, Edge- ited within the brain also reduced.
wood Arsenal, Edgewood, MD, personal com- In the past among U.S. civilians, it was not
munication, 1988). uncommon to see nonfatal 0.22 caliber bullet
wounds to the brain because the kinetic energy
associated with such bullets is low (in the ki-
MISSILES CAUSING BRAIN WOUNDS netic energy range of some shell fragments).
Currently among U.S. civilians, bullet wounds
Most wounds in modern combat are caused to the brain are highly lethal because higher-
by small fragments not bullets. 6 Eighty percent velocity (and higher-energy) bullets are being
of all wounds sustained at Dunkirk were used. Forty-four magnum bullets have veloci-
caused by "splinters" 5 mm or less in diame- ties and energies in the range of military
ter,13 and missile fragments weighing 110 to bullets.
220 mg inflicted most fatal brain wounds in
U.S. soldiers in Vietnam (Carey ME, unpub-
lished data from analysis of casualties sur-
veyed by the Wound Data and Munitions Ef- PRIOR EXPERIMENTS ON
fectiveness Team, WDMET, in Vietnam). BRAIN WOUNDS IN
A bullet has a streamlined shape that allows ANESTHETIZED ANIMALS
it to maintain a high velocity over many hun-
dreds of yards. Bullet velocity decreases lin- During the 19th century, clinicians and phys-
early with distance. Because of their high veloc- iologists had an intense interest in physiologic,
ities, military bullets possess enormous energies, anatomic, and clinical events associated with

brain trauma. They recognized that blunt tance. Vasodilation was not thought to be a
trauma to the head caused respiratory and cir- factor in intracranial pressure elevation.
culatory changes in addition to coma. 43 Using Brown and Crockard and colleagues7, 20- 24 ex-
anesthetized dogs, Horsley,32 in 1893, con- panded Gerber's model, again using anesthe-
cluded that a bullet wound to the brain could tized rhesus monkeys. The brain wound was
be fatal by virtue of apnea but the patient might caused by a 310-mg missile fired through a 7-
recover if respiratory support were given. He mm occipital trephine. Missile energies from
hypothesized that the respiratory arrest was 0.49 to5.02Joules (J) were created by u sing mis-
produced by brain stem anemia consequent to sile velocities from 56 to180 m /sec. Wounds of
missile-induced increased intracranial pres- 5 J were highly lethal primarily by their respira-
sure. In 1943, Webster and Gurdjian,47 wound- tory effects, whereas those of 0.49 J produced
ing anesthetized mongrel dogs, essentially con- few physiologic changes. Wounds of 1.26 J
firmed these observations on apnea. When (missile velocity = 90 m / sec) produced tran-
animals were wounded through a closed cra- sient bradycardia, respiratory slowing, and in-
nial vault, respiratory effects became more pro- creased tidal volume. Arterial blood gases,
found with increasing missile energy. As had however, were unchanged. In subsequent ex-
Horsley, these investigators hypothesized that periments, the prominent effects of missile
the increased intracranial pressure produced wounding on brain stem function were noted,
by the bullet affected medullary respiratory but apnea was not notable in these investiga-
centers. This respiratory effect could be pre- tors' standard 1.26 J wound. A highly accurate
vented by craniectomy before wounding. prediction of animal survival following a brain
Gerber and Moody,27 in 1972, developed a brain wound of this energy could be made from cere-
missile wound model wherein an anesthetized bral blood flow (radioactive xenon clearance),
rhesus monkey was wounded through a 7-mm the cerebral metabolic rate of lactate, and mean
arterial blood pressure from 30 to 60 minutes
diameter trephine by a pellet gun. They con-
after brain wounding. Follow-up experiments
cluded that the most important single variable
indicated that brain wounding in spontane-
correlating with death was decreased carotid
ously breathing rhesus monkeys was associ-
blood flow (and, by inference, cerebral blood
ated with decreased cardiac output (CO) and
flow). Respiratory effects were not prominent. that this, in turn, might be the underlying cause
Clemedson and colleagues19 wounded anes- of diminished cerebral blood flow associated
thetized dogs with 7.62- or 5.56-mm ammuni- with brain wounding. 37 In contrast to the earlier
tion with muzzle velocities ranging from 800 works of Horsley, Webster, and Curd jian, these
to 1090 m/ sec. Wounding effects resulted from experiments focused on cerebral blood flow
the projectile itself plus pressure waves, which rather than respirations as the critical factor in
caused lacerations, contusions, and intracran- a fatal missile wound to the brain.
ial bleeding. All direct cranial hits were fatal. Maynard and coworkers39 modified the
Lower-velocity missiles produced limited Gerber-Crockard model wounding anesthe-
brain lacerations about the wound track, tized baboons w ith 4.8-mm, 411-mg steel
whereas higher-velocity missiles caused se- sphere through a trephine placed posterior to
vere brain lacerations. A frontal wound was the left coronal suture. This resulted in a bi-
seen to cause medullary hemorrhage, clearly frontal wound track. Intracranial pressure was
a distant effect of wounding. A test model ap- monitored by bilateral piezoelectric transduc-
paratus that measured pressures generated by ers. In various experiments, missile impact
a missile passing through a water-filled plastic energies ranged from 7.2 to 29.2 J. With
container showed that peak pressure was a missile passage, a brief (0.5 msec), energy-
function of the square of the missile velocity; dependent intracranial overpressure devel-
projectile weight was of little import. oped that ranged from 68 to 330 p si (470 to
Djordevic and associates25 used anesthetized 2270 kPa) in the left-sided pressure transducer
dogs to study the intracranial pressure effects and 105 to 570 p si (720 to 3900 kPa) on the right.
of brain wounding by 870-mg spheres. Missile Ten of 11 wounded animals failed to main-
velocities ranged from 122 to 785 m/ sec. In- tain spontaneous respirations after wounding.
creased postwounding intracranial pressure Respiratory complications were common with
was attributed to intracranial bleeding and an missile energies above 7 J, and as higher mis-
increase in cerebrospinal fluid outflow resis- sile energies were used postwounding, apnea

was the rule, either immediately after wound- mate with a human brain configuration (brain
ing or within an hour. All apneic animals were stem more or less at right angles to the midaxial
placed on a respirator. It could not be deter- plane of the cerebral hemispheres) was appeal-
mined whether the respiratory changes were ing. Wounding through a trephine and a large-
a function of missile energy deposit or whether mass, slow-moving, heavy projectile did not,
they occurred in an all-or-none way above however, accord with the usual fragment
some threshold energy deposit. wound of the brain encountered in combat in
All wounded animals also exhibited hy- which the majority of survivable brain wounds
potension, bradycardia, electrocardiagram are caused by small, higher-velocity fragments
changes, and CO reductions. The post- that enter through the frontal or parietal bone.
wounding CO decrements were related to a Thus, the criteria for a more realistic and useful
so-called scaled energy term (missile impact model, in the author's opinion, were (1) wound
energy I animal mass), which provided a linear through an intact skull; (2) small, high-velocity
relationship between scaled energy and CO missile; (3) frontal entry; and (4) cerebral hemi-
reduction. A simpler analysis made by the au- sphere missile trajectory.
thor from Maynard's data also shows a linear The laboratory gun was made by Robert
trend between missile impact energy and CO Carpenter of the Edgewood Arsenal, Edge-
reduction in nine animals in which missile ve- wood, Maryland, who thought that the small-
locity was measured: impact energy 7 J, CO est feasible m issile that could readily be fired
reduction 12% (N = 2); missile impact energy would be a 2-mm diameter sphere. Such a steel
17 J, CO reduction 32% (N = 5); missile impact sphere weighs 31.7 mg. Although most mis-
energy 28 J, CO reduction 59% (N = 2). Neural siles causing brain wounds are not spherical,
reflexes, both sympathetic and parasympa- spheres are often used in wound simulation
thetic, were thought to underlie the cardiovas- experiments to simplify mathematical analysis
cular changes because they occurred within of missile-media interactions. Furthermore, the
seconds of missile impact. These investigators author could envision little difference in brain
noted that both sympathetic and parasympa- injury variables that he intended to study
thetic outflows are modulated by hypothala- whether the brain injury itself was caused by a
mic and brain stem areas, and histologic exam- round, smooth missile or an irregularly shaped
ination of the wounded brains revealed that one, as would be the case for an actual fragment.
both the hypothalamus and the brain stem ex- The experimental set-up is depicted in Fig-
hibited perivascular ring hemorrhages from ure 2. A solenoid release valve activated by
the indirect effects of missile energy. direct current was placed between the gas stor-
age tank and the gun. This provided missile
velocities closely related to the helium charge
DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOUISIANA (Fig. 3). Missile accuracy was within 1 to 2 mm
STATE UNIVERSITY BRAIN over the short range.

In considering conducting further experi- ANIMAL MODEL USED IN THE

ments on brain missile wounds, there appeared LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY
little point in studying massively destructive, BRAIN WOUNDING EXPERIMENTS
nonsurvivable brain wounds such as are
caused by a high energy of deposit missile such Several considerations determined the
as a military bullet. Rather the most efficacious choice of experimental animal: appropriate-
laboratory model should replicate a survivable ness relative to physiologic variables to be
brain wound such as would be caused by a studied; mass of the missile relative to the mass
lower energy of deposit missile (i.e., a small of the brain; use of the "lowest" animal possi-
shell fragment or possibly a low-energy bullet, ble; and cost, not only of the animal, but also
e.g., a 0.22 caliber). The excellent experiments of radioactive isotopes and microspheres re-
of Gerber, Crockard, Brown, Levett, and May- quired for the intended studies. This last factor,
nard* provided many valuable insights con- in particular, mandated a small animal. Al-
cerning brain wounding, and the use of a pri- though the rat would have been the least con-
troversial, employing a 31.7-mg missile to in-
*References 1- 4, 7-12, 14, 19-25, 27, 32, 37, 39, and 47. jure a 1.0-g brain would have u sed a missile

Gun/Barrel B IRespirator I
Release Laser ~

~~~~~~<-- 0.5 m --7~~

2mm Diameter Velocity Gate
Steel Sphere

I Physiograph I
Figure 2. Experimental set-up. Helium is used as the propellant because of its great coefficient of expansion. Direct
current is used to trigger the solenoid release valve because alternating current gave inconstant missile speed, presumably
because of different valve opening rates . A laser beam allowed very precise aiming. Missile velocity was measured by
the velocity gate from which missile KE was calculated . The stereotaxic frame is about 0.5 meter from the velocity gate.

mass 374 times too large relative to the mass of its approximately 25-g brain and because it
of missiles documented to cause fragment has been widely used in neurologic research,
wounds to the brain in humans. An inexpen- including cerebral edema and cerebral blood
sive animal with a larger brain was required. flow experiments that the author and col-
The cat was deemed more appropriate because leagues were contemplating.28 • 38• 41 • 44 Although

Velocity (m-s-1)
0 175 250 300 330 370 400

:J 2 .0

:; 1.0

Figure 3. Gas reservoir pressure, sphere veloc-

ity, and calculated sphere KE; 5 shots each point.
0 Note the restricted possible wound energies
(dotted lines) because the study focused on a
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 non-fatal missile wound. Skull penetration re-
quired 0.7 J; 67 percent of cats died from apnea
Pressure (psi) at 2.4 J.

the rat has little cerebral white matter, the cat, ing on respirations, the animals breathed on
as does the human, has ample white matter in their own before wounding even though some
which brain edema occurs. Furthermore, in prewounding Pa02 values were in the 60 to
contrast to dogs, cats' heads have a more uni- 80 mm Hg range. After wounding, the cats
form shape. After fixation in a stereotaxic frame, were given respiratory assistance by ventilator
one could have a high expectation of producing as needed. For cerebral blood flow studies in
a consistently placed brain wound. Because which control of PaC02 was critical, the ani-
many animals would have to be used for the mals were paralyzed with gallamine and ar-
proposed studies, primates, although scien- tifically ventilated. After surgical preparation,
tifically appealing, were deemed inappropriate. the animals were placed in a stereotaxis frame
Against using the cat were the facts that the facing the barrel of the pellet gun. Before
missile-to-brain ratio was still 7 to 15 times too wounding, anesthesia was ensured to be suf-
large, the cat has a bony tentorium not present ficient so the animal would feel no pain.
in humans, and an "in-line" brain is not the Because a nonfatal brain wound was de-
human brain configuration. Nevertheless, the sired, missile trajectory was placed in a cere-
author believed that the positive scientific as- bral hemisphere, away from midline and brain
pects of using the cat far outweighed the nega- stem structures. The initial trajectory was para-
tives. Consultants at the Edgewood Arsenal sagittal, 2 to 3 mm from the falx cerebri. Missile
believed that the missile-brain scaling factor impact on the bony tentorium almost directly
would not invalidate results. over the brain stem, however, resulted in
Pentobarbital anesthesia was selected be- prominent cardiovascular changes in many
cause it has been widely used in brain edema animals that would not be analagous to a hu-
and cerebral blood flow studies. 28• 38• 41 • 44 With man brain wound. To minimize this effect,
pentobarbital, both brain blood flow and me- missile trajectory was altered to slant 20 de-
tabolism are simultaneously reduced; flow and grees laterally away from the midline. Serial
metabolism, thus, remain coupled. (Michenfel- coronal sections showed that after penetrating
der J, personal communication, 1989). the right frontal tip, the 2-mm missile track was
usually in cerebral hemisphere white matter
between the outer corner of the lateral ventri-
ANIMAL PREPARATION cal and the cortical gray matter. Because the
author wished to relate all observed physio-
Laboratory personnel deeply sedated the logic effects to missile energy deposit within
cats with intraperitoneal pentobarbital and the brain, it was a requisite that the missile not
then infiltrated a groin with 1% local lidocaine exit the skull (KEex = 0). The author deter-
(Xylocaine), performed a cut down, and can- mined that a threshold missile energy, 0.5 to
nulated a femoral vein for further intravenous 0.07 J, was needed to produce frequent skull
pentobarbital as needed. Other required vas- perforation through the posterior wall of the
cular lines were then placed and an endotra- right frontal sinus. Missile energy of 0.9 J en-
cheal tube inserted. A 5-cm midline scalp inci- sured bone perforation and brain penetration
sion was then made and the skin reflected almost 100% of the time. Missiles w ith energies
laterally. The outer wall of the right frontal as high as 2.4 J rarely exited the skull but
sinus was then removed because preliminary caused severe respiratory problems in a high
experiments showed that the small, light- percentage of cats (see Fig. 3). As had been
weight missile merely glanced off of the slop- noted by prior investigators, significant intra-
ing outer wall of the cat's right frontal sinus cranial bleeding was not usually a problem. 22• 27
without bony penetration. Removal of the In this respect, too, the experimental paradigm
outer wall allowed the sphere to strike the also mirrored the clinical situation. 18
nearly vertical, intact posterior bony sinus wall
and achieve skull perforation and brain pene-
tration. To monitor intracranial pressure, a RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Camino intracranial pressure monitor was OF FINDINGS
placed through a small left parietal trephine.
The electroencephalogram was sometimes It quickly became apparent that wounding
monitored via small steel skull screws. For through the intact skull produced prominent
studies evaluating the effect of missile wound- respiratory effects even at low missile energies

even though the missile track was at least brain wounding accorded with those of Web-
2 cm from the brain stem. 17• 17" To conserve ster and Gurdjian, who also wounded anesthe-
animals, if a cat became apneic after wound- tized animals through an intact skull. 47 It ap-
ing, it was placed on a respirator, which was pears that significant effects of lower energy
removed approximately every minute to see of deposit missiles on respirations were
whether spontaneous respirations had re- masked in Gerber' s 27 and Crockard' s20• 22 rhesus
turned. If respirations had not returned, venti- monkey and Maynard' s 39 baboon experiments
latory support was continued until they did owing to their use of a skull trephine, which,
or for 2 hours, when the experiment was termi- as Webster and Gurdjian noted, attenuates
nated. Six minutes of apnea is fatal for a cat, missile effect on respirations. Thus, Crockard
so in a retrospective analysis relating missile and colleagues noted no significant respiratory
energy to apnea, the author considered that effects with a 1.3 J missile, whereas almost 40%
cessation of respirations for longer than 6 mi- of the author's animals sustained a fatal apnea
nutes to be a fatal apnea. The author's experiments with a 1.4 J wound. Wounding through a tre-
showed that missile-induced fatal apnea is a direct phine required missile energies of 5 to 7 J to
function of missile energy deposit. A 0.9 J missile cause a prominent respiratory effect. 20• 22• 39 The
caused fatal apnea in 14% of cases, a 1.4 Jmis- author's data suggest that in a cerebral hemispheral
sile produced fatal apnea 40% of the time, and missile wound not involving midline or brain stem
a 2.4 J missile caused fatal apnea 67% of the structures, the crucial physiologic effect determin-
time (Fig. 4). Surprisingly, but in accord with ing life or death is the missile's effect on medullary
Horsley' s original observations,32 following respira- respiratory centers. Provision of timely respiratory
tory support of up to 2 hours, many apneic cats support may allow recovery of spontaneous respira-
recovered respirations, lived, and were neurologi- tions and prevent death . Missile wounding also
cally intact (Fig. 4). These respiratory effects of may reduce CO, but significant CO reductions

<a: 0.8
c ( 12)

<O 0.4


0 0.2

:aca (35)
Figure 4. Missile energy and the probability of
causing fatal apnea. Fatal apnea (dotted line)
.c was highly dependent on missile energy of de-
a. o.o~~~~~-+"-'-'-':.t..l..l...~i..U..'-'-'-''-'-"-'-.1..1..1.1..1..1..1.1.~
posit. With timely artificial ventilation , many
cats resumed breathing. Immediate respiratory
o 244 297 396 - mis support lowers the probability of permanent
apnea (solid line) . The likelihood of permanent
0 0.94 1.40 2.48 - Joules apnea (shaded area) could theoretically be de-
creased by measures (i.e ., drugs) that en-
Missile Velocity and Energy hance recovery of respiratory mechanisms.

occur at missile energies significantly greater mild rCBF reduction after wounding resulted
than those required to cause apnea. Clinically, in a brain stem blood flow well above that re-
unless timely respiratory resuscitation occur- quired to produce feline ischemia (15 mL/100/
red, the overriding effect of apnea would make min),33 so, contrary to Horsley' s hypothesis, it
any possible effects of CO reduction moot. does not appear that brain stem microischemia
The author's experiments also suggest that is responsible for apnea following a hemisph-
after bone penetration, a rather narrow limit eral missile wound. What biologic factors dis-
of allowable missile energies exists (in the au- tinguish animals that succumb to apnea follow-
thor's model 0.7 to 2.4 J) before the increased ing brain wounding from those that do not
missile energy deposit gravely affects respira- remain to be elucidated so that treatment of im-
tory function and produces death in a high paired respirations could be devised.
percentage of animals. By inference, humans The author also evaluated brain stem nu-
sustaining a missile wound to a cerebral hemi- clear and hypothalamic catecholamines fol-
sphere also have a relatively narrow window lowing a 2.4 Jbrain wound, which would have
of missile energies compatible with life before been expected to produce death from apnea
the indirect effects of the propagated ordinary in greater than half of the animals. 45 Despite
pressure waves irreversibly affect medullary the severe brain stem effects associated with
respiratory centers. Pearce and coworkers,42 in such a wound, and although epinephrine was
a series of parietal impact wounds, showed significantly reduced in raphe nuclei and sev-
that a 900-mg sphere required about 15 J to eral hypothalamic and brain stem nuclei as
penetrate the parietal bone of a prepared hu- well, none of the brain stem or hypothalamic
man skull. A 90 J sphere penetrated the skull biogenic amines was totally depleted. The mo-
and transited both cerebral hemispheres, naminergic systems in these structures ap-
whereas a 250 J sphere severely disrupted the peared to reflect a generalized stress response
entire calvarium and produced a large cone- pattern seen not only with missile wounding,
shaped temporary cavity in the gelatin filling but also with elevated intracranial pressure.
the skull. This latter wound would clearly be This pattern suggests that a severe brain
fatal. Because missiles that have the energy to wound likely to cause early death does not do
transit two cerebral hemispheres are known to so by totally disrupting the hypothalamic and
produce severe brain wounds, clinically, one brain stem biogenic amine system. Whether
may estimate the range of survivable hemi- the response of and relative maintenance of the
spheral missile energy deposits in humans to catecholamine system after brain wounding is
be approximately 15 to 90 J or less. If the per- indicative of other chemical mediator systems
missible range of missile energies in the cat in the brain stem is unknown.
model (0.7 to 2.4 J) is relevant, the range of At this point, the author hypothesizes, much
survivable missile energies for humans sus- as did Horsley and Webster and Gurdjian, that
taining a cerebral hemisphere wound would the fatal effect of a hemispheral missile wound
be between 15 and 51 J (maximum KEd = that does not severely disrupt the brain or di-
3.4 x penetration energy). These concepts are rectly damage vital, midline structures is due
diagramed in Figure 5. Additional effects such to propagated ordinary pressure waves from
as intracerebral bleeding, which may also con- missile energy deposit. The propagated ordi-
tribute to death, are not considered. nary pressure waves most notably affect respi-
In subsequent experiments, it was demon- ratory nuclei, which lie just under the floor of
strated that, following a brain wound produc- the fourth ventricle in close proximity to the
ing a brief transient apnea, some cats rapidly cerebrospinal fluid compartment. Whether
regained a normal respiratory rate and sur- this location makes them particularly suscepti-
vived, whereas others resumed breathing again ble to mechanical or chemical insults transmit-
but at a reduced rate.46 These latter cats eventu- ted through or by the cerebrospinal fluid re-
ally developed permanent apnea 10 to 20 mi- mains to be seen. Possibly the superficial
nutes after their injury. CO reductions were not location of respiratory neurons or the long,
a prominent feature in these fatally wounded complex respiratory circuits cause the respira-
cats. Mean brain stem regional cerebral blood tory system to be preferentially impaired fol-
flow (rCBF) (microspheres) in cats with respira- lowing even low-energy missile wounds and
tory depression fell from a control of 33 : :': : 5 other forms of head injury. Cardiovascular
mL/100 g/min to 25 : :': : 4 mL/100 g/min. This function, although disturbed by head injury,
1.0 -;---d---/--1 ------------

Q) I I
c : 1b' &.::-.(}' :
0 I ..f;?u ~~ I
> 0.5
I ~?
:cctS I
• ·

..0 I I
....0 I I
a. I I

0 15(P) 50 100 ? (Joules)

A Missile Energy of Deposit



~ 0.5

0 15 (P) 50 100 ? (Joules)

B Missile Energy of Deposit

1.0 --------------
I /i1

:!:::: 0.5
:cctS I
I ?t-+?
I ,-J
....0 C:-t?I
a. Ef9

0 15(P) 50 (Joules)

c Missile Energy of Deposit

Figure 5. See legend on opposite page


** **


;::: 70

Figure 6. Percent of brain water in white
matter about the missile track. Tissue so-
dium also rose while tissue potassium
remained constant, characteristic of va-
sogenic brain edema. Note that at 48
hours a 2-mm rod injury (a low energy
cutting injury) was not associated with
any increase in water. means :±: S.D.;
** = p < 0.01 ; * = P < 0.05 of control.
White bar = control ; diagonal bar = 0.9 J; 0 6 24 48 72 168
cross-hatched bar= 1.4 J; black bar=
rod. Hours After Brain Lesion

is not usually destroyed. The location of car- had the characteristics of vasogenic edema
diovascular control nuclei deeper in the core (VBE). Following missile w ounding (as in cold
of the medulla, away from the floor of the injury) VBE peaked in 48 to 72 hours then
fourth ventricle, may explain why increased receded to be almost gone in a week (Fig. 6).
missile energy is required to cause CO de- With the author's sampling techniques, no
creases. If a brain-wounded individual sur- difference in the amount of VBE or its time
vives a bout of transient apnea or if, in the course between a 0.9 and a 1.4 J missile could
future, respiratory resuscitation becomes pos- be ascertained. Lack of a distinct graded re-
sible, specific treatment may then be required sponse in the production of VBE in the cerebral
to prevent concomitant or a later occurring hemisphere probably resulted because missile
CO reduction. energies allowable for a nonfatal wound were
Brain edema occurs following traumatic too restricted and the variance in the amount
brain injury, and the author and others 16 of VBE produced by a missile of either energy
sought to measure its significance in brain was too great to allow separation of the VBE
wounding from missiles. Brain edema (wet effect between missiles of such close energies.
weight-dry weight method) following missile The lack of a distinct, graded response in this
wounding appeared confined to the region hemispheral pathobiologic event is in great
about the missile track, w as not severe, and counterdistinction to missile effect on medul-

Figure 5. A, Hypothesis of how a missile passing through a nonvital portion of a cerebral hemisphere produces death.
Approximately 15 J are required for skull penetration by a missile. Missile energy deposit close to 15 J causes local
laceration about the missile track only. As missile energy of deposit becomes greater, medullary effects become more
pronounced. Based on feline studies, possibly significant respiratory effects in humans may be seen at 50 J energy
deposit. Fatal brain wounds from medullary dysfunction causing apnea may occur without great brain disruption . The
brain and skull are severely disrupted with massive amounts of missile energy deposit. B, Owing to proximity of the brain
stem itself, one may imagine that less energy of deposit would be required to cause death with a posterior Iossa wound
that did not directly injure the medulla. It may be anticipated that approximately 15 J would be required to perforate the
suboccipital area as has been shown for the parietal bone. C, A missile perforating the thin skull base may do so with little
energy. If the missile tracked though the brain stem it would require very little additional energy to be fatal. R = respiratory;
C = cardiovascular.

11 ·t··,.·· ·• · · ··•· · · ·· . . ... ..


. .I
. -J


(/) 5

0 1--t--t-+-~~+-~--+~~-+-~~+-~--l
Ao 3 6 9 12 15 rn 21 24 27 30 37 44 51 58 65
Days (Postinjury)

l . . ....I . ... . ...l

IJ./l I /


5 ...... . . . . !
4+--+--1--+--+--+--lf-- ·+--+--+--+-~~t--~-+-~~-+-~--+~~--f
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 37 44 51 58 65
Days (Postinjury)
Figure 7. A, Before wounding, cats were trained to traverse an elevated beam to achieve a tuna fish reward . Ability was
scored on an 11 point scale before and after wounding and treatment with GM1 ganglioside. Balance beam performance
appeared to return more quickly following treatment. 8 , A normal cat will withdraw its fore limb when a front paw guard
hair touches a surface even though the cat cannot see the surface. This non-visual placing test was evaluated by a 4 point
score before and after wounding and treatment with GM1 ganglioside that seemed to enhance placement performance.
Square = control ; circle= SM-1.

lary respiratory function, in which a distinct, showed that 2 hours following missile wound-
graded physiologic effect occurred with mis- ing, total platelets are significantly decreased,
siles of even close energies, 0.9 and 1.4 J. but by 6 hours, they had returned to normal.
Coagulopathy has been well described fol- Fibrinogen levels began decreasing 4 hours
lowing head injury. 36 The author and others after injury and were still depressed at 6 hours.5

DRUG STUDIES less the individual managed to survive a pe-

riod of apnea or respiratory resuscitation oc-
The experimental missile wound model has curred, the effects of apnea would overshadow
been used to test agents that might improve any CO decreases. Although transmitted ordi-
physiologic or overall brain function after in- nary pressure waves might interfere with the
jury. Using Gerber's and Crockard's missile reticular activating system within the brain
wound model, it was demonstrated that man- stem and produce persistent coma, specific
nitol given shortly after wounding markedly long-lasting neurologic defects from a missile
improved cerebral perfusion pressure, cere- wound usually result from direct missile dam-
bral blood flow, and CMR02 consumption out age to the cerebral cortex or cortical projections.
of proportion to any observed intracranial In designing treatments for missile wounds
pressure reduction, possibly through direct of the brain, two distinct entities must be kept
effects on blood flow and metabolism.7· 8• 9 in mind: the brain stem and the cerebral cortex.
Dimethyl sulfoxide also improved post- To decrease the immediate mortality from
wounding mean arterial blood pressure, cere- brain wounding, prompt treatment has to be
bral perfusion pressure, cerebral blood flow, devised to aid dysfunctional respiratory nuclei
and CMR0 2 through many possible but not and possibly cardiac control nuclei. To de-
clearly understood mechanisms. 10• 11 crease long-term neurologic morbidity, drug
In the author's laboratory, Soblosky and therapy has to be instituted to help injured
Sarna developed a detailed cat behavioral par- cerebral cortical neurons for days to weeks
adigm that allowed accurate behavioral assess- after wounding. Totally different strategies
ment of wounded cats after they had awak- and drugs may be needed to treat the brain
ened from anesthesia. Although their behavior stem as opposed to the cerebral cortex.
was depressed for a few days following anes-
thesia and injury, no cat ever appeared in pain.
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Address reprint requests to

Michael E. Carey, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Louisiana State University Medical Center
1542 Tulane A venue
New Orleans, LA 70112

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