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Reading and Writing Portfolio 12

Reading an online diary;

Describing your goals a posting on a website

Writing common mistakes;
describing your goals
1 Read the website quickly. Who has a problem with: Review Present Simple; Past Simple;

too much work? Rupert

Present Perfect; be going to

b a bad habit?

c doing things too late?



Exams, revision and my goals …

I’ve just finished my exams. I don’t
know if I’ve passed yet, but I know that Helen said ...
I was extremely nervous. I don’t like Hi Paul,
exams and I probably never will. But
if I fail these exams, I’ll have to wait a I don’t have to do exams anymore, but I used to hate them!
whole year before I go to university. I’ve made a few decisions recently. I smoke too much and I must give up soon.
So I started to think about my goals for A few weeks ago, a friend of mine went to see a hypnotist about smoking. She
the future. Next year, I’m going to be a hasn’t had a cigarette since then! She says that she feels much better and much
lot more organised. I’ve already started healthier. I’m going to try the same thing.
– I tidied my room! I only started
Secondly, I’m going to get fit. I don’t do any exercise at the moment. I’m not fat,
my revision a few weeks before my
but I know I should do some. I went jogging a few days ago and it was really good.
exams and I didn’t have enough time.
But my legs hurt a bit the next morning!
At university, I’m going to do some
13.54 pm
revision every month.
Have you made any decisions about
things you’re going to do differently? Rupert said ...
What are your goals for the next
Good luck with your goal, Paul!
few months or year? Please write
something! My goal for the next year is a little strange. I’m going to work less! I got divorced
last year and I only see my children at weekends. However, at the moment I can’t
always see them because I have so much work. They’re growing up so fast and
I feel really guilty. Your family should always be more important than work. So,
VIEW MY PROFILE I’ve decided not to work at weekends. I’m going to plan more days out with my
MAKE A POSTING children and I’m going to get to know them better.
23.29 pm.

2 Read the website again and fill in gaps 1–7 in the table.

name goal what he/she has done so far what he/she is going to do
Paul 1He’sgoing to be more organised 2 3
about exams. He tidied room He's going to do some revision every month
Helen 4 She went jogging. 5
She's going to give up smoking and get fit.
She is going to see a hypnotist
Rupert 6 7 He’s going to get to know his
She is going to work less. He's decided not to work at weekends children better.
Alexandra 8 9 10
She's going to be more organised about money She's paying her parents back She's going to plan her spending
Marco 11 12 13
He's going to find a new job A couple of weeks ago ago he sent He's going to say in his job until he
out his CV to a few companies finds another one.
HELP WITH WRITING 4 Read these postings on the website from Alexandra
Common mistakes and Marco. Then fill in gaps 8–13 in the table in 2.
3 a Students often make these mistakes
when they write.
Alexandra said …
1 they’re/there: They’re good friends.
Hi Paul! I’m a student to, so I know how you feel. My goals are
not There good friends. all about money. I always spend more money that I earn. What’s
2 too/to: It’s too hot. not It’s to hot. more, I waste a lot of money on things I don’t need. Last year, I
borrowed a lot of money from my parents. There very kind, but
3 enough + noun: I don’t have enough time. now I’m paying it back. Then, if I will have enough money, I’ll start
not I don’t have time enough. saving. I also going to plan my spending. Can anyone recommend
any good websites about money? I didn’t find any yet.
4 comparative + than: He’s older than me.
8.05 pm
not He’s older that me.

b Match types of mistakes 1–8 to Marco said …

examples a–h. Hello Paul. I found this website while I was looking for some advice
1 irregular comparatives
b on my situation. One of my goals for the next six months is to find

2 auxiliary verbs
h a new job. I’m not hating the job I have at the moment. But I need
to find something with more good opportunities for promotion. I’ve
3 Present Simple -s with spoken to my boss about it and she understand the way I feel.
he/she/it e A couple of weeks ago I’ve sent out my CV to a few companies,
but I haven’t had any replies yet.
4 Present Continuous with
state verbs (like, hate, etc.)
g I think I must to stay in my job until I find another one. I haven’t got

5 Past Simple
a money enough and unemployment benefit isn’t much!
12.30 P.M
6 Present Perfect d
7 will, should, might f
5 Read Alexandra’s and Marco’s postings again. Find 12
8 conditionals c mistakes from 3a and 3b and correct them.

6 a Think about some goals you have for the next few months
a Last week, I went to the cinema. or years. Make notes on these things.
not Last week, I’ve been to the cinema.
Your goal(s)
b This is better not This is more good.

c If I see him, I’ll tell him. What you have

not If I will see him, I will tell him.
done so far

d I haven’t done it yet. What you are

not I didn’t do it yet. going to do
e She lives near me. b Write a posting for Paul’s website about
not She live near me. your goals.
f You should stay in bed.
● Use your notes from 6a.
● Read and check for the mistakes in 3a and 3b.
not You should to stay in bed.
● Write your posting again if you want to.
g I like my job. not I’m liking my job.
● Give your posting to your teacher in your next class.
h I’m going to work harder.
not I going to work harder.
Tick the things you can do in English in the
Reading and Writing Progress Portfolio, p88.

Pre-intermediate Reading and Writing Progress Portfolio
Tick the things you can do in English.

Portfolio Reading Writing

1 I can understand a simple personal letter I can organise an informal letter (address, date, etc.).
p64 talking or asking about everyday life. I can write a short personal letter describing experiences and
I can understand descriptions of events. events.

2 I can understand short narratives about I can use connecting words of addition and contrast.
p66 everyday things. I can write an email to a friend.
I can understand descriptions of events I can write a description of an event – real or imagined.
and feelings.

3 I can understand standard emails (for I can write my CV in summary form.

p68 example from a business).
I can find the most important information
in advertisements on websites.

4 I can understand the plot of a simple story. I can describe the plot of a film in a personal email.
p70 I can understand what is significant about
the most important events.

5 I can understand the most important I can reply in written form to advertisements and ask for more
p72 information on websites about language information about products.
schools. I can write a simple formal letter or email.

6 I can understand simple messages and I can use abbreviations in notes and messages.
p74 notes from friends or colleagues. I can write short simple notes and messages.

7 I can find the most important information I can use paragraphs in a letter.
p76 in advertisements for holidays. I can write a formal letter about my experiences on holiday.
I can understand complaints in a
formal letter.

8 I can understand the main points I can describe similarities and differences using phrases like
p78 in an article. compared with, completely different from, etc.
I can write a simple guide about studying in my country and
can express personal views and opinions.

9 I can understand events, feelings I can use paragraphs in an email.

p80 and wishes in a private email. I can offer sympathy and give advice.
I can write emails to friends.

10 I can understand people's opinions I can use connecting words/phrases like for instance, therefore,
p82 in online comments. however and if you ask me.
I can use phrases to begin paragraphs.
I can write a simple comment on a topic I am interested in
and give my personal opinion.

11 I can understand the plot of a story I can write a clearly structured story.
p84 I can ask questions to get ideas about a story.

12 I can find the most important information I can write a message for a website giving factual information.
p86 on a blog. I can recognise and correct common mistakes in writing.


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