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My Teaching Philosophy

I strongly believe that as people change over the years, so does the world. Nowadays,
technology has become an important part of our lives and I consider that the only way to
use it wisely is for teaching and learning purposes. Believe it or not, technology has
changed the way we live and think that it is almost impossible to enter a classroom and do
not see students texting, taking pictures of them with their friends or even posting ‘’at the
university’’ picture on facebook.

Honestly, it should not bother us the fact that our students entered the classroom using their
phones, we can always take side of every situation. Therefore, it is a really good idea to
motivate students to use technology to learn when being in the classroom. Of course, there
is always a limit, if technology is going to be used, then let’s do it with a meaningful

Furthermore, students always keep their phones with them and trying to integrate these
tools into the session class does not seem to be for me a problem. I even feel that this is a
way that as teachers help is simplify the way we do our job. Technology is not that bad; it
is just a matter of knowing how to use it for our benefit.

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