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1. Predicciones sobre el futuro basadas en lo que creemos. 1.

Para planes, intenciones o ambiciones para el futuro que han sido

Habitualmente usamos verbos como think, believe, expect etc; expresiones del tipo planeadas con anterioridad.
be sure, be afraid y adverbios como probably, perhaps, certainly …
My sister is going to adopt a child
You’ll love the film Are you going to buy a new car?
I’m afraid we won’t be on time for the meeting I’m not going to go (I’m not going) to Canterbury next week
2. Decisiones instantáneas. 2. Predicciones basadas en evidencias:
I’ll have lasagne, please It’s going to rain (The sky is very dark)
I think they’re going to win. (They’re playing extremely well)
3. Promesas, amenazas, peticiones, ofrecimientos, deseos.
I don’t understand this exercise.
Of course! I’ll explain it to you. 1. Normalmente usamos BE GOING TO para hablar de algo que hemos planeado
I won’t tell anybody realizar y WILL para dar detalles o hacer comentarios sobre ese plan:
4. Para acciones o situaciones que ocurrirán en el futuro y que NO A: I’m going to have a party next week. I will invite all my friends.
podemos controlar. B: That will be great.
The temperature in Seville will reach 40ºC tomorrow. 2. Normalmente usamos el Presente continuo en vez de BE GOING TO con verbos
que expresan movimientos, especialmente con los verbos GO y COME.

Sam is going to the market in a few minutes.

Sheila is coming to my house for tea this afternoon.

3. Cuando hacemos referencia al futuro para expresar horarios de medios de

transporte usamos el Pres. Simple: The plane leaves at midnight.
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1. Acciones que estarán en progreso en un determinado momento del 1. Acciones que habrán ocurrido un un determinado momento del futuro:
We’re late. The film will have already started by the time we get to the cinema.
- This time next week, we will be driving round the British isles.
La semana que viene a esta hora estaremos conduciendo por Gran Bretaña. Jane is from Sydney. She is travelling around Europe at the moment. So far she has
travelled about 1000 miles. By the end of the trip, she will have travelled more
- If you need to contact me, I will be staying at the Ritz hotel until Friday than 3000 miles.

2. Acciones que seguro ocurrirán en el futuro NO como resultado de algo Nota:

específicamente planeado:
Normalmente se usa el futuro perfecto con expresiones como: before, by, by then, by
- Don’t call Julie. I’ll be seeing her later. I’ll pass the message on. the time, until.
No hace falta que llames a Julie ya que la veré más tarde y le daré el mensaje.
Es decir, no voy a quedar con ella para darle el mensaje. YA había quedado antes sin
saber que alguien iba a necesitar decirle algo.

3. Cuando preguntamos amablemente sobre los planes de alguien en un

futuro cercano o inmediato. Lo que pretendemos es saber si nuestro
deseo encaja con los planes de a quien preguntamos. Veamos el
1. WILL + INF: Barcelona will win the Champions League

A: Will you be using the photocopier for long? 2. “BE” GOING TO + INF:    We’re going to study  English next summer
B: No, why?
A: I need to make some photocopies. 3. FUTURE CONTINUOUS: WILL BE + -ING:

A: Will you be passing the post office when you’re out? We  will be playing  tennis
B: Probably. Why?
A: I need some stamps. Could you get me some? 4. FUTURE PERFECT: WILL HAVE + -ED:

A: Will you be using your bike this evening? They will have eaten
B: No. Do you want to borrow it?

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3. Ian y Liz están haciendo limpieza en su casa y decidiendo que
tirar y que quedarse.
1. Lee y escucha las siguientes frases y reflexiona sobre su uso
teniendo en cuenta lo explicado en la página 1. LIZ: Right, what’s next?
IAN: What about this box of toys? The kids are much too old for them now.
a. I’m going to finish the report tonight L: Actually, I ……………… (give) those to my sister. Her kids ………………
b. Look! It’s going to rain soon. (probably / like) them. She ……………… (pick them up) tomorrow evening after
c. I’m meeting her after school. work.
d. I’ll call you at about six. I: OK, so those go in …
e. I think you’ll find another job. L: … the pile with the books.
f. What are you doing tonight? I: Right. And what about all these old letters? I don’t know why you’ve kept them.
You ……………… (never / read) them again.
L: OK, I ……………… (throw) those away.
2. Listen and complete the conversation between Bill and Alice. I: So, which pile?
L: Put them next to those old magazines.
I: Right
B: I’m going shopping. Do we need anything?
L: And what shall we do with all these old photos?
A: I don’t think so. Oh wait. We don’t have any sugar.
I: Oh, I’m in the middle of going through those.
B: It’s OK, it’s on my list. I ………………(buy) some.
L: But we never look at them.
A: What about bread?
I: I know, but that’s because they’re not in order or anything.
B: Good idea! I ………………. (pick up) a loaf.
I ………………. (sort out) the rest of them at the weekend. Then we can get rid
A: What time will you be back?
of the ones we don’t want.
B: I don’t know. I might stop at Nick’s. It depends on how much time I have.
L: OK, so we ………………. (keep) these for now.
A: Don’t forget, we ………………. (play) tennis with David and Pam this
I: Yes. So … that pile.
L: Yes, the one with the TV and the pillows. And can we throw out these old records?
B: Don’t worry. I ………………. (not forget). I ……………(be) back before
I: Sorry, you ………………. (not get) rid of those. I’ve had them since I was a
A: OK. See you later, Honey.
L: But you ………………. (never / listen) to them again.
I: That’s not the point. They’re probably quite valuable now.

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L: Fine, put them in the “keep” pile. And that old tennis racket? You’ve got to throw 5 At the moment I’m packing, because tomorrow I …………… (go) to
that out. France for a year. I …………………(study) literature at the Sorbonne. My plane
I: Actually, I ………………. (give) that to Ricky, next door. His mum asked me if I ………………. (leave) at 10.30. My mum and dad……………….. (take) me
had one. He ………………. (start) taking tennis lessons. to the airport. I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to carry all this lot.
L: You’re joking! That old thing? It ………………… (break) the first time he uses
it! 6 Well, I work in the City. In the next few years I ………………. (be)
I: Oh, it’s fine for a 10-year old. even more successful. I hope I ……………….. (earn) twice
L: You don’t like throwing things out, do you? Right, what’s next? what I’m getting now. I’ve set myself this goal. Before I’m twenty
five I ……………….. (make) a million.

4.  Complete the texts

5. Complete the text.
1 I ……………….. (do) my A-levels a few months ago, and I’ve just got my
results. Fortunately, they’re good, so I ……………….. (study) psychology at This is your captain speaking. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome on
Bristol University. The course ………………… (last) three years. board this British Airways flight to Rome. In a very short time we ………………..
(take off). When we’ve reached our cruising speed of 550 miles per hour, we
2 It’s Saturday tomorrow, so I ……………….. (see) the football with ……………….. (fly) at 35,000 feet. Our flight time today is two and a half hours,
my boy and some mates. Oxford United are playing Bristol Rovers. It so we …………………. (be) in Rome in time for lunch. The cabin crew
………………… (be) a great game. Kick-off is at 3 o’clock, so we ………………… (serve) refreshments during the flight. If you need any
………………… (have) a beer or two before the match. assistance, just press the button and a flight attendant …………………. (come)
to help you.
3 Marie …………………. (have) a baby soon, so we’re both very (Near the end of the flight)
excited. The baby’s due in five weeks. If it’s a boy, we ………………. (call) In a few moments’ time, the crew ………………… (come) round with duty-free
him Jamie. And if it’s a girl, she ………………… (be) Hatty. goods. We ……….. also ………. (give out) landing cards. When you have filled
4 What ……………….. (I/do) tomorrow, you say? Well, it’s Thursday them in, place them in your passport. They will be collected as you go through
tomorrow, so I ……………….. (do) what I always do on a Thursday. My passport control.
daughter ……………….. (come) to see me, she …………………
(bring) the little ’uns, and we ………………… (all /have) a cup of tea and In twenty minutes’ time we …………………. (land) at Leonardo da Vinci airport.
a good old chat. And I ……………….. (bake) a cake. A sponge cake with Please put your seats in the upright position. You are requested to remain seated
jam in it. They like that.

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until the plane has come to a complete standstill. We hope you ……………….. 7. ‘ll see / ‘ll be seeing
(fly) again soon with British Airways. I ………………… you outside the cinema at 8.00.
I ……………….. Peter this afternoon, so I’ll tell him your news.

8. ‘ll see / ‘ll have seen

6. Choose the correct form in the pairs of sentences: You ……………….. enough of me by the end of this holiday.
I’m going to make a success of my life. You ……………….
1. ‘ll see / ‘m going to see
I’m very excited. I …………………. all my family this weekend.
I don’t know if I have time to come this evening. I ………………
7. Complete
2. are you going to do / will you do 1 A: Have you finished your essay (trabajo) yet?
So you’re off to the States for a year! What ……………….. there? B: No, but I’m sure I …………………. (finish) it on time.
I’m sure you will pass your exams, but what ……………….. if you don’t? 2 A: I have decided what to wear for the party.
B: Really? What ……………….. (you/wear) then?
3. ‘ll come / ‘m coming 3 A: Why do you need soapy (jabón) water?
I …………………. with you if you like. B: Because I ………………. (wash) the car.
I ………………… with you whether you like it or not. 4 A: Did you post the letters?
B: No, I forgot. I ……………… (post) them this afternoon.
4. are you doing / are you going to do 5 A: I’m hungry.
Your school report is terrible. What ……………….. about it? B: Me too. I ………………. (make) us something to eat.
What ………………… this evening? 6 A: What are you doing this weekend?
B: Oh, I ……………… (probably/visit) my grandparents.
5. ‘m giving / ‘m going to give 7 A: Look at that dog!
I’ve had enough of her lazy attitude. I ……………... her a good talking to. B: Oh yes! It ……………… (swim) across the river.
I ……………….. a presentation at 3.00 this afternoon. I’m scared stiff. 8 A: Tony is nearly (casi) eighteen, isn’t he?
B: Yes. He ……………… (work) for his father when he leaves school
6. leaves / is leaving 9 A: Are you going into town today?
John! Peter ……………….. now. Come and say goodbye. B: Yes. I ………………. (give) you a lift (llevar a alguien) if you like.
The coach ……………….. at 8.00, so don’t be late. 10 A: Your shirt is dirty.

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B: Oh dear! I …………….. (change) into another one. B: Yes. John ……………….. (leave) the office by now.
11 A: I hope we ………………. (not/arrive) late for the meeting. 26 A: There’s somebody at the door.
B: Don’t worry. There’s plenty of time. B: Oh. That ……………… (be) the postman.
12 A: I’m really thirsty after all that hard work. 27 A: I’ve left my jacket at home.
B: I ………………. (make) some tea. B: I ………………… (go) back and get it for you.
13 A: Did you give Steve his present? 28 A: Have you booked a taxi to take you to the airport?
B: No. I ……………… (give) it to him tonoight at dinner. B: Yes. It ………………… (come) at eight o’clock in the morning.
14 A: Watch out! You ………………. (bang) your head on the doorframe. 29 A: Are you nervous about the interview?
B: Oh! I didn’t realise it was so low. B: Yes. This time tomorrow, I ………………. (talk) to the director.
15 A: Your house is very small.
B: I know. I ………………. (move) to a bigger house next year.
16 A: I have got a new job. 8. Complete
B: Wonderful! I ………………. (call) Mumand tell her the good news. Next Saturday Imogene ……………….. (fly) to Moscow for a business meeting.
17 A: How old is your daugter? Her secretary has already booked the flight. The plane ……………… (leave) at
B: She ……………… (be) fourteen next week. nine o’clock in the morning and one of her business clients ……………… (meet)
18 A: Have you been living here long? her at the airport when the plane lands. She doesn’t know how long the meeting
B: Yes. By next month, I …………….. (live) here for ten years. ………………. (last), but she ………………… (return) home by Thusrday
19 A: Are you having a party next weekend? evening.
B: Yes. I hope I …………….. (finish) decorating the house by then.
20 A: What are your plans for tonight? Next month, Maggie ………………. (go) to New
B: Well, I ……………… (meet) Steve at eight o’clock. Zealand to visit her sister, who she hasn’t seen for fifteen
21 A: I must buy some bread months. The plane ………………. (leave) early in the
B: You’d better hurry. The shops ……………….. (close) in half an hour. morning and ………………. (stop off) at Singapore
22 A: Shall I call you at ten o’clock tomorrow? befroe flying on to Auckland. It …………….. (be) a very
B: No. I ………………… (leave) for work by then. long, tiring journey, but Maggie is very excited because this
23 A: Are you coming to the disco on Friday night? time next month, she ………………. (begin) her
B: I can’t. I ………………. (study) for my exam then. adventure on the other side of the World. She
24 A: Are you excited about going to California? ……………… (stay) in New Zealand for one month. She
B: Yes! This time tomorrow I ……………… (fly) acroos the Atlantic. has booked her flight, so she ……………….. (fly) back
25 A: It’s seven o’clock. to Britain on 31st May. She hopes that she

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……………….. (visit) lots of fascinating places and seen many interesting things 6 John has to go to the airport to catch a plane tomorrow morning.
by the time her holidays are over.
JOHN: Ann, I need somebody to take me to the airport tomorrow morning.
ANN: That's no problem. (I/take). What time is your flight?
9. Read the situations and complete the sentences using will or going JOHN: 10.50
to. ANN: OK. ...............................(we /leave) at about 9 o'clock then.
Later that day, Lewis offers to take John to the airport.
1 The phone rings and you answer. Somebody wants to speak to Jim. LEWIS: John, do you want me to take you to the airport?
CALLER: Hello. Can I speak to Jim, please? JOHN: No thanks, Joe. Ann ..........................(Anne/take) me.
YOU: Just a moment. I................. him. (I/get)

2 It’s a nice day. You've decided to sit in the garden. Before going outside, you tell
10. Complete
your friend.
YOU: The weather's too nice to stay indoors. I............(sit) in the garden. 1. A: Why are you turning on the television?
B: I .................... (watch) the news.
FRIEND: That's a good idea. I think I (I/join).
2. A: Oh, I have just realised, I haven’t got any money.
B: Don’t worry, that’s no problem. I .................... (lend) you some.
3 Your friend is worried because she has lost an important letter.
YOU: Don't worry about the letter. I'm sure. .................. (You/find)it. 3. A: I’ve got a terrible headache.
FRIEND: I hope so. B: Have you? Wait there and I ..................... (get) an aspirin for you.
4. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?
4 There was a job advertised in the paper recently. At first you were interested but B: I ...................... (wash) the car.
5. A: I’ve decided to re–paint this room.
then you decided not to apply.
B: Oh, have you? What colour .......... you .......... (paint) it?
FRIEND: Have you decided what to do about that job that was advertised? 6. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?
B: Yes, I .................... (buy) something for dinner.
YOU: Yes, ............................for it. (I/not/apply)
7. A: I don't know how to use this camera.
B: It's quite easy. I ................... (show) you.
5 You and a friend come home very late. Other people in the house are asleep. Your
friend is noisy. 8. A: What would you like to eat?
B: I ................... (have) a sandwich, please.
9. A: Did you post that letter for me?
YOU: Shhh! don’t make so much noise. ..........everybody up. (you/wake)
B: Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot I .................. (do) it now.
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10. A: The ceiling in this room doesn't took very safe, does it? 27. A: I don’t know how to use this mixer.
B: No, it looks as if it ................... (fall) down. B: That’s OK. I ................... (show) you.
11. A: What ........... you ............(do) when you grow up? 28. A: Why are all these people gathered here?
B: I .................... (be) an acrobat for Le Cirque du Soleil. B: The Prime Minister .................... (open) the new hospital ward.
12. I haven’t seen him for a long time but I think I .................. 29. A: Why don’t you tidy your room?
(recognize) him. B: I ....................... (play) football in ten minutes, so I haven’t got time.
13. A: I need some coins to telephone my friend. 30. A: This problem is very difficult.
B: I ..................... (give) you some. B: I you to solve it.
14. I got the plane tickets. I ................... (fly) on Sunday. 31. Look at that young man. He looks very pale. He .................... faint.
15. A: Have you got any plans for the summer? 32. I’m hungry. I ..................... have something to eat.
B: Yes, we ...................... (go) to Sicily in June. 33. I .......................... be 38 years old next week.
16. A: Whose is that night dress?
B : It’s mine. I ..................... (wear) it at John’s graduation party.
17. A: Why did you call your grandma? 11. Complete the conversation.
B: I ...................... (visit) her at the weekend. Emma: I spoke to Diane. She ................... (come) to Wales with us.
18. If your passport isn’t valid any more, you ...................... (not / be able to) go Paul: Oh, that’s good. Which day ..................... (we / go)?
abroad this month. E: Thursday. And there’s a programme about Wales on BBC2 on Wednesday at noon.
19. A: What are you doing with that brush? P: We .................... (have) lunch with your parents then.
B: I ..................... (paint) my room. E: Oh, yes, I forgot. Ok, I .................... (record) it and we ...................... (watch) it
20. A: Why are you wearing your anorak? when we get home.
B: I ..................... (go) out. P: Fine. By the way. I .................... (buy) a video camera at the weekend. I though it
21. I don’t know the meaning of this word so I ....................... (look) it up in the would be a nice idea to take one on holiday with us.
dictionary. E: Tina has one she never uses. Maybe she .................. (let) us to borrow it.
22. Look out! You ...................... (hurt) yourself with that knife. P: Well, it’s worth asking. I .................. (give) her a ring.
23. What time ............ the next bus ............ (arrive)? E: Don’t worry. I .................... (see) her at my yoga class tomorrow. I .......................
24. ........... you ............ (open) the door for me, please? (ask) her then.
25. We’re early. The film .................... (start) at 2:30. Why don’t we go P: Good idea. Anyway, where’s the babysitter? The film .................. (start) in half an
and have something to drink? hour. We ................... (miss) the beginning.
26. A: Why do you need so much sugar?
B: I .................... (make) a cake.

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