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Black Raspberry

Black Raspberry is the result of cross-breeding Raspberries and Blackberries. The yield and taste

of Black Raspberry exceed the parameters of maternal cultures.

Black raspberries are native to North America.

Black Raspberries - Main Differences from the Red Raspberries and Blackberries

The second name of this berry is Blackberry. It is really similar to its ancestor in appearance of

bushes and berries. From Blackberry, it is distinguished primarily by the fact that when

harvesting it is easily separated from the stalk, like Raspberries.

Among other features that distinguish Black Raspberries from traditional Raspberries, is that

one can single out a complete absence of root cane, a high threshold of drought resistance, and

an earlier fruiting.
The yield of Black Raspberry fruit is higher than the one of Red Raspberry. From each bush

gardeners collect 2-4 kg of fruit, and sometimes more. The berries are dense and transport

well. When they keep up, they do not crumble, as from the bushes of Red Raspberries. The

taste of the berries is sweet, sometimes with a honey flavor, very fragrant.

Black Raspberry is susceptible to attacks of diseases and pests less than the Red Raspberry, but

inferior to it in the ability to tolerate frosts. Only some varieties can boast moderate frost


Black Raspberries – Healing and Beneficial Features.

Probably the very first remedy at a high temperature, is tea made from Black Raspberries. In

addition, Black Raspberries are used for influenza, colds, bronchitis, and use both Black

Raspberry’s leaves and fruits.

Black Raspberries have not only excellent taste qualities, but also are useful in the treatment of

many ailments. Raspberry is a proven medicine for colds. Tea of Black Raspberries helps to get

rid of colds along with Lime and Cranberry tea.

- As Black Raspberry contains a large amount of vitamin C, it can be used in avitaminosis.

- Black raspberry has an anti-inflammatory healing effect.

- Black raspberry is rich in antioxidants.

- Black Raspberry fruits contribute to improvement of appetite and normalize the digestive

- Black Raspberries in folk medicine have established themselves as an excellent antipyretic.

Due to the salicylic acid in Black Raspberries, it is a diaphoretic.

- Black Raspberry strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

- Black Raspberries are useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. And no

wonder, since Black Raspberries contain potassium and magnesium, two significantly important

trace elements for the heart.

- Black Raspberry contains vitamin K, which is involved in blood clotting factors.

- Black Raspberry has antiemetic, antitussic properties.

- Black Raspberries have an easy analgesic effect.

- Apply the sprigs of Black Raspberries as a general restorative.

- Black Raspberries perfectly quench thirst, as well as drinks prepared from this berry.

- Black Raspberries are useful for women as it has a good effect on the skin.

- Black Raspberries are also valuable in lowered hemoglobin in blood.

- Folic acid, which is a part of Black Raspberry, has a beneficial effect on the female body, both

during preparation for pregnancy, and during pregnancy itself.

Useful properties of Black Raspberries manifest themselves in the treatment of hypertension.

And Black Raspberries can be used without restriction.

Fresh Black Raspberries are recommended for eating as a "sobering" remedy in intoxication.
Black Raspberry is eaten fresh, but for treatment, Raspberries must be harvested. And in

winter, a delicious and fragrant tea can be drunk instead. For this, the Black Raspberries are

dried, frozen, jam is made out of them, and are rubbed with sugars.

Masks from Black Raspberries are useful for facial skin, and they help smooth out fine wrinkles,

improve complexion, strengthen the walls of blood vessels on the face. Combine Black

Raspberries to make masks better with sour cream or natural yoghurt.


Black Raspberry is a perennial shrub with powerful shoots up to 3 meters long, covered with

sharp thorns.

Black raspberries of the Cumberland variety are most common. Three-meter shoots bend at the

top, fall down, forming a green arch. Young branches with a characteristic bluish coating,

mature - brown. They are covered with sharp spines along the entire length.

The berries of Cumberland are round, juicy, sweet. In the under-ripe state, they are red, they

grow black as time goes on. The fertility is plentiful. On one branch, up to 10 fruit brushes with

12-15 ovaries are formed.

In fruiting, this variety enters the second year and maintains high productivity for 15 years. The

shoot does not form.

Cumberland is one of the most frost-resistant varieties of Black Raspberries, which is the reason

for its prevalence in the temperate-climatic zone. It suffers a high humidity. In this case, it can

be affected by anthracnose.
There are other promising varieties of black raspberries, grown in the middle band:

- Bristol - is the most high-yielding variety;

- Boysenberry - with oblong sweet berries;

- Coal - small-fruited variety;

- Litach - is a variety of Polish breeding with bluish berries.

Avalable Froms

The fruit's pigment of Black Raspberry is used as a dye, and the fruit itself may have many

health benefits, including the prevention of serious chronic diseases. Black Raspberry

supplements are available as capsules, powders, soft gels and extracts. Supplements are not

regulated by the FDA, and health claims have not always been scientifically substantiated.

Consult a physician prior to taking Black Raspberry supplements.

Safety Issues

Although Black Raspberries are a safe natural medicine and treat natural antibiotics, the berries

should not be consumed in some cases.

Black Raspberry is contraindicated in case of allergy or individual intolerance of the berries.

Black Raspberry is contraindicated in exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and

duodenum. While in the period of remission, berries can be consumed in small amounts

Black Raspberries are harmful in nephrolithiasis, in kidney disease.

In doubt whether to get Black Raspberries or not, better consult a doctor before treatment or

using the berries.

Medicinal Uses

Black Raspberry and Cancer

The chemical composition of Black Raspberries includes minerals, vitamins, phenols and

phytosterols, many of which are known for their anti-carcinogenic properties.

A new study has shown that a number of preventive ingredients found in black raspberries can

more effectively inhibit the development of cancer than individual drugs aimed at deactivating

certain damaged genes. Scientists from the University of Ohio, USA, studied the effects of

frozen dried Black Raspberries concentrate on rats genes exposed to the chemical carcinogen

that causes esophageal cancer.

In experiments, this carcinogen for a week damaged the work of 2,200 genes responsible for

the functioning of the esophagus, but of this amount 460 regained their normal activity when

consuming powder from the concentrate of dried frozen berries of Black Raspberries, included

in the portion of the total rodent diet.

These studies, published in a recent issue of the journal Cancer Research, also helped identify

53 genes that appear to play a fundamental role in the initial development of esophageal

cancer, and, accordingly, are the target of exposure to chemo-preventive drugs.

According to the head of the study, Professor Gary D. Stoner, it was clearly demonstrated that

the berries, which contain a diverse range of anti-cancer components, have the effect of

expression on a large number of genes involved in the development of cancer.

Stoner noted that the chemical composition of Black Raspberries includes minerals, vitamins,

phenols and phytosterols, many of which are known for their anti-carcinogenic properties.

The process of freezing dried berries in a concentrate, leads to a tenfold efficiency of the

product, providing a powerful chemo-preventive effect, affecting various ways of signaling in

cells that are disturbed during carcinogenesis.

In the experiments, a portion of the rats received a normal diet, and the other part’s diet

included 5% Black Raspberry powder. During the third week of this diet, half of the animals in

each group received three injections of the chemical carcinogen N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine.

Animals continued to receive their diets during injections.

After three weeks, esophageal tissue tests were performed to fix changes in genes

characteristic of early stages of carcinogen exposure. The assays included data on the activity

and expression of 41,000 genes. In mice receiving injections of a carcinogen, 2261 genes

showed a change in their activity by 50% or more.

These changes in gene expression correlated with changes in tissues that included increased

cell proliferation with noted inflammatory phenomena and an increased process of apoptosis.

However, in rats fed a diet with the addition of berry concentrate, a fifth of the genes exposed

to carcinogen-in an exact amount of 462-showed activity close to normal, in comparison with

the control group. Most of these 462 genes were associated with cell proliferation and the cycle

of cell death, cell connections and movements, growth of secondary blood vessels and other
processes characteristic of carcinogenesis. The tissue of the esophagus also looked more

normal and healthy.

In the end, of the 462 genes restored by the berries, 53 of them returned to normal using the

second chemo-preventive ingredient in these studies.

[ CITATION The16 \l 1033 ]

[ CITATION Bla06 \l 1033 ]

[ CITATION Top09 \l 1033 ]

[ CITATION Dif13 \l 1033 ]

[ CITATION Rub17 \l 1033 ]

Black Ruspberry

- influenza,

- colds,

- bronchitis,

- avitaminosis,

- anti-inflammatory healing effect,

- antioxidant,

- improvement of appetite,

- normalizes the digestive system,

- antipyretic,

- diaphoretic,

- strengthens the walls of blood vessels,

- cardiovascular diseases,

- contains vitamin K, which is involved in blood clotting factors,

- antiemetic,

- antitussic properties,

- easy analgesic effect,

- general restorative,

- quench thirst,

- has a good effect on the skin.

- lowered hemoglobin in blood,

- has a beneficial effect on the female body,

- beneficial effect during preparation for pregnancy,

- beneficial effect during pregnancy,

- hypertension,

- intoxication,

-facial skin,

-fine wrinkles,

- strengthens the walls of blood vessels on the face,

- improves complexion


Blackberry, black raspberry, blueberry, cranberry, red raspberry, and strawberry extracts inhibit

growth and stimulate apoptosis of human cancer cells in vitro. (2006, Dec. 13). Retrieved Aug.

13, 2017, from National Center for Biotechnology Information:

Differential Effects of Black Raspberry and Strawberry Extracts on BaPDE-Induced Activation of

Transcription Factors and Their Target Genes. (2013, Aug. 30). Retrieved Aug. 13, 2017, from
National Center for Biotechnology Information:

Rubus occidentalis L./ black raspberry. (n.d.). Retrieved Aug. 13, 2017, from United States

Department of Agriculture:

The genome of black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis). (2016, Jul. 20). Retrieved Aug. 13, 2017,

from National Center for Biotechnology Information:

Topical treatment with black raspberry extract reduces cutaneous UVB-induced carcinogenesis

and inflammation. (2009, Jul.). Retrieved Aug. 13, 2017, from National Center for Biotechnology


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