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Muhamad Ali Asadulloh
IIK Strada Indonesia Nursing Study Program Student

Indonesia is vulnerable to the threat of tropical diseases. One of the skin diseases that
often attack Indonesian people is scabies which is caused by infestation and sensitivity of
mites (mite)Sarcoptes scabiei animal variants to humans and vice versa. Self care is self-care
where individuals maintain their health, and are influenced by values and skills about scabies.
The purpose of this research is Knowing the effect of the application of Self Care on the
healing of scabies wounds in adolescent students at the Wali Barokah Islamic Boarding
School, Kediri.
This research was conducted for 2 weeks, namely on January 27, 2020 to February 9,
2020. In this study using a design This research is a pre-experimental one group pre-test post-
test design. The population in this study were 66 santri adolescents suffering from scabies.
The sample is 57 respondents. By using simple random sampling technique. The technique of
collecting data in this study was by giving a questionnaire and observing the wound
condition. Analysis of data using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with a level of
significanceα= 0.05.
The results of research on the healing of scabies wounds before the implementation of
self-care showed that most of the respondents were in a bad category, namely 31 respondents
(54%) from a total of 57 respondents. The results of research on scabies wound healing after
the application of self-care for teenage students who experience scabies disease, it is known
that most of the respondents with the scabies wound category improved, as many as 30
respondents (52%) out of a total of 57 respondents.The result of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank
Test is 0,000 which is lower than the alpha of 0.05, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected
and H1 is accepted, so it means that there is an effect of the application of Self Care on the
healing of scabies wounds in teenage students.
The provision of education and implementation of self-care for 2 weeks to young
santri at the Wali Barokah Islamic Boarding School in Kediri has brought good progress,
namely improving the healing of scabies wounds and the understanding of teenage students
of the importance of having a clean and healthy lifestyle. This has an impact on the activities
of young students when participating in learning and reciting activities with more focus and
Keywords : Application of Self Care, Scabies Wound Healing.

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