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Date: December 1, 2020

To: Profesor LeCompte Zambrana Pier

From: Stephanie Rosario Vega
Subject: Progress Report of Home Garden

Introductory summary
On November 20, I decided to do a home garden and plant tomato seeds. Tomatoes are
reddish berries characterized by their multi-seeded pulp and juice. Tomatoes are highly
valued in food. Its main component is water, followed by carbohydrates. Because it is low in
calories, it is a suggested food in weight loss diets. This fruit, on the other hand, contains
vitamins C, B5, B2 and B1 and several minerals. I decided to plant them because it was
something fast to grow and perfect to eat.

Work completed
I work with the plant approximately one week. First day, I cut a slice of tomato and placed it
in a glass with fertilized soil. Second day, I took the glass out in the sun for 15 minutes and
the next day the same and a few mL of water. At the end of the week you could see the plant
sprouting, it took a few minutes of sun and at the end of the day it was already upright.
Around it you could see some other small stems sprouting. After all the little plants are on a
in a suitable size, they were transferred to separate vessels to allow them to grow free.

Future work
When the plants in separate containers reach their proper size they will be transferred to the
ground. Because if you plant them too small, the rain could make them die.

Making a home garden is something super easy and beneficial. The best way to learn is by
doing an activity that you like. Planting a seed and watching it germinate, grow, and then
harvest it awakens imagination and curiosity. Today we can eat any fruit or vegetable at any
time of the year. Consuming your own food generates a feeling of satisfaction, in this way
you will reduce accumulated stress. To conclude, the most important thing on our planet is to
increase green areas and it is something in which everyone should participate.

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