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 Media buying executive

 Listener
 Ruthless (internally)
 Quick thinker
 Willing to slog it out
 Agency do focus group discussion in front of a moderator

 The mast head of news paper
The solo position (premium position on newspaper where they don’t allow more than 1 ad)
Premium page (often right sides). And left side for not so imp. Ads
Have to pay 100% premium for 1st page ad. And 50% for 2nd page
Same concept applies to digital marketing. For ag landing page has highest premium.
 In today scenario, Business collection is extremely important part.
 How advertising work
 Customer pays attention to those ads which are relevant to your circumstances
 e.g. Currently all ads are directly/indirectly connected to immunity or health
 Consumer do things only if the message motivates them t shift from their current
 Current belief- current do – e.g. People connect white cloths with summer
 ESP (Emotion Selling preposition) vs USP (Unique selling preposition)
 USP go for differentiator
1. e.g. Cadbury chocolate USP is
 e.g. Horlicks USP is Height
 e.g. Dettol USP is Kills 99.99%
 USP always holds logic (rational preposition)
 ESP talks about emotion
 e.g. Lifebuoy ESP if Freshness
 e.g. Apollo tire use ESP in ads “Bad roads go to good places”
 e.g. Spotify use USP in “Tinder match on the day of your break-up”
 Don’t have to give rational reasons in ESP
 Brief:
 Understand the product completely (not brand)
 What is good about your product and your competitor product
 First use your product yourself
 Know in’s and out’s
 Manage the information
 Arrange the data (organize in order to find easily when needed)
 Learnings from research
 Why its not working as expected
 Where is the leak of information?
 Have high integrity level when handling information
 Only share info/learning with whom you think should be knowing
 Select the key benefits
 Excite the creative team
 If creatives are happy you will get great outcomes
 Take steps to make creative team excite

 Find your greatness (line from Nike)
 Women like variety while shopping. Men have a soft corner for the salesperson
 Everyone worries every morning
 Dhakka Maro. Sorry bolo. Aage badho. (Way of survival in Mumbai)
 Car drivers look down upon three-wheelers, three wheelers look down upon 2
wheelers, & so on…
 Men often use water on thei


 Also, can be called as 7 box strategy
 Current belief is the insight.
 Preposition: Want product is offering.
 Don’t write more than 1 reason/key benefit (keep it clean n to point)
 Reason to buy product
 e.g. If thirsty buy Pepsi
 e.g. of ads areal have dirt buster that removes the dirt molecule
 In tunnel advertising changes your belief to what I want you to belief
e.g. CASTROL Advertising tunnel:
Preposition: use Castrol gtx becoz it will increase your bike resale value by 150%.
Statement to support preposition: Castrol have chemical that keeps your engine life
By this statement you make them belief that not all engine oil is same.

 Insight has to be relevant. Areal ads about better smell after wash did not work as
good as other country. Becoz Indian usually don’t care about smell & regular wash
that much.
 Preposition & positioning is core of branding. (one very powerful reason which
drives the campaign)
 People are rational and don’t easily believe so we need to support our preposition.
(Safola cardiac oil support with scientific facts)

 E.g. Lifeboy root strength: Always for bacteria
 Root strength is original attribute
 Tata Value is trust
 Always ask “If you don’t buy me then what would you buy” in order to know that
competitive environment. That mean if Dettol make any mistake then savlon get
benefit from it.
 Don’t have narrow target audience or very wide audience. (create persona)

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