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How to make MATAR PURI - skk, recipe by MasterChef Sanjeev Kapoor


How to make MATAR PURI - skk - Dough kneaded with green pea
puree, rolled into puris and deep-fried

This is a Sanjeev Kapoor exclusive recipe.

Main Ingredients : Fresh green peas puree (../ingredientssearch.aspx?search=Fresh green peas
puree&course=&cusine=) ( green
peas puree&course=&cusine=), Whole wheat flour (../ingredientssearch.aspx?search=Whole wheat
flour&course=&cusine=) ( wheat
Cuisine : Indian (../Indian-Cuisine)
Course : Snacks and Starters (../Allrecipes/course/Snacks-and-Starters)

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How to make MATAR PURI - skk, recipe by MasterChef Sanjeev Kapoor

MATAR PURI - skk Recipe Card

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History of Indian cuisine dates back to nearly 5,000-years ago when various groups and
cultures interacted with India that led to a diversity of flavours and regional cuisines.
Indian cuisine comprises of a number of regional cuisines. The diversity in soil type, climate,
culture, ethnic group and occupations, these cuisines differ from each other mainly due to
the use of locally available spices, herbs, vegetables and fruits. Indian food is also
influenced by religious and cultural choices and traditions.

2 of 4 12/1/2020, 7:57 PM
How to make MATAR PURI - skk, recipe by MasterChef Sanjeev Kapoor

Foreign invasions, trade relations and colonialism had introduced certain foods to the
country like potato, chillies and breadfruit.

Prep Time : 21-25 minutes

Cook time : 16-20 minutes
Serve : 4
Level Of Cooking : Easy
Taste : Spicy

Ingredients for MATAR PURI - skk Recipe

Fresh green peas puree 1 1/4 cups
Whole wheat flour 1 1/2 cups
Salt to taste
Ginger-green chilli paste 1 tablespoon
Oil 1 tablespo to deep fry
Sabzi to serve

Step 1
Take whole wheat flour in a parat, add salt, ginger-green chilli paste and green pea puree and
knead well. Add 1 tbsp oil and knead into stiff dough. Cover and set aside for 5 minutes.
Step 2
Divide the dough into equal portions and shape them into balls. Drizzle a little oil on the worktop
and roll each ball into a puri.
Step 3
Heat sufficient oil in a kadai, slide in the puris, one at a time, and deep fry till puffed up and
evenly cooked on both sides. Drain on absorbent paper.
Step 4
Arrange the puris on a serving platter and serve hot with a sabzi of your choice.

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How to make MATAR PURI - skk, recipe by MasterChef Sanjeev Kapoor

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Chef Sanjeev Kapoor is the most celebrated face of Indian cuisine. He is Chef
extraordinaire, runs a successful TV Channel FoodFood, hosted Khana Khazana
cookery show on television for more than 17 years, author of 150+ best selling
cookbooks, restaurateur and winner of several culinary awards. He is living his
dream of making Indian cuisine the number one in the world and empowering
women through power of cooking to become self sufficient. His recipe portal ( a complete cookery
manual with a compendium of more than 10,000 tried & tested recipes, videos,
articles, tips & trivia and a wealth of information on the art and craft of cooking in
both English and Hindi.

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