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OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Module 6 Assignment:
Career Plan Template
Section 1: Creating your BHAG
Following the information in the “Good to Great Connections” PowerPoint presentation and all
of the additional information provided under the Module 4 content area, and taking your Personal
Mission Statement development efforts into consideration, carefully develop your own personal
long term BHAG (***one amazingly HUGE, your world changing goal***). The timeframe for
your BHAG is 10-25 years out, however it will depend upon your age. For example, a 55 year
old person might be closer to the 10 year BHAG, whereas a 30 year old or younger person
should be considering a BHAG 25 years out. This BHAG may be related to your overall
life/lifestyle aspirations, or it could be related to some organizational, protean, or
entrepreneurial vision you have for the future. Dig deep and and go beyond the job. That is up to

Answer the following:

1) What is your BHAG (***one amazingly HUGE, your world changing goal***)?

By the year 2045 I will decrease the rate of juvenile crimes committed in the United

States by 80 percent. This will be done through the services provided by a nonprofit

organization I founded to reduce juvenile delinquency in America.

2) Why is this your BHAG?

As I look through my life, my personal narrative, vision statement, mission statement, my

own memories, my values, and through experienced of friends I have had I see a few common

themes. I know that I feel called to be of service to others. I see how crucial my childhood was in

shaping the person I am today, good and bad. I have seen this in my friends as well. I feel

specifically drawn to the concept of what happens when you are young really affects who you

become as an adult. I feel fortunate every day for the privileged I had, and I also am humbled by

seeing friends who did not have it the same as I have. I always had present parents, I always

lived in a safe area, always had food, always had help and was provided with love and guidance.

I have seen friends grow into adults and start to recognize many of their personal and

professional shortcomings stem from a lack of some of these seemingly basic necessities I had as

a child.

Through research I have found an interest in crimes committed by our youth in America.

Growing up in a law enforcement home I have always found all types of crime to be upsetting

and even unthinkable no matter what the circumstances, but something about crimes committed

by our children is particularly unsettling, especially violent crimes. Juvenile crime has decreased

overall in the last decade but shockingly the percent of murders committed by juveniles has

increased 21 percent (Juvenile Justice Statistics, Muhlhausen, 2020). Something is clearly

happening here, and I think it can ultimately be corrected and reduced. I think this requires more

attention to our youth, their emotions, their resources, their home lives, and what could be

lacking physically and emotionally. This passion for childhood development likely stems from

the value I have always placed in the family unit and importance of having a family. This

coupled with my calling to help others leads me to the idea of a nonprofit organization that can

satisfy both of those desires as well as my need for organizational structure that provides an

income. The goal is not just to have this nonprofit that provides children with more resources and

support, especially those at risk, but the goal is to make this nonprofit so successful that we

reduce these crime statistics even more so. I want to see change as a direct result of the work the

organization does.

I also know that I cannot live a life of just volunteering to help because I need stability of

a career, and I tend to feel comfortable in organizational settings which I have witnessed through

my own experiences as well as through assessments. I came to this goal using the guided

exercise that Jim Collins presents in the video on how to come up with your ow personal

hedgehog concept. I think my BHAG is something that will take time to accomplish and years of

outside experiences. The process of starting the nonprofit will take time as well as the many

years of outside experience I plan to get before and during the start of my nonprofit. The BHAG

I have come up with is exactly a BHAG, as in it is big and huge. It will not happen overnight or

over a few years. This goal, although can be a considered a professional goal, is more a personal

goal in my opinion. I want to seek out knowledge and experiences prior to beginning. I want this

to have the best possible outcome so the goal will take many years. I want to achieve a wealth of

outside information from alternate career paths that connect to the meaning of the nonprofit

organization, thus helping me accomplish my BHAG.

3) How does your BHAG align with your vision statement from Module 4?

“I know we cannot do this life alone so I am always there to help, and I will do it with a

smile, because others success is my own. “

I think often times our youth need more support and less alone time. I witnessed

my own mental health suffer in the times in my youth when I felt alone or lonely. I felt

my childlike happiness dissipate in those times I discussed in my personal narrative that I

felt like I did not have friends. Luckily for me I had my family, and this friendless era

was a short season in my life. As an adult I became close with someone who had a

complete opposite childhood to mine. She did not have the support of her family as a

young girl. She spent a lot of time alone because she also did not have siblings. She told

me stories in tears about times when there was no furniture or food in her home, constant

moving, and trouble sleeping because her parent just didn’t come home or call. This

friend of mine struggles as an adult in many areas of her life. She struggles with love and

affection, expressing emotions, and anxiety specifically in expecting bad things to

happen. I suspect all or most of these issues are rooted in the lack of support she had as a

child. As a teenager she found support in other ways, she found mentors that were not her

parents and she found support in friendships and outside family members and hobbies.

She did not become a delinquent or a criminal so I am not suggesting that all

children with a lack of support do, however I am sure many children that had similar

lifestyles to her could end up down the wrong path, especially if they are not rescued in a

sense. I think my vision statement proves that I want to somehow be that rescuer, or the

reason someone does not feel alone. I know that it is impossible, especially for a young

child. I think with support and love a huge difference can be made. I think my BHAG of

reducing juvenile delinquency is reflective of my vision because as I said life cannot be

done alone. It is hard, we need support. If our children are supported and cared for before

too much time passes, I think more of them will continue on the right path. I think having

a nonprofit organization that pours resources out to children in need we will see a change.

4) How does your BHAG align with your mission statement from Module 4?

“I found my purpose in helping others. Found joy in helping others. I have felt joy in

helping others heal by offering an ear and an open heart. I have learned that being there

for one another is the easiest thing I the world. It does not require skills or training you

simply just have to be open and willing. I have felt what it’s like to be lonely and in need

of a friend and I know I will never let someone I meet feel that way too. I have known

what it’s like to have someone rescue me from that sense of isolation and I will always

emulate what that person did for me. I find my identity in these opportunities and I find

joy in taking on the easiest task in the world. Being humane and kind because we are all

here together and this life was never meant to be done alone.”

My BHAG is reflective of my desire to make a positive impact on this world. My

big goal is not to become rich or create a work of art. My goal is to improve the lives of

children and reduce crimes committed by children who have been unfortunate or

unloved. I do not think children are born criminals. I think this is a result of their

environment and their resources so that being said ideally it should be almost entirely

preventable. There are crimes that can be considered accidents and there are crimes that

have intent behind them. Many say accidental crimes can be prevented with education,

but I also think the intended crimes committed by our youth can be prevented. I think my

nonprofit will not only educate children and their families, but we will also come up with

ways to find children in need, support children in broken homes, make sure that children

have the resources they are meant to have, and make sure children are being provided

with love and care that they deserve. I think my mission statement is about being a

provider, being loving and supportive and not letting people feel alone. This relates to my

BHAG as my desire to prevent others from feeling lonely starts with compassion for the

youth. This mission statement mindset, along with additional resources, could help me

reach my BHAG of reducing the rate of juvenile delinquency in America.

5) List your top five (5) obstacles in order from number 5 being least difficult and

number 1 being most difficult you need to overcome in order to obtain your BHAG

and explain the relevance of each one.

Obstacle 1

Measuring the objective can be very difficult as this will take years of statistics. This will

require a yearly SWOT assessment so to speak as we will need to evaluate year to year

strengths (what is going right as the organization) weaknesses (what is not going well)

opportunities (how we can grow bigger and closer to the BHAG) and threats (are there

any outside factors that are preventing us from reaching the BHAG each and every year).

This is not an overnight BHAG and the effort put in will be huge. Many people are

unable to stick to goals that are extremely long term, it is comforting to have instant

gratification when you put in hard work toward a goal. This however will require

patience and likely the results might not be clear instantly. This can be a challenge in

itself. It can also be difficult to find opportunity for progress from within, even with

SWOT assessments.

Obstacle 2

Although it is highly unlikely anyone would go against the work, we are doing there will

be obstacles in how we go about getting involved with the youth. There are many

programs that are intended for the youth that already exist, there are other nonprofits,

there are school counselors, there are places that provide a safe space for children after

school hours like safe key and Boys and Girls Club. The competition is not in the fact

that each organization is not doing good work it is just in the way that making room for

new services can be difficult. There is nothing wrong with having multiple organizations

that have similar missions, this can be a good thing in the humanitarian world. The

challenge comes from funding competition and making progress toward the BHAG.

Often times an organization does not get better if it is not constantly assessing and

evaluating itself from within, this goes for nonprofits as well. There is always room for

improvement and new ideas. I have created a large goal for the organization that I will

create, and this goal will require going where others already have and where they have

not. This can be difficult and will require cooperation and strategy and planning.

Obstacle 3

As I do not personally have an educational background in child psychology or therapy or

education this could be a hurdle, I face personally toward reaching the goal. This obstacle

will require me to either go back to school or rely on the outside help of other members

who have this background. Typically, if you have a goal to help youth or work with at

risk youth to make improvements you have to have some sort of knowledge on what is

going on psychologically. This is an obstacle as I plan to gain experience through

alternative career paths that not only teach me about youth mentorship but also about

founding and operating an organization. There will likely not be time for another degree

program if I plan to stick to career experience.

Obstacle 4

Finding people who are equally as passionate about saving our youth. This will require

not only passion but also people who have backgrounds that are relevant. This could

mean backgrounds in community outreach, business leadership, strategic planning, child

therapy, youth mentorship, child psychology, marriage and family therapy, and even

people who have worked with at risk youth before. Finding the people with the correct

backgrounds, passion, and being able to pay them wages can be difficult in a nonprofit

organization. The goal of reducing the crime rates will require the right people, and a lot

of them. To achieve the BHAG the nonprofit will need to grow and be recognized all

over the United States.

Obstacle 5

Raising funds for the nonprofit- The difficulty with nonprofit organizations is that you

need to fundraise. It costs a lot of money to operate an organization, provide resources,

research and have a staff and a location. There are many different ways to fundraise and

find sponsors, but this will take time and effort. The BHAG is not just to reduce crime

committed by youth in one state, it is for all of the United States which will require a lot

of growth and a LOT of fundraising as a nonprofit organization. This will continue on for

all years of the existence of the organization, even after the BHAG is accomplished, as

there will likely be a new similar BHAG to follow as Jim Collins suggests.

Section 2: Career Vision

Consider your long-term vision for your career. Respond to the following questions, and make

connections to your personal mission statement, your BHAG(s), the themes you developed in

Module 4, and the textbook/supplemental readings (as applicable).

Answer the following:

1) Analyze the type of career you want to have, in terms of an organizational career or

a protean career, make sure it is clear you understand the concepts as outlined in

the textbook. Why?

I want a career that provides me with financial stability and job security and

growth like an organizational career would, all while giving me certain freedoms of a

protean career. My most important thing is my family and being there for them always as

this was my number one value on our value checklist (Module 1). I would never want a

career that made me sacrifice that for a promotion. I do find the protean style career path

appealing in the sense that I can be more of my own boss rather than always reporting to

someone else, and that my freedom values are possible (Textbook, page 11).

I think my BHAG is something that takes a lot of steps to achieve. I think this

specific BHAG is meant to be completed after I’ve gained a more healthful array of

experiences that help me operate the most beneficial nonprofit for the youth. The

nonprofit is not necessarily meant to be a means of income and rather something I can do

to give back. I think being a founder of a nonprofit would require a lot of work but at the

same time would be more protean because I will be the founder and not working to climb

the organizational ladder. I think I want my careers to be something I can gain from.

During the assessments in previous modules, I scored in the moderately organizational

preference (score 3.42). I think this is accurate as long as my main values do not have to

be sacrificed, main value being family, as I scored highest in the family focus life facet


I think overall I prefer a career that values my values, or something along the lines

of my value and mission statement. I want to be able to act out my purpose of helping

others while still supporting myself financially. I do not need to make tons of money as

that is not one of my values, just enough to support my family. This also leads me to

believe a protean style career is more suitable as it is about psychological success rather

than its counterpart, organizational style, which is more salary driven (Textbook, page


2) Analyze your career with an explanation as one that moves you up the organization

or one you develop seeking alternative career paths. If you see yourself taking an

alternative career path, which one(s) sound the most likely? Why?

Currently my career is very organizationally structured as I work doing corporate

human resources for a chain of casinos. The structure here is about climbing up the

corporate ladder and getting as far as you can, while sacrificing a lot of time as 9-5 is a

guide but these roles require a lot of personal time sacrifice. This is likely because the

casino industry is operating 24/7 where I live so there is always work for the corporate

team as well. My best opportunity for growth would be to learn and absorb as much as I

can in my current role, reach out to leaders in the organization, seek opportunities and

take on new tasks as often as possible. Eventually when an opening within the

organization comes up, I can apply and interview. The more people who know you within

the organization the better your chances are of being selected. Putting yourself out there

is beneficial for climbing up the ladder.

That being said, I do see myself seeking alternative career paths. My BHAG takes

me in an alternate route that steers away from human resources. The time I spent/spend in

this role will be beneficial to my BHAG as it will be valuable to have human resources

background information for the start of my non-profit, as just as any organization it will

have employees. I think my education in Organizational Leadership will be beneficial as

well as I plan to start an organization myself, and everything I have learned about

organizational assessments, project management and leadership styles will help me reach

my BHAG faster. I feel as though the careers I need to seek out next to reach my BHAG

will be more focused on management, and philanthropic work. I also think spending

some time in a role that requires me to work with the youth will be crucial. This may

include a decrease in pay at some point, but I think the experience will be much more

valuable for my long-term goals. I also think that a role in another nonprofit organization

will be very beneficial as I can network and obtain more information on how to start one


3) Discuss and explain if you see yourself working an alternative or flexible work

schedule/arrangement? If so, which ones and why?

I believe I would prefer a daily flextime arrangement which is defined as “a

working schedule that enables the employee to vary their work hours on a daily basis”

(Textbook, page 156). I think this is important to me as it connects with my personal

value of having a family. Things come up and they cannot always be planned. I believe

that if you give people some leniency and trust they will work harder for you in the long

run. If you respect a person’s outside life and values, they will respect you more as a

leader. This is how I feel and what kind of style I would prefer. I do not want to feel like

my job is the only thing I have and that everything else works around work. I would

prefer to have a balance where I am dedicated to what I do because I love it, but that it

does not come above my personal values.

If this was not an option, my second choice would be the compressed work week

where the 40-hour work week is compressed into three or four days of longer hours. This

way a person has an extra weekend day or two to get outside things done. If I could pick

though I would prefer flex time. Working in organizationally structured environments I

have not seen flex time in operation. I have seen managers who care about their team

members offer leniency in workdays when things come up. In my future goals I will

hopefully be in leadership positions that allow me to decide these kinds of flexibilities. I

would ask my team what their personal preferences were, and we could come up with a


I think these preferences come from my values of family and freedom over

anything else. I also looked into my identity’s worksheet from previous modules and I do

not place my work identity as one of my most important. I am a bit of a contradiction as I

do find comfort in the structure of an organizational work. I think this goes to show that I

am just not yet in a place where I feel ready for protean careers. I want to make sure I

find work that adheres to my values first and foremost.

4) Research and post current, or past, job postings from your local area, across the

country, or from around the world which illustrate how you might reach your

BHAG. Be sure to provide the Job Title, a small description and why it supports

your BHAG when you provide the URL. Websites such as CareerBuilder, Monster,

or Indeed might be a good place to begin. Also, career-specific websites such as or often have job postings. Provide 2 listings for each of the

following time periods:

a. 2 years from today

Child and Youth Program Technician

- The technician works in either a court, detention center, or juvenile justice program and has

several duties, which include processing bookings, maintaining order and discipline, while also

maintaining sight and sound supervision of booking area. They will contact families and law

enforcement, determine if juveniles are physically or mentally impaired, intoxicated, or under the

influence of drugs. They arrange for immediate treatment services if the juvenile is impaired in any

way. The technician also issues warrants on youth as needed and interviews the children to obtain

pertinent information. They will assess juveniles’ safety by conducting assessments. Maintains

records and case files, writes reports, statements, correspondence, and other written materials.

Performs office and administrative duties and will also transport juveniles.

This supports my BHAG as it is crucial for me to gain some experience working with the youth,

specifically the at-risk youth. This position will give me exposure to the kinds of things I would like

to prevent in the future. I think it is important to see just what kind of things happen in the world of

juvenile delinquency. Exposure is one of the best ways to get involved, and eventually make an

impact. I would also like to see how these things are handled systematically, what the children go

through, and all of the processing that takes place. The more background info the better for my

future BHAG.


PTH Youth and Family Assistant – Juvenile Justice

- Monitors the safety and security of delinquent youth housed in a correctional residential

facility. They will assist in youth intake, planning recreational activities, helping with schoolwork,

ensuring and teaching appropriate behavior, transportation, and family visitation. They provide

supervision and treatment and teach appropriate living and social skills. They establish and

maintain working relationship with community resources to facilitate services for youth. They will

also monitor conditions of probation.

Again, this job will give me exposure to troubled youth, the very group I want my

nonprofit to help. I will be able to see trends in crimes, age groups, and learn some background

information from the children themselves. What is specifically important to me is the aspect of

developing relationships with this group particularly, as this will give me the best insight in how

exactly these young adults can be helped, and potentially what they need to improve. I think

relationships are the best way to inspire change in others. AT this point the Nonprofit may not be

operational yet, but I will be able to start making a difference, this will be beneficial toward my

BHAG in the future.



5 years from today

Residential Technician – Substance Abuse

- Assists residents in performance of activities of daily living in accordance with

goals and problem areas. They provide individualized treatments plans, participate in

continuing education activities, substance abuse treatments, and maintain records for clients

and programs. The technician will also monitor administrations of medications, ensure to

interact with clients in a confidential, therapeutic, and responsible manner while

maintaining a high level of ethical conduct. They will also manage crisis and emergency


I think working with individuals with substance abuse problems will give me an

opportunity to hear stories. Stories that lead to a beginning point of abuse. These stories

will hold clues as to what happened in these individuals lives to get them here. I think

putting yourself in the mind of an addict can also provide insights in how to help them.

This position may not deal strictly with the youth which is where my BHAG is focused but

it will give me a range of expertise that youth also struggle with. Some juvenile delinquents

use and abuse drugs, and some have family members that use and abuse drugs. I will take

personal notes on what kind of help they need, what kind of attitudes they have, what kind

of emotions I witness, and what kind of story trends I hear.



Youth Mentor

- The Youth Mentor supports and ensures ongoing operations and activities of the

residential facility. They understand behaviors, developmental needs, physical needs, emotional

needs, and aid in providing comfort for the child.

This position will be less of an observative position and more of a skills-based position.

Here I will learn more about the inner workings of a child’s mind. This will give me further

insights as to what types of events could lead to behavioral and emotional changes in a child. I

know that lack of resources and lack of emotional connection could cause trauma for a child, but

this mentor position will allow me a wider variety of insights. My BHAG requires me to

understand children’s needs and what type of comfort they require. Since I will not have the

educational background in child psychology this mentor position will give me an adequate

experience-based background to start.












10 years from today

Foster Program Recruitment and Retention Specialist

- The specialist serves at risk and/or disadvantaged youth and their families. They prepare

monthly rosters and updates, develop and implement recruitment plans, perform quality assurance

audits on licensing documentation, conduct home evaluation visits of potential foster care

providers, and act as a liaison to licensing authorities by performing initial licensing and clearance

practices and renewal for staff and foster families. The specialist will also conduct on-site home

visits to ensure compliance from families with safety standards.

Again, this position will get me closer to my BHAG as It will get me exposed to the foster

care system where many children suffer emotionally. It will give me exposure to many at risk and

troubled youth and their backgrounds. This position will also give me an opportunity to help. As I

hope I have my Nonprofit operational at this point I think networking and having an in at a foster

care system will be crucial. I mentioned one of the difficulties being, getting the organization out

there but I think with a network of people from foster cares it could be easier. I also think many of

the statistics of juvenile delinquency comes from troubled youth in foster care systems.


Program Manager for Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada

- The Program Manager supports volunteers and implements new, progressive girl

programming. They will plan events for girls at all age levels, develop and manage presentation of

virtual programming, design curriculum and provide program opportunities and adult enrichment

trainings. The Program Manager will cultivate community partnerships, participate in reporting,

budgeting, goal setting, strategic planning, and participate in team meetings.

This position will be crucial in the operation of my Nonprofit as Girl Scouts is a nonprofit

organization. This will be a great network of people who can teach me a wealth of information

when starting and maintaining a nonprofit. I think in this position I can really learn the business set

up aspect of an organization. I will meet people and ask questions on how they fundraised in the

beginning, how they keep it up and maintain, how they budget and how they reach goals. This will

really be important for reaching my BHAG down the road.




Parent Educator – MIECHV

- The Parent Educator will work with low-income families to achieve successful

outcomes for expectant mothers, as well as children of all backgrounds and abilities. They

will recruit families in need and determine eligibility, selection, enrollment, and attendance.

They will plan a written curriculum for families participating in the program, prepare

lesson plans in collaboration with parents, provide materials to parents, develop individual

plans for children including goal setting, and implement age-appropriate learning activities

to advance intellect and emotional competence. They will support parents to provide and

environment in which the children develop cognitive and social skills appropriate for their

age. The Educator will model positive guidance and discipline while assisting parents to

provide children with a consistent routine

I think a major cause of children committing crimes comes from their family

background and upbringing. Sometimes this just comes down to resources or income of the

family. Some children that go down a negative path could be coming from a family who

does not make enough money to feed everyone, a family that may have to normalize petty

theft to put food on the table, a family of stress, chaos, and anxiety due to lack of resources.

The children may be neglected emotionally because the parents are distracted and wrapped

up in finances. The possibilities are endless but based on my own experiences and research,

parents play a huge role in who a child becomes. One study done by stated

that “Parental rejection appears to influence delinquency. However, delinquent behavior

produces considerable stress within the family and may lead to parental rejection” (Wright,, page 17). I think this is notable as my BHAG is to reduce juvenile crime, this

often means backtracking and finding pre sources of the problem.


Division Manager – Community Care Program

- The Division Manager will interview, hire and train the Area Sales Managers to service

the Community Care Program. They will help develop sales strategies and plans to

enhance market share, operation margins, while reviewing and analyzing branch office

admission. They will communicate with the Regional VP of sales to discuss account

strategies and develop Area Sales Managers to perform at their highest potential in

order to achieve performance goals.

This position will help my BHAG accomplishment in a more business strategic manor. This

position will couple community outreach with the aspect of planning, operating and analyzing a

business. This is equally as important as the concept of the BHAG, the system of obtaining it,

being the nonprofit organization, I create.



b. BHAG Achievement Year

(For my BHAG this is dependent on eventually working solely for the

nonprofit I will have created, but these two listings below could give me

similar experience or really help me with the BHAG.)

Corporate Philanthropy Manager

- The Philanthropy manager will develop and implement diverse and effective

strategies to engage corporate and community partnerships to meet objectives. They will

develop strategic moves in management and plan to monitor progress of donor

relationships to fund the company’s lifesaving work. They will align corporate affinities

and needs to achieve income goals and further the company’s impact and mission. They

will also oversee delivery and provide ongoing and scheduled reports to the VP.


This position is equivalent to what I should be doing within my own nonprofit organization. This

could teach me the necessary skills to meet my objective or my BHAG. This will also give me

management experience in a very humanitarian company. I will need experience with strategies,

management and monitoring progress for within my own organization.

Senior Director – Engagement

- The Senior Director is responsible for developing, diversifying, and implementing

strategic fundraising directions of the organization to increase financial support and

awareness, in line with the organization’s overall goals and strategies. They will manage

and partner with key stakeholders and will be responsible for growing the organization’s

major giving program, while also overseeing the annual fund and other fundraising

campaigns. They will also be responsible for planning, budgeting, forecasting and


Many companies have an engagement team that deals with their community

outreach projects and fundraising. Considering a nonprofit is financed through fundraising

it will be crucial to learn strategic fundraising through a larger organization. This will help

round out my skills that I have learned over the past years in a more technical manner. I

think learning a more developed and strategic approach to fundraising will be beneficial for

my BHAG.













Section 3: Long-Term Strategy

Develop a strategy for moving toward your ideal future work/life situation and the realization of

your BHAG(s). Consider the timeframe for your BHAG(s). Provide a vivid description of life

“the way it will be” once your BHAG is realized.

1) Critically think about and then list out (not a narrative format) the interim steps or

milestones you have laid out for yourself that will aid you in reaching your BHAG

(you should have at least 10 to earn a rating of excellent and be referenced by time)

. Adequate research over the course of a year on nonprofit organizations, community

outreach, as well as Juvenile statistics. (1 year)

2. Spend time volunteering in as many facilities with at risk children. (3 years)

3. Find career path that puts me in a mentor position where I can learn skills to actually

assist the at-risk youth. (5 years)

4. Network with leaders in the foster care system (2 years)

5. Continue education more emphasis on child psychology (2 years)

6. Network with nonprofit owners and find mentors (2 years)

7. Learn business skills through career growth (3 years)

8. Climb to upper management within an organization (2 years)

9. Find a philanthropic themed management career to learn engagement skills (5 years)

10. Study statistics yearly (every year at least until BHAG is accomplished…25 years)

11. Keep in contact with children who have come in contact with my nonprofit


12. Maintain relationships with families (longterm)

13. Provide continually support to at risk youth and parents (future post BHAG)

14. Create more BHAGS continuously (future post BHAG)

Once I accomplish my BHAG I will see a continuous decline in crime committed by youth in

America. I will continue my organizations efforts toward this goal, and I will continue

creating new BHAG’s as Jim Collins suggests.

2) In addition to career-related roles, consider your other life roles in relation to your

career goals. Revisit your responses to the Identities Exercise that you completed in

Module 1 of the course. Based on your long-term strategy what are the 3 most

precious things you are willing to sacrifice, besides time, to achieve your BHAG?


I find my identity through many facets of my life, my family, my friends, my hobbies, my

work, my politics, my religion, my athletics, my time spent, my education etc. Many

areas I am not willing to give up as t hey are a huge part of who I am. I would sacrifice

my identity in the area of political affiliation, religious affiliation and volunteer activity. I

chose the first two because these are small parts of my identity and not something that

consumes a lot of my time and could be sacrificed. I do not need to express these

identities in my career role as I do not think they would contribute in any beneficial way.

I think if I lost these identities I would still hold true to who I am overall. When thinking

of why these are a part of my identity I struggle to hold them as more important than

some of my other identifying attributes. These attributes only influence my actions in

small parts of my life, like Sundays at church and elections every four years. I do wish I

could hold these as more valuable identifying favtors but if there was a need to sacrifice

to reach my goals I would select these factors.

I chose to sacrifice my identity with volunteer activity which was much harder for

me to decide to sacrifice. Volunteering is important to me as it coincides with my calling

to help others. I do feel this influences my priorities and actions but can be substituted by

the value of the work not the cost of the work. I feel I can sacrifice this though because if

I am working toward my BHAG it will fulfil that humanitarian desire to help. It will be

working toward a bigger cause which is why I always enjoyed creating part of my

identity in volunteer work.

Section 4: The one to two year plan

Using a SMART goals-based approach, as well as project planning and management skill best

practices, create a detailed project plan for at least two specific goals. At least one must be

related to your long-term BHAG. The other may be related to some other aspect of your career

development or career-life integration. Both of these goals need to be things that you are

passionate about accomplishing.

Your selected goals and SMART plan (see SMART goal information provided in the module)

should be structured based on a one to two-year timeline. It should include specific milestones,

action items, sub-tasks as well as task-related interdependencies as applicable. With respect to

each goal, critically think about what specifically are the things you will do in the next one to

two years to achieve these goals.

Develop a clear and detailed SMART plan, with facilitating goals and steps/actions required

to accomplish your selected goals. It should be evident, by looking at the format and structure

of your plan, that you have developed some significant skills respect to project management.

Include Gantt charts (T) or other visual project representations as you see fit, and be sure to

address your approach to tracking/measuring your progress (M).

1) What is your #1 Goal? (at least one of the following must be related to your BHAG)

To save up $10,000 by the end of 2022 for a new car.

Goal: Save $10,000 by the end of 2022 for a new car

Planned start date-NOVEMBER 30 2020 Planned Finish date- NOVEMBER 30 2022

Actual Start Date-TBD Actual Finish date- TBD

Planned Allocated Time- 2 YEARS Actual Time Invested-

Planned Contingencies- Work income changes, family needs, emergencies

Actual Contingencies- TBD

Tasks and Subtasks

1. Review past 6 months pay stubs

1. access company website

2.  view checks

3.  Record information in spreadsheet

b. Review expenses last 6 months


2. Review bill payments

3. Review expenses for living

4. Review expenses for pleasure

5. Review left over amount

6. Record in spreadsheet

c. Find places to cut costs

a. Review necessity and non-necessity

b. Come up with realistic pleasure spending amount

c. Cut out what is not realistic

a. Come up with a savings possibility potential

a. Come up with ideal savings maximum

b. Come up with savings minimum

1. C. Take note in spreadsheet

b. Open separate account for savings

a. This can be done at the bank or with envelopes at home

c. Continue to keep track of spending in spreadsheet for potential changes

d. Collect money bi-weekly

a.Every paycheck set 200-250 aside

e. Plan for potential contingencies

a. Emergencies, income changes etc.

Specific (provide details about the goal) This goal is to save up a specific amount of money that

can be used to put a down payment on a new car for myself. I chose this amount as it leaves me

an average down payment cost plus extra to use for any other needs such as insurance and car

payments. My car is much older and not practical for a growing family as it is a two-door

vehicle. I need something bigger in the coming years.

Measurable (explain how you’ll measure your progress or completion) I will be able to measure

this goal if I actually have the amount suggested saved and if I am able to begin the process of

buying a new car comfortably without putting myself in debt.

Attainable (explain why this is possible) I finally have a career-oriented role doing human

resources for the corporate office of a large casino chain. This position has provided me with a

higher income in the last year than I have had in the years prior, as well as growth opportunity

and a chance for merit increases every year.

Relevant (explain why this matters to you) I am in my mid-twenties and this is an appropriate

time in my life and career to start putting my money toward something I will own, rather than

just day to day expenses and bills and barely getting by. My car is very old and likely does not

have many good years left of operation. I need to start thinking of a car that is more practice for a

growing family.

Time-Based (provide the timeframe in which you’ll complete this goal) This goal spans over the

course of 2 years which should be plenty of time if I put aside 200 to 250 dollars every couple of


Car Saving Gantt Chart

10/16/20 11/5/20 11/25/20 12/15/20 1/4/21 1/24/21 2/13/21
Review 6 month pay stubs 11/30/20
Review Expenses 6 months 12/1/20
Find places to cut costs 12/10/20
Devise savings possibility plan 12/17/20
Open Savings Account 12/27/20
Keep track of spending 1/5/21
Collect bi-monthly 1/14/21
Contingencies 1/1/21

Start Date Duration

2) What is your #2 Goal? (at least one of these must be related to your BHAG)

Raise $5000 dollars for my local child haven by November 2022 with various


Goal: Raise $5,000 via fundraisers for my local child haven by November 2022

Planned start date-NOVEMBER 30 2020 Planned Finish date- NOVEMBER 30 2022

Actual Start Date-TBD Actual Finish date- TBD

Planned Allocated Time- 2 YEARS Actual Time Invested-

Planned Contingencies- Work income changes, family needs, emergencies, time

constraint for fundraising

Actual Contingencies- TBD

Tasks and Subtasks

1. Research fundraising ideas online

1. Log potential ideas

2. Contact leaders to help get set up

2. Block of 1-2 days a week from my calendar

1. Keep Sundays available and free to fundraise

3. Post on social media about each fundraiser date and details and cause

1. Use Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat

2. Ask family members and friends to share

4. If needed contact building owners for permission to fundraise on their


1. This could be a parking lot for a car wash etc.

5. Gather materials needed

1. Example: soap and buckets…

2. Gather friends and family or people who may want to volunteer to

help for the cause

6. Arrive early and set up

1. Bring signs, all equipment, and make sure everyone helping

knows when to arrive.

7. Keep organized

1. Be prepared to clean

2. Have a secure envelope for funds raised

3. Send volunteers a thank you note

8. Plan for contingencies

1. Cancellations, lack of help, lack of permission, scheduling


a. S This is a specific goal as I have set a reasonable amount of money, I have set a

deadline with a purpose (right before Christmas of 2022) and I want to use

fundraising to achieve this. I do not want to simply save from my own earnings as

I think it is important to learn fundraising techniques as this will be a major factor

in the startup of my nonprofit and in the success of my BHAG.

b. M I will be able to measure this goal if I raise the set amount of money and if I

collect it all via fundraiser and not from my own earnings. This will be measured

in my ability to start my project.

c. A I currently have a set work schedule that does not change or waver, so I know

when I am free and available to start fundraising. I can dedicate one day every

weekend to this goal over the course of two years. There are many fundraisers

that can be done that do not require you to have a lot to begin with, such as car

washes and bake sales.

d. R This is relevant as my BHAG is to reduce the rate of juvenile delinquent crimes

committed in the united states by the year 2045. This will require a lot of pre

work. This is relevant as I will need to start somewhere that can begin my journey

down the road that leads me to this long-term goal. Fundraising is a crucial part of

my BHAG as nonprofits survive from sponsorship and fundraising alone. This

will be a good short-term goal to get me some exposure and experience

fundraising for a goal that also benefits children, similarly to my long term


e. T This goal is for two years out as well, which is the start of my BHAG. I need to

begin by researching nonprofits and how to start one, understanding at risk youth,

and gaining as much information I can about the percentages of juvenile

committed crimes. This is a small start to my BHAG that can be time tracked in

two years.

(Insert Gantt Chart)

Fundraiser Gantt Chart

10/16/20 11/5/20 11/25/20 12/15/20 1/4/21 1/24/21 2/13/21
Review 6 month pay stubs 11/30/20
Review Expenses 6 months 12/1/20
Find places to cut costs 12/10/20
Devise savings possibility plan 12/17/20
Open Savings Account 12/27/20
Keep track of spending 1/5/21
Collect bi-monthly 1/14/21
Contingencies 1/1/21

Start Date Duration


Collins, J. (2020). Jim Collins. Retrieved November 26, 2020, from

Harrington, B, & Hall, D. T. (2007). Career management & work/life integration: Using

self-assessment to navigate contemporary careers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Publications, Inc.

Indeed. (n.d.). Retrieved November 26, 2020, from

Muhlhausen, D. (2020). Juvenile Justice Statistics 2018. Retrieved from

Wright, K., & Wright, K. (1993). Family Life and Delinquency and Crime. Retrieved 2020, from


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