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Activity: 2

Let’s try to reflect on certain experiences in your life that you tend to wonder and search for
the meaning and how philosophy works in your daily life.

1. How philosophy affects your everyday life, and how it affects your decision making?
Philosophy has helped me in many ways especially in making decisions. As we all know,
Philosophy is a way of thinking about the world, the universe and society. That being said, it
helped me think through all the options that I can think of before undertaking. With this, I
can avoid misconceptions of the situation. Personally, I would make an outline questions
and find possible answers for them afterwards. This will help me visualize the possible
outcomes if per se I would choose that option for a certain dilemma or situation. Fran
Lebowitz once said, “Think before you speak. Read before you think.” Hence, thinking
through the possible outcomes of each decision you will make, will always be a great
measure when choosing the best decision.
2. What was the most unforgettable experience you had that somehow test and change
your philosophy in life?
Honestly speaking, I can’t think of any unforgettable experience that changed my
philosophy in life. I always thought that every day of my life is an experience of how
philosophy will change me overtime. Every day is full of lessons to learn from and whole
new perspective for everything. Philosophy helps me assure that manipulation and poor
arguments will have a lower impact on my beliefs. I am a person who have strong stance
and that I don’t easily give up on defending what I stand for. Unless, the other side have
stronger stance and I know I can’t recharge it to put foundation on my stance. I know where
I should stand and that I accept my mistakes. Everyone has different views on certain things
and that we should validate everyone’s opinion, unless they really are in the wrong stand.
3. In the light of a health crisis, how does philosophy or doing philosophy be a factor on the
mindset of an ordinary Filipino?

Philosophy has helped us so much that it became mostly our basis on how we view things
and our foundation of knowledge. In this phase of crisis, Philosophy has been a great help. It
helped us in a way where we use our intellectual to think thoroughly to help in the midst of
this crisis. In fact, there are some of our fellow Filipinos who made masks using fabrics,
which helped a lot, especially that time of the pandemic where masks were mostly out of
stock. This proves that doing Philosophy helps a lot in terms of critical thinking and how we
could use our intellectual in making decisions for the good of our country.
Rubrics to follow for Activity 1.

Points Criteria
5 Sharp, distinct controlling points made about a
single topic with evident awareness of the task
4 Apparent point made about a single topic with
sufficient awareness of the task
3 Neutral apparent point but evidence of a specific
2 Minimal evidence of a topic
1 No evidence of the knowledge of the topic

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