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Division of City Schools


Ecols St. Brgy. Commonwealth,
Quezon City


First Semester – SY 2020 – 2021





What words come into your mind when you hear the word philosophy? Write the words in the graphic organizer





Answer the following questions on the space provided.

1. What does it mean to be a lover of wisdom?

Lover of wisdom means being a person who is closer to God than
to the human world. It means being a cultured, confident and
polite human being. It means being a simple believer who lives
high-minded, brave and kind.
2. What characteristics should a philosopher possess?
A philosopher must have deep humility and resist the spirit of
pride. A philosopher is always unsure of the answer and comes to
a problem or concept from various angles to debunk. A truly
good philosopher wants to persevere in their quest to find the
answers they seek, because philosophers are seekers of
knowledge and wisdom, and the more determined they are to find
answers to their questions, the more productive they will be in

3. When you describe someone as “pilosopo” what do you mean?

In the Philippines, being a “pilosopo” is someone who is always
sarcastic, and asking rhetorical questions. Instead of giving a
straight answer, a “pilosopo” would sarcastically answer.
Additionally, it means they take it too literally, you are given
overthinking in response to your statement, thus making them the
"philosophical genius" for what they want you to care about.

4. How do you feel when someone calls you “pilosopo”? Why do you feel that
Being called a “pilosopo” is a huge slap in the face. It’s a way of
shutting down reasoned discourse, instead of attempting to refute
the logic in question. I feel disrespectful when someone calls me
“pilosopo” due to the negative connotation of the word pilosopo
is an indication of the Filipinos “low regard for critical thinking”
and the Filipinos “anti-intellectualism.”
1. Can everyone be a philosopher? Explain your answer.
Yes! Probably, anyone can be everything if the individual has the potential and
determination running through his veins. Anyone who understands or has adopted a
certain application of reason has become a philosopher. Anyone can be a philosopher
in the sense that there are no exceptions, such as being poor or not having leather
patches on jacket elbows, but having said that it is not good for everyone. You have to
be very intelligent and/or trained and educated, and you will probably need some
cognitive styles.

2. How can a person benefit from philosophizing?

 One of the greatest benefits is that it stimulates your mind. The advantage of
philosophy is that, through philosophy, one learns to ask questions, to distinguish
between good and useless questions and how to divide and prioritize these questions
because it makes one learn questions, think independently and broaden prospects.
person. Philosophy encourages students to explore questions that test their ideas and
beliefs. It offers students the opportunity to reflect on topics that are often
oversimplified by society at large and traditional educational disciplines.


Explain the negative and the positive connotations of the word ‘pilosopo”.
The word "pilosopo" has many meanings, most of which are negative. Some have
concluded, including articles I have read, that the negative connotation of the word
"pilosopo" is indicative of Filipinos' "low appreciation of critical thinking" and Filipino "anti-
intellectualism". So arguing with someone older than you is considered rude. This
relationship philosophy places greater value on respect and relationships than
argumentation in the face of situations. On the other hand, the Tagalog word "pilosopo"
translates to "philosopher" in English. It refers to people who practice philosophy, the study
of ideas about knowledge, truth, nature and life. A philosopher seeks wisdom.

Make a reflection journal where you will write your answers to the following questions:
1. Among the needs that drive man to philosophize, which is most relevant to you?

The love of wisdom, rather the perceived need for wisdom, is what initially drives a man to
philosophize. I'm kind of an anxious human being; I've been my whole life. New
experiences and things interest me. I did not withdraw from them. I've always wanted a
way to "know everything about every topic". And I always wanted to find my niche. I found
it. This is human nature. We are biologically programmed to seek knowledge, without
2. Describe a situation in your life when you were able to engage in philosophy. What circumstances or
dilemma brought about your need to philosophize? How did philosophy help you address your situation?

An example of a circumstance or situation in your life when you were able to engage in
philosophy, one of the circumstances or dilemma brought about your need to philosophize,
a dilemma that brought about my need to philosophize is when I have to choose between
working and studying here in Manila while I'm leaving my son at the province or continue my
studies at the province close to my son and have a blind-eye of the poverty my family is
facing. I had to philosophize about this because I need to be physically, mentally, and
emotionally strong before choosing the cause. The best decision for me was to think about
my family's future, especially my child. After philosophizing, I realized that if I won’t start
educating myself, insensitivity, apathy, and immaturity will take over me. The root of the
crisis in our community these days is being immature and lazy to correct what's right and
keep being dependent. Thus, this is an example of of a situation in my life when I was able
to engage in philosophy.

3. Reflect on your life so far. Can you say that you have lived a meaningful life, considering all your
experiences and achievements? What do you consider as the “highlights” of your life? What things are you
looking forward to in the future?

We live in an age when many of us in our generation does not face the real life yet. Despite
the fact that my experience was unexpected to me and to many, it made me realize that my
life is worth living for. On top of that, my life is meaningful by virtue of the journey I’ve been
through and how I overcame the obstacles that kept me trembling. The highlights that I
consider in my life is being a mother that sacrifices, being selfless and now mature enough
to always do everything for my child and family’s future. The things I’m looking forward to in
the future is having a successful, peaceful, bountiful and joyful life with my family.

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