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Fitness Testing (Session 1) September 15, 2020 Johnston

Fitness Testing (Session 1)

Grade: 7 Subject: Physical Education Unit: Personal Development Lesson Duration: 48 min

Overview of lesson
This class is schedule to take place on the first indoor Physical Education class of the
year. To start the class, the educator will meet the students at their classroom and lead
them to the gym, where they will then announce today is the first session of Fitness
Testing. Following which, the educator will acknowledge that today is about setting our
personal base lines and not about competing with our classmates. Following which, the
educator will break students into their “heats” and assign them to their station. Following
which time, the educator will walk students through each station (described on the last
page). Following the completion of each fitness test, students MUST report their results to
the educator, who will then keep a written record. Time permitting, students may take a
second attempt at any of the fitness tests. To conclude the lesson, the educator will have
students wipe down the equipment they used, and return them back to their class, where
they will wait for their homeroom teacher to dismiss them for lunch.

OUTCOMES FROM 2013 MINISTERIAL ORDER: Cross-curricular Competencies

Outcomes (a to j from M.O.):
a – know how to learn: to gain knowledge, understanding or skills through experience, study, and
interaction with others;
b – think critically: conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate to construct knowledge;
e – innovate: create, generate and apply new ideas or concepts;
f – create opportunities through play, imagination, reflection, negotiation, and competition with an
entrepreneurial spirit:
h- demonstrate good communication skills and the ability to work cooperatively with others.

Alberta Program of Study

GENERAL OUTCOME A Students will acquire skills A7–13 demonstrate activity-specific skills in a variety
through a variety of developmentally appropriate of individual pursuits; e.g., power walk
movement activities; dance, games, types of
gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an
alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor
Critical Questions
Unit Inquiry Question:
- How can I measure personal fitness growth?

Lesson Guiding Questions

Fitness Testing (Session 1) September 15, 2020 Johnston
Lesson Guiding Questions:
- What kinds of physical activities can we measure to display personal growth?
- How can we measure personal growth?
- Why do we measure personal abilities over a period of time?

Learning Objectives
I can …
- Set a base line for personal performance abilities, which I can use to reflect on my own
personal growth.

Learning Resources Consulted

Resource #1: The Physical Education Program of Studies was utilized in the planning of this
lesson. This was done to ensure both validity and reliability in the planning process of this lesson
and to guide the delivery of content.

Materials and Equipment

- Jump Rope - Timer
- Standing Jump Mat - Pylons

Lesson Procedure
Introduction (5 min.):
Hook / Attention Grabber - To hook students into the lesson, the educator will announce that
students will be participating in a fitness testing session today.
Expectations for Learning and Behavior - The expectations for Learning Behavior for this class
is as follows:
- Practice attentive listening
o Cell phones away
o Eye contact
- Be respectful
o Mistakes make us human, do not laugh if your classmates make a mistake
- Participate in class activity
- Try your best
- Have Fun
Transition to Body - To transition to the lesson, the educator will lead the students to the gym.
Body (40 min.):
Steps and Procedures Identify Teaching Strategies:
Heats Inquiry based learning will be
- The educator will break students into their “heats” utilized in this lesson. This will be
and assign them to their station. done to provide students with the
o Each heat will have a leader, whom will opportunity to experience and examine
collect results and times and report them to their personal physical abilities, and
the educator at the end of class. collect data which will be utilized for
further growth measurement at a later

Fitness Testing (Session 1) September 15, 2020 Johnston
- The educator will walk students through each
station (described on the last page).
- Following the completion of each fitness test,
students MUST report their results to the educator,
who will then keep a written record.

Giving it Another Try

- Time permitting, students may take a second
attempt at any of the fitness tests.

Safety Consideration
1. Students will be reminded that today’s lesson is about personal growth. As such students
are encouraged to listen to their bodies and not push themselves beyond the point of
maximum performance.
2. As today’s class involved running. Students will be reminded to pay attention to their
surroundings in order to prevent collision.

Formative: Formative assessment will take place in the form of check ins and accomplishment
recording. This will be done to establish a strong, unbiased base line for students to compare their
individual progress to in the coming months.
Summative Assessment: As this lesson will be utilized to establish a base line for future
assessment, summative assessment will not take place in this lesson.

Injured students will be exempted from this lesson.
For auditory learners, the educator will verbally explain each station to the class.
For visual learners, the educator will physically demonstrate the expectations of each
For kinesthetic learners, students will be invited to participate to the best of their abilities
in each station.

Consolidating and Closure (5 min)

Transition to Next Lesson(s): The educator will pass out wipes and students will wipe down any
equipment they used. Students will then be led back to their classroom where they will wait until
they are dismissed for lunch by their homeroom teacher.

Feedback from Students on Learning:

Reflective Notes

Fitness Testing (Session 1) September 15, 2020 Johnston

Fitness Testing (Session 1) September 15, 2020 Johnston
Fitness Testing: Session 1 Stations

Physical Education 7 Moll

1. Sit Ups

- At this station, students will perform as many sit ups as possible before their
body tells them to stop. Once completed they will record their results.
o Students are encouraged to try at least twice to find their limit. (i.e. 20
sit ups, 1 min break, second try 35 sit ups)
2. Push Ups

- At this station, students will perform as many sit ups as possible before their
body tells them to stop. Once completed, they will record their results.
Students are encouraged to try at least twice to find their limit.
3. Plank

- At this station, students will hold a plank for as long as possible. To time, the
leader of the heat will start the timer for everyone. When a student drops the
leader will yell out the time which the student must then record.
4. Chin Hang (With Miss Johnston)

- Students will hang from a chin up bar as long as possible, whilst holding a
chin up position. Miss Johnston will facilitate this.
5. Shuttle Run

- Students will run back and forth twice, whilst doing line touches. Students
will then run through the top line the second time, at which point the time
will be stopped.
6. Standing Jump (With Miss Johnston)

- Standing on the standing jump mat, students will jump as far as possible
from a standing position. Miss Johnston will facilitate this.

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