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Personal Narrative September 15, 2020 Johnston

Personal Narrative

Grade: 7 Subject: Humanities Unit: Who I am Lesson Duration: 48 min

Overview of lesson
This lesson was created to take place on the eight day of the Who I Am unit for a grade 7 English
class. To start the class, the educator will lead a whole group discussion surrounding the question,
“What is a personal narrative?” Following which, students will be provided with 5 minutes to both
brainstorm with their partner and share their definitions. Following the discussion, the educator
will lead in a power point presentation, dictating what a personal narrative is to students. Students
will then participate in a carousel reading of personal narratives for the remainder of the class.
During this time, the educator will play soft music. To conclude the class, students will clean up
their areas, return borrowed materials and head to their next class.

OUTCOMES FROM 2013 MINISTERIAL ORDER: Cross-curricular Competencies

Outcomes (a to j from M.O.):
a – know how to learn: to gain knowledge, understanding or skills through experience, study, and
interaction with others;
b – think critically: conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate to construct knowledge;
d – manage information: access, interpret, evaluate and use information effectively, efficiently, and
e – innovate: create, generate and apply new ideas or concepts;
f – create opportunities through play, imagination, reflection, negotiation, and competition with an
entrepreneurial spirit:
h- demonstrate good communication skills and the ability to work cooperatively with others.

Alberta Program of Study


GLO 1 Students will listen, speak, read, write, extend understanding of ideas and
view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, information by finding and exploring oral, print and
feelings and experiences. other media texts on related topics and themes reflect on own observations and experiences

to understand and develop oral, print and other
media texts Listen and respond constructively to

alternative ideas or opinions

1.2.2 use talk, writing and representing to examine,

clarify and assess understanding of ideas,
information and experiences
Critical Questions

Personal Narrative September 15, 2020 Johnston
Unit Inquiry Question:
- What role does identity play in writing?

Lesson Guiding Questions

Lesson Guiding Questions:
- What is a personal narrative?
- Why are personal narratives important?
- What are the characteristics of a personal narrative? (How do we write them?)

Learning Objectives
I can …
- Define personal narrative
- Identify the importance of personal narratives
- Identify the key components of personal narratives

Learning Resources Consulted

Resource #1: The English Program of Studies was utilized in the planning of this lesson. This was
done to ensure both validity and reliability in the planning process of this lesson and to guide the
delivery of content.
Resource #2: This is a link to a piano cover of
a variety of Disney song, appropriate to be played during independent reading and work.
Resource #3:
Materials and Equipment
- Copies of personal narratives - Pencils
- Personal Narrative handout

Lesson Procedure
Introduction (5 min.):
Hook / Attention Grabber - To hook the students into the lesson, the educator will pose the question,
“What is a personal narrative?”
Expectations for Learning and Behavior - The expectations for Learning and Behavior for this
lesson are as follows:
- Practice attentive listening
o Cell phones away
o Eye contact
- Be respectful
o No talking while they are talking
o Mistakes make us human, do not laugh if your classmates make a mistake
- Use time wisely
- Make use of resources available
Transition to Body - To transition into the lesson the educator will lead the class in a whole group
discussion (questions on slide show).
Body (40 min.):

Personal Narrative September 15, 2020 Johnston
Steps and Procedures Identify Teaching Strategies:
Whole Group Discussion Whole group discussion will be
- To commence the lesson, the educator will lead a utilized for “Before Reading” portion
whole group discussion surrounding the question, of the lesson. This is done to provide
“What is a personal narrative?” students with ample opportunity to
o To start, students will be provided with 2 explore and gather further
minutes to brainstorm with their partner and understanding of concepts and
determine a potential definition for the term. provide knowledge and skills
o Students will then be expected to share their required to achieve maximum
definitions. comprehension.
Direct instruction will be utilized
Mini Lesson
for the “Mini Lesson” portion of the
- Following the discussion, the educator will lead in a
lesson. This will be done to ensure
power point presentation,
maximized opportunity for content
o What it is
delivery in a timely matter, whilst
o Key characteristics of a good personal
differentiating the delivery of content.
Collaboration and Inquiry Based
o How to write a personal narrative
Learning will be utilized in the
Carousel Reading “Carousel Reading”. This will be done
- Students will then participate in a carousel reading to provide students the opportunity
of personal narratives for the remainder of the class. to experience a variety of point of
During this time, the educator will play soft music. views and interpretations of the text,
whilst collaborating productively
with others.
Formative: Formative Assessment will take place in the form of check-ins during the note taking
and activity portion of the lesson. Whole group discussion will also be utilized for formative
assessment, allowing the educator to survey whole class comprehension of both the poem and
literary devices / skills utilized within it.
Summative Assessment: Summative assessment will not take place in this lesson. However, the
knowledge and skills formatively assessed in this lesson will provide validity and reliability in the
educator’s decision to move forward and summative assess the student in the future.


Personal Narrative September 15, 2020 Johnston
For auditory learners, the power point presentation will be presented verbally. Students will also
be provided with an opportunity to verbally discuss and brainstorm answers to questions.
For visual learners, a written component of content will be provided for students to read and
follow along with the delivery of content. Students will also be provided with a booklet, providing
them with the opportunity to visually follow along, as well as physically interact with the content at
For kinesthetic learners, opportunity will be provided, time permitted, to physically interact with
the content in the identification process and questions.

Consolidating and Closure (5 min)

Transition to Next Lesson(s): To transition to the next class, students will hand all
workbooks and supplies borrowed.

Feedback from Students on Learning:

Reflective Notes

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