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Blue Cards for Body Paragraph 3

Main Idea: Write a topic sentence that introduces the topic of the
Topic paragraph. (Your own words). Include the opposing side of the
debate + the first major area of reasoning.

Write your topic sentence here.

With no cure and a new school semester that “needed” to begin, more and more
students and faculty are being exposed to the virus, leading to an increase in

Insert research that supports this side of the debate (Quoted,
summarized, or paraphrased from at least one source).

Write notes here.

As aforementioned, states are varying in the amount of spikes in cases, with this
in mind, public schools and colleges are opening back up and allowing students
to return back to their schools. While this can be seen as beneficial –
considering children who rely on schools for their meals, a safe environment,
and an overall place of shelter to learn – it is unethical to argue that this step
isn’t putting both the students and the teachers at risk to a virus that is
continuing to spread.

Analyze Analyze the research (do not summarize; instead answer the
questions: What does this mean? How does this impact the
debate? So what?) (Your own words)
Write notes here.

With this widely debated topic on whether or not schools and campuses should be
reopening, this means that children can get their education in-person and actually take
in the material and learn. All the while, more and more students and staff are being
infected, and some never recover. The amount of cases that are being caused because
of the unexpected things that are bound to happen in public schools.

Link the paragraph back to the thesis statement (remind the

Link: audience which side of the debate this evidence supports) (Your
own words)
Write notes here.

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