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To start submission to the FMI:

1. Visit the website

2. On the right column please click "Document Template"
3. Arrange your manuscript according to the Document Template
4. More complete guidelines can be seen in the right column under "Guidelines for Authors"
5. On the right column please click "Disclaimer"
6. Please fill in all data required in the Disclaimer. For authors in Indonesia please attach seal in its
required place. The disclaimer should be signed and scanned as pdf file.
7. After the manuscript and the disclaimer are ready, please upload them according to the following

To upload manuscript to the FMI:

1. Visit the website

2. On the right column, click "Online Submission"
3. If you do not have username/password, click "Go To Registration"
4. Fill in the Profile data, especially those marked with *
5. On the lowest part, please tick "Register as: Author"
6. Once its done, please click the button "Register"
7. If it succeeds, you will come to the page USER HOME
8. For submitting, click "New Submission"
9. In page STEP 1. STARTING THE SUBMISSION, tick all existing choices.
10. Click the button "Save and Continue"
11. In page STEP 2. UPLOADING THE SUBMISSION, click the button "Choose File" to choose the
file of your manuscript. Once its done, click the button "Upload"
12. If it succeeds (Data in File Name, Original File name etc. is displayed), click the button "Save and
13. In page STEP 3. ENTERING THE SUBMISSION'S METADATA, fill in all required data,
especially those marked with asterisk (*)
14. When the authors are more than one, other data on other authors should be added by clicking the
button "Add Author"
15. Once it's competed, click the button "Save and Continue"
16. In page STEP 4. UPLOADING SUPPLEMENTARY FILES, choose the additional file, which is
the document "Disclaimer" as mentioned above which has been filled, signed, and scanned.
17. In page STEP 4A. ADD A SUPPLEMENTARY FILE, fill in the box "Title" dengan "Disclaimer"
18. Once it's done, click "Save and Continue"
19. The page STEP 4. UPLOADING SUPPLEMENTARY FILES reappears. When you have other
files to upload, please do as step no. 16. If no others file to upload, just click the button "Save and
20. In page STEP 5. CONFIRMING THE SUBMISSION, when all the process has been done, click
the button "Finish Submission", and the page ACTIVE SUBMISSIONS will appear, explaining
that the Submission is complete. The author will automatically receive email that the submission
has been done.

Thank you

Memulai Submisi naskah pada FMI:

1. Kunjungi website

2. Pada kolom kanan silakan klik "Document Template"
3. Susun naskah Anda sesuai susunan Document Template tersebut
4. Petunjuk lebih lengkap dapat dilihat pada kolom kanan, "Guidelines for Authors"
5. Pada kolom kanan silakan klik "Disclaimer"
6. Mohon diisi semua data yang terdapat pada Disclaimer, kemudian diberi meterai, ditandatangani,
dan disken sebagai file pdf.
7. Setelah file naskah siap dan file Disclaimer siap, mohon diupload sesuai langkah-langkah berikut:

Cara upload naskah pada FMI :

1. Kunjungi website

2. Pada kolom kanan klik "Online Submission"
3. Bila belum memiliki username/password, klik "Go To Registration"
4. Isi data Profile, terutama yang bertanda *
5. Pada bagian paling bawah, tidak lupa mencentang "Register as: Author"
6. Setelah selesai, klik tombol "Register"
7. Bila berhasil, akan muncul halaman USER HOME
8. Untuk submit, klik "New Submission"
9. Pada halaman STEP 1. STARTING THE SUBMISSION, centang semua pilihan yang ada.
10. Klik tombol "Save and Continue"
11. Pada halaman STEP 2. UPLOADING THE SUBMISSION, klik tombol "Choose File" untuk
memilih file naskah yang akan disubmit ke Folia Medica. Bila sudah dipilih, klik tombol
12. Kalau sudah berhasil upload (ada keterangan File Name, Original file name, dsbnya), klik tombol
"Save and continue"
13. Pada halaman STEP 3. ENTERING THE SUBMISSION'S METADATA, isilah data yang
diminta, terutama yang bertanda bintang (*)
14. Apabila penulis lebih dari satu, data penulis lainnya ditambahkan dengan mengklik tombol "Add
15. Kalau sudah lengkap mohon klik tombol "Save and Continue"
16. Pada halaman STEP 4. UPLOADING SUPPLEMENTARY FILES, pilih file tambahan, yaitu file
dokumen "Disclaimer" yang berisi surat permohonan pemuatan naskah dan Pernyataan yang
sudah diisi, diberi meterai, ditandatangani dan disken.
17. Pada halaman STEP 4A. ADD A SUPPLEMENTARY FILE, isi kolom "Title" dengan
18. Setelah selesai klik "Save and Continue"
19. Akan muncul lagi halaman STEP 4. UPLOADING SUPPLEMENTARY FILES. Apabila ada file
yang akan diupload lagi silakan dipilih sebagaimana langkah no. 16. Apabila tidak ada, langsung
klik "Save and Continue"
20. Pada halaman STEP 5. CONFIRMING THE SUBMISSION, apabila semua proses sudah selesai,
klik tombol "Finish Submission", akan muncul halaman ACTIVE SUBMISSIONS yang
menyebutkan submisi sudah selesai dilakukan (Submission complete). Penulis akan otomatis
menerima email bahwa submisi sudah dilakukan.

Terima kasih.

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