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A Detailed Lesson Plan

English Grade 8

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students shall be able to:

1. know and understand the life of soldiers and their families;

2. read the story The Country’s Good Son;
3. build their vocabulary through Frequency World List;
4. reveal the psyche and temperament of the Burmese people through the Character Revelation Figure;
5. reflect the heroism of soldiers;
6. role play the situation in the story with another point of view; and
7. construct an essay regarding the life of a soldier.

II. Subject Matter

A. Quarter 3: Burma/ Myanmar (with Philippine Litt.)

Lesson 1: The Psyche and Temperament of the Burmese in Response to the Challenges of Modernity
B. Activity: Your Mission
C. Reference: Learning Module pp: 27-30
D. Skill Focus: Reading and Speaking

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparatory
1. Customary Greetings

Good morning, class! : Good morning, ma’am.

2. Attendance
Is anyone absent today, class? : None, ma’am.

B. Motivation
Does anyone of you have a father who is a soldier? : Yes, ma’am.
What do you think does a soldier do? Yes, Sheena. : They fight wars and protect the people of the country,
That’s right!
How do soldiers live? Yes, Lejanie. : They live far from their family and comfort. They risk their
lives every time they go to different places and defend
national safety, ma’am.
Very good!
How do you think are the lives of their family? Especially
their children? Yes, Angela. : They had to grow without their fathers on their side and
had to celebrate special occasions without them, ma’am.
Are soldiers’ works easy? : No, ma’am.
That’s right!

Now, you will watch a video clip that will show you the lives
and experiences of soldiers because of the call of their duty. : (Students will watch the video?)

What is the video all about? : The video is about the hardships of soldiers because of
their profession; the heroism and courage every soldier
must master, ma’am.
Very good!
C. Presentation

We are going to meet two young soldiers that will make you
appreciate and respect our dear soldiers more.

But before that, you will be group first and assign tasks to
make our meeting with the two soldiers more meaningful.
Count one to six. Are you ready? : Yes, ma’am.

Are you with your groups now? : Yes, ma’am.

Here are your tasks. Group one and group two will do the
Character Revelation Figure. What you are going to do is to
answer the given questions to your group while you are
reading the story. Afterward we read you are going to
present your answers to the class. Here are your questions.
Please read, Georgette. : For group one:
1. Which character do you like best? Why?
2. How did the story reveal the temperament and
psyche of the Burmese people in their response to
the challenges of modernity?
For group two:
1. Which character experiences personal change from
the beginning?
2. How do you think this situation could apply to
Filipino soldiers? Give reasons.

Did you get it groups one and two? : Yes, ma’am.

Groups three and four will be in charge of the Frequency

World List. Please read the direction, Karriyah. : Replace the underlined words or phrases accordingly in the
paragraph from each pairs form the options. Share your
answer to the class.

1. Why should we be sad? We are soldiers who offered even

our own lives for our country. We are proud to lose a leg in
protecting our country.
a. happy, gloomy
b. would gladly die, would fight gladly
c. to lose our limbs, to lose our lives

2. Lin Aung felt respect for both of them. They were very
different from the young drug addicts he often read about in
the newspapers. These drug addicts were a burden to the
country. They were wasting their lives and killing

a. admiration, satisfaction
b. a contrast to, a far cry from
c. disgrace, problem
d. ruining their lives, hurting their lives

3. I respect and honor you. You good sons of the country are
the jewels of our country. When I grow up, I will try to be a
good son of the country like you.

a. praise, salute
b. patriots, heroes
c. treasures, assets

For groups five and six, please read the direction, Nicko. : Groups 5 and 6 will simulate or role play in class the
situation wherein the members will pretend to be Lin Aung
while the others play or act out the roles of the two young
soldiers. Try to come up with another point of view or varied

Are there questions class? : None, ma’am.

Are you ready to meet the two young soldiers, class? : Yes, ma’am.
May I request Ysabel to please read the story? : (Students will listen to the story.)

D. Discussion
Did you understand the story, class? : Yes, ma’am.

Who are the characters of the story? Yes, Jay-ar. : The characters are Lin Aung and the two young soldiers,
What is the setting of the story? Yes, Joana. : The story happened on a Sunday in Mingaladon market
where Lin Aung’s mother was selling slippers, ma’am.
Very good!
What is the conflict of the story? Yes, Junmar. : The conflict was when a soldier was buying only a slipper
and was asking to buy only the right side of the slipper. Lin
Aung didn’t want because it would be hard to sell the left
one, ma’am.
That’ right!
How was the conflict resolved? Yes, Harvi. : It was resolved when the soldier went to look for a soldier
who would buy the left side of the slipper, ma’am.

Very good!
What happened to Lin Aung after he had a short
conversation with the two soldiers? Yes, Dayron. : He respected and honored the soldiers and said that
someday he will also be the country’s good son much the
like the two soldiers.
Very good!
Now may we ask groups one and two to present their
output on their task. : (Students will present their outputs)

Thank you very much group one and group two.

May I request groups three and four to share their

Frequency word list. : (Students will present their work.)

Did you understand the story class? : Yes, ma’am.

E. Values Integration

How did Lin Aung see the soldiers he met? : He considered them as the country’s good sons, ma’am.

Why did he say that the soldiers were the country’s good
sons? : They were the country’s good sons because they are willing
to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the country and its
people. They set aside their comfort, their personal needs
and even their families just so they could serve the country,
Very good! ma’am.
What do you now think of our soldiers? How do you
consider them? Yes, Rey. : I consider them as one of our modern heroes with the
hardships and sacrifices they give for the country is enough
to consider them our heroes. Without them, there’s no one
Very well said! to take care and maintain peace in our country, ma’am.
F. Generalization

What is the general idea of the story we discussed? Yes,

Joemalyn. : The story is about a boy who had a change in his
perspective when he met two young soldiers. He was
inspired by their dedication to their country, ma’am.
Very good!
What was Lin Aung’s response to the change that had
happened to him? Yes, Dennis. : He wanted to be like them when he grows up, ma’am.
Very good!

IV. Evaluation

For our last activity let us now have groups five and six
present their role play. : (Students will present their role play.)

Excellent presentation, class!

You all did a very great job today. And for that, give
yourselves an amazing clap.

V. Assignment

Direction: Construct an essay featuring the life of a soldier. Write your essay on a whole sheet of paper.

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