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Electrostatics is simply the study of electric charges at rest.

The structure of an Atom

 A substance is made up of tiny atoms which consist of electrons, protons and
 The electrons are found in the shell while protons and neutrons are found in the
nucleus, the central part of the atom.

 An electron carries a negative charge while a proton carries a positive charge.

 The magnitude of the negative charge on an electron and positive charge on a
proton are equal.
 The number of electrons and protons in an atom is always equal, thus the atom is
electrically neutral.

Conductors and insulators

A conductor is a substance which has atoms in which electrons can move from one part
of the conductor to another. These electrons are called free electrons i.e. electrons are
loosely bound to atoms. Electrons therefore are able to transfer charges from one part of
a conductor to another.
The transfer of charge in this way is called conduction.
Examples are any metal such as copper, aluminum, brass and electrolytes.

An insulator is a substance which has its electrons tightly bound to the atoms, that is,
the electrons are not free to move about. Insulators are therefore poor conductors.
Examples are glass, fur, silk, ebonite, polythene etc.

Charging an Insulator by friction

 When glass and silk are rubbed together, glass atoms tend to lose electrons faster
than the atoms of silk.
 The electrons lost by the atoms of glass are acquired by the atoms of silk.
 The exchange of electrons makes the atoms of glass to have more protons than
electrons and the atoms of silk to have more electrons than protons. Thus glass and
silk become positively and negatively charged respectively.
 Note! In all cases, a substance is charged when it has more protons than electrons or

Laws of electrostatics
i) Like poles repel each other.

ii) Unlike poles attract each other.

Electrostatic induction
The diagram is shown by bringing a negatively charged polythene strip near to an
insulated sphere X which is touching a similar sphere Y, figure a. Electrons in the
spheres are repelled to the far side of Y.

a). b) c)

If X and Y are separated, with the charged strip still in position, X is left with a positive
charge and Y with a negative charge, figure b.
The signs of charges can be tested by removing the charged strip and taking X up to the
cap of a positively charged electroscope and Y to a negatively charged one, figure c.
Gold leaf electroscope

A gold leaf electroscope is a device used in electrostatics.

A charged electroscope can be used to:
1. identify types of charge,
2. detect the presence of charge in a body,
3. distinguish between conductors and insulators.

Induction and Electroscope

Electrostatic induction occurs when a charged strip is brought near an electroscope.

a). b) c)


 In figure a, electrons in the cap of the uncharged electroscope are repelled down to
the plate and leaf which both become negatively charged, causing the leaf to rise due
to repulsion by the plate.
 In figure b, electrons are attracted from the plate and leaf of the positively charged
electroscope up to the cap. The positive charge on the plate and leaf increases and
the leaf raises more.
 In figure c, if a large charge is brought too near the cap of an oppositely charged
electroscope, the leaf rises after first collapsing.

Charge on Charge brought near Effect on leaf

electroscope cap divergence
+ + Increases
– – Increases
+ – Decreases
– + Decreases
+ or – Uncharged body Decreases

Charging by induction
A strip is used with a charge of opposite sign to that required on the electroscope.

a) Charging a gold – leaf electroscope positively by induction

When the cap is “earthed” by touching it with a finger or a wire, electrons flow from the
electroscope to the earth through the body or a wire as shown in figure above 2.

b) Charging a gold – leaf electroscope negatively by induction

To charge the electroscope negatively by induction, a positively charged strip is used. In
this case, when the cap is “earthed” by touching it with a finger or a wire, electrons flow
from the earth to the electroscope through the body or a wire as shown in figure above

Distribution of charge on a conductor

The charge on a conductor is only on its outside surface.
This may be shown by charging a hollow metal sphere with an electrophorus and
touching its inside and outside with a proof plane (a small metal disc on an insulating
handle), figure a. Any charge on the proof plane can be detected by an electroscope.

a) b)

In general the charge on the outside of a conductor is not evenly spread over it. The
charge per unit area, called the charge density, is greatest where the surface is most
In the conductor of figure b, this is at the pointed end, as a proof plane will show.

Action of points
A lighted candle placed near the point of a pin which is connected to the dome of a van-
de-Graff generator is blown aside when the generator is working, figure below.

a) b)

Charge concentrates on the sharply curved point of the pin and the force it exerts on air
molecules nearby may be large enough to remove some electrons from them. These air
molecules will be left positively charged and are called positive ions. If the pin is
positively charged, it attracts the negative electrons and repels the positive ions which
stream away from the point as an “electric wind”. As shown in the figure above-b.

Van der Graff generator produces a continuous supply of charge on a large metal
dome. Large versions are used in nuclear research.

Lightning conductor
 A lightning conductor uses the action of points to protect tall buildings from
lightning. The conductor is a copper strip on the outside of the building
connecting spikes that stick at the top to a metal plate in the ground.
 Thunder clouds, a negatively charged one passing overhead, repels electrons
from the spikes to the earth, leaving the points positively charged.
 An electric wind of positive air ions streams upwards to cancel out some of the
charge on the cloud
 If a flash does occur it is less violent and the conductor gives it an easy path to
the ground.
Electric Field
 The space around an electric charge where it exerts a force on another charge is
called an electric field. It is represented by field lines or lines of force.
 The direction of the field at any point is taken as the direction of the force on a
positive charge at the point.
 It is shown by arrows on the lines which we therefore image as starting on a
positive charge and ending on a negative one.

a) b) c)
The ice-pail experiment
 In this experiment a positively charged brass sphere B, supported by an
insulating silk thread, is lowered inside a hollow can standing on the cap
of a gold leaf electroscope. A negative charge becomes induced on the
inside of the can and a positive charge on the outside of the can, and the
leaf , figure a.
 So long as the sphere is well down inside the can and is not allowed to
touch the can, it may be moved about inside without causing any
alteration in divergence of the leaf.
 When the charged sphere is allowed to touch the bottom of the can, no
change occurs in leaf divergence, figure b.
 On removing the sphere, it is found to be completely discharged, and also
there is no longer any charge on the inside of the can.
 It is therefore concluded that the inducing charge on the sphere has
exactly neutralized the opposite induced charge on the inside of the can,
and hence the two are equal in magnitude.

a) b)


1. A charged conductor usually loses charge gradually by a process called

a. induction b. insulation
c. conduction d. leakage

2. The result of rubbing a glass rod with silk and separating them is

a. a negative charge on the rod and an equal positive charge on the silk.
b. equal amounts of negative charge on both
c. a positive charge on the rod and an equal negative charge on the silk.
d. no charge on both the rod and the silk.

3. A metal rod gains a positive charge when rubbed with fabric. The fabric acquires

A. No charge.
B. A negative charge equal to that of the rod.
C. Appositive charge equal to that on the rod
D. A positive charge greater than that on the rod.

1. In the diagram below, an electron beam XY enters an electric field between

plates A and B as shown in the figure.

Which one is the possible route of movement of the electrons?

a) YS b) YR
c) YQ d) YP
5. When a rod is brought close to the cap of a negatively charged gold leaf
electroscope and its leaf diverges, it shows that the rod is

a) Negatively charged
b) positively charged
c) neutral
d) partially charged.

6. Which one of the following diagrams represents the correct electric field pattern
for two oppositely charged points?
7. The laws of electrostatic induction states that
(a) like poles repel and unlike poles attract
(b) like poles attract and unlike poles repel
(c) like charges repel and unlike charges attract
(d) like charges attract and unlike charges repel.

8. Which one of the following actions will cause the leaf of a negatively charged
electroscope to fall?
(i) Bringing a positively charged rod near the cap.
(ii) Bringing a negatively charged rod near the cap.
(iii) Connecting the can to the earth.

A. (i) and (ii) only B. (i) and (iii) only

C. (ii) and (iii) only D. (i), (ii) and (iii)

9. When polythene and wool are rubbed against each other and then separated,
they acquire
A. no charge.
B. equal amount of same type of charge.
C. equal and opposite charges.
D. both acquire positive and negative charges.

10. A body can only be confirmed to be electrically charged when

A. another charged body attracts it.
B. it does not affect the leaf of a charged electroscope.
C. it is repelled by another charged body.
D. it is found to have less protons than electrons.
11. It is recommended that buildings should have earthed conductors in order to
(a) reduce heat intensity on hot days
(b) remove excess electrons from the building
(c) stabilise the current electricity to the building
(d) provide more charges to electrical appliances in the building.

12. It is easier to charge insulators than conductors because

A. the insulators don’t allow the charge to flow away but the conductors
allow the charge to flow away
B. the conductor retain the charge by conduction but the insulators release it
to the atmosphere
C. it is impossible to charge conductors under any condition
D. insulators just receive the charge from the atmosphere without being

13. The diagram below shows a part of the gold leaf electroscope.

What will happen to the leaf if a positively charged rod is brought near the cap of
electroscope? It will
A. increase in deflection
B. remain in the same position
C. reduce in deflection
D. break off from the plate.

14. Which of the following statements is true about a good insulator?

a) it acquires electric charge when rubbed with suitable materials
b) all its electrons are loosely bound to its atoms
c) electric charge easily flows on its surface
d) some of its electrons are free to move about

15. An electroscope becomes negatively charged when it

a) loses electrons b) gains protons
c) gains electrons d) loses proton

16. An insulating rod that can be charged positively by rubbing with a piece of fabric
is rubbed with fabric and left in contact for a long time and then separated. What
will you expect each of them to have?
(a) no charge
(b) equal number of opposite charges
(c) more positive charge on the rod than on the fabric
(d) more negative charge on the fabric than on the rod

17. When a plastic rod is brought near a charged electroscope, the gold leaf is seen to
diverge more. The possible charges on the rod and the electroscope are
Electroscope Plastic rod
A. positive negative
B. negative positive
C. negative negative
D. positive un charged

18. Which one of the following shows the correct distribution of electric charges
generated in clouds due to violent movements within the thunder clouds?

19. Which of the following statements are true

(i) protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of an atom
(ii) electrons and beta particles are the same
(iii) protons and electrons occur in equal numbers in all neutral atoms
(iv) alpha particles and beta particles are both positively charged.
a) (i), (ii) and (iii) b) (i) and (iii) only
c) (ii) and (iv) only d) (iv) only

20. The leaf of a charged electroscope gradually collapses with time due to
(a) leakage to the surroundings
(b) surrounding magnetic field
(c) pressure variations in the surroundings
(d) similar charges from the surroundings

1. A positively charged rod is brought near two conducting spheres A and B in
contact as shown in the figure.

a) Show the charges on the spheres.

b) Describe how the spheres can be given a permanent charge

2. Explain how leakage of charge occurs at the ends of sharp conductors.

3. (a) What happens when a glass rod is rubbed with:

(i) silk
(ii) an identical glass rod?
(b) Describe how a gold leaf electroscope may be used to test the nature of the
charge on an object.

4. (a) State the laws of electrostatics.

(b) Two insulating materials are rubbed together describe what is observed if
(i) the two are brought near the cap of a gold leaf electroscope.
(ii) only one of them is brought near the cap.

5. (a) What happens to an insulator when it is rubbed by another insulator

of different material?

The above figure shows a conductor supported on an electrical insulator. The

conductor is given some positive charge. Show how the charge is distributed on
the conductor.

(c) Sketch the electric field pattern due to two unlike charges P and Q below.

6. (a) Distinguish between a conductor and an insulator.

(b) Describe, stating the observation made, how a gold leaf electroscope can
be charged positively

7. (a) Explain why it is not advisable to touch the copper strip of a

lightening conductor when it is raining.
b) Why is it difficult to perform experiments in electrostatics under damp

8. A gold leaf electroscope is positively charged. State what happens when each of
the following is brought near the cap
(i) a neutral metal
(ii) a positively charged body

9. Draw the electric field patterns for:

(i) an insulated negative charge.
(ii) two oppositely charged parallel plates at a small distance apart.

10. (a) Explain why a pen rubbed with a piece of cloth attracts pieces of
(b) A positively charged metallic ball is held above a hollow conductor
resting on the cape of a gold leaf electroscope as shown in the figure
Explain what happens to t he leaf of the electroscope as the ball is lowered into
the conductor.

1. D 2. B 3.A 4.C 5. B 6.A 7.C 8. B
9.C 10.D

Charging by induction

A string is used with a charge of opposite sign to that required on the electroscope
When the cap is “earthed” by touching it with a finger or a wire, electrons flow from the
electroscope to the earth through the body or a wire.
To charge the electroscope negatively by induction, a positively charged strip is used. In
this case, earthing the electroscope causes electrons to flow to the electroscope form the

Distribution of charge on a conductor

The charge on a conductor is only on its outside surface.
This may be shown by charging a hollow metal sphere with an electrophorus and
touching its inside and outside with a proof plane ( a small metal disc on an insulating
handle), figure a. Any charge on the proof plane can be detected by an electroscope.

a) b)

In general the charge on the outside of a conductor is not evenly spread over it. The
charge per unit area, called the charge density, is greatest where the surface is most
In the conductor of figure b this is at the pointed end, as a proof plane will show.

Action of points
A lighted candle placed near the point of a pin which is connected
to the dome of a van-de-Graff generator is blown aside when the generator is working,
figure below.

a) b)

Charge concentrates on the sharply curved point of the pin and the force it exerts on air
molecules nearby may be large enough to remove some electrons from them. These air
molecules will be left positively charged and are called positive ions. If the pin is
positively charged, it attracts the negative electrons and repels the positive ions which
stream away from the point as an “electric wind”. As shown in the figure above-b.

Van der Graff generator produces a continuous supply of charge on a large metal
dome. Large versions are used in nuclear research.

Lightning conductor

 A lightning conductor uses the action of points to protect tall buildings from
lightning. The conductor is a copper strip on the outside of the building
connecting spikes that stick at the top to a metal plate in the ground.
 Thunder clouds, a negatively charged one passing overhead, repels electrons
from the spikes to the earth, leaving the points positively charged.
 An electric wind of positive air ions streams upwards to cancel out some of the
charge on the cloud
 If a flash does occur it is less violent and the conductor gives it an easy path to
the ground.
Electric Field
 The space around an electric charge where it exerts a force on another charge is
called an electric field. It is represented by field lines or lines of force.
 The direction of the field at any point is taken as the direction of the force on a
positive charge at the point.
 It is shown by arrows on the lines which we therefore image as starting on a
positive charge and ending on a negative one.

a) b) c)
The ice-pail experiment
 In this experiment a positively charged brass sphere B, supported by an
insulating silk thread, is lowered inside a hollow can standing on the cap
of a gold leaf electroscope. A negative charge becomes induced on the
inside of the can and a positive charge on the outside of the can, and the
leaf , figure a.
 So long as the sphere is well down inside the can and is not allowed to
touch the can, it may be moved about inside without causing any
alteration in divergence of the leaf.
 When the charged sphere is allowed to touch the bottom of the can, no
change occurs in leaf divergence, figure b.
 On removing the sphere, it is found to be completely discharged, and also
there is no longer any charge on the inside of the can.
 It is therefore concluded that the inducing charge on the sphere has
exactly neutralized the opposite induced charge on the inside of the can,
and hence the two are equal in magnitude.


1. A charged conductor usually loses charge gradually by a process called

a. induction b. insulation
c. conduction d. leakage

2. The result of rubbing a glass rod with silk and separating them is

a. a negative charge on the rod and an equal positive charge on the silk.
b. equal amounts of negative charge on both
c. a positive charge on the rod and an equal negative charge on the silk.
d. no charge on both the rod and the silk.

3. A metal rod gains a positive charge when rubbed with fabric. The fabric acquires

A. No charge.
B. A negative charge equal to that of the rod.
C. Appositive charge equal to that on the rod
D. A positive charge greater than that on the rod.

2. In the diagram below, an electron beam XY enters an electric field between

plates A and B as shown in the figure.

Which one is the possible route of movement of the electrons?

a) YS b) YR
c) YQ d) YP

5. When a rod is brought close to the cap of a negatively charged gold leaf
electroscope and its leaf diverges, it shows that the rod is

a) Negatively charged
b) positively charged
c) neutral
d) partially charged.

6. Which one of the following diagrams represents the correct electric field pattern
for two oppositely charged points?
7. The laws of electrostatic induction states that
(a) like poles repel and unlike poles attract
(b) like poles attract and unlike poles repel
(c) like charges repel and unlike charges attract
(d) like charges attract and unlike charges repel.

8. Which one of the following actions will cause the leaf of a negatively charged
electroscope to fall?
(i) Bringing a positively charged rod near the cap.
(ii) Bringing a negatively charged rod near the cap.
(iii) Connecting the can to the earth.

A. (i) and (ii) only B. (i) and (iii) only

C. (ii) and (iii) only D. (i), (ii) and (iii)

9. When polythene and wool are rubbed against each other and then separated,
they acquire
A. no charge.
B. equal amount of same type of charge.
C. equal and opposite charges.
D. both acquire positive and negative charges.

10. A body can only be confirmed to be electrically charged when

A. another charged body attracts it.
B. it does not affect the leaf of a charged electroscope.
C. it is repelled by another charged body.
D. it is found to have less protons than electrons.

11. It is recommended that buildings should have earthed conductors in order to

(a) reduce heat intensity on hot days
(b) remove excess electrons from the building
(c) stabilise the current electricity to the building
(d) provide more charges to electrical appliances in the building.

12. It is easier to charge insulators than conductors because

A. the insulators don’t allow the charge to flow away but the conductors
allow the charge to flow away
B. the conductor retain the charge by conduction but the insulators release it
to the atmosphere
C. it is impossible to charge conductors under any condition
D. insulators just receive the charge from the atmosphere without being

13. The diagram below shows a part of the gold leaf electroscope.

What will happen to the leaf if a positively charged rod is brought near the cap of
electroscope? It will
A. increase in deflection
B. remain in the same position
C. reduce in deflection
D. break off from the plate.

14. Which of the following statements is true about a good insulator?

a) it acquires electric charge when rubbed with suitable materials
b) all its electrons are loosely bound to its atoms
c) electric charge easily flows on its surface
d) some of its electrons are free to move about
15. An electroscope becomes negatively charged when it
a) loses electrons b) gains protons
c) gains electrons d) loses proton

16. An insulating rod that can be charged positively by rubbing with a piece of fabric
is rubbed with fabric and left in contact for a long time and then separated. What
will you expect each of them to have?
(a) no charge
(b) equal number of opposite charges
(c) more positive charge on the rod than on the fabric
(d) more negative charge on the fabric than on the rod
17. When a plastic rod is brought near a charged electroscope, the gold leaf is seen to
diverge more. The possible charges on the rod and the electroscope are
Electroscope Plastic rod
A. positive negative
B. negative positive
C. negative negative
D. positive un charged

18. Which one of the following shows the correct distribution of electric charges
generated in clouds due to violent movements within the thunder clouds?

19. Which of the following statements are true

(i) protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of an atom
(ii) electrons and beta particles are the same
(iii) protons and electrons occur in equal numbers in all neutral atoms
(iv) alpha particles and beta particles are both positively charged.
a) (i), (ii) and (iii) b) (i) and (iii) only
c) (ii) and (iv) only d) (iv) only

20. The leaf of a charged electroscope gradually collapses with time due to
(a) leakage to the surroundings
(b) surrounding magnetic field
(c) pressure variations in the surroundings
(d) similar charges from the surroundings
1. A positively charged rod is brought near two conducting spheres A and B in
contact as shown in the figure.
a) Show the charges on the spheres.
b) Describe how the spheres can be given a permanent charge

2. Explain how leakage of charge occurs at the ends of sharp conductors.

3. (a) What happens when a glass rod is rubbed with:

(i) silk
(ii) an identical glass rod?
(b) Describe how a gold leaf electroscope may be used to test the nature of the
charge on an object.

4. (a) State the laws of electrostatics.

(b) Two insulating materials are rubbed together describe what is observed if
(i) the two are brought near the cap of a gold leaf electroscope.
(ii) only one of them is brought near the cap.

5. (a) What happens to an insulator when it is rubbed by another insulator

of different material?

The above figure shows a conductor supported on an electrical insulator. The

conductor is given some positive charge. Show how the charge is distributed on
the conductor.

(c) Sketch the electric field pattern due to two unlike charges P and Q below.
6. (a) Distinguish between a conductor and an insulator.
(b) Describe, stating the observation made, how a gold leaf electroscope can
be charged positively

7. (a) Explain why it is not advisable to touch the copper strip of a

lightening conductor when it is raining.
b) Why is it difficult to perform experiments in electrostatics under damp

8. A gold leaf electroscope is positively charged. State what happens when each of
the following is brought near the cap
(i) a neutral metal
(ii) a positively charged body

9. Draw the electric field patterns for:

(i) an insulated negative charge.
(ii) two oppositely charged parallel plates at a small distance apart.

10. (a) Explain why a pen rubbed with a piece of cloth attracts pieces of
(b) A positively charged metallic ball is held above a hollow conductor
resting on the cape of a gold leaf electroscope as shown in the figure

Explain what happens to t he leaf of the electroscope as the ball is lowered into
the conductor.

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