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Heather Coulter

EDU 474

Motivation to Read Profile

5. Motivation to Read Profile

The Motivation to Read Profile consists of “The Reading Survey” and the

“Conversational Interview”. The survey assesses two dimensions of reading motivation- self-

concept as a reader and value of reading. The self-concept as a reader relates to how the student

feels about their reading ability. The value of reading section relates how the student feels about

reading. The interview provides information about the nature of the student’s reading motivation.

It explores the personal dimensions of the student’s reading motivation.

The Reading Survey

According to the self-concept as a reader section, the student’s raw score was 33/40, or

82.5%. This indicates the student has a mostly positive self-concept as a reader. According to T’s

responses, she believes her friends think that she is a very good reader. She thinks she reads

about the same as her friends. When she encounters a word she does not know, she can sometime

figure it out. When reading by herself, she responded that she understands some of what she

reads. She believes she is a very good reader. She does not worry about what other kids think

about her reading. She says that when a teacher asks her a question about what she has rad, she

can always think of an answer. She says that reading is very easy for her. When she is a group

talking about stories, she responded she always talks about her ideas. When she reads out loud,

she believes she is a very good reader. T’s responses indicate that she believes that she is a good

reader, and that she does not worry or think about what her peers think about her reading. She

also considers herself to read with the same ability as her peers.
Heather Coulter

EDU 474

Motivation to Read Profile

According to the value of reading section, the student’s raw score was 37/40, or 92.5%.

This indicates that the student values reading highly. T responded that reading is something she

often likes to do and responded that her best friends think that reading is really fun. She says that

she tells her friends about good books she reads a lot. She finds people who read a lot interesting.

She thinks libraries are an ok place to spend time. She believes that knowing how to read is very

important. She thinks reading is a great way to spend time. When she grows up, she thinks she

will spend a lot of time reading. She would like for her teacher to read books out loud to the class

every day. When someone gives her a book for a present, she reports it makes her feel happy.

T’s full survey raw score for self-concept combined with value is 70/80. Her full survey

percentage score is 87.5%. These scores reveal that the student overall motivation to read is high.

Conversational Interview

A. Emphasis: Narrative Text

1. Tell me about the most interesting story or book you have read this week:

Student response: “A book about a puppy. I really like the puppy book.”

2. How did you know or find out about this story?

Student response: “Teacher.”

3. Why was this story interesting to you?

Student response: “It was about a boy and a dog.”

B. Emphasis: Informational Text

Heather Coulter

EDU 474

Motivation to Read Profile

1. Think about something important that you learned recently, not from your teacher and not

from television, but from a book or some other reading material. What did you read

about? Tell me what you learned.

Student response: “It was about the brain, and the five senses like your mouth.”

2. How did you know or find out about this book/article?

Student response: in school

3. Why was this book or article important to you?

Student response: “Because of the brain, I have one.”

C. Emphasis: General Reading

1. Did you read anything at home yesterday? What? “Green Eggs and Ham.”

2. Do you have any books at school today that you are reading? “Our teacher reads to us.”

3. Tell me about your favorite author. “I don’t know.”

4. What do you think you have to learn to be a better reader? “To think a lot.”

5. Do you know about any books right now that you would like to read? Tell me about

them. “Green Eggs and Ham.”

6. How did you find out about these books? “Mimi.”

7. What are some things that get you really excited about reading books.? “The story.”

8. Who gets you interested and excited about reading books? “My babysitter”.

9. Tell me more about what they do. “Read to me.”

Heather Coulter

EDU 474

Motivation to Read Profile

When asking the student these conversational questions about reading, it took much

prompting to get her to respond to the questions, and to attempt to get her to elaborate on them.

She had little recall of books she has read in the past, and when asked about books she has read

at home, her answer was always “Green Eggs and Ham.” She had little recall of books read in

school. I had to prompt her to ask about books read in her general education and learning support

class and she did not remember what was read. I showed her some QRI passages that she read

and asked her to recall what she remembered from them for her responses.

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