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Heather Coulter

EDU 474


Case Study Student Biography

2. Student Biography:


T is and 8-year-old student at C. Elementary School, in the second grade. T lives at home

with her legal guardian, her grandmother. T reports that she enjoys reading with her

grandmother, or “Mimi” as she calls her. She states that her favorite book to read with her Mimi

is “Green Eggs and Ham”. She says that for fun, she watches television and movies with her

grandma. She enjoys playing at home on her iPad playing Roblox and watching YouTube.

An interest inventory was conducted with T and her responses are as follows: Her

favorite outdoor sport is soccer. She likes to play Minecraft on her iPad in her free time. She says

that she enjoys “playing” as a hobby. She likes art and music class at school. She has 5 cats and 2

dogs. She enjoys videos on her iPad of My Spy and Minecraft. Her favorite subject at school is

gym. She spends much of her time at home on her iPad or watching tv with her grandma. Her

best friend at school is A and she enjoys playing outside at recess with her. She does not have

any siblings, cousins, aunts, or uncles. She reports that things she does with her grandma for fun

are to go to Giant Eagle and watch movies. Her chores at home are feeding her dogs and cats.

She says that she has a library card and has used it. She likes reading “My Little Pony” books.

She enjoys having her Mimi read to her. She reports that she sometimes likes reading to others.

She reports she once went to the beach on a trip with her Mimi.

Heather Coulter

EDU 474


Case Study Student Biography

T is a second-grade student who receives education in the general education classroom,

with Tier 3, supplemental, pull-out Learning support for reading support. She has speech apraxia

and has a Specific Learning Disability in Mathematics. According to her Evaluation Report, T’s

results also were at the qualifying level for specific reading disability. She was evaluated on

11/7/18. She also has a medical diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder. She participates in an

alternative/modified curriculum for mathematics and language arts daily in the learning support

classroom. She receives alternative or modified testing for weekly Journey’s and Fundations

testing (eliminating grammar/phonics, use of magnet tiles, and visual prompts for Fundations

testing, eliminated grades for writing until more improvements with expressive language,

reteaching/review groups for language arts, and small group or 1:1 testing for language arts. She

also attends a tier 3 reading group daily in the learning support classroom. According to the

speech therapist, T has trouble producing /ch/, /sh/, and /j/ sounds in sentences and conversation.

She reports she also has difficulty with multisyllabic words and can produce /l/ sounds in

conversational speech, with verbal cues in multisyllabic words.

T's strengths include her eagerness to learn and participate, her pleasant disposition, and

her willingness to help her peers. She is very friendly and enjoys playing with her peers.

T’s needs include increasing her skills with comprehension, story retelling, and

increasing her reading fluency.

T’s IEP includes a measurable goal of: given an instructional level passage story, T will

independently retell the story to include characters, setting, and 3 or more correctly sequenced
Heather Coulter

EDU 474


Case Study Student Biography

details, and/or identify the problems/solutions, scoring a 3 or 4 of quarterly progress monitoring

attempts. This will be measured by a retelling rubric, DIBELS data, student work, and teacher

data every 45 days and communicated in progress reports. This goal coincides with state

standard CC.1.1.2:

Standard- CC.1.1.2. D

Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •

Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words. •

Decode two-syllable words with long vowels and words with common prefixes and

suffixes. • Read grade-level high-frequency sight words and words with inconsistent but

common spelling-sound correspondences. • Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled

words (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 2020).

Standard - CC.1.1.2. E:

Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension: • Read on-level text with

purpose and understanding. • Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate,

and expression on successive readings. • Use context to confirm or self-correct word

recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,


T’s learning support teacher reports that she is pleasant and eager to learn in class. At

times, she does struggle with attention and focusing on class, calling out or speaking out of turn,

and staying on task- requiring the need for multiple prompts and reminders.
Heather Coulter

EDU 474


Case Study Student Biography

As a Reader:

It is observed that when reading aloud, when T encounters an unknown word, she has

difficulty using “word attack” skills. She often skips the unknown word, makes up a word,

mumbles, or inserts a different known word instead. When reading aloud, she also reads very

quickly, even though her accuracy may be low. She does not take time to sound out or decode

unknown words. She also has difficulty remembering, retelling, or describing key details from a

text- such as characters, setting, problem, solution, beginning, middle, and end of a story. She

also struggles with distinguishing between and answering who, what, where, when, and why


Heather Coulter

EDU 474


Case Study Student Biography

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (2020). Standard aligned system. Retrieved from

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