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PROYECTO: MI ESCUELA Fecha de Entrega (due date):___________

Español 1 Nombre: ___________________________


Objectives: The students will create and give a presentation using learned Spanish grammar
and vocabulary on “la escuela”.
You will use school related Spanish vocabulary and proper Spanish grammar to describe what your
school is like. You will expand on the categories of: places in the school (lugares en la escuela),
staff (el personal), school supplies (materials), and subjects (las clases/materias). You are asked
to create a power point presentation answering the guided questions and use it as a guide for giving
an oral presentation about your school to the class in the target language. The presentation can be no
longer than 3 minutes.
Task: You will create a presentation of your ESCUELA (school) which will be used as tool when you
present to the class about your ESCUELA (school).

The following categories and the questions below them must be covered in your presentation. You
may include more, but the minimum requirements are as follows:

Lista de Requisitos (Requirement list - 2 pts each):

❏ Description of the school (building locations / number of rooms/ amenities, type of school, classes offered /
program overview)
Mi escuela es ________. La escuela tiene (has) __________
❏ Description of each class offered in the school and activities that take place in class (verbs -ar, -er, -ir).
En la escuela vemos (we see) matemáticas…
❏ Materials needed for each class.
Para la clase de __________ necesito (you need).
❏ Teacher’s description (brief and professional- include teacher’s nationality, class they teach, 1 like, 1 dislike,
El profesor de ________ (clase) es _________ (adj.) Al / a la señor(a)______(no) le gusta(n) ______
❏ Sample schedule (you may briefly describe your schedule and preferences; favorite class etc)
La primera hora tengo _________ (clase) en el salon ______ (room number)

Req. 10pts_____ Grammar 10pts _____ (-2 per mistake) Vocabulary 10pts_____ Images 5pts_____

Creativity/ Representation of the school 15 pts_____

__________ /50

*You may earn up to 5 points extra credit on this project by including an interview video segment that you create.
Interview el director/la directora, la bibliotecaria, and/ or some of your teachers and get them to respond in*

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