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Marzano Strategies  

Summarizing and Notetaking: 
I would like to utilize this strategy in my classroom because I believe that concise and 
efficient summaries of the material, along with organized notes, are more effective than long 
lectures with too much information to the point that students lose interest. I believe this can be 
used with technology by note taking on a computer with the information in front of them and the 
students can change, adapt, manipulate the information into whatever format they think is most 
beneficial for them. 
Cooperative learning: 
I will incorporate many assignments and projects into my lessons that require group work 
and collaboration because I believe that we work best when we have the ability to communicate 
and bounce ideas off of each other. Technology is especially important in these circumstances 
because students will likely be required to scour the internet for information that helps build their 
skills in the respective topic. Cooperative learning is almost always beneficial to both the student 
and the teacher because the students will have more ability to ensure they are on the same page 
as other students and teachers can be more flexible with their classroom management. 
Generating and Testing a Hypothesis 
This strategy will likely be my most used strategy being a science teacher because 
science is predicated on discovering natural phenomena and developing hypotheses to explain 
them. This is a skill that I will be developing in all of my students in every aspect of the course. 
Technology will be important for this practice because students will need access to informational 
tools and materials that provide them insight on their respective subject. Additionally, I will have 
my students use multiple journal articles from databases throughout the semester that use 
professional formatting and information. Most of these journal articles will attempt to explain a 
natural phenomenon through observations, research, and hypotheses.  

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