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Submitted to:

Ma’am Misha Mirza

Submitted by:

Ahmad Iftikhar
In this age of globalization, industrial activities are at its peak; there is an infinite number of

companies producing and catering to an equally endless number of consumers. However, in the

background, it takes a toll on this planet’s health just as much. With increased awareness and

deteriorating conditions of our environment, the focus has been shifted to what we now know as

“going green.”

The local brand I have selected is “Lehr” it is a local online brand motivated to deliver

environmentally friendly and sustainable stationery and accessories. They use recycled papers

and things to create more eco-friendly products. It’s a start-up, new business of 4 friends who

cared about the environment and wanted to make a change. I was attracted to this brand for the

same reason when I first heard about it. It is the identity of this brand. However, despite having

such a great initiative and a strong will and determination to achieve their target goal, producing

environment-friendly products, they are far from getting there.

This brand has a weak social media presence; they are only on Instagram and Facebook. Since it

is an online brand, its social media matters a lot. They have only 2,732 followers on Instagram

and only 488 Likes and Followers on Facebook. These are nothing; we probably have more

Instagram followers and friends on Facebook; therefore, I chose this brand because it has the

potential, and I have seen people who have bought their products, and their prices are very
reasonable for a brand who only produce green products, as studies have shown it costs you

more to produce environment-friendly products; despite this being the case, Lehr is not well-

known. They are active on social media, just not as much, between the two of the social media,

they are more active on Instagram than Facebook. They frequently post on Instagram, but the last

post on Facebook they made was on September 4th, 2020. It could be because they do not have

many audiences there, so they do not think they can market their products there, or it could be

the other way around, meaning since they are not that active on Facebook, they do not have

many audiences there.

That is Facebook’s story, but if we look at their Instagram, it is a little better, but not that great.

They post on Instagram once in two weeks, the problem with such less frequent posting on social

media is people only remember things that they see often, and if you have a new brand, it will

take a lot of time to build that name and image in peoples mind. Therefore, it is imperative for

this brand to be more active and present on social media. Lehr, as mentioned earlier, is an online

brand, hence all the more reasons for them to be more active on social media because that is their

only way to interact with their consumers and influence them, and gain their trust by not just

delivering the high quality and timely products but also being around and reminding them about

your brand and what is happening, what is new coming up. We will be making a complete social

media strategy for this brand through which they can gain more followers, be more active on

social media, market their products much more efficiently, and reach their target goal.


When you define your target audience, it is vital to keep in mind both demographics and

psychographics. Demographics tell you all the dry stuff about your audience, mainly “who” your
buyer is, what is his location, income, and age group; whereas, psychographics give you a little

more information and focuses on what drives your consumer to make that purchase of your

product. Psychographics let you know about their interests, their lifestyle, their principles, their

class, and their attitude. Combining these two, you can target your audience much more

effectively. Therefore, while making a social media strategy, these two elements are crucial.


Based on the demographics, which are the age, gender, education level or career, or location of

your consumer, you can easily target them. Knowing these factors can help you make more

targeted investment in marketing, helping you achieve your target efficiently. For Lehr, the

targeted audience based on the demographics can be defined as:

1. Age 15-30

This age bracket is their targeted audience, as they produce and offer products like

stationery and other accessories, including bags and postcards, bookmarks, sketchbooks,

notebooks, scrunchies, etc. Young teenagers and adults both use these products and are

equally excited because love for stationary alone is more in teenagers, and adults also use

them to keep their work organized. With the growing sense of aesthetics in these

Millennials and generation-z, it is a must-buy product for them.

2. Gender

The target audience based on gender for this brand is both Male & Female. However,

most of their products are made that way that one might perceive them as girls-only

products, but sketchbooks can’t possibly be only used by females, right? Hence, it targets

both male and female, stationery products are offered to both, and their other products
like scrunchies and bags are for female only. It won’t be wrong to say it is a 60-40 ratio,

60 for females, and 40 for males.

3. Education Level

Their target audience based on education level is mostly from middle and high school

students to university-level students. However, post-graduated and young office going

adults also fall into their target audience range based on education.

4. Location/GeoLocation

Based on the location factor, from what it seems like there is not as such a boundary or

limit. Since they deliver their products across Pakistan, their target audience spread based

on location is wide. However, since this brand itself is Lahore-based, their first preferred

target audience would be people residing in Lahore.

5. Occupation Level

Mainly their targeted audience is students so not as such occupation level is targeted.

However, young adults who just entered into the market have the sense of organizing

their life and getting it together, so they look for such aesthetic products for their new

office desk or new apartment they just moved into. Hinting at that, they also are the main

target audience for this brand.

All these are some of the major demographics which define the target audience for Lehr. Based

on these factors/elements, it will be easy for this brand to narrow down their marketing to just

these specific individuals, instead of vaguely presenting or targeting everyone with the

possibility of no end-goal achieved. Since now we know the demographics of our targeted
audience, the next step is to list down the psychographics; they are equally important which

helps you develop an effective marketing strategy.


Based on psychographics, the target audience for this brand can pretty much be divided into

three major factors which are listed below:


Target audience based on activities like students or people who are book-lovers and keep

their shelves organized, and artistic people who love to sketch, and paint, and use

aesthetic notebooks for doing that. Anyone who is involved in crafts and art is the target

audience of this brand. Because their products range from stationery to bookmarks and

other accessories.


Based on what the brand has to offer, the target audience will be people who are more

interested in aesthetic products, have a sense of fashion, or love fashion. For instance,

knowing interests of our audience is to sketch in his/her spare time, or organizing their

rooms and have that artistic vibe, they can be targeted by posting a picture of someone

sitting in their room sketching on their sketchbooks, and bookmarks in the books on back

shelves, with fairy lights framing those shelves; it gives a cozy environment and attracts

the consumers with same sense and taste.

3. Opinions
The most important factor for this brand is “green revolution & sustainability”. The target

audience for this brand is the people who are woken and opinionated about the

deteriorating condition of our planet and are willing to change that. This is the key

element that they can play with and target people. This is the identity of this brand and

what makes them unique; there are so many brands and shops which sell stationary or

other accessories, but Lehr needs to sell themselves by continuously playing this card to

an audience that equally cares about the environment.

Now that we have listed the demographics and psychographics of our target audience we can

easily make our digital media strategy. We know who we are targeting, where they are located,

and what drives them the most. Now comes the part, where through analytics we will find out

where can we find such an audience, on which social media platform are they easily available

and can be approached.

Digital Media Strategy for their Facebook Page

Since we know our demographics, we can easily be based on the analytics and stats provided by

researchers to target our audience.

For Facebook, we will be focusing on frequency and time, and the target will be to increase the

followers and keep the existing ones hooked.

According to the statistics, 74% of people who are teenagers and adults use Facebook once a

day, while 51% of people use it several times a day. That’s a high number, and we can reach

them easily by making sure we are posting at the right times; meaning when they are most

available and frequently so they remember the name of your brand.

75% of females whereas 63% of males use Facebook. The Age group which uses the most

facebook is 13-17 years old; they are 51% of the total population. 79% of people who use

Facebook are 18-29 years old. From these key demographics, we can deduce that our target

audience in terms of demographics can easily be spotted on Facebook. Time is a key factor, and

based on ou target audience profile which is students, they are mostly busy during the day time

in work and colleges, so the free time when they are most active on social media is around 6:00

pm till 9:00 pm, during this time you will see most of the people online.

To target the audience now Lehr should first focus on the timings and frequency of posting. The

frequent posting which in the case of Facebook should be 3 posts/day; research shows posting

frequently like this increases the chances of your brand to stay in people’s minds. Since Lehr is

not at all active on Facebook, frequently posting and posting on these times will increase their


Another important factor which we have highlighted before is to sell your company’s motive,

what makes you unique. Frequently posting about what is happening around the world about

protecting the environment, minimizing the waste, and producing green products, and then in the

next post sell your product based on that hidden message, will give the consumer a sense of pride

when they click that “shop now”, they will feel their action has made a positive change. This will

incorporate the psychographics of the target audience, and this brand can utilize it easily to meet

their target goals.

Digital Media Strategy for its Instagram Page

According to the stats, 63% of people use Instagram daily. 43% of females and 31% of males use

Instagram. 75% of 18–24-year-olds use Instagram, while 57% of 25–to30-year-olds use it as

well. This clearly indicates that female teenage-young adults can easily be targeted here. Now,

consistency is the key here, your interaction should not be any different on Instagram than it is

on Facebook.

Targeting the audience here can be a bit tricky, you have to use precise hashtags and it would be

even better for this brand to generate its own customized hashtag. Using a hashtag related to your

brand identity would help you reach your target audience; keep it trending.

Another most important and often neglected factor is that marketing is two-way communication.

Get engaged with your consumers as much as possible. Let them brand you, by asking them

questions on your stories; ask them what makes them motivated, what are their ideas of keeping
this planet healthy and harm-free, and then use their response in your next post and market it. It

will help you retain customers, attract new ones, and keep the consumers hooked.

While ensuring these things it is important to keep in mind, people trust those brands who are

transparent; they don’t just buy your word that you use recycled stuff to produce these products,

show them that you do. Go live on Instagram and show them your workspace, or post it on your

feed or add highlights and stories, this will increase the credibility of this brand.

Lastly, as mentioned earlier, consistency is the key. Keep things consistent and the same on all

social media platforms so it is easy for your target audience to recognize you. This brand would

be using the same logo, same color palette, and the same bio which helps its consumers identify

them more quickly. Creating a brand-image does not happen overnight however with the right

digital media strategy and patience, it can be achieved easily.

However, after listing adaptable and feasible strategies for both, marketing on Facebook would

be ideal for this brand. They can incorporate elements of Instagram digital marketing strategy

into Facebook as well because of the similar features both social media platforms have.


The following are the two Facebook posts created for this brand, based on the strategies

discussed in this report above. Both posts represent how this brand can use their identity and

motto and connect with their targeted audience. If such posts are made often and posted three

times per day on Facebook; meanwhile also highlights important events and other blog posts

made regarding eco-friendly products, it will increase their reach, target the audience based on

the demographics and psychographics.


Caption: This festive season, gift your close ones Eco-friendly and sustainable products; show

your love towards earth together.

This shows how committed this brand is towards making this environment a better place to live

and at the same time, this article supports them. This makes your audience informative and

spread awareness which can in turn increase the reach and sales of this brand. Reposting things

like this during the holiday season, and promoting gift-giving would be ideal to capture an


Caption: Join our hands to help make this Earth more habitable and a better place to live. Buy

now our amazing sketchbooks, made out of recycled stuff. Show your creativity and tell us

through pictures storytelling of your idea of saving this planet. We will share our favorites and

give the winner an exciting eco-friendly gift.

Concluding, with the right digital media strategy, and consistency a brand like Lehr with a weak

social media presence can become more active and at the same time increase their sales,

especially when they are already selling at low rates given such products are relatively

expensive. They can even brand and sell this factor about their business in their marketing
strategy, with a simple caption like, “ Protecting this planet can be as low as RS 500/- so by our

amazing products and help us in keeping this planet a safe place for us to live.”

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