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Homework 7

Courtney Gunter

Oct. 18, 2018

My current cultural identity can be defined by several things. First of all, I

am from Texas and, I feel like Texans are always full of state pride. I love my
state. Next, I am from the United Sates, and that is part of my identity as well.
I am also a Christian, which relates to both my cultural and spiritual identity.
My spiritual identity is also that I am daughter of Christ. I was made in the
image of God. This facet of my identity is the most important to me. It gives
my life meaning and purpose. Next, my vocational identity is currently that
of a college student. Certain parts of my vocationally identity are subject to
change, but others will remain constant throughout my life. For example, I will
not always be a student. That is a temporary vocation. However, I will always
be a sister, a daughter, and a friend, which I believe is part of my vocation as
well. Those parts of my identity and vocation will never change.
I am currently a math major, but if I am honest, I am not positive that I will
remain a math major. For the time being, I have decided to pursue mathematics
for several reasons. First of all, I have always enjoyed math. It was always my
favorite subject in school. In addition, I am good at it. I enjoy it and am fairly
good at math, so it seemed natural to study math in college. Next, math is part
of my family history. My mother was a math major, so I enjoy studying math
because it helps me relate to her. It is something we have in common. Moreover,
the study of math relates to other interests I have in life. I am passionate about
art. I enjoy looking at art, as well as painting and doing graphic design. There
are surprising correlations between math and art. Mathematics can be defined
as “the study of patterns,” and art is full of patterns. In particular, graphic
design is logical. It utilizes geometry with the use of shapes and angles. In sum,
mathematics is an important part of my life.
My study of mathematics impacts my view and study of God. Prior to
studying math in college, I had not thought about the correlation between
math and my view of God. However, since I have been at Wheaton, it is
something I have been asked to consider in several of the math courses I have
taken. For example, In Dr. Brabenec’s Calculus II course, we were required
to read two chapters from the book Mathematics Through the Eyes of Faith
by James Bradley and Russell W. Howell. I also read a chapter of it for this
course. Bradley and Howell’s words have really impacted the way I consider
God and mathematics. He is a God of order and patterns. His logic can be
seen everywhere in creation. In addition, He is an infinite God, and concepts of
math can help me understand that a little better.
The concept of life after college is exciting, but also intimidating. I have
really enjoyed college so far, so I am not anxious to leave. However, it will be
exciting to graduate, find a job, and enter the “real” world. At the same time,

I am also a little intimidated to leave college. I do not know for sure what I
want to do with my life, so it is a little scary. I do not think that post-college
life will be either better or worse than life after college, but just different. I love
the community of college, but it will be nice to graduate as well.
I do not have a definite vision for my vocation after college. I honestly have
no idea what I will do. In general, I am a person who likes to have a plan, so
my lack of a plan for my vocation is scary. I obviously enjoy math, so I have
considered vocations that relate to math. In addition, I have considered more
artistic vocations, such as being a graphic designer. Thirdly, I am passionate
about the fight to end modern day slavery, so I would find great fulfillment
working for a non-profit organization. Lastly, I used to work in a nursing home,
and I love working with the older population. I have considered a vocation
interacting with geriatric patients, such as the use of art therapy for recovery.
Other than doing my best in my classes, I am taking steps in order to help
define my future vocation. Since I do not have a clear vision of what my vocation
will be, my steps may look different than those of other students. I am currently
exploring different disciplines to try to narrow my options. In addition, I have
been attending Canvas events provided by the CVC in order to help me better
define my future vocation. At the moment, I am working on finding a time
when I can meet with my CVC career coach, which can hopefully provide some
clarity. In sum, the idea of my future vocation is both exciting and a little scary.

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