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Classroom Management Plan

Megan Rice

Arizona State University


Table of Contents

Classroom Management Plan 3

Philosophy of Education 3
Classroom Procedures 5
Classroom Layout 8
Classroom Rules/Consequences 8

References 10
Tables 11

Classroom Management Plan

The content of this document contains my Classroom Management Plan which identifies

my philosophy of education. This philosophy also includes my definition of my education and

discipline. I have also included the hopeful future layout of my classroom and the reasons why I

desire this layout. This plan also includes classroom rules/consequences, classroom environment,

and classroom procedures. All I have included in this document is to show that I desire for my

students to thrive and excel in my future classroom.

Philosophy of Education

I have been a student for a long time now and have a good sense of what works and what

doesn’t. For that reason, I believe the purpose of education is to prepare the coming generations

how to act and be social, while also teaching them the general knowledge needed in the real

world. I believe that a school is a safe place for children to grow up and learn how to navigate

the world. There is a saying that describes my philosophy of education very well, “It takes a

village to raise a child”. Every teacher, student, and community has a role to play in the

education and raising of a child. Without each role doing its job the system simply doesn’t work.

The role of the teacher is to be the wise old mentor, the “Dumbledore” or “Gandalf” if

you will. They do not have to be an old bearded man but they do have to guide the child through

their journey of growing up. They need to truly care about their class and be compassionate and

dedicated to their mission of education. From my own experience as a student, I also know that

the teacher needs to be able to give feedback on work quickly. A mentor’s feedback is part of the

critical guidance that the pupils need to improve and grow. Finally, I believe that a teacher needs

to be able to show their proteges how to do something before sending them off to practice.

Without the correct tools, the class will not be able to move forward. Overall, A teacher should

be there to guide their students but not hold on so tight that they can never spread their wings.

The role of the student is to be an attentive and respectful learner. They should also be

curious and willing to learn from their teacher. Their teacher is their guide but the student is the

ultimate decision-maker on what they want to do and try. As they go through the years of school

it is my belief that each child is molding themselves not the other way around. Each individual

child is intaking and processing every action done by an adult or peer daily. A school is a social

jungle where every young mind is exploring and mapping new interactions and passing

conversations. They are learning who they are while they are in our classrooms and it is their

ultimate job to grow as a person while learning the basic knowledge taught to them in a

classroom. Overall the role of a student is to grow, mature, and learn while being respectful to

those around them.

The role of the community and parents is one of total support. Similar to the role of a

teacher, the community is there to guide the children but only if called upon. They lay low in the

background waiting for their time. Not every child will need as much support as another, each

community will have different levels of involvement but all are necessary. Whether it is parents,

coaches, doctors, neighbors, or cousins all are a part of a student’s community. They are there to

round out the child’s support system. These systems are in place in case there is something the

teacher can not guide the student in which can happen quite often in cases. Going back to the

phrase, “It takes a village to raise a child”, the community makes up most of the population in

that village.

In the end, the teacher is “Dumbledore”, the student is “Harry”, and the village is

“Hogwarts”. No one role is enough and neither is two. For education to really work, it needs all

three roles to work properly. The student needs support and the village has to provide it. We can

not force the student to do anything but we can try to guide them. I think that is the best way to

go about teaching: guidance. Do not try to force anything but it will cause students to resist, but

if you give gentle pushes and guide them along slowly the students will be walking the path you

set by themselves.

Classroom Procedures

Beginning of Period

You are expected to be seated in your assigned seat and when the bell rings and keeps the

volume in the class to a reasonable volume while the teacher is getting ready for the class. After

the bell rings you are expected to begin your Kickstarter activity that will be listed on the board.

Along with the Kickstarter, the agenda will be listed and needs to be copied down into your

notes. 10 minutes will be allotted for you to get your Kickstarter done and to get any materials

you will be needing for the class out.


Attendance in this class is mandatory. It will be taken every day within the first 5 minutes

of class. If you arrive after 5 minutes you will be marked tardy if you have not been excused by

the office or another teacher via written notice. After 5 tardies, we will have to have a discussion

about what we can do to fix this issue.

If You Are Absent


If you were absent, the next day you are in class, either get to class 5 minutes early or

stay after class to collect any missed work. You can also contact fellow classmates to stay

informed about what we are doing in the class. You will have 2 days to complete any missed

work. Turn in the missing work in the turn-in box labeled “Make-up”.

Turning in Work

All work will be collected at the beginning of class. You will turn in your homework or

any other work into the box labeled your period, i.e. if you are in period 2 then turn your

homework into the period 2 box. Quizzes and tests will be hand collected by the teacher.

Leaving the Classroom

If you are leaving the classroom to use the restroom, you will need to ask permission. If

there is already a student in the restroom then you will have to wait until they return. Whenever

you are not in the classroom you will need to have a pass on you.

Materials and Equipment

The materials needed for this course are pencils, a college-ruled 1 subject notebook, a

graphing calculator, a black or blue pen. All materials on the teacher’s desk are off-limits. There

will be a corner in the class where supplies will be first come first serve. I will try to keep it as

stock as possible.

Student Participation

Students are expected to participate in class discussions. Students are expected to wait

their turn to speak, there will be absolutely no interrupting other students. When you want to

speak the procedure is to raise your hand and wait to be called on. Do not speak during a lecture

or lesson unless called on, speaking counts as an interruption. When assigned to groups students

are expected to work as a team and contribute the same amount of effort as other members.

Talk Among Students

Talking to your fellow students is only permitted during classwork times. These times

would be during the Kickstarter and practice times after lessons. The volume must remain at a

reasonable level or else the teacher can demand silence. The only expectation for this rule is if

group work is assigned.

Getting Help

​If you require help during class on some of the work ask your neighbor first and if they

are unable to help you come to ask me at my desk. There should never be more than 2 students at

my desk at a time. If there are already 2 students at my desk, wait until there isn’t to come to

speak with me.

Leaving your Desk

You may leave your desk to get supplies, sharpen your pencil or go to the bathroom when

a lesson is not being taught. If the teacher is teaching or someone is presenting, you are not

allowed to leave your desk.

End of the Period

I dismiss the class, not the bell. At the end of the period, you will use the last 5 minutes to

clean your work area and return any classroom materials to their proper place. The end of the

period is also when your teacher will be reminding you of anything that is due or important

information so remain in your seat until dismissed.

Classroom Layout

My classroom layout is displayed at the bottom of this document in the tables section.

The paragraph below is my explanation of my layout.

I have all the desks grouped together since I plan on doing a lot of group work. The

grouped desks will allow for very easy and simple group work. I have the round desk up near the

front of the classroom for the students to be able to collect worksheets and turn them in. I have

the table near the door in the bottom right corner for a pencil sharpener and homework to turn in.

That table would also have the late work turn in and all the previous work from the last couple of

days for absentees to collect their missing work. I have a total of 3 whiteboards in the classroom,

two in the front, and one off to the side. The teacher’s desk is in the top right corner with some

bookshelves behind it. I plan on having easy mobility by walking down the center of the room

and being able to interact with every desk group from the middle line. I hope to one day change

the bottom left shelves to a couch for a comfy corner type of system but I want to have some

experience under my belt before I make that change. Currently, those shelves in the back would

be where I would keep some snacks, extra pencils, paper, and various other school supplies.

Classroom Rules/Consequences

1. Be on time for class and be prepared every day.

2. Follow directions the first time they are given.

3. All personal devices are to not be used unless told to for educational usage only.

4. Be responsible for your own learning. I can not be held accountable for you not doing

your own work. You are going to be the one held accountable.

5. Respect your fellow students and the teacher. ​Treat others how you want to be treated.

6. Follow school and district rules as well.

These rules are what are required to be on my list based on my own personal beliefs. In

the beginning of the school year, the students will be able to discuss what they want to add and

remove. We will make our own set of classroom rules as a class and then combine my list with

theirs. It is possible for my list to be modified based on the students arguments as to why it

should be.

The same story happens with the consequences, the students will be able to voice their

opinions. The consequences will be a lot harder for the students to convince me to change since I

believe they are very fair. I give the students a lot of chances to correct their actions, if they

haven’t gotten the memo by the time they get to violation 4, then they deserve what they are

getting, they are doing it to themselves at this point.


I do not think that different consequences should be assigned to different rules. I believe that the

consequences should be constant to decrease miscommunication and confusion as well to keep

things fair. I can not go around the school and district consequences if a student breaks Rule 6,

but I can keep my consequences in order.

***​I reserve the right to skip step and repeat steps based on the severity of the actions***

The consequences table is listed below in the tables section of this document


Rowling, J. K. (1997). Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone. London: Bloomsbury


What can Ms. Rollison do to increase the chances that her students will behave appropriately in

class? (n.d.). Retrieved November 06, 2020, from


Table 1: Classroom Layout

Table 2: Consequences Table

Violation Name of Consequence Consequence


1st Violation General Reminder Just a simple reminder to please stop doing
what you are doing. I will remind you to follow
or refer to the classroom rules. This reminder

is verbal during class, everyone will be able to


2nd Violation 2 Individual Reminders I will pull you aside and remind you again of
the classroom rules. This reminder is off the
side where it will be a one on one talk. This
step can happen twice based on the teacher’s

3rd Violation Time-out in the hallway After 2 reminders, the next step is to remove
the “disruption” from the class. You will be
told to sit outside in the hallway until the
teacher comes to fetch you. This acts as a way
for the teacher and student to take a breather
and cool off.

4th Violation Lunch detention If the disruptions continue, you will need to
spend your lunchtime with me, in my
classroom. No phones or other electronics
permitted. Just you, your food, school work,
and the teacher.

5th Violation Parent Contact If the behavior continues even after the
detention. I will contact the student’s parents
via a phone call and try to set up a meeting to
talk about the behavior issues. If the parents
refuse to meet I will have no choice but to get
the office involved.

6th Violation Referral If nothing else has deterred the behavior, an

office referral will be written. The student will
be sent to the office and taken care of there.

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