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Dear Friends,

Many people are going through trials and tribulations in this modern world in which we live. The
book of Job, ancient as it is — is for our day today — it is timeless and a demonstration of God’s
mercy and love. He does not leave us or forsake us through the most trying times of our lives
(Deuteronomy 31:8). Job’s tribulation is a very important example for us today. It is for our
benefit that we suffer with Christ so that we also may reign with him.

Tribulation will test every fiber of your being. This is what Job endured. The man Job and his
struggles are not unlike the obstacles men and women face in this end time. As you read these
lessons my prayer for you is that you might see God in every circumstance.

In Christ’s Love,
Clara Eggen
Introduction to Job

There was a man named Job who lived in the land of Uz. He was blameless, a man of complete
integrity. He feared God and stayed away from evil. He had seven sons and three daughters.
He owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred teams of oxen and five
hundred female donkeys and he employed many servants. He was, in fact, the richest person in
the entire area. Job 1-3

This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it! Good day to all in whom
dwells the Spirit of the Living God.

Job was indeed a man of integrity and he was rich and increased with goods. He was
concerned for the welfare of his family and for the neighborhood at large. In this day, the lesson
of Job is relevant and timely. For Job, though a devout and loyal man was ignorant of many
things, just as the average Christian is today. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
They give me lip service, but their heart is in their own pursuits. This then is the message of
Job, and it is as real today as it was centuries ago.

Job’s wealth, and his family were a blessing to him. He reveled in the fact that his family was
with him and that he was the priest of his home, which is why he offered up sacrifices for them.
Job 1:4-6

Job was ever vigilant of them and his responsibility toward them. This is an example of a godly
father, and in today’s world it would be the sacrifice of prayer for his children. The father’s of
today that do this are very few and far between, even in the Christian community. It is many
times the mother that takes on this responsibility, just as Moses wife did as she circumcised
their sons. This is indeed regrettable, that fathers spawn children and leave them to their own
devices. This is not to say that the mothers’ prayers are not answered, but the husband is a
definite roadblock.

The thing I want my servants to understand is that the chain of command that I have set forth
and ordained is the way it will be the most effective. When someone breaks the chain, a link is
missing. That is why I say that the fathers’ hearts must be turned to the children. I did not say
that the mothers hearts should be turned to the children, for in most instances, with a few
exceptions, the mothers do love and care for their children, sometimes against great odds!
There are great movements in the land today to show men their responsibility and this is
commendable, but there is still much ground to be covered.

The man Job and his struggles are not unlike the obstacles men and women face in this end
time. Men and women pose the same questions as Job when they are going through a trial or
tribulation. A trial differs from a tribulation in this respect. Trials are not, of a long period of time,
while tribulation is severe and long testing. Tribulation will test every fiber of your being. As you
go through a tribulation you will notice that you will come through a different person each time.
Tribulation is what Job endured, even through he was a good and faithful servant, yet he, like
Christ learned obedience by the things that he suffered. There is great victory in suffering.
Though the head is bowed to the ground, the heart is made lighter and purified by the power of
the Holy Spirit. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding!
You shall come forth as gold!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 1

One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan the Accuser came
with them. Job 1:6 (read the rest of the chapter)

Good morning to all in whom the Spirit of God dwells. It is a good day to concentrate on the
scriptures and especially the one concerning my servant Job. Although he was the finest man
on the earth at that time, still there was much for Job to learn. He was performing in the realm of
the knowledge he had at the given time. This is also the condition of my servants today.
Although many are the caliber of Job, still there is always much more for the Christian to
experience in order to have a more perfect walk with me. I do not hinder the walk of the child of
God, but Satan, the Accuser is ever ready to “pounce” on the servant of God. Why then would I
allow such a thing? The Lord is gracious, and good. Why would he let his servants be tested
and by all people Satan? This has puzzled man for centuries and millennia!

We will go back to the analogy of the manufacturer in today’s society. Does the manufacturer of
a Cadillac put his car in the showroom without a test? You can be sure every test available will
be given to prove the car before being displayed for sale. Does the manufacturer revel in the
fact when a test fails? No! He built the car to pass every test. But if the car has any defects he
wants to find out before the showroom. That, my dear little children is why I allow you to be
tested. I want to know if what has been built into you will stand the test of time. If should be an
encouragement to every soldier to know that his commander in chief trained him with the
capacity to win. There is, within every child of God that seed of greatness, but it is up to him to
water and cultivate it. Then, when the storms of life rain down on that little plant, it will bow but
not break! I am in the wings cheering you on with a great cloud of witnesses! Remember that
next time you see the winds of adversity blowing. You will be as good as your prayer and bible
study. If you drink in little, you will produce little.

Job, as we shall see, was about to receive reverses in his life that were truly devastating. He
was to be tested to within an inch of his life. Do not criticize or condemn him unless you have
walked a mile in his shoes. He lost everything and even his wife turned against him. Why wasn’t
she sitting in the ash heap with him? Why did she not attend to his boils? Lest you be too hard
on her, remember she also suffered the loss of her children and everything else. She suffered
disgrace in the eyes of the community. She mourned her children and she was in a state of
depression when she counseled Job with such a harsh suggestion. Do not condemn her;
because you have not suffered the loss of all your children, your economy or your mate being
sorely tried, sitting on an ash heap with sores oozing out of his body. Many are quick to
sympathize with Job, but Job’s wife was facing the same crisis. She was in extreme anguish
when she counseled Job in this manner.

Job maintained his integrity and is an example of all who suffer. Some are suffering to one
degree, some to another, but the intensity grew in Jobs life. His “manufacturer” was waiting in
the wings and suffered with him. Does your God not care about every sorrow that besets his
children? Job was to be an example in the annals of time for the extreme case. He did not know
at the time that all was being recorded for future generations! This is just as true today as it was
in Job’s time. Remember the warning you receive on your TV set - “This is only a test!” – A
tribulation is what Job experienced and the purpose of these series of lessons is to distinguish
between the two! Job came forth as gold and so will every child of God when he puts his hand
to the plow, never looking back, for I am no respecter of persons!

In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen
Lesson 2

Job scraped his skin with a piece of broken pottery as he sat among the ashes. His wife said to
him, “Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse God and die.” But Job replied, “You
talk like a godless woman. Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never
anything bad?” So in all this, Job said nothing wrong. Job 2:8-10

This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice in it and be glad! Good day to all in whom
the Spirit of God is dwelling. It is a good day to discuss the condition of Job. All his children
were taken away, all his possessions and his wealth was stripped from him in a moment of time!
He did have his wife out of all of this, who could have been a tremendous blessing to him, but
she was too devastated to even think in a godly manner.

Many marriages are tested to the limit, and to quote a saying, “When poverty comes in the door,
love flies out the window.” True love will “stick it out”, superficial “love” will not. When marriage is
sorely tried, then the true makeup of a man or woman comes to the surface. Many in this world
today are in marriages that cannot stand the test of time, hence the divorce rate.

Marriage is a union that should be for life. However, many, in the heat of infatuation, marry
without even looking at the facts. They do not heed advice given by their parents, the clergy,
and other wise counselors. To look before they leap in the most important human relationship
and weigh all the facts is foreign to their nature. Then when hardship comes (and it will) they will
find that they were really not that “crazy” about that individual and run for the divorce court.
These people never have the experience of riding out the storm and seeing the solution that
would surely come in time. Also, to neglect having Jesus Christ as the head of their home is a
serious mistake!

Not many couples are tested in the manner that Job and his wife were. Some cannot take it
when only a little heat is turned up. What then is the solution? Trust in God and lean not to your
own understanding. This is not to say that anyone should stay in an abusive situation, for the
Lord does not condone abuse. This abuse comes in many forms. No woman or man should
have to live in fear of his or her life. When that is the case, the offending party has broken the
marriage contract, along with the vows that were said. Many men and women stay in a
relationship like this in the hope that things will get better and with the help of their Almighty
Father, the miracle of new birth can occur and has happened. However, until this occurs, the
abused party is better off to leave for their own sanity and peace of mind and to save their lives!
The marriage covenant is not to be entered in lightly and counsel should be sought and carefully
weighed. The Lord’s will, should be of first consideration. To bring children into a marriage is a
sobering thing indeed, and a heavy responsibility. Children deserve godly parents that will bring
them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. To do this, the parents should be spiritually
mature enough to train them in the way that they should go. In the world to come, this will be a

In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen
Lesson 3

What I always feared has happened to me, what I dreaded has come to be. I have no peace, no
quietness. I have no rest; instead, only trouble comes. Job 3: 25-26

Good day to all in whom the Spirit of God is dwelling. It is a good day to discuss the plight of
Job. Many people avoid Job because they feel it is too depressing. But the message of Job is
relevant to today, because thee is much depression in the land. The thing that Job feared was
that his children may have sinned and he wanted to cover them with sacrifices. This is indeed
commendable, for with the life of luxury that Job enjoyed, it would not have seemed necessary
in the eyes of others. However, Job did fear God and stayed away from evil. (Job 1:1) Why then
did he say that the thing he feared had happened to him? Like many people today, living in fear
has its price.
Fear is the topic for today. What is the definition of fear?

Fear: An unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger; an

instance of this emotion; fear, state marked by this emotion; anxious concern; solicitude;
profound reverence and awe esp. toward God; reason for alarm: danger. To feel fear in oneself
to be afraid of; consider or expect with alarm to be afraid of or apprehensive, fearful: loss of
courage. Fear, dread, fright, alarm, panic, trepidation, shared meaning element – painful
agitation in the presence or anticipation of danger.

The spirit of fear is caused by a complete lack of faith and love. Perfect love casts out fear.
Faith anticipates good things from the hand of God. That is why I counsel all my sons and
daughters to stay close to me. When you wander out into uncharted seas without your Lord and
Savior, you are putting yourself into the hands of the author of fear — Satan the Devil who
deceives the whole world. To be mindful of him is to be on your guard with the whole armor of

Love counteracts fear in that there is no room in the heart of total love for anxious concern. To
cultivate this love in your garden you must daily meet your Lord-both in hearing his voice and
reading his word. There are no shortcuts! In this day of instant food and rapid transportation,
communication, little time is left for the one who gave you the breath of life. When this happens,
anxious care, fear and trepidation creeps in. You are not able to bear up under the strain
yourself. That is why I say “cast all your care upon me, your Lord and Savior.” You cannot bear
it, I can.

Can the one who is created be more powerful that the God who created him? No my child, it
cannot be. So lift up the feeble hands and strengthen your feeble knees and make straight
paths to me, and I will relieve you of distress. A servant is not greater that his Lord. You are the
apple of my eye, I stand waiting to help you, do not bear the burden alone.

In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen
Lesson 4

If God cannot trust his own angels and has charged some of them with folly, how much less will
he trust those made of clay? Their foundation is dust, and they are crushed as easily as moths.
They are alive in the morning, but by evening they are dead, gone forever without a trace. Their
tent collapses; they die in ignorance. Job 4:18-20

The Lord God Almighty addresses you this day. It is with a glad heart that I come to you. There
is much in the book of Job that is relevant to today, as I have said previously. Yesterday we
discussed fear, and how it is a lack of trust in your heavenly Father to intervene in a given
situation. Your prayers move my hand and did I not say “Men ought always to pray and not to
faint”? So do not look at the present circumstances, but continue in prayer and fasting. A meal
will be sufficient. I do not look at the length of a fast as much as I look on the heart!

Do not look to the right hand or to the left. Your life is as a vapor, and soon you will look for it
and it will be gone. Now, while it is day is the time to stand up and demonstrate your faith to
your heavenly Father. Do not allow that old serpent Satan to alarm you, for you are not greater
that God to try and change the course of a man’s life. You are to pray and not to faint.
Prayerlessness will cause all kinds of trouble in your soul. You are the apple of my eye. I want
you to succeed every bit as much as you want your children to succeed. So remember that
when you are faced with any given situation. Your Lord and Savior wants you to share all
burdens with him. Then leave them there at the feet of the Master, who does all things well.

Faith is what is needed in all situations. Even when circumstances accelerate, prayer and faith
must be “turned up” in intensity. This is what I want from all my servants. “Faith is the substance
of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen!” When I say a thing, that thing will come
to pass. I do not tell you what might happen in between! That is why you need to trust me in all

Trust the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to YOUR understanding, I say this so often
because that is what my people do! There is no rest for those who do not trust in me. Their
minds are in a quandary, and are beset with all kinds of fear and faithlessness. This is indeed a
travesty, that men depend on their own fear and ignorance instead of the wisdom of God, the
one who gave them breath! You cannot trust your own reasoning, for it will surely give you
unrest and trepidation. Learn now to put everything in my hands. This will take you to greater
heights. The battle is not yours, but the Lords.

This then is the course of action to take, pray about the situation, and then trust. Trust in the
midst of your storm. Even though everything may look turbulent, you do not have the power to
change anything but yourself, and that is a full time job. Would you not agree with that? Work on
you and the rest is in my hands.

In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen
Lesson 5

You will be at peace with the stones of the field, and its wild animals will be at peace with you.
You will know that your home is kept safe. When you visit your pasture, nothing will be missing.
Your children will be many; your descendents will be as plentiful as grass! You will live to a good
old age. You will not be harvested until the proper time! Job 5:23-26

It is a good day to all in whom dwells the Spirit of the Living God. It is with a glad heart that I
come to you. All my children are dear to my heart. I find great satisfaction in your progress. Man
does not analyze progress in the way that I do, for man considers setbacks as a great tragedy,
but I see them as catalysts for growth.

Did I not say that all things work together for good to them that love God and to them that are
called according to my purpose? Yes, and it is going to be a progression for all eternity. Your
will laugh at the trials that are now so sore and bothersome. For in that day, when victory over
death, hell and the grave is achieved, you will realize that you suffered but for a brief moment.
So lift up your heads, for your redemption draws nigh. All is being accomplished!

Job did not realize as he sat on the ash heap, scraping his sores with a potsherd that was
broken, that he still had a glorious future, even as a human being. He wanted to die, and he felt
death would be a sweet release! But little did he know at the time of his tribulation that plans
were already on the “drawing board” to restore all he had lost. This is also true of many of my
saints today.

You see, it was the devil that stole everything from Job and his wife. Yes, I did allow it, but I
already knew that Job would be fully restored. Job accepted the fact that man should be willing
to accept evil as well as good when it comes to him. However, that did not keep him from
bemoaning his “fate”. Job did not realize that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the
Lord delivers them out of them all! All means all. I cannot emphasize this enough! For Job
suffered intensely, but I was going to restore to the degree that he suffered! Remember this
when you go through and intense tribulation! There are plans to heap blessings upon you!
When I tell you a thing it will come to pass, for I am not a man that should lie. I am dealing with
my saints today to get them ready for the return of their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the King
of Kings, and Lord of Lords. This means all my beloved brethren. They will be delivered from
this world and its problems in order to help others. When I tell you there is a glorious future
awaiting you, let it be known that if you just had a glimpse of this great glory, you would be
transformed further in the renewing of your mind.

To your Lord and Savior belongs all the praise and glory and honor, for it was he that suffered
and died to make this all possible! Do not become weary in well doing, for you will reap if you do
not faint! My ways are the ways of love, and peace and kindness. You are sorely tried in order
to enter into my sufferings, for if we suffer together, we shall reign together. Do you think I do
not suffer anguish at the suffering of my compatriots? Yes, I feel their sorrows and misery and
woe. I do not take pleasure when you are going through a time of testing, but I am “rooting” for
you to make it. And this was the case of our Father in Heaven when I suffered the agony on the
cross! I am not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 6

Do you think your words are convincing when you disregard my cry of desperation? (Job’s
words to his friends) Job 6:26

Good morning to all in whom dwells the Spirit of the loving God. It is a good day to discuss
plans and purposes. The life of Job has its turmoil and tribulation, and for a great purpose! Many
are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them ALL! My people trust
me in one situation, but in the next they throw up their hands! If I am God in one situation, I am
still God in the next! What I want from my people is complete trust in every situation! Look back
and remember all the Lord has done for you and how he brought you out of the deep miry clay
and set your feet on solid rock!

Job’s “friends” really meant to do him good and not evil. Many well-meaning friends today are in
the same category. Be careful how you counsel a brother or sister in trial, for you have not
walked a mile in their shoes. They oftentimes need only to have you support and not your
“words of wisdom.” They want to be heard and not to hear sentimental platitudes. Just be there
for them to unload all their grief and sorrow, and oftentimes they will hear their words of woe
and be able to “check” themselves. Pray with them and hold their hand, be a comfort and not a
stumbling block. The last thing someone wants in a trial is to see a smug confidant person
giving advice that they know nothing about.

Trials come in many different guises. Many times a person does not realize it until he is “going
downhill” and wonders what is wrong. Be on your guard, even when praying and reading the
word and sometimes because of it, you will meet your adversary face to face in a confrontation.
The length of that confrontation may be prolonged by a negative attitude.

When you are confronted that is the time to bring to mind all the scriptures that are applicable to
the situation. But my people many times become faint and weary, complaining and losing heart,
in the very thick of the battle. They do not allow their Lord and Savior to fight the battle for them,
but let the pressure drive them to despair and depression. That is not what you should be
demonstrating at that time, but TRUST in your Lord and Master to fight for you. You must ever
be advancing and not retreating!

Take heart then all you my people who are called by my name. The worthy and honorable name
of “Christian” also had a cross to bear. Carry the cross with dignity and perseverance and do not
give in to the tactics of the enemy, for they are many. If he cannot fool you on one front, he will
use a different strategy.

Do not become weary in well doing, for you will reap if you faint not. Be of good courage, for the
Lord your God has cleared the path before you. If you suffer with me, you also will reign with
me. Do you believe this? Then demonstrate the fruits. Offer the sacrifice of praise! The enemy
will flee when he hears praise to almighty God, for he once offered praise himself, and fell from
his exalted estate and actually demoted himself! He wants to have the same status for you, that
where he is you may be also! No one would choose this if he were looking through the eyes of
his Creator! Defeat the foe and continue to walk in the paths of righteousness. Do not dwell in
he domain of your adversary by allowing your thoughts to be negative, fearful and doubting.
Trust in the Lord your God and lean not you YOUR own understanding. You will reap if you do
not faint!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 7

My days are swifter than a weavers shuttle flying back and forth … Job 7:6

Good morning in all whom dwells the Spirit of God. This is a special time and day, not known
before! For the culmination of all the ages is coming to fruition. Do you realize the times in which
you are living? It is a time unprecedented in human history!

The days in which you are living are days of testing and trial, along by its side are the most
glorious and prolific days seen by mankind. This is a paradox. Many are the afflictions of the
righteous, but the Lord your God delivers him out of them all! All means all! My servants are
being tried and made white in the garments of praise and thanksgiving. So put on the garment
of praise each and every day and do not murmur or complain, but give thanks unto the Lord for
giving you these days that the prophets of old longed to see!

They were a part of the great panorama of events that led to this final hour! Yes the clock is
ticking and your days are swifter that a weavers shuttle! In the last days events are accelerated
in such a manner in order to usher in the glorious kingdom of God. That is why it is necessary to
find a quiet place in which to meet your Lord and Savior, in order to hear and answer the Lord
you God. Shut out the distractions for they are many!

Therefore take up the banner, listen prayerfully for my instructions, and take heed to my words
of eternal life, for it is the power and strength of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who started
the work in the land of Israel two millennia ago! Realize you and your fellow kinsman are in a
stream that has been flowing for all these centuries. Some are up to their ankles, knees, hips
and thighs, and some are swimming, depicting all stages of development in the body of Christ.
That is why I do not want anyone in my body to point the finger at anyone else, for I look on the
heart and measure the progress of each individual.

Do not become weary in well doing for you will reap if you do not faint! Faint heartedness is not
what I want to see in my people. Be strong and of good courage, and come out of yourself and
into the stream that flows from Mt Hermon! It is a good stream of everlasting life and it is for
everyone who will heed the call. The fields are white with harvest and you and all my people are
the water to drench these fields! I want a bumper crop! So go forth with determination and
perseverance. Do not flag or fail for I am with you every step of the way.

In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen
Lesson 8

But look! God will not reject a person of integrity, nor will he make evildoers prosper. He will yet
fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. Job 8:20

Praise God from whom all blessings flow and all in whom the Spirit of the Lord is dwelling! It is a
good day to discuss integrity. In the course of human events, it is of vital importance to have
integrity; I want this quality in all my people.

Integrity: adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
The state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition.

You see my little children in whom I dwell, it is very important to have this quality in your
Christian life. The opposite of integrity is double-mindedness: (wavering or undecided in
mind). This is a problem in my body today. In this world of fast living, there is a tendency in all
my children for duplicity: (deceitfulness in speech or conduct; speaking or acting in two
different ways concerning the same matter with intent to deceive; double-dealing) There is a
proclivity to have one thought in mind while “acting out” another. You cannot be tuned into God
and listen to the devil at the same time, my little children. This is why I continually tell you to look
not to the left or the right. Once you do, double-mindedness sets in. Why is this a prevalent
thing in the body of Christ? It is because of “situation ethics” (a view of ethics that deprecates
general moral principles while emphasizing the source of moral judgments in the distinctive
characters of specific situations). Every man doing what is right in his own eyes! My word
becomes of little consequence in many instances. Listening to the worldly philosophers of this
day will surely confuse and frustrate your Christian walk. Do not tune into this way of thinking.

Think on these things: And now dear brothers and sisters, let me say one more thing as I close
this letter. Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are
pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep
putting into practice all you learned from me and heard from me and saw me doing, and the
God of peace be with you. (Philippians 4:8-9)

Do not let the devil rob you of peace, joy and all the fruits of the Spirit. This he will do if you
dwell in a state of double-mindedness. He is always ready to disseminate his evil tactics, and
my little children are not aware of his subtle ways. That is why I tell you continually, do not
neglect the word of the living God, for in it is the “antidote” for the poison of the evil one.

I am looking for those who will not compromise the word of God in their everyday job, in their
homes, in the restaurants, in any public place. Integrity then is the order of this and every day
for as long as you live. When your Lord and Savior walked the face of this earth in human form,
did he compromise his integrity? Never! Follow his example and never give place to Satan the
Devil who deceives the whole world! Look into every matter with integrity in mind. The phrase
“What would Jesus do” is of me, for that is a valid question when you are walking in integrity.
Walk then as Jesus walked and do not compromise a millisecond! This will take a strong will
which can only be supplied in prayer and meditation on my words of eternal life!

In conclusion then, live a life worthy of your high calling and do not make provision for the flesh.
For the flesh wars against the Spirit and the Spirit wars against the flesh so fight the good fight
of faith!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 9

If only there were a mediator who could bring us together, but there is none. The mediator could
make God stop beating me, and I would no longer live in terror of his punishment. Then I could
speak to him without fear, but I cannot do that in my own strength. Job 9:32-35

It is with great pleasure thiat I come to you this morning, my little children, for all that is being
accomplished has been ordained from the foundation of the world. You are my witnesses.
These things I reveal to you for the days are passing by swiftly. I am coming to claim my bride,
and when I come, it will be the most glorious day in history heretofore. Listen to my voice my
little children for you are bearing the vessels of the Lord. Be strong then and of good courage,
for what I begin, I finish!

Job was speaking out of the anguish of his heart in these selected verses, and how often have I
heard my little children complain. You have heard complaints from your children. Why do I have
to pick up my clothes, brush my teeth, take a bath, at this precise moment. I want to play! Yes
and I hear the same from my children. “Not now Lord, I am busy with this project, and later, I will
do it.” But little do they realize that the cares of this life will crowd in, and the task or duty is
forgotten. A week later, my servant will realize that the job was never completed and then they
ask forgiveness. I do forgive, but nevertheless there was a sin of omission! I am not a harsh
God, but just as you set time frames for your children to complete their duties, I also do the
same. The next time I gently nudge you to do something, realize it is the proper time. I do all
things well! This is just a reminder, and that is why I want you to use your planner so that you
will be able to be more organized. Keep it open before you.

Job was living in a time frame when the priest was the mediator, and now you have an advocate
with the Father, Jesus Christ, the son of the Living God. He is not a God made of wood and
stone. My people worship material things, which will all pass away! Keep your eyes focused on
the bread of life that will never perish or fade away! I will provide all your needs according to my
riches in glory. Do not hesitate to ask for those things that you have need of. Then, at the proper
time, I will pour out blessings!

So learn the lesson of Job in these teachings and do not doubt the things that are being worked
out in your life, for you do not know what a day will bring forth, but I do! Wouldn’t you rather
have your trust in a map than in trying to find the way on your own? That is what I want to do,
guide you into all truth, it is a fantastic voyage and you will be blessed on this old ship of Zion!

Do not faint or become weary, but ask for strength continually, for I am the Lord your God that
confirms his word.

Amen and Amen

Lesson 10

“I am disgusted with my life. Let me complain freely. I will speak in the bitterness of my soul. I
will say to God, ‘don’t simply condemn me-tell me the charge you are bringing against me. What
do you gain by oppressing me? Why do you reject me, the work of your own hands, while
sending joy and prosperity to the wicked’”. Job 10:1-3

Good morning my little children in whom the Spirit of God is dwelling. You are the apple of my
eye and the work of my hands. You were known before the foundation of the world. Yours was
no accidental birth or random experiment in my laboratory. Do you realize that you are fearfully
and wonderfully made? Do you ponder the fact that I created you for a supreme purpose? Why
then do my little children question me in times of trouble? It is because the perspective of one
whose life hangs in the balance is distorted. Job had already forgotten the counsel he had given
his wife. “Shall we receive good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?”

However, in the depths of despair and agony, he did complain in the bitterness of his soul. His
spiritual lens became fuzzy, and the physical condition of his body gave him a “slanted” look on
life. This is as true today as it was in Job’s day. To remember the good times in the days of
adversity is a difficult thing for any human. I walked the dusty trails in the days of my earthly
tenure; I experienced all the gamut of emotions with my creation, walking among men. That is
why I can tenderly sympathize with the suffering of all my children. Therefore let us discuss the
sin of complaining.

Complain: to lament-to express grief, pain or discontent-to make a formal accusation or charge.
Complaint: expression of grief, pain or resentment-something that is the cause or subject of
protest or outcry.

It is good to know the meaning of words, for in them you receive instruction. Each word with a
unique meaning demonstrates a picture in the mind. Job then complained in the bitterness of his
soul. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. This I repeat over and over, as a parent
with a child that lacks understanding. Many Christians feel they have “arrived” until trouble
comes and stares them in the face. Complaints begin in the heart, and then come thundering
from the lips. The thing I want from my children is to realize the test has started and their
reactions are noted. Did you learn from the last test, or do you have to be retested on the same
material? This is something that is relevant to every parent that is truly trying to nurture and
provide for his or her children.

What then should your state of mind be? Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus! The
mind of Christ is what each of my servants should be striving for. This is a matter of staying in
the mind of Christ through the living word. Yet my people neglect this foundational principle.
Run to the Word; seek after the Word as you would for hidden treasures. If a treasure was
buried on your property, you would be excavating your land until you found it. You would leave
no stone unturned. There is a wealth of knowledge in the book of the Bible at your fingertips, 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, and 52 weeks a year. Read the textbook if you are to pass the test!

In conclusion then, work out your own salvation in fear and trembling. You cannot preach to
others if you are not in the Word of the Living God. It would be a sham and hypocrisy. Go forth
and do the will of your Father in heaven.

Amen and Amen

Lesson 11

Then your face will brighten in innocence. You will be strong and free of fear. You will forget
your misery it will all be gone like water under a bridge. Your life will be brighter than the
noonday. Any darkness will be bright as morning. You will have courage because you will have
hope. You will be bright as morning. You will have courage because you will have hope. You will
be protected and will rest in safety. You will lie down unafraid, and many will look to you for
help. Job 11:15-19

I am the Lord your God in the highest heavens, peace be unto you and your children. I the Lord
your God am a jealous God and the sins of the fathers are visited to the third and fourth
generation of those that are disobedient to me. You are my little children and all are my children
in whom the Spirit of God is dwelling. I call upon you this day to look to me, the author and
finisher of your faith. You are indeed surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.

In order to understand the book of Job, it is necessary to understand something of your Creator.
He does not willingly afflict the sons of men. Correction is truly from a father that loves his child.
Even in the best of circumstances, man has much to learn. He is not without a map or
compass in his journey, if only he will seek out the words of eternal life. These words
bring life, hope, joy and peace. Mankind is groping in the darkness in the farthest
recesses of his mind and conscience. It is there that the battle is raging. And yes, it is
there that man must make a decision to follow the Almighty God, the Everlasting Father,
the Prince of Peace. This raging battle does not stop once a commitment is made, for
Satan greatly desires to win you back. It is in the mind that he wages this war and
relentlessly pursues his prey. No one wants to live in turmoil and trepidation. That is
why it is so vitally important to put on the Word each and every day of your life. It is your
first line of defense against your adversary, Satan the Devil. Your Lord and Savior did
defeat him at the cross. This means that as you join forces with him, you will be
successful in waging this war. Your tools are many:

The Word
Loving neighbor as yourself
Praise and worship
Surrender daily

Listen to the voice of the Lord, which can come in many forms and guises. You can learn even
from an illiterate and poor person if you have ears to hear. Do not discount these little ones.

In the final analysis, it is those that humbly seek my face that will be most successful in their
Christian walk. To do this, I must be first priority. Nothing must take my place. Nothing! Do you
want an answer to your prayers? Make me first. Do you want a successful ministry? Make me
first. Do you want health and vitality? Make me first. Do you want to be victorious and win the
daily battles that come your way? Make me first. Walk with me, talk with me, eat and drink with
me, the Living Word. Did I not say I would come and dine with you if you opened your heart to
me? Yes and many delicacies are at my table, my little ones. The dishes that I prepare for you
are health and healing. You may drink from the fountain of life freely-no hindrances-no
boundaries. My little children love me in all sincerity. Amen and Amen
Lesson 12

He takes away the understanding of kings, and he leaves them wandering in a wasteland
without a path. They grope in the darkness without a light. He makes them stagger like
drunkards. Job 12:24-25

My little children in whom dwells the Spirit of the Living God, it is a good morning, the dew is on
the roses and all is going according to plan. Even though there are many things in this world
that are at the present “topsy turvy” yet all is coming to fruition. My Word does not return unto
me as void, for my Word is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword.

In the course of human events, it becomes necessary for your heavenly Father to deal with the
kings of this world. They are not as the kings and priests that I have ordained, but still, I put
boundaries around them. “This far and no farther”, for they will not be able to destroy my plans
for all mankind. Though they may have an evil reign, it will come to an end.

The President of the United States of America is now under attack for having prayer and
reading the Bible. However, little does this nation know or comprehend the peril it is in. I have
placed a man and men in the highest seats of authority for such a time as this. I have placed a
spirit of revival in the hearts of my people, for it must not be that this nation goes down at
harvest time. The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. It must not be that the
farm equipment breaks down at harvest time. That is why I am sending the greatest revival ever
known heretofore. It will sweep untold millions into the kingdom. It will leave the fearful and
unbelieving to suffer the wrath of Almighty God.

Yes, and at that time the kings of the earth will stumble and fall and grope in darkness, as the
plagues of Revelation take hold on humanity. There is no time for complacency, for my will
prevails. I go forward ever advancing to the end of this age, to usher in the mighty government
of God on this earth. All will be diametrically opposite to the evil that is now so prevalent.

So you see, my little children in whom I am well pleased, there is not time to lay down your
armor, but keep it on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This armor, which is prayer, fasting, and
the word of the Living God must not be neglected for if it is, you will be sliding backward. Then
you must work hard to regain your former position. Yes, I do forgive, but the ground must be
regained. Better not to slip back.

Pray in the spirit, and keep me in mind at all times, doing the will of your Father in heaven.
There is not a thing that my people can do without my directive. You are in the army of the
Living God and as such there must be of necessity, orders and maneuvers. This may be any
time of day or night, so prepare for spiritual warfare! You cannot fight this battle alone, for it is
the Lord’s battle. He is the one who goes before you and you must be ready, at a moment
notice! “It is so pleasant”, says the enemy, “to lay your armor down, its so heavy!” Once it is off,
he can attack you, and you are naked and defenseless. So be on your guard, for I have warned
you! Watch out for the “land mines” of the enemy. He is a deceitful and devious foe. But I have
defeated him and my blood covers you as long as you stay close to me.

Go forth then and see that you are always abounding in the works of the Lord!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 13

Are you defending God by means of lies and dishonest arguments? You should be impartial
witnesses, but will you slant your testimony in his favor? Will you argue God’s case for him? Be
careful that he doesn’t find out what your are doing? Or do you think you can fool him as easily
as you fool people? Job 13:7-9

It is with great pleasure that I come to you this morning to give you instruction from the book of
Job. You are my dearly beloved children (and all in whom my Spirit dwells.) It is a good time to
discuss Job and his woes. Job was like many of this day and age. They trust in their own
integrity. Over and over, Job pleads his case with God. This is what many of my servants do
today. They are depending on their good works to get the favor of God. I do want to see good
works as a result of my power, and not yours. So do not pat yourself on the back when
something good comes to your works, but give honor to whom honor is due. Remember the
example of the Lord your God as he walked the face of the earth. He said, “I can do nothing of
myself, the Father in me does the works.” You and all my children are instruments and an
extension of my power here on earth!

As for arguing the case of God, I do not need a lawyer, for I, in my infinite wisdom, do all things
well. There is no shadow of turning with me. I am the captain of your ship, the lover of your soul,
the bright and morning star, the lily of the valley, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You and
all my children are the lords of which I am chief. No, I do not need your defense, but I do need
your testimony, for you overcome evil by the word of your testimony.

You are witnesses, for as a student of the word, you become a witness of my power and glory. I
do want you to share your testimony with others. This will give you great leverage. I do not wish
for my servants to go around with religious sounding phraseology when dealing with the lost, but
a common sense approach. When you tell all that the Lord has done for you, it will truly astound
the hearer. So do not be afraid to share your testimony or from his point of view. This is what my
servant Paul did when he walked the face of the earth. To the Jews he became as a Jew, and to
the Gentile, he put himself in their place in order that he might win them to Jesus Christ. Let this
mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.

What then should be your approach? Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and love your
neighbor as yourself. This, you cannot do in the flesh. It has to be in the Spirit. Walk not in the
flesh, but in the Spirit, for the Spirit wars against the flesh and the flesh against the Spirit. You
cannot do this without your armor on every day of your life. It must be more important to you
than food, clothing and the necessities of life. For your lifeline comes from reading the Word and
talking to your heavenly Father which is in heaven. His name be praised forever and ever.

World without end, Amen and Amen

Lesson 14

If mortals die, can they live again? This thought would give me hope, and through my struggle I
would eagerly wait for release. You would call and I would answer and you would yearn for me,
your handiwork. Job 14:14-15

I love the thought of all that is transpiring in the lives of my children, the work of my hands. Do
you now see why you are important to me? An artist cherishes his masterpiece, he protects and
treasures it and keeps it from decay and destruction. This is how I view all my children and
potential children. I love to see them repent and turn to me and this is beautiful in my sight. So
follow me all the days of your lives and I will be with you. I will guide you; I will protect you, the
work of my hands. I have invested much in the bringing up of my children, for a piece of my
heart is implanted in every one of you! Do you now see the significance of my interest? Yes and
more than this, you will be with me for all eternity, my little children to taste of joys and
pleasures forevermore.

Now in this day many things seem on a daily basis to be mundane and trivial, but this is not so
in the heaven lies for there is much excitement and anticipation for the revealing of the sons of
God. The stage is set, the players are in full regalia, and they are about to burst on the world
scene. Does this surprise you? No my little children for this cause you were born, to live in this
time, and in this place!

You are not here by accident. So be content in the place you are planted and do not fret or
worry if you have missed my plan, it is right on target and all systems are on go! Job poses a
very important question, “If a man die, shall he live again?” The answer is found in the writings
of the apostle Paul, “a grain of wheat must die before it can blossom forth.” So all my children
will shed their bodies for that glorious body. This was my plan since the foundation of the world.
If many are confused on this subject, it is that simple. There need be no confusion or trepidation
for my world is the true world; this world that you live in is temporary. It is the clay model; it is
the replica of the real thing. Which would you rather possess, a temporary, transitory existence,
or the real thing? That, my little children in whom my spirit dwells, is what I am offering all my

Why then do they look to other gods to satisfy? They look to counterfeits when the real thing is
within their grasp! What a travesty. Do not be among them, for your reward is great if you do not
faint with weariness. Keep uppermost in your mind the destiny of every man, woman and child
that will submit to my government and take up his cross and follow me. See that long winding
road with the Lord and Master of your life forging the way. You will be of all people most blessed
and comforted! So do not be weary, but let me place my hands on you for a new anointing and
a higher plane of existence

Amen and Amen

Lesson 15

“Were you the first person ever born? Were you born before the hills were made? Were you
listening at God’s secret council? Do you have a monopoly on wisdom?” Job 15:7-8

This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. To rejoice is indeed a
wonderful thing. I want all my little children to rejoice in their heritage. What a wonderful and
indeed, glorious future awaits those who are members of the household of the Living God. No
other religion on the face of the earth can offer this, for they are a counterfeit of the true and
Holy God. Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, your Redeemer, your Sanctifier, your
Creator and Sustainer. Blessed be the Lord God Almighty, the one who leads the army of God
to glorious and sure victory. Do not be dismayed by obstacles that come across your pathway,
for did I not say, “All things are working together?” Yes and more than that, they are working
perfectly. Disappointments are God’s appointments and delays are also opportunities for greater
things, so lift up your heads, for your redemption is continually drawing nigh. You and all my
children are to go on to greater works of service! Amen and Amen

Job suffered greatly and was tempted far above those that have trials. He is an example for all
who suffer. The main thing to remember is that all was going according to plan and this was no
mystery to the Lord God Almighty, for in all of Job’s suffering He foreknew the out come. That is
what I want my servants to learn and take note of every tiny thing that takes place in your life.
Do you believe this? Do you think as Job did that your punishment is too severe in a trial or
tribulation? On the potters wheel do you twist and squirm as the potter molds and shapes you?
Remember that if and when you do, you are delaying my plans for you. Ananias and Sapphira
were an example to all in their day of disloyalty and trickery. They lied to the Holy Spirit and
were struck down. “This is an extreme case,” you may say, but it was recorded in the annals of
history for all time. Some sins seem to be hidden, but all will come to the forefront, be sure your
sins will find you out.

That is why it is imperative that my children stay close to me in fellowship and communion. Do
not be unwise, but understand the will of the Lord. If you do not read his will you will not know it.
This is crystal clear, but many of my little ones charge into the day without the covering of the
Word. Then when the day brings forth adversities, my little children are at a loss to know what to

Such was the condition of Job and he questioned my motives. Many of my little children do the
same thing and they wonder what my reasoning is. However, just know that the Master Potter is
at work and he sees the flaws and cracks in the pottery, he adds oil and water to make it more
malleable. You must be just the right consistency in order to be ready for the kiln and intense
pressure that it produces. That, my dear ones is how character is produced. Do not wonder why
things or circumstance come about, but know this, that the Lord your God is with you every step
of the way. You have not been forgotten or forsaken by me.

The will of God is that you excel and pass your test with flying colors, blue ribbons and medals
of honor. However, most do not succeed the first, second, third time or multiple times. That is
why there must of necessity be a delay. To learn this is a great lesson and often times a lesson
in which many of my children must repeat. It is a learning process and I do want all to succeed.
You are precious in my sight. Have a lovely day.

Your Lord and Savior, Amen and Amen

Lesson 16

“My friends scorn me, but I pour out my tears to God. Oh that someone would mediate between
God and me, as a person mediates between friends.” Job 16:20-21

It is good to mediate all the days of your lives on the precious unadulterated word of the living
God, both day and night. You are my children and as such should be listening daily for my
instructions. These are pure words, holy words and sanctified words. Do not be concerned with
those who do not believe, just keep them in your prayers for the hardest of hearts is broken
when I expose them to themselves.

The book of Job contains many lessons, unending for the child of God, for friends and family do
this to each other and other Christians. This is a thorn in the flesh when someone is undergoing
sickness and pain. Not only do they have to endure the suffering of the disease, but also the
ridicule of others who have not walked a mile in their shoes. This is a continual pain in my heart,
to see my children behaving in this manner. When I see someone suffering I have compassion
on him or her, just as I did when I walked in the days of my earthly tenure. This is the attitude I
want all my people to take to help relieve their suffering and point them to the healing that is in
Christ Jesus who took their sicknesses and bore their iniquities upon himself. This is a reproach
to my people to behave as Job’s friends did for Job lived in the days when it was not possible to
have sins forgiven in the way that the New Covenant Christians so. Yet my people in many
instances treat those that are sick in the same manner, not discerning the Lords body. The
beatings were for your sicknesses and by Jesus stripes you are healed.

“Now” many will say “we now have modern medicine and have not need of this method.” Know
this that no doctor can heal only Christ can heal. Doctors can relieve suffering by medicine but
the process of healing is from me and the compassion that I have for I look on the heart. Some
have not known this in the body of Christ. If that were not so, consider this, two people take the
same medicine, one is taken and the other is left. They may have the same disease and be
equal in all respects, but one is not healed. What is the difference? The God of all sees the
thoughts and intents of the heart.

The song, “He’s got the whole world in his hand” comes into play here. For I hold each man and
woman, boy and girl, in the palm of my hand. Never forget, that even though you may seek the
advice of a physician, your ultimate healing is in my hands and should be viewed as such. If
your heart and hope is looking to the physician to save your life, you are not looking to the giver
of all life, if you please, the taker of life. So look to the heavens for your healing, physically,
mentally and spiritually. He is the one who cannot fail and it is he who will give you the answer.

What then should we do? Is modern medicine wrong? It is not wrong to take a pill, a treatment,
etc. but keep your eyes on me and not the physician. A doctor can be used as a vehicle, but he
will not be the one who heals you any more than a cook can assimilate the nutrients in your
body by his or her food. That is an act by your Almighty Creator.

Amen and Amen

Lesson 17

The righteous will move onward and forward, and those with pure hearts will become stronger
and stronger. Job 17:9

Good morning to all in whom the Spirit of the Living God is dwelling. You are my children, dearly
beloved in the faith. Therefore it behooves you and all my children to gird up your loins for the
battle ahead and you will gain the inevitable victory, so help you God. Do you believe this?

The scripture for today concerns the life of Job and his “friends.” Friends come in different
guises. There are friends for time of adversities and there are fair weather friends. Your true
friends are concerned with your welfare as well as their own. Your fair weather friends are
concerned first and foremost with themselves. But what does my word say? “Put your trust not
in mortals, for in them is no help!” This is so true, when the son of man was betrayed all forsook
him and fled, but some followed him afar off. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, my
disciples later became witnesses for me. What a paradox, the very ones who forsook me, later
gave their very lives. They presented themselves as a living sacrifice for me. That is what I want
from all my servants and friends.

Do not fret about friends that do not stick with you, but stay close to the friend that sticks closer
than a brother. The trials and problems that come your way will strengthen and uplift you and
you will be elevated up the mountain of transfiguration. Smell the sweet wildflowers and warm
yourselves at the campfires that are ever burning for you sanctification. Blessings do overflow.

In the time that is allotted to man, there is a season for every purpose under heaven as quoted
from the book of Ecclesiastes. These times must be experienced and the bitter with the sweet is
applicable. All pictures painted by an artist have both light and dark colors in order to show
contrast and beauty. It is the same with the master artist, who does all things well. So do not
fight against my purposes, but work in harmony and peace. This is the attitude I wish for all my
people, my little ones for I am peace and I am harmony.

As you endeavor to go ever forward, cast off the past and shed it like an old garment. There are
many things in life to test you and try you – sometimes sorely, but all will be accomplished and
all will be brought to fruition. The weapons of your warfare are not carnal but mighty, to the
pulling down of strongholds. These strongholds must be pulled down and it is done through
intercession. There is no other way, my little children, no other way!

So fight the good fight of faith, and lay hold on eternal life. Fix your eyes on the goal and on the
rock from which you were hewn. You are precious stones, lively stones and stones can cry out.
Cry out the good news and sanctify yourselves through holiness, without which no man shall
see God. You can see me when you seek me with your whole heart. Be like David, a man after
my heart. This is what I truly want with my affianced bride. The love between us will be with us
for all eternity!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 18

They will say, ‘This was the home of a wicked person, the place of one who rejected God’.
Job 18:21

This is a good day to discuss the book of Job, my little children, for Job is relevant to today and
indeed to all ages. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken good things and also to the wicked, he
will speak according to their wickedness. The wicked you see all about you as time progresses,
so also does their wickedness progress. That is also one reason for my children to progress and
fight the good fight of faith. There is neither speech nor language that is not heard by me. There
are many languages and dialects throughout the face of earth. I speak to each in his own
language, but I also give a perfect language to my people. This is called in religious circles “the
gift of tongues” however it is so much more. As wickedness progresses so also should my
servants speak more profusely in their perfect language sent by the hand of their creator and

The gifts are for the body of Christ to edify and uplift, but they are also tools against the enemy.
If you and others of my body could see this in their heart, they would not be murmuring and
complaining but they would be building themselves up in the Holy Spirit and not making
provision in the flesh. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Notice I did not say “the
world” is destroyed, although this is true, but I am speaking of the church. Not every one that
comes and sits before me and my true ministers (and I do have them) are “getting it”. Some
may want the thrills and chills and this is part of it but not the whole of it.

My children are still in the playpen in many cases and need to come out and start walking in the
Spirit, and talking in the Spirit. Can you see how this is most needful? For as a physical child
grows and develops, so also should my spiritual child develop. It is a travesty that they do not
open up their understanding to me. All the things around them distract them and they are not
waging war against the enemy of their souls.

It is needful then for my servants that are sitting at my feet every day to carry this message to
the body of Christ. It is good to hear the message of prosperity, and the message of healing, for
these are part of the Christian walk. Do not forget that though all of this is true there is a price
that must be paid, and if you do not pay it, you will receive a bill for payment in full. As happens
in the physical realm, which is to be turned over to the judge and court.

What then should be the attitude of my little children? Walk in love but carry a big stick for the
enemy of your souls and do not make provision for the fleshly appetites. On the one hand there
is love and joy and peace, on the other hand there is hostility and war and unrest. You need the
Lord your God to guide your every step “for the weapons of your warfare are not carnal, but
mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” These strongholds cannot be pulled
down except through the power of Almighty God. That is why I admonish you daily – Put on
your armor! This is what I want not just for one, but also for all.

Amen and Amen

Lesson 19

But as for me, I know my Redeemer lives, and that he will stand upon the earth at last and after
my body has decayed, yet in my body I will see God. I will see him for myself. Yes I will see him
with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought. Job 19:25-27

Good day in all whom is dwelling the Spirit of the Loving God. It is a good time to be living on
the face of the earth. It is the best of times, and the worst of times “What a Paradox” and yet it
was prophesied from the beginning.

Yes your Redeemer does live and stands in these latter days ready to come back to the earth
not only to receive his own, but to come back in power and great glory. To rule is an awesome
responsibility. My bride will be perfected so that we will be a team and rule justly. Justice and
righteousness will prevail in every village, hamlet, town and city. No more will there be
conscription for military service. No more will young men die on foreign soil, but they will be
home with their families and friends. The scripture, “They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks”, will be a dream come true for all nations. All the money
that is poured into defense will be put to use for the good of mankind. Think of the endless
possibilities. No more will the devourer steal from God’s people for there will be abundance for

But you are in this time and this place for the glory of God. You will be blessed for all the
hardships you have endured, both physical and mental. Nothing will be wasted for I am the God
of opportunity. You have heard the expression “opportunity is knocking at your door” I am the
God of opportunity. Open then your ears to all that I have for you, for it is great. You do not
fathom what I have for you because you look at your limitations. Yes as a human in your own
strength you are limited. Thanks be to God you are unlimited when you are in tune with me. So
do not ever forget that all things are possible with me.

As you look to the future along with all my children pay attention to me, and my word. My word
is quick and powerful and sharper then any two edged sword. This means that I can see deep
into the recesses of your mind and ferret out the things that even you are unaware of. As I bring
these things to your attention you must repent and shed them as an old garment.

So go forth then as never before in the power of the Lord God Almighty, who gives you every
breath of air that you breathe. You are not your own you are bought with a price. Live every day
to the full as though there were no tomorrow, but always realizing that tomorrow is coming. That
is to say, do all you can today, for tomorrow has its own set of problems and challenges. When
you hurdle one obstacle, there is another coming up. Do not be discouraged, for I will rescue
you at the proper time for it is all a matter of my time and not your time. Do not become
impatient, my little ones, for it takes time to build an edifice and it take time to construct a bridge.
It takes time to birth a baby, and all is governed by time in your realm. When you step into
eternity, you will not have that pressure. The vastness of space, the new heavens and the new
earth will banish from your mind at once all the heartaches and toil you are enduring now.

You will gladly do this, and you will rejoice perfectly. What I say to all is this: Fight the good fight
of faith and lay hold on eternal life. You now see through a glass darkly, but then your eyes will
see your Redeemer and all Job’s hopes and dreams will be realized. He, alone with all my
saints will stand on the earth, worshiping the Redeemer, slain from the foundation of the world.

Amen and Amen

Lesson 20

Then Zephyr the Naamathite replied:

I am greatly disturbed. I have had to endure your insults, but now my spirit prompts me to reply.
Don’t you realize that ever since people were first placed on the earth, the triumph of the wicked
has been shortened and the joy of the godless has been only temporary? Job 20:1-5 NLT

The wicked are multiplied on the earth in these last days, as prophesied by Paul in 2 Timothy

The natural affection of man has turned to self-aggrandizement. Even in my body this is found.
Examine yourself and see if callousness is found in you, for the days are evil, and apathy and
complacency is of epic proportions. Did I not say, when I returned it would be difficult to find
those of faith? My arms is outstretched to the world, and I say, come and learn of me, for I am
meek and lowly of heart?

The world and my true church are diametrically opposed to each other. My true followers are
redeeming the time by giving up worldly pursuits. They are finding me when I call to them in the
night. They are humble and meek, yet bold and brave. They know how to be stable in plenty
and in want. They are burning with desire to see my kingdom grow and always long for my
presence in their lives. I do not have to coax then to read my word for it is their meat and drink!

Seeing that this is an established fact, it is now time to declare, I am on the Lord’s side! I am
ready to do the whole will of the Lord. Don’t be a part of this world’s system, don’t be lukewarm,
or I will spew you out of my mouth! Complacency is for fools and drunkards, not for the elect. Be
all that you can be!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 21

One person dies in prosperity and security, the very picture of good health. Another person dies
in bitter poverty, never having tasted the good life, both alike are buried in the same dust, both
are eaten by the same worms. Job 21:23-26

Good day to all in whom dwells the Spirit of the Living God. You are my witnesses, says the
Lord and the bearer of my holy vessels. Come to me in prayers of thanksgiving and with
supplication and the sacrifice of praise. I am a just and true God and am not willing that any
should perish.

You see this with you own children. Which of your children would you want to perish? None. So
you can sympathize with your heavenly Father as a parent. Do not despise these little ones who
are always following the path of the evil one. They are lost lambs and need to be brought back
into the fold for the way of the transgressor is hard. Pray for your family members who are
straying away from the Shepherd and Bishop of their souls.

The “caste” system is the pecking order of man and not of God. In this system, many are being
trampled on and defeated. This order is not me and when they turn to me I will in no wise cast
them out. Social strata and high position is puny compared to the glory that shall be revealed in
the sons of God. Which would you rather have? They, for a brief moment of time have fame,
riches and honor from the world, but true riches lie in the inheritance of the saints of the Living
God. That is true riches and that is what I am offering you and all my people. The riches of this
world, no matter how magnificent to the average person are a paltry pittance, in the light of
future glory.

What then is the answer to this perplexing problem? Are riches in this life wrong? No my little
children, it is the setting of your heart on riches that is wrong. If you have been advanced
economically by your heavenly Father, rejoice and be exceedingly glad but tend to the needs of
the poor and needy and use your resources for the Kingdom of God. This you have done and
will continue to do, for your heart is not on gain but on the true riches that will never fade away.
Always have a heart for all the children of God and never become self-centered.

The days of wine and roses with your fiance, Jesus Christ is here and the courtship is beautiful.
The whispered, tender thoughts of love are shared by your beloved and are perpetuating the
lavish and beautiful relationship that exists between you and your Lord is inseparable. No
weapon formed against my true love will ever prosper, both now and in the life to come.

Amen and Amen

Lesson 22

(Dear Reader, please take note that this was given the day after 9/11/2001.)

God is so great higher than the heavens, higher than the farthest stars. Job 22:12

Good morning my little children in whom I delight. It is a good day, in the aftermath of the trying
time, which is now upon my people, to discuss plans and purposes. The remainder of the time
that is allotted to the world is of dynamic proportions. For the episode of yesterday was a
prelude to shake the American people from their complacency. It is my intent to wake them up
to teach them there is a God in heaven that does intervene in the affairs of men. I have been
good to the United State for over two centuries. I have rescued her time and time again. This
was to preserve my word and to evangelize the whole world. For the base of operations had to
be in a free country, and an economical giant. I have given the USA power to get wealth for my
names sake. The powerful witness is going forth 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, month after
month and year after year! This is of greatest importance and of great significance.

Now, my little children, in whom is dwelling the powerful Spirit of the Almighty and magnificent
God, give ear to my words for they are life. You are protected, along with many others in this
great nation, because you are attentive to my word, and will even be more so in the days ahead.
For no man that wishes to produce a harvest sleeps during harvest time. He is up in the early
morning and works all day long. He is sure to take on much food, for he expends many calories
as he works and toils in the sun. So also it is with my children during the harvest of many souls.
You may be carrying a backpack on your back and eating on the go, for my names sake. Be
sure to listen to my voice and continue in prayer and fasting as often as I bid you, for the days
are evil. You and all my children will defeat the enemy, and carry out my plan for all mankind.
Each is placed in a strategic position.

What then should be the reaction of all my servants to this assignment? Whatsoever your hand
finds to do, do it with all your might. For there is no action that can be taken in the grave. Now is
the time, says the Lord of hosts and today is the day. See that you walk circumspectly, aware
always of the enemy and his tactics.

The day in which you are destined to live is a mighty day and a day of productivity. Do not flag
or fail, for all mankind is eagerly waiting for the earnest manifestation of the sons of God. You
are to take part in the greatest endeavor heretofore. Pray always and continue to endure and
see that no man takes your crown. You and all your children are in my plan as well and will work
with you. Plan accordingly.

The days of wine and roses are here and as we make a toast, let us toast to the coming
kingdom of the Almighty God to cover the whole earth with knowledge, as the waters cover the

May the grace of your Lord be with you both now and forevermore.

Amen and Amen.

Lesson 23

So he will do for me all he has planned. He controls my destiny. Job 23:14 NLT

My little children in whom I am well pleased, it is good to commune in the early morning hours.
As the mornings become cool and crisp, so also, is my word. For the crispness and coolness is
like cool, clear water to the thirsty of this world. And indeed, they will drink of the waters of
eternal life, which is proceeding from the throne of the Almighty and magnificent, God, your
Father and Comfort. Look up to him then and do not look to your own resources, for you can do
nothing without the aid of your heavenly Father. So trim your lamps with the Word of the Living
God and do not make provision for the lusts of the flesh.

My Word does not return unto me as void. What I say will surely come to pass. My Word is
health and life to all those who read and digest it. You have heard of the Readers Digest, read
and digest my word, for in it is the answer to every dilemma. Pray for President Bush to find the
answer to the terrorist crisis in the pages of my Word.

As my word says, I do control the ultimate destiny of man. Now for a brief time, he has been
allowed to govern himself. Many forms of government and dictatorship are extant on the face of
the earth. They are split in the ways of governing, just as my body has many forms of
government and not all are pleasing to me! I am shaking the church, along with the world to
show them what must come to pass. Those who heed will understand. Those who do not will
not be for us, but against us. Your enemies will be among those of your own household of faith.
You have seen this in a limited sense, but it will become more and more rampant in the last
days. It has been prophesied in my word. So do not be afraid of man, but focus on your Creator
who gives you every breath.

In the course of time, all will come to fruition. I have said this repeatedly, for emphasis, for I do
want my little children to comprehend this. Just as it takes time to form a human baby, so also a
spiritual one, so keep this analogy close to your heart when you deal with my little ones. Many
will be in their pampers, so do not become disheartened, for did I not do the same with you?
Extend to others the same grace that I extend to you, for you are my witnesses of such things.

As you progress and grow, so also does the anointing on your lives. Allow the Holy Spirit to
work in you in every situation and every circumstance. You are not warring against flesh and
blood, but against wicked and diabolical spirits in high places. See that you walk circumspectly,
and do not cause others to fall by your conduct. Put away any coarse language, which is not
becoming to a child of God. Your speech should be gracious and interesting. Treat every
woman and man as your brother and sister. Treat little children as your own, with their interests
at heart, and so you will fulfill the will of your Father in heaven, for he causes the rain to fall on
the just and the unjust. Keep the home fires burning and never let the flame burn out, but be on
fire for me, says the Lord of heavens armies.

Amen and Amen.

Lesson 24

But God draws the mighty away with His power; He rises up, but no man is sure of life. He gives
them security, and they rely on it; Yet his eyes are on their ways. They are exalted for a little
while, then they are gone. They are brought low; they are taken out of the way like all others;
they dry out like the heads of grain. Job 24:22-25

It is a good day, my little children to discuss the book of Job. Herein lies a mystery: all have
sinned and come short of the glory of God. There is none that do not sin, no not one. The
mystery being, how can a righteous God know that his children are sinning profusely, yet send
his only son to save them? How can a righteous God bring himself to forgive those who sin so
heinously against him, the one who brought them into existence? It is through the love that I
have for my children that I do this. My love for each individual, and each nation is so great and
vast that humans cannot understand nor fathom it. But rest assured that I will work in the lives of
all my people to rescue them from sin and set them free to worship their Father in heaven.

The days are passing swiftly, and that is why I am giving specific instructions to my body. Many
in the body are sluggish and unresponsive. It behooves those of my body that are on fire to
ignite others to the realization that time is of the essence! It is the body that I am awakening to a
greater anointing and a greater understanding of their potential! So heed and believe, for the
days are evil and the body of Christ is sounding the battle cry! Heed the messages and take
heart to every admonition that I give you, whether by revelation or by the Bible. You are my

Witness: attestation of a fact or event; testimony; one that gives evidence one who testifies in a
cause or before a judicial tribunal; one asked to be present at a transaction so as to be able to
testify as its having taken place one who has personal knowledge of something serving as
evidence or proof; public affirmation by word or example, usually religious faith or conviction.

So you see, my little children, a witness has a job to perform and you are to use this in your job,
in the shopping centers, at home, and anywhere an opportunity presents itself. It is also
important to fire up those that claim to be Christians, but have not ever had the burning desire,
or have lost it somewhere along the way. You will know by their testimony where they are. Ignite
the fire and let it burn in my house and in my body, for this is the will of your Father in heaven
concerning you! “You cannot have a testimony without a test” is a popular saying in the body of
Christ, but many who are preaching are deceiving themselves as to what a testimony really is.

Testify: to make a personal statement based on personal knowledge or belief; bear witness; to
serve as evidence or proof; to express a personal conviction.

So you see, my little children, I want you to do the work of an evangelist, and rescue my lost
sheep in the body and out of the body. Listen for my voice as to how I want you to serve them.

Your heavenly Father, Amen and Amen

Lesson 25

God is powerful and dreadful. He enforces peace in the heavens. Who is able to count his
heavenly army? Does his light not shine on all the earth? How can a mere mortal stand before
God and claim to be righteous? Who in all the earth is pure? God is so glorious that even the
moon and stars scarcely shine compared to him. Job 25:2-5 NLT

It is good to commune with the Lord your God on a daily basis. There is so much I wish to
impart to you. My ways are truly not your ways, but as you continually touch base with me, my
ways will become your ways. This is a process. “Take time to smell the roses” is a popular
expression in the world today. This is so true, for to enjoy today is of vital importance. Learn to
enjoy the day you are in, and do not fret about tomorrow. And so it is, for many that they went
from a child to marriage to having children, to letting them go, to having grandchildren and great
grandchildren. The world keeps turning, the sun keeps shining, all because your heavenly
Father sits at the helm of the universe. Go forth then in the sure knowledge that your heavenly
Father loves and cares for you. You are worth more than all the sparrows put together. And I do
care for sparrows!

Job and his friends have been a topic of conversation in many religious circles. Yet many do not
really know the purpose of the book. I have told you many times, “In the world you will have
tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Job did go through horrendous
trials, and was stripped of all his children, his possessions, and his health. He was a miserable
man and cried out in his depressive state. Do you think that I do not take into account the state
of the mind that my servant is in when he says things that are not of faith? Yes I do, and I brush
these statements aside, for I know that if they were not under duress, they would not be taking
that stance. Many have cried out to me out of the depths of their soul, including my servants
recorded in my word. I wanted man to know the gamut of emotions and not to panic when they
strike him.

There are examples in the Bible of men and women going through great deprivation and
hardship. This is documented in order to show my people that there is hope in the most dire of
circumstances. No weapon formed against you will prosper. That is a promise and it is as true
as the day it was written. It will always be true throughout the annals of time.

So take heart all you who are encountering trials, for the Lord your God is going through it all
with you, and is cheering you on. There is no problem that is not common to man, but with the
problem; a way of escape will be made for you. Rest assured that I know your problem and am
taking note of how you handle it. Every day you are tested in some capacity and in some area.
This is for your profit. Do not think the Lord has forsaken you, but know this, that every test will
bring results whether good or bad. If that test has to be repeated in the future, you will have
another chance to pass it. So be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world!

Keep your armor intact and do not give place to the devil, for he would try to divide your home
with his selfish schemes. Serve one another in love and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Your heavenly Father, who loves you deeply.

Amen and Amen
Lesson 26

God stretches the northern sky over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing.
Job 26:7: 26:12-13

There are none so blind as those who will not see. They refuse to look at the creation around
them and say, “ there is no God, who is the Creator.” The more science learns about the
creation, and the more proof of Me, the more they dig their heels in, stubbornly and defiantly.
However some are realizing all this is proof that I exist.

I have existed always and continue with my plan for all creation, for the beasts of the field and
the fowl in the air and the fish of the sea. But my prize in all of this is man, which I formed of the
dust of the ground. My continuous plea is to have them come to me, their Father. I have good
news for all! I have good plans for all! But just as my Son said long ago in Jerusalem: “How
often I wanted to gather you together as a hen gathers her chicks, but you would not!” I am not
willing that any should perish, but would have all to inherit eternal life!

Seeing that this is an established fact, strive always to excel in anything your hand finds to do.
Let me guide you in your daily affairs AND WALK TOWARD YOUR REWARD, WHICH IS THE

By his power the sea grew calm. By his skill he crushed the great sea monster. His Spirit made
the heavens beautiful and his power pierced the gliding serpent. Job 26:12-13 NLT

My dear little children, it is good to talk with you and to reveal to you what is surely coming to
pass. The book of Job is a questionable book to many. It is a book that many times is relegated
to the background. In the course of human events, it becomes necessary to consider my
servant Job, and all that he had to endure. Many have problems today, but few are subjected to
what he suffered. There are a few and I do speak of them in reverence and devotion, for they
gave their all. You do not realize what is going on behind the scenes. So use every day to
benefit the Kingdom of the Almighty and powerful God. It is coming just as sure as the sunrises
and sets.

As the time grows ever shorter, consider this, that there will be many signs and wonders, far
transcending any heretofore. I am preparing you for the harvest. Satan would have you in a
hopeless state so that your emotions are dulled to this exciting time. But I will bring you out with
a mighty hand. So keep in the word and do not neglect it. This is my word that you are reading
now. All the lessons that I give you are for your edification, and for all others that will read it.
Give ear to what you are hearing, for these are the words of eternal life.

Job was indicative of many in the world today. Even though they love and trust their Redeemer,
they allow themselves to sink into a state of self-pity. And when he rehearsed his case before
the Lord, indeed he had suffered the loss of all. However, I gave him all those possessions, and
the children and the wife of his youth. He was naked when he came into the world, and he took
nothing with him when he left, except his character, which was formed by all he suffered. So the
suffering leads to life eternal, when you place yourself in the hands of your Creator.

“Keep on truckin” is a popular saying in the vernacular, and this is good advice, for the highway
to heaven is strewn with obstacles, and these obstacles are what makes you, and made Job,
stronger. Do not feel that you are the ”Lone Ranger” in all of this, for all my children are
undergoing suffering in their lives. Do the will of your Father in heaven and thus destroy the
works of the devil. He is cunning and deceitful and will stop at nothing to accomplish his means.
That is why you are to stay close to the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. I am with you
always, through thick and thin. There is no mountain too high, or river too deep, for all will come
to fruition in the perfect timing of your Father.

Amen and Amen

Lesson 27

Evil people may have all the money in the world, and they may store away mounds of clothing.
But the righteous will wear that clothing, and the innocent will divide all that money.
Job 27:16-17 NLT

It is good to discuss the book of Job, for the many things that are discussed in this book are
common to man’s present day problems. There are similarities that all can identify at some point
or other. And so it is, that Job is an example of suffering for a long period of time. He did not
know what the outcome would be, but he continued to believe that his Creator and Sustainer
would either fix it in this life, or in the life to come. And so it is, that many today are walking by
faith for they do not know the outcome of their dilemma.

I, the Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, hold all the answers in the
palm of my hand, and I will not fail any of my children, but will rescue from every trial, both now
and in the world to come. For the world to come will have humans in it, (however without the
devils influence.) In the course of human events, it becomes necessary to correct the course
that my children are on. They may not think that they are off course, but I bring it to their
attention in love, just as you would do for your children.

To say that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous is an accurate statement. For
the just, who are living by faith, are looking to the Father for their daily living. Many times, the
wealth of the wicked has been bestowed on the righteous, whether they realize it or not. So take
heart all you who are fainthearted concerning finances, learn the principles. Your income must
not exceed your outgo. For my word is true! Honor me with your substance, for in bringing what
is due me, I am obligated under oath to give to you.

So lift up your heads and be ever watchful of your finances, to be a good steward for me. I will
bless you and open up the windows of heaven so that you will not have room enough to receive
it! When this happens, it will truly demonstrate the principle of your cup overflowing. It will also
appear in your spiritual life as well!

Go forth in the full knowledge that you are beloved, and all my children. I will take care of my
own make no mistake. Follow me and I will lead you into all truth! The wicked go to bed rich but
wake up to find that all their wealth is gone. Terror overwhelms them and they are blown away
in the storms of the night. Job 27:19-20

The wicked do not consider the fragility of their wealth. They are not looking to the true Source.
They depend on their wealth thinking their money will save them, but they are depending on a
fickle economy and an unstable market. Their money is the God to whom they bow. They are
wretched and poor, blind and naked! Do I love them? Yes, with a fervent love! But they cannot
see me through the eyes of their money! They must turn to me and use their money for the
poor, and the sick, the lame and the blind! They must use their money for the unsaved, in order
to hear the good news of the kingdom! Nothing is more crucial at this juncture of the lives of all
humanity! Still they march on in their lust and greed, not realizing their lives could be snuffed out
at any time. All their wealth will be given to another. Pray for the rich to wake up and realize
their frail situation. They are hanging off the precipice of selfishness. They are to be pitied.

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Amen and Amen.
Lesson 28

And this is what he says to all humanity: “The fear of the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is
real understanding.” Job 28:28 NLT

Wisdom is to be coveted by all Christians everywhere, for along with wisdom comes
understanding! Wisdom has fewer children than Folly. To be foolish is to squander the good
gifts of God. Seek wisdom above all else, for she will guide you into all truth! Wisdom is justified
of her children. She is a beacon of light in the midst of a raging storm. She is a lifeboat launched
from a sinking ship! Do not stop seeking her for she will save you much heartache and grief.

Wisdom was there when I formed the earth and all that is therein. Wisdom is the boon to
mankind. Search for her as for hidden treasure, for she will increase your days upon the earth,
and will take you by the hand and lead you into the Kingdom of Heaven!

Now is the time to consult Wisdom, for she has the answer to the thorniest problem. Consult her
in every situation. Love her with a holy embrace, clutch her to you bosom, for she speaks the
truth and cannot lie. She is a faithful friend in any situation. Her understanding is infinite, and
knows no bounds. She will lead you to the Life Everlasting!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 29

Job continued speaking: I long for the years gone by when God took care of me, when he
lighted the way before me and I walked safely in the darkness. In my early years, the friendship
of God was felt in my home. The Almighty was still with me, and my children were around me.
Job 29:1-5

In the early years of the life of a Christian, things requested of Me are answered quickly in many
cases. As faith builds over the years in my child, I begin to delay the answer in order to develop
faith in them. This process continues and many, like Job, think that I have forsaken them. To be
tested and tried is not an easy matter and will require fortitude and integrity. No man or woman
is exempt from this “training”. It has to come in order for character to be developed in them.

As Job cried out from the depths of his being, he did not realize that he was being refined as
gold. It was to be some of his finest hours on earth. And so it is, that man at his weakest is
made strong! He does not consider the deep waters of the Spirit, which test the character and
mind of the individual. All must be tested and proved to see that he is learning “God principles.”

Do not think I have left you when undergoing an extremely difficult situation. I am watching your
progress and cheering you on to victory!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 30

And now my heart is broken. Depression haunts my days. My weary nights are filled with pain,
as though something were relentlessly gnawing at my bones. Job 30: 16-17 NLT

Depression is rampant in the United States of America. Note on a daily basis the ads for
depression on TV, newspapers and magazines. Even in the body of Christ depression rears its
ugly head. This is not to say there are not legitimate causes for it, for there are many factors are

1. Living in an imperfect world.

2. Heredity
3. Living on the edge of what is known to be wrong.
4. Imbalance in the body and brain.

So you see, there are many things to be considered. When depression strikes, a merry heart
and laughter seem to disappear. The antidote for depression may involve medicine, but always
should include the Word of God, Daily! The way to total sanity involves the Word. Do not neglect
it, for these are the words of health and wholeness.

Amen and Amen

Lesson 31

If my arm has abused an orphan because I thought I could get away with it, then let my shoulder
be wrenched out of place! Let my arm be torn from its socket! That would be better than facing
the judgment sent by God.

For if the majesty of God opposes me, what hope is there? Job 31:21-23 NLT

The judgment of God is a topic of many conversations. Some use the name of God to condemn
men to hell and do not realize the full impact of their thoughtless speech.

The judgment day will come, but only after man has had an opportunity to repent. I am not a
harsh God, but I love my creation! I am not willing that any should perish, but that all would
repent of their wicked ways and turn from them and be converted! To convert is to change and
be transformed by the renewing of the mind.

Do not be hasty to judge any one, for I look on the heart and I take all factors into consideration.
It is my prerogative to judge in the final analysis. No one should pass judgment on another, but
look to himself and his own human foibles and sins. You will, however, know them by their fruits.
A good tree produces good fruit. A bad tree produces bad fruit. This is to let you see the

Amen and amen

Lesson 32

Elihu son of Barakel the Buzite said, “I am young and you are old, so I held back and did not
dare to tell you what I think.” I thought, those who are older should speak, for wisdom comes
with age. Surely it is God’s Spirit within people, the breath of the Almighty within them that
makes them intelligent. Job 32:6-8

The intelligence of the aged is indeed wise, mainly because of learning the hard way. However,
the greatest wisdom comes from the Word of the Father and Son. It is this wisdom for which you
must seek. These hidden treasures are as buried treasure. To discover these “nuggets” are
health and life to you and your progeny.

When you make the effort to dig deep into the Word, you will become closely acquainted with
the Author of this beloved best seller of all time! This acquaintanceship is everlasting to those
who will entrust their whole being to their Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living

Go forth now to conquer old habits and old ways of thinking. Relinquish your pet ideas to have a
complete makeover by your Maker. He will take you to places you cannot even fathom. Prepare
for a voyage of a lifetime!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 33

But God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. Job 33:14

There are many things in the panorama of your lives that are questionable in your minds, my
little children for whom Christ died! Questions like why and how, when and why again. Over and
over these thoughts are repeated. Why are my circumstances causing so much pain and
anguish? Why do I have to repeat the same trial over and over again? A still small voice
reassures you it is for your good and eventual building of a most precious thing, your character!

But my child is so anxious that he cannot hear my voice. His anxiety overshadows my voice and
many times cannot be heard for day upon weary day. Finally after much soul searching, they
come to me and lay their burdens down at my feet and peace is restored in the mind of my
child, but I will show you a better way!

Come to me first and foremost when the trial presents itself, for it will come! Then put on the
whole armor of God, for you are fighting a battle. I am by your side, for I never leave or forsake
you. In the thick of the battle you may think I have disappeared, but I am still there destroying
your enemies one by one. When all the smoke and tumult disappear, you see me there, still by
your side where I have always been!

No weapon formed against you took away your salvation, and you have another spiritual notch
in your belt of truth! Your helmet of salvation may be on crooked, but it is still on! Amazing! You
have passed the test and go to a higher grade! This is what transpires in the life of all my true
followers and Job was no exception. At his lowest point, it was his finest hour!

What a paradox! Smooth sailing will cause you to be soft and apathetic. Thank your Lord daily
for his loving care!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 34

If God were to take back His Spirit and withdraw His breath, all life would cease and humanity
would turn again to dust. Job 34:14 NLT

All of humanity is dependent on their Creator. Man stumbles in the dark, not knowing their every
breath comes from Him. No one is able to fully comprehend the magnitude of this concept.

During the days of Noah’s tenure on this globe, this became apparent to him as he
heard the cries of his contemporaries to be entered into safety-after the fact. Picture
yourself in his shoes. Imagine just you, your mate and children, the only human
survivors on the face of the earth! Noah had tenacity, to continue his work for over a

Now it is incumbent that all who truly follow Me, to count every blessing and concentrate on the
work that is set before him. Do not look on your neighbors calling, to emulate him, but keep your
eyes fixed on the Author and Finisher of your faith. Look to Me for your guidance into your
destiny, prepared for you from the foundation of the world!

Before you were born I knew you! That is why I invested all my time on earth. That is why I
endured the cross despising the shame! That is the reason I emptied myself and gave my full
measure of devotion! I did it for YOU! I did it so that you might have eternal life!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 35

Then Elihu said: Do you think it is right to claim,’ I am righteous before God’? Yet you also ask,’
What is the use of living a righteous life? How will it benefit me?’ Job 35:1-3

No trial is joyous, but grievous, but afterward… The word afterward covers a lot of territory! For
all have sinned and come short of the glory of God! There is none that does good, no not one!
How then, can righteousness be obtained? It is only through the shed blood of your Savior,
Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah. When you accept Him, and forsake your sins, come under His
protection, it will be accounted to you as righteousness! Faith in Him is accounted to you as
righteousness. So you see none can be righteous without Christ in his or her life.

The benefits for serving your Lord are too numerous to count but it can be summed up in this
one phrase: everything that Jesus inherits also becomes yours. You are co-heirs with Him!
(Romans 8:17) He says in His Word, “All power is given to me in Heaven and earth!” (Matthew
28:18) Seeing that you are royalty, it should spur you on to greater works of service.

Now for a time, you are suffering various trials, but what does the Word say? “If we suffer with
Him, we shall reign with Him! (2 Timothy 2:12) To rule forever in His Kingdom!

World without end!

Amen and Amen
Lesson 36

God is all-powerful. Who is a teacher like him? No one can tell him what to do. No one can say
to him, ‘you have done wrong.’ Instead, glorify his mighty works, singing songs of praise.
Everyone has seen these things, but only from a distance. Job 36: 22-25 NLT

It is good to sing praises every day to your Maker. When you do this, I inhabit your songs and
grace you with my presence. No one has seen the Father at any time except the Son. However,
you can feel my Presence and come under the anointing. This anointing can be so powerful that
you can be lost in it. The things of this world no longer matter, for you are taken to a heavenly
realm! Start to incorporate songs of praise in your prayers and then make it a part of your daily
routine. You will be blessed, and will come to know me more and more!

"The fool has said in his heart, ‘there is no God!" Does he think he has made himself? The poet
has said rightly so, "Only God can make a tree." Yes and more than this, Nothing was made
that I did not make. “Come now and let us reason together,” I say to the agnostic, “though your
sins be as scarlet, I will make them white as snow.” (Isaiah 1:18) Can you forgive your own
sins? Only a just God can forgive them. Do not die in your sins but come to your Lord and
Savior who died that you might live eternally! Do not turn away from such love and compassion,
such mercy! I knew you before your birth. Come to me and I will give you rest for your weary

Amen and Amen

Lesson 37

My heart pounds as I think of this. It leaps within me. Listen carefully to the thunder of God’s
voice as it rolls from his mouth. It rolls across the heavens, and his lightening flashes out in
every direction. Job 37:1-3

Yes truly,” The heavens, tell of the glory of God. The skies display his marvelous craftsmanship.
Day after day they continue to speak; and night after night they make him known. They speak
without a sound or a word; their voice is silent in the skies; yet their message has gone out to all
the earth, and their words to all the world.” Psalm 19: 1-4 NLT

No one can look at the skies without being amazed at what his eyes behold! The majesty and
glory of God’s person is reflected there. It is too marvelous to take into comprehension! Look
unto the hills and consider who caused them to be formed! Mankind does not consider the
power of their Creator.

He causes thunder and lightening to roll forth rain and snow from the heavens. All creation
depends on the rain to produce food-but many are expecting false gods to do his handiwork!
Yet he remains faithful to send the rain on the just and the unjust, for he loves them all.

“Now it behooves all of my saints-the true saints in whom dwells my Spirit, to stand up for their
Father, the Ruler of the Universe! The one who put breath in their mortal bodies! The one who
gives their bodies the ability to move! The one who gives them good things so that their youth is
renewed, over and over again! Consider Me your Source for everything that is good and holy.
Be still and know that I am God!”

Amen and Amen

Lesson 38

Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind; “Who is this that questions my wisdom with
such ignorant words? Brace yourself, because I have some questions for you, and you must
answer them………..Job 38:1-3 NLT (Read the whole chapter)

There is none so blind as those who will not see! Many close their eyes to the wonders of my
creation. Puny man thinks he has no need of his Creator until tragedy strikes and then some run
to me. Others run away, blaming the God whom they did not acknowledge! I am blamed if I do
and blamed if I don’t.

Job was in misery so much so that he thought death would be a welcome choice! However, my
plans were to restore all that the enemy stole from Job. The questions I postured to Job can
also be asked today to any that would challenge me. Yes, where was the rest of humanity when
I laid the foundation of the earth? Man has no answers for the questions I posed to Job. Man
has scientific explanations, but does not know who set it all in motion, in many cases.

Will the dust of the earth challenge their Maker? Yes, for I gave them free moral agency! I ask
man to prove me in any situation. My existence is provable! Each person in my creation is
unique, just as I am! No two fingerprints are alike! All DNA is unique to each individual. I have
created the very essence of uniqueness, in the stars and planets.

Isn’t it pathetic that I make every one different, and then mankind copies the latest trends in
fashion and wants to copy celebrities of the world? Emulate me, your maker that is what I ask of
you. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 39

Is it at your command that the eagle rises to the heights to make its nest? It lives on the cliffs,
making its home on a distant rocky crag. From there it hunts its prey, keeping watch with
piercing eyes. Job 39:27-29 NLT

It is with great pleasure that I speak to my children on this and every day. For my sheep hear
my familiar voice. As I spoke to Job long ago, I also speak to all of you in this the twenty-first

Job, like many today, spoke of things with which he had no knowledge. In these last chapters of
the chronicles of Job’s life, I spoke to him of my creation and challenged him to speak forth his
knowledge on a variety of things.

This is the same thing that happens with you and your little children. They are unaware of the
world and its many functions. They must be taught the simple things first, and then harder things
as age progresses. What they do not understand is their lack of knowledge. This is a true
saying; my people are destroyed for lack of the knowledge of my word. Many know more about
celebrities of the world! What a travesty!

Soon the knowledge of the Lord will cover the whole earth! Strive always to be “in the know” of
spiritual things. I have a banquet table of spiritual “goodies” for you every day. Take advantage
of it!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 40

Then the Lord said to Job, “Do you still want to argue with the Almighty? You are God’s critic,
but do you have the answers?” Job 40: 1-2

There are multitudes of critics extant in the world today, but very few encouragers! There are
even those who criticize those who encourage! Job’s laments did not go unnoticed by his
Heavenly Father, the one who gave breath to his nostrils. And so it is today, that mankind
speaks ignorantly, without realizing the lack of understanding with which they spout forth out of
their mouths.

Furthermore, “no man is an island”. There is not one man or woman that does not need their
Creator. Though they may shake their fists at the one who gave them life, they do so in futility. I
am the Potter, mankind is the clay if the clay will not yield to the hands of the Potter, he
continues to add water to make the clay more malleable. The Great Potter gives his clay many
more chances to become a vessel that will be usable.

So it was, that I began to show Job the wonders of My Creation to demonstrate My mighty
power, of which Job did not take into account. These were wonders of which he did not consider
because of his great tribulation. Others today suffer many things and it would be good for them
to read the final chapters of the book of Job. Then count your blessings!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 41

“The crocodile (Hebrew-behemoth) makes the water boil with its commotion. It churns the
depths. The water glistens in its wake. One would think the sea had turned white. There is
nothing else so fearless anywhere on earth. Of all the creatures, it is the proudest. It is the king
of beasts.” Job 41:31-34

God’s creatures are fearfully and wonderfully made. There are the wild beasts roaming the
earth, there are those also that are domesticated. Many have fought the wild ones, and were
defeated. However, when I come back to this earth, all animals will be tame. Children will play
with lions, tigers and bears. Nothing will hurt or destroy in my entire holy mountain!

The inauguration of President Obama was only a foretaste of an adoring nation. My rule will be
glorious and all nations will want to go to Jerusalem, for it will be the focal point of the entire

No more tears and worries about economics or global warming! No more hospitals or
rehabilitation centers! Sickness will be eradicated! No more broken homes or one-parent
families! No more pollution, no more high gas prices, no more pesticides in the foods, or other
contaminates. The air will be fresh and clean, water will be pure. All will have their own homes
and property. Fear will no longer rule!

What a platform I will have! Wouldn’t you like to have a President that could promise these
things and then one who would carry out every promise? This is my pledge to all mankind!

Amen and Amen

Lesson 42

Then Job replied to the Lord: “I know that you can do anything and no one can stop you. “ You
ask, ’Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’ It is I. And I was talking about
things I did not understand………“I had heard about you before, but now I have seen you with
my own eyes. I take back everything that I said, and I sit in dust and ashes to show my
repentance.” Job 42:1-3; also verse 5 NLT

The chronicle of Job is relevant today, more than ever before, for the land is filled with
depression and apathy. For when one is depressed it is hard to be truly productive. The answer
to life’s perplexing problems is found in My Word. And so it was with Job, as he was wishing for
the grave to end his problems, I had the answer! I am the answer to all problems, bar none! Do
not wait till you are at the end of your rope to call upon Me. Know this: there is still abundant life
after the difficulties and the vicissitudes of life!

As you can read for yourself, I restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had
before, and gave him seven sons and three daughters! He lived 140 years more! So you see
why I do not answer a depressed state of mind and the desire to die. I love all my creation and
am not willing that any should perish, but all should have the abundant life here and now, and in
the future - eternal life!

You can inherit the kingdom and meet Job in person! You can tell him how his story impacted
your life in this the twenty-first century!

Amen and Amen

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