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Ore Geology Reviews, 7 (1992) 279-356 279

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - - Printed in The Netherlands

Manganese deposits in the global lithogenetic system:

Quantitative approach

Peter Laznicka
Department of Geological Sciences, Universityof Manitoba, Winnipeg 19, Man. R3T 2N2, Canada
(Received May 17, 1992; revised version accepted February 20, 1992 )


Laznicka, P., 1992. Manganese deposits in the global lithogenetic system: Quantitative approach. Ore Geol. Rev., 7: 279-

A computerized data base, including 330 localities and believed to represent at least 95% of the presently recorded spot
accumulations of ore-grade Mn on land, is the basis for a quantitative analysis of terrestrial Mn resources. This file is
reprinted in full (Appendix).
The present subaerially exposed global ore Mn resources are calculated as 17.9 X 10 9 t Mn ~. In this figure are included
the actually mineable straight Mn deposits ( 8.7 × 109 t Mn ); potentially mineable land-based Mn accumulations ( 9.2 X 109
t Mn), and actual or potential Mn that could be extracted as a byproduct of mining other metals (0.6× 10 9 t Mn). This
distribution is strongly influenced by giant accumulations, where the single, exceptional Kalahari Mn field contains over
50% of the presently economic Mn ore reserves, or 23.42% of the global land Mn resources.
A set of attributes has been selected to treat the global ore Mn population in terms of genesis, geotectonic and environ-
mental setting, and lithologic associations. In terms of genesis, precipitation from aqueous solutions was responsible for at
least 99% of the contemporaneous, and probably also the past Mn accumulations now exposed on land. Weathering of Mn
orebodies has left its mark on 93% of the Mn localities, and 24% are now represented entirely by supergene assemblages.
Less than 0.01% of the ore Mn resources, however, are formed by weathering-related accumulation over silicate rocks
In terms of geotectonic environments, the bulk of the land-based Mn deposits (97%) formed in intraplate and stable
continental margin settings; 3.1% formed along Pacific-type and rift-type continental margins; and only 0.00045% of the
deposits formed in an oceanic setting. This is in contrast with the outstanding Mn-accumulating capacity of the present
ocean and is a consequence of the low preservation potential of the oceanic domain.
In terms of lithologic associations, 96% of the Mn in land-based deposits is present in marine-sedimentary associations
(70% of Mn is in banded iron formations, 14.4% is in detrital and 11.1% is in carbonate-dominated associations). Chert
and jasper, limestone, sandstone, shale, and banded iron formation are statistically the most common immediate hosts to
Mn ores with recorded hosting frequencies of 79, 50, 45, 37 and 35, respectively.
In terms of geological history, the lower Proterozoic accounts for 58.9% of the preserved ore Mn on land, followed by
Oligocene (17.2%), Jurassic (6.2%) and middle Proterozoic (4.5%). In terms of the intensity of Mn accumulation per
one million years of geological time, Oligocene ( 110 X 106 t M n / m a ) is two orders of magnitude greater than the nearest
time periods: Jurassic (8.9X 10 6 t M n / m a ) and lower Proterozoic (6.5 X 106 t Mn/ma).
The historical distribution pattern of the land-based Mn deposits seems to indicate that accumulation of the bulk of the
present ore-grade Mn is the result of repeated recycling with a land -,ocean trend, abruptly initiated at the time of early
cratonization (about 2.5 Ga). This has been supplemented by a substantially less significant, but remarkably steady re-
verse trend of addition of juvenile Mn released from the mantle into the crust. Mafics and particularly basalts are the most
important intermediaries in the cumulative secular increase of liberated and accumulated Mn in the crust. Direct to indi-
rect, proven to hypothetical spatial coincidence of "basalts" and Mn ores can be demonstrated on at least 169 localities
out of 330 ( = 51%) evaluated.

Correspondence to: P. Laznicka, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg 19, Man. R3T
2N2, Canada.
JAil tonnages in this paper are in metric tonnes (t), except where directly quoted from the literhture. In such case, they
are in short tons (tons), i.e., about 0.9 tonne.

0169-1368/92/$05.00 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.


"Ores are rocks in which natural processes of segrega- biased scientific framework. Its emphasis, re-
tion of the elements have operated with uncommonly high garding the ore metals, is on their "normal"
efficiency to produce extreme geochemical anomalies of
useful metals". Charles Meyer (1981)
distribution in common rocks.
Metallogeny (De Launay, 1913 ) deals with
Introduction the distribution of metallic deposits in geolog-
ical time and space. The contemporaneous
Manganese considered in a geoscientific metallogeny is essentially an extension of re-
context has a vast literature, amounting to a gional geochemistry applied to anomalous
minimum of 110 computer-retrievable titles metal accumulations in various geological set-
annually (i.e., those titles where the keyword tings. This contribution strives to produce es-
manganese appears in the title) and a mini- sentially metallogenic conclusions. There is a
mum of 3000 titles cumulatively until 1990. tendency in recent literature to use the term
Several distinct research and publication trends "metallogenesis" when considering the mech-
are dominant, including the geochemistry and anisms and conditions of ore-grade metal ac-
metallogeny of Recent ocean-floor deposits cumulation, and to use "metallogeny" when
(Glasby, 1977,1988a; Rona et al., 1983; dealing with the regional pattern of ore distri-
McKelvey, 1986; Baturin, 1988; Rona, 1988); bution, and when referring to a branch of sci-
descriptive, comparative and interpretative ence. This usage is retained here.
works on terrestrial Mn deposits (Byetekhtin, Economic and mining geology, as well as ore
1946; Gonz~iles, 1956; Varentsov, 1964; Se- petrology, are branches of geology limited to
menenko, 1973; Roy, 1976, 1981; Hildebrand actually or potentially profitable metal accu-
et al., 1977; Borchert, 1978; Varentsov and mulations. Although classical ore deposits are,
Grasselly, 1980); manganese geochemistry at the same time, geochemically anomalous
(Ronov and Yermishkina, 1959; Strakhov et metal concentrations (thus natural anoma-
al., 1968; Peacor and Wedepohl, 1972; Wede- lies), many of the "modern" earth materials
pohl, 1976; Crerar et al., 1980; Lisytsin et al., from which metals are recovered, or will likely
1985 ); computer-assisted ore-deposit modell- be recovered in the future, are not only consid-
ing (Cox and Singer, 1986; Mosier and Page, ered as a natural anomaly. Economic and tech-
1988 ) and others. nological considerations, such as prices, mar-
The progress in computer technology, com- kets, cost of recovery, harmful impurities, by-
bined with the, almost exponential, growth in products, etc., dilute and distort the "metallo-
the volume of international data on Mn (and genic" component of published mining data so
other) deposits, has made a global quantita- that such data are not ideal for metallogenetic
tive treatment increasingly possible. The pres- (geochemical) considerations. They are, how-
ent contribution considers the place of the re- ever, the only data available that provide mea-
corded anomalous manganese accumulations sured quantitative information on delineated
in the overall terrestrial Mn budget. Its back- and quantified metal accumulations in the
bone is a computer-processible file on 330 Mn form of ore deposits and, as such, they have to
localities of the world (Appendix). be used.
Being dependent on mining data involves
Regional geochemistry, metallogeny and some problems that have to be anticipated and
economic geology minimized by, for example, frequent "data re-
constructions" and some estimates, in order to
Regional geochemistry usually considers the achieve credible metallogenic conclusions. Al-
distribution of major elements and trace quan- though this certainly reduces accuracy, it elim-
tities of minor elements in a relatively un- inates a pseudo-accuracy resulting from the

uncritical use of imperfect and biased data. merous papers scattered in the international
Manganese has a particularly high share of literature. The present data base (Appendix)
economy-imposed problems some of which has been retrieved from "Data Metallogenica"
(e.g., the notion of an "ore deposit" as applied (Laznicka, in press), revised and sufficiently
to a seafloor covered by F e - M n nodules ) have expanded. It is believed that the selected Mn
a tendency to disrupt or completely invalidate deposits, districts and areas represent at least
the fragile framework of the classical mineral 95% of the Mn produced to-date and remain-
deposits science. ing in reserves (and some resources) eco-
nomic at present or assumed economic in the
Metallogenetic trends near future.
All major accumulations of Mn (i.e., those
Metallogenesis, an accumulation of metals in above about 10,000 t contained Mn, with a
above-average crustal abundance, can follow grade greater than 3% Mn, with some excep-
positive, neutral or negative trends (Fig. 1). tions) have been considered, regardless of
Positive metallogenesis shows a substantial in- whether Mn was the only product, a by-prod-
crease in metal concentration and accumula- uct or a non-recoverable gangue to base- or
tion that could result in the formation of new precious metals. The tonnage and grade fig-
metallic deposits in a setting previously free of ures quoted should ideally represent "geologi-
them. Neutral metallogenesis is marked by an cal tonnages": that is, reserves available at the
absence of change; non-mineralized terranes onset of mining, cumulative total production
continue to remain such, whereas already min- of mined-out deposits, or sums of past produc-
eralized terranes persist through time without tions and remaining reserves.
a marked deterioration (removal/reduction) In the recent terminology applied in the U.S.
or upgrading (addition) of existing ore depos- Government publications (e.g., "Mineral Facts
its. Neutral metallogenesis, however, does not and Problems", 1985 Edition), the term "re-
exclude transformations when deposits of serve base" would be the closest equivalent.
"Type A" change into deposits of "Type B", The corresponding reserve category used in the
both of which could have different mineral- former, centrally planned economies (Stair-
ogy, textures, structures and shapes, but more nov, 1950), would be C1.
or less constant metal budgets. The conversion Because most of the Appendix data have
of Mn-carbonates into Mn-oxides caused by been retrieved from published literature, the
surficial exposure, or the conversion of impure compiler had only in exceptional cases an op-
(siliceous) Mn-carbonates into Mn-silicates by portunity to chose from several figures quoted
thermal metamorphism at igneous contacts, are under the variable reserve/resource cate-
suitable examples. gories. In most cases, only one unspecified ton-
nage figure was provided, hence it had to be
Economic geology of manganese accepted. Many quoted figures were incom-
plete, obsolete or inaccurate; often, there has
Data base been a tremendous discrepancy in the produc-
tion/reserve figures listed for various deposits
Manganese benefits from a rather extensive by various authorities. Consequently, the
review literature (De Villiers, 1960; Roy, 1981; Mexican Molango has been credited with 2.94,
China Dep. Geology, 1985); several sympo- 13.59, 415.5, 523.6, and 1,359 million tonnes
sium volumes; and a number of statistical of Mn in the literature published between 1972
summaries (Wissink, 1972; De Young et al., and 1989. This discrepancy reflects not only a
1984; Jones, 1985; Laznicka, 1985b), and nu- steady increase in reserves, as the exploration




. .

20% -~" exposure of

. .
oxidation, enrichment


erosion, removal

o z


ca ona e /:T.i!i.i i:i "- •


bedded Mn carbonate buried in sedimentarw p i l e

N 20%


/ deposition preservation
/ completed
Hn clarke //
'background // i n f l u x and Mn sedimentation begins
0.1% ~J

metallogenesis progressing in time

concentration curves Mn orebody

Fig. 1. Contrasting Mn metallogeneses. Positive metallogenesis results in a substantial increase in concentration of an

element (in our case Mn). Negative metallogenesis is equal to dissipation of a previously more concentrated element.
(See explanation in text. )

progressed and mixing of the various unstated Although the present database (Appendix)
reserve/resource categories, but also a plain is much more complete, and hopefully sub-
error in placement of the decimal point. In stantially more accurate than earlier publica-
cases like this, the most credible figure has been tions, some degree of unreliability of quanti-
selected on the basis of the compiler's personal tative data is an unavoidable "fact of life", that
familiarity with many Mn deposits of the inevitably affects statistical conclusions. A
world. Alternative techniques of estimating similar problem has been recognized and dealt
tonnages of foreign deposits have been dis- with in several recent works based on litera-
cussed by Ross and Travis ( 1981 ), Laznicka ture data (Cox and Singer, 1986; Veizer et al.,
( 1985c), and others. 1989).

The notion of a "manganese deposit" than the true grade of an orebody (or
Databases and statistical exercises in metal- At the old Crimora Mine in Virginia (Eilert-
logeny usually list entries under the heading sen and Feiss, 1946), "about 14 (short) tons
"ore deposit". Such "deposits" can, however, of manganiferous clay was processed per ton
be members of a wide range of objects, ranging of concentrate", so the actual grade of this or-
from small, single, continuous and internally ebody should have been recorded as 2.93% Mn
homogeneous orebodies, through internally rather than the 41% Mn as listed in the
complex ore deposits, to regional groupings of literature.
deposits in areas and territories ranging from
several square kilometres to 10 7 km a (such as Manganese reserves~resources of the worm
the entire Pacific Ocean floor). Given the het-
erogeneity and incompleteness of the source The world's Mn reserves in terrestrial de-
literature, and the technical limitations caused posits have been variously estimated at 6.5 bil-
by large numbers (tens of thousands) of mostly lion tons of ore (Brobst and Pratt, 1973 ), 630
small deposits and occurrences, the use of million tons Mn (reserve) and 42 billion tons
group and territorial entries is unavoidable. Mn (i.e., recoverable resource potential; Er-
The category of the data entity, however, has ickson, 1973), 1.62 billion tons Mn (Morgan,
to be clearly marked and non-comparable cat- 1976), 1.76 billion tonnes (reserve) and 1.62
egories should not be used for certain types of billion tonnes Mn (potential reserve; Bender,
statistical treatment. In the present data base 1977; Hildebrandt et al., 1977 ). To this should
(Appendix), several categories of Mn accu- be added the tonnage of Mn produced to-date
mulations have been distinguished on the ba- (222 million tons to 1975). The "geological
sis of increasing dimensions and complexity content" of Mn in strata-related deposits was
and they are more fully explained in the legend calculated as 2043 tonnes Mn by Laznicka
to the Appendix. (1985b).
The economic viability of manganese ores is The revised data resulting from the present
strongly influenced by their mineralogical study are expressed as the "geological content
composition, grade and impurities, depth, of Mn" (i.e., past production and reserves) as
softness/hardness of the ore (usually related to follows.
the degree of decomposition), labour costs, (1) In actually mined "straight" Mn depos-
markets, etc. Mn oxides in tropically weath- its: 8,727,958,000 t.
ered, enriched profiles over earlier orebodies (2) In potentially mineable, terrestrial Mn
are the cheapest to process, often by the sim- accumulations: 9,179,500,000 t.
plest techniques of labour-intensive selective (3) In mined deposits where Mn is a co-prod-
mining and handpicking (Fig. 2). As a conse- uct or by-product of another metal (this
quence, low-investment and low-cost mining manganese, however, may not have been
can be simultaneously carried out at tens of actually recovered): 589,806,000 t.
separate sites and the final product shipped (4) In potentially mineable, terrestrial Mn
from a central stockpile, from a central mill, or co/by-product ores (or ores not re-
lumped together with the output of a larger lo- covered in the past): 41,921,000 t.
cal mine. The locality registered in the litera- (5) Total: 17,907,458,000 t
ture is thus a group locality and is not repre- No average or cutoffgrades are available for
sentative of any single deposit. The published the tabulation above. The Mn tonnages are in-
ore grade is the grade of a handpicked ore or a cluded as listed in the literature and some
mill concentrate, and it tends to be much higher "super low-grade" deposits (e.g., Chamber-

Fig. 2. Labour-intensive,selective Mn mining in tropical regolith and coluvium over the Archean Iron Ore Series near
Joda, Orissa, eastern India. (a) Hand-excavatedpit, exposingRecent latosol, in-situ and transported rubble to fragmental
clay and saprolitic bleached "shale". (b) Residual block composed of massive goethite, cryptomelaneand minor pyrolu-
site. (c) Coluvial clay-rubbleof dominant jasper fragments containing between 5 and 20% Mn-oxide fragments, concre-
tions and powdery wad coatings. (d) Selectivehand mining and sorting produces 40% Mn concentrate out of a material,
with an actual average Mn grade of well under 5%.

lain, South Dakota: 1% M n ) are involved. world's total nodule resources to be 80 billion
In global speculations, M n resources in ter- tons (about 20 billion tons M n ) , to which
restrial deposits are often augmented by Mn could be added 500 million tons of Mn-oxide
tonnages in the potentiallyrecoverable sea- and crusts (i.e., about 170 million tons Mn ) on the
lake-floor F e - M n nodules. These figures are Blake Plateau. Bezrukov et al. (1970) placed
entirely speculative, influenced by a lack of the a m o u n t of Mn in Pacific floor nodules at
data, as well as by different outlines of the ar- 71 billion tonnes. Mero ( 1969 ) estimated the
bitrarily designated "orebodies". Mero ( 1977 ) nodule resource in the world ocean at 350-
put the reasonably assured Mn resources in the 1700 billion tons (about 70-340 billion tons
North Pacific "high-grade" nodule area at 11 M n ) . Further speculations are available a n d /
billion tons Mn. Kirk (1985) estimated the or can be made.

Grade of Mn deposits lith) greater and often much greater than 10.
The Mn ore substance, usually Mn-oxide par-
Literature data on Mn deposits usually list ticles (lumps, concretions, pisoliths, "buck-
average grades, a range of grades, or the grade shot", fragments, etc. ) is irregularly dispersed
of the shipping product (concentrate). In most throughout a soft (usually clay) matrix from
cases, the quoted figure is not further classified which it is recovered by handpicking or hy-
and the distribution of Mn grades within a de- draulic mining. Outcrops of similar deposits,
posit can be approximately visualized, if the most of which are located in the tropical belt,
ore deposit type is known. Hildebrand et al. have usually developed higher-grade residual
(1977) gave the average grade of the world's capping from which a portion of the clay im-
Mn ores mined in the 1970s as 35% Mn. purity has been winnowed. Elsewhere, rede-
The bulk of the "primary" Mn deposits, both posited and partly sorted rubble deposits with
sedimentogenic and hydrothermal, have a re- a still higher grade (d) can form.
markably uniform grade throughout an ore-
body or, if the orebody is complex and com- Regional distribution of Mn deposits
posed of several ore layers/bands separated by
a non-ore, throughout a band (Fig. 3a). This Manganese is, or was, mined in about 20
uniformity is destroyed by supergene modifi- belts/areas (provinces) of widespread Mn oc-
cation of "primary" orebodies caused by ex- currences, in about 70 districts, and in some
posure or by groundwater. In the example rep- 5300 individual mines that originally con-
resentative of outcrops of Mn veins or Mn tained more than 50 tonnes Mn each. Japan,
carbonate/gondite layers (Fig. 3b), the de- with its 378,000 km 2, is credited with 1045 Mn
posit is subdivided into the "primary" zone mines. This amounts to one mine per 362 km 2.
(often considered a protore) and the second- Canada, on the other hand, has only 170 re-
ary, enriched zone. There, the enrichment fac- corded Mn occurrences for an area of 9.93 mil-
tor rarely exceeds two to three, both zones have lion km 2 which represents one occurrence per
a relatively uniform grade distribution and the 58,353 km 2. Out of this, only 18 occurrences
mutual contact tends to be sharp. contain more than 100 t Mn (i.e., one Mn mine
Weathering-generated deposits (c and d on per 551,000 km2).
Fig. 3 ) have concentration factors (i.e., grade Some small mineralized belts, areas, or dis-
of shipping concentrate/grade of Mn proto- tricts, contain large numbers of individual



lag rubble
shipped c o n c e n t r a t e ~ I M n 45%
Mn 30%
~ Mn

thin extensive sheets

i"!!j!n e
Fig. 3. Distribution of Mn grades in five characteristic styles of manganese deposits.

mines; there are 453 of them in the Franciscan TABLE 1

Complex of California (one deposit per 53 Grade-tonnage distribution of ore Mn in terrestrial deposits
km2); 200 each in the Central India Mn Belt, of the world (tonnesX 103)
the Ouarzazate region of Morocco, the South
Grade Alllocalities "Straight" Mn Weathering-enriched
Urals, and the western United States, respec- (%) deposits "straight" Mn deposits
tively. There are 192 small mines in the Huelva
Province of Spain; 150 mines in the U.S. Ap- 1-3 25,077 - -
3-6 1,458,943 - -
palachians; 119 deposits in the Santiago Prov- 6-9 43,122 - -
ince Mn Belt, Cuba; 109 deposits in the Olym- 9-12 1,583,113 985 -
pic Peninsula of Washington; 91 deposits in 12-15 6,571,385 4110 1000
15-18 10,763 1624 1407
Cyprus; and 18 showings on the small island of
18-21 1,795,267 819,551 1640
Viti Levu, Fiji (Johnston and McCartney, 21-24 65,152 59,652 2940
1965; Hewett, 1966; Saito et al., 1960; Roy, 24-77 510,976 510,824 3962
1981). 27-30 484,685 484,653 634
30-33 4,213,860 4,210,328 13,975
Mosier and Page (1988) compared statisti- 33-36 304,687 304,687 303,491
cally the dimensions, volumes, tonnages, 36-39 50,339 50,339 49,940
grades and geological controlls of four types of 39-42 26,255 26,255 23,078
42-45 223,164 223,164 4506
volcanics-hosted Mn deposits and their overall 45-48 134,652 134,652 37,723
conclusions regarding distribution frequences 48-51 149,845 149,845 110,337
seem to be paralleled in many Mn-rich belts 51-54 13,823 13,823 12,223
54-57 1390 1390 1390
around the world with the exception of the five
57-60 56 56 56
or six belts with giant Mn accumulations in 60-65 20 20 20
solitary ore horizons.

Grade-tonnage distribution Mn was the only, or dominant, commodity

produced ("straight" Mn deposits); and (c)
Table 1 lists and Fig. 4 plots average Mn weathering-enriched "straight" deposits.
grades against Mn tonnages at the 330 locali- The "straight" Mn deposits pattern ap-
ties assembled in the Appendix. As explained proaches a lognormal curve with a mean grade
earlier, many of the localities are group entries of about 31% Mn. This mean is to a consider-
so that many of the grades plotted are regional able degree influenced by the giant Kalahari
averages and many tonnages are aggregate pro- Field which has the same grade. The left side
ductions. This, and the inclusion of only the of the histogram comprises low-grade Mn ores,
major Mn localities, explains the relative "ores of the future" and ores where Mn is a re-
scarcity of plots in the 100 and 1000 tonnage covered by-product of Fe, Pb-Zn-Ag, Au-Ag,
ranges. Figure 4 thus shows only the "tip of the Co and Ni mining, or an anomalously concen-
iceberg" distribution. It is also apparent that trated non-recovered component.
several rounded grade values (30%, 40%) con- Weathering-enriched Mn deposits occupy, as
stitute distribution maxima. This reflects the expected, the high-grade (right) side of the
often approximate grade figures as they appear diagram and the ratio of enriched/non-en-
in the literature. riched ores increases sharply from the grade of
Figure 5 shows the cumulative grade/ton- 48% Mn up.
nage distribution based on the same sample
population, but classified into three sub-pop- Accumulation magnitude and giant deposits
ulations as follows: (a) all the localities in Ap-
pendix; (b) actually mined deposits in which On global scale, the magnitude distribution

10 t°
10 9- NIKOPOL x
UJ x

Z 10 a-

ILl x c~x'~ x x x x
n- ~.~ AROOTOOK x
0%'~ x xCUYUNA x x x x x x
O xi x x x x
_z ~ 1 0 7 ~ x XIARTILLERY
XxXx x x x x~
~ x x

I- x x x x
Z × X.x~ ~ . . . . . x ~xxxx x AROOSTOOK
I-- r ~ 1 0 ~-
Z t~
0 x x x x x x x x~ x x x

r- ®XxX
~ 1 0 s-
O x x xX × Xx x
O. x ~ x x~XXxxx~Xx x (~x x x x x
iii x xX × x x x
x x
t'~ 104_ x x
x xx

''l''l''lllll ,I,,I,, I,, I,,I,,I,,I ,,I,,I,,I,II,III I'l,Zl'Jl"l' I
03 6 912 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 65
Fig. 4. G r a d e - t o n n a g e distribution in 330 localities listed in the Appendix.

LU lo

10 a

Z 107 ul~

8r- 10e

5 " ~10' \

104 I"1"1" ' l " l ' ' l " ] " l " l ' r l " l " l " [ " l " l " l " l " l ' I"l"l"
t.) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 65

Fig. 5. C u m u l a t i v e M n g r a d e - t o n n a g e distribution based on data in the A p p e n d i x (n = 330).

of Mn occurrences is extremely uneven (Table the world, or 23.42% if the giant, but presently
2, Figs. 6,7). A single exceptional deposit uneconomic Mn-rich horizons, are also in-
(mineralized horizon ), the Kalahari, has over cluded. Five exceptional deposits have, to-
50% of the metal accumulated in Mn ores of gether, 78.63% of the world's "straight" Mn

TABLE 2 ber, 1980); the Molango Mn carbonate hori-

List of exceptionally large Mn localities that contain over 0.1%
zon ( 1.5 billion tonnes Mn; Cannon and Force,
of the World's ore Mn 1983 ); and the extensive but low-grade Fe-Mn
Rapid Creek, Yukon horizon (1.1625 billion
ore Mn % of World's tai
( X 106) total ( X 109 )
tonnes Mn; Young and Robertson, 1984 ), will
increase the share of the largest supergiant Mn
Supergiant accumulations to 36.30% of the global ore Mn,
Moanda Mn horizon 6500 36.30 6500 and the share of the five largest accumulations
Kalahari-Mamatwan type 4193 23.42 4193
Molango Mn horizon 1500 8.38 1500 to 79.85%. The exceptional Mn deposits dom-
Rapid Creek F e - M n horizon 1162 6.50 I 162 inate dramatically the national and continen-
tal Mn endowment (Fig. 8, Table 3) and this
Giant accumulations
Nikopol 940 5.25 940
has obvious political implications.
Chiatura 600 3.35 600 Laznicka (1983) applied a tonnage-accu-
Bol'shoi Tokmak 490 2.74 490 mulation index, tai:
Molango 465 2.60 465
Moanda 275 1.54 275 m X 10 6
Groote Eylandt 222 1.24 222 tai - - -
Mezhdurechye 180 1.00 180
Kalahari-Wessels type 175 0.98 175 where: r e = o r e metal content in a deposit,
Leglier F e - M n 150 0.84 150
Urucum 121 0.68 121 tonnes; ck=average crustal abundance (or
clarke) in ppm, as a common denominator
Large accumulations needed to compare magnitudes of accumula-
Atasu district 61 0.34 61
Kerch F e - M n 57 0.32 57 tion of various metals. The variables com-
Sausar Group 46 0.26 46 pared are tonnages of the average crust that
Mutun 45 0.26 45 contains, in clarke concentrations, the equiva-
Uda 43 0.24 43
N. Urals Mn Basin 32 0.18 32
lent of ore metal present in a deposit.
Skhmerskoe 26 0.15 26 Deposits and metal accumulations with
Serra do Navio 25 0.14 25 t a i = 101° and greater are designated as large
Aroostook 25 0.14 25
deposits. Those with t a i = 1011 plus are giant
Cuyuna Range 25 0.14 25
Azul 24 0.13 24 deposits, and those with t a i = 1012 and more
Usa (Usinskoe) 20 0.11 20 are supergiant deposits. The four largest Mn
Woodstock 19 0.11 19 accumulations in the Appendix containing in
Nsuta 18 0.10 18
excess of 1x 109 Mn are supergiant accumula-
tai = tonnage accumulation index; the tonnage of the average tions (Table 2, Fig. 6 ). The single largest pres-
crust that contains, in clarke concentration, the equivalent of
ore metal present in a deposit:
ently mined Kalahari Mn Field has
tai=4193× 10 9. Is the very uneven distribu-
ore Mn content in a deposit ( t o n n e s x 106)
tai = tion of Mn ore/protore accumulations unique,
or are other metals distributed in a similar
fashion? Giant deposits dominate the distri-
ores. The proportion of huge Mn accumula- bution of many other metals (Laznicka, 1983 ).
tions in the global ore Mn budget is even more Measured by the share of a single supergiant
striking when the so far unmined and still in- accumulation out of the overall global ore
sufficiently delineated resources of "protore" metal balance, Mn occupies the position no. 7
under or in the extension of major orebodies (after Hg in the Almaden deposit, Spain; Cr,Ti
are included in the calculation. Inclusion of the and Pt metals in the Bushveld Complex; Nb in
Moanda (Okouma Plateau) Mn carbonate ho- Araxa, Brazil; rare earths in Bayan Obo,
rizon (6.5 billion tonnes Mn; Leclerc and We- China), and is approximately at par with gold


319 localities in Appendix 322 localities in Appendix


%F~ %~
100 ~R


MezhdurechyeY /b//.
Moanda . ~ Groote Eylandt / "
-y Molango I
J B. Tokmak i JRapid Creek
Nikopol / - Chiatura i /-Molango-
.. . I ~ Horizon
/ .Moande- _ ~ K a l ahari . . . . .
I Kalaharl~ Horizon~ i
109 ~4 15 16- 17 '8 i 9 [ 1010 i 15 20
Fig. 6. Partition of the world's Mn ore into magnitude categories, showing the important role of exceptional (giant)
accumulations. (a) Standard Mn and Mn by-product deposits; (b) the above, plus three presently uneconomic large
manganiferous horizons at Moanda (Gabon), Molango (Mexico) and Rapid Creek (NW Canada).

(when the Witwatersrand is treated as a single Mn (Goles, 1971); the content in the solid
"locality" ). Earth is quoted as 0.26% Mn (Ahrens, 1965);
the Mn contents of the mantle are between
Trace Mn distribution in the earth's crust 0.085 and 0.16%; of the oceanic crust between
0.08 and 0.10%; of the continental crust be-
Concentrations of trace Mn tween 0.07 and 0.11%; and of the "sedimen-
tary layer" between 0.023-0.052% (Fig. 9).
Manganese geochemistry has been exten-
sively reviewed by Peacor and Wedepohl Magmatic rocks
(1972), Beus (1976), Wedepohl (1980),
Crerar et al. (1980) and others. Manganese In contrast to many petrochemically impor-
having the crustal abundance of 900 ppm tant trace elements, Mn underwent no sub-
(Beus, 1976); 930 ppm (Peacor and Wede- stantial systematic fractionation during proto-
pohl, 1972); 1000 ppm (Li Tong, 1984) or crystallization of the mafic to intermediate
1100 ppm (Taylor and McLennan, 1985 ) is the magmatic suite extracted from the mantle, so
tenth most abundant element in the crust and the many derivational varieties of basalt have
the fourth most abundant metal after A1, Fe all almost a uniform Mn content (Anderson,
and Ti. 1981; Basaltic Volcanic Study Project, 1981 ).
The average Mn content in the solar system In mafic to felsic differentiation sequences
based on C 1 carbonaceous chondrite is 0.294% of various parentages, Mn shows a strong neg-



d ~


' NAVm

i -'~ w ..... / aC
!o0.rE~ oO

\\ 'J @Unmined Mn ~ ~ \ ©

Fig. 7. Map showingthe major exceptional Mn accumulations of the world.

Europe i0.0~
Europe 20.8~ Asia 6.0% ~ ~,~
S.America 1.5~
Asia I0.8 L
~ ~ S . . ~ e r i c a 3.2~ ~ i i i i ~ i / N'America 18"1%

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii =r~oa ="======iY


Mrica 55.4%
Fig. 8. Distribution of the world's Mn-ore resources per continent. Left: large, presently uneconomic manganiferous ho-
rizons included; Right: ditto, excluded.

ative correlation relative to silicon, strikingly 0.225%; chlorite: 0.224%; Wedepohl, 1980)
apparent on variation diagrams (e.g., Crerar et and is depleted in silica-aluminous minerals
al., 1980, p. 301 ). In igneous rocks, Mn con- (feldspars: 0.001-0.01%; quartz: less than
centrates in rock-forming ferromagnesian 0.001%).
minerals (olivine: 0.187% Mn; low-Ca pyrox- In non-alkaline magmatic differentiation se-
ene: 0.212%; hornblende: 0.372%; biotite: ries, Mn reaches the greatest concentration in

TABLE 3 phenson (1974) described Mn-enriched oli-

Distribution of ore Mn by continents and major resource-rich
vines from South Q6roq (southern Green-
countries ( 103 tonnes Mn) land). Carbonatites are the most Mn-enriched
magmatic rocks known. Their average Mn
tX 103 %
content is 0.6% (six times the crustal abun-
Mexico 468,657 5.45 dance; Peacor and Wedepohl, 1972 ) but some
Cuba 2937 0.03 siderite and ankerite carbonatites have up to
others l 12,742 1.31 4.39% Mn (Chilwa Island, Malawi; Garson,
North America 584,336 6.79
1956) or more (rhodochrosite carbonatite,
Brazil 206,725 2.40 Muambe Hill, Mozambique; Gittins, 1966 ). It
Chile 8690 0.10 can be concluded that, with the possible excep-
others 58,705 0.69
South America 274,120 3.19 tion of carbonatites, no Mn accumulations ap-
proaching ore concentrations resulted from
European former USSR 1,670,520 19.42 magmatic differentiation, not even in associa-
Hungary 4400 0.05
others 113,662 1.33
tion with magmatic iron ores. In the Bushveld
Europe 1,788,582 20.79 titaniferous magnetite layers, the ore running
over 50% Fe has between 0.14 and 0.40% Mn,
India 77,133 0.89 and some ilmenite separates have up to 1.77%
China 16,902 0.2
others 11,932 0.14 Mn (Reynolds, 1986).
Asian former USSR 819,903 9.53
Asia 925,870 10.77 Metamorphic rocks
Morocco 4792 l.l 2
Gabon 275,000 3.20 It is stated (e.g., Wedepohl, 1980, p.347;
South Africa 4,387,701 51.05 Beus, 1976, p.266) that trace Mn contents of
Africa 4,764,102 55.40
the common metamorphics have the same or-
Australia 263,279 3.06 der of magnitude as their unmetamorphosed
progenitors so that major transfer of Mn dur-
Oceania 1542 0.02
ing metamorphism has not taken place. This is
World 8,601,831 100.00 generally confirmed by literature data where
amphibolites and eclogites average between
0.15 and 0.157% Mn (same order of magni-
magnetite (average 0.446% Mn) and ilmenite tude as basalts/gabbros) and gneisses are
(Peacor and Wedepohl, 1972 ), but even so, its around 0.06% (same order as shales). Com-
concentration factor rarely exceeds 10. In some parisons of large populations of trace Mn de-
late-stage magmas, Mn becomes relatively terminations, however, indicate that amphib-
concentrated to form minor and accessory olites and greenstones are consistently 10-20%
minerals as in some pegmatites. There, the bulk higher in Mn than gabbros and Cainozoic ba-
of Mn enters the spessartite molecule of gar- salts (e.g., Glikson, 1971 ). This could be at-
nets. In highly evolved pegmatites with a sig- tributed to metamorphic differentiation (e.g.,
nificant hydrothermal-metasomatic compo- Belevtsev, 1979) or, more likely, to incorpo-
nent, Mn accumulates in phosphates ration of the Mn dissolved in seawater into
(triphylite-lithiophyllite, graftonite and hu- seafloor basalts during their aging (i.e., weath-
reaulite contain up to 2.3% Mn; Von ering and hydration; Salisbury and Christen-
Knorring, 1970 ). sen, 1973); most amphibolites are former
Alkaline rocks are ocassionally enriched in "geosynclinal" metabasalts. Naqvi and Rogers
Mn, up to a concentration clarke of 50. Ste- ( 1987 ), on the other hand, documented loss of

whole Earth . . . . . ( I. . . . . tal clarke

Black Sea floor i interstitial waters SEAWATER

anoxic waters
-- dissolved Mn 7
SUBSURFACE FLUIDS I lake Kivu I Red Sea f l o o r k_J S a l t o n Sea
l[ J [ Baltic Sea euxinic sediments
OCEANIC SEDIMENTS Pacific abyssal clays | Fe/Mn sediments
SOILS U.S. soils metall i ferous laterites
SHALES ore shales
BLACK SHALES ~ ore shales
SANDSTONES quartz arenite ,,,a f i e vol c a r e n i t e s
ore carbonates
CiIERT, JASPER ore cherts
ORGANIC SEDIMENTS petroleum blackcoal br¢':~ coa I
IRONSTONES, IRONFORMATIONS i- Fe-Iln f o r m a t i o n
BASALTS ~'~ rloanda
I _ --I

RHYOLITES - - - - - ~ ~ g b
_~ felsic t u f f , F r a n c e , i l i l a , ~
GRA~IITES peraluminous m - J peralkaline
ULTRABASICS . _ ~ _ m a n t l e nodules
ALICJ~LINE syenites I " Fe-Mn carbonatites
GNEISS, IIICASCHIST, GRANULITE I I_--- . . . . . ore grleisses
AMPHIBOLITE, GREENSTONE ~~Z~----~-- ? ~-~ --
I '
i I I ltI I J - -
0. I ppb I ppb I0 ppb O.l ppm i ppm IO ppm I00 ppm 0.1% i% ID i00~

Fig. 9. Trace Mn contents in the Earth's crust and the hydrosphere. (Compiled from data from Cronan, 1969; Vine and Tourtelot, 1970; Peacor
and Wedepohl, 1972; Beus, 1976; Anderson, 1983; Barwise and Whitehead, 1983; Lisitsyn et al., 1985; Taylor and McLennan, 1985; Tong,
1989; and scattered data in 450 references.)


some 40-50% Mn during metamorphic con- Sediments and sedimentary rocks

version of Indian greenstone metabasalts into
amphibolites. Sediments and sedimentary rocks have the
The general immobility of Mn under condi- highest variability of trace Mn contents
tions of Barrovian, high-pressure and thermal (Ronov and Yermishkina, 1959) and the
metamorphism, is convincingly demonstrated highest proportion of Mn-anomalous to Mn-
by the large number of isochemically meta- normal rocks. Mn distribution in sediments is
morphosed bedded Mn deposits in metavol- controlled more by their mineralogical and
canic and metasedimentary associations in chemical composition, provenance and setting
metamorphosed Mn carbonates, gondites and than by grain size; yet grain size is the basic
skarnoids (Roy, 1981). Major Mn transfer attribute of detrital rock classification. As a re-
(remobilization) took place only by the action suit, trace metal averages in the literature are
of (metamorphic) hydrothermal fluids along quoted in terms of granulometric classes. The
shears and faults that provided the necessary consequence is widespread averaging, so that
permeability. the average Mn contents of sandstones or shales
approach the average Mn values quoted for
large divisions of the lithosphere.
Water bodies Among pelites, the richest in Mn sediments
are the oceanic abyssal clays or clay/carbonate
mixtures. Their average trace Mn contents
Wedepohl ( 1971 ) gives the average content range from 0.1 to 0.63% Mn (on carbonate-free
of dissolved Mn in freshwater as 9 ppb, but basis; Wedepohl, 1980), and the Pacific
there are substantial variations depending on oceanic clays are about two times higher in Mn
the oxygen budget. The well-aerated waters of than the Atlantic and Indian Ocean clays. The
running streams and lakes are lower in Mn average Mn contents of clay (0.05% Mn) and
(average for U.S. rivers: 7 ppb Mn), whereas shale (0.085% and 0.060% Mn; Beus, 1976;
the anoxic waters of stagnant lakes could con- Wedepohl, 1980), seem to be mostly repre-
tain 1 ppm and more. The suspended load of sentative of shallow-marine terrigenous pelites
rivers is extremely high by comparison: 0.25- with granite and gneiss provenances. The low
0.43% Mn. Wedepohl (1980) calculated that average Mn content of carbonaceous shales
the oceans receive yearly 3 × 105 t of dissolved (0.015% Mn) calculated from a population of
and 4 X 105 t of suspended Mn. 779 samples by Vine and Tourtelot (1970),
Estimates of the Mn content in seawater vary comes as a surprise considering the preferred
between 0.2 and 4.32 ppb. Based on the annual association of many bedded Mn deposits with
influx of terrestrial manganese, Wedepohl black sediments.
(1980) calculated the Mn residence time in the The average Mn concentrations in arenites
world ocean to be 6 X 103/y if the Mn content are in the literature usually treated in terms of
in seawater is 0.3 ppb. At 1.5 ppb Mn in sea- "graywacke" (litharenite; including both vol-
water , the Mn residence time would be caniclastics and terrigenous immature to semi-
3 X 104/y. The Mn content in groundwater is mature arenites, 0.069% Mn; Wedepohl, 1976)
highly variable, but generally higher to much and "sandstone" (this covers the whole range
higher than in surface waters. It increases of arenites with bias towards the better-sorted,
sharply in thermal waters and active hydro- terrigenous varieties, 0.031-0.049% Mn; We-
thermal systems. The Salton Sea hydrothermal depohl, 1980). Coarse detrital sediments
brines contain around 0.14% Mn (White, (conglomerates) are impossible to meaning-
1968). fully average.

Carbonates are also extremely difficult to 13.2 billion tonnes ore reserve this represents
average in terms of their trace Mn given their a content of 102 million tonnes of Mn (For-
considerable variability. Wedepohl (1980) mozova, 1973; Svinndal, 1977; Zitzmann,
quoted the figure of 0.056% Mn,but Ronov and 1977; Walther, 1986).
Yaroshevsky (1969) found that over 50% of Several ironstones and iron formations, the
carbonates contained less than 100 ppm Mn. Mn content of which is higher than 3%, are
Some carbonates are regionally anomalously listed in the Appendix. There, the Rapid Creek
enriched in Mn (e.g., Cambrian Shady and Ironstone of the northern Yukon (Young and
Tomstown Dolomites of the southern Appala- Robertson, 1984) contains 1.162x 109 tonnes
chians, 0.2-1.2% Mn; King et al., 1944). Mn in ores having a grade of 3.9% Mn.

Chemical and volcanichemical sediments Metallogeny of manganese: Organization

Most economic Mn deposits are chemical
precipitates from hydrous and hydrothermal Existing classification~organization of Mn
fluids. There is a gradation between "ore sedi- deposits
ments", anomalously Mn-enriched sediments
and "rocks" with ordinary trace Mn contents. Several global classifications/organizations
In contrast to industrial Mn ores most of which of Mn deposits have been proposed, based on
have an excellent to good separation of Mn different premises. Most of the conventional
from Fe (Mn:Fe ratios are greater to much hierarchical classifications (Roy, 1976, 1981 )
greater than 2), most Mn-enriched (vol- subdivide Mn deposits into:
cani)chemical sediments are iron-rich and
their Mn:Fe ratios range from about 0.02 (i.e., Mn deposits:
mean crustal ratio) to about 0.3. -sedimentary (nonvolcanic and volcanic-
Ironstones, iron formations and their "lean" sedimentary);
varieties (e.g., various "exhalites") are often -supergene concentrations; and
enriched in Mn, but the enrichment is not sys- -hydrothermal.
tematic or predictable. The Olenegorsk (Kola
Peninsula) and Kursk magnetite quartzites Non-hierarchical "expert systems" (the So-
have 300-350 ppm Mn and the average con- viet system of "ore formations" meaning as-
tent of the Soviet Precambrian banded iron sociations; Shatskii, 1954; Western-style "ore
formations is only 770 ppm. The Lower An- deposit models"), selectively handpick and
gara (Siberian Platform) ironstones have only treat sets of distinct and mutually comparable
400 ppm Mn; the Lisakovsk ironstones (Rus- deposits out of the global Mn population, leav-
sian Platform) have 0.16% Mn; the German ing the "atypical", transitional and controver-
exhalative Lahn-Dill ores have 0.12% Mn and sial examples out.
the Minas Gerais itabirites have 0.18% Mn. In the recent collection of the U.S. Geologi-
The West Siberian Basin and Fricktal (Swiss cal Survey Mineral Deposits Models (Cox and
Jura) ironstones have 0.27% and 0.30% Mn, Singer, 1986 ), the following models of Mn de-
respectively. The Dunderland (Norway) iron posits are included: "replacement Mn" (p.
ores carry 0.35% Mn, the Tajmigte (Yugoslav 105 ); "volcanogenic Mn" (p. 139 ); "epither-
Macedonia) leptochlorite ores have 0.40% Mn; mal Mn" (p. 166) and "sedimentary Mn" (p.
the Biwabik iron formation of Minnesota has 231 ). In the follow-up contribution by Mosier
0.51% Mn. The Ayat (Kazakhstan) ironstones and Page (1988), the "volcanogenic Mn"
contain 0.83% Mn, but because of the large model is further subdivided into Cyprus,

Olympic Peninsula, Franciscan and Cuban statistical: the majority of deposits fits, the mi-
types. nority does not. In brief and superficial re-
The existing Mn classifications are hardly views and classifications the incompatible de-
perfect, but they serve the practical purpose to posits are usually left out or "forced" into a
break the large number of recorded Mn depos- category not entirely appropriate. Detailed
its into manageable categories. There is, how- classifications facilitate incorporation of
ever, a scope for improvement. Any attempt to unique entries better, but they are bulky and
upgrade existing classifications of ore deposits cluttered by detail, often utilized only by their
meaningfully has to take into account the fol- creator but shunned by the readers.
lowing constraints and ramifications: ( 3 ) Transitionality. Virtually all mineral de-
( 1 ) Mn deposits can be arranged by their in- posits occurring in nature, as well as their host
ternal complexity, setting and genetic history rock associations, environments, metal sources,
into an end-member sequence at one end of etc., are transitional. Purely volcanogenic de-
which are "simple" (single-stage, monoge- posits are transitional into volcanic-sedimen-
netic, "straight-line" ) deposits, at the other end tary ones which in turn change into purely sed-
being "complex" (multi-stage, polygenetic, in- imentary. The boundary of the categories is
teractive, etc.) deposits. Simple deposits are, subjective, so a single deposit can be placed into
for example, represented by rhodochrosite a different category by different authors.
veins or sedimentary-diagenetic braunite beds. Quantitative approach (like the one applied to
These are uniform products of a single-stage terminology of two-component mixtures such
fissure infilling, or seafloor chemical sedimen- as plagioclases) is rarely possible, because of
tation followed by "ordinary" diagenesis and the lack of accurate data and a uniqueness of
lithification. Complex deposits include many every ore deposit or occurrence.
possible combinations; for example, an origi- The constraints listed above are real and
nally siliceous Mn sedimentary bed later de- cannot be avoided. As a consequence, every
formed and metamorphosed into a Mn-garnet classification of Mn and other deposits is by
quartzite (gondite), the latter in turn weath- nature tentative, inaccurate and temporary. It
ering-reconstituted into a body of"secondary" can often be improved but never made perfect.
Mn oxides. The second example is a product
of at least three evolutionary phases, linked by Component organization of Mn
mutations. accumulations
When the supergene modification was par-
tial, products of the two latest phases (gondite Complex objects assembled in large data
and Mn oxides) coexist, whereas the product bases can best be organized if they are broken
of the earliest metallogenetic phase (Mn sedi- down into lesser components. Each compo-
mentary bed) is not preserved and has to be nent is further classified or subdivided. Entries
interpreted. When the supergene modification are coded or expressed in keywords. Keywords
of gondite was complete (no relics left), the are listed in a thesaurus.
pre-weathering history of the orebody has been Some components are sharply delineated and
obliterated and has to be interpreted using in- internally objective so they can stand on their
direct (usually laboratory) evidence. own and be treated independently (e.g.: Mn
(2) When a fixed classification system is mineralogy). Others are mutually transitional
erected (any system!), there are deposits that and interactive, so that a change of a variable
would fit snugly; deposits that are marginal; in one component requires adjustment in the
and deposits that cross the boundaries of cate- other component. In spite, of limitations, in-
gories or "types". Most classification fits are formation can be sorted by data items in com-

weathering and pedogenesis

d e t r i t a l sedimentation
chemical precipitation
(cold f l u i d s )
active geothermal systems
ocean floor / Weathering crust rocks
pelagic domain / subaerial
continental margins / marine sedimentary
active (Pacific) / marine volcanic-sedimentary
passive (Atlantic) + / metamorphosed
epicontinental basins / intrusive and
continental subaerial / thermalites


Fig. 10. Organization of Mn accumulations based on three fundamental components as applied in the Appendix and
discussed in the text. The components are overlapping and often mutually interactive.

puterized files and easily retrieved. This pro- "Contemporaneous", as used here, is a broader
vides for flexibility and custom-made category than "Recent" (which means younger
classifications keyed to various needs. than Pleistocene). It includes some long-last-
Figure 10 shows the component organiza- ing environments (regimes), the products of
tion of Mn deposits applicable to localities in which (as old as Jurassic in case of a small por-
the Appendix. Each component is discussed in tion of the unconsolidated Pacific floor sedi-
detail in the subsequent text. ments), are still in their original depositional
setting and not yet fully diagenetically lithi-
Genetic organization of Mn deposits fled. This also applies to most weathering
Direct observation of Mn accumulation by
contemporaneous processes in existing envi- Weathering and pedogenesis
ronments is of great help for genetic interpre-
tation of ancient deposits. But the reverse is In the bulk of weathering profiles, Mn mo-
also true. Certain ancient Mn ore types that bility is intermediate between the relatively
lack Recent counterparts alert us to the possi- immobile Fe, AI, Ti and the more mobile Ni,
ble existence of not yet recognized Recent near- Cu, Zn and Pb. Mn is rapidly leached from de-
surface Mn accumulating environments, or composing mafic rocks and dispersed, except
deep-seated environments that cannot be di- for a small proportion precipitated in the form
rectly observed. of infiltrated or fracture-coating Mn-oxide pig-
From the genetic point of view, contempor- ments ("desert varnish", "dendrites"). The
aneous Mn-concentrating systems can be most overall metallogenesis is negative. Exceptions
conveniently treated in the framework of four to this rule exist, but all require rather special
mutually transitional sets (Fig. 11): (1) conditions the single most important one being
weathering and pedogenesis, (2) detrital sedi- an exceptional supply of Mn.
mentation, (3) hydrous chemical sedimenta- Under conditions of humid tropical weath-
tion, and (4) active geothermal systems. ering o f " c o m m o n rocks", Mn relatively accu-


I MR laterite I I MR'crete ordinary
Mn-calcrete rocks

rln-enriched karst
I over Mn
I over
Enriched Mn-oxideregolith primary Mn
I over sulfide
Mn-oxide rich gossans ores

I cold spring

Mn rubble Mn granule lake floor
canga ooliths Mn clay nodules
(proximal) fragments silt J metalliferous

talus crusts
~ nodules metallif.
rubble metallif. nodules sediments
~ sediments crusts
glacial merges
drift with
sediments crusts
concretions nodules
I metallif.
lag I
deposits sediments

crusts, metalliferous hot spring sinters
sediments, exhalites _ ~

hot spring roots, cementedbreccias,

mineralized wallrocks, travertine

epithermal veins, breccias, impregnations,


plutonic hydrothermal veins, impregnations,


Fig. 11. Genetic organization of lithospheric Mn-concentrating systems based on four mutually transitional sets, as dis-
cussed in text.

mulates in the "mottled clay" (Al-hydrosili- mations and siderite-pyrite-rich rocks, or la-
cates) zone of the weathering profile in teritic bauxites formed on aluminous progeni-
concentrations rarely exceeding clarke X 10 tors, such as clay, shale or phonolite. Fully
(Lelong et al., 1976; Nambiar et al., 1981; Na- developed deposits can be subdivided, by the
hon, 1986). Marginally economic ore deposits effects of weathering, into three fundamental
are exceptional. Several pocket and blanket-like zones (from top to bottom):
bodies of loose to cemented concretionary Mn ( 1 ) Zone of residual tropical metalliferous
oxides not exceeding 15,000 tonnes of 20-40% soil. Here, the metal-bearing minerals formed
Mn and 0.1-1% Co, have been mined from the by authigenic precipitation from ionic or col-
lower part of the "limonite zone" in a polyge- loidal solutions transported for a short dis-
netic (humid, then arid) regolith on ultramaf- tance, sometimes augmented by physical ag-
ics and diabase in the Ora Banda-Siberia area gregation of metalliferous clay or larger
N.W. of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia (Elias particles. The growth took place in an open
et al., 1981; Loftus-Hills, 1975). The Mn-Co space (pores) or in a soft, permissive medium
orebodies were situated above the lateritic Mn- that has made the expansion possible, or by re-
enriched (up to 1% Mn) "clay zone" near the placement. The ore particles could have the
base of a discontinuous arid calcrete-silcrete form of loose to cemented concretions to mi-
profile and could have been the result of local croconcretions, pisoliths, granules, encrusta-
precipitation or nodular calcrete replacement tions, etc. Reworked microconcretions could
by Mn lifted from below by ascending easily be confused with ooliths.
groundwater. Mn deposits dominated by Mn-oxide con-
In the New Caledonia lateritic Ni province cretions/pisoliths or composed exclusively of
developed on Eocene ultramafics (Paris, them, cap erosional surfaces (e.g., Peak Hill,
1981), megascopically recognizable accumu- W. Australia; Casey, 1956 ) and have in the lit-
lations of black powdery "asbolite" dispersed erature been often designated as "lateritic"
in clay, grade to small pockets of concretionary (Thienhaus, 1967). Equivalent deposits else-
to massive asbolite in the ferralitic red clay where (e.g., the "secondary" ores of Moanda,
zone. A small quantity of the richest ore has Gabon; Leclerc and Weber, 1980), have only
been produced in the past and a resource of occasionally been included under the laterite
several 107 tonnes of low-grade powdery asbol- heading. Still other deposits formerly treated
ite ore remains. almost exclusively in the context of sedimen-
The overwhelming majority of "lateritic", togenic/diagenetic lithofacies (e.g., Nikopol,
"weathering-generated", "supergene", etc., Chiatura, Groote Eylandt) have only recently
economic Mn deposits has developed by inter- been interpreted as heavily modified to en-
action of weathering agents with high-Mn pro- tirely pseudomorphosed by subaerial pedoge-
genitors. The weathering resulted in a Mn con- nesis (e.g., Pracejus et al., 1988).
centration increase of the order of 1-5, In analogy with the ferricrete (or cuirasse;
exceptionally 10-20. The latter is true mostly Percival, 1965)or "bauxitic duricrusts" (AI-
in terrains of uneven topography (such as eva, 1981 ), the tops of monotonous tropical
karsts), where depressions are filled by physi- soil profiles could be indurated and converted
cally redeposited residue collected from a larger into almost solid crusts (cappings) recently
area. termed Mn-cretes, mangancretes or ma-
Weathering-enriched earlier (primary) Mn ngcretes (e.g., Pracejus et al., 1988 ). There, the
ore deposits have much in common with their concretions are initially cemented by authi-
Fe and AI counterparts, such as the "direct genic Mn-oxide cements and ultimately en-
shipping" Fe ores formed on siliceous iron for- tirely destroyed by dissolution/reprecipitation

or recrystallization to form a solid to internally Mn-rich gossans over sulfide orebodies

breccia-structured mass.
(2) Zone of complete to partial in-situ su- Mn sulfides (alabandite and hauerite) are
pergene reconstitution of the progenitor ("Mn- rare minerals, but Mn carbonates and silicates
saprolite"). Here, the weathering-induced (rhodonite) are common gangues to Fe, Zn,
change was mostly chemical or mineralogical Cu, Pb vein and replacement orebodies. Mn
(breakdown of Mn silicates or carbonates into oxides produced by oxidation and residually
manganite and oxides of Mn) and structural accumulated in some gossans (e.g., Butte and
modifications resulted mainly from volume Philipsburg, Montana) correspond to the zone
change, load and collapse. This zone is transi- 2 of the general profile. Concretionary pedo-
tional into partly decomposed and oxidized genic ores are rare, probably because of the very
progenitors and ultimately into the Zone (3) small outcrop area of veins that makes their
of fresh, unweathered primary Mn material. discovery difficult in the tropics.
The latter is sometimes crisscrossed by frac-
tures infilled by Mn oxides precipitated from Distribution
descending solutions.
In most existing deposits, changes produced Figure 12 shows the intensity of weathering
by physical reworking are additional to the es- modification at localities assembled in the Ap-
sentially in-situ chemical transformations. This pendix, deducted from deposit descriptions,
includes the formation of an in-situ (lag) talus; especially mineralogy. 93.4% of the localities
coluvial and alluvial rubble to gravel ("Mn- are slightly to completely modified and at
canga") and a variety of more distal redepos- 23.9% of the localities, the conversion into a
ited ore sediments, discussed later. supergene assemblage is total. Only 6.6% of the
localities, all of them located in recently gla-
ciated regions or entirely in subcrop, are free
Mn karst of weathering products.

Detrital Mn sedimentation
Mn-oxides mineralized karst is a variety of
manganiferous weathering profiles, empiri- The obvious and indisputable accumula-
cally and genetically close to the "Mediterra- tions of Mn ore-grade detritus can be seen on
nean-type" bauxites (B~.rdossy, 1982) or to flanks of elevated or erosion-dissected existing
some iron deposits, such as those in the Fran-
conian and Schwabian Alb, West Germany minor 22.7Z
(Walther, 1986). A "standard" Mn-karst de-
lht ii.2%
posit (e.g., Waldalgesheim, Germany; Bottke,
1969) consists of Mn oxides structurally and
texturally equivalent to the zone 2 discussed none 6.6%
moderate 18.0Z
above, filling karst sinks and depressions on a
Mn-enriched limestone or dolomite. The Mn-
source relationship to the underlying carbon-
ate has not always been demonstrated and there al 23.9Z
high I
is a possibility that many "Mn-karst" ores have
almost t o t a l 5.6%
been transported to their present location from
elsewhere. Many ancient "Mn-karst" deposits Fig. 12. Weathering modification of Mn localities listed
are situated under unconformities. in the Appendix (n = 322).

Mn deposits. Where the dominant ore was a Charleson pit. In Chile, cobbles of quartzite,
solid, hard bed, the product is an ore-grade veined or encrusted by Mn oxides in the grav-
talus or a mixture of ore or wallrock fragments els, were derived from Mn ore lenses in Pre-
embedded in Mn-oxide fines, Fe hydroxide or cambrian schists.
soil matrix (e.g., "Mn-canga"). These mate- Transport and temporary deposition of sand-
rials represent the first step towards dispersal to clay-size Mn-ore material is apparent in the
of originally higher concentrated Mn, so this vicinity of many existing Mn deposits, perhaps
variety of mass wasting has a negative most graphically at Imini, Morocco. This, too,
metallogenesis. is part of a metallogenically negative process
When the original Mn orebody was "soft" of dispersion perhaps capable of forming small
ore composed of a mixture of "hard" (e.g., temporary accumulations along the fringe of
concretions, pisoliths) and "soft" (powdery, earlier Mn giants (e.g., the Kalahari Field).
soily matrix) components, the "hard" compo-
nent has been commonly proximally redepos- Hydrous chemical Mn precipitation
ited to form a gravel or a conglomerate ore-
body. This can upgrade low-grade primary Mn Precipitation from aqueous solutions con-
deposits in which scattered Mn-rich particles sidered in the broadest sense is responsible for
(e.g., nodules) rest in soft non-ore matrix as at least 99% of the contemporaneous, and
near Chamberlain, South Dakota (Crittenden, probably also the past, Mn accumulations. If
1956) and in Manitoba. In both areas, small only direct chemical precipitation from waters
lag gravel deposits of F e - M n nodules formed at ambient temperature is considered, this will
on banks of the Missouri River (USA) and on drop to some 90%.
the bottom of creeks draining the Riding and
Porcupine Mountain (Canada). These accu- Rivers and streams
mulations, however, never contain more than
several tonnes of material, so they are of aca- These are "fluid channels" rather than ore
demic interest only. Sizeable Mn-gravel/con- depositories. However, small, transient quan-
glomerate deposits equivalent to known iron tities of Mn can accumulate in fluvial sedi-
deposits of comparable type (e.g., Robe River, ments especially in rivers draining Mn-miner-
Western Australia; Salzgitter, West Germany; alized or anomalous basins. Strakhov et al.
Zitzmann, 1977 ) have not yet been discovered. (1968) recorded the presence of a 15-30 cm
Detrital Mn accumulation resulting from thick Mn-ore crust with 12.16% Mn, discon-
glacial reworking face similar constraint on tinuously present over most of the 150 km long
their formation: the lack of an extensive Mn- course of the Vyg River in the Soviet Karelia.
rich source area, although this condition could
have been fulfilled in the time of sedimenta- Peat bogs and organics-rich spring aprons
tion of Proterozoic and Karoo tillites in the
Kalahari region of southern Africa. Minor ac- Most "metalliferous bogs" are situated at or
cumulations of Mn in Quaternary glaciofluvial near orifices of cold springs that have anoma-
gravels are known from the Atikokan region of lously high dissolved Mn (and Fe). Mn pre-
southwestern Ontario and from the Cautin cipitates in the form of black manganiferous
Province of southern Chile (Ruiz, 1965). At m u d (wad) mixed with travertine, vegetal re-
the first locality, pyrolusite nodules, encrusta- mains or soil, or they encrust plant debris.
tions and cement were c o m m o n in the iron-ore Close to 100 small deposits have been re-
gravel derived from the Steep Rock Fe deposit corded mostly in Canada, Scandinavia and the
and mined, in the 1960s, in the Canadian former USSR and some have been mined (e.g.,

Dawson Settlement, New Brunswick; Brown, tive resource of about 200,000 t Mn is proba-
1964; Kaslo Creek, British Columbia; Riding bly a very conservative estimate.
Mountain, Manitoba; Johnston and Mc-
Cartney, 1965; Central Jutland, Denmark; Large perennial lakes
Sorensen et al., 1978).
Large perennial lakes in the temperate zone,
Small temperate and boreal lakes
such as Lake Michigan (Callender et al., 1973 ),
Lake Superior (Mothersill and Shegelski,
Mn precipitates with a grade ranging from 0
1973), Lake Ontario (Cronan and Thomas,
to almost 30% Mn (average 3.8-16% Mn)
1972), and other lakes have local accumula-
have been identified in several hundreds of
tions of Mn comparable in form and in setting
small forest lakes located in the Baltic and Ca-
with the hydrogenous seafloor accumulations.
nadian Shields (Harris and Troup, 1969; Cal-
Nodules, coatings, crusts, sand impregnations
lender and Bowser, 1976; Terasmae, 1971).
and dispersions of Mn oxides and rare carbon-
Mn oxides occur in the nearshore setting as
ates rest on the lake floor on glacial or young
impregnations and cement of sands or as soft,
postglacial sediments.
porous microconcretions ("beans"). In the
Not enough data have been published to es-
lake nodules, metalliferous muds, crusts and
timate the available global tonnages of the ac-
coatings prevail. The Punnus-Yarvi Lake in
cumulated Mn. Sheridan (1970) estimated the
Karelia has been studied and described in the
presence of 10-15X10 4 tonnes Mn per square
greatest detail by Strakhov et al. (1968). The
mile (2.56 km 2) in the first 30-cm thick layer
lake formed as a result of deglaciation about
of sand in the Green Bay, Lake Michigan. The
5000 years ago, but the duration of active
richest Mn field covers 180-200 square miles
chemical precipitation of Fe and Mn probably
(460-512 km 2) that could correspond to about
lasted only about 1000 years. The Mn accu-
18-30 x 106 t Mn.
mulation there has an area of almost 9 km 2 and
about 8% of nearshore sands have a dense ma-
trix of Mn oxide forming a 6-8 cm thick ore Shallow epicontinental seas and shelves
horizon with an average grade of 17% Mn. A
simple reserve estimation gives a resource of Local accumulations of seafloor ferroman-
about 150,000 tonnes of ore, with about 25,000 ganese nodules and encrustations composed of
t Mn. It is estimated that the streams are bring- Mn oxides and more rarely carbonates have
ing yearly about 85 tonnes Mn and 100 tonnes been described from numerous localities (Gulf
Fe. Provided the supply has remained steady, of Bothnia, Gulf of Finland, Riga Bight in the
this would represent a cumulative supply of Baltic Sea; Barents and White Sea; Norwegian
about 85,000 t Mn. The Mn precipitation was fiords and Scottish coast; Arctic Ocean; Black
very rapid, exceeding the rate of precipitation Sea; Atlantic coast; and others (Manheim,
of hydrogenous oceanic nodules. Strakhov et 1965 ). Not enough quantitative data are, how-
al. ( 1968 ) reported a find of several man-made ever, available.
objects that entered the lake during the World Calvert and Price (1970) estimated the
War 2 (that is, some 15-20 years before their nodule-rich seafloor layer in the Loch Fyne,
research), already coated by F e - M n crusts. Scotland, to be 0.2 m thick, covering an area
Small Mn accumulations have been re- over 10 km 2 and having a grade of 5-10% Mn.
ported from at least 50 other Scandinavian, This would represent about 3-6 X 105 t Mn.
Russian and Canadian lakes and, although The Gulf of Finland accumulations could rep-
Punnus-Yarvi could be exceptional, a cumula- resent several 107 tonnes Mn (Strakhov et al.,

1968 ). The global total could be at least 5 X 108 sive in the more recent publications, at least
t Mn. from the strictly economic view, but supported
All the occurrences noted above are in or as credible by Glasby ( 1988 ). Kirk ( 1985 ) put
near stable continental margin settings, having the global nodule resource as 8 X 101° tonnes of
terrigenous detrital provenance and Mn sup- nodules (some 2X 101° tonnes Mn) out of
plied by continental runoff (Crerar et al., which the NW equatorial Pacific with its eco-
1980). In contrast, the substantial Mn accu- nomically most promising Clarion-Clipperton
mulation in the shallow marine sediments of zone, accounts for some 2.3 X 109 t of nodules
the Blake Plateau discussed later has largely (5 X 108 t Mn). Mero (1977) believed 11 X 10 9
pelagic sediment and Mn provenance. t of nodules to be in the same area. The whole
Pacific floor is credited with 8.1 X 1 0 9 t nod-
Abyssal ocean floor, seamounts, oceanic ules (Halbach and Fellerer, 1980) that trans-
islands lates into about 2 × 109 t Mn. Bezrukov et al.
(1970) assumed 7.1 × 101°t Mn in the Pacific
The ocean floor is the dominant repository Ocean nodules, out of which 1.45X 101° t Mn
of above-average concentrations of Mn in the was in the Peruvian Basin.
lithosphere (Bostrom and Kunzendorf, 1986; The data for Mn crusts are more fragmen-
Glasby, 1988). Ore and near-ore Mn concen- tary. The recent summary by McKelvey
trations reside in seafloor and shallow sub- (1986) gave 1.9X 108 t Mn, available in the
seafloor Fe-Mn nodules (Mero 1965, 1977; economically most promising Hawaii-John-
Bezrukov et al., 1970; Glasby, 1977; Heath, ston Island-Palmyra Islands zone of the Pa-
1981; McKelvey, 1986; Piper et al., 1987; Ba- cific, and about 4 X 106 t of Mn crusts per 300
turin, 1988 ); in Mn-oxide crusts (Toth, 1980; km 2 area in the mid-Pacific seamounts ridge.
Hein et al., 1985); and in metalliferous sedi-
ments (Field et al., 1983; B~icker and Lange, Active geothermal systems
The nodules and crusts are considered hy- Geothermal anomalies related to volcanism,
drogenous (precipitated from seawater) and/ intrusive activity, mantle upwelling and con-
or diagenetic (Mn supplied by upward diffu- current rifting, ocean spreading or other causes,
sion from bottom sediments). The Mn in sea- produce or heat hydrothermal fluids. These, in
water was derived, in turn, from the land turn, are capable of extracting, transporting and
(transported by streams and the wind); from chemically precipitating large quantities of
halmyrolysis of submarine volcanics; and from solids, including Mn. In the subaerial setting,
hydrotherms (Thompson, 1983; Glasby, 1984, thermal springs are much in evidence and some
1988; Baturin, 1988). In regard to the sites of have anomalously high Mn contents, e.g., the
discharge of the hydrothermal Mn component, Mendeleev Volcano in the Kuriles, Russia
the nodules and crusts are distal in contrast to ( 11.6 ppm Mn); and Matsao Springs, Taiwan
the metalliferous sediments which are usually (43 ppm Mn). Even higher in Mn are largely
very proximal to their source areas: spreading subsurficial hydrothermal systems intersected
ridges (see later). by drilling such as the Salton Sea, California
Numerous estimates of Mn tonnages stored ( 1400 ppm Mn; White, 1981 ).
in oceanic nodules and crusts have been pub- The dissolved Mn can precipitate in the sub-
lished. The early estimate of 3.5-17X1011 surface in hydrothermal veins, impregnations
tonnes of nodules in the world ocean by Mero and replacements, or on the surface as manga-
( 1965 ) representing some 0.7-3.4 X 1011 t Mn niferous sinters (in travertine and geysirite) or
is frequently quoted; this is considered exces- Mn-oxide crusts. Frequently, springs dis-

charge on lake floors and Mn precipitates along (i.e., 1 X 106 t Mn). To this could be added the
with indigenous sediments. Mn content of the goethite facies (42 × 106 t at
Hydrothermal-plutonic manganiferous veins 2.0% Mn = 840,000 t Mn) and Fe silicate fa-
as in Butte, Montana, are related to the Boul- cies (22X 106tat 1.42%Mn = 312,400t Mn),
der Batholith, portion of which solidified although the ironstone facies extends far be-
within 1.6 km of the surface (Hamilton and yond the sulfide zone to cover 53 km 2 of the
Myers, 1967). The manganiferous mineral seafloor with an average thickness of 10 m
scales recovered by drilling from depths of sev- (James, 1969); this would correspond to about
eral hundred metres under the Salton Sea and 2x109 t "ore" with 43.2% FeeO3 and 2.1% Mn,
the adjacent Cerro Prieto in Mexico (White, i.e., 42 X 106 t Mn. The tonnage of "ore" and
1981 ) correspond to epithermal vein fillings. "by-product" Mn in the Red Sea floor deposits
Quaternary epithermal Mn veins interpreted as investigated so far can thus be placed at about
situated on top of a porphyry copper-generat- 44 X 106 t Mn.
ing system and exposed in glacier-dissected Metal geochemistry of rift-controlled East
stratovolcano at El Queva, NW Argentina, African freshwater lakes has been studied by
have been described by Sillitoe ( 1975 ). Degens and Kulbicki ( 1973 ), but the 7.7 X l0 s
Numerous Mn oxide accumulations precip- t Mn deposited in the lake sediments over the
itating at active and recently extinct hot springs last 5000 years from a water with 1.2 ppm Mn
in the western United States, Mexico, Bolivia has grades well under 1% Mn. Even lower Mn
and late Cainozoic epithermal Mn occurrences grades have been recorded from largely ferru-
have been recorded by Trask and Rodriguez ginous exhalative-sedimentary precipitates in
(1946), Hewett (1964), Ahlfeld and Schnei- contemporaneous volcanic island arc environ-
der-Scherbina (1964) and others. The Gol- ments in the Aegean Sea (Thira caldera; Bu-
conda, Nevada, deposit of 5000 t Mn in oxides tuzova, 1968); Melanesian Arc (Rabaul and
with a high tungsten content hosted by traver- Talasea; Ferguson and Lambert, 1972) and
tine (Kerr, 1940) has been the largest accu- elsewhere.
mulation of Mn recently produced by a hot The greatest influx of "new" manganese into
spring discharged into an ephemeral lake. the lithosphere is taking place along presently
Contemporaneous terrestrial hot springs, active oceanic spreading ridges (Wolery and
epithermal and related Mn accumulations Sleep, 1976; Lyle et al., 1986; Glasby, 1988).
contain some 50,000 t of ore Mn globally. Mn is carried from the sub-seafloor region by
Submarine hydrothermal systems came to hydrothermal systems and precipitated in the
attention with the discovery of rift-related hy- form of Mn-oxide crusts coating solid rock or
drothermal brines and metalliferous muds in as metalliferous sediments: a mixture of indig-
the Red Sea axial zone (Degens and Ross, enous seafloor detrital, biochemical and chem-
1969). Economic potential of these deposits ical clayeous sediments, argillized volcanics
has been estimated in respect to Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag and hydrothermal precipitates (Piper, 1973;
and Au (Bischoffand Manheim, 1969) in the Dymond et al., 1973; Scott et al., 1974; Bon-
central sulfide facies of the ore zone. Although atti, 1975; Field et al., 1983, B~icker and Lange,
Mn forms a major medium-grade accumula- 1987 ). Portion of the hydrothermal Mn is in-
tion in two facies (manganite and manganosi- corporated into Fe-Mn nodules (Chen and
derite facies with up to 45% Mn, average about Owen, 1989) and into "ordinary" oceanic
20%), the extent and tonnages of these facies clays.
have not been delineated. An estimate based The tonnage of the introduced and precipi-
on facies diagrams in Backer and Richter tated Mn is enormous and the Mn grade of me-
(1973) amounts to some 5X 106t of the "ore" talliferous sediments and crusts ranges from the

average of 1.25% Mn to 58% Mn (Rona, TABLE 4

1988). Global estimates of the Mn content in Geotectonic and facies setting of ancient Mn deposits (tonnes
metalliferous sediments have been made, but of Mn content)
none is definitive. Field et al. (1983) esti-
( 1 ) ocean floor/ophiolites 749,000
mated the metalliferous potential of the Bauer (2) pelagic 9,694,000
Deep sediments, which cover an area of 5 X 105 ( 3 ) continental margin, marine
km 2, and have an average concentration of 5% (3a) volcanic-sedimentary 529,635,000
(3b) sedimentary 17,256,097,000
Mn. The sedimentary thickness is imperfectly
(4) continental-subaerial
known; however, if the thickness is 10 m and (4a) volcanic and volcanic-
the grade persists to depth, the contained Mn sedimentary 17,083,000
mass would be 5 X 10 ~1t Mn; if the thickness is (4b) terrestrial, weathering, erosion 5,045,000
(4c) intracrustal 57,743,000
100 m, the Mn content would be 5 X 1012 t Mn.
J.L. Bischoff (quoted in McKelvey, 1968) es- Total 17,874,046,000
timated the presence of 14.4 X 1012 t Mn (grade
Total without uneconomic giant 8,594,815,000
4% Mn) in the Bauer Deep, but this is greater accumulations
than the estimate of 5X 1012 t Mn in metalli-
ferous sediments and hydrothermal Mn crusts
in the world ocean provided by Bostrom and
recent setting is shown by code first, the origi-
Kunzendorf ( 1986 ). Deep-sea sediments with
nal setting next, subdivided by a slash. No spe-
an average content of 0.67% Mn (carbonate-
free basis) is estimated at about 6X 1014 t Mn cific setting is provided for sites (environ-
ments) of metamorphic modification of
(Glasby, 1988 ).
metamorphosed deposits, because it follows
Geotectonic and environmental setting of from the context.
ancient Mn accumulations on land The quantitative relationships considered
below exclude the effects of weathering and
The Mn deposits setting is considered in settings of the original ("primary") deposits
broad terms and is based on the following geo- are credited with the entire ore Mn tonnage
tectonic and environmental domains of the available.
lithosphere and hydrosphere: ( 1 ) ocean floor; ( 1 ) The ocean floor domain includes areas
(2) pelagic; (3) continental margins, subma- underlain by oceanic crust. These are very ex-
rine: ( a ) " P a c i f i c - t y p e " (volcanic-sedimen- tensive in the contemporaneous global setting
tary; "eugeoclinal" ), and (b) "Atlantic-type" and their Mn accumulations have been re-
and epicontinental; (4) continental-subaerial: viewed earlier. Deep-sea Fe-Mn nodules
(a) volcanic and volcanic-sedimentary (this formed since 12 ma ago contain about 10 ~ t
includes "Andean-type" continental margin Mn, and deep-sea sediments accumulated dur-
volcanism), (b) terrestrial weathering, ero- ing the past 170 ma have about 6 × 10 ~4 t Mn
sion, deposition terrains, and (c) intracrustal (Glasby, 1988 ). Since the bulk of the oceanic
magmatic and hydrothermal (Table 4). lithosphere is believed to be ultimately re-
Complex (multistage) Mn deposits have moved by subduction (Dewey and Bird,
been sequentially generated in several differ- 1970), the Mn concentrations once formed on
ent settings: for example, all land-based weath- the seafloor disappear. Only a fraction of the
ering-enriched deposits have reached their me- ancient ocean floor deposits has been pre-
tallogenetic completion in the continental served within the continental lithosphere as
setting, but the original ("primary") deposits obducted slabs (Coleman, 1971 ), and as tec-
formed elsewhere. In the Appendix, the most tonites along sutures. The following near-

equivalents of the present ocean floor accu- quoted as an example of a relatively shallow
mulations have been preserved in ancient pelagic domain, floored by shelf sediments. Its
ophiolite associations and mantling sediments: present sediments are pelagic oozes and clays
(a) Hydrothermally emplaced and wall- and they host Fe-Mn nodules, crusts and
rock-replacing seafloor and sub-seafloor de- pavements formed over at least 14,000 km 2 and
posits hosted by a variety of rocks but usually containing some 5 X 108 tonnes of metallifer-
associated with chert (i.e., seafloor chemical ous materials (some 1-2X108 t Mn; Kirk,
sediment) and/or jasperoid (i.e., product of 1985). Glasby (1988b) emphasized the dom-
silicification). These deposits are members of inance of the post-Eocene deep-sea environ-
the Franciscan and Olympic Peninsula types ment in the global Mn budget. Ancient equiv-
recognized by Mosier and Page ( 1988 ), alents of Fe-Mn nodules have been recorded
(b) Hydrothermally derived but probably but none have ever been mined or considered
hydrogenously precipitated Fe-Mn-oxide sed- even marginally economic. The belt of "Mn
iments (umbers), closely corresponding to the marls" in the Alpine Jurassic (Bavarian and
present Pacific "metalliferous sediments". In Lechtaler Alps) and its extension into the Pan-
the typology of Mosier and Page ( 1988 ), these nonian Basin (Urkfit) have frequently been
deposits are members of the Cyprus type. interpreted as pelagic facies (Bernoulli and
Ancient oceanic deposits have eight (2.4%) Jenkyns, 1974) and compared with Mn accu-
entries and 749,000 t Mn (0.004%) out of the mulations covering the Blake Plateau. Six lo-
330 localities and 17.874× 109 t Mn assem- calities (1.82%) are listed in the Appendix, all
bled in the Appendix. The global Mn share in of them Jurassic. They comprise 7,694,000 t
the ancient oceanic association is very small, Mn (0.043%).
but so is the area underlain by ophiolites (less (3a) Active, "Pacific-type" and rift-type
that 10-3% of the present ocean floor). Mosier continental margins. Mn deposits hosted by
and Page (1988) assigned 722 occurrences to dominantly marine ("eugeoclinal") volcanic,
the three types mentioned above, but they are volcanic-sedimentary to sedimentary associa-
very small so that the collective entry "Califor- tions are universally interpreted to have origi-
nia Coast Ranges" in the Appendix represents nated along active, "Pacific-type" continental
about 461 occurrences. Although ophiolites margins (Burk and Drake, 1974). Contem-
range in age from lower Proterozoic to Recent, poraneous margins in which sedimentation is
all the localities listed have a narrow age span considerably influenced by simultaneous vol-
of about 150 ma (between lower Jurassic and canism, lack recorded seafloor Mn occur-
Eocene). rences except those directly related to hot
(2) Pelagic domain. Pelagic, "pertaining to springs and exhalations. Most of the latter have
the open ocean" (Jenkyns, 1986), is here been reported only in the past three years from
understood as a deep to shallow water environ- the Mariana Arc (Schulz and Hein, 1990);
ment of accumulation of sediments produced Bonin Arc (Usui, 1990); Tonga-Kermadec
entirely from planktonic tests with some hy- Ridge, Ogasawa Arc and Bismarck Archipel-
drogenous precipitates from seawater. It ago, where large volumes of Mn are introduced
merges with the oceanic and continental mar- with the fluids released during dewatering of
gin domains. Seafloor Fe-Mn nodules, portion subducting sediments (Glasby, 1988c). Hy-
of the Fe-Mn crusts and some Mn-enriched drogenous Fe-Mn nodules are uncommon
sediments are the most notable contempora- there. A significant Mn flux out of andesitic
neous Mn accumulations in the pelagic do- pyroclastics undergoing devitrification and
main. Blake Plateau in the west-central Atlan- weathering-induced decomposition of pyrox-
tic (Pratt and Heezen, 1964) is frequently enes and amphiboles is also apparent, espe-

cially along tropical shores. It is megascopi- the few examples, the rift setting of which is
cally marked by Mn oxides filling fractures, still in evidence.
coat grains and sometimes cement detritus. Continental margins in which the volcanic
Andesite-dominated associations hosting members are dominantly mafic are repre-
Mn deposits of the "Cuban type" (Mosier and sented in the Appendix by 19 localities
Page, 1988 ) formed in and near evolutionarily (5.76%) and 49,878,000 t Mn (0.28%). The
mature volcanic island arcs, comparable with bimodal association has 19 localities (5.76%)
much of the present Melanesian arc as in Van- and 115,974,000 t Mn (0.65%).
uatu (Mitchell, 1970). In the Appendix, this Moderately to high-grade metamorphosed
association is represented by 23 localities associations are particularly difficult to place
(6.97%) and 16,477,000 t Mn (0.9%). into a plausible depositional setting. Those
The setting of basinal associations domi- where gondites (i.e., spessartite metaquartz-
nated by sedimentary rocks where mafic or bi- ires) are the dominant carrier of non-super-
modal volcanics are in minority is more con- gene Mn, probably correspond to metamor-
troversial. The most frequently quoted basins phosed siliceous ("cherty") exhalative or
of deposition are marginal, back-arc and inter- hydrothermal-metasomatic (jasperoid) Mn
arc basins (Mitchell and Reading, 1986). ores in sediments, associated with mafic or bi-
Many authors resort to "rifts" having in mind modal volcanics of the margins. The Appendix
the Red Sea as the most outstanding Recent lists 27 gondite localities (8.2%), with
model, especially as far as active metallogene- 108,305,000 t Mn (0.60%). 17 localities
sis is concerned (Degens and Ross, 1969). (5.15%), representing 193,515,000 t Mn
Rifting, although usually of lesser order of (1.12%) in high-grade meta-sediments and
magnitude, however, controls many basins in meta-volcanics, are marked by prominent
the arc/back-arc systems and is a component marbles and calc-silicate rocks. 21 localities
of the Wilson Cycle that initiates new conti- (6.36%) and 45,466,000 t Mn (0.25%) are in
nental margins, some of which ultimately or near metamorphosed volcanic-associated
evolve into island arcs. Recently, much new banded iron formations. Altogether, setting 3a
data have resulted from a study of the Lau and is represented by 127 localities ( 3 8 . 5 % ) a n d
North Fiji back-arc basins (Von Stackelberg et 529,635,000 t Mn (2.96%).
al., 1990). There, black and white smokers ac- ( 3b ) Passive ("Atlantic-type") continental
tively accumulate Fe, Zn, Cu and Pb sulphides margins and epicontinantal seas. This is the
with barite and high Au values (Charlou et al., principal repository of ore Mn in ancient de-
1990; Fouquet et al., 1991 ). Mn oxides accu- posits, most of which has been likely derived
mulate as crusts at the top or next to the sul- from land. There is not enough information
phide orebodies. It was not, however, consid- available to subdivide the dominantly shal-
ered practical to establish a category of rifts in low-water Mn-bearing sediments by paleo-
order to accomodate several ancient Mn accu- geography. The Appendix lists estimated Mn
mulations, some of them in high-grade meta- contents of several Mn-rich horizons that are
morphics (e.g., Broken Hill, N.S.W.; Gams- not yet economic deposits. Because they are
berg and Aggeneys, R.S.A. ) only because a rift supergiant accumulations (Molango Horizon:
context has been suggested in the literature 1 . 5 X 10 9 t Mn; Moanda Horizon, 6.5X 10 9 t
(e.g., Sawkins, 1982 ). The original lithologies Mn; Rapid Creek Fe-Mn Horizon, 1.16 X 109
have been much modified by several phases of t Mn), they influence to a considerable degree
deformation, metamorphism and metasoma- the statistical conclusions reached. To mini-
tism. The small Quaternary En Kafala deposit mize the possible side-effects, all conclusions
in the Afar Rift (Bonatti et al., 1972) is one of based on data sets that include these super-

giants are presented in two altematives:( 1 ) the (4a) Continental subaerial, volcanic and
supergiants included, and (2) the supergiants volcanic-sedimentary setting. Manifestations
excluded. of widespread Mn migration are common in
Mn deposits hosted by mixed sedimentary areas of subaerial volcanism, but mineable Mn
associations (usually slate or marl, impure accumulations are restricted to three or four
carbonate, arenite) are represented by 22 lo- major styles and settings. In the volcanics
calities (6.7%) with 2,516,622,000 t Mn themselves, Mn deposits form bedded, pene-
(14.07%). Associations dominated by shales, concordant to discordant bodies usually ac-
slates to low-grade schists have 13 localities companied by silicification. Seven localities
(3.9%) with 42,019,000 t Mn (0.23%). Ores (2.12%) contain 6,653,000 t Mn (0.04%).
in distinctly carbonaceous ("black") pelites Subvolcanic veins are listed under 4c because
have 12 localities (11 without the Moanda they are intracrustal, have 19 localities and
Horizon), i.e., 3.6% (3.3%) and 6,789,110,000 6,019,000 t Mn (0.035%). Mn gangue min-
(289,110,000) t Mn. This represents 37.93 erals are common at most epithermal deposits
( 3.36 )% of ore Mn. The carbonate-dominated but they are not recovered, so published ton-
lithofacies hosts 34 localities (33 without Mo- nages are not available.
lango Horizon), i.e. 10.3(10.0)% and con- Outside volcanic piles, Mn accumulates in
tains 1,998,658,000 t Mn (498,658,000 t Mn), volcanic sediments. The coarser sediments
i.e., 11.17(5.8)%. (conglomerates, arenites) are largely in arid
Units closely affiliated to banded iron for- alluvial fans. There, four recorded localities
mations account for 14 localities (4.2%) and contain 1,182,000 t Mn (0.007%). The fine
4,622,294,000 t Mn (25.8% or 53.8% without and diagenetically argillized volcaniclastics
the supergiant horizons), the greatest single Mn sometimes hosting concordant to peneconcor-
accumulation being the Kalahari Field. Three dant types of Mn oxides usually accumulate in
major Mn accumulations associated with Me- playa lakes. Eight localities (2.42%) with
sozoic and Cainozoic ironstones have 9,248,000 t Mn (0.052%) are recorded.
1,225,075,000 t Mn (6.84%). When the Rapid (4b) Continental subaerial nonvolcanic en-
Creek Horizon is excluded, the Mn tonnage will vironments. The most efficient agent of suba-
drop to 62,575,000 t Mn (0.73%). Medium to erial Mn accumulation is weathering and the
high-grade metamorphosed metasediments most common setting of subaerial Mn deposits
have 14 entries (4.2%) and 62,319,000 t Mn are deep weathering crusts. Only two (0.6%)
(0.35%). localities of Mn concentrated out of a geo-
The 3b environment represents 98 non- to chemically presumably neutral background are
slightly metamorphosed localities (29.7%) included in Appendix; they are credited with
with 17,193,778,000 t Mn (96%) or, if the su- 60,000 t Mn (0.0003%). 143 localities
pergiant horizons are excluded, this figure (43.3%) are weathering-modified to com-
would decrease to 8,031,278,000 t Mn pletely reconstituted earlier deposits the ma-
(93.44%). When the metasedimentary equiv- jority of which would not be economically vi-
alents are added (14 localities, 62,319,000 t able at present in their original ("primary")
Mn), the enlarged 3b category will have 112 state. Supergene, weathering-related deposits
(109) localities with 17,256,097,000 t Mn and also Mn precipitates in bogs (four locali-
(96.4%), or 8,093,597,000 t Mn (94.17%). A ties, 255,000 t Mn) have been discussed ear-
set of nine polygenetic localities in which shal- lier. Mn deposits in ancient continental coarse
low marine carbonates have been hydrother- clastics are infrequent and only three localities
mally replaced by Mn minerals, contains ( 1% ) with 4,730,000 t Mn (0.043%) are listed.
18,652,000 t Mn and is treated below. (4c) Intracrustal continental setting. Mn

ores emplaced in the continental subsurface fined to distinct lithologic associations but
include rare magmatogene orebodies in the others are not; shale, for example, is very cos-
form of manganiferous carbonatites (two lo- mopolitan and is a member of many contrast-
calities, 410,000 t Mn; 0.0023%), the rest being ing lithologic associations.
hydrothermal veins and replacements. The existing classification of lithologic as-
In addition to epithermal Mn veins in or near sociations is quite subjective and has been most
subaerial volcanic piles discussed earlier, two thoroughly done in the former USSR (Kuznet-
additional "vein facies" can be recognized: (a) sov, 1964; Kharkevich, ! 968). Industrial Mn
dominantly "mesothermal" Mn or Zn, Pb, Mn accumulations have, so far, been found in less
veins coeval with or shortly postdating em- than 25% of established lithologic associations
placement ofgranitoids; (b) epithermal Mn or and are quantified below. In this section, as be-
Mn-bearing quartz, calcite, siderite, fluorite, or fore, supergene modified deposits are consid-
barite veins unrelated in time to granitoids or ered as post-depositional modifications and
widespread continental volcanics and usually their Mn content assigned to their "primary"
attributed to tectonomagmatic activation of parental ore types. Table 5 lists and Fig. 13
cratons. The (a) veins have five major locali- shows the Mn-hosting lithologic associations
ties ( 1.51% ) and 19,030,000 t Mn ( 0.1% ). The and their ore Mn endowment. Table 5 ex-
(b) veins have seven localities (2.12%) and cludes the presently uneconomic supergiant
13,132,000 t Mn (0.07%). Hydrothermal Mn accumulations. Figure 14 shows the partition
replacements in carbonates at or near grani- of the world's manganese in ore into major
toid contacts have ten localities (3%) and lithologic groups.
19,152,000 t Mn (0.11%).
W: Weathering crusts association
Lithologic associations and host rocks
Only two varieties/ore types have been
Lithologic associations and host rocks are quantified: (a) metalliferous laterites inde-
pillars of empirical metallogeny (Laznicka, pendent of Mn-ore progenitors, already dis-
1985a), a trend in metallogeny that empha- cussed before; and (b) Mn-oxide infiltrations,
sizes objectively observable features. A lithol- stockworks and replacements in fractured or
ogic association is a broader entity than a host porous silicate rocks, flooring decomposed
rock. The former includes a distinct, geologi- manganiferous rocks (e.g., Cedar Valley, Vir-
cally repetitive set of rocks (e.g., serpentinite, ginia and other deposits in the Oriskany Sand-
metabasalt, chert or jasper, shale/graywacke, stone; Monroe, 1942; four localities, 83,000 t
i.e., ophiolite association). Frequently, ores as Mn). The rate of supergene modification of
"rare rocks" are an integral part of a lithologic original ores is listed in column "SUPE" in the
association. Small, bedded to peneconcordant Appendix and quantified later.
Mn deposits are repetitively situated in an
ophiolite suite, although they can be actually C: Subaerially deposited, non-volcanic
hosted by various member rocks. Some types associations
oforebodies (e.g., hydrothermal veins) are ge-
netically related to a distinct parental lithol- Although mineralogical quantities of Mn ox-
ogic association (e.g., granodiorite-quartz ides are much in evidence in ancient subaerial
monzonite), but rarely hosted by it. and freshwater associations, only few signifi-
The term "host rock" is reserved for the rock cant Mn accumulations have formed. In detri-
that actually contains the ore substance or bor- tal arid continental suites, Mn accumulations
ders the orebody. Some host rocks are con- (e.g., Dzhezda, Kazakhstan; Rundkvist, 1978 )


Global Mn content in lithologic groups, II; Mn deposits only

Category No. of Tonnes Mn %


W weathering-related 6 143,000 0.0017

C subaerial, nonvolc., depos. 9 6,431,000 0.075
A subaerial volc.-sedimentary 14 10,820,000 0.126
St marine sedim.-terrigenous 39 2,593,820,000 30.16
Sc marine sedim.-carbonate 38 504,707,000 5.87
Sx marine sedim.-chemical 13 4,961,618,000 57.70
VS marine volc.-sedimentary 63 172,082,000 2.00
MS metamorphosed-sediment. 26 76,971,000 0.89
MVS metam, volc.-sedim. 62 207,037,000 2.41
I int racrustals 51 61,329,000 0.71

Total 321 8,594,815,000 100.00

are most common as infiltrations in basal con- ing; and by hydrothermal/hot spring activity.
glomerates and coarse sandstones resting un- Mn minerals accumulate in fractures, pores
conformably on regolithic volcanic or crystal- and breccia zones in volcanics and pyroclastics
line basement. At some occurrences, fracture- and in "lake beds". Peneconcordant sheets and
filling Mn-oxide stockworks formed in base- lenses of Mn oxides, often associated with sili-
ment rocks unconformably underlying pene- cification, occur in felsic tufts (Lucifer, Mex-
concordant layers of Mn-mineralized detrital ico; Trask and Rodriguez, 1946); in and at
sediments ("unconformity Mn" type; e.g., low- contacts of conglomerate to coarse arenite ho-
grade Mn oxides associated with Cu silicates rizons (Sos Aghedos, Sardinia; Guerin, 1979;
and sulphates in the Exotica deposit, Chuqui- partly Tiouine, Morocco; Bouladon and Jour-
camata, Chile; Roethe, 1975 ). avsky, 1955); and in zeolitized and argillized
In the "red beds" association, concretionary lake-floor volcaniclastics sometimes inter-
to bedded Mn oxides tend to accumulate in mixed and interlayered with chemical precipi-
claystone/mudstone horizons (e.g., Bron- tates from hot springs (Artillery Mountains
khorstfontein-Baden in Transvaal; Hammer- and Lake Mead, Arizona; Lasky and Webber,
beck and Taljaardt, 1976), especially in the 1949; San Francisco-Autlan, Mexico; Zantop,
reduced (green, gray) intervals. Mn accumu- 1978; Golconda, Nevada; Kerr, 1940 ). The as-
lations in contemporaneous bogs and lakes, al- sociated volcanics mostly belong to the "An-
ready discussed, have few ancient counter- dean" calcalkaline series ranging from basalts
parts. Pelosiderite nodules and lenses common to rhyolites. Andesites are dominant in AS2,
under coal seams tend to have only clarke to rhyolites in AS3 sub-associations. Alkali ba-
slightly supraclarke contents. salts, trachytes and volcanics with feldspa-
thoids are rarely mineralized (e.g., trachyte at
A, AS, SA: Subaerial volcanic and volcanic- Sos Aghedos; Guerin, 1979 ).
sedimentary association
S: Marine sedimentary, nonvolcanic
Mn in subaerial volcanics is released, trans- association
ported and deposited by fumarolic activity
during cooling (Zies, 1929); by volcanic alia- This association hosts the bulk of the terres-
genesis (mostly devitrification); by weather- trial ore Mn resources. It has been subdivided

Wt tropical prof W k:kars t Wg:gossans Wi :infiltrations

IF*"t'~''/z~x F )¢ ~ XI


C 1:basal beds C2:red beds C5:bo,qs C6:lakes

:':" " ":'": i: !":" ': ~"T': "'" ::~i :""

[ "~.
~ ... . .o Cg1~".~
px o - ~ = c ,


Ibasalts 2:andesite,sequen. 3:felsic volcanics 4:spring sedim.

½7. r.*.~ . . . . . . *..%-~,gI

',';L MARINE SEDIMENTARY (NON-VOLCANIC), terrigenous, detrltal

quartz-arenite 2 flysch lltharenl-- 3:monotonous 4:fine black
. . . . . ,;.

(a), ""'":~"

Fig. 13. Graphic approximation of the Mn-hosting lithologic associations as listed in the Appendix and discussed in the
text. Lithologic codes are explained in legend to the Appendix.

by lithology into terrigenous (St), carbonate riphery from Varna in Bulgaria through Niko-
(Sc), and chemical (Sx) sub-associations. pol to the Dzhirula Massif in Georgia (Cau-
Most deposits, however, prefer mixed prove- casus). It is usually headlined as "glauconite
nance associations (e.g., terrigenous-carbon- sandstone-clay" association in the Russian lit-
ate; carbonate-terrigenous-chemical; etc. ) and erature (Strakhov et al., 1968; Varentsov and
Mn orebodies are often located along unit Rakhmanov, 1974). This nearshore transgres-
boundaries and facies changes. This is re- sive sequence rests unconformably on crystal-
flected in many transitional settings of Mn ores line (Nikopol, the Ukraine); metavolcanic
which makes every organization highly (Polunochnoe, Ural Mts.) or carbonate
subjective. (Chiatura, Georgia) basements and com-
St: Dominantly terrigenous detrital associa- prises minor to none basal conglomerate fol-
tion. St l hosts the important Oligocene Mn lowed by sandstone, claystone to mudstone and
province extending along the Black Sea pe- marl. Stratiform Mn-carbonate or -oxide lay-


1:bedded 2:disconforrnlty, 3:carbonate-eva- 4:black carbonate ~
carbonates lithol.change porite (arid) shale
Ir~'. 5 5 ¢ 5 ; d,i~
I( / / / I / ( (I
~ kt I1---I 1 l i l '
Pl 1 I i ~ I I I I I/ li I I I I I I
i i ] i i i I ,I I I
I1-1-1-1-1-1- - ~m
--_72-_-2"7--'--, "

rl 1 ~ i I ] ltI-I
LII _l .l .I _1 _ % ' - i

Sx to SVx MARINE SEDIMENTARY>>VOLCANIC, chemTcal (mostly' ,F,'

1:dominant sili- 2:dominant shale- 3:particulate
ceous BIF carbonate BIF ~ronstone

I I ~ II ~ I'I'I'l']lill~


1:full ophiolite VS2a:basalt-chert VS2b:basalt-shale SV2b:distal has--
(shale) (chert) alt-shale (chert)

4-+4-,4-.4--I-+-t-+-I- I

SV2c:basalt- 3 blrnodal 4 a n d e s ] r e , seq ~i f~Is~L

carbonate VS "Rio rlnto cll f f e r e n t i a t e ( i
SV ' A t a s u
~1" 1 ' L ' I " 1L" 'L" | " " ' " ' '
L~ , ' ~ ' I ihl:[ P3 ~7 .......
L~. ~ ~
/ rDy,_, -. ,., - - . , ,-. i

'.-- :~.':,'.-v" : : n-." "'tui

L~bL~~ Khi~_~ ~ 1~ ~

(b) ~ "and -

Fig. 1 3 ( b ) . for caption see p. 310.

ers are usually hosted by marl horizons and served) reflect the original depositional/dia-
there is an unsolved controversy as to whether genetic facies configuration (Frakes and
the coexisting carbonate and oxide intervals as Bolton, 1984), or whether the oxide ore is a
in Nikopol-Tokmak (the Ukraine), Urkut- product of superimposed supergene modifica-
Epleny (Hungary), Groote Eylandt (Aus- tion of the carbonate (compare Pracejus et al.,
tralia; here only carbonate relics are pre- 1988).

tc,ct:mixed x:chemical (IF)
• ~-X/////-/~


2:mafic (schist- 3:bimodal and 3cx:bimodal-marb-
amphibolite) polyvolcanic Ie-BI F LEGEND
1Q n

m:magmatic h I:hydrotherrnal h2:hydrothermal h3:hydrotharmal
(carbonatitas) plutonic by activation subvolcanic
/g ~ x D~l)~xl
~a I , ~ ..........
y.~Ar~ ~ .. ... .. . .. ... .. . . . .

Fig. 13(c). For caption see p. 310.

The St2 association includes the infrequent Mn deposits hosted by black shale/slate which
Mn deposits hosted by terrigenous turbidites in turn is a member of a higher order glacial-
(Ki~ovce-Sv~ibovce, Slovakia; Ilavsk~, 1976) marine association with diamictites, have been
and the St3 category comprises the monoto- placed in the St4 class. This includes the
nous shale or siltstone-dominated epiconti- Xiangtan deposit in Hunan, China (Ye Lian-
nental and shelf suite locally containing minor jun et al., 1988 ) and also the important depos-
sandstone and/or carbonate interbeds (e.g., the its (Urucum, Brazil; Haralyi and Walde, 1986 )
Proterozoic shale-hosted deposits in Bange- and occurrences (e.g., Snake River, Yukon)
mall Basin, Western Australia; Blockley, 1975; where Mn is a local member of a dominant sil-
Cretaceous Pierre Shale at Chamberlain, South iceous iron formation. The latter have been
Dakota; Crittenden, 1956) and others. placed into the class Sx 1.
The St3 group deposits are in dominant black Sc: Dominantly carbonate associations. Dis-
shale or slate units with minor arenites or im- persed (e.g., in manganoan calcite or dolom-
pure carbonates, developed most extensively ite) to scattered (e.g., in discontinuous trains
on the Yangtze and Sino-Korean Platforms of of nodules) low-grade Mn mineralization is
China (e.g., Taojiang, Tangganshan, Zunyi in quite common in carbonate sequences, but it
Hunan and Guangxi, Wafangzi in Liaoning; Ye becomes economic only at sites of substantial
Lianjun et al., 1988; Fan Delian et al., 1988). supergene enrichment (Crimora and other


I 39.4g

~thers 1.8Z
MS 49.4%
A 7.0g
~X ......
C 4.2g

)thers ~'S 39.7g


"'-. MS 9 . 8 g

Sx ~ "'"-.. VS 2 1 . 5 g
W,C,A 2.5g

Fig. 14. Partition of the global Mn-ore content into lithologic associations (discussed in the text and applied in the Ap-
pendix). (a) Mn deposits; (b) Mn deposits and presently uneconomic large manganiferous horizons.

mines, U.S. Appalachians; Harder and John- in the Austrian and Bavarian Alps (Lechner
ston, 1910; deposits in the Postmasburg Dis- and P16chinger, 1956). Sc3 and Sct3 comprise
trict, South Africa; Grobbelaar and Beukes, Mn deposits in carbonates that are members of
1986). Bedding-conformable massive Mn-ore the evaporite-carbonate or carbonate-red beds
horizons are rare (e.g., at Gonzen, Switzer- facies (Ulutelyak, western Fore-Urals, Russia;
land; here the Fe accumulation surpasses Mn; Gribov, 1972; Imini-Tasdremt, Morocco;
Epprecht, 1946). The categories Sc2 and Sct2 Force et al., 1986).
(with a significant detritral component) in- Sx: Dominantly chemical sedimentary asso-
clude bedded and peneconcordant Mn ores ciation. The world's largest economic Mn-ore
most common along intraformational discon- accumulation in the Kalahari (Kuruman)
formities; surfaces of emergence; and carbon- Field of South Africa is closely associated with
ate/detrital facies change (Urkfit-Epldny, a well-oxygenated lower Proterozoic siliceous
Hungary; Cseh-Nemeth et al., 1980), some of banded iron formation, and so are numerous
which have been substantially supergene-en- additional localities. The Mn carbonate pro-
riched in a paleo- or neokarst (the "Lindener tore at Moanda, Gabon (Leclerc and Weber,
Mark"-type of Germany; Bottke, 1969 ). 1980) is, on the other hand, affiliated to sid-
The categories Sc4 + and Sct4 + are "black" erite-chlorite-pyrite iron formation which is a
(carbonaceous) counterparts of the former member of a carbonaceous terrigenous detrital
class and they include the large Molango de- association that has received some distal (air-
posit in Mexico (Cannon and Force, 1983 ) and borne?) input from contemporaneous volca-
several deposits in Jurassic pelagic carbonates nism. The Mn-enriched Dunn Creek Slate, a

member of the Riverton Iron Formation in VS/SV1,2: Mafic volcanic-sedimentary

Michigan (James et al., 1968), is closely (sub)association. This probably comprises
comparable. over 10,000 individual orebodies worldwide,
No major economic Mn deposits are associ- but all are small to very small (most reserve
ated with Phanerozoic or Proterozoic particu- figures exceeding about 100,000 t Mn are areal
late ironstones, but some of them have ele- aggregate tonnages). Stratabound Mn-carbon-
vated minor Mn contents (e.g., Kerch ate, Mn-oxide (braunite, hausmannite) and
Peninsula ironstones, Russia, 3% Mn; Sokolov Mn-silicate lenses are often strongly tecton-
and Grigor'yev, 1974; compare also Kimber- ized. Only few orebodies are directly in meta-
ley, 1989). Given the large tonnage of iron- basalts or in entirely mineralized interflow
stones in some deposits, substantial resources sediments (e.g., some of the orebodies in the
of by-product Mn are available. The remote Gambatesa Field, Italy; Burckhardt and Fal-
Cretaceous Rapid Creek Ironstone in northern ini, 1956). More Mn bodies are in varicol-
Yukon (Young and Robertson, 1984) con- oured cherts or bright orange "jaspers" several
tains over 1.162xl 09 t Mn in an ore having a metres to tens of metres stratigraphically above
grade of 33% FezO3, 14% P205 and 5% MnO. the basalts (Gambatesa; Tokoro, Japan; Su-
V, VS, SV; Marine volcanic-sedimentary as- zuki and Ohmachi, 1956). Most of the chert/
sociation. This is what used to be called an jasper-hosted orebodies are in rather monoto-
"eugeosynclinal" association: a shallow to deep nous shales tens to thousands of metres above
marine mixture of subaqueously to subaerially the volcanics so the volcanic affiliation is often
ejected or extruded, but mostly seafloor-de- lost, particularly in tectonically dismembered
posited lavas, pyroclastics and volcaniclastics. sequences (California Coast Ranges, Trask et
These are interbedded with and transitional al., 1943; Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, Rob-
into terrigenous or reworked earlier volcanic, erts, 1944).
carbonate and chemical sediments. The vol- Fe-rich Mn deposits in the sub-association
canics:sediments ratio varies widely from vol- VS2b are comparable with umbers of the "Cy-
canics-dominated (V) through volcanic-sedi- prus type" (Mosier and Page, 1988) and are
mentary ( V S ) t o sedimentary-volcanic (SV), in shales or on basalt tops, free of extensive sil-
and so does the provenance and composition icification. Several Mn deposits are in pelagic
of volcanics. (Olympic Peninsula, Washington; Sorem and
If one allows for overlaps and transitions, Gunn, 1967) or reef (En Kafala, Ethiopia;
several characteristic associations can usually Bonatti et al., 1972) limestones overlying ba-
(but not always!) be distinguished: VS/SV1, salts (sub-association SV2c). Evolutionarily
complete ophiolite association; VS/SW2, ba- primitive (Fe,Cu+Zn,Co) "Cyprus-type"
salt-dominated association (including incom- massive sulphide deposits are common in the
plete supracrustal sections of ophiolites); VS/ same association.
SV3, bimodal (mafic-felsic) association; VS/ VS/SV3: Bimodal volcanic-sedimentary
SV4, andesite-dominated and basalt, andesite, (sub)association. There is a close parallelism
dacite, rhyolite sequentially differentiated as- in style and affiliation between Mn deposits in
sociation; VS/SV5, felsics-dominated associa- the present and previous (mafic) associations.
tion. All the associations contain Mn deposits, An added feature is the frequent coexistence of
the bulk of which is bedding-conformable in chert/jasper-hosted Mn orebodies and evolved
volcanic sediments, rather than in lavas or vol- (Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb) massive sulphide deposits in
cano-proximal pyroclastics and usually time and space (Rio Tinto, Spain; Pastor et al.,
interpreted as hydrothermal-sedimentary 1956; Magnitogorsk region, Russia, Varentsov
(exhalational). and Rakhmanov, 1974). A variegated suite of

carbonaceous sediments (black slate, siliceous accumulation out of a "normal" Mn back-

limestone, chert, bedded barite and Zn-Pb- ground (Roy, 1981 ), and that bedding/schis-
sulphides-bearing rhythmites, banded iron tosity conformable Mn orebodies with
formation ) interpreted as a distal facies of the metamorphic mineral assemblages are meta-
submarine spilite-keratophyre association, host morphosed supracrustal equivalents of the
several bedded braunite-hausmannite deposits types described above. The metamorphosed
in the Atasu District of Kazakhstan (Boru- rock associations, however, have a much lesser
kayev and Shcherba, 1968 ). Manganoan iron- degree of petrogenetic resolution because of the
stones (siderite and hematite) at VareL Bos- compositional and textural convergence of
nia (Cissarz, 1957) and Erzberg, Austria (Hrll previously very different lithologies into uni-
and Maucher, 1976) are in carbonates strati- form metamorphic equivalents (e.g., basalts,
graphically above bimodal volcanics. andesites as flows, tuffs and volcaniclastics;
VS/SV4: Andesite and sequentially differ- diabases and gabbros; some Fe-rich marls, all
entiated basalt-andesite-dacite-rhyolite vol- become amphibolites). This makes discrimi-
canic-sedimentary association. This is a stan- nation difficult and although both metasedi-
dard association of volcanic island arcs (see mentary (MS) and metavolcanic-metasedi-
above). Out of the 24 recorded localities largely mentary (MVS) categories have been
corresponding to the Cuban type of Mosier and distinguished here, the accuracy of locality as-
Page (1988) and representing 15,836,000 t signments is rather low. Metamorphosed de-
Mn, 21 localities are younger than Cretaceous. posits comprise 88 localities (27.4%) with
The majority of Mn deposits is dominated by 284,008,000 t Mn (3.30%).
braunite forming lenses and discontinuous MS" Metasedimentary association. This as-
bedding-conformable sheets in andesite tuff sociation includes the metamorphosed coun-
and tuff breccia (El Cristo, Cuba; Simons and terparts of all sub-associations included in the
Straczek, 1958 ); in volcanic arenite (Talcuna, S category. The monotonous terrigenous shale-
Romero, Corral Quemado, Arrayan and other sandstone (or chert) assemblage now consists
deposits, Coquimbo District, Chile; Ruiz et al., of quartz-feldspar-mica schist and quartzite
1965); in limestone interbeds (Charco Re- (MSt). Most example localities are in the Sau-
dondo, Cuba; Simons and Straczek, 1958 ); in sar Group of central India (Roy, 1981 ). MtSt
argillized volcaniclastics above conglomerate includes five localities (863,000 t Mn ) of ther-
horizons (Santa Rosalia, Mexico; Wilson and mally metamorphosed Mn ores at granitoid
Rocha, 1956a) and along various lithologic contacts. MSc and MSct includes marble, calc-
contacts. silicate and marble-schist (gneiss) host assem-
VS/SV5: Felsic-dominated volcanic-sedi- blages and MSx, Mstx has Mn ores associated
mentary association. The Durnovsk Mn de- with metamorphosed banded iron formations
posit in the Salair Range, Siberia (Varentsov of the "Superior type" (Quadril~itero Ferri-
and Rakhmanov, 1974) is the only well-de- fero, Brazil, e.g., Miguel Burnier; Barcelos and
scribed low-grade metamorphosed representa- Buchi, 1986; Otjosondu, Namibia; Roper,
tive of this category. There, peneconcordant 1956).
braunite lenses enveloped by jasper are hosted MVS: Metamorphosed volcanic-sedimen-
by Cambrian limestone and rhyolite. tary association. The presence ofamphibolites
interpreted as mafic to intermediate metavol-
M: Metamorphosed deposits canics has been considered as the most impor-
tant piece of evidence for membership in this
It is generally assumed that metamorphism category. The schistosity-conformable orebod-
is not an ore-forming process creating new Mn ies composed of spessartite quartzite (gondite;

a Mn-metachert?), Mn silicates (rhodonite, covered, so the tonnage statistics are incom-

Mn-amphiboles, piedmontite) and/or Mn plete. Elsewhere, significant Mn has been
carbonate/Mn-silicate marble (queluzite) or produced from veins (Butte, Montana; Meyer
braunite, hausmannite, jacobsite, etc., are, et al., 1968) or replacements (Philipsburg,
however, hosted by schists to gneisses and Montana; Goddard, 1940; Pioche, Nevada;
quartzites (MVS2, e.g., Ti6re, Burkina Faso; Bodenlos and Thayer, 1973), most often from
Servant, 1956); by graphitic schists/gneisses gossan oxides.
(MVS2+, e.g., Cons. Lafaiete, Brazil; Dorr et Mn-bearing veins attributed to tectonomag-
al., 1956; Nsuta, Ghana; Perseil and Grandin, matic activation, most often in the vicinity of
1978) or by "Algoma-type" iron formations grabens and rifts (Ih2), are hosted by a variety
(North Kanara, India; Roy, 1981 ). of rocks of the stable basement (Roman6che,
Felsic volcanics in high-grade metamorphic France; Lougnon, 1956; veins in southern
terranes (MVS3, MVS3tx, MVS3Cx) are Sweden, e.g., Spexeryd; Grip, 1978; partly the
much more difficult to discriminate from meta- Siegerland-Wied District, Germany; Walther,
arkoses, meta-granites and equivalent alumi- 1986). By far the greatest number of hydro-
nous rocks but the Swedish "leptites" have thermal veins are members of the subvolcanic-
been so interpreted for almost a century. In the epithermal category (Ih3v) hosted by terres-
Bergslagen Province of central Sweden (Grip, trial felsic to intermediate volcanic piles or
1978), leptites, amphibolites, graphitic and older basements. In some veins, Mn has been
mica schist, quartzites and marbles host nu- a by-product of Ag-Au, Pb-Zn or Cu mining
merous manganiferous horizons transitional or an unrecovered gangue (Farellon Negro,
into iron formations (e.g., L~mgban) or into Argentina; Tezon and De la Iglesia, 1956).
Zn, Pb, Cu sulphides (Stollberg; Grip, 1978). Elsewhere, Mn has been the only commodity
The great Broken Hill, N.S.W., orebody produced (several veins in Southern Hok-
(Hawkins, 1968) and the Aggeneys and kaido, e.g., Inakuraishi; Kaneko, 1956; Luis
Gamsberg Fields of South Africa (Hammer- Lopez, New Mexico; Jicha, 1956).
beck and Taljaardt, 1976) also represent ma-
jor Mn accumulations in probably bimodal Host rocks
volcanic-sedimentary associations. The Mn is,
however, not recovered and accurate resource Table 6 ranks by frequency the rocks ac-
figures are not available. tually and immediately hosting Mn orebodies.
It should be realized that Mn ores can be hosted
I: Intrusive magmatic rocks and by more than one rock type at a single locality
hydrothermalites and that the petrographic terms listed in the
literature are often subjective and thus inac-
With the exception of two Mn accumula- curate. Not included are products of supergene
tions in magmatic carbonatites, the remaining modification (laterite, rubble, residual clays);
50 localities representing 61,329,000 t Mn are tectonized rocks (e.g., fault breccias); hydro-
hydrothermal veins, stockworks and replace- thermal vein fillings and alteration products;
ments subdivided into three sub-associations. and the Mn orebodies themselves. In some
Ihl includes plutonic hydrothermal orebodies cases (e.g., chert/jasper), it is impossible to
affiliated to postmagmatic activity of grani- determine whether "primary", chemical or
toids. In virtually all the deposits, Mn is asso- volcanichemical rocks are involved or whether
ciated with Pb, Zn, Ag ores (Coeur d'Alene, the material is a product of alteration
Idaho; Fryklund, 1964; Pfibram, Czechoslo- (silicification).
vakia; Kutina, 1963) and has not been re- The frequency of hosting does not necessar-

TABLE 6 culations are based on slightly modified rock

Ranked frequency of Mn deposits hosted by the various rocks
and terrestrial unit volumes quoted in Ronov
(based on localities listed in appendix) (Note: One locality ( 1983 ), and Ronov and Yaroshevsky ( 1969);
can have more than one host; host rocks resulting from super- on mean trace Mn contents derived from Fig.
gene and tectonic modification are not included )
9; and on data on the global population of Mn
chert-jasper 79 skarn 8 deposits assembled in the Appendix.
limestone 50 granite, qtz. monz. 7 In the context of the whole Earth credited
arenite, volcaren. 45 queluzite 6 with 5,983x 1015 t of manganese, the bulk of
shale, mudstone 37 gneiss 5
banded iron form. 35 claystone 5 Mn (4,016X 1015 t Mn or 67.13%) is in the
gondite 33 arkose 5 mantle. The Earth's core, despite its large mass
marble 27 siltstone 5 and high concentration of heavy metals, is be-
schist 23 ironstone 5
rhyolite tuff 21 contact hornfels 4 lieved to contain only sub-clarke concentra-
dolomite 21 phyllite 4 tion of Mn ( 16 ppm Mn? ) in its metallic phase,
tuff 19 graphitic schist, gn. 4 although higher trace Mn contents are be-
conglomerate 17 amphibolite 3
slate 16 carbonatite 2
lieved to be present in the silicate phase. These
marl 16 trachyte 2 estimates are based on information derived
quartzite 15 dacite 2 from iron meteorites (Mason, 1979). In Fig.
andesite tuff, aggl. 14 calc-silicate rock 2 14, the core is shown to contain 1,936X 1015 t
black shale 14 porphyry 2
black slate 12 syenite 1 Mn, or 32.36% of the entire Earth.
andesite 11 keratophyre tuff 1 The Earth's crust, credited with the content
basalt 10 diabase 1 of 30.34X 1015 t Mn, stores just 0.51% of the
black limestone 8
terrestrial manganese, although it hosts all the
presently known (and all the currently antici-
ily reflect on an economic potential of a cer- pated) Mn ore deposits. The crust contains
tain single rock type because some rock types 0.76% of the manganese mass in the mantle. If
that host numerous small insignificant depos- the crust was indeed generated entirely from
its could be unrepresented at giant deposits that the mantle, representing 0.47% of its mass
have the greatest economic impact on the (Taylor and McLennan, 1985), then there is
global Mn economy. In spite of limitations, clearly a Mn excess in the crust. The cause is
however, the ranking once more confirms the unknown; possibly an inaccuracy of the exist-
leading role of the marine-sedimentary associ- ing geochemical data, or cumulative addition
ation as a host to Mn ores and the importance of cosmic Mn.
of Mn precipitation from aqueous solutions; Figures 15 and 16 show the distribution of
this is reflected in the abundance of chemo- Mn in the crustal divisions, as outlined by
gene products such as chert, banded iron for- Ronov and Yaroshevsky ( 1969 ). The greatest
mation and gondite. Some of the rocks listed reservoir of trace Mn (1.33X10 L6 t Mn;
(granitoids, porphyry, diabase) are accidental 43.7%) is in the metamorphosed mafics of the
hosts, merely intersected by genetically unre- lower continental crust (or "basaltic crust"),
lated hydrothermal veins. followed by the oceanic crust (seismic layer 3;
8.45X 1015 t Mn, 27.83%) and the upper con-
Mass distribution of manganese tinental ("granitic") crust (5.94× 1015 t Mn;
19.57%). The "sedimentary-volcanic shell",
The mass distribution of trace Mn in the collectively, contains 2.7X 1015 t of trace Mn
whole Earth, in divisions of the Earth's crust (8.9%) and it carries the bulk of Mn ore de-
and in various rocks and lithologic associa- posits. The Mn content of the hydrosphere is
tions has been calculated (Table 7). The cal- negligible in the overall balance.


Trace Mn stored in terrestrial rock and material associations

Mass Average Mn Contained Mn

(tonnes × l0 ts ) Content (tonnes X l0 ts )

Earth's crust 28.46 0.1087 30.34134

Sedimentary (volcanic) shell ~ 2.79 0.096 2.66924
Oceans (layers 1 + 2 ) 0.5 0.22 1.0996
Layer 12 0.19 0.2622 0.4982
terrigenous seds. 0.023 0.256 0.0589
calcareous seds. 0.073 0.147 0.1073
siliceous seds. 0.031 0.108 0.0335
red clay 0.057 0.49 0.2793
basalt 0.006 0.132 0.0192
Layer 2 ("basement") 3 0.310 0.194 0.6014
Shelves, slopes, contin, platf. 0.94 0.04582 0.4307
clays, shales 0.45 0.04 0.180
sand, sandstone 0.21 0.046 0.097
carbonates 0.19 0.046 0.087
evaporites 0.02 0.008 0.0016
silicites 0.001 0.01 ? 0.0001
continental seds. 0.03 0.03 0.009
volcanics 0.04 0.140 0.056
"Geosynclinical" association 1.35 0.0844 1.13894
(meta) sediments 1.060 0.0675 0.71514
sandstone (graywacke) 0.252 0.085 0.2142
shale 0.538 0.06 0.3228
carbonate 0.252 0.07 0.1764
evaporite 0.003 0.008 0.00024
silicites 0.015 0.01 ? 0.0015
(meta)volcanics 4 0.290 0.146 0.4238
basalts 0.145 0.16 0.2320
andesite 0.131 0.14 0.1834
rhyolite 0.014 0.06 0.0084
"Granitic Layer "'5 8.200 0.0724 5.9391
granites 1.484 0.04 0.3858
granodiorite, diorite 1.632 0.08 1.3056
syenite, alkalines 0.025 0.12 0.0300
gabbro 0.303 0.16 0.4212
dunite, peridotite 0.008 0.16 0.0084
gneiss 3.083 0.08 1.8498
crystalline schists 0.738 0.08 0.5904
marble 0.123 0.05 0.0615
amphibolite 0.804 0.16 1.2864
Oceanic Crust (Layer 3-basalt) 6.500 0.13 8.4500
"Sub-continental basaltic layer ''6 11.000 0.15 13.2830
acid magm. and metam. 5.300 0.085 4.5050
basic magm. and metam. 5.700 0.154 8.7780
Hydrosphere 1.4712 1.27 ppb 1.862296 × 109
freshwater 0.0412 7.0 ppb 3.296 × 106
seawater 1.43 1.3 ppb 1.859 X 10 9
Mantle 4016.00 0.115 4,979.840
Core 1936.00 16 ppm? 309.760
Whole Earth 5983.00 0.0889 5,319.94134
Calculated from modified data in Ronov ( 1983 ) and modernized data in Ronov and Yaroshevsky ( 1969 ).
~Unmetamorphosed Q-Pt3 supracrustals.
2Unconsolidated sediments.
3Mostly basalts with some amphibolite, gabbro, diabase, minor ultramafics.
4Proportions of (meta)volcanics in "geosynclinal" belts are after Beus ( 1976 ).
5Upper continental crust; includes all intracrustals, highly metamorphosed Q-Pt3 supraerustals and all Ar-Pt3 supraerustals.
6Lower continental crust.


Whole Earth 5,982xi015
mantle 4,016xi015
core 1,936xi015
crust 30xlO 15
hydrosphere 1.8628xi09 crust 0.51%

Fig. 15. Trace manganese stored in "terrestrial shells" as recognized by the Russian school (Ronov and Yaroshevsky,
1969; Ronov, 1983).

Figure 17 shows trace Mn in the crust orga- ically abundant (Fe, A1, Ti) and geochemi-
nized by dominant host rocks (top) or com- cally scarce metals. Skinner interpreted the
positional groups (bottom). Among the rocks, "ores" mode as representative of metal accu-
the dominant Mn carrier is amphibolite mulations in which the scarce elements are
(I.006X1016 t Mn, 33.16%) followed by present in compounds of their own (that is, in
(meta)basalt (9.36× 1015 t Mn, 30.85%) and our case, as manganese minerals such as
gneiss (6.355 × 1015 t Mn, 20.95%). Among the braunite, rhodochrosite, pyrolusite, etc.) in
compositional groups, mafics (basalts, gab- contrast to the "rock" mode in which the ele-
bros, amphibolites) are the dominant Mn res- ments are present as atomic substitutes in sili-
ervoirs ( 1.984× 1016 t Mn, 65.4%) followed by cate minerals. The gap between both modes is
(meta)sediments (2.866X 1015 t Mn, 9.45%). called "mineralogical barrier".
Table 8 and Fig. 18 show tonnage/concen- This interpretation seems to be well appli-
tration (grade) relationships of manganese re- cable to Mn. In igneous and metamorphic rocks
siding in crustal ores, rocks and waters. The at least, the bulk of Mn is in Fe-Mg silicates,
bars representing Mn tonnages have been in magnetite and in ilmenite, diadochically
erected on the basis of a large published data substituting for Fe and Mg in crystal lattices.
population and they can be interpreted in two The "mineralogical barrier" of Mn is more
different ways. gradational than is the case with Cu, Zn, Pb
( 1 ) Provided that the published data are at and most remaining base, rare and precious
least broadly representative of the actual dis- metals. This can be attributed to the ability of
tribution of Mn concentrations in the crust, the Mn to form extensive series of isomorphic
resulting distribution is distinctly tri-modal. mixing in carbonates. Carbonates, in turn, are
Distribution peaks for Mn in waters, common ubiquitous in sedimentary and hydrother-
rocks and ores are separated by troughs (min- mally altered rocks in quantities ranging from
ima) representing Mn concentration intervals accessories through minor constituents (e.g.,
rare to nonexistent in the nature. Bimodal cements) to major constituents.
grade/tonnage distribution has been recog- (2) If the literature data used for construc-
nized by Skinner (1976) as characteristic for tion of Fig. 18 are biased by a non-uniform
"geochemically scarce metals"; manganese ap- sample selection (e.g., "ore data" generated by
pears to be transitional between the geochem- economic geologists; "rock data" produced by

1017- 1.33
5.94 8.45
1016- 1.14
i0i5 4.98 4.31


z 1012-::

i0 IT
= 101

106 1 2 3 4÷5 6 7 8 9 10

fresh water
1 ~ n t a l platform

[ ' ~ i : )f :i•.'.:-..:i:,:::-..
-. :.:.:..>:
' i - .,....-v
' /i:.,..
? ;ter
:":"~ . ] '2
: :'.".'~
" ' " " ' " " ' """ '"

8 ":'"~":"-:.:~' Ocean floor sediments

~_~ ("GRANITIC") ~ o~eani c/~,basement,,- - ]


Fig. 16. Trace manganese stored in subdivisions of the Earth's crust and the hydrosphere.

petrochemists concentrating on "most nor- Influence of the undiscovered Mn ores

mal" rocks), than the gaps between the three
modes could be apparent, rather than real. All the presently known Mn ore fields and
They could simply represent grade intervals districts have been discovered in surficial ex-
situated in the "gray zone" between disci- posures, although the subsequent exploration
plines, that just have not been sampled and re- followed the outcrop to depth and, in rare in-
ported (i.e., "gaps of ignorance"). If so, the stances, discovered completely blind orebod-
distribution shown is incomplete and can be ies. Out of the 330 localities listed in the Ap-
interpreted in many ways, perhaps as a log- pendix, about 41% have been (or would
normal pattern, as advocated for several other probably be, if mined) dominantly open pit
metals. My personal preference is for alterna- operations and about 59% have been mostly
tive ( 1 ). underground operations. Even so, more than
90% of the deposits occur in depths of less than

oceanic sediments r,2///Y/////////////////////Y///////////z",4 4.9 7 -4
shale/clay (terrigenous, mature) K///////////////////////////////////////~ 5.028 t-o
sandstone (terrigenous, quartz-rich) K/////////////////////////////,I i.o6 to"
l i t h a r e n i t e (graywacke) V/////////////////////////////////J 2.142 ©
carbonates V/////////////////////////////////A 2. 634 >
evaporites 1.84 t-*
s i l i c i t e s (chert) ~ 1.6
basalt ,-r,
andesite ~-//////.//////'///////7///,/'///'/////7////,////_~/J~._/d_/'/~,//z/J'/',.~ 9.36 ©
rhyolite V///// /////////////////// / / / / / /,,41.834 0
r / . / , < / / / / / / / / / A 8.4 m
granite ~ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / I 3.858 z
granodiorite, d i o r i t e [/////////////////////////////~/~/~ "~/~/////////~ 1.3056
syenite, a l k a l i n e igneous x////////////////////t 3, oo
gabbro V//////////////////////////////////A 4.212
ultramafics V / 4 / / / / / / / / / M 8.4
gneiss K
c r y s t a l l i n e schists
['//////z//////z//////////'///////////////////////////////~ 6.355
marble l//////////////////////////////////////,~ 5. 904
~//////////////////////~ 6. i 5
amphibolite z
[/ / / / / / / ' / / / / / / / / / ' / / / / / / ' / / ' / / / ' / / / ' / / / ' / / 7 / / / / / / 7 / / / / / / ' / / / / ' / ' . / ~ 1.006
shale, clays, 30% schist, 30% gneiss Ir///////////////////////////////////////////A 2.866 ,.-t
arenite, 20% schist, 20% gneiss V///////////'///////////////,//'//////'/////'//I 1.768
carbonates, marble
evaporites ~//////'/////'/////'//////////////'/////J 3.7 07
V / / , I 1.84
silicites . ~ . . / / . / . / . / _ / _ / _ / / / / ~ / / / / / / / / ~ 3.51
r h y o l i t e , granite, 20% gneiss, 20% schist K////////'/////////~/,//'/,//////,//'///////~/,/////J 1.7 83 ©
syenite, a l k a l i n e igneous >
V/////////////////A 3.0
andesite, d i o r i t e , 30% schist, 30% gneiss K////////////////////////////////////////////d 3. $ 7
basalt, gabbro, amphibolite
ultramafics H/////////////////,/////////~//'//'///////'/////J__~i///'//z//////J 1.984
~'///////////~ 8.4

1012 1013 1014 1015 1016

Fig. 17. Trace M n s t o r e d in crustal r o c k s ( t o n n e s ) .


TABLE 8 nary. Calculations based on physiography in

Distribution of Mn mass residing in the lithosphere and the five greatest Mn producing regions (Kala-
hydrosphere hari, South Africa; Moanda, Gabon; Nikopol,
the Ukraine; Urucum, Brazil; Molango, Mex-
Interval Tonnage
(tonnes) ico) indicate that between 150 and 350% of the
present resources could have been eroded away.
l-l.8 ppb 1.859x IO9
1.8-5.7 ppb
If an average figure of 250% is accepted, the
no data
5.7-10 ppb 0.0033 x 109 total Mn ore content in the near past could have
IO ppb-75 ppm no data been of the order of 42~10~ t Mn. This, incor-
57-100 ppm 0.00184x 10”
100- 180 ppm 0.0016x 10”
porated into Fig. 18, would modify the general
180-310 ppm 0.7588x 10” appearance of the “ore peak” only slightly.
310-570 ppm 3.0093x lOI
570-1000 ppm 6.103x lOI
0.1-O. 18% 11.1362~10’~
0.18-0.31% 0.0589x lOI
Discussion: Mn deposits as part of terrestrial
0.31-0.57% 0.2985x 10” lithogenesis
0.57-l% IO’?
l-1.8% 10.7x lo6
1.8-3.1% 80.477x lo6
3.1-5.7% 1392.843x IO6 Mn accumulation in time
5.7-10% 1599.707x 106
lo-18% 66 19.922 x lo6
18-31% 7051.138x lo6
Several authors (Varentsov, 1964; Roy,
31-57% 1147.806x lo6
57- 100% 76.0x IO3 1989) approximately quantified, graphed and
discussed the distribution of times of Mn de-
posits formation in geological history. The ex-
300 m under the surface and more than 98% of isting exercises are based on incomplete data
the total ore Mn tonnage came from, or is bases and cover all types of Mn deposits as a
known to occur in, less than 300 m depth. This group. Table 9 and Fig. 19 upgrade the earlier
indicates a substantial discovery potential of conclusions and discriminate among deposi-
additional Mn resources, particularly in rocks tional timings of several Mn-ore categories. It
of the “sedimentary (volcanic) shell” of Ronov
is quite clear that the age distribution is
( 1983) which now hosts over 97.24% of the
strongly biased by two giant regional ore Mn
known Mn ores.
anomalies: the lower Proterozoic Kalahari
If the “sedimentary (volcanic) shell” is on
Field of South Africa and the Oligocene South
the average 2,200 m thick, one can expect the
Ukrainian Mn basin, which together account
undiscovered Mn potential to be equal to, or
up to seven times greater than the present for 77% of the global ore Mn.
quantity of Mn in ores, that is 17.4 12x 1O9t Mn. The distribution histogram of all Mn ores
Since the supergene Mn enrichment rapidly (Fig. 20) and of Mn ores subdivided by host
decreases with depth, the Mn grade would be associations (Fig. 2 1) show the dominance of
lower, adding mostly to the three grade popu- the lower Proterozoic age influenced by the
lations between 5.7 and 3 1%. Kalahari. This partly invalidates the earlier lit-
Further speculation about the dimension of erature statements that tended to downplay the
the Mn ore accumulation in the crust would Precambrian Mn metallogenesis in favour of
consider the amounts of ores erosion removed the late Phanerozoic one. The two principal
from existing Mn deposits in the recent past, reasons for this were ( 1) underrepresentation
mostly during the late Tertiary and Quater- of the Kalahari Mn resources, much of which


== I01i

1016 •"WATERS

106 I
I05 !
13. ~Z. Q . CL. £~. E E ~3. 1:3. ,--4 r-...
o-.~ r~- ,~3- ~ z . i~.. Q - ict_o o o o t3_,-~ r~. ID_ r-., [3- ~.. o-c3 o o o ~--4 . .~--~ ~ P.-. ~

',-'41"~ I I I I 0 O ~ o o ~ r " . - - / I I I C 7 3 0 0 0 , , ~ ¢ 0 ~r-... I

J • • .ooo~r',--~r--. ~ • • • oO.,-..~r'--c:~oo~i'--. . . . . . c:~oo.--~i'--.

Fig. 18. Concentration-tonnagedistributionof manganese in hydrosphericwaters, and rocks and ores of the lithosphere,
based on data in Table 9. The three modes of Mn resident in ores, rocks and waters are clearly visible. (See interpretation
in text.)

have been outlined and publicized in the past assic, Oligocene and Pliocene-Quaternary out
10-15 years only; and (2) treatment of super- of which the Oligocene peak is greater than the
gene modified ores in terms of the age of en- rest by 1.5 orders of magnitude. The ore Mn
richment (usually assumed late Tertiary to age maxima alone are insufficient to deter-
Quaternary) rather than the original ("pri- mine whether we are looking at periods of
mary") Mn accumulation. heightened Mn deposition on the Earth, or
If, however, the tonnage of the ore Mn per whether this is entirely a matter of chance,
one million year of geologic history is calcu- largely influenced by the preservation poten-
lated (Table 10; Fig. 22), the prominence of tial. What is, however, certain, is the tremen-
the late Phanerozoic and especially Oligocene dous local influence that virtually overwhelms
as periods of increased Mn accumulation is the statistics. If the two local giant Mn-miner-
clearly revealed. Four ore Mn maxima of de- alized areas are removed, the Mn accumula-
position are apparent: lower Proterozoic, Jur-


Distribution of terrestrial ore manganese in geologic time (based on 305 localities in the Appendix (Giant, presently uneconomic accumulations are
excluded; weathering-modified and metamorphosed deposits are entered by the ages of original (primary) deposition )

Age of deposition All deposits Continental, subaerial Marine Intracrustals

Sedimentary Volcanic-sedimentary

(tonnes×103) (%) (tonnesx103) (%) (tonnesxl03) (%) (tonnesxl03) (%) (tonnesx103) (%)

Archaean 72,994 0.96 9530 0.125 63,464 0.833

LowerProterozoic 4,505,850 59.1 4,439,597 58.18 66,253 0.69
Middle Proterozoic 345,230 4.53 311,159 4.08 34,043 0.45
UpperProterozoic 252,976 3.32 243,027 3.19 9,615 0.126 334 0.004
Cambrian 76,632 1.005 11,367 0.149 65265 0.86
Ordovician 1845 0.024 1620 0.02 225 0.0029
Silurian, Devonian 160,692 2.11 290 0.004 7274 0.095 139,960 1.83 13,168 0.173
Carboniferous 9962 0.131 180 0.0024 1262 0.016 8520 0.112
Permian 3415 0.045 2900 0.038 405 0.0053 110 0.0014
Triassic 24,625 0.323 768 0.01 8326 0.192 15,531 0.2
Jurassic 473,781 6.214 473,253 6.20 356 0.0047 172 0.023
Cretaceous 251,876 3.30 242,480 3.18 8846 0.116 550 0.0072
Palaeocene, Eocene 55,629 0.73 40,400 0.53 3519 0.046 11,710 0.153
Oligocene 1,316,656 17.27 1,311,660 17.21 3844 0.05 1152 0.015
Miocene 5344 0.07 37 0.0005 50 0.0007 977 0.013 4280 0.056
Pliocene, Quaternary 67,301 0.883 667 0.0075 57,000 0.75 9466 0.124 168 0.0022


, t l l t ~ l ~ l i , t l ; + + ; x t ~ + + l l X tlt++txt+t




U u "~
30 U
N 0 >
0 0 N ~ 0
=~ =+ ++

: ~- -a o = . ~ E ~ ~ o o
..... ii + +

0 i I III i t 1 1 i ~ I,, , , I , l , I,, , I , , , , IPRESENT

1000 Ha I 0 0 Ma 10 Ma I Ma


Fig. 19. C u m u l a t i v e d i s t r i b u t i o n of m a n g a n e s e ore in geological time; all M n deposits. (Based on data in Table 10. )

tion per one million year would decrease from the product. The melting under oceanic ridges
five to three orders of magnitude. that produces oceanic lithosphere is better
Giant ore deposits can be eroded away documented in contrast to the hypothetical
quickly. Denudation of 100 m thick slice of melting of a variety of materials along and
presently outcropping rocks, a modest accom- above subduction zones that, somehow, is re-
plishment, could eliminate over 70% of the sponsible for the generation of tholeiitic and
present resources and irreversibly modify the calc-alkaline magmas within the transitional
statistical anomalies. This touches on the and continental crusts (Hughes, 1982).
problem of the credibility of global statistical In the course of the lengthy and polygenetic
exercises in geosciences, a problem recognized history of the crust, a portion of the recent im-
by many writers (e.g., Laznicka, 1973; Veizer mature (that is, compositionally still close to
et al., 1989 ), but never satisfactorily resolved. the parent material, i.e., the mantle ) additions
undergo repeated reworking, recycling and
Evolution of Mn supplies and deposition maturation that convert them into a variety of
rocks that together constitute the continental
In conformity with the prevalent contem- lithosphere. Hence, in any given time in the
porary geotectonic models (Bird, 1980; Pal- geological history following the Proterozoic in-
mason, 1982; Hashimoto and Uyeda, 1983; version (between about 1.5 to 2.0 Ga; Veizer
Reading, 1986), new lithosphere is produced et al., 1989 ), the continental crust consisted of
by partial melting of the mantle, followed by ( 1 ) crustal segments generated in the past div-
separation and near-surface accumulation of isible into ( l a ) "immature" components









• uuu lira ~uu iJu IU i'lO

Fig. 20. Histogram showing distribution of the "primary" depositional ages of all Mn-ore deposits.

(equivalents of oceanic and transitional crusts (1989) and their continuous uninterrupted
remaining compositionally in the state in which production was dependent on attainment of the
they accreted), and ( l b ) "mature" compo- steady state; that is development of a mature,
nents of converted rocks including intracrustal cratonized continental crust. This happened in
gneisses, granitoids and various members of the several cratonic nuclei close to the Archaean-
"sedimentary shell" (Ronov, 1983). To this Proterozoic transition (2.6-2.4 Ga; e.g., in the
have been periodically added (2) new incre- Kaapvaal Craton) and is marked by the earli-
ments of "immature" lithosphere, composi- est generation of Mn ores related to cratonic or
tionally equivalent to 1a. embryonal-cratonic associations. Tonnages of
In the recent literature on regional geologi- ore Mn deposited per one million year of geo-
cal assembly prepared in the spirit of terrane logical time (Fig. 22 ) show a relatively steady
accretion (e.g., Hoffman, 1989), distinction is state to slight increase in sediment-associated
usually made between the "normal" continen- Mn depositional ages since approximately 2.4
tal crust modified by multiple reworking epi- Ga, with some ups and downs that almost cer-
sodes and "juvenile" crust, formed rapidly for tainly reflect naturally caused statistical gaps
the first time from the mantle, later accreted to (non-preservation of certain intervals and re-
a continent and preserved as such without ma- gions due to drift, denudation, etc. ) rather than
jor changes. The global distribution of man- identifiable secular trends. The principal posi-
ganese in ancient deposits is to a considerable tive Mn deposition anomalies apparent on Fig.
degree governed by the evolution and config- 22 caused by the Kalahari and Southern
uration of these crustal megadomains. Most Ukraine giants could have special causes dis-
Mn deposits in marine sediments have formed cussed below.
during the process of repeated recycling of the The distribution pattern of Mn deposits af-
continental crust, as advocated by Veizer et al. filiated to volcanic-sedimentary associations,
o o
N O~ 0 I

o_ Z
- -



l- ,o
n=142 n=41
10 z

i I

' I
//F/,,.~A,A.~A:~//',/././A ' i

/~, : ..// ~,,~"//~

"/,K // " }'///"/A
:. ,:: E ~;Y'2~]
i I i1~ i i i i i ,
}9 ' ]000

Fig. 21. Histogram showing distribution of depositional ages of Mn ores in the major lithologic associations.


Tonnages of ore Mn per one million year of geological history

Era/Period Ore Mn Duration Ore Mn Per 1 Ma (tonnesX 103)

(tonnes X 103 ) (ma)
All Mn Mn in sediments Mn in volcanics-

Archaean 72,994 1000 73 9.53 63

Lower Proterozoic 4,505,850 700 6437 6342 95
Middle Proterozoic 354,230 800 443 389 43
Upper Proterozoic 252,976 430 588 565 22
Cambrian 76,632 70 1095 162 932
Ordovician 1845 70 26 23 3.2
Silurian and Devonian 160,692 85 1890 86 1647
Carboniferous 9962 65 153 2.8 19
Permian 3415 55 62 53 7.4
Triassic 24,625 35 704 22 238
Jurassic 473,781 54 8774 8764 6.6
Cretaceous 251,876 71 3548 3415 125
Palaeocene, Eocene 55,629 27 2060 1496 130
Oligocene 1,316,656 12 109,721 109,305 320
Miocene 5344 19 281 2.6 51
Pliocene, Quaternary 67, 301 7 9614 8143 1352

which are here approximately equated with the newly accreted tracts continues with undimin-
segment of "juvenile" to "quasi-juvenile" ished intensity, compensating for the Mn ac-
crusts also follows from Fig. 22 and from two cumulations presumably lost from the ancient
cumulative graphs (Fig. 23) that contrast Mn equivalents by continuing erosion.
ores in the marine sedimentary association
(presumed dominated by the "recycled" Mn) The "basalt" connection
and the volcanic-sedimentary ("geosyn-
clinal") association presumed dominated by Basalts and their intrusive and metamor-
the newly added Mn. It is likely that the ore phic equivalents have the highest trace Mn
Mn was separated from its parent rocks for the contents (0.13% Mn average ) out of the wide-
first time since they have left the subcrustal spread rocks, and they store the greatest share
source area, and set to migrate and accumulate of the crustal manganese (1.984x1016 t Mn).
under very proximal conditions. Mn deposits They are also the starting materials for crustal
that are members of this category include the lithogenesis and, consequently, the amount of
oldest Mn accumulations known (exceeding 3 trace Mn in all the basalts added to the crust in
Ga in age). Their presence is steady through- the past should equate the Mn present in the
out the geological history, even slighly increas- ( l ) remaining preserved mafics; (2) all other
ing with decreasing age (e.g., Pliocene to Qua- crustal rocks; (3) sea and fresh water; and (4)
ternary members of this category in Vanuatu: Mn ore deposits. Our calculations indicate that
Forari and Erromango; in Ethiopia, En Kafala, there is some Mn deficiency in the Earth's lith-
have been of some economic importance). Al- osphere and biosphere, despite the continuous
though the addition of new juvenile crust to the but minor flux of cosmogenic manganese (Ba-
lithosphere may have slowed down signifi- turin, 1988), The missing Mn could be in un-
cantly since the "Proterozoic inversion" discovered Mn deposits (unlikely!) or on the
(Veizer et al., 198~)), Mn ore deposition in the bottom of subduction zones.

i i

10 8

10 7

10 6

10 5

I0 4

10 3


Fig. 22. Tonnages of ore Mn per one m.y. of geological history. Top: all Mn deposits. Bottom: ores in marine sedimentary
and volcanic-sedimentaryassociations.

In oceans, the Mn/basalt connection is tative source ~ product balances are not yet
strikingly demonstrated and extensively dis- available. The deep-sea sediments (0.67% Mn )
cussed in the literature (Toth, 1980; Crerar et are the major oceanic Mn sink, and hydrother-
al., 1980; Rona et al., 1983), although quanti- mal sub-seafloor discharge its dominant sup-










m.- J i I



40 ,/
f l,-
3O ,4

10 / "
i i i
c~_ ~ ~ J


Fig. 23. Cumulative graph showing growth of the presently known Mn ore accumulations in geological time.

plier (Lisitsin et al., 1985; Glasby, 1988a). likely proximal and realistic Mn source are the
Sources of the hydrothermal Mn are in the sub- seafloor basalts that have lost Mn to hydro-
seafloor area and difficult to trace. The most thermal leaching by convectively circulating

$6 2 ,7 tOL,'~. L.." 97 9899,.,( . . . .154 155 t65°166 246 249 253"254,~

4:..56 2 3.2~3, ,00,0, ~o ,,8.'" 24, 322.2~o
11 12 14 ,15 •8°927 156 157 "o169 170 " , 2 4 ' ,251 2,55
• /.;3 28 ~o3~ ~ :." :: TT*~.=, ~ ~28.',, .2s2
i8 .2o 2,

28 2, 3, ,o, : :" , ,~,84
22,222 223 22,2 ,2 2 82"
.228 275
• 106" 162 "~276
39"40 175 21 -229 79 /
188 189 ' 73 177 178 230.23 235 236 237 ,262 263
.49 181
~50 51 52 53 190 191 192 193 186 18(~
23Z 234 241 " " 281
54 , 283
203 "197 2
61 62 63 6 4 \
,9. k:2o 5 206 / k528
~ 2 0 7 209210 211 212 c~.~d °
6"o ,5 !66 / ". " 2151217^ 287 ~ . ~ 2 ~ % o
\ 77 " ,6168
213~ ~ "~/)

,2, ,28
12~96• ( 290~

317 318

3,s3,, .2~8,a~ j
117 124 132

"3~06 307

3 ~
292 293 294

108 138
116 139
120 140 141 142
121 143 144
1 lg 122 123 146

149 150 151

Fig. 24. M a p showing a p p r o x i m a t e location of M n ore locations listed in the Appendix.

heated seawater (Bischoffand Dickson, 1975 ) lacking any direct, visually apparent associa-
or to exhalative loss (Stanton and Ramsay, tion with the source basalt•
1980). Direct supply of Mn in a volatile phase Two significant departures from the oceanic
released from the mantle (Bonatti, 1975) or Mn source-influenced Mn depositional model
produced by Earth degassing (Bostrom, 1973 ) are of possible importance for interpretation of
are theoretical possibilities so far lacking terrestrial Mn accumulations including the
evidence. giant deposits and should be explored. They
Much of the oceanic geochemistry is "con- are: ( 1 ) minor basalt occurrences in lithologic
temporaneous" or at least part of a single, al- associations and complexes of which basalt is
though often prolonged, depositional cycle and not normally a member, so it is rarely invoked
despite anomalous Mn concentrations no ac- and credited with a metallogenetic role; and
tual Mn deposits are forming directly in the (2) basalt or equivalent occurrences that are
basalts. This is in good agreement with the ear- older than, and genetically unrelated to, a lith-
lier presented data showing that only 10% of ogenetic/metallogenetic environment, system
terrestrial Mn deposits are actually hosted by or process ("metallotect") under considera-
basalts and most of these deposits are insignif- tion, to which they could nevertheless be tied
icant. Apparently, basalts act largely as Mn by a source relationship•
source rocks, whereas the Mn flux out of ha- ( 1 ) The first case is exemplified by the giant
salts triggered by a variety of processes accu- Kalahari Field, South Africa (De Villiers,
mulates in adjacent and next-in-line reservoir 1970), hosted by the Hotazel Formation.
rocks or in still another relatively distant hosts, There, thick stratiform Mn oxide/minor car-

bonate beds are interbedded with jaspers grad- chaean greenstones, amphibolites and sheared
ing to banded iron formations. These rocks are talc schists, but are absent where the prove-
undisputably chemical sediments deposited on nance of Oligocene sediments was in basement
a "distal shelf" (Tankard et al., 1982) or pos- granites or granite gneisses containing only
sibly in a "closed, fresh-water basin" (Jen- 0.03% Mn.
nings, 1986). The Hotazel Formation is class- Direct to indirect, proven to hypothetical
ified as a chemical sedimentary unit in a stable spatial coincidence of "basalts"/Mn ores
platform setting, yet it is immediately under- "works" for at least 169 localities out of 330
lain by the Ongeluk Lava unit which is a thick, (i.e., 51.2%) listed in the Appendix. In partic-
largely subaqueously emplaced sequence of ular, a local coincidence of a favourable depo-
basalt-andesite lavas and hyaloclastites. If there sitional regime such as transgressions marked
is a genetic relationship between the volcanics by anoxic events and stagnations followed by
and the overlying chemical sediments and the precipitation in oxygenated shallows (Cannon
Fe, Mn ores as advocated by Beukes (1973), and Force, 1983; Frakes and Bolton, 1984)
the Hotazel Formation would then classify for with anomalous Mn supplies from "basalts",
membership in the volcanic-sedimentary cat- seems to be of particular practical importance
egory with the implication that our conclu- for ore predictions.
sions on global Mn metallogeny would have to
be drastically revised. Beukes (1973) attrib- Acknowledgments
uted the source of Mn and Fe to late-stage vol-
canic exhalations, but both metals could have This contribution benefited from critical
been released, concentrated and accumulated reading and review by Professor W. Pohl in
by a variety of alternative mechanisms. The Braunschweig, Germany and by Dr. G.P.
basalt/Fe, Mn spatial coincidence appears to Glasby in Wellington, New Zealand. Dr. K.H.
be a more immediate relationship to explore in Wolf in Canberra, Australia, also critically read
order to explain the Kalahari Mn metallogenic the manuscript and suggested many helpful
anomaly than the facies relationship of the lo- improvements. It is a pleasant duty to say thank
cal sediments considered alone. The upper you for this professional assistance.
Proterozoic-lower Cambrian cherty Fe-Mn
association of the Malyi Khingan, S.E. Siberia
(Yegorov and Timofeeva, 1970) is similar in
many respects. Appendix A Data base for major M n localities of the world:
(2) The second situation is illustrated by the Explanations

bedded deposits of nearshore marine Mn ox- NO Locality number as it appears in the world lo-
ides grading into offshore Mn carbonates in the cation map (Fig. 24). Two or more adjacent
Oligocene South Ukrainian Basin. There, the or overlapping localities can share the same
plot and number.
Mn ores are in the "right" sedimentological
setting but equivalent setting is widespread
worldwide, lacking even a trace of Mn. So some COUN Country
"special condition" additional to the sedimen- AF Afghanistan
tary environment was needed. Varentsov and AG Algeria
Rakhmanov (1980) and before them Strak- AN Angola
hov et al. ( 1968 ) and other investigators dem- AR Argentina
AS Austria
onstrated that the Ukrainian Mn ores are de- AU Australia
veloped in basins fed by detrital and chemical AU-NS New South Wales
runoff from Mn-anomalous (0.99% Mn) Ar- AU-NT Northern Territories

AU-QL Queensland KO Korea

AU-SA South Australia MA Madagascar
AU-WA Western Australia MI Mali
BG Belgium MR Morocco
BL Bulgaria MY Malaysia
BO Bolivia MX Mexico
BW Botswana NC New Caledonia
CH China NH Vanuatu
CH-GU Guizhou NM Namibia
CH-GD Guangdong NP Japan
CH-HN Hunan NY New Guinea
CH-LI Liaoning PE Peru
CH-YU Yunnan PH Philippines
CL Chile PK Pakistan
CN Canada PL Poland
CN-BC British Columbia RU Romania
CN-MB Manitoba SA South Africa
CN-NB New Brunswick SB Saudi Arabia
CN-NF Newfoundland SD Soudan
CN-ON Ontario SL Sierra Leone
CN-QB Quebec SN Suriname
CS Czechoslovakia SP Spain
CB Cuba SU U.S,S.R. (former)
CY Cyprus SU-AR Armenia
DB West Germany SU-GR Georgia
DD East Germany SU-KZ Kazakhstan
DK Denmark SU-RS Russia (Eur.)
EG Egypt SU-SB Siberia
ET Ethiopia SU-UK Ukraine
FJ Fiji SU-UZ Uzbekistan
FN Finland SW Sweden
FR France TH Thailand
GB Great Britain TK Turkey
GH Ghana TU Tunisia
GN Guinea US United States
GO Gabon US-AK Arkansas
GR Greece US-AZ Arizona
GY Guyana US-CA California
HA Haiti US-CO Colorado
HL Switzerland US-GA Georgia
HU Hungary US-ID Idaho
IA India US-MC Michigan
IA-AP Andhra Pradesh US-ME Maine
IA-GU Gujarat US-MI Minnesota
IA-KA Karnataka US-MT Montana
IA-MH Maharashtra US-NV Nevada
IA-MP Madhya Pradesh U S-NJ New Jersey
IA-OR Orissa + Bihar US-SD South Dakota
IA-RA Rajasthan US-UT Utah
ID Indonesia US-WA Washington
IN Iran UV Burkina Faso
IS Israel YU Yugoslavia
IT Italy ZA Zambia
IV Ivory Coast ZB Zimbabwe
JO Jordan ZI Zaire

STATU Locality status AGE Geological age of Mn ore generation/modifi-

cation. In composite weathering-modified
oreb single orebody (deposit) in a continuous ore (enriched) deposits, age of modification is
horizon shown first, age of "primary" deposition sec-
depl single orebody (deposit) within a Mn dis- ond, e.g., Q/Pe. Ages of weathering modifi-
trict, belt cation of presently exposed deposits are usu-
horiz continuous ore or protore horizon (several ally listed as Q (Quaternary) or T
km) (Tertiary), although the actual period of
dep2 single independent deposit weathering could have been earlier and long
set2 set of two deposits lasting.
set3 set of three deposits 1 = lower, 2 = middle, 3 = upper.
zone metallogenic zone, tens of kilometres
field ore field
Q Quaternary
distr ore district T Tertiary
belt ore belt PI Pliocene
area metallogenic (mineralized) area Mi Miocene
strat manganiferous stratigraphic unit Ol Oligocene
Eo Eocene
Pc Paleocene
STYLE Refers to geotectonic setting and deposi- MZ Mesozoic
tional environment Cr Cretaceous
.J Jurassic
1 ocean floor Tr Triassic
2 pelagic domain PZ Palaeozoic
3a submarine volcanic-sedimentary environ- Pe Permian
ments of active ("Pacific" and rift) conti- Cb Carboniferous
nental margins D Devonian
3b marine sedimentary environments of passive S Silurian
( "Atlantic" ) continental margins and epi- Or Ordovician
continental seas Cm Cambrian
4a continental, subaerial volcanic and volcanic- PCm Precambrian
sedimentary environments Pt Proterozoic
4b continental, subaerial, nonvolcanic Pt3 Upper Proterozoic ( 570-970 Ma)
environments Pt2 Middle Proterozoic (970-1600 Ma)
4c sub-continental, intracrustal environments Ptl Lower Proterozoic ( 1600-2500 Ma)
(m) subsequently metamorphosed Ar Archaean (2500-3900 Ma )

ASSOC Lithologic associations (discussed in detail HOST Included are rocks that actually host the Mn
in text and listed on Table 5 and shown on ROCKS ore; in composite deposits that include "sec-
Fig. 13). ondary" weathering-enriched ores hosts of
the latter are separated from actual or inter-
W weathering-related associations preted "primary" host rocks by a slash, thus:
C subaerial sediments, nonvolcanic cly,rbl/shl,bas. When space permits, associ-
A,AS,SA subaerial volcanic, volcanic-sedimentary and ated rocks are also listed, separated by dou-
sedimentary-volcanic associations ble slash, thus: shl//bas.
S marine sedimentary, nonvolcanic association
St ditto, dominantly detrital (terrigenous) agl glauconitic sandstone
Sc ditto, dominantly carbonate agw litharenite (graywacke)
Sx ditto, dominantly chemical sediments amf amhibolite
V,VS,SV marine volcanic, volcanic-sedimentary, sedi- and andesite
mentary volcanic associations anh anhydrite
1,2 ditto, ophiolitic and mafic ark arkose
3 ditto, bimodal arn arenite
4 ditto, andesite to sequentially-differentiated arq quartz arenite
5 ditto, felsic ave volcanic arenite
M metamorphosed has (meta) basalt
MS metamorphosed-sedimentary bif banded iron formation
MVS metamorphosed volcanic-sedimentary brx breccias
I intracrustal associations cbn carbonates
IM intracrustal-magmatic (Mn-carbonatite) che chert
Ih intracrustal-hydrothermal; ( 1 ) = plutonic; cly clay (stone)
( 2 ) = activation related; ( 3 ) = subvolcanic cnc concretionary gravel
( epithermal ). coa coal

csg calc-silicate gneiss grnt granitization (migmatitization)

ctt carbonatite hd hydrothermal alteration, metasomatism
dac dacite n-m non-metamorphosed
dia diabase s-c semi-consolidated
dio diorite s-gr sub-greenschist
dol dolomite u-c unconsolidated
fir fault rocks
gbr gabbro MINERALS Principal ore mineral groups
gns gneisses
gnt granite alab alabandite
gon gondite anke ankerite
grd granodiorite asbo asbolite
grn granitoids bari barite
gyp gypsum bixb bixbyite
hdv hydrothermal vein fill brau braunite
hnf contact hornfels Fecl Fe chlorites
ist ironstone fluo fluorite
jsp jasperoid frkl franklinite
lim limestone goet goethite
ltr laterite haus hausmannite
mbl marble hema hematite
mnc Mn carbonate (bedded) jacb jacobsite
mnf "Mn-formation" (oxide) magn magnetite
mrl marl mang manganite
rash Mn silicate hornfels Mncl Mn chlorites
och ocher Mnox Mn oxides
opl opal Mnsi Mn silicates
pea peat nont nontronite
phy phyllite piem piedmontite
pph porphyry pyrh pyrrhotite
prd peridotite pyri pyrite
qfp quartz-feldspar porphyry rhdn rhodonite
qzd quartz diorite sgel siderogel
qzm quartz monzonite side siderite
qzt quartzite spes spessartite
rbl rubble
reg regolith materials SUPE Supergene (weathering) modification, ex-
rhy rhyolite pressed in percentages ( 100% = entirely su-
sct schist pergene assemblage) or colloquially.
sdr siderite (bedded)
set serpentinite MTL Fe,Pb,Zn,Ag,Au,Cu: principal ore metals at
shl shale deposits where Mn is a by-product or an un-
sil siltstone recovered (e.g., gangue) constituent;
skr skarn (Fe,Pb,Zn, etc. ): minor or by-product metal
slf sulfide (massive, bedded) at Mn deposits.
sit slate
spr saprolite TONNAGE Shown is the calculated or estimated Mn
srh soda rhyolite metal content in ores (not quantities of ore)
sye syenite in tonnes.
tra trachyte
trv travertine E nature of some data not directly quoted from
tuf tuff the literature
vcm volcanic mudstone
E pure estimate (guesstimate)
METAM Metamorphic grade, enduration, M minimum assured metal content
consolidation R reconstructed (calculated) data from infor-
mation fragments
amf amphibolite semi-estimate
cont contact, thermal metamorphism
gr greenschist GRAD Grade of Mn ores in percent
grnl granulite
Appendix B

File of the manganese deposits and occurrences of the world

I RapidCreckFm, Yukon CN-YU horiz 3b Sxt3 Crl isl, shl//am n-m side, 8oe1 Fe 1,162, 500, 000 3.9 Youngand Robenson I
2 KasloCreck CN-BC dep2 4b C5 Q ig, pea, mud u-c Mnox, sgel,gott 0, 0(JO,000, 200 R 20 Johnston and McCa.,lney 2
( 1965)
3 Olympic Peninsula US- WA area l W/SV2c Eo jsp,shl,bas s-gr brau, haus, Mnox some 0,000, 013, 000 35 Sorem- Gunn (1967) 3
4 Cocur d'Alene ( Ke0ngg) US-ID dmr 3b/4c Wg/Ihlv P12/TI hdv/qzl, sil,slt s-gr,hd slde,Mnox some PbZnA8 0,007,000,000 S 3.8 Fr/klund(1964) 4
5 Ph0ip~urg(Montana) US-MT field 4b/4c Wg/lhlr T/PZ reg/hdv, mnc//lira, n- m/hd Mnox/ most AgPbZn 0, 000, 490, 0 ~ 43 Goddard (1940) 5
6ButtcMnvcim(Montana) US-MT field 4c Wg/lhlv TI qzm hd Mncb some ZnAsCu 0,003,890,000 14 Meyeretal.(1968) 6
8 CuyunaltonRange US-M[ field 3b Sxl PII bif//che, shl s- gr some Fe 0,025,000,000 10.5 Hewettetal.(1956) 8
9 Dunn Creek State, lron US-MC horiz 3b Sxt2+ Ptl sdr, bif//fit- c s- g~ side, Mnox some Fe 0,005,000,000 S 8.72 Jameseta],(1968) 9
10 Knob Lake-Scheffervi0e CN-QB field 4b/3b(m) W/MSx Pt/Pll rbl,reg.biU / dol n- m/amf Mnox, goct,hema 90% Fe 0,004,077,160 7.64 Johnston and McCarlney 10
(Labr> (1965)
II Golconda(Nevada) US-NV dep2 4a SA2So T3-Q och,ely,ira s-cons $o¢t,Mnox (Fe,W) 0,000,015,000 50 Kerr (1940) II
12 Pioche-gossans(Ulah) US-UT field 4b/4c Wg/lhlr T/Cm/TI rng, hdv, dol, jsp, shl hd Mnox, Mncb, sidc 100% ZnFoA8 0,000,330,000 l0 BodenlosandThaycr 12
13 Silverton(S.JuanMts.) US-CO depl 4b/4c Wg/lh3v Q/Mi and, dac,rhy n-m/hd rhdn,Mncb, Mnox some PbZnAg 0,000,050,000 R 15 Burbank and Luedke 13
14 LcadvOle-gossans US-CO field 4b/4c Wg OI/T3-Q lim,dol,qfp hd.alt Mncb, rhdn/Mnox 100% PbZnAg 0,000,550,000 15 Tweto(1968) 14
( Colorado )
15 C~berlain US-SD zone 3b St3 Crl shl,shl-tuf n-met Mncb, Mnox some 0,010,70~,0~) I Cfittenden(1956) 15
16 BlackDiablo Mine US-NV d©pl 3a SV2b Ps che,shl-c//bas s-gr brau> Mnox some 0, 0~3,018, 240 32 Hewett etal.(1956) 16
17 CaliforniaCoast Ranges US-CA area 4b/I Wt/SV2b J3-Cr rbi/jsp,che,shl// s-gr Mncb, brau much 0,000,053,000 40 Trask etal.(1943) t7
18 LakeMead(ThrecKids) US-NV dist 4s AS21k Mi mnf, ave, tuf//has, n-m Mnox some 0, 000, 580, 0 ~ 20 McKetv¢~
et ~l. (1949) lg
19 ArldleryMts. US-AZ field 4a AS21k PI cgl,ely,tuf s-cons Mnox (BaPb) 0,006,125,00¢ 4 Lasky and Webber 19
20 LuisLopez (Socorro) US- NM field 4c lh3v O1- Mi rhy,brx n-m Mnox some 0,0{)0,015,000 R 9 Jicha (1956) 20
21 Batesville AK fidd 3b Set2 Or lim,shl n-met Much+haul,,b~t, some 0,000,085,000 29 Mi~" ( |94| ) 2$
22 Canenvi0¢ (Georgia) US-GA dep2 4b/3b Wtk/SCl T/Cm Itr,spr/cbn s-cons/hd goegMnox I00% Fe 0,000,200,0~) R 40 Kesler(1950) 22
23 Flat Top (S.Vir$inm) US- VA field 4b/3b Wi/S¢ T/D dy, arn s-c,n-m Mnox 100% 0,0~), 019, 000 40 l~dd and Stead ( 1944 ) 23
24 Ced~Valley(NWVi~nia) US-VA fidd 4b/3b Wi/SCI T/D ely,am, lira s-c,n- m Mnox 100% 0,000, 020, 000 40 Monroe (1942 ) 24
25 C~ora M. (Val.of US-VA depl 4b/3b Wk/S¢I T/Cm rb[,cly/~l, fire s-c/u- ra M,aox IO~/~ O,000, 075, O~ 41 Hard~ and ~ohnston 25
virzinia) (1910)
26 J~0~ R.- Roanoke R. US- VA distr 4b/h(m) Wk/MSct T/P13- PZ ely, rbl/mbl//qzL s- c/amf Mnox> Mn- calc 100% 0,000, 029, 468 43.3 Espcnshade ( 1954) 26
27 Franklin (Furnace) US-NJ depl 3a(m) MtVS3cx Pt3 mbl, cng//amf, gns amf,g~z fdd, thdn none Zn, Fe 0,002,000,000 8.7 FmndelandBaum
28 S t e d i n $ O ~ u r g US-NJ depl 3a(m) MtVS3cx P13 mbl, c-~//amf,~s amf,gnz fAl,rhdn none Zn, Fe 0,0~),80~,0GO S 8.7 FrondelandBaum 28
29 Arc~tookcounty US-ME zone 3b SVxct S bif, che- lim, sit green hema, brau, Mncb, none Fe 0,025,090,000 9 Pavlides ( 1962) 29
~ Wood~ck ( N ~ CN-N~ fiekl 3b SVx~t S bif, shl s-g~ hema. brau, Mncb none Fe 0, 019, 260, 0~) 9 Gro~s (1967) 30
31 I)awsonSettlemem CN-NB dep2 4b C5 Q ist.pea,mud u-c Mnox, sgel,goet Fe 0,000,000,400 R 20 Johnstonand McCarmey 31
32 M a l ~ I ~ ( S t . CN-QB field 3b Scl Ms/Ps tim//trn, trl n-m Mnox 10~ 0,0~, 180,0~ 45 JolmstonandMeCtrmey 32
La~> (~965)
33ConceptionBay(Manuel$) CN-NF horiz 3b St3 Cm2 rod,shl n- m Mnch, Mnox some 0, 001,000, 000 10 Johnstonand McCartney 33
34 Lucifer(~tjaCalifornia) MX dcp2 4a AS3 p12 rhy-tuf,jsp,brx/and n-met Mnox some 0, ~0,141, 000 47 Trek and Rodrisoez 34
(1946) fr7
34 Guad~up¢ 2 Dep. ( N. Baja M X dep2 3at(m) W/MtVS3 Tr/J3 brx,qzl,mbl,amf gr,toni rhdn,Mnox some 0, 000, 014, 940 16.6 l ~ Vazqu¢~(1956) 34
35 S~mtaRm~Ja ~Boko),B.C MX field 3a VS4 Pl q$1,ave,tuf//and, n- m Mnox some Cu 0, 001, 500, (~0 R 3 WilsonandRocha 35
36 Mulq~(e&GavilanM.), MX field 3a W/Vl Mi s-gr Mnox, rhdn,Mnch some 0, 0oo, 108, 000 49 Goez~e* ( 1956) 36
B,C ,q
37 ~m¢SO~ 5ieml de (Ch/h.) MX field 4¢ lh3v T rhy//dac,and. tuf M Maox, calc much 0,01)0,015,730 22.5 Wilson{ 1956) 37
38 Ternmate* (Chih.) MX field 4¢ lh3v T rhy hd Mnox, Cak, ban some 0, 000, I05,200 30 Jimene2(1956) 38
39 Zacate and Chino Mines MX set2 4¢ lh3v T hdv, rhy, brx hd Mnox some 0, 000, 024, 000 22 Tmsk and Rodlisqlez 39 t"
(Chih.) (1946)
40 Talamames (Chih) MX dep2 4c W/Ih3v T •y n- m Mnox, bail some 0, ~ 0 , 0S2, 0~0 25 W0son ~ Roctu 40 t-'
(1948 )
41 M ~ t a Mine MX field 44: lh3v T rhyo- tel, jsp hd brae, Mnox 20% 0, 000, 024, 000 40 T r ~ and Rodfiso~z 41
(Luate~m) (1946) 0
42 N¢SO~Mine, Fmmillo MX d~2 4¢ lh3v T jsp, rhy hd brae,Mnox some 0, 0GO,023, 412 33 Traltkand R o d r ~ 42 0
(1946) z
43 Villade Cos (Zac.) MX set2 3b w/St3? J? che,shl Mnox much o, 000, 025, s30 41 wibon and Rocha 43 m

44 SantoDomtNlo (Montana MX dep2 3b/4c MiSt ? jsp//shl hd brae,Mnox some 0,000, 026, 500 41 Wihon and Rocha 44
deMn> (1956a)
45 M o ~ Ore Zone MX honz 3b Set4+ J mnc//shl- c n- m Mncb, Mnox some I,500,000,0OO 10 Cannon and FOR~ 45 m
(Hid~o) (1983) g
45 Molan~ Mine (Hidalgo) MX horiz 3b Set4+ J mnc//shl- c n- m Mnch, Mnox some 0, 465,000,000 27.7 Cannon and Force 45 ,o
0983) >
46 San Franosco- Autlan MX dep2 4a AS21k Ec- OI vcm/jsp,rhL and n-met beau,heine,Mnox some (F¢) 0,001,600,000 40 Zantop (1978) 46 z
47 Nicoya Peninsula CR distr 4b/ I WI/SV2b TI shl,che s-grs brau/Mnox much 0, 000, 017,000 50 Roberts (1944) 47
48 QuemadodeGuines (C. CU field 4b/3a Wt/SV2b Q/J- Cr rbl,che s-cons Mnox 100% 0, 000, 052,000 8.95 Simom and Straczch 48
Cu~) (1958) m
49 Gramale~ Lu Acostas CU field 2? >
Wk/Set Cr tim,sfd n- met Mnch some 0, 0~/, 025, ~ 0 Simons and Strac2ch 49
50 Buycito (E. Cuba Mn CU depl 4b/3a wt/VS4 fio and - tuf, agl, lira, jsp s-srs Mnox, brau much 0, 000, 0~9, 0GO 27 Simons and S ~ k 50 ©
Province) 0958)
51 E]Cristo-Ponupo(S.Cuba CU distr 3a VS4 fio and- tuf, agl, lira, jsp s-grs Mnox, mang much 0, 0~1,050, 000 45 Siirom and Straezch 5l
Mn> (1958)
52 S~mtaRita (E. Cuba Mn CU distr 3,1 w/VS4 Eo and-tuf,agl,lira,jsp s-I¢'s Mnox, mang much fi, 000,180, 000 45 Simons and Stmcze~ 52
B¢lt) 0958)
53 E.Cub~Mn Prov.others CU area 4b/3a Wt/VS4 Eo and- tuf, agl, lira,jsp s-grs Mnox, mang much 0, 001, 561, 000 30 Simons and Straczek 53
54 Mome MaC~ltte(Haiti) HA dep2 4b/3a Wt/VS4 Q/T reg/jsp,lira,and hd, s-gr Mnox some 0, 000, 010, 000 30 Goddard ¢t al. (1947) 54
55 Pipi~mi(NW Guya~a) GY fidd 4b/3a(m) WI] MVS Q] Ar rbl,dy/goe,mnf, s-c/amf Mnox, brau,spes 90% 0, 000, 450, 000 25 Putzer (1976) 55
56 Matthew'sRidso(Guyana) GY field 4b/3a(m) Wt/MVS2 + Q/Ar rbl, ely/gon, mnf, P c/amf Mnox,brae, spcs 90~ 0,010,000,000 40 Putzcr (1976) 56
57 Mari~ (Suriname) SN fieM 4b/3a(m) Wt/ MVS Q/Pt ¢Iy,rbl/gon,mnf/ / s-clamf Mno~, Mnch, bran, 100% 0, 002, 250, 0 ~ 22 Choubert ( 1972) 57
hif spcs
58 Bonidom (French Guyana) GF field 4b/3a(m) Wt/MVS2 Q/Ar rbl, cly/gon, mnf, s- c/atnf Mnox, brau, spcs 100% 0,000,100,000 E 40 Choubert(1972) 58
59 SerradoNavio (Amapa) BR-AM field 4b/3a(m) wt/MVS2+ Q/Pt cly,rbl/qlz//soe, n-met/afar Mnox/spes l/~0% 0,025,000,000 47 Dottel ai (1949) 59
60MadeinRiver(Amazonas) BR-AZ area 4b/3b wt/Stl Q/Cr? rbl,dy/am, sM u-cons Mnox 100% 0,000,070,000 35 Pouchain(1956) 60 .--..I
61 Azu](Ca~jas) BR-PA dep2 4b/ Wt/St3 + Q/I'll c|y, ~b~/qLz,sll- c green Mnox, Mncb ? 5% 0,023, 665.000 38 Codho and Rodngues 61
(1986) OO
62 Burittran~Sern6t BR-PA field 4h/3a(m) wt/MVS3c Q/Ar cly,rbl/ql,,rash, u-cons/amf Mnox/btau, sill 80% 0,008,556,000 46 De Andrade et al. 62
mbl (1986)
63 Rioltacaiunas(Para) BR-PA area 4b/3a(m) Wt/MVS3c Q/Pt cly,rbl/qlz,msh// s-cons/arnf Mnox/brau, rhdn I00~ 0, 004, 000, 000 40 Putzer (1976) 63
64 Sere~oIX'p. (Carajas) BR-BA depl 4b/3b Wt/MVS Q/Ptl dy, rbl/qlz,sh-c gr Mnox, Mncb 100~ 0,001,050,000 35 WaJde (1986) 64
65 LiciniodeAlmeida BR-BA distr 4b/3b(m) Wt/MStx Q/PII cly,rbl/mnf//qzt, u-cons/amf Mnox, bixb,haus, 80% O,000, 900, 0O0 30 Basilioand Btondi 65
bif mang 0986)
66 Marau(SEBahia) BR-BA f i e l d 4b/3a(m) wt/MVS2 Q/Ar rbl,dy/mbl, mnc// gml Mnox, man8, spes I00~ 0, 002, 660, 000 38 Abteu ( 1973) 66
67 Unmdi(Bahia) BR-BA distr 4b/3b(m) Wt/MStx P13 dy, rbl/mnf//phy, ~-c/gr MBOX/jecb, brau 80% 0,000,460, 000 30 Pu~.eT ~1976) 67
68 S.AntoniodeJesus BR-BA f i e l d 4b/3a(m) wt/MVS2 + Q/Ar rbl,cly/mbl, mnc// grnl Mnox, mang. spes I00~ 0,(~)2, 800, 000 35 Abreu (1973) 68
69 Ouacui (EspifitoSanto) BR- ES field 4b/3a Wt/MVS2 Q/At? rbl, ely/gon s- c/grnl Mnox,spcs 100% O, 002, 2(}0,000 40 Walde ( 1986) 69
70 Chapada Diamantina BR-MG distr 4b/3b wt/St3 Q/Pt rbl, ely/shl, sh, scl s-c/gr Mnox I00~ O,000, 096, {300 48 Abrcu ( 1973) 70
7[ AlptaLimptM.(R/o BR-MG dtpl 4b/3b Wt/MSc Q/l~l rbl,dy/mnf, bif s-c,amf Mnox, hema, mag~ I00~ Fe 0,002, 345,000 33.5 Reeves(1966) 71
72 Conta Histona M. (Qd. BR- MG depl 4b/3b Wt/MStx Q/I)12 fit//bif,dol u- m/amf Mnox I00~ Fe 0,000, 214, 376 30 Barcelosand Buchi 72
Feral> (1986)
73 MiguelBurnier, Cogonhas BR-MG depl 4b/3b Wt/MStx Q/P12 flt//bif, dol u-m/gzeen Mnox 100~ Fe 0,0OI,992,000 24 Barcelc~and Buchi 73
74DomSilveiro-SaoDomin- BR-MG belt 4b/3a(m) wt/MVS2 Q/Ar rbl, ely/gon, sit,jsp s-c/gr Mnox, spes 100% 0,000,476,000 34 Abreu (1973) 74
75 Cons. Lafaieue(Minade BR-MG distr 4b/3a(m) Wt/MVS2 + Q/Ar rbl/qiz,rash//set- s-c/amf Mnox/Mncb, Mnsi 70% 0,006,200,000 38 Do'a et aL (1956) 75
Morro) b
76 SaoJoaodaAl/anca BR-GO distr 4b/3a(m) Wt/MVS2 Q/Pt cly,rbl/gon//msh u- cons/tmf Mnox 100e/* 0, (~0, 420, 0(X) 48% PuLzer(1976) 76
77 SaoJoaodelREi BR-MG distr 4b/3a(m) Wt/MVS Q/Ar dy, rbl/msh, gon// s- c/amf Mnox, spes.rhdn 100% O, {~O,430, 000 42,5 Dott et al. (1956) 77
78 I~(Goi~) BR-GO distt eo/3a(m) wt/MVS2 Q/Kr dy, rbl/gon//msh u-cons/amf Mnox/spes 100% O, 000,106, 000 42 Putzer (1976) 78
79 Mutun, Seraniade BO field 3b Sxl I)13 bif.che,jsp//am, s-grs hema, Mnox much FE 0,045. 000,(~0 45 Putzer ( 1976) 79
80 UnK'om (Morro do) BR-MS field 4b/3b SxI Pt3 bif,che,jsp/ / aPa, s-grs hema, Mnox much FE O, 120.765,000 48.5 Haralyi andWalde 80
nl (1986)
81 Huachi~to (Mica, N. CL distr 4a AS21k PI3- Q rhy-tuf/and,cgl,ave n- m Mnox/opal, ehal some 0,000, 240, 000 24 Cruzat (1970} 81
82 Uncia hot sprlngs BO dep2 4a SA2sp Q opl u- m Mnox, bafite (W) 0,000,000,400 40 Ahlfeld and Schneider-
83 Montezuma Mine (Antofa- CL dep2 4c Wg/lh3v T Mncb, rhdn, Mnox some A8, Au 0, 001,350, 000 18 Ruiz (1965) 83
84 Ptma ~ Prov. (Ochaqm) AR ~ 4,1 AS2cg Pl- Q e.r~,c~,~f, trv a-m Mnox O,000,137,000 15 Hande and WEber 84
85 FareUonNegro AR dep2 4b/4c Wg/lh3v Q/PI and, dac,rhy n- m/hd Mnox/Mncb 80% Ag. Au 0,000,168. 000 12 Tezon and De h 1#esia 85
(Catama~) (1956)
86 Coquimbo Prov. Mn belt CL belt 3a VS4 Crl rnnf,tim,ave,and- s-$r brau,Mnox, rnang, some 0, 007, 100,000 39 Biese (1956) 86
tuf haus
g7 $~rra ~ None (Sierras AR distr 4b/4¢ W/lhlv T/1"? reg/hdv, grd, pph hd Mnox, mang 100% 0, 001,0~), 0~) 22 Haude and WEber 87
Pare> (1975)
88 SierraPinUtda (Mendoza) AR dLstr 4b/4¢ W/lhlv T/Tr reg/hdv, brx, grd hd Mnox, fluo 100% 0,000, 050, 000 30 Haude and WEber 88
89 Ultevis ( Norbotten ) SW feld 4a MtVS3 Pt2 mnf, qzt, mbl, bif amf, grin brau, bixb, picm, spas 0,005, 000. 000 E 20 Grip (1978) 89
90 I ~ (Berl~ ) SW field 3ac MtVS3 ctx PH mnf, bif, mbl//set, amf brau,haus~Mns/, Fe 0,(X~,077,300 25 Crrip (1978) 90
amf rhdn
91 SlallbergBch(Berlptlagen) SW field 3a(m)/4c MtVS3cx I)11 skr, bif, mbl//gas, amf,cont Mnsi, rhdn FE 0, 000, 240, 000 4 Grip (1978)
92 S1oObe~ fiell(fieqlMagea) SW field 3a(m)/4c MtVS3cx Ptl ~Lr,bif, mbl//gns, amf. cont Mnsi, rhdn 0, 000, 040, 0(]O 5 Grip (1978) 92
93 Tunt- Hagbe~l fielt SW field 3a(m)/4c MtVS3ctx PH skr, bif, mbl//gin, amf,cont Mnsi, rhdn Fe O, 0~), 190,000 3.8 Grip (1975) 93
{fieq~> amf Z
94 ~ , o t h m 5W am~ M(m) MiVS3ctx P11 skr, bif,mbl//gng amf, cont Mnsi,rhcln Fe 0, 012, 000,000 R 4 Crtip ( 1978) 94 m
94 BmhamM. ( L j u ~ ) SW depl 3a(m) MtVS3ctx ~1 s£r, bi~,mb///gns, ~ oont Mnsi, rhdn Fe O,Of~, 120,~ 0 4 Gr/p O978) 94
95 ~ (fiery) SW field 3ac(m) MtVS3ctx 1~1 sla,bif,mbl//gin, amf Mnsi, rhdn Fe 0, 000, 375, 0(~ 3 Grip (1978) 95
96 lmlmiarea (Centr. FN area 4b C5, 6 Q is~ pea, mud u-c Me.ox,sllel,goet Fe 0,000,252,000 l 2 M a ~ {1952) %
97 Bo~ve~N.ofK~lsborg ~ dcp2 4c lh2v P~3? grit,gns hd Mnox, mang, talc, some 0, 000, 015, 000 30 C~p (1978) 97
hari ©
98 KesebolMine (Dldgand) SW d~2 4c lh2v P13 ? liar gns, brx hd haus, man& rhdn, some 0, ~]0, 015,000 20 Grip (1978) 98 (-
99 Cemrel/yland (luthnd) DK a~ut 4b CS Q is~ pea, mud u-c Mnox, sl~,l~e~ Fe D,0¢O, ~O2,DO0 15 Sonm~ ~ al. {1978) 99 I"
99 Spexe~d Vein (SEof SW dep2 4c lh2v P~3 ? ~t, gin,bnc hd brau,mang Mnox, some 0, 000, 055,000 40.7 orip (1978) 99 t-
Jo~> calc -t
I00 Ardudwy (Harlech Dome) GB field 3b MiSt Cm 1 mf//sfi gr Mncb, spes some 0,000,013,640 31 Woodland (1956) 100 0
101 Rhiw (Weles) GB field 3a SV3 Or srh- tuf, phy//has $" Mnd, Mncb, Mnsi, some 0,000,065,000 27 Woodland (1956 ) 101
102 N.De~e~-W.Sometsex(SW GB are* 4b/3b/4¢ W/lhlr T/D/Co reg/hdv//gt,qm s-~,cont Mnox, goct,side, some Fe 0,001,343,750 10.75 SlatcrandHillhley 102 -t
End> Mncb (1977) N
103 Milton Abbot (Cornwall) GB field 4b/3a W/MISt Q/D- Cb re$/cbe,sfi//dia corn,hd Mnox/rhdn 80~ 0,O00,023,000 R 40 Wooed (1956 ) I03
104 Sierra de Dobms (Oviedo) SP field 4b/3h Wk/Scl Cbl lira, dol n-m Mnox much 0,000,070,000 R I1 Pagor ex al. (1956) 104
Io5 Alma~o (Oudad Real) SP field 4a Wi/~ Mi dy, ave s-c Mnox 0, 000, 037, 360 40 Proofer aL (1956) 105 r~
106 Ce~ de Ak~t¢jo PT digr 4b/3ac Wg/lhlv D- Cbl rt:g/hdv//phy, arn, hd,~. Mnox, goct,sid¢, much Fe 0,000,520,000 8 D¢Cm'~alho(1977) 106 g
tuf bema
107 Rio Tinto Beh Mn (S. SP belt 3a w/sv3 Cbl cbe, jsp, shl/rhy s-gr Mncb, Mnox some 0,000,939,000 34 Pastor et aL (1956) 107
Spain) z
108 ~ (N.~) FR dim 4b/3b Wk/~ D3- Cb] dy, rbl] lira- shl n-m Mnox] Mncb much 0, 000, 030, 0~) R 30 Lougnon(1956) 108
I08 SMigny (M. ForezMassif) FR dep2 3h/4c W/lhlv Cm, D mbl, qzt,set cont Mnox. Feox,qrtz, 100'/* O,000,Ol I,777 44 Lougnon (1956) 108
109 Chaillac-Dunet FR dcp2 3b Stl J ara, shl n-m Mnox 0,000,004,000 g 34 Lou~on ( 1956) 109 r~
109 Hau~ Py~nees FR area 4b/3b >
w/MiSt Q/Col reg/sit, qzt//lira cont Muox/Mn$i, rhdn, 80*/* 0,000,036,000 R 40 Lougnon(1956) 109
II0 LesCabesses FR field 3b Wk/Sc2 D31 Cbl ~//dol, cgl,sh gr Mnox, haus some 0,000,082, 290 16.6 Lougnon(1956) 110
II0 Romanecbe ( C. Fnmce ) FR de~2 4b/4¢ W/lh2v Q/J? ark,l~ n-m/hd Mnox/beau 80*/* 0,000,172,000 40 Louanon(1956) It0
111 Bierleux,Meuvi~e (LJnne BG set2 3b SVxct Or bi~,qzt: / phI ~r hema, MncO, $id¢ some Fc 0, (~0,128, OGO 12 :.ncioa ct ~. ( 19~ ) 1ll
112 I ~ lbcde DB field 3b Sxt3 Cr3 ist,eel,phs//am, n-m goel some Fe 0,005,575,500 3.15 Watther (1986) 112
(Ni~k~uu:a~n ) shl
113 Lindco~ Mm'k DB dep2 4b/3b Wkl Set2 F.c-O11 D2 ely,rbL cnc/dol s-c/a-m $o¢1,Mnox, mang 100% (Fe) 0,001,400,000 17.5 Bottke (1969) 113
114 Siqgrland. Wicd Digr. DB di$tr 4¢ W/IMv D sit, trn hd side, Mnox some O,011,825, 000 5.5 Wel~g'¢(1986) 114
115 WMdalg~ (Bmgen) DB dc~2 4b/3b Wk/So> CM- ks/ Eo- O11 D2 d~, ¢bl,cac/do[ s-c/~- m goeL,Mnox, maag I00~ fie) 0,001,400, 000 19 Bo'~t (|%9) 115

116 Gon~en (Sarlpms;S1. HL dcp2 4b/3b W/S¢I T/J2 reelbif,mnf, lira s- gr hema, maghaus, some Fe 0,000,040,000 R 20 Epp~cht(1946) 116
Ganen) Mnox
117 Bieb~- (Yoerros,~gh DB di~r 4b/Jb Wk/ SC12 T~ D rbl,ely/lira,anl m m Mnox much O,~ , 300, ~ 0 20 fieyschhtBel M. (1916) 117
t 18 [Ifeld(ll~z) DR (~kl 4c WI lh3"~ MZI Pe hdv, and, ara,has hd Mnox, mang, brau, some 0, U00,050,000 S 30 fieyscldagetal.(1916) 118
119 llmcmm-Gchrcn DR field 4c W/lh3v MZ/Pe hdv, am, rhy-tuf n-m Mnox, mang some 0,000,060,000 S 30 Ik3'schlagetal.(1916) 119

120 Lombardian Prtalps IT area 4a W/Stl Pc/Tr arn,cO, lira,dol s-gr side,Mnox, goet much Fe 0,000, 768,000 4.8 Zitnnann,ed. (1977) 120
121 SosAghedm(W.Sardinia) IT de~2 4a AS2cg T3 mg ¢gl//tuf,has hd Mnox 0,000,033,500 30 Guerin (1979) 121
121 Capo-Be~o(W. Sardinia) IT dep2 4¢ lh3v Mi mnf, cly,och,jsp,rhy hd Mnox 0,(g30,135,000 30 Guerin (1979) 121
122 Gam~te~a IT field 4b/I V$2a J jsp,bn, bus,shl s-gr brau > Mncb, rhdn some 0,000,131, ~30 19 Burckhardt and Falini 122
123 Monte Algent~fio IT d~2 3b/4c W/[bAr P~/T~ hm, b~t s-~ goel,hema, mang some (Fe) 0,000, 231,000 15 Burckhardtand Falini 123
(Tulc~y) (1956)
124 F ' r i ~ (Ccmr. Bohemia) CS field 4c Wg/[hlv Co dia,slt,cgl,ark,a~ hd Mncb, side, Mnox some AgPbZn 0,008,000,000 S 4.5 Kulina(1963) 124
125 Hod~s,anz/Lofer ( E. Li- AS depl 2 Set4+ J3 shl- c//lira, dol n- m Mncb some 0,005,000,~0 22 W~ther(1986) 125
mest. A>
126 J e a n e r / K o ~ (N. DB depl 2 Set4+ J3 sld-c//lira,dol n- m Mncb some 0,000, 025,000 25 W~ther(1986) 126
127 L¢chlalerA]l~n (Strength) AS horiz 2 sCT4+ J] mrl//lira,dol,shl n-m Mncb 0,000,405,0GO 13.5 Lechnerand Flochinger 127
128 Golling(l~tmmereck,etc.), AS dep2 2 Sc14 J3 mrl//Jim, dol,shl n- m Mncb, Mnox some 0,000,487,000 13 . LechnerandFIochldlgr 128
Sal> (1956)
129 Chvaletice (Central CS field 3a SV3+ I'13 mnc, sh- c//srh, bus gT Mncb, pyri some 0,005,000,000 15 Pouba(1956) 129
130 F . ~ Emenerz(Slyria) AS dep2 3a W/SV3xc S- D sde, lira, srh, sh- c s-gr side, anke Fe 0,013,750,000 2.5 HoUandMaucher 130
131 Huetlenberg( Carinthia) AS field 4b/3a(m) W/lhlr T/PZ rbl/stir, mbl//set, s- c/amf side, go¢t, Mnox part Fe 0,001,500,000 S 3.5 ClarandMeLvmer 131
am/" (1953)
133 Kisovce-Svabovce CS set2 3b W/St2 Eo- Ol am- shl//coa n- m Mncb, pyri, Mnox some 0,000,900,000 18 lhvsky(1976) 133
1M Burshtya (Fort- SU-UK dislr 3b Sc3 Mi tort, d y / / l u f n- m Mncb, Mnox some 0,000,050,000 e 15 VarentsovandRakhma- 134
Carpat~i*ns) nov (1974)
135 Cucma (Roz~va) CS dep2 3ac SV2b Cm- S phi- ¢, che, bus gr, conl Mncb, rhdn, Mini some ~000.010,000 S 32 Kantor(1954) 135
136 Vatnt Dofnei (lacobeni, RU distr 4b/3a(m) Wt/MVS3<'x T/Pt3- Cm rbl/¢tz- c//set, srh gr Mnox/Mncb, rhdn much 0,001,925,0fi0 26 Ianovici(t956) 136
137 Razoare(M. Transylvania) RU field 3a(m) MVS3 PT3? mnc, gon, msh, qzl-c amf Mncb/rhdn, Mnsi some 0, 000,100, 0~) E 19.14 lanovici(1956) 137
138 SebesMo1~unas gIJ field 3a(m) MVS PT3 mnc, gon, msh, qzt-c amf spes, rhdn, Mnsi some 0,000,200,0(}0 E 20.7 lanovid(1956) 138
139 DeBoesti.SemenicMts. RU field 3a (m) W/MVS3 Cml go~msh//qzl, sct, amf, cont fadn, spes,Mnsi some 0,000,100,000 M 20 Iano¢ici(1956) 139
140 Chiprovtsi-Martinovo BL field 3b/4c lhls Tr/Cr sdr hd Mnox, side some FePbZn 0,000,495,000 6.53 lovchev(1961) 140
t4l Kl'etlliko~t$i(~Igl~Ofi ) BL dep2 3'O llar Tr2 dol//stir, ist s- gr sider, hcma, ban some Fe, Pb 0, 015, 300, 0~0 6.2 lovchev ( 1961) 141
142 Pozharevo ( C. Bulgaria) BL field 3a VS4 Cr3 tuf-mrl,and- brx, s-gr Mnox some (Cu) 0,000,018,000 31.I lovcfiev(1961) 142
143 Drama (E.Macedonia) GR field 4b/3a (m) W/lhlv T/P13 reg/hdv, mbl, set n- m/amf Mnox, Mncb, Mnsi, much 0,000, 272,000 M 27.2 Mminos (1982) 143
144 Kavala ( N. Cneece) GR distr 4b/3a/4c W/lh3vr Q/PZ/T reg/hdv/mbl//sct n-m/hal Mnox>Mncfi, goet much ZnPbAs 0,000,133,000 19 Anastopoulosetal. 144
145 EBer-Demjen (S. Bukk HU distr 3b Stl O1 mcb, mrl, cly//agl, n-m Mncb>Mno~ some 0,004,000,000 S 18 Morvai(1982) 145
MU.) rest
146 Laurium (Attika) GR depl 4b/3a/4¢ W/lhlr Q/PZ/T reg/mbl//sct, grd n-m/hd Mncb, anke,Mnox much FePbAg 0,000,115,000 11.5 Anastopoulosetal. 146
147 Cevljanovici( B O ~ ) YU field 3a SV3 ctx Tr2 jsp, che//lira, sfi, s-gr Mnox, brau,haus some 0, 000, Ill,000 37 Ramovic and Kulcnovic 147
bus (1964)
148 Varts (Bo~mia) YU field 3a SV3xc Tr2 ist//chc, dol, sh- c s-gr side,anke,hem& bail some Fe 0,008,200,000 3.5 Cissarz (1957) 148
149 UA'ul (Bakony Mrs.) HU field 2 W/So2 I1 mnc, mrl, mnf//lira n-m Mncb> Mnox some 0, 001,252, 0(Xt 22 Cseh- Nemeth et al. 149
150 EplenyS.E. (BokonyMts.) HU depl 4b/3b Wk/Stl EOI dy,rbL ¢1a¢//arl~, ~,-m Mnox, mang some 0, 000,100, 0 ~ R 25 Cselv Nemeth et al. 150
151 EplenyWest (BtkonyMts.) HU depl 3b W/Sc2 Jl o~af,c|y/ / mrL,lira u-m Mnox > Mncb some 0,000,300,000 R 22 Cseh- Nemeth et al. 151
152 Varna (Dobrog~) BL area 3b Stl OI mrl, rest//am n-m M¢c~, Maox some 0,005,050,000 18 lovchev (1961) 152
153 Khoethchevat( Bus River) SU-UK field 4b/3a (m) w/MSc T/Ar rbl,dy/mbl n- m/amf Mnox/Mncb 100% 0,000,030,000 E 30 VarentsovandRakhma- 153
nov (1974)
154 Ingldets(KrivoiRos) SU-UK depl 3a W/MVS2 Ptl reg/M- bus,set gr Mnox, mangmagn some Fe 0,000,300,000 R 30 Buros(1977) 154
155 Mezhdurechye(S. Ukrain- SU-UK field 3b Stl OI mrl, msl, cly n- m Mnox, man~ Much some O, egO,000,000 20 Buros (1977) 155
Jan Ba>
156Nikopol(S. UkrainianMn SU-UK horiz 4b/3b Stl OI mfi, ms(, dy n- m Mnox, mang, M n ~ some 0, 940,000,000 20 Varcntsovand Rakbma- 156
Basi > nov (1974)
157 BolshoiTokmak SU-UK honz 3b Stl OI rod, ms( n- m Mncb 0,490,000,000 24.5 VarenBOv and Rakhma- 157
(S.Ukrainian B > nov (1974) Z
158 DemyanovskiDep, (Azov SU-UK dep2 3a(m) MY $2 A," rash, Ion / / gns, amf amf rhdn, spes some 0,000,500,000 E 21 Sidorenko, cd. ( 1975) 158
Sea) rrl
159 KcrchPcnins. SU-UK distr 3b Sxt3 PI ist/mst, lim n- m side, goet, Fed some Fe 0, 057,000, 000 3 Sokolovand Grigor'ev 159 rrl
160 LabaRiver(N.Caucasus) SU-RS distr 3b Stl O13- Mil rod, ms( n- m Mnch, Mnox some 0,003,000,000 10 Vm'cnBovand Rakhma- 160
nov (1974)
161 Shkmenkoe(D'zhinda SU-GR dep2 3b Stl OI1 mnf, mnc, arq, ark, s- c Mnox, Mncb some 0, 026,000, 000 20 Buros (1977) 161
Massif) dy -]
162 Chiatum(DzhimlaMassif) SU-GR field 3b Stl OI1 mnf, mnc, arq,arL s-c Mnox, Mncb some 0, 600,000,000 20 Varentsov and Rakhma- 162
ely nov ( 1974)
163 Sevkar-Sari~ukh SU-AR set2 3a SV4c J3 - Cr3 che,fire,ave,and s-gr Mnox, nmng haus some 0, 000, fi80, 000 S 20 yashvili (1980) 163
164M~Peains.(Ca~ SU-KZ hor/z 3b Scl OII lim, do1 n- m MBeb some 0,002,640,000 8 Dvomv and Sokolova 164 r"
pian> (1986) r"
165 N. UrahPaleoc. Bs. SU-RS area 3b SH Pc agl, arq, rest n- m Mncb, Mnox some 0,031,800, 000 21.2 Yarentson and Rakhraa- 165
nov (1974) o
166 KJevakino (C. Urals) SU- R5 dep2 3a VS4 D2 che,shl//and, has Mncb, rhdn,spes, some 0,000,100, 0~0 E 26 Varentsov and gakhma- 166 o
Mnox nov (1980) z
167 TagibKushvinsk, UralMts. SU-RS distr 3a w/SV3c Q/DI lim//has, ira s- gr Mncb, Mnox some 0,000,440,000 29 Buros (1977) 167
168 Ulutelyak (Fore- Ural) SU- RS field 3b Sc3 I~1 lim,m d / ~ n- m Mncb, Mnox some O, 000, 900, 000 10 Gribov (1972) 168
169 Bildmlov,.kMnhoriz., SU-RS belt 3a VS?.a S jsp, che, fit//has, gr rhdn, brau, Mnox some 0,000,600,000 30 Popov (1979) 169
S.Urals mf
170 Magaitogorsk Mn area SU- RS area 3a w/SV3 D3 jsp, che//and, dac, s- gr, cont brau, rhdn, Mnox some 0,000,600,000 20 Varentsov and Rakhnm- 170 m
tuf nov (1974)
171 Buyuk Eynmr ( Balikesir TK dep2 4b/3a W/VS4 Q/T2 rbl, brx/che, ave, hd Mnox, heraa much F¢ 0, 001, 000, ~ 5 Ozkocak et al. (1977) 171
Prov. ) and >
172 Kanlku~ (CentralAnatolia) TK field 4a AS21k T2 ave,rhy-mr//[ira n- m Mnox, goet,hema some Fe O,{~0, 420, 000 ]0 Oziocak atd. 0977) 172 Z
173 Yukari Sarikaya TK field 3b (m) w/MSct PZ mbl, qzl / / set am( bixb, hema, magn some Fc 0, 000, 555,105 5.35 Ozkocak et al. (1977) 173 -t
174 Asihmb¢l (C.Anatolia) TK dep2 4b/3a(m) W/MS Ct T/PZ re:g/mb], sc'1 n- m / gr Mnox, 8oc1,hema 100% Fe 0 , ~ 0 , 1 8 L 000 12.5 Ozkocak el al. (1977) 174
175 Deveci ( Malatya Prov. ) TK dep2 4b/3a W/SV4c Q/Cr/Eo reg/lira//am, shl, hd Mnox, goet, side, 60~ Fe 0,000,350,000 4.1 Ozkocak ¢t aL (1977) 175 m
and anke
176 TroodosMB. (W.Cyprus) CY distr 1 VS 2b Cr och, shl//bas s- gr Mnox, 8oel some Fe 0, 000, 298, 00~ 8 GuiUemot and Nestcroff 176
(1980) ©
] 77 Timna ( Akaba Rift) IS field 3b WISe3 Cm2-3 dob am, shl n-m Mnox I0~ 0, 002,956,000 29 Bar- Mat(hews (1987) 177
178 Wad/Amba (Ataba Rift ) JO field 3b W/Sc3 Cm2-3 dob llrn, sift-c n-m Maox some tCu) 0,0fi0,266, 000 33.2 Bigot (1981) 178
179 Um Bogma (SW Sinai) EG field 3b w/Sc3 Cbl dol, l i r a / / s h l , raft, n- m Mnox, mang, haus much 0,00 I,750,000 35 Man and Sa~ (1972) 179
180 Wadi Mialik (S.E. Desert) EG field 4b/3b (m) CI Mi/PCm clll, am/dio n- m / amf Mnox, hema, 8oet some 0,000,001,272 57.8 Atria (1956) 180
181 Bahafiya Oasis, W.Desert EG distr 4b/3b W/Sxc3 QI Eo2 reg, is(. lim n- m hema, goc',,Mnox much Fe 0, 007, 600, 0~) 3,04 Zitzmann (1977) 181
182 Slata TU dep2 3b/4c wg/lhr Q/Eo2 hdv, lira, dol n- m side, goct, Mnox some Fe 0, 000, 055, 420 3.4 Massin (1977) 182
183 Kahal de Brezina AG field 4b $II Cr3 am//fire, md, gyp n- m Mncb, Mnox some 0,000,055,100 17 Lucas (1956) 183
184 Jeb¢l Guetarca AG field 4a AS3 Pt3 tuff, arL ave / / rhy gr brau, Mnox, piem, some 0,000,690,000 45.7 Lucas (1956) 184
185 Olib-ea-Nim (Oujda MR dep2 3a VS4 Cbl )sp,scl,tuf//dac, ~ brau > Mnox, Mncb, some 0,000,012,000 37.5 Vincienne (1956) 185
r~on ) rhy haus
186 Bou Affa MR horiz 3b Wk/Sc4 J1 dol,lim,rbl//ark, n-m haus.Mnox much 0,000,120,000 40 Vincienne (1956) 186
187 AyattadTiaratine, AyalD. MR set2 3b SC4 Jl mnf, lira- c / / d o l n- m haus, jacb, Mnox some 0,000,120,000 40 Hewer( (1966) 187
188 Imini ( S. dope Haut Atlas ) MR field 3b Set3 Cr3 mfl- dol, b r x / / a r n n- m Mnox some 0,003,440,~ 0 50 ForocetaL(/986) 188
189 Tasdrcmt ( S. Haut Afias) MR field 3b Set3 Cr3 raft-dol/arn n- m Mnox some 0,000,615,000 44 Vincienne (1956) 189
190 Tiounine, OuanazateDistr. MR field 4a AS31k Pt3 shl, c~l, tuf//rhy, s- gr brau, Mnox some 0,000,225,~0 45 Bouladon and 3ouravsky 190
and (1955) i
191 E1fio~ veto (Ouartazate MR depl 4c W$/lh3v Pt3 rhL tuf,ave,c~. M Maox > hrau,bail much 0,000,007,500 15 Bouladonand Jounvsky 191 .Ix
Dist> (]955)
192 Jcb¢l Sarhlo, Oualzazat¢ MR aria ¢¢ W/lh3v Pt3 rhy,tuf,arc,cgl hd Mnox > brau,ban much 0, 0~. filfi, 000 15 Bouladonand Jouravsky 192
Distr (1955)
194 ldikel (Afem/Pass) MR dep2 4a AS 31k ['12 dol//qil, shl,rhy, s-gr haus,brau,rhdn, some 0, 0~0,043, 000 43 Bouladonand Jouravsk~ 194
arc Mnox (1956)
194 Om'zazateM. veins (Anti- MR area 4¢ Wg/lh3v Pt3 rh'~,tuf,ave,cgl hd Mnox > brau,bail much 0, DO0,200, 000 50 Bouladonand Jouravsky 194
Afia> (]955)
195 Ansongo M[ fidd 4b/3a (M) "~t/M'¢fi2 Q/Ptl cnc,rbl,ely//gon, s-c / ~'af Mnox > Slg'S,Mnsi 100% 0, 004, 0~0, 000 40 Servant (1956) 195
196 ( fiurkira Faso) UV field 4b/3a (m) Wt/MVS2 Q/F~I dy, d~/gon / / scL s-c / amf Mnox/spes I00% 0,001,200,000 30 Servant (1956) 196
197 Tambao (SWBurkina Faso) UV field 4b/3a(m) Wlt/MVS2 Q/PH cnc,rbl,cly/mnc, s-c / amf Maox > M~cb, sl~s, 100% 0, 00g, 662, 000 52 Perseil and 197
gon beau (1978)
198 Bondottkou IV fieki 4b/3a (mJ wd/MY S2 Q/Ptl Itr,rbl/gon,mnf s-c / amf Mnox > haus,mang 100% 0, 000, 250, 0~O 40 Servant (1956) 198
199 Nsuta (oxide ore) GH field 4b/3a (m) Wlt/MVS2 + Q/FII cnc,rbl,dy/nmc, s-c / amf Muox> M~cb, ~ 100% O,fil8,000, DO0 48 Perseil and Grandin 199
gon brau (1978)
199 Nsuta. carbonate ore GH field 3a(mJ MVS2 + PII mnc, gon/scl-c amf Mncb, brau,spes 0, 005, 610, 000 25.5 Perseiland Caandin 199
200 Grand Lahou (Mokta) IV field 4b/3a (m) Wtl/MVS2 Q/Ptl fir,rbl/gon s-c/amf Mnox 100% 0, 001,100, (~0 44 Rolx'r (1956) 200
201 Blafo-Gueto IV fie~id 4b/3a (m) wt/MYS3 Q/Ptl rbl,dy / sctl/ r~y s-c/~ Mnox 100% fi, 000,400,0(~0 E 40 CnzadinzmdPcr~i] 201
202 M'Bou¢~ou IV dep2 4b/3a (m) wt/Mrs2 Q/Ptl cly,rbl/ gon / / scL s-c/amf Mnox/spes 100% 0,060,200,000 S 27.5 Serv~t (1956) 202
203 Lagnokaha(Korho$o IV dep2 4b/3a (m) Wd/MY $2 Q/Ptl ltr, rbl / gon s-c/amf Mnox > sa~s 100% 0,000,371,250 30 Servant (1956) 203
204 l ~ b l e M. (Korhogo IV dq~2 4b/3a wt/MVS2 Q/P11 ely, rbl/son//set, grnl,gmt Mnox/spes 100% O,~, 690, 000 23 Set.ant (1956) 204
D.) qz't
205 MmndJLoxideot~ GB field 4b/3b 9¢1/Sxt2+ Q/PI2 cnc, rbl, dy/mnc, sit s-c / s-gr Mnox / Mncb 100% 0,275,000,000 R 35 Bouladonetal.(1965) 205
206 Mmmda-OkoumaPl.,Mn GB hofiz 3h fixl 2 + P12 mnc- c, sit- c//cbn, s-gr Mncb, pyri 6,500,000,000 R 13.5 Leclercand Weber 206
pmtort arn (1980)
21)7 Quimt~ Ccmra/An$ola AN field 4b/4¢ Wt/Ihlr Q/PCm rbl/hdv, fir, sye,gns s-c/amf Mnox. mang. rhdn, much 0, 0~0, 040, 000 R 51.1 Kaoch¢ (1982) 207
208 Quicuiahe, Central Angola AN field 4b/3b Wt/CI Q/1:13 rbl/am, cgl s- c / ? Mnox, mang rhdn much 0,00|, 390, 000 55.8 Kaoche (1952) 208
209 Kise~l~ (W.Shal~): Mn ZI depl 3a(m) MVS P12 gon/qzt, sot- c amf spes 0, 002, 000, 000 E 20 Doyen (1973) 209
2 l0 KJ~al~- Kamata: oxideo~ 7_1 field 4b/3a (m) wt/MVS Q/P~2 rbl, reg/gon, mnc vc/amf Mnox t~ fi, fliT, 000, 000 35 Schufiingand Orose- 210
mans (1956)
211 Kamatl (W.Shaba): Mn ZI depl 3a(m~ MVS2+ I~2 mac- b, set- b amf Mncb > brau, spes 0, 010, 000, O~O S 40 Doyen (1973) 211
213 Fort gosebery ZA field 4c Wt/Ihlv Q/Pt rbl, rcg/ppb, Ip'n s-c/M nox 100% O,flO0,fiSO,000 e 50 Foc~ ~md Austen 213
214 ChowaM., Kabwearea ZA dep2 4b/3b (m) wt/Ih2 Q/Pt Itr, rbl, cly//set, grit s-c / amf Mnox > mang 100% fi. 000, fi22, gO0 33 Fockema and Austen 214
215 Chiwefwe ( Zambia ) ZA d~2 4b/3b(m) wtt/[h2 Q/P~2 |tr, tb|,cly, egl,brx n-m/and Mnox, mang 100% 0, 000, 028, 000 47 Fockema~ d Auslen 215
216 Kampum~ (Zambia) ZA field 4b/3a (m) Wt/Mrs Q/PCm rbl, teg/mnc, mnf// s-c/amf Mnox/Mncb, haus, 80% Fe 0,000,050,000 S 55 FockemaandAusten 216
gas brae 0956)
217 Chilwa Island MW field 4c [ml ctt- sdr n-m side, Mnox some Fe 0,000,260,000 g.6 Ganoa (|956) 217
2if, En Kafala (N. &far) El" dep2 3a SV2c Q bavlim / / tuf s-c Mnox, nont, man.g, some 0, 000, 08fi,~ E 40 Bonatti et al. (1972) 218
219 Mrima Hill ( Mombasa KY dep2 4b/4¢ Wlk/IMI Q/ rbl, dy/ctt s-c Mnox > side.bafi 100% 0 , ~ , 15fi,000 27.5 Pulfrey(19~) 219
rni~) t-
220 Gn~phiteSyst.,S. blA area 4b/3a (m) Wt/MVS2+ Q/P~I reg/gon, msh//sct, s-c/amf Mnox,$pes,rhdn 100% 0, 001, 500, 0~O E 40 Boulanger(1956) 220 N
Madagascar am/" Z
221K'afi(AlasaDiszr.) fiO.KZ depl 3a SV3 ctx + D3- Cbl mnf, bff, che, lim-c s-gr, hd brau,, some Fe 0, 002, 95fi, t~O 20 Bond~yevandShcherba 221
Mncb ( 1968 )
222 Ushkatyn (Atasu Distr.) SU- KZ fidd 3a SV3etx+ D3- Cbl mnf, bif, che, lira- c s- gr, hd brau,jacb,haus, some FeZnPb 0,002,000,0~0 10 Ikmdtayev and Shchetha 222 K
Mncb (1968)
223 WvaKantzhal (Atasu SU-KZ depl 3a SV3ctx+ D3- Cbl rrmf, blf, che, lim- c s- ~, hd brau,jacb,haus, some FeZnPb 0,013,200,0(X} 27.2 Borukayev and Shcherba 223
Distr.) Mncb (1%8) Z
224 Z~airem (Atasu Distr. ) SU-KZ field 3a SV3 ctx + D3- Cbl mnf, bif, che, lim- c s- gr, hd hrau,jacb,haus, some FeZnPb 0,000,900,000 S 8 BorukayevandShcherba 224
Mncb (t%8) rrl
12 Bonff.ayev and Shchcrba 225 U7
225 AtasuDistfiet, others SU-KZ distr 3a SV3 ctx+ D3- Col mnf, bif, che, lira- c s- gt, hd brau, jacb, haus, some FeZnPb 0,060,950,000 t'~
Mncb (1968)
226 Dzhezda ( Kantkhstan ) SU-KZ dep2 4b CI D3 c~l,ark n-m brau some 0, 000, 050, (300 E 18 RundkvisL cd. ( 1978) 226
227 Zhaksy-Kotr ( K a ~ SU-KZ d ~ 2 4a AS2cg D3 cgl,arn / / tuf-brx n-m Mnox, brau some 0,1300,240,000 S 20 La2ur (1980) 227
228 Takhta- Karacha Pas* SU-UZ field 3a W/VS2b $3 mnc, che,lim / / has, gr,cont Mncb> spes,Mnox some 0,000,080,000 S 15 Varentsov and P.akhma- 228
(Zeravsha> dt nov (1974) m
229 Ghorband Valley AF dim 4b/3a W/SV2c S-D che,lim,has gr Mnox much 0,000, 032,000 S 32 Tv~chrdidzc (1972) 229 c~

230 Bela ( I ~ l a S t a t e ) PK distr 4b/I Wt/VS2b Q/TI rbl,cly/shl,bas,che gr Mnox 100% 0, 000, 210, 000 42 Master (1956) 230
231 Khuzdar (Pakistan) PK distr 4b/3a W/v-~ Q/Cr-TI rbl,cly/tit,and,che s-c / gr Mnox 100% 0,000, 387,000 43 Master (1956) 231 t"'
232 PanchMalmls, Baroda IA-GU distr 4b/3b (m) Wh/Mst Q/lhl Itr,rbl,dy/rnnf,8on s-c / gr Mnox,brau, SlgS 90% 0, 000, 725, 000 47 Roy (1981) 232 r"
233 Jhabea (W. Madhya IA- MP distr 4b/3b ( m ) Wt/MISt Q/PII rbl,cly/mnf,gon s-c/gr Mnox, brau, bixb, 90% 0, 000, 700, 000 35 Lahiti (1971) 233
Pndesh) spcs o
234 Adilabad ( N. Andhra IA- AP distr 4b/3b wt/Sc3 Pt3 rbl,cly/mnc, lira-sI'ds-c / s-gr Mnox 90% 0, 000, 500, 000 E 40 Roy (1981) 234
Pradesh ) z
Mnox/brau some 0.005,750,1300 50 Roy (1981) 235 m
235 B ~ t Mine (Sausar IA- MP dep2 4b/ Wt/MSt Q/P13 thl/mar,jsp,set s-e/amf
236 DOnl~Buz'urg (Sau~r IA-MH field 4b/3b (m) WI/MSI Q/lh3 reg,mnf, set s-c/amf Mnox, mang, jacb, part 0, 004, 600,000 R 53 Roy (1959) 236
Group ) brau
237 Sausar Or. Mn others (C. IA area 4b/3b (m) Wt/MSt Q/P13 thl/mnf,jsp,set s-c/amf Mnox/brau some 0, 046, 000,000 47 Roy ( 1981 ) 237 m
lndi >
Q/I~I reg,rbl,dy/mnf, gon s-c/amf Mnox, brau, bixb, 80% 0, 000, 500, 000 S 30 Roy (1981) 238 ,o
238 Gan~ur(N. Orissa) IA-OR distr 4b/3b (m) Wt/MSt TX
239 Joda (Bonai- Keonjhar- IA- OR field 4b/3b Wh/MSx Q/Ar rbl,ely/bif,mnf s-el s-gr Mnox, man8 100% 0, 001,300, 000 40 TATA Corp. (1988) 239
Singhbum ) -t
240 Bonai- Keonjhar- Singhbum, IA area 4b/3b Wt/SX Q/Ar rbl, ely/bif, mnf s-c/s- gr Mnox, mang 100% 0, 008, 200, (300 32 Roy (1981) 240
othe >
241 Kalahandi, Khoraput, Patna [A-OR area 4b/3a (m) Wh/MVS Q/Ar ltr, rbl, reg cly/8on s- c/grnl Mnox> brau 100% 0, 001,260, G00 30 Roy (1981) 241 m
242 Srikakulam IA- AP belt 4b/3h ( m ) Wt/MSt Q/PCm rbl, cly/mnf, gon, grnl, grnt Mnox, brau, hdn, 90% 0,001,700,000 42 Rao (1964) 242
( Vtzappatnam ) mth Mnsi
243 NoMh Kanara-Goa IA distr 4b/3a Wh/MVSx Q/Ptl lit, rbl,dy/bif, jsp s-el gr Mnox, brau 10(~ 0, 002,100, 000 35 Roy ( 1981 ) 243 ©
244 Shimoga- Chitaldra8 IA- KA distr 4b/3a Wt/MVSx Q/Ptl rbl, ely/qzt, s h / / b i f s- c/gr Mnox 106% 0,000, 600,000 40 Karunakaran (1956) 244
245 Tayezhno¢ (¥enisei Range) SU- SB field 3b St3+ Pt2-3 rune,che,sh-c,am gr Mncb, Mnox some 0,000, 500,000 E I0 Gurvich(1981) 245
245 Sander-B¢lla~ IA- KA distr 4b/3a Wt/MVS2 Q/Ptl rbl, cly/jsp, sit, bas s-c/gr Mnox 100% 0, 005, 548,000 40 Kamnakaran (1956) 245
247 Dumovsk(SalairRange) SU-SB field 3a VS 5c Cml - 2 jsp,the/rhy, lira gr brau, Mnox some 0, 000,120, 000 20 Varentsov and Rakhma- 247
nov ( 1974 )
248 U ~ (Usinskoe), Kuznetsk SU- SB field 3a MV $3c + Cml rune,Jim,dol-c// gr Mncb > Mnox 12.5% 0,020,120, 000 22 Varenttov and Raldama- 248
Alat> phl-c nov ( 1974 )
249 Oldakit (Angara Range) SU- SB field 3b Stl Cml mnc, am, s0,shl n-m Mncb 0,002,000,000 10 Varentsov and Rakhma- 249
nov (1974)
250 Ikal- Gargins (Tmns- SU- SB field 3b/4c MtSt Pt3/PZI jsp, cbn, Mn- shl, hnf cont Mncb, rhdn some 0, 000,100,000 E 22.3 VarentsovandRakhma- 250
Baikal) nov ( 1980 )
251 S~m-Zaba(LBaikal) SU-SB dep2 3a(m) MVS3c Ar3 Mn-mbl//qzt, gns, amf Mn- talc, Mnsi, some 0,000,060,000 6 Varentsov and Rakhma- 251
amf Mnox nov (1980)
252 West Khubsugul L area MO area 3a Scl Pt3- Cm jsp,che//lira,dol, gr brau, haus, Mnox some 0, 003, 000, 000 E 30 Borzakovr,kii wt ld. 252
phs (1971)
253 Leglier Ser. (Taezhnoe, SU- SB distr 3Ac (mm) lhh Ar Mg- skr, mbl//gns, amf magn, Mnsi F¢ 0,150, 000, 000 R 5 Vomna et al. (1972) 253
etc.; > amf
254 Uda R.- Shantar lsl., Okh- SU- SB area 3a VS2a Cml jsp, che, ill//has, gr brau, rhdn, Mnox some 0, 043,000,000 43 Varentsov and Rakhma- 254
olsk > 0m nov (1974)
255 M~d,jiK.hinltaa SU-SB ~str h MSx PI3- Cm mnf, bif//che, sh, $r brau,Mnch, ham some Fe 0,002,1{30,000 21 Yc~rov and Tiraofeeva 255
dol (1972)
256 Wafanl~ (ChJoyangan~a) CH-LI field 3b St3+ P12-3 mnf, mnc, sit//lim, s-g mang brau, Mnch, some 0, O01,500, O00 25 Muraoka ( 1956) 256
do1 Mnox
257 LingyanMine CH- LI field 3b Set Pt3 mnc, dt//lim, dol s-gi Mnch> Mnox some 0,000,070,000 I0 Muraoka (1956) 257
258 Chinl~ien (W. Liaoning) CH- L1 field 3b/4¢ lhls ~3 skr, lim//sit, gin cont, hd rhdn, Mnox some PbZn 0, ~0, 032, O00 30 Muraoka (1956) 258
259 TaojmagMine(Hunan) CH-LI dep2 3b St3t Or2 shl-c,lim n-m Mncb> Mnox some 0, O01,400, O00 20 Fan Delinnetal.(1988) 259
260 TanmmmhanMine CH-HN dep2 3b St3t Pt3 slal-c.rune,lira s-g, cont Mnch> dab, Mnox some 0, 001,400, 000 20 Fan Delian el al. ( 1988) 260
261 X'.mngtan(Hsiangtan) CH-HN field 4b/3b Wt/$t3+ Q/Pt3 rbl,cly/shl-c.mnc n- m/s-gr Mnox/Mnch much 0,004,500,000 45 Ye Lianjun et a1.(1988) 261
262 MthleMme(Hunan) CH-HN field 3b St3+ Fi3 thl-c.mne s-gr Mncb > Mnox some 0, O00, 800, O00 E 30 YeLianjunctal.(1988) 262
263 C'heeg~u-Wltn~tan CH-HN ~ist~ 3b 513+ Pt3 ~-c//phs s-gr Mnch > Mnox some O,O01,O00,000 E 25 YeLianjunelal.(1988) 263
264 Gexue Mine ( Guizhou ) CH-GU field 3b SV2c PC Mn- ~m, brx, jsp// n-m Mnox > Mncb most O,000, 200, ~ 0 E 40 YeLinnjunetal.(i988) 264
265 ZunyiDi.slriet CH-GU dim 3b St3+ Pc3 mne, shl- c//tim, n-m Mnch. pyri.Mnox some 0, O02,000, O00 E 25 YeLinnjuaetld.(1988) 265
266 XialeiMinc CH-YU field 3h Sct4+ D3 mnc, che, lira, shl- c gr Mnch > Mnsi some 0,004,000,000 E 25 Wang Jinhang (1987) 266
267 HuaiMuang Mine TH s~t 4b/3b, redid Wtl St2 Q/Cbl ci¥,rbl/qzt,phi s-clg~en Mnchl Mnox 90~ 0, O00,020, O00 60 Jacobson( 1969) 267
268 Gtml Pedok M (Malaya) MY Sel 4b/3b WI/$13 T- Q/PZ Itr,reg//shl s-c/s-grs Mnox I 0,000,070,3O0 40 Saval~e(1956) 268
269 Mach~Sauthun (Malaya) M Y set 4b/3b Wt/S~3 PZ/T-Q sh~ s-gn Mnox 100% 0.O00.148,O00 40 Savage (1956) 269
270 Tokom Mine (N.E. NP field 3a W / V S 2a J jsp//has- tuf, shl, s-gr rhdn,piem.Mnox some Fe 0,000,120.000 S 12 Suzuki and Ohmachi 270
HokJ~do) has (1956)
271 laakemishi Mine NP de¢i 4c lh3v Mi and,rhy,tuf hd Mncb > alab some 0, O02,O00,0O0 27 Kaneko (1956) 271
272 Jokoku Mine (S.Hokl~odo) NP depl 4c lh3v Mi and, rhy hd Mnch> alab some O,000, 9~0, O00 S 25 Kancho (1956) 272
273 South HoldmidoMn veins NP distr 4¢ l~3v Mi and, :ay,tuf-brx hd Mnch > alab some 0, O00, 8O0,000 S 25 Kancho (1956) 273
274 Noda- TmnagswaMine NP field 3a/4c MtVS2 Pe/Cr che,hnf//slt,ave. cont Mncb, baus.Mini, some O, O00,180, O00 36 Watanabc el al. (1970) 274
(Honshu) has :ado
275 Kam Mine (Central NP field 3a/4c W/Mt Pc/Cr che,haf//at, arc, cont Mnch. ham, jach, some 0, O00,025, 000 25 Watanabcct M. (1970) 275
Honshu ) has alab
276 Hama¥okokawaM. (Na- NP do~2 3a SV2b+ Cb-Pe che/gt-c gr Mnch>ham, brau, some 0,000,123,000 30 Nishiwaki ¢t al. (1970) 276
gano Pref.) Maox
277 Ashio Mountain Land NP di$tr 3a VS2a Cb-Pe che//bas-mr, arc, s-gr Mnch> Mnox some 0, 000,1O0, O00 E 25 Watanabeetal. (1970) 277
278 Anami tnd Iplm Mines NP set2 3a VS2a Cb-Pe che,j ~ / / sh, bas ~r Mnch. rhdo.Mnsi, some 0, 000, 050, 000 25 Saito (1960) 278
(~aikoku) Mnox
279 Jaalltm Mine (S. Korea) KO field 3b/4¢ W/Set Cm rune, dot, brx cont Mnch. brau,Mnox some 0, 000, 2O0,O00 $ 30 Kim (19g0) 279
280 Siee,N.W. Luzon PH distr 4b/3;I Wt/VS4 Q/T rb[, ely/jsp, arc, tuf s-~" Mnox, brau much O,OO0,018, O00 36 wolff (1978) 280
281 Sierra Madre, Luzon PH dish" 4b/3a Wt/SV3 Q/OI rbl, ely/j~, has, sh s-~" Mnox, Mnch, rhdn much (lee) 0,0O0,249,0 ~ 40 Wolff (1978) 281
282 Santa Cntz, Marindtulue PH field 4b/3a Wt/VS4 Q/T rbl, ely/i~, itvc,tuf s-~ Mnox, bran much 0,0O0,~.2,0O0 42 Wolff (1978) 282
283 Muhate 1 ~ PH area 4b/3a Wt/VS4 Q/T rbl, dy/jsh, ave, tuf s-gr Mnox~brau much 0, O00,190, O00 48 Wolff (1978) 283
284 ~ Sil~ijor PH field 4b/3a Wt/VS4 Q/T rbl, ely/jsp, ave, tel s-gr Mnox, brau much 0, O00,033, 6O0 28 Wolff(1978) 284
285 BoholIsland PH field 4b/3a wt/VS4 QIT tb~,c[~lj~, tvc.tuf s-~ Mnox.~'au much O, O00,291,000 15 Wolff (1978), ~.IL Bou- 285
laager ( 1956)
286 T~udkmalaya(C. Jtwa) ID distr 4b/4a Wt/VS4 Mi rbl,cly/avc.j~,tuf s-c/s-gr brau~Mnox, ham some 0,000,150,000 28 Lazaicha, vis/t ( 1980) 286
287 Yol~ak~ta (Jl~va) ID distr 4b/4a Wt/VS4 Q/Mi2 rb~,d~/avc, j~, ttff s-c/s-gr bra'~t,M~x, haus some 0,000,039,006 40 Schmidt (1976) 287
288 HanesawoIsland (Solomon, SI dep2 4b/3a Wt/VS4 T ely, che, tnf n-m Mnox some 0,000,004,600 46 Thomlxon and Fisher 288
lsl.) (1967)
289 Form ( BfateIsland; NH dop2 4b/3a Wt/VS4 PI-Q cl,/,and-tttf, tim// n-m Mnox solr~ 0, O00,°A~,000 20 Warden [ 1970) 289
Vtnualu) has
290 Erroman$oIsland NH field 4b/3a Wt/VS4 PI-Q ely.and-tuf.lim// n-m Mnox some 0, O00,480, 0O0 30 Warden(1970) 290
( Vlmuatu)
291 Viti Levu Idand (Fiji) FJ distr 4b/3a Wt/VS4 Mi- PI cly, ~d- tuf, lim n- m Mnox some 0, O00,1O0,O00 48 CoUey and Greenbaum 291
292 Bourad,J07 Depos0 NC dep2 4b/I Wt/SV2b Eo reg/jsp, $hl//has, s-gr Mnox 100e/s 0, 0O~,004, 700 47 Amould and RoutMer 292 K
tuf (1956) >
293 Raymond Mine, Poya Basin NC dep2 4b/1 Wt/SV2b Q/TI rbl, reg/shL jsp// s-gr Mnox 100% 0,000,012,220 47 Arnould and Routhier 293
bes (1956) >
294 New Calulonia asbolitcs NC area 4b/1 Wl Eo/T,Q ltr/prd,scr uncon$ Mnox lO0~ Co 0,000,040,0 ~ R 20 Paris ( 1951) 294
295 Groot¢ Eyland! AU- NT field 4b/3b w0/Stl T/Crl cnc, rbl, mnf, md, s-c/n-m Mnox> Mncb pan 0, 222, 000, 000 45 Mclatosb et al. ( 1975) 295
296 Mud~tty H.S. (N. of AU- NT dep2 41)/3b wi/St T/P13 ara, sil//lira, shl n-m Mnox 100% 0, 000, 006, 800 46 Crohn (1973) 296
Tennant )
297 GladstoneMn district Au-QI distr 4b/3a Wt/SV2b Q/0¢-S reg/che, sit//has gr, cont Mnox > brau, rhdn 90% 0, 0fi0, 02 I, 800 48 Murray (1975) 297
298 AntHdl(E. PilbaraMn AU-WA field 4b/ wt/s13 T/P12 rbl,ely/shl s-c/s- gr Mnox 100% Fc 0,002,483,000 19.1 Blockley(1975) 298
distr) ,.q
299 Gre$oryRange-Woodie AU-WA distr 4b/3b WI/Set T/P~2 rbl, ely//lim s-el s-gr Mnox 100% 0, 0 ~ , 638,000 49. I Blocklcy( 1975) 299 re
300 ML Nicholas (E. Pilbara Mn AU- WA field 4b/3b wt/St3 T/P12 rbl, cly/$hl s- c/s- gr Mnox 100% Fe 0,007, 2(}0,000 5 Blocklcy ( 1975) 300
d) E
301 MountRove(E. PilbaraMn AU-WA field 4b/3b Wt/S13 T/Pt2 rbl, ely/shl s-c/s-f: Mnox 100% Fe 0,011,520,000 6.9 Blocldey(1975) 301 >
dis) r"
302 RiponHills(E. PdberaMn AU-WA field 4B/3B Wt/St3 T/Pt2 rbl, ely/shl s- c/s- gr Mnox 100% Fe 0, 010, 200, 0 ~ 19.4 Blocklcy(1975) 302
303 PeakHill AU-WA distr 4b/3a(m) WI/MSVx T/Ar Itr, reg cnc, rbl/bif s-c/amf Mnox I00% 0,000,276,000 40 Casey (1956) 303 0
304 Mourn Lucky,Lavenon AU- W A dep2 4b/3a(m ) Wt/MVS T/Ar ely, rbl//bif, qzt s-c/gr Mnox 100% 0,000,029,600 37 Cascy (1956) 304
305 Ravensthorpe(W. AU-WA distr 4b/3a(m) Wit/MVSx T/Ar Itr, rbL ely//bif, set s- c/amf Mnox, man8 100% 0,000,120,000 35 Casey (1956) 305 rn
306 Siberia-Ora Banda AU set 4b/3a W] At3 Itr/ser s-cons Mnox 100% Ni 0,000,020,000 s 20 Lof~us-Hill ( 1975) 306
307 Pernatty Lagoon AU- SA field 4b/3b Wk/Scl Q/Or ely, rbl/dol s-c/n-m Mnox 100% 0,000,135,000 40 Casey (1956) 307
308 IronMonarchM. (Middle- AU-SA depl 4fi/3a(m) Wt/MSx T/PO reg, spr, rbl//bif, sct s-c/amf Mnox>brau, mang 95% Fe 0,000,640,000 8 Casey (1956) 308 t'~
back R ) g
309 BrokenHifi (NS.W.) AU-NS field 3a(m) Wg/MVS3tx I~I slf,msh/gns, bif, amf rhdn,Mnsi,Mnox some PbZnAg 0,008,000,000 R 5 Hawhns (1968) 309 ,0
amf >
310Barraba-Tanworth-Walcha AU-QL bcfi 4b/3a Wl/VS2a Q/S-D ~g. jsp,che,shl// s-gr Mnox, rhdn 80% 0, 000, (KIT,700 35 Casey (1956) 310 Z
bas -]
311 Otjosondu (C. Namibia) NM field 3b(m) W/MSx 1~3 mnf, bif,qzt//set amf,gmt brau,jacb,Baus, some Fe 0, 002,030, 000 45 Roper (1956) 311
312 Lobats¢-Kgwakgw¢(S. BW field 3b W/St3 Ptl mnf, che//shl,sil, n-m Mnox some 0, 0~0, 095, 0~0 48 Baldocket al. ( 1976) 312 r~
Botswana) arn
312 Kasckelesa(Shaba) ZI dep2 4b/3b Wt/CI? Pl3 Itr,rbl,cgl n- m Mnox 100% 0, 000,110, 0 ~ 51 Schuilingand Gros¢- 312
mans( 1956) ©
313 Gopane SA/BW honz 3b Ptl lira//shl, qzl n- m Mnox, goct 100% O, 000, 418, 800 52 Steyn et al. (1986) 313 >
314 Bronkhofstfontein- Baden SA area 4b C2 P0 am n- m brau, Mnox some 0, 004, 625, 000 37 Hammcrbeck and Tal- 314 =
(Tran) jaardt ( 197)
315 KalahanMnField-Mama- SA horiz 3b Sx Ptl mnf- mnc//bif, jsp n-m brau, Mncb some Fe 4,193, 000, 000 31 Grobbelaar and Beukes 315
twan (Ty) (1986)
316 KaiahariMnFicld-Wessels SA field 3b Sx Pfi mnf- rune//bif, jsp flt/hd brau, haus, bixb some O, 175,000, 000 42 Grobbelaar and Beukes 316
Type (1986)
317 Postmasbu~ BasteraMn SA zone 3b Wk/Scl T/Pfl chc-brx//dol n- m brau, hans, Mnox some 0, 000,190, 000 R 38 Hammerbeck and Tal- 317
belt jaardt(197)
318 PostmasburgWesternMn SA zone 4b/3b Wk/Scl PII dol-shL che-brx// n-m bixb > jacb, brau, 100% 0. 005, 850, 000 39 Grobbelaarand Beukes 318
l~lt dol 8aus (1986)
319 Ai~eneys (Bushmanland, N1 SA field 3a(m) MVS3tx Ptl gon,rash,flu / bif, amf spes, Mnsi,jacb, bixb some PbZnAg 0,002,000,000 E 20 Hammerbeck and Tal- 319
Cape) gzt jaardt (197)
320 Gamsberg C1+2 Bed SA field 3a(m) MVS3tx Ptl gon,msh, flu / bif, amf spes, Mnsi,jacb, bixb some PbZnAg 0,005,000,000 E 20 Hammerbeck and Tal- 320
(Busbma~a) qzt jaardl ( 197)
321 ~eleznlk-Rtkog (E. CS set2 4b/3b WS/lhr T/Col g'g/stir, brx, lira- c gr Mnox, goet, side 50% Fe 0, 000, 560, 000 8 Papp (1919) 321
321 Marikan (Bafq Distr.) IN dep] 4a VS4 P13 jsp//ave, rhy, ira, gr, cont Mnox, hema, magn some F¢ 0, 000, 600, 000 5 Taghizadeh ( 1977) 321
322Nizhncudinsk(SayanMts.) SU-SB field 4b/3b W/Sd MZ- T/PI3 cgl, am, sd n= m Mnox > brau, haus 100 ( F¢) 0, 007, 800, 000 15.6 Varentsovand Rakhma- 322
nov (1980)

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