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1780 George Washington Future Invasion of America...............................................................................................2
1937Vision of California Superquake Joe Brandt Vision
A A Allen Destruction of America................................................................................................................................8
My Vision of the Destruction of America.....................................................................................................................8
Visions Dreams and Prophecies for America Prophetic word from God about the Collapse of the US Economic
System................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
1973 1985 1992 2009 David Wilkerson Economic Collapse then A Russian Invasion............................................16
1979 Sarah Hoffman Vision of the End of the World.....................................................................................................20
Visions Dreams and Prophecies for America Prophetic word from God about the Collapse of the US Economic
System................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Henry Gruver Russian Invasion of America....................................................................................................................24
Monday, August 12, 2013Daniel Rodes a Word to America..............................................................................................28
Daniel Rodes a Word to America...................................................................................................................................28
Prophecies from Dr. Patricia Green 5/20/2015 Prophecies from Dr. Patricia Green.....................................................56
John Paul Jackson's Southern Drought Prophecy Appears to Be Coming to Pass..................................................................64
Sunday, November 20, 2016 shane-warren-john-paul-jackson-americas.html...........................................................66
Shane Warren John Paul Jackson America’s Judgment begins 2018, 2020 the end of the world.........................66
Chuck Youngbrandt Destruction of America..................................................................................................................67

2017/ 2018 jeremiahjohnson-tv-blog

1780 George Washington Future Invasion of America
  George Washington had a vision of an end time invasion of the United States by Europe Asia and African nations under
the color red for communism.
The entire United States will be destroyed and left with fragments of resistance until the time of Jesus return to earth and at
that time the nations will fall back against the lord.
Son of the Republic, Look and Learn
~ A Vision of George Washington ~
"The Birth, the progress and the destiny of the United States"
"Son of the Republic, look and learn."
The father of our country, George Washington, was a man of prayer. Many of us have read of how he
went to the thicket many times to pray during the winter his army was at Valley Forge. However,
little publicity has been give to the vision and prophecy he received at that time.
The account of this vision was given in 1859 by an old soldier. He gave it to a writer, Wesley
Bradshaw, who published it. In the vision God revealed to George Washington that three great perils
would come upon the republic. He was given to know that America was going through the first peril
at that time. The old soldier who told the story of the vision said the nation would soon see the
account verified by the second peril descending upon the land.
We give the account here as printed in the U.S. war veterans paper The National Tribune, in
December 1880. The National Tribune became, "The Stars and Stripes", and this article was later
reprinted in that publication.
   I do not know whether it is owing to the anxiety of my mind, or what, but this afternoon, as I was
sitting at this table engaging in preparing a dispatch, something in the apartment seemed to disturb
me. Looking up, I beheld standing opposite to me a singularly beautiful being. So astonished was I,
for I had given strict orders not to be disturbed that it was some moments before I found language to
inquire the cause of the visit. A second, a third, and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but
received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of the eyes.
   By this time I felt strange sensations spreading through me. I would have risen but the riveted gaze
of the being before me rendered volition impossible. I tried once more to speak, but my tongue
became useless, as if paralyzed. A new influence, mysterious, potent, irresistible, took possession of
me. All I could do was to gaze steadily, vacantly at my unknown visitor.
     Gradually the surrounding atmosphere seemed to fill with sensations, and grew luminous.
Everything about me seemed to rarefy, the mysterious visitor also becoming more airy and yet more
distinct to my sight than before. I began to feel as one dying, or rather to experience the sensations I
sometimes imagine accompanying death. I did not think, I did not reason, I did not move. All were
alike impossible. I was only conscious of gazing fixedly, vacantly on my companion.
Presently I heard a voice say,
"Son of the Republic, look and learn,"
while at the same time my visitor extended an arm eastward. I now beheld a heavy white vapor at
some distance rising fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated, and I looked upon the strange scene.
Before me lay, out in one vast plain all the countries of the world -- Europe, Asia, Africa, and
America. I saw rolling and tossing between Europe and America lay billows of the Atlantic, and
between Asia and America lay the Pacific.
"Son of the Republic", 
said the same mysterious voice as before," look and learn."
The First Peril:  The Revolutionary War.
  At that moment I beheld a dark shadowy being, like an angel, standing, or rather floating in mid-
air, between Europe and America. Dipping water out of the ocean in the hollow of each hand, he
sprinkled some upon America with his right hand, while with his left he cast some over Europe.
Immediately a cloud arose from these countries and joined in mid-ocean. For awhile it remained
stationary, and then it moved slowly westward, until it enveloped America in its murky folds.
Sharp flashed of lightning gleamed through at intervals, and I heard the smothered groans and cries
of the American People. A second time the angel dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it out as
before. The dark cloud drew back to the ocean, in whose heaving billows it sank from view.
Westward expansion in America
  A third time I heard the mysterious voice saying,
"Son of the Republic, look and learn."
I cast my eyes upon America and beheld villages and town and cities spring up one right after
another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with them.
Again, I heard the mysterious voice say,
"Son of the Republic, the end of the century cometh, look and learn."
The Second Peril:  Slave trade from Africa is used to instigate the Civil War.
 And this time a dark shadowy angel turned his face southward. From Africa I saw an ill omened
spectra approach our land. It flitted slowly and heavily over every town and city of the latter. The
inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against each other. As I continued look I saw a
bright angel on whose brow was traced the word 'Union.' He was bearing the American flag. He
placed the flag between the divided nation and said,
"Remember, ye are brethren. "
Instantly the inhabitants, casting down their weapons became friends once more,
and united around the National Standard. Again, I heard a mysterious voice saying,
"Son of the Republic, look and learn."
The Third Peril: the USA is Invaded by Foreign Troops
 At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and
taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene. From each of these continents arose thick black clouds that were
soon joined into one. And throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes
of armed men. These men, moving with the cloud marched by land and sailed by sea to America,
which country was enveloped in the volume of the cloud. And I dimly saw these vast armies devastate
the whole country and burn the villages, towns and cities, which I had seen spring up.
As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of swords, and the shouts and cries of
millions in mortal combat, I again heard the mysterious voice saying,
"Son of the Republic, look and learn."
When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and
blew a long and fearful blast.  Instantly a light, as of a thousand suns shone down from above me,
and pierced and broke into fragments of the dark cloud, which enveloped America. At the same
moment the angel upon whose head still shown the word 'Union,' and who bore our national flag in
one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits.
These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well-nigh over come, but
who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks, and renewed battle.
Again amid the fearful voice of the conflict I heard the mysterious voice say,
"Son of the Republic, look and learn."
As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped the water from the ocean and
sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark clouds rolled back, together with the armies it had
brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious.
Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seem them before,
while the bright angel, planting the azure standard cried with a loud voice:
"While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth,
so long shall the Union last."
And taking from his brow the crown, which blazoned the word 'Union,' he placed it down upon the
standard while the people, kneeling down said, 'Amen.'
The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling
vapor, I at first beheld. This also disappeared, and I found myself once more gazing upon the
mysterious visitor who, in the same voice I heard before said,
"Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: Three great perils will come upon the
Republic. The most fearful for her is the third.
But the whole world united shall not prevail against her.
Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and Union."
   With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision
wherein had been showed me the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States."

Vision of California Superquake Joe Brandt Vision 1937

This vision was written by Joe Brandt, age 17, while recovering from a brain concussion in a Fresno, California
hospital in 1937. Previously published in "California Superquake 1975-1977?" written by Paul James
Again published in "When the Comet Runs" by Tom Kay, 1997
I woke up in the hospital room with a terrific headache--as if the whole world was revolving inside my brain. I
remember, vaguely, the fall from my horse--Blackie. As I lay there, pictures began to form in my mind--pictures
that stood sill. I seemed to be in another world. Whether it was the future, or it was some ancient land, I could
not say. Then slowly, like the silver screen of the "talkies", but with color and smell and sound, I seemed to find
myself in Los Angeles--but I swear it was much bigger, and buses and odd-shaped cars crowded the city streets.
I thought about Hollywood Boulevard, and I found myself there. Whether this is true, I do not know, but there
were a lot of guys my age with beards and wearing, some of them, earrings. All the girls, some of them keen-o,
wore real short skirts...and they slouched along--moving like a dance. Yet they seemed familiar. I wondered if I
could talk to them, and I said, "Hello," but they didn't see or hear me. I decided I would look as funny to them as
they looked to me. I guess it is something you have to learn. I couldn't do it.
I noticed there was a quietness about the air, a kind of stillness. Something else was missing, something that
should be there. At first, I couldn't figure it out, I didn't know what it was--then I did. There were no birds. I
listened. I walked two blocks north of the Boulevard--all houses--no birds. I wondered what had happened to
them. Had they gone away? Again, I could hear the stillness. Then I knew something was going to happen.
I wondered what year it was. It certainly was not 1937. I saw a newspaper on the corner with a picture of the
President. It surely wasn't Mr. Roosevelt. He was bigger, heavier, big ears. If it wasn't 1937, I wondered what
year it was. . My eyes weren't working right. Someone was coming--someone in 1937--it was that darned, fat
nurse ready to take my temperature. I woke up. Crazy dream.
[The next day]. Gosh, my headache is worse. It is a wonder I didn't get killed on that horse. I've had another
crazy dream, back in Hollywood. Those people. Why do they dress like that, I wonder? Funny glow about them.
It is a shine around their heads--something shining. I remember it now. I found myself back on the Boulevard. I
was waiting for something to happen and I was going to be there. I looked up at the clock down by that big
theater. It was ten minutes to four. Something big was going to happen.
I wondered if I went into a movie (since nobody could see me) if I'd like it. Some cardboard blond was draped
over the marquee with her leg six feet long. I started to go in, but it wasn't inside. I was waiting for something to
happen outside. I walked down the street. In the concrete they have names of stars. I just recognized a few of
them. The other names I had never heard. I was getting bored, I wanted to get back to the hospital in Fresno,
and I wanted to stay there on the Boulevard, even if nobody could see me. Those crazy kids. Why are they
dressed like that? Maybe it is some big Halloween doings, but it don't seem like Halloween. More like early
spring. There was that sound again, that lack of sound. Stillness, stillness, stillness. The quiet is getting bigger
and bigger. I know it is going to happen. Something is going to happen. It is happening now! It sure did. She
woke me up, grinning and smiling, that fat one again.
"It's time for your milk, kiddo," she says. Gosh, old women of thirty acting like the cat's pajamas. Next time
maybe she'll bring hot chocolate.
Where have I been? Where haven't I been? I've been to the ends of the earth and back. I've been to the end of
the world--there isn't anything left. Not even Fresno, even though I'm lying here right this minute. If only my
eyes would get a little clearer so I can write all this down. Nobody will believe me, anyway. I'm going back to
that last moment on the Boulevard. Some sweet kid went past, dragging little boys (twins, I guess) by each
hand. Her skirt was up--well, pretty high--and she had a tired look. I thought for a minute I could ask her about
the birds, what had happened to them, and then I remembered she hadn't seen me. Her hair was all frowzy,
way out all over her head. A lot of them looked like that, but she looked so tired and like she was sorry about
something. I guess she was sorry before it happened--because it surely did happen. There was a funny smell. I
don't know where it came from. I didn't like it. A smell like sulphur, sulfuric acid, a smell like death. For a minute
I thought I was back in chem [chemistry].
When I looked around for the girl, she was gone. I wanted to find her for some reason. It was as if I knew
something was going to happen and I could stay with her, help her. She was gone, and I walked half a block,
then I saw the clock again. My eyes seemed glued to that clock. I couldn't move. I just waited. It was five
minutes to four on a sunny afternoon. I thought I would stand there looking at that clock forever waiting for
something to come. Then, when it came, it was nothing. It was just nothing. It wasn't nearly as hard as the
earthquake we had two years ago. The ground shook, just an instant. People looked at each other, surprised.
Then they laughed. I laughed, too. So this was what I had been waiting for. This funny little shake. It meant
I was relieved and I was disappointed. What had I been waiting for? I started back up the Boulevard, moving my
legs like those kids. How do they do it? I never found out. I felt as if the ground wasn't solid under me. I knew I
was dreaming, and yet I wasn't dreaming. There was that smell again, coming up from the ocean. I was getting
to the 5 and 10 store and I saw the look on the kids' faces. Two of them were right in front of me, coming my
"Let's get out of this place. Let's go back East." He seemed scared. It wasn't as if the sidewalks were trembling--
but you couldn't seem to see them. Not with your eyes you couldn't. An old lady had a dog, a little white dog,
and she stopped and looked scared, and grabbed him in her arms and said: "Let's go home, Frou, Frou. Mama is
going to take you home." That poor lady, hanging on to her dog.
I got scared. Real scared. I remembered the girl. She was way down the block, probably. I ran and ran, and the
ground kept trembling. I couldn't see it. I couldn't see it. But I knew it was trembling. Everybody looked scared.
They looked terrible. One young lady just sat down on the sidewalk all doubled up. She kept saying,
"earthquake, its the earthquake," over and over. But I couldn't see that anything was different.
Then, when it came, how it came. Like nothing in God's world. Like nothing. It was like the scream of a siren,
long and low, or the scream of a woman I heard having a baby when I was a kid. It was awful. It was as if
something--some monster--was pushing up the sidewalks. You felt it long before you saw it, as if the sidewalks
wouldn't hold you anymore. I looked out at the cars. They were honking, but not scared. They just kept moving.
They didn't seem to know yet that anything was happening. Then, that white car, that baby half-sized one came
sprawling from the inside lane right against the curb. The girl who was driving just sat there. She sat there with
her eyes staring, as if she couldn't move, but I could hear her. She made funny noises.
I watched her, thinking of the other girl. I said that it was a dream and I would wakeup. But I didn't wake up.
The shaking had started again, but this time different. It was a nice shaking, like a cradle being rocked for a
minute, and then I saw the middle of the Boulevard seem to be breaking in two. The concrete looked as if it
were being pushed straight up by some giant shovel. It was breaking in two. That is why the girl's car went out
of control. And then a loud sound again, like I've never heard before--then hundreds of sounds--all kinds of
sounds; children, and women, and those crazy guys with earrings. They were all moving, some of them above
the sidewalk. I can't describe it. They were lifted up..
And the waters kept oozing--oozing. The cries. God, it was awful. I woke up. I never want to have that dream
It came again. Like the first time which was a preview and all I could remember was that it was the end of the
world. I was right back there--all that crying. Right in the middle of it. My eardrums felt as if they were going to
burst. Noise everywhere. People falling down, some of them hurt badly. Pieces of buildings, chips, flying in the
air. One hit me hard on the side of the face, but I didn't seem to feel it. I wanted to wake up, to get away from
this place. It had been fun in the beginning, the first dream, when I kind of knew I was going to dream the end
of the world or something. This was terrible. There were older people in cars. Most of the kids were on the
street. But those old guys were yelling bloody murder, as if anybody could help them. Nobody could help
anybody. It was then I felt myself lifted up. Maybe I had died. I don't know. But I was over the city. It was tilting
toward the ocean--like a picnic table.
The buildings were holding, better than you could believe. They were holding. They were holding. They were
The people saw they were holding and they tried to cling to them or get inside. It was fantastic. Like a building
had a will of its own. Everything else breaking around them, and they were holding, holding. I was up over
them--looking down. I started to root for them. "Hold that line," I said. "Hold that line. Hold that line. Hold that
line." I wanted to cheer, to shout, to scream. If the buildings held, those buildings on the Boulevard, maybe the
girl--the girl with the two kids--maybe she could get inside. It looked that way for a long time, maybe three
minutes, and three minutes was like forever. You knew they were going to hold, even if the waters kept coming
up. Only they didn't.
I've never imagined what it would be like for a building to die. A building dies just like a person. It gives way,
some of the bigger ones did just that. They began to crumble, like an old man with palsy, who couldn't take it
anymore. They crumbled right down to nothing. And the little ones screamed like mad--over and above the roar
of the people. They were mad about dying. But buildings die.
I couldn't look anymore at the people. I kept wanting to get higher. Then I seemed to be out of it all, but I could
see. I seemed to be up on Big Bear near San Bernardino, but the funny thing was that I could see everywhere. I
knew what was happening.
The earth seemed to start to tremble again. I could feel it even though I was high up. This time it lasted maybe
twelve seconds, and it was gentle. You couldn't believe anything so gentle could cause so much damage. But
then I saw the streets of Los Angeles--and everything between the San Bernardino mountains and Los Angeles.
It was still tilting towards the ocean, houses, everything that was left. I could see the big lanes--dozens of big
lanes still loaded with cars sliding the same way. Now the ocean was coming in, moving like a huge snake across
the land. I wondered how long it was, and I could see the clock, even though I wasn't there on the Boulevard. It
was 4:29. It had been half an hour. I was glad I couldn't hear the crying anymore. But I could see everything. I
could see everything.
Then, like looking at a huge map of the world, I could see what was happening on the land and with the people.
San Francisco was feeling it, but she was not in any way like Hollywood or Los Angeles. It was moving just like
that earthquake movie with Jeanette McDonald and Gable. I could see all those mountains coming together...I
knew it was going to happen to San Francisco--it was going to turn over--it would turn upside down. It went
quickly, because of the twisting, I guess. It seemed much faster than Hollywood, but then I wasn't exactly there.
I was a long way off. I was a long, long way off. I shut my eyes for a long time--I guess ten minutes--and when I
opened them I saw Grand Canyon.
When I looked at Grand Canyon, that great big gap was closing in, and Boulder Dam was being pushed, from
underneath. And then, Nevada, and on up to Reno. Way down south, way down. Baja, California. Mexico too. It
looked like some volcano down there was erupting, along with everything else. I saw the map of South America,
especially Columbia. Another volcano--eruption--shaking violently. I seemed to be seeing a movie of three
months before--before the Hollywood earthquake. Venezuela seemed to be having some kind of volcanic
activity. Away off in the distance, I could see Japan, on a fault, too. It was so far off--not easy to see because I
was still on Big Bear Mountain, but it started to go into the sea. I couldn't hear screaming, but I could see the
surprised look on their faces. They looked so surprised. Japanese girls are made well, supple, easy, muscles that
move well. Pretty, too. But they were all like dolls. It was so far away I could hardly see it. In a minute or two it
seemed over. Everybody was gone. There was nobody left.
I didn't know time now. I couldn't see a clock. I tried to see the island of Hawaii. I could see huge tidal waves
beating against it. The people on the streets were getting wet, and they were scared. But I didn't see anybody
go into the sea.
I seemed way around the globe. More flooding. Is the world going to be drenched? Constantinople. Black Sea
rising. Suez Canal, for some reason seemed to be drying up. Sicily--she doesn't hold. I could see a map. Mt Etna.
Mt. Etna is shaking. A lot of area seemed to go, but it seemed to be earlier or later. I wasn't sure of time, now.
England--huge floods--but no tidal waves. Water, water everywhere, but no one was going into the sea. People
were frightened and crying. Some places they fell to the streets on their knees and started to pray for the world.
I didn't know the English were emotional. Ireland, Scotland--all kinds of churches were crowded--it seemed
night and day. People were carrying candles and everybody was crying for California, Nevada, parts of
Colorado--maybe even all of it, even Utah. Everybody was crying--most of them didn't even know anybody in
California, Nevada, Utah, but they were crying as if they were blood kin. Like one family. Like it happened to
New York was coming into view--she was still there, nothing had happened, yet water level was way up. Here,
things were different. People were running in the streets yelling--"end of the world." Kids ran into restaurants
and ate everything in sight. I saw a shoe store with all the shoes gone in about five minutes. 5th Avenue--
everybody running. Some radio blasting--bigger--a loud speaker--that in a few minutes, power might be shut
off. They must control themselves. Five girls were running like mad toward the Y.M.C.A., that place on Lexington
or somewhere. But nothing was happening in New York. I saw an old lady with garbage cans filling them with
water. Everybody seemed scared to death. Some people looked dazed. The streets seemed filled with loud
speakers. It wasn't daylight. It was night.
I saw, like the next day, and everything was topsy turvey. Loud speakers again about fuel tanks broken in areas--
shortage of oil. People seemed to be looting markets.
I saw a lot of places that seemed safe, and people were not so scared. Especially the rural areas. Here
everything was almost as if nothing had happened. People seemed headed to these places, some on foot, some
in cars that still had fuel. I heard--or somehow I knew--that somewhere in the Atlantic land had come up. A lot
of land. I was getting awfully tired. I wanted to wake up. I wanted to go back to the girl--to know where she
was--and those two kids. I found myself back in Hollywood--and it was still 4:29. I wasn't up on Big Bear at all, I
was perched over Hollywood. I was just there. It seemed perfectly natural in my dream.
I could hear now. I could hear, someplace, a radio station blasting out--telling people not to panic. They were
dying in the streets. There were picture stations with movies--some right in Hollywood--these were carrying on
with all the shaking. One fellow in the picture station was a little short guy who should have been scared to
death. But he wasn't. He kept shouting and reading instructions. Something about helicopters or planes would
go over--some kind of planes--but I knew they couldn't. Things were happening in the atmosphere. The waves
were rushing up now. Waves. Such waves. Nightmare waves.
Then, I saw again. Boulder Dam, going down--pushing together, pushing together breaking apart--no, Grand
Canyon was pushing together, and Boulder Dam was breaking apart. It was still daylight. All these radio stations
went off at the same time--Boulder Dam had broken.
I wondered how everybody would know about it--people back East. That was when I saw the "ham radio
operators." I saw them in the darndest places, as if I were right there with them. Like the little guy with glasses,
they kept sounding the alarm. One kept saying: "This is California. We are going into the sea. This is California.
We are going into the sea. Get to high places. Get to the mountains. All states west--this is California. We are
going into the...we are going into the..." I thought he was going to say "sea," but I could see him. He was inland,
but the waters had come in. His hand was still clinging to the table, he was trying to get up, so that once again
he could say: "This is California. We are going into the sea. This is California. We are going into the sea."
I seemed to hear this, over and over, for what seemed hours--just those words--they kept it up until the last
minute--all of them calling out, "Get to the mountains--this is California. We are going into the sea."
I woke up. It didn't seem as if I had been dreaming. I have never been so tired. For a minute or two, I thought it
had happened. I wondered about two things. I hadn't seen what happened to Fresno and I hadn't found out
what happened to that girl.
I've been thinking about it all morning. I'm going home tomorrow. It was just a dream. It was nothing more.
Nobody in the future on Hollywood Boulevard is going to be wearing earrings--and those beards. Nothing like
that is ever going to happen. That girl was so real to me--that girl with those kids. It won't ever happen--but if it
did, how could I tell her (maybe she isn't even born yet) to move away from California when she has her twins--
and she can't be on the Boulevard that day. She was so gosh-darned real.
The other thing--those ham operators--hanging on like that--over and over--saying the same thing:
"This is California. We are going into the sea. This is California. We are going into the sea. Get to the mountains.
Get to the hilltops. California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, Utah. This is California. We are going into the sea."
I guess I'll hear that for days.
A A Allen Destruction of America
My Vision of the Destruction of America
A A Allen, was a Pentecostal Evangelical and Faith Healer of Voice of Healing church.
He had a Vision Regarding the Fall of America in the End times and the total destruction of America by the
hands of Communist Russia in July 4 1954.

In the vision he saw a Russian Invasion of America by poisionus nerve gas across major portions of the center of
the United States. Just after this he saw Russia attack America on both sides by nuclear weapons all along the
coasts. And America was totally destroyed and Christians where safe in the cleft of the rock in Jesus.

AA Allen, Vision Of The Destruction Of America 1954   

  As I stood atop the Empire State Building, I could see the Statue of Liberty, illuminating the gateway to the new
world.  Here, spread before me like an animated map, is an area maybe 80 miles in diameter.  I was amazed that
the Spirit of the Lord should so move me, there atop the Empire State Building. Why should I feel such a surge of
His Spirit and power there?
  Suddenly I heard the voice of the Lord. It was as clear and as distinct as a voice could be. It seemed to come
from the very midst of the giant telescope. But when I looked at the telescope, I knew it hadn't come from there,
but directly from heaven. The voice said,
  "The eyes of the lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in behalf of them whose
heart is perfect toward Him. Herein you have done foolishly. Therefore, from henceforth, you shall have wars."
 Immediately when I heard the voice of God, I knew this was a quotation of Scripture. But never before had a
thing come to me so forcibly by the power of the Spirit. The ticking of the telescope stopped. The man before me
had used up his dimes worth. As he stepped away I knew that I was next. As I stepped to the telescope and
dropped in my dime, immediately the ticking started again.
  This ticking was an automatic clock which would  allow me to use the telescope for a definitely limited time
only.  As I swung the telescope to the North, suddenly the Spirit of God came upon me in a way that I had never
thought of before.  Seemingly, in the spirit I was entirely caught away. I knew that the telescope itself had
nothing to do with the distance, which I was suddenly enabled to see, for I seemed to see things far beyond the
range of the telescope, even on a bright clear day.
  It was simply that God had chosen this time to reveal these things to me, for as I looked through the telescope, 
it was not Manhattan Island that I saw, but a far larger view.
  That morning, much of the view was impaired by fog. But suddenly as the Spirit of the Lord came upon me the
fog seemed to clear, until it seemed that I could see for thousands of miles.  But that which I was looking upon
was not Manhattan island, it was all of the North American Continent spread out before me as a map  is spread
upon a table, it was not the East River and the Hudson River that I saw on either side, but the Atlantic and the
Pacific Oceans.
 And instead of the Statue of Liberty standing there in the bay on her small island I saw her standing far out in the
Gulf of Mexico. She was between me and the United States. I suddenly realized that the telescope had nothing to
do with what I was seeing, but that it was a vision coming directly from God.  In addition, to prove this to myself
I took my eyes away from the telescope, so that I was no longer looking through the lens, but the same scene
remained before me.    
  There, clear and distinct, lay all the North American Continent, with all it's great cities.  To the North lay the
Great Lakes. Far to the Northeast was New York City. I could see Seattle and Portland far to the Northwest. 
Down the West Coast, there were San Francisco and Los Angeles.  Closer in the foreground, there lay New
Orleans, at the center of the Gulf Coast area. I could see the great towering ranges of the Rocky Mountains,  and
trace with my eye the Continental Divide.  All this and more, I could see spread out before me as a great map
upon a table. 
 And as l looked, suddenly from the sky I saw a giant hand reach down. That gigantic hand was reaching out
toward the Statue of Liberty. In a moment her gleaming torch was torn from her hand, and in it instead was
placed a cup. And I saw protruding from that great cup, a giant sword, shining as if a great light had been turned
upon its glistening edge. Never before had I seen such a sharp, glistening, dangerous sword. lt seemed to threaten
all the world.
  As the great cup was placed in the hand of the Statue of Liberty, I heard these words, 
  "Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Drink ye and be drunken, spue and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword
which I will send"
   As I heard these words, I recognized them as a quotation from Jeremiah 25:7. I was amazed to hear the Statue
of Liberty speak out in reply, "I WILL NOT DRINK!" Then as the voice of the thunder, I heard again the voice
of the Lord, saying,   "Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, YE SHALL CERTAINLY DRINK." Jeremiah 25:28
  Then suddenly the giant hand forced the cup to the lips of the Statue of Liberty, and she became powerless to
defend herself. The mighty hand of God forced her to drink every drop from the cup. As she drank the bitter
dregs, these were the words that I heard,  "Should you be utterly unpunished? You shall not be unpunished: for I
will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of Hosts." Jer.25:29  When the cup was
withdrawn from the lips of the Statue of Liberty I noticed the sword was missing from the cup, which could mean
  I knew that the sword merely typified war, death, and destruction, which is no doubt on the way.  Then as one
drunken on too much wine, I saw the Statue of Liberty become unsteady on her feet and begin to stagger, and to
lose her balance. I saw her splashing in the Gulf, trying to regain her balance. I saw her stagger again and again,
and fall to her knees. As I saw her desperate attempts to regain her balance, and rise to her feet again, my heart
was moved as never before with compassion for her struggles. But as she staggered there in the gulf, once again I
heard these words,
   "Ye shall drink and be drunken, and spue, and fall, and rise no more because of the sword that I shall send
among you." 
 As I watched, I wondered if the Statue of Liberty would ever be able to regain her feet, if she would ever stand
again. And as I watched, it seemed that with all her power she struggled to rise, and finally staggered to her feet
again, and stood there swaying drunkenly. I felt sure that at any moment she would fall again - possibly never to
rise. I seemed overwhelmed with a desire to reach out my hand to keep her head above water, for I knew that if
she ever fell again she would drown there in the Gulf. 
 Then as I watched, another amazing thing was taking place. Far to the Northwest, just out over Alaska, a huge,
black cloud was arising. As it rose, it was as black as night. It seemed to be in the shape of a man's head.  As it
continued to arise, I observed two light spots in the black cloud. It rose further, and a gaping hole appeared. I
could see that the black cloud was taking the shape of a skull,  for now the huge, white, gaping mouth was plainly
visible. Finally the head was complete. Then the shoulders began to appear  and on either side long, black arms.
  It seemed that what I saw was the entire North American Continent, spread out like a map  upon a table with
this terrible skeleton-formed cloud arising from behind the table. It rose steadily until the form was visible down
to the waist. At the waist, the skeleton seemed to bend towards the United States, stretching forth a hand toward
the East and one toward the West, one toward New York and one toward Seattle. As the awful form stretched
forward, I could see that the entire attention seemed to be focused upon the USA, overlooking Canada at least for
the time being. As I saw the horrible black cloud in the form of a skeleton bending towards America, bending
from the waist over, reaching down toward Chicago and out towards both coasts,  I knew it's one interest was to
destroy the multitudes. 
 As I watched in horror, the great black cloud stopped just above the great lakes region, and turned it's face
towards New York City.  Then out of the horrible, great gaping mouth began to appear wisps of white vapor
which looked like smoke, as a cigarette smoker  would blow puffs of smoke from his mouth.
These whitish vapors were being blown toward New York City.  The smoke began to spread, until it had covered
all the eastern part of the United States.    
   Then the skeleton turned to the West, and out of the horrible mouth and nostrils came another great puff of
white smoke.  This time it was blown in the direction of the West Coast.  In a few moments time,the entire West
Coast and Los Angeles area was covered with it's vapors.     Then towards the center came a third great puff. As
I watched, St. Louis and Kansas City were enveloped in its white vapors.  Then on it came towards New
Orleans. Then on they swept until they reached the Statue of Liberty where she stood staggering  drunkenly in
The blue waters of The Gulf.
  As the white vapors began to spread around The head of the statue, she took in but one gasping breath, and then
began to cough as though to rid her lungs of the horrible vapors she had inhaled.  One could readily discern by
the coughing that those white vapors had seared her lungs. What were these white vapors? Could they signify
bacteriological warfare or nerve gas that could destroy multitudes of people in a few moments time?

 Then I heard the voice of God, as He spoke again: Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it
waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. And it shall be, as with the
people. So with The priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the buyer, so with the seller, as with
the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled : for
The Lord has spoken this word. The earth mourneth and fadeth away,The world languisheth and fadeth away, the
haughty people of the earth do languish. The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have
transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore has the curse devoured
the earth and they that dwell therein are desolate; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men
are left. Isaiah 24:1-6
  As I watched, the coughing grew worse. It sounded like a person was about to cough out his lungs. The Statue
was moaning and groaning. She was in mortal agony. The pain must have been terrific, as again and again, she
tried to clear her lungs of those horrible white vapors. I watched her there in the Gulf, as she staggered, clutching
her lungs and her breast with her hands. Then she fell to her knees. In a moment, she gave one final cough, and
made a last desperate effort to rise from her knees, and then fell face forward into the waters of The Gulf and lay
still as death.
  Tears ran down my face as I realized that she was dead! Only The lapping of The waves, splashing over her
body, which was partly under the water, and partly out of water, broke the silence. A fire consumes before them
And behind them a flame burns. The land is like the garden of Eden before them But a desolate wilderness
behind them, And nothing at all escapes them. Joel 2:3
  Suddenly the silence was shattered by the screaming of sirens. The sirens seemed to scream, RUN FOR YOUR
LIVES! Never before had I heard such shrill, screaming sirens. They seemed to be everywhere - to the North,
South, the East and the West. There seemed to be multitudes of sirens. And as I looked, I saw people everywhere
running. But it seemed none of them ran more than a few paces, and then they fell. And even as I had seen the
Statue struggling to regain her poise and balance, and finally falling to die on her face,

 I now saw millions of people falling in the streets, on the sidewalks, struggling. I heard their screams for
mercy and help. I heard their horrible coughing as though their lungs had been seared with fire. I heard the
moanings and groanings of the doomed and the dying. As I watched, a few finally reached shelters, and above the
moaning and groanings,
  I heard these words: "A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth for the Lord has a controversy with the
nations. He will plead with all flesh; He will give them that are wicked to the sword. Behold evil shall go forth
from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of The earth. And The slain of the
Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even onto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented
neither gathered nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground. Jer. 25:31-33
 Then suddenly I saw from the Atlantic and from the Pacific, and out of the Gulf, rocket-like objects that seemed
to come up like fish leaping out of the water. High into the air they leaped, each headed in a different direction,
but every one towards the U.S.
  On the ground, the sirens screamed louder. And up from the ground I saw similar rockets begin to ascend. To
me, these appeared to be interceptor rockets although they arose from different points all over the U.S. However,
none of them seemed to be successful in intercepting the rockets that had risen from the ocean on every side.
These rockets finally reached their maximum height, slowly turned over, and fell back toward the earth in defeat.
  Then suddenly, the rockets which had leaped out of the ocean like fish all exploded at once. The explosion was
ear- splitting. The next thing which I saw was a huge ball of fire. The only thing I have ever seen which
resembled the thing I saw in my vision was the picture of the explosion of the H-bomb in the South Pacific. In
my vision, it was so real I seemed to fell a searing heat from it. As the vision spread before my eyes, and I viewed
the widespread desolation brought about by the terrific explosions,

 I could not help thinking, "While the defenders of our nation have quibbled over what means of defense to use,
and neglected the only true means of defense, faith and dependence upon the true and living God, the thing which
she greatly feared has come unto her! How true it has proven that Unless the LORD guards the city, The
watchman keeps awake in vain. Psalm 127 Then as the noise of the battle subsided, to my ears cam this quotation
from Joel, the second chapter, Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the
inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; A day of darkness and of
gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and
a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many
END AA Allen's Vision
1981 1988 1998 2005 2006 2008
Visions Dreams and Prophecies for America Prophetic word from God about the Collapse of the US Economic System
Around 1981 God gave me a prophetic word of knowledge that has been partially fulfilled. These events are time
markers and very soon we will see the fulfillment of the rest of this word. The Lord told me the following:
“When you see that the Berlin wall comes down and when you see the Soviet Union take a severe blow then it
makes a recovery, and then you see the death of Fidel Castro; then shall come the collapse of the economic
system of the United States.”
The Berlin wall separated East Germany from West Germany for more than 25 years. The construction began on
August 13, 1961. The wall was opened and many sections of it literally knocked down on November 9th, 1989.
The Soviet Union is considered to have officially dissolved on December 31, 1991. This is when all official
Soviet institutions had stopped to function in the different “republics” of the Soviet Union. The individual
governments of these republics started functioning separately. The Soviet flag flew for the last time over the
As you know Fidel Castro is now a very old man in his 80’s and his health is not well. Cuba could very soon see
the death of it’s long time Dictator. When you see Castro’s death then you will see the complete collapse of the
economic system of America! BE READY!!!! KNOW WHO YOU SERVE BEFORE THIS OCCURS!
Dream of Violent Storms Moving Across the Nation One of the first visions and dreams I had was in the
spring of 1982 about 3:30 am. God revealed to me what he was getting ready to do in the United States in the
days and years to come.
I was awakened by a dream of violent storms extending all the way from Seattle, Washington down to Baja
California and traveling across the entire nation. These storms were like giant walls coming vertically across the
entire country destroying everything in their path. There were thunderstorms with lightening fields that were
hitting everything. Tornadoes and hurricanes the likes of which I had never seen. I asked God what the dream
meant. He said, “Because of the wickedness of the United States, it’s sorcery, witchcraft, idolatry and lewd
conduct and behavior, I am going to start judging the United States and judging it hard”.
I saw judgment start with the physical signs first in the weather patterns. The storms came from the West Coast
and moved eastward all the way across the United States. I saw the storms increase in number and intensity
tearing up the entire United States.
Note: This dream and vision has been unfolding year after year with the increase in tornadoes, hurricanes, floods,
fire storms, dry lightening storms, etc. occurring with more intensity and frequency. These storms and the
damage caused by them has cost America thousands of lives and billions and billions of dollars and untold misery
for many Americans.
The thing I find interesting is the fact that there seems to be a pattern with these storms, floods, fires, etc. There
will be a storm on the west coast, then the mid west will be next, then the east coat gets hit. Then the next storm
will be in the Gulf region and then moves to the west coast again. Back and forth and back and forth across the
Prophetic Word from the Lord about the Fate of America
In the fall of 1988 the Lord spoke to me these words pertaining to the people of the United States, “I am not
going to relent from the calamity I have pronounced against the United States of America. Because of it’s corrupt
government foreign policies, the killing of the innocent unborn children, fornication, idolatry, witchcraft, sorcery,
murder and an out of control government, I am going to judge America double because of this. If all of the
prophets from the days of old and all of my disciples were to stand before me right now, interceding for the
United States of America, I would not relent from the calamity I have pronounced against it. I am going to repay
America double what she has done and great shall be her destruction and great shall be her torment.”
Read: Revelation 18 Jeremiah 50 and 51 Jeremiah 23: 19-20
America The Great Whore
Since the end of World War II, time and time again, America I warned you not to go the way that you have gone.
I sent prophets, I sent Pastors, Shepherdesses, Shepherds and Evangelists to warn you to repent and turn from
your wicked ways. After defeating the Japanese Imperialism and Nazi Germany, you said in your heart, “There is
no nation like unto us on the face of the earth. Who can stand against us?”
You are absolutely right!! There is no nation like you on the face of the earth. In the last 60 years you have
become nothing more than a two bit whore, spreading your legs for anyone who passes by. Economically,
spiritually and morally. The Constitution of the United States is to allow Christians to practice Christianity under
the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. It does not give the right for occult religions to be practiced and to
destroy the lives of humans and animals in pagan sacrifices. This should never be tolerated in the United
States! Read Revelation 18.

Judgment of Individual States such as Florida

The Lord came to me early one morning in July 1995. He spoke and said, “John, I am getting ready to start
executing my judgment upon the United States of America. Because the people of the United States no longer
acknowledge Me for the great abundance of grain and food with which I have blessed them. I am going to bring a
famine to America. The famine will be so great that the women who had abortions will long to have their
children as food.”
He also said, “Since America wants witchcraft, sorcery, black magic, divinations and New Age theology, along
with astrology, then I am going to turn America over to her witchcraft that she wants so badly. Since Americans
do not want Me any longer, then I will give them their hearts desire. They will choke to death on it!”
He then told me that since America would not repent, He was going to execute judgment on individual states in
hopes that the others would repent. Florida has been chosen as one of the states to be used to set an example for
the rest of the nation. Whether it comes first or last I do not know. God has shown me that He is going to strike
Florida and only a handful of people are going to come out of that state alive. His judgment is going to be heavy
on this state. Why He has chosen Florida I do not know.
America’s Idols
July 17th 1998
This is the word of the Lord to the people of the United States of America. “See how bitter it will be since you no
longer want me. Ask the creations of your hands and the idols you have built of plastic, steel, aluminum, glass,
rubber, concrete and fiberglass to deliver you out of my hands.”
Tidal Wave to Hit the Eastern Seaboard
Fall of 2005. 2006 2008
I went into a deep sleep and had a dream I was on the boardwalk in Virginia Beach. It was night time and I think
it was about 2:00 am. I put my foot up on the railing and was looking out over the ocean. There was what looked
like a full moon on the horizon. I noticed just underneath the moon was a giant black wall on the horizon. The
moon was reflecting white caps off the wall. As I stood there looking out into the Atlantic Ocean I realized that
the white caps are from a massive tidal wave heading to shore. It was about 300 foot high. I felt the realization
that it was too late to warn the people and the dream ended.
In the fall of the following year, 2006 I had the same dream again.
In January 2008, I had the same dream except this time I started running to peoples houses to wake them up and
warn them, but it was too late.
I feel like this tidal wave is a real tidal wave that is going to hit the eastern seaboard. I also believe this tidal wave
might represent in the spiritual, a tidal wave of satanic destruction that is coming to destroy the people.
To my amazement, in the months of April, May and June of this year (2008), I saw a group of people on the
boardwalk in Virginia Beach anointing the railings and banisters with anointing oil. Even though I knew why
they were doing this, I pretended like I was just curious and asked them. They told me they were anointing the
banisters and railings for the whole Virginia Beach boardwalk because they had dreams that Virginia Beach was
going to be hit with a giant tidal wave.
Revelation 18: 21 “Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying,
“Thus with violence the great city Babylon shall be thrown down, and shall not be found anymore.”
I feel that this tidal wave will take place after the US has been invaded because Revelation 18:21 says that the
angel will throw the millstone in the sea after Babylon is destroyed.
Read Revelation 8 and Revelation 18.
I Saw Blood on the Hands of the Shepherds
I saw Priests, Pastors, Evangelists and Prophets standing before God Almighty with their arms raised with their
hands and forearms soaked in the blood of the believers and non-believers because they did not warn them to
repent of their wicked ways.
Read Ezekiel Chapter 7- in place of Israel- put America. This is exactly what is getting ready to take place.

1973From The Vision & Beyond by David Wilkerson

Economic Crash Coming There is worldwide economic confusion just ahead. In my vision this is the clearest
thing I have seen. Not only is the American Dollar headed for deep trouble, but so are all other world currencies. I
see total economic confusion striking Europe first and then affecting Japan, the United States, Canada and all other
nations shortly thereafter.
Everyone Will Be Affected A recession of such magnitude that it will affect the lifestyle of nearly every wage
earner in America and around the world.
Owners of Western Currency in Trouble Countries that now control huge amounts of Western currency are
going to be in very deep trouble also without a doubt, there are lean years ahead full of monetary confusion and
despair. How soon is not clear, but it is not far away.
New World Monetary System There will develop a call for revamping all world monetary systems into one
uniform system. And even though the dollar will appear to be gaining strength just before the coming major
recession, a new crisis will develop that will shake the entire financial world.
Economists Confused The world‘s greatest economists will be at a loss to explain the confusion and an
international crisis of fear will develop.
False Boom A false economic boom will precede the recession but it will be short lived.
A Few Good Years to Prepare The next few years will be among the most prosperous in the history of
mankind. Sales will continue to break records and people will spend more than ever in modern history. 2
Uncontrolled Credit Debt Credit debt will become nearly uncontrollable. I see, very clearly, just a few years of
tremendous affluence and continued economic prosperity. Inflation, costs and wages will spiral higher and higher.
Bankruptcies of Major Corporations I believe we are going to witness the bankruptcies of some of this
nations major and most popular corporations. I see tremendous difficulty arising for credit corporations. There are
going to be many people unable to pay off their heavy obligations to major credit card companies, causing near
chaos. Thousands of small businesses will also be forced into bankruptcies.
Government Panic The United States government is going to overreact to the confused economical
developments. I see a flurry of near-panic decisions being made by various government agencies but these hasty
efforts to shore up the economy will backfire.
Auto Industry Hit Hard The auto industry is going to be hurt badly. Makers of recreational vehicles are going
to get hit very hard.
Building Industry Setbacks The building industry is going to face many setbacks. Housing starts will level off.
There is a terrible squeeze coming to the building industry.
Gold Will Not Provide Security The price of gold is going to rise astronomically but it will not be
sustained over a long period of time neither silver nor gold will offer real security. Gold hoarders are going to get
hurt badly. This is one of the most significant predictions in this book.
Suicide by Overdose Economic setbacks and confusion will catch many unprepared for the consequences.
Suicide will follow. Some very well-known people in the business world are going to commit suicide through
overdoses of narcotics. 3
Confusion for the Positive Thinking Preachers Great losses, confusion, and reverses will shatter the
thinking processes of many well-meaning people who falsely believe that their successes and economic well-being
are the result of their own positive thinking. Jesus Christ Himself was an advocate of right thinking. But many good
men have become worshippers of the power of the mind.
The United States to Be Blamed Although economic actions in Europe will trigger the coming recession,
the United States will be blamed by most nations for what happens. France will become one of the most vicious anti-
American nations in the world. Politicians and businessmen in Europe and Japan will place the blame on Washington
and the American bankers.
Recovery From Recession There may be a full recovery but the world economy will continue in
confusion until the time of the Antichrist. There will come a time in the future when men will be obsessed with
buying, selling, planting, marrying, and divorcing but it will be a time of false prosperity.
Drastic Weather Changes The world is about to witness the beginnings of great sorrows brought about by
history‘s most drastic weather changes, earthquakes, floods terrible calamities far surpassing anything ever yet
Outbreaks of Epidemics In the aftermath of famine, floods and earthquakes, mankind faces the threat
of new epidemics. There will a major cholera epidemic sweeping through various underdeveloped countries. India
and Pakistan face the threat of untold thousands dying from epidemic and starvation.
Famine Famine is coming to the world in our generation and millions will die of starvation.
Depletion of Relief Funds Relief and disaster funds will become nearly depleted. Insurance companies will face
huge losses. 4
Triple-X-Rated Movies on TV After Midnight Be warned. In the not-too-distant future, the most
wicked, X-rated porno movies will be shown on select cable networks after midnight. People will pay to have these
erotic movies piped directly into their living rooms. If left unguarded, little children can switch on a knob and be
exposed to the vilest kind of sexual perversion. R-rated movies will be showing in prime time on network television.
Porno movies on cable television will become so popular and so much in demand that the major networks will try to
compete by showing films with as much sex and violence as they can show within legal limits.
Sex Education to Get In on the Act Students will be told that homosexual love is normal and that sex acts
between unmarried is desirable if each has a high regard for the other.
A Homosexual Epidemic When society no longer rejects their sin as abnormal and fully accepts them
and encourages them in their abnormality, and when the church no longer preaches against it as sin and consoles
them in their sexual activities there no longer exist any hindering forces. The floodgates are open, and homosexuals
are encouraged to continue in their sin. In my vision, I have seen these two roadblocks being swept away. You can
expect more than one homosexual scandal in very high places. The homosexual community will become so militant
and brazen that they will flaunt their sin on network talk shows very shortly.
A Falling Away Moral standards among many church people will be shattered. Husband - and wife-
swapping will be on the increase, and great numbers of young people will simply live together without getting
married. A constant barrage of sex and nudity by all the media will vex the minds and souls of the most devout
children of Christ. It will cause the love of many to grow cold. It will lead to carelessness and faithlessness. It will be
the major cause of a great falling away. Those who stand against this flood of filth will be few, and they will be
looked upon as out of step with an enlightened society and a more relevant church. Easy abortion, the pill, and a
growing sexual permissiveness will contribute to a revolution of immorality.
A Last-Ditch Attempt to Deceive God‘s Chosen The number one temptation for the last Christian will be
prosperity. I see millions of Christians being deceived by prosperity. The last Christian is going to be afflicted by
prosperity and tested by it more than through poverty. I see automobiles, clothes, motorcycles, and all kinds of
materialism becoming a bigger hindrance to the Christian than drugs, sex, or alcohol. I see thousands of Christians
attached to and obsessed by things. They are so wrapped up in materialism that they become lukewarm, blind,
weak, and spiritually naked. Yet in the midst of all their materialism, they are miserable and totally dissatisfied.
An Increase of False Doctrines Men will prefer false doctrines and new ideas rather than the truth of
God‘s Holy Word. They will crowd around teachers who will give new thoughts and revelations. Men and women will
turn to the prophecies and teachings of men rather than giving heed to the doctrines of truth. They will give heed to
seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.
“I hate my parents” The number one problem in the future will be hatred of parents. The world is soon
going to be shocked by thousands upon thousands of teenagers who confess, “I hate my parents.”
Sex Drug I believe a new sex drug will be concocted and distributed by the black market to teenagers
and students. It will break down moral restraint and lead thousands of teenagers into promiscuous sex activity.
A Spirit of Persecution Is Coming I see an hour of persecution coming such as mankind has never before
witnessed. An antichrist spirit will enter the hearts of certain men in high places, in government, and in the judicial
system, causing these officials to engage in legal maneuvers designed to harass independent churches, missionaries,
and ministers. There is already much evidence that this harassment has now started. I see a time coming when
nearly all evangelical missionary projects, all religious radio and TV programming, and all incorporated missionary
societies will be so closely monitored, questioned, and badgered that they will be cautious of expanding in any area.
The rise of a Super World Church I see the formation of a super world church consisting of a union
between liberal ecumenical Protestants and the Roman Catholic church joining politically hand in hand, creating one
of the most powerful religious forces on earth.
Homosexuals and Lesbians Welcomed by super church Homosexual and lesbian ministers will be ordained and
given places of authority in this church union, and will be heralded as a new breed of pioneers introducing new
concepts of love and evangelism. I see coming, in nearly every major city in the United States and around the world,
homosexual and lesbian churches catering exclusively to the spiritual needs of their own kind, with full recognition
and support from organized religion.
Persecution From Hollywood Look for Hollywood to step up its attack against true religion with
more expos-type movies. More and more moviemakers will attempt to debunk puritanical moral values. Gospel-
preaching churches and ministers will come under special attack, while at the same time the occult and witchcraft
will be glorified and sensationalized. TV comedy shows will become bolder and bolder in poking fun at Christ and
true Christians.
The rise of a Supernatural Church I see a great and supernatural union of all the true followers of
Jesus Christ, bound together through the Holy Spirit and mutual confidence in Christ and His Word.
Persecution Through Taxation of Churches There is coming an attempt to tax churches and church-related
organizations. Atheistic forces, with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union, will push this matter all the way to
the Supreme Court. A temporary setback will not stop them from pushing for Congressional action. A legal setback
by the courts will not stop their long-range action. Church-related businesses will be taxed first. The IRS may, one
day, become one of the most powerful weapons against the church.
Satan Ministers There will be Satan evangelists, mostly young people who will actually preach about
the power of Satan and who will zealously work at making converts. Ouija boards, tarot cards, horoscopes, and
occult books will be passed around and devoured by young people seeking truth.
Killer Diseases Jesus said that in these days of tribulation, Men‘s hearts will fail them for fear of
watching what is happening upon the earth. In America, the number one killer disease is already heart failure.
Medical authorities say venereal disease is no longer just an epidemic it is an uncontrollable pandemic of frightening
proportions. Scientists warn of new strains of germs, viruses, and vermin that are resistant to poisons and chemicals
and threaten to upset the balance of nature. 7
Burning Oil Fields Before the great holocaust, there will be smaller holocausts. The oil fields of the
Middle East will be ablaze, and the smoke will rise night and day as a warning of the greater holocaust yet to come.
There will be bombs falling on oil fields, shipping docks and storage tanks.
Governmental Bankruptcy New York City faces economic and social disaster. The sword of judgment hanging
over the city will fall suddenly. Overnight, changes will happen, changes never before known to the American mind.
Bankruptcy will happen. A temporary reprieve will falter. Short-range encouraging signs will be swallowed up in
lightning-like events that will bring on bankruptcy. America‘s queen city will declare bankruptcy.
Rising Unemployment What God did to the city of Jerusalem in the time of the prophet Zechariah, he will do
again to the cities of America. When building the temple, the inhabitants were reminded what God did when
judgment was upon them: There were no jobs, no wages, no security and crime was rampant. (Zechariah 8:10).
1973 1985 1992 2009 David Wilkerson Economic Collapse then A Russian Invasion
David Wilkerson had a series of visions and angelic visitations from the lord during his life time until his death in
2011, about the coming collapse of the U.S. economy and the destruction of America. In the economic collapse
there will be riots and fires all across major cities in this nation. This will be a time of great apostasy and
persecution in the church like never before. After the economic collapse of the United States the nation will be at
its weakest point. A hydrogen holocaust will then sweep this nation in a Russian invasion of America. When
Israel sees the destruction of America Russia will try to invade the Holy Land where 5/6th of the army's of 
Russia will be destroyed by Jesus himself.

David Wilkerson Prophecy 1973

"Worldwide recession caused by economic confusion"

1. "At most a few more fat flourishing years, and then an economic recession that's going to affect the life
style of every wage-earner in the world. The world economists are going to be at loss to explain what's
happening. It's going to start in Europe, spread to Japan and finally to the United States."
2. There will be a move toward a worldwide, unified monetary system. The US dollar will be hit bad and it
will take years for it to recover.
3. The only real security will be in real estate (until a somewhat later stage, at which point this apparent
security will also disappear).
"Nature having labor pains"
1. Environmentalists will come under heavy criticism.
2. There will be major earthquakes.
3. There will be a major famine.
4. Floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will increase in frequency.
5. "A new kind of cosmic storm appearing as a raging fire in the sky leaving a kind of vapor trail."
"A flood of filth and a baptism of dirt in America"
1. Topless women will appear on television, followed by full nudity.
2. Adult, X rated movies will be shown on cable television. Young people will gather at homes to watch this
kind of material in groups.
3. Sex and the occult will be mixed.
4. There will be an acceptance of homosexuality, and the church will even say that it is a God-given gift.
"Rebellion in the home"
1. "I see the new number one youth problem in America and the world as hatred towards parents."
"A persecution madness against truly Spirit filled Christians who love Jesus Christ"
1. There will arise a world church consisting of a union between liberal ecumenical Protestants and the
Roman Catholic Church, using Christ in name only.
2. There will be a hate Christ movement.
3. There will be a spiritual awakening behind the Iron and Bamboo Curtains.
1. There will be another wave of riots.
2. There will be a fall in moral conduct.
3. There will be a new drug that will be popular with teenagers that will break down resistance and will
encourage sexual activity.
4. Homosexual and lesbian ministers will be ordained and this will be heralded as a new breed of pioneer.
5. There will be nude dancing in church, but this will never be widespread.
6. There will be occult practices in churches.
 David Wilkerson Prophecy 1985
America is going to be destroyed by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Unexpectedly, and
in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America and this nation will be no more. It is because America has
sinned against the greatest light. Other nations are just as sinful, but none are as flooded with gospel light as ours.
God is going to judge America for its
Luke warmness toward Christ, robbing, flaunting of homosexuality
backsliding, violence flaunting of sadomasochism,
cheating, drug abuse, form of godliness without power,
child molestations drunkenness Lewd pornography,
corruption, murdering of millions of babies Occult practices.
crimes, dirty movies rampant divorce and adultery,
An attack from Russia, and "The great holocaust follows an economic collapse in America.

David Wilkerson Prophecy 1992

Thirty days of chastisement will fall on New York City such as the world has never seen.  God is going to let
down the walls. There will be unimaginable violence and looting.  The violence will be so ferocious, it will shock
the whole world.  Our streets will be lined, not just with the National Guard, but with militia. A thousand fires
will burn at the same time throughout the city.  The Los Angeles fires were confined to a few sections of that city,
but New York will be ablaze in all its boroughs.  Fire trucks will not be able to handle it all. Trains and busses
will be shut down. Billions of dollars will be lost. Broadway shows will stop completely.  Businesses will flee the
city in an unstoppable hemorrhage.  Such things are expected in Third World countries, but not in a civilized
nation like the United States.      Yet, in not too long a time afterwards, New York City will go completely
bankrupt.  The Queen City will be cast into the dirt, becoming a city of poverty. What I saw coming will be much
more severe.  Indeed, if America rejects God’s call to turn back to Him, we’ll face the same judgments Israel
faced.  And they will hit not only New York but also every region in the country.  Even the heartland won’t be
spared.  The nation’s economy will collapse, and violence will erupt.  Fires will consume our cities, and tanks
will rumble through the streets. pray that God would give our President the same spirit that Josiah had, to tremble
at his Word.
David Wilkerson Prophecy 2009
An Earth-Shattering Calamity is About to happen. It is going to be so frighting. We are all going to Tremble,
even the godliest among us.

For ten years I have been warning about a thousand fires coming to New York City.  It will engulf the whole
megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut.  Major cities all across America will experience riots
and blazing fires such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles, years ago in August, 1965. There will be riots and fires
in cities worldwide.  There will be looting — including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing
now is not a recession, not even a depression.  We are under God’s wrath

1981 1988 1998 2005 2006 2008

Visions Dreams and Prophecies for America Prophetic word from God about the Collapse of the US Economic System
Around 1981 God gave me a prophetic word of knowledge that has been partially fulfilled. These events are time
markers and very soon we will see the fulfillment of the rest of this word. The Lord told me the following:
“When you see that the Berlin wall comes down and when you see the Soviet Union take a severe blow then it
makes a recovery, and then you see the death of Fidel Castro; then shall come the collapse of the economic
system of the United States.”
The Berlin wall separated East Germany from West Germany for more than 25 years. The construction began on
August 13, 1961. The wall was opened and many sections of it literally knocked down on November 9th, 1989.
The Soviet Union is considered to have officially dissolved on December 31, 1991. This is when all official
Soviet institutions had stopped to function in the different “republics” of the Soviet Union. The individual
governments of these republics started functioning separately. The Soviet flag flew for the last time over the
As you know Fidel Castro is now a very old man in his 80’s and his health is not well. Cuba could very soon see
the death of it’s long time Dictator.
When you see Castro’s death then you will see the complete collapse of the economic system of America!
Dream of Violent Storms Moving Across the Nation
One of the first visions and dreams I had was in the spring of 1982 about 3:30 am. God revealed to me what he
was getting ready to do in the United States in the days and years to come.
I was awakened by a dream of violent storms extending all the way from Seattle, Washington down to Baja
California and traveling across the entire nation. These storms were like giant walls coming vertically across the
entire country destroying everything in their path. There were thunderstorms with lightening fields that were
hitting everything. Tornadoes and hurricanes the likes of which I had never seen. I asked God what the dream
meant. He said, “Because of the wickedness of the United States, it’s sorcery, witchcraft, idolatry and lewd
conduct and behavior, I am going to start judging the United States and judging it hard”.
I saw judgment start with the physical signs first in the weather patterns. The storms came from the West Coast
and moved eastward all the way across the United States. I saw the storms increase in number and intensity
tearing up the entire United States.
Note: This dream and vision has been unfolding year after year with the increase in tornadoes, hurricanes, floods,
fire storms, dry lightening storms, etc. occurring with more intensity and frequency. These storms and the
damage caused by them has cost America thousands of lives and billions and billions of dollars and untold misery
for many Americans.
The thing I find interesting is the fact that there seems to be a pattern with these storms, floods, fires, etc. There
will be a storm on the west coast, then the mid west will be next, then the east coat gets hit. Then the next storm
will be in the Gulf region and then moves to the west coast again. Back and forth and back and forth across the
Prophetic Word from the Lord about the Fate of America
In the fall of 1988 the Lord spoke to me these words pertaining to the people of the United States, “I am not
going to relent from the calamity I have pronounced against the United States of America. Because of it’s corrupt
government foreign policies, the killing of the innocent unborn children, fornication, idolatry, witchcraft, sorcery,
murder and an out of control government, I am going to judge America double because of this. If all of the
prophets from the days of old and all of my disciples were to stand before me right now, interceding for the
United States of America, I would not relent from the calamity I have pronounced against it. I am going to repay
America double what she has done and great shall be her destruction and great shall be her torment.”
Read: Revelation 18 Jeremiah 50 and 51 Jeremiah 23: 19-20
America The Great Whore
Since the end of World War II, time and time again, America I warned you not to go the way that you have gone.
I sent prophets, I sent Pastors, Shepherdesses, Shepherds and Evangelists to warn you to repent and turn from
your wicked ways. After defeating the Japanese Imperialism and Nazi Germany, you said in your heart, “There is
no nation like unto us on the face of the earth. Who can stand against us?”
You are absolutely right!! There is no nation like you on the face of the earth. In the last 60 years you have
become nothing more than a two bit whore, spreading your legs for anyone who passes by. Economically,
spiritually and morally. The Constitution of the United States is to allow Christians to practice Christianity under
the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. It does not give the right for occult religions to be practiced and to
destroy the lives of humans and animals in pagan sacrifices. This should never be tolerated in the United
States! Read Revelation 18.
Judgment of Individual States such as Florida
The Lord came to me early one morning in July 1995. He spoke and said, “John, I am getting ready to start
executing my judgment upon the United States of America. Because the people of the United States no longer
acknowledge Me for the great abundance of grain and food with which I have blessed them. I am going to bring a
famine to America. The famine will be so great that the women who had abortions will long to have their
children as food.”
He also said, “Since America wants witchcraft, sorcery, black magic, divinations and New Age theology, along
with astrology, then I am going to turn America over to her witchcraft that she wants so badly. Since Americans
do not want Me any longer, then I will give them their hearts desire. They will choke to death on it!”
He then told me that since America would not repent, He was going to execute judgment on individual states in
hopes that the others would repent. Florida has been chosen as one of the states to be used to set an example for
the rest of the nation. Whether it comes first or last I do not know. God has shown me that He is going to strike
Florida and only a handful of people are going to come out of that state alive. His judgment is going to be heavy
on this state. Why He has chosen Florida I do not know.
America’s Idols
July 17th 1998
This is the word of the Lord to the people of the United States of America. “See how bitter it will be since you no
longer want me. Ask the creations of your hands and the idols you have built of plastic, steel, aluminum, glass,
rubber, concrete and fiberglass to deliver you out of my hands.”
Tidal Wave to Hit the Eastern Seaboard
Fall of 2005. 2006 2008
I went into a deep sleep and had a dream I was on the boardwalk in Virginia Beach. It was night time and I think
it was about 2:00 am. I put my foot up on the railing and was looking out over the ocean. There was what looked
like a full moon on the horizon. I noticed just underneath the moon was a giant black wall on the horizon. The
moon was reflecting white caps off the wall. As I stood there looking out into the Atlantic Ocean I realized that
the white caps are from a massive tidal wave heading to shore. It was about 300 foot high. I felt the realization
that it was too late to warn the people and the dream ended.
In the fall of the following year, 2006 I had the same dream again.
In January 2008, I had the same dream except this time I started running to peoples houses to wake them up and
warn them, but it was too late.
I feel like this tidal wave is a real tidal wave that is going to hit the eastern seaboard. I also believe this tidal wave
might represent in the spiritual, a tidal wave of satanic destruction that is coming to destroy the people.
To my amazement, in the months of April, May and June of this year (2008), I saw a group of people on the
boardwalk in Virginia Beach anointing the railings and banisters with anointing oil. Even though I knew why
they were doing this, I pretended like I was just curious and asked them. They told me they were anointing the
banisters and railings for the whole Virginia Beach boardwalk because they had dreams that Virginia Beach was
going to be hit with a giant tidal wave.
Revelation 18: 21 “Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying,
“Thus with violence the great city Babylon shall be thrown down, and shall not be found anymore.”
I feel that this tidal wave will take place after the US has been invaded because Revelation 18:21 says that the
angel will throw the millstone in the sea after Babylon is destroyed.
Read Revelation 8 and Revelation 18.
I Saw Blood on the Hands of the Shepherds
I saw Priests, Pastors, Evangelists and Prophets standing before God Almighty with their arms raised with their
hands and forearms soaked in the blood of the believers and non-believers because they did not warn them to
repent of their wicked ways.
Read Ezekiel Chapter 7- in place of Israel- put America. This is exactly what is getting ready to take place.
1979 Sarah Hoffman Vision of the End of the World
(After her suicide in 1979, Sarah Hoffman was sent back to Earth with a startling vision of the last days.  The following is
what she saw in her own words…)  This panoramic view of Earth came into view and then came closer and closer like I had
been out into space and was flying toward it.  I knew that this was to help me make my decision to go back to earth, to my
terrible life, because part of me wanted to go back to the beautiful spirit world or paradise and part of me felt the need to
go back into my body and change my life. It was kind of a tug of war and what I was going to see was to help me
understand what I would go through if I went back into my clay body.  It played out again just like a video tape in fast
forward motion and yet again I could assimilate and see everything clearly and perfectly.
As the world zoomed up to me I saw the whole world and then the various countries.  I don’t know the countries of the
world very well, but as I looked at these lands I instinctively knew what countries they were. I was looking at the Middle
East and watched as a missile flew from Libya and hit Israel with a big mushroom cloud. I knew that the missile was
actually from Iran but people from Iran had been hiding it in Libya and fired it. I knew that it was a nuclear bomb. Almost
immediately missiles started flying from one country to another, quickly spreading to all over the world. I also saw that
many nuclear explosions did not come from missiles but from ground bombs of some kind. I knew that in the future there
would be a nuclear war throughout the world and this is how it would start. 
Then, my focus changed from the Middle East to America. I understood that I was about to see some of the things that
would lead up to the nuclear holocaust I had just witnessed.  As I looked upon the continent of North America, I zeroed in
on the East Coast and then to New York. I saw New York with all of its buildings and people. Then I saw some tall buildings
crashing to the earth with tremendous smoke, debris and dust everywhere (World Trade Towers?). I saw a woman
holding a little girl’s hand, running from the crashing buildings. The lady had long dark hair past her shoulders, curled
inward a little. She had on a beige business suit, heels of a slightly darker color, perhaps a tan color. No glasses. The little
girl appeared to be about 6-7 years old with short brown hair, below the chin, in a sort of a pageboy haircut. They were
holding hands and running together from the falling buildings in the heavy smoke and dust and they were forced to let go
of hands and thereby they got separated. The little girl was terrified and I could hear the little girl screaming “mommy,
mommy” over again and again. I don’t know if they lived or died. I can still see the face of the lady clearly and could
identify her if I saw a picture…or could describe her to an artist to draw her. I asked if an earthquake caused the buildings
to fall down and the impression was ‘no,’ but I don’t know what caused them to fall. 
The next thing that I felt more than I saw was that shortly after this there was no commerce, no shopping, buying, and
was impressed that there was no economy. The economy had almost failed completely and no one had any money. 
The next thing I saw was people being sick and dying. I saw this particularly in four cities: New York, Los Angeles, San
Francisco and Salt Lake. The disease started by having white blisters, some the size of dimes appear on their hands, arms
and face. This quickly developed into white puffy sores and blisters. People would stumble about and fall and then many
died within a short time, maybe 24 hours. I also saw other people with blood coming from their nose, mouth, eyes and
ears. It started like a flu virus and it spread very quickly, faster than the other white blister disease. The people who had
this disease died even faster. This was more wide spread across the entire United States. There were hundreds of
thousands of people stricken with these two diseases.  I knew that the diseases, and there were several different kinds,
but at first primarily these two, came from small containers that had been brought into the United States. These
containers were like quart jars and I was impressed that the people carrying them would just drop them on the ground in
large crowds of people and the people would become infected without realizing it.  In these cities as the disease spread,
the people tried to flee from the cities out to the countryside.
There was complete chaos in these cities and a breakdown of normal society. There was no electricity in them either, but I
don’t know why or how that came to be. There were cars piled up everywhere, blocking roadways and most people then
had to walk out with nothing. The disease started to spread beyond these initial cities.  As these people were fleeing the
cities, there were gangs attacking them and killing them. In the cities that were struck with the disease, there was
complete chaos, looting, rioting, murdering, a complete breakdown. Many people seemed to go absolutely crazy. I sensed
that the electricity had failed everywhere now and that nothing was running, there was no communication or anything
anywhere in the country. Nothing worked, no radios or TVs. I watched people throw rocks and break windows to steal TVs
which I thought was really crazy because they wouldn’t work. 
Immediately, as I watched this happen in the United States, I jumped back to the Middle East and saw the same thing in
Israel, the same sores, and I realized that it was the same types of disease or sickness happening there. I knew somehow
that whatever diseases had been used in the United States were also being used in Israel.  This lasted for only an instant
and I was back in the United States.
There was a tremendously long winter that lasted into summer. It caught everyone by surprise and started the full
famine. Actually, I realized that the long winter actually just increased the famine greatly to its full measure, because the
famine had already been in progress because of the storms, droughts, floods and other plagues that had been happening
over the few years leading up to the long winter.  It seemed then that the year following the long winter was when
everything started to go down hill very quickly or things piled up one on top of the other without any breaks. The sense of
time though was not very clear because I was seeing several things that seemed to happen all at the same time or very
close together.  During and after the long winter, the disease spread everywhere and increased in severity.
The economy was completely gone and the electricity was also gone. There was complete chaos and anarchy all over the
United States. There was no government, just a total breakdown. There was no food at all. I saw people trying to get food
and were completely panicked because there was no food. I saw people digging in the ground for worms and eating them
because they were so hungry.  Also, during this time I became aware that there was very little water and that almost all of
the water had become poisoned so that if a person drank the water they would get the disease and die. Many did even
knowing that they would die, because they were so thirsty.  Some of the people seemed to go crazy and went around in
gangs killing people just for the sake of killing. Others killed for food or for things but the people who killed just to kill
were absolutely terrible. They seemed like beasts, animals completely out of control as they raped, looted, burned and
butchered people. I saw them go into people’s homes and drag families out who were hiding there and rape them and
butcher them.  There was such a fear and hatred that came upon the people — families, wives, husbands — loving ties no
longer mattered; it became survival only. Husbands would kill their wives and children for food or water. Mothers would
kill their children. It was absolutely horrible beyond description. 
The air seemed to be filled with smoke as many buildings and cities burned and no one put them out. As I looked upon the
scene of chaos, destruction and smoke, I noticed that there were these little pockets of light scattered all over the United
States. There were, I would guess, about twenty or thirty of them. I noticed that most of these places of light were in the
western part of the United States, with only three or four in the East.  These places of light seemed to shine through the
darkness and caught my attention and so I concentrated on them, asking, “What are these things?”  I could then see that
they were people who had gathered together and they were on their knees and they were praying. The light was coming
from them and I understood that it represented their goodness and love. I understood that they had gathered together
for safety and that they cared more for each other than for themselves. Some of the groups were small, with only a
hundred people or so, but in other groups there were what seemed several thousand.  I realized that somehow many, if
not most of these cities of light had been established just before the disease attack and that they were very organized. It
was like they had known what was coming and had prepared for it. I didn’t see who or what had organized them, but I
saw many people struggling to get to them with nothing but what they could carry.  These cities of light had food and
were sharing their food with those who joined them in their groups. There was peace and safety in the groups. They were
living in tents, all kinds of tents, many of which were just blankets covering poles. I noticed that the gangs left these
groups alone, choosing to pick on easier targets and unprotected people. They also preyed on the people who were trying
to get to the cities of light. Many people in these cities of light had guns to defend themselves with and so the gangs left
them alone but it seemed that the gangs just didn’t want to come against them.  I realized that these cities of light, which
is what I began to think of them, were only for a short time and then the people in them would go somewhere else;
however, I don’t know where they went but I seem to think that they gathered to the mountains, to the high places. 
As I was looking at the cities of light, I then saw missiles coming and hitting some cities and mushroom clouds started
happening all over the United States. Some were from missiles that I knew came from Russia and others were not from
missiles, but were from bombs that were already in the United States. They were hidden in trucks and in cars and were
exploded.  I specifically saw Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York hit with bombs. New York was hit with a missile, but I
think that Los Angeles was hit by a truck bomb or actually several, because I didn’t see any missile. I also saw north of Salt
Lake City have a mushroom cloud, a small one, but no missile. 
In the darkness I also saw little fireballs. I don’t know if this happened just before or during the mushroom clouds, but
there were millions falling everywhere. They were very hot, of different sizes with most about the size of golf balls. As
they fell from the sky they left a streak of flame and smoke behind them. Whatever they touched they started on fire:
people, buildings, trees, grass, it didn’t matter. I didn’t ask what they were or where they came from, because by this time
I was getting sick of the whole scene and so I just observed and didn’t ask many questions.  Almost right on top of these
mushroom clouds I saw Russian troops invading the United States. I saw them parachuting into a lot of places, primarily
from the East Coast. I saw them parachute into Salt Lake City. I also saw Chinese troops invade from the West Coast, near
Los Angeles.
The people who were still alive started fighting them with their own guns. I didn’t see any military.  This was the nuclear
war that I had seen earlier and I knew that it was also happening all over the world like I had seen previously. I did not see
much of this war, but I was impressed that it was not very long and the Russians and Chinese lose, but I don’t know how
exactly.  Now the smoke turned to a very thick, heavy dark smoke.
Just as things appeared to be as bad as it could get, then the earthquakes happened. This happened during a winter. It
seemed that this was the winter following the very long one and so the chaos had been almost for a full year. The
earthquakes seemed to start in the West, around Idaho and Wyoming, and then quickly spread everywhere.  I saw a huge
earthquake strike Utah and then California. There were earthquakes all over California, but were especially devastating in
the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas.  These earthquakes triggered volcanoes all over the West. They started spewing
a tremendous amount of ash and smoke into the air and the air became very dark and dirty. The sun was darkened even
more because of the smoke and the ash that started raining down everywhere. 
I also saw huge waves of water sweep over the West Coast and then I realized that it was happening all over the coastal
cities of the entire world. Los Angeles was almost swept completely away. The waves were huge.  I saw a big wall of
water, taller than many of the buildings, perhaps as high as 20 feet, sweep over Salt Lake City. I thought this was strange
because it was so far from the ocean and I wondered how a wave from the ocean could travel all the way to Salt Lake City.
I was impressed that it was not from the ocean but from the ground. I quickly saw great cracks in the earth around Salt
Lake City open up and water just shoot out of the ground. I felt that under the ground, very deep, there was a tremendous
amount of water in the ground and the earthquakes forced it up to the surface. When the water swept over the city,
there weren’t very many buildings left, in fact there was a tremendous destruction with hardly anything left at all, just a
few buildings. The water went from Idaho down to near Cedar City and was very bad. 
In the cities there was great destruction, and most of the buildings had been destroyed and there was a lot of rubble.
Though the earthquakes, disease, floods, volcanoes and tidal waves killed a lot of people, most people died because of the
gangs and everyone killing each other, not from the terrible devastations.  As I thought a moment about it, it seemed that
the earth itself had become sickened at the terrible things that were happening upon it and was finally reacting. I was
impressed that the earth wanted to cleanse itself of the terrible chaos and evil that had engulfed the people.  Because of
the volcanoes erupting everywhere, there was now ash mixed with the heavy smoke. Ash was falling and it was almost
complete darkness everywhere.  The diseases had become very bad. I saw people literally die on their feet. There was
another disease I saw. People had these red blotches on them and then they quickly started bleeding everywhere, from
every opening. Then, they literally disintegrated or melted into unrecognizable masses of flesh and bone. I cannot even
begin to describe what I saw. The dead were everywhere 
After this terrible winter, I saw the survivors pile up the dead into huge piles and burn them. The smell was absolutely
terrible. I could smell it just a little and the smell itself would make you sick. This burning of bodies had happened a little
during the chaos, but not much because people were so worried about surviving that they just ignored the dead.  I then
saw four more things. 
I saw a huge earthquake in the middle of the United States. It was tremendous and seemed to split the United States in
half about where the Mississippi River is. The crack in the earth that resulted was huge and that area totally sank. It was
miles wide and it opened up and the earth fell down. It seemed to swallow everything. Then water flowed in from the Gulf
of Mexico all the way up to the Great Lakes, only they weren’t lakes anymore, they became all part of a big inland sea.  I
then saw a series of tremendous earthquakes all over the world. But it wasn’t lots of separate earthquakes, it was all part
of one huge, gigantic earthquake that shook the entire earth. Because of this earthquake, water came upon the land all
over the world. Huge walls of water along all of the coasts. This earthquake and the walls of water made the earlier ones
seem small by comparison. I don’t know if the earthquake that split the United States into two parts was part of this
worldwide quake or not. 
I then saw a tremendous wind come upon the earth. As the wind hit I saw people go into caves and into the cracks of
rocks to escape it. It was tremendous and it blew trees and everything away. It appeared to be stronger than any
hurricane or tornado. It seemed like everything was blown away.  I understood, without asking, that the great worldwide
earthquake and the wind were somehow caused by a huge object, like a planet or something, that had come very close by
the earth and disrupted everything and that it was near the end that this happened.
  I then was back into space viewing the entire earth from a distance. I saw this huge fireball, two or three times bigger
than the earth, approach the earth. It was extremely bright red and gold in color and then engulfed the entire earth.
When I saw this, because it was so different than everything else, I asked what it was. I was impressed that it was the
burning of the earth that is described in the scriptures. I understood that just before it came Jesus had appeared to the
earth and the good people that I had seen earlier had left the earth with Him and were no longer on the earth. The only
people left were the few wicked who had survived the devastations earlier, but there were not many.
Posted by cgman

1986 & 1990 Henry Gruver of Joyful Sound Ministries I SAW the RUSSIANS ATTACK AMERICA
Henry Gruver of Joyful Sound Ministries has had at least two prophetic Visions of America's coming destruction. One was
in 1986 while he was in Wales and the other was in 1990 while he was in Portland, Oregon. The 1986 Vision occurred prior
to occurrence of Glastnost and Parastroika in the U.S.S.R. The first vision shows the coming destruction and the second
shows God's protection of his faithful.
Henry Gruver's 1986 Vision
I was in Wales, on December 14, 1986. I went up on top of the Eagle tower in the Caenarvon Castle. It had eight points on
it. Each of the points on it were eroded eagles. This castle was built in the 12 th century.
I was overlooking the Irish Sea toward the North Sea—Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the tip of Scotland, Greenland, Iceland
in that area.
All of a sudden I was up above the Earth looking down upon the earth like a globe. As I looked down on the earth, I saw all
of these massive amount of all kinds of ships and airplanes. They were coming from up above Norway, out of this inlet.
They headed down between the United States and Europe. They literally covered the whole Atlantic. Then I wanted to see
what was happening to the United States. I looked over on the globe at the United States. I saw coming out of the United
States these radio communication towers. I saw the jagged lines like they draw to show that communications are coming
out. All of a sudden, as I was looking down on them they began to sparkle down on the earth like dust. I thought “Oh no!
They are not getting through! They don't know what is happening! They are totally oblivious!”
Then I began to see all of these submarines emerging from under the surface. I was surprised at how close they were to our
boarders! They were in our territorial waters! Then I saw the missiles come out of them! They hit eastern coastal cities of
the United States.
I looked over across the country where my family was over in the northwest side, and I saw the submarines. I saw the
missiles coming out and hitting the western coastal cities.
I cried out and I said, “Oh God! Oh God! When will this be, and what shall be the sign of its coming?”
I heard an audible voice speak to me amid say:
“When Russia opens her doors and lets the masses go. The free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing
and feeding and caring for the masses, and will lets down their weapons and cry peace and safety. Then sudden destruction
will come. Then is, when it will come.”
January 1990 Vision St Johns, North Portland, Oregon
I saw missiles coming out of the waters of the Pacific Ocean, airplanes coming in towards certain cities along the
Northwest. When it looked like they would do their devastation, I heard a voice speak from heaven, like thunder.
It said, “Watch what I will do!”
The mountains along the coastal range began to shake and tremble and puffs of smoke shot out of them in all
directions, into the paths of the missiles and the planes. The missiles just hit the ground, didn’t explode. The
smoke had destroyed the missiles ability to navigate, to fly through the air, and they didn’t hit their targets. It was
also like shields or domes came over certain cities. Even the contaminated air couldn’t go into those areas. It
went around them.
I saw many vehicles coming in on our waters, like ships opened up in the front, and all these personnel, carrying
things, came out armored, right up on our beaches, and all these thousands of people began to head out. I saw the
proud look on the faces of those that were driving the vehicles. I heard, again, the thunderous voice from the
heavens, “Watch what I will do!”
Suddenly, mountains puffed out smoke, and rivers of golden lava began flowing down a path, right across the
beaches in front of the invaders. Terror came on their faces, and they turned back and headed to the sea, fleeing
for their lives, as the waters behind them turned to steam. And the Lord said:
“I have people in this land that I will not let them touch, for they are Mine! They are My chosen, and I will
keep My chosen safe! For I have a work for them to do yet in this land, and in many lands.”
Henry Gruver Russian Invasion of America
  Henry Gruver Had a vision around 1986 of the invasion of America and  its total destruction by the hands of the Russians
and the Chinese. He saw Russia moving by sea and air from the north to destroy America by nerve gas and nuclear
weapons. The Russians will steal materials and will spoil the united states after the destruction. The death toll of
Americans will reach over 120 million people or 60 percent of the population.

Henry Gruver 1st vision   He was taken to Astoria Washington

  In Astoria Washington He saw a Chinese invasion force by sea invading the land. When the Chinese landed in
America Any civilians they saw was instantly shot and killed. The United States responded with World War 2 vintage
planes against the Chinese invasion force. This Represented the Weakness of America in its national defenses.
Henry Gruver 2nd vision
  In this vision he and his wife were told to walk down a canyon to meet a butler that would take them to sit in front of a
platform with 60 chairs. When they were seated they saw an american 4 star general and a politician off to the side talking
with each other.
  After a minute, a helicopter flew in and dropped a portable office that was blue in color down to the ground and flew
away. Prince Charles came out of that office and  was wearing a safari outfit. He was crying and announced to the
congregation that America was at war and they had to fight with out God.
  The general then walked to Charles who was speaking on the platform and he said we know were at war but argued if
God had anything to do with it. During this argument a giant frog approached representing Russia and croaked white
nerve gas to kill everyone in the vision.
  After He Saw the nerve gas he was taken to the heavens and he saw Trafalgar square in London. In this square he saw a
Russian general Being mocked by the European Population. The Russian general then commanded Russian troops each
protected with bio warfare suits to kill everyone. After They were killed the Russians spoiled the materials in the vision.
  In The first half of the vision There may be a clue to the time frame of the Russian invasion of America.
In the vision Prince Charles gave the Invasion announcement to America at the time of the attacks.
Now if you Assume that it may be Prince Charles himself to make the announcement the attack will have to happen within
20-30 Years because as of 2012 he is 63 years old. This would make him around 83-93 at the time of the Russian invasion
of America. This time frame also brings the tribulation much closer than we realize. 
Henry Gruver 3rd vision
Henry Gruver was looking at the island of anglesey When he was taken up into the heavens.
  He was looking down on the earth like a map and he saw a massive military movement from Russia coming down from
the icelantic waters from the north. The Russian army came down the Atlantic ocean to attack America by sea.
Russian Submarines parked along the coast lines of America and nuclear warheads attacked a completely destroyed new
york city and other cites in the nation.
The major destruction Started in the cities of New York, Seattle Washington, Miami Florida, San Diego and Los Angeles
The Sighn of the vision and its Time of the destruction of America at the hands of the Russians invasion.
"When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go; the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing
and caring for the masses and will begin to let there weapons down and will cry peace and safety and that's when it will

Home » Prophecies » The Decapolis Prophecy By Harold Eatmon June 14, 2008 Prophecies
By Harold Eatmon ‘Breath of Heaven’ Encounter; June 14th, 2008 (excerpt from meeting/video)
Prayer: Father, You’re here and You’re in this house. God, we love You. Father, Thank you for sending Your
Son, Jesus, that by the shedding of blood there is forgiveness of sin. Tonight, Holy Spirit, light the fire in my
soul, heal me. God, tonight make me whole. Lord, You know where I want to be. God, You know tonight —
light the fire in me.
“For I have come into this building this night”, God would say, “And by My Spirit I have spoken unto you by
the holy writ,” and the Holy Ghost would say unto you this night, “many of you have laid dormant in your
anointing; many of you have laid dormant in your gifting. You do not know your gift; you do not know your
divine calling. You know your worldly calling; you know your worldly work; you know your worldly talents; but
you are naked before Me without a gift because you do not recognize and honor that which I have given
unto my Church, the body of Christ.”
And the Lord would say unto you tonight, “Unto those who doubt these words, I will not be able to breathe
life into their gifting by the anointing of My Spirit that would break every yoke off of everything that’s
not of Me. I will cut the chains and the fetters of iron and free the prisoners. I will open the blind eyes
to those who are blind. I will open the ears of the deaf, I will make the dumb speak again. I will cause
miracles to come, special miracles, supernatural miracles, miracles by My Spirit and by your hand. I will
show the world — that they may see — as Moses cast the rod down, all of the nation of Egypt bowed
before Me.”
Surely I will say unto you, “I will visit you in a holy visitation. I will bless My people because I love My sons
and daughters but I’m calling, I am calling unto you, I’m calling out by My Spirit. I’m saying unto you,
‘receive My anointing and fire will be shut up in your bones. Receive My anointing and words of power will
come out of your mouth. Receive My anointing and you will cast out the demons, you will heal the sick, you
will raise the dead; it is My Word, and I will accomplish it through you’.”
God would say, “Believe, drink of this cup — all of it,” and surely the Lord would say unto you, “you will
remember Me. Drink it not and surely you will be a child of the world, a child of darkness, one separated
from Me, and one day eternally separated.”
The Lord would say unto this company of people, “I’ve been dealing with America. I’ve been talking into this
nation. I’ve been dealing with My preachers, My sons and daughters of faith. I’ve been dealing with
apostles and prophets. I’ve been dealing with pastors, teachers, evangelists. I’ve been dealing with the
leaders in the body of Christ; and I have been bringing a new conviction” and the Lord would say unto you,
“revival will come here, and there, but not everywhere. It will come here, it will come there, but not
everywhere. It will come here and there; it will not come everywhere. It will come where the believers
are, where they’re gathering in My name and weeping at My door. Jesus is the Door, Jesus is the door, My
Son is the door to the tabernacle. He’s the way. He’s the truth. He’s the Come before me in weeping and
the great and notable day of separation — you will not be there, and you will not be weeping. Come before
me laughing. Come before My presence with dancing; and on the day of deliverance, you will be laughing
and you will be dancing.”
The Lord would say unto you, “I’m calling My people to come back into My presence and to come back into the
spirit of revival, back into the spirit where I would redeem a nation that has run far from Me. Oh they are sick
from the top of their head to the soles of their feet, putrefying sores upon the body, putrefying sores! Sickness and
disease running rampant through their body: all sorts of greed, all sorts of perversion, all sorts of unrighteousness,
all sorts of sickness and disease. Many are dead and many lie asleep because of unrighteousness.”
And the Lord would say unto this nation, “Soon I will visit you beyond your understanding. I will visit you by
the hand of another, and your enemy will be camped at your door. On all four sides they will be encamped
around about you and when the day of the encampment comes you will remember these words.  For surely,
the Lord will warn you and surely the Lord does not allow anything that the prophets would not warn…”
Ezekiel prophesied standing upon a wall – “seeing” (prophesying what he saw), and if he did not prophesy,
the blood of a nation would be upon his hands. “The responsibility of a nation will be upon a man and the
blood of that nation — innocent blood — would be upon his head because though he did not warn them
because he did not declare unto them, ‘bow your heart! Bow your heart! Bow your head! Bow your head; oh
more than that, bow your knee before Me, Almighty God.” For the Lord would say unto you, “there’s none
likened unto Me. There’s none greater than I Am, that I Am, that I Am! I am He who was and who is and
who is to come!  I am the Lord your God and I fail not!” For the Lord would say unto you tonight, “Know the
hour of your visitation. Know the day! Know the rending of heaven; I am tearing open the heavens that
there will be an open heaven before you. Then ask of Me and see if not I will pour you out a blessing unto
the righteous. Unto those who believe in faith. Unto those who call upon My name. Unto those who receive
My words. Jesus would say — by the Holy Ghost — My testimony was the spirit of prophecy. To those who
hear; let them hear what my spirit is saying. Unto those who believe. all things our possible. Unto those
who disbelieve, all things are impossible. Only believe in My name. Believe in My name. Believe in My sons.
Believe in My prophets and you shall prosper. Believe in them not and dark days will come in the
For surely the Lord would say unto this nation [America], “they will be surrounded on all 4 sides. Delicate
days will come. Decapolis will be upon you — and in that setting, some will cry out and say, ‘Who did not
warn us? How come we did not hear? How come we did not know’?”  For surely the Lord God would say unto
those who have ears to hear this day, “I have spoken it; I have said it. I have said it for a long time. I will
continue to say it until America bows before me.
The enemy like the Syrian camp, that encamped around about Israel and surely the plight and the
destruction of that was dramatic!” God would say unto you, “Hear these words this night and I will liken
you unto a wise man that built his house, his life, his family, his hope, his destiny upon a rock. Do it not and
I will liken those unto the foolish man who built his house upon the sand and the hurricane came and
washed it away and nothing was there and great was the tragedy and tumultuous.”
God would say unto you this night, “I am that I am, deliver[ed] thee. I am that I am, heal[ed] thee. I Am
that I Am, set the captives free. Do not believe every word; there are many false prophets and false
apostles in the last days. If it were not so, I would not have told you; but surely by my scriptures, I have
spoken it unto you. By my son, John, he said unto you, “false apostles will come, false prophets.” Jesus said
in the last days, “I say unto you, it will come upon you as a plight, as a disease that would overtake like a
plague. Many false prophets will be here [saying], ‘Do not worship Him! Do not shout unto God! Do not cry
out unto Him! He is deaf unto you! Do not do these things! Do not worship Him! Do not bow down before
Him! Do not weep before him! Do not cry out unto Him! Do not dance before him! Do not do those things
that He loves for you to do. For it’s not a natural man’s order!’ And God would say unto you, “I will disrupt
the day of mankind, and suddenly Decapolis, and suddenly cities, and suddenly explosions, and suddenly
… Where are faithful Christians this day that would cry out? That would say unto Me, Hear my voice;
deliver us, oh God. For You deliver us out of the hand of the fouler. You deliver us all the day long. You
deliver us from the noise and pestilence. You deliver us from those things that are not of You. You deliver
us from the plagues. You deliver us from our own flesh. You’re the delivering God. You deliver us. You are
the deliver. Am I not He, Jesus, The Deliver? Am I not He, that sets the captives and the prisoners free?
Am I not Him — Immanuel — that I came to be and walk among you? Is it not enough that I did mighty
signs and wonders and miracles? Yet even today, you like the Children of Israel…there are many that have
forgotten the Red Sea. They forgot that I opened up the Red Sea. They forgot that I parted the Jordan
River many times. They forgot all of those things; and yet today, I come that I have to convince America
again! Who shall deliver you? Who shall heal your land? Who shall separate you from your darkness? What
shall bring you into the truth? Is it not I, the Lord your God, on a cross, by My Son’s blood and by My
The Lord would say, “Those that have ears to hear, let them hear the word of truth and the Spirit of the
living God.” God would say unto you, “Blind guides [false prophets] are in the earth this day. Pharisees who
act in legalism to do everything so orderly that death has set in like a mortuary and bodies are strewn
across America everywhere. Dead people in dead pulpits.  No life, no anointing, no victory!”, God would say
unto us this night.
I hear the voice of the Lord saying unto us clearly — God I hear you speaking unto me these words; and for
surely the Lord is in this place. How wonderful, how terrible, how fearful a day that God would come into a place
and speak to those [us] like the 120 in an “upper room” experience — and suddenly people think that some may
be drunk, others may be in a state of disarray, but suddenly the voice of God comes and fire sits upon their heads
and a form of God, a theophany, would come.
I hear the Lord saying, “I’m coming, I’m coming back, I’m coming back, I’m coming back for whosoever will —
I’m coming back for you, prepare, make ready! Prepare, make ready. Prepare! Urgency! Urgency! Make
ready! Prepare! Great are the days before you; great shall be one day the tribulation.” God would say unto
you, “Great shall be the difficulty. Great shall be the lies and the devastation of an antichrist spirit and a
false prophet. A beast that would come to do signs, wonders, and miracles, lying wonders, lying miracles,
falsehoods of deception that the very elect would be deceived .”
And God would say, “I am not mocked! Whatsoever a man sows; that shall he also reap! If he sows unto lies
and deception; he shall reap lies and deception! If he sows unto holiness, purity and righteousness — as it
is in heaven so shall it be on earth — he shall reap purity, righteousness and — as it is in heaven — he shall
find in his own soul and his own mind victory beyond victory!” And God would say tonight, “I am not mocked.
Whatsoever you sow, you will reap. Whatever you sow,…” the Lord would say, “you will reap. If you sow to
the wind; a whirlwind will come. If you sow into the darkness; the darkness beyond darkness will come. But
if you sow into the Father; then the Father will come.”
“Hear these words. For this night I have spoken. Let it be resounding in your ear. Receive these words
again. Listen to Me, Listen to Me, the Holy Ghost.” And the Lord, Father God and His Son, Jesus, would say,
“Listen to Me! Rehearse these words in your ears and in your children’s ears: Get Ready! The Kingdom of
God is near! I am at hand — The door of holiness and righteousness — weep at the altar. Cry out before
Me and My presence will come! Give away your flesh, and your spirit will live! Do it not, dismay will be your
misfortune; confusion shall be your teacher and fear will be your tutor and your taskmaster. For I am the
Lord and I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. Hear my words and
do them and great shall be your riches and your reward in heaven.” Amen.

Monday, August 12, 2013Daniel Rodes a Word to America

Daniel Rodes a Word to America
Daniel Roads was given words from the Lord of soon cataclysmic events to hit American soil. America will be destroyed by
a nuclear attack from Russia after an economic collapse possibly caused by a cataclysmic event involving earthquakes and
There will be Tsunamis capable of destroying major cites.
 There will be an increase of major earthquakes. Get food water and pray. 
 Major city's will be attacked by nuclear bombs.
 Great famine will increase in the dry lands of America.
 Food shortage will cause people to kill each other.
 Floods will cause 35 ft wide 15 ft deep gouges in the earth.
 Chaos and confusion will empower the governments of the earth.
The church is advancing in the wrong direction with a false Gospel restricting the Holy Spirit for a more traditional way in
full coalition with the Devil and his army's. The Church will be restored to the 5 fold ministry with all its gifts for the future
revival in America.

The Word of the Lord For America 

 A yellowish, pale, gooey looking substance fill the air with a cloud completely blotting out the sun and multitudes
of people will die. This may be nuclear fallout or a biological or chemical substance.
 Biological and chemical weapons will be used on American soil against her people.
 Many cities in America will be destroyed completely by fire and massive military artillery.
 Missiles and nuclear warfare being used on American cities.
 Our coastlines were surrounded by enemy nations.
 Our shorelines are monitored by destructive military equipment
 The sovereignty of the United States turned over into the hand of enemies.

 Americans became slaves to the enemy and were used and abused at their will. 
 Because they have rebelled against the Lord God of Heaven, they shall suffer severely.
 Deadly, dangerous peace keeping forces were unmercifully beating and tormenting anyone who would resist their
 Many Christian pastors will be killed and others will be threatened and greatly tortured.
 Mothers crying as they were being tormented and watched their children die before their eyes.
 Persecution will come upon the American people. 
 So-called Christians will bring great attacks against the holy remnant. 
 Some so-called Christians will be taken as slaves and put in work camps because we will not submit ourselves to
the right ways of God.
 This persecution will completely destroy denominational differences.
 While the church will face severe persecution, the Glory of the Lord will appear and great revivals will take place .
 Every person in the world will become the property of the New Age government.
 Their property and everything they own will become the property of the new government.

 The Word of the Lord said, “I am coming for a church without spot and wrinkle.”

2014/2015/2018/ charlie-shamp-destinyencounters-com
A Prophetic Edge Is Being Given To The Servants Of God For Creativity In Technology
What I believe was of even greater significance than the visitation was the message that I received in my spirit. I quickly
grabbed my iPad and wrote down several notes of information regarding revelation I had received. There were several
pivotal points that the Lord spoke with me about that I want to share with you.
First, although innovation and inventions are being fueled by the great need and necessities of people, it will not be in
human intellect and manpower in which we will see great technological advancements in medical and computer science in
the coming days, but it will be revelation knowledge from eternity that will cause them to come to life! There is a new
prophetic edge being given to the servants of God for creativity in technology. 
One bit of precise revelation that the Lord spoke to me about that I feel led to share was the scientific discovery in the
next 15 years of room-temperature superconductors. The discovery of these superconductors will spark a second
industrial revolution and will shift the earth into a whole new world. I was also shown a great breakthrough in computer
science through quantum computer technology. What we previously thought to be a technological boom that has come
over the last ten years is elementary and will pale in comparison to what we will see start in 2015 to 2025. The earth is
about to become much smaller!
At the release of quantum computing on the planet new emerging markets will develop and communication will become
seamless and instantaneous. It will be as fast as a thought! My prayer is that the Body of Christ will be ready for this
amazing technology that will bring massive amounts of wealth.
God Is Opening Classified Information From Eternity Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He
revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets. Amos 3:7 KJV
Other words for secret are a "concealed code" or "classified information." God is opening classified information from
eternity to all those who will seek Him in the secret place. Get ready; books of information and knowledge in Heaven are
about to be opened. Secrets that have been sealed up for many ages and generations are about to be uncovered.
Scientific codes are about to be cracked, bringing a flood of technological advancement that has not been seen on earth
Oftentimes we refer to the written Word of God as the Greek word Logos, but the Logos Word is much more then the
written Bible – it is a living Spirit. Logos is where we get our English word for  logic. It is literally the mind of God! It can
also be translated asblueprint. God is making a trade with us this year. We are trading our mind for His so that we can
think on a greater level of understanding to bring God's blueprint of the future onto the earth. There has always been a
great separation between Christianity and science, but this is a time of a great convergence of the two. 
As a result of this new-found knowledge, great wealth will be transferred to many who follow Christ to fund the harvest
of souls in the nations on a level that we have never seen before. Many ideas of inventions and innovations will be given
in dreams, and even sudden thoughts of understanding will burst into peoples' minds. Scientific mysteries and equations
that seemed to stump the most brilliant scientists for centuries will suddenly, overnight, make perfect sense. Get ready,
friend: Things that felt difficult to understand will, overnight, become easy and accessible. There is rest in this new realm
of revelation we are entering.
"Get Ready For A System Reboot!" We will see specific breakthroughs in the coming days with different
forms of energy. Energy has always been a great concern for many, and for decades there has been an iron fist controlling
technology from being released that would free the earth from an oil-based energy system. But the Lord revealed to me
that in the not-too-distant future there will be no difference between waste and energy. In fact, right now there are
nations on the verge of breakthroughs in energy that will cause Babylon to be bankrupt overnight. It will be a shock to
many when it comes, but it is already in the works. The tide is changing, and I see new ways and waves of energy coming
to the shores of many nations. Mark my words, the planet will not run on oil forever. That system is running out of time!
What we must come to understand is that when the Lord speaks about the earth and the world in the Word, He is
speaking about two different things. The Earth is the planet in which we live, but the world is the system that is around
the earth. Over the past several years there have been great manipulations of this system that have pushed demonic
agendas onto the earth. This has caused great strain and an overload to come to markets around the world. This was
accelerated by the enemy to cause a crash to take place in nations and different markets, which we have seen in some
aspects. Money and wealth that suddenly vanished into thin air. Millions of dollars that could no longer be accounted for
because it was wrapped in a failed system. People's retirements and pensions gone overnight. The Lord says, "Get ready
for a system reboot!"
...The kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and
ever.Revelation 11:15 KJV
God is getting ready to reboot and reformat the system to work for the righteous. There are many trade secrets that will
be revealed to men and women that follow after righteousness. While some in the world trade on the stars and secret
systems, the righteous who follow the Morning Star will be shown things that are coming that will catch the markets by
surprise. They will know where to invest and when to pull out and place their material wealth elsewhere.
Some have been in a cave of disparity because of the downturn over the past few years, but listen for His voice. It's not
coming in the earthquake, the fire, or lightning, but in a still small voice. Listen closely and do as you're told and you will
experience sudden turnaround. It will come overnight. God is coming down to change your story dramatically in 2014! I
can hear a sound of abundance... Get ready, God is going to rain down blessing in your life!
Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: His going forth is prepared as the morning; and He shall come unto
us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.Hosea 6:3 KJV
A place of unusual power will begin to flow towards the end of 2015 like we have never seen before. Many will begin to
taste of the age to come. There will be a prophetic people that will begin to emerge toward the end of next year that will
speak a wisdom that is not of this world. They will manifest a message from an age to come. They will transcend the
system of the world and operate from a higher order of the supernatural. A Daniel company is coming! This will be a
company of prophets; who can discern our times with pinpoint accuracy. Some will be given high places to speak into
earthly governments around the world. They will have a mandate from The Lord to administer justice and solve complex
situations that human intellect can not understand. And the king communed with them; and among them all was found
none like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: therefore stood they before the king. And in all matters of wisdom and
understanding, that the king enquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that
were in all his realm. (Daniel 1:19-20 KJV)
*Intensification of worship and praise that will cause new technologies to surface in the earth.
2. World view: Things to watch for in the nations
*Look for the nation of Germany to have new medical technology they will unveil in the fall of 2015 on human genetics.
We can look to see from 2015-2020 a full integration of computer technology within society. It will be so seamless you
won't recognize it is even there. Much like electricity has become seamless within our daily lives. There are
companies working on glasses that will contain computer technology, but by 2020 it will be as small as a contact that goes
into your eye. They will carry full internet capability.
There will be three nations that will emerge this year as forerunners of new computer technology (quantum computers)
China, Great Britain, and America whoever breaks the code will lead the future.
*Watch China and Japan they are going to emerge with new clean energy technology. A Hydrogen based energy. We will
see specific breakthroughs in the coming days with different forms of energy. Energy has always been a great concern for
many, and for decades there has been an iron fist controlling technology from being released that would free the earth
from an oil-based energy system. But the Lord revealed to me that in the not-too-distant future there will be no difference
between waste and energy. In fact, right now there are nations on the verge of breakthroughs in energy that will cause
Babylon to be bankrupt overnight. It will be a shock to many when it comes, but it is already in the works. The tide is
changing, and I see new ways and waves of energy coming to the shores of many nations. Mark my words, the planet will
not run on oil forever. That system is running out of time!
3. Two Major disasters we must pray against.
*Solar flares from the sun. We will see that the sun will be a greater sign to us in 2015 then the blood moons. Watch for
greater activity coming from the sun this year. The Lord showed me that one of the earths greatest disasters would not
come from the ground, but from the sky. The solar flares from the sun increasing this coming year it will shock many. We
need to pray against any touching the earth. And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath;
blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: (Acts 2:19 KJV) The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth
his handywork. (Psalms 19:1 KJV)
*Major earthquake in Tokyo, Japan that shook it to its foundation. An 8.5 to 8.8 is what I was shown. We need to stand in
agreement against this natural disaster. And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into
the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. (Revelation 8:5 KJV)
I recently had a troubling vision that I believe will require intercessors to take very seriously and pray into during this time.
In this vision I was carried to a place that seemed to be a makeshift laboratory. As I looked around I witnessed someone
creating a sinister plan to harm humanity. I could see a laptop filled with thousands of files containing schemes, bomb-
making instructions, and research on building home-brewed biological and radiological weapons.
While I stood and looked God brought me into a microscopic dimension where I could see past the view of the naked eye
and into a much deeper realm. I could see microscopic organisms that were being created with the intention of spreading
bacterial infection to wreak havoc on many; a bio terror attack.
The Lord spoke to me and said, “There are terror cells hidden in America and the nations of the earth. Satan has managed
to infect men’s minds with demonic plans involving the intentional release of biological and radiological agents to harm
many, they are planning it even now. Those that would commit such demonic acts are filled with the most deep spirit of
darkness. The devil used disease from the beginning to destroy humanity, but my Son was manifested that he might
destroy the works of Satan in the earth. My church must rise in this hour and pray against these terror attacks that the
enemy wants to bring. If they will pray the attack will be uncovered! For there are multitudes, multitudes in the valley of
decision who have yet to receive me as Lord, but to those that fear my name will the Son of righteousness arise with
healing in his wings. I will cover the people with my feathers and under my wings will they find protection. They will have
no fear of this terror, nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness; nor for the destruction that seeks to lay waste in cities.
I the Lord will be their habitation there will be no evil befall them, neither will any plague come nigh their dwelling.”
Suddenly I saw a mantle, that looked as though someone of royalty would have worn it, fall to the ground. I heard the
Lord say, “I’m offering this mantle to many in this hour, but who will carry it to the ends of the earth for my glory?”
I asked the Lord, “What mantle is it?”
I heard the Lord say, “It’s the mantle of abundant life! For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made you free
from the law of sin and death. There was one who carried this mantle many generations ago; my servant John G. Lake. He
carried it throughout the earth and displaced disease, darkness and death. Through his hands the most deadly diseases
were brought to nothing and cities came under my hand of protection and prosperity. This mantle is coming again in the
earth to combat what the enemy has set in place to come, but who will carry this mantle for my glory?
If my people, which are called by my name will humble themselves, pray and seek my face they will receive it. I will come
to work with them, healing and protection will be in their land. I will send my word and heal those around them, deliver
them from destruction. I will deliver their soul from death, their eyes from tears and their feet from falling. Behold, I will
bring them health and a cure. I will reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth found only in my Kingdom. A true
Apostolic authority is about to be revealed that has not been seen in many generations. One that will be known not by
title, but by Acts! One that carries authentic power to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the
masses. Where the enemy would use some to kill, steal and destroy this anointing will come to bring life and life more
abundantly. And there will be a sign that follow those that receive, if they drink any deadly thing it will not hurt them.”
I could see the protection of God’s hand come over regions and bio terror could not penetrate past the vail of the mantle.
I saw churches that became distribution centers that released peace upon cities and regions. They had the ability to
expose darkness by prayer and secret terror cells were uncovered. I know what I was shown and we must not be slothful
in prayer at this time. We must be diligently seeking God for the protection of the nations. We must earnestly desire this
mantle of abundant life to come upon the leaders of the body of Christ. I’m calling upon all believers and intercessors to
begin to pray this word through and cover your cities with Psalms 91. I believe it is a mandate from the Lord as I can still
hear his voice saying, “but who will carry this mantle for my glory?”
A prophetic word for 2019 7th January 2019
"England is on the brink of another great outpouring", according to Julian Adams, a church leader well known for his
prophetic ministry
It’s at this time each year that people ask me what it is that I’m feeling prophetically for the upcoming year. I find it
fascinating that as each new year approaches there seems to be an avalanche of prophetic words that suddenly come out.
Christians everywhere start looking into the meaning behind specific numbers and calling forth their “jubilee seasons”.
Some of us study the Jewish calendar to help predict what our future might hold, or reach out to our favourite prophetic
voices to find out what insight they’ve got for us this year.
While I do believe that many of these signs have merit, I always try to remind people of this one crucial reality: because of
the finished work of Christ, we are now living in perpetual jubilee and eternal Sabbath rest. 
It’s important for us to understand the times and the seasons, but it’s more important that our over-arching reality is an
awareness that we constantly live within God’s goodness.
God ALWAYS wants to cancel our debt.
God ALWAYS wants to demolish slavery.
God ALWAYS wants to release people into freedom.
While I don’t do this often, this year I did find some time to pen down some of the things I am feeling for 2019. As you
read this, keep in mind that his desires for you are good. And if you’re looking for a personal prophetic word, here it is: He
loves you with an everlasting love, and has drawn you with loving-kindness (Jeremiah 31:3).
Happy New Year!
In 2019, the Body of Christ will experience a significant breakthrough in evangelistic effectiveness. There are going to be a
number of evangelistic endeavours initiated that will produce much fruit as people begin to hunger for a deeper
connection with God and as the world goes through a significant breaking open of spirituality as a result of a desire to
connect with something transcendent. I believe the Church has a window of opportunity to be the answer to these
realities and, subsequently, to experience an incredible harvest.
Power shift from west to east I also see a significant transition in the natural from the west to the east. I
believe that governments, financial centres, and authority bases are moving from west to east. Even financially, there is
going to be a significant push towards a more eastern authority base. This will be true of the Church as well.
I believe that God is going to release an army of missionaries from the east that will begin to invade the west. There are
going to be a number of churches that will be birthed because of a high-missional movement from places in the east.
God’s hand is on eastern nations in order to release a new way of extending the Kingdom of God. This innovative way of
being the people of God will be rooted in significant community, transformation initiatives, and evangelistic
breakthroughs. I also feel like God is going to be increasing the Church’s profile in this next season. In eastern nations and
in places that traditionally have not been recognized as a spiritual authority, we are going to start to see an outbreak of
the Gospel.
I feel like there is something profound on Russia, at the moment. In the midst of travesty and what looks like unhealthy
government leadership, God is going to raise up an incredible move of the Spirit in Russia and there are going to be
hundreds of thousands of people swept into the Kingdom.
As people begin to encounter God, there will be a significant, lasting impact made on the spiritual climate of Russia in a
number of places. I feel like there is something of a revival that is going to begin to break out. Even in Moscow, there is
going to be a significant breakout of the presence of God and a move of the Holy Spirit. Even the traditional church in
Russia is going to begin to experience a reawakening.
The presence and the power of God breaking out, evidenced by many signs and wonders, will serve as a hallmark of what
He is going to do.
A move of God in England and Hollywood
I also believe that God is wanting to highlight what he is doing in England. England is on the brink of
another great outpouring that will begin to undo some of the unhealthy liberal agendas. It will begin to disrupt the
narrative, as more and more Christians find their voice and more and more people encounter the true, living God.
There is an outpouring of souls for England. A fresh wave of worship and a fresh wave of encounter is going to be released
in the nation of England.
I feel like God is also going to do something quite significant in Hollywood in this next season. He’s already been doing
some amazing things through a number of ministries that are involved in Hollywood but I believe there’s going to be a
significant move of the Holy Spirit that is going to release a new sound of purity, morality, and grace. This new sound is
going to be released from Hollywood through particular movies and productions that will reshape the consciousness and
spirituality of a generation.
In addition, in this next season, the Church will gain a clearer understanding of what it means to be authentic. The Body of
Christ will begin to comprehend in a greater measure its mandate to be a community that offers alternatives to the
ineffective systems that the world is offering. God is giving authority back to the Church in order to be an influential force
and to fulfil its commission to be salt and light on the Earth.
Solutions for natural disasters I believe that God is going to release significant resources to the Church to be the
answer to some natural disasters that are going to happen.
God is calling the Church to prepare and to get their resources ready so that they can be the solution. The Church will lead
the way in problem-solving and will provide practical solutions to very difficult disaster-response situations. I believe that
God is going to release an anointing upon the Church to be the 'first-responders,' not only in the case of natural disasters
but also political crises. God wants to give the Church a clear voice that will begin to direct and shape the way policies and
decisions are being made during times of extreme difficulty. It won’t necessarily be overtly Christian but it will be an
expression of the Kingdom of God in order to help establish God’s Kingdom on the Earth. The Prophetic Word Of The Lord For 2014 And Onwards From:
Apostle Steve Lyston, Prophet O. Onesto Jolly, Prophetess Michelle Lyston,
Prophet David Benoit. Prophetess Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio
Shake Rattle & Rolling down on the River
A great change is coming worldwide. All nations that will not cease to worship idols will experience another
wave of disasters. For the Lord says He will visit and dismantle places of amusement wherein evil takes
place. The stench of sin has come up before God and unless they repent, they will all likewise perish.
Another wave of events is about to unfold upon the globe. Many will realize when it is too late
For the Lord says that as He exposes the evil and the evil plans, especially in some nations, many will have
heart attacks, and some will have brain damage. There are some who will lose the will to live. A decision
is going to be made and it will be a worldwide command/decree. It will shake the entire world and it will
not be contested. This is when we will see the true Christians of the century. It will spark a worldwide
war which will affect every nation. But true believers, whether they live or die, will be saved. God will
give us the grace to stand fast by His word; and when things reach an alarming height, those in authority
will propose some kind of drug to silence those who are badly affected.
The entire earth is about to experience a shift like we have never seen before. We will be seeing a
significant number of shifts that will affect political leadership, locally and globally. Priorities will also
shift, but with all that will be happening,
Things will be very unpredictable , Many plans that are in place, whether good or bad, will be disrupted
drastically. Many longstanding companies will disappear.
There will be many stirrings and shakings, because judgement must begin in the house of the Lord first. A
lot of shaking and shifting will take place in the Earth also. God is calling His people to win the harvest
at any cost.
It is going to be a decade of surprises! Many companies will not survive without good marketing tactics
and strategies. While the banks will be coming together to impose stringent measures on the people,
there is going to be a shaking up in the banking industry. The fear of God shall return to the Church, and
God shall deal with leaders, and the judgments will start in the House of God!
 A wind of change will blow throughout the globe in four areas:
 Great migration and exodus
 Invasion and occupation among nations
 Plagues and diseases
Many things will happen. There will be shakings. Many will ask why, others will say, 'It can't be!'
The entire earth is about to experience a shift like we have never seen before. We will be seeing a
significant number of shifts that will affect political leadership, locally and globally. Priorities will also
shift, but with all that will be happening,
The Lord says He has a set time to judge. As there is an outcry by many of God's people for God to
intervene and give recompense to their enemies. (Isaiah 59: 18).
The spirit of supplanting is on the rise. Many prophecies that were given and were not fulfilled before will
be coming to pass
The spirit of supplanting is on the rise. Many prophecies that were given and were not fulfilled before will
be coming to pass
There will be many stirrings and shakings, because judgement must begin in the house of the Lord first. A
lot of shaking and shifting will take place in the Earth also. God is calling His people to win the harvest
at any cost.
There will be massive change globally that will affect all human beings on the earth. Watch the months of
March to June.
Things will be very unpredictable , Many plans that are in place, whether good or bad, will be disrupted
drastically. Many longstanding companies will disappear.
We will see a new era, new cycles, new direction, new counsel, new faith (The Manifestation), God's
supernatural power, wisdom, intercessory prayer, and increase of grace.
We will see a new era, new cycles, new direction, new counsel, new faith (The Manifestation), God's
supernatural power, wisdom, intercessory prayer, and increase of grace.
We will see the shaking of world systems: industrial, economic and godless commercialism and religious, as
more countries will begin to align with the anti-Christ system. There will be famine and water shortages
in some countries, while more floods, fire and earthquakes will continue in other areas; and civil war will
break out.
It may seem as if some of the African nations have not been touched, however, many of them will
experience worse. There is an evil that exists in Nigeria that is worse than what we have seen before,
and it will be exposed.
The current leaders of Boko Haram will be captured and brought to justice. Pray for the forsaken villages
in Nigeria that they do not become radicalised by ISIS. The government must do more to improve these
villages, health, food, education and jobs. This is to prevent extremist and radicalisation.
Pray for Sudan, Denmark, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, India, Kenya (Nairobi).
Pray for the continent of Africa. Furthermore, there is a plan to going up another man-made disease to
wipe out the poorer class in Africa, India, China, Haiti because of greed! It can hit those countries, and
scientists will make it appear to solve the problem when, in fact, they are making it worse; a way of
pulling money for research. A connected, international organization wants to be rich at the expense of
Pray for the continent of Africa. There will be more disasters, murders, and killings. Spend time in My
presence. Wait on Me until you hear Me. Also, watch
China, Greece, Iraq, Russia, Turkey, and the
Egypt, Iran, Italy, Syria, USA
The Lord says that there are major vulnerabilities within Kenya's security force that have the potential
to bring major disaster in 2019, and could force them into ungodly alliances to try and rectify the
Urgent cry for the country of Uganda as there is a plot to overthrow the government. Christians need to
cry out so that Uganda won't plunge into chaos. There will be a restructuring within the Government of
There is a man in East Africa who is looking over the entire continent of Africa. He is troubled in his
spirit. He is looking for an opportunity to come on the scene.
We must pray for the entire African continent Evil infiltration is attacking Africa because of their creed
and colour.. The wealth is what they are after. Where is the watchman within Africa? The eyes of God
are watching. Why is Africa suffering?
God wants to make a major change in Africa - to rise up the continent of Africa. Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda,
Ivory Coast - watch out! Open your eyes.


in New Delhi, India the people are crying out for economic change, and they are willing to demonstrate for
this change to come forth now.
South Korea's market share will increase rapidly.
Thus says the Lord: There shall be a great turmoil in the east that cannot be quenched by man-made
tools, because it is My perfect will. Also, there will be weeping and wailing from the west. My wrath will
be upon Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Eastern Europe, Palestine, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Iran, USA
(especially Massachusetts and Kentucky).

European & Euro Woes

Other countries are going to pull out of the European Union.
Jamaica must also be careful about pulling out of the Monarchy and CARICOM.
There will be a huge disagreement between Prince Charles and Prince William, which has the capacity to
spill out into the Parliament.
Pray for Romania because they are crying out for change.
The Prime minister of Germany will institute three new laws that will affect its neighbouring countries.
There will be political unrest in the Ukraine that will cause the country to go into a different direction
that may be in favour of the people.


God says He is going to deal with the Middle East and all the nations fighting against Israel. It is
hindering His work from moving on and He is going to deal with them. He is angry with the East.
Israel says if Missiles hit Jerusalem, Mecca will be hit within minutes
Israel will send missiles to Iran but before that day there will first be mystery explosions sent in various
places in Iran. When the final missiles hit Iran there will be a huge growth of anti-Semitism and
everyone will blame Israel for the price of gasoline. This attack will lead to OPEC nation to form an
alliance and will not sell oil to nations that support Israel. And Israel will be a difficult thing and
Jerusalem will be a cup of trembling. Soon
Many nations will now rise up against Israel like never before, and will join in a coalition against the state.
They will have secret meetings, and coerce other nations to join in the fight against Israel. Watch
Germany, Russia, France, and other countries.

More Explosions in Tel Aviv – Radioactive traces found

Pray for Israel. A time of great persecution is coming upon them. Many countries will conspire against
them - much betrayal, conspiracies and assassination plots. According to Psalm 83: 11, pray for the peace
and protection of Israel.

Pray for the border of Israel and for the prime minister of Israel.
There will be massive attacks against Israel from its enemies. Pray for Israel now!

We must pray for Israel. There will be nations which will be redeemed in relationships with Israel, the
church, and Jerusalem. There will be great persecution of the church in 2018. All eyes will also be on the
church in 2018. All eyes will be on Israel, and we will see the awakening power of the bride and the
bridegroom coming together out of the wilderness
Some missionaries go to Israel for vacation and sightseeing, but we must go to preach the message of
Jesus to the Jews who do not believe.

Middle East All of Abraham's Children the 3500 Year Family Feud

God shall expose all politicians who are funding ISIS groups globally.
There is going to be a great probing that will take place globally that will expose many security personnel
that are connected to ISIS.
I saw a new demon from the Middle East released against the children in that area.
Sudden destruction shall come upon Hamas.
The Lord wants there to be more missionaries going to the Middle East to minister.
The Lord says He wants us to pray for the Christians in the Middle East. He says many have died because
of blood-thirsty men, but that He shall blow a wind that will cause a fire of His Spirit to spread and
burn and He will subdue the strongman in the Middle East.
There is an empire well known in Afghanistan that's about to be in ruins because the Christians that were
once there no longer are.
There will be an earthquake near the Middle East - not one that is severe, but significant. Many may take
it lightly, but it will be a sign to the Middle East sent from God!
Thus says the Lord: There shall be a great turmoil in the east that cannot be quenched by man-made
tools, because it is My perfect will. Also, there will be weeping and wailing from the west.

Unless those in places of power there change, Dubai and its economy are going to shake and there will be
great losses economically and otherwise.
There are many curators that will study more about Egypt, which will bring interesting findings that will
coincide with Revelation 16.

Multi National & UN

A dictator is planning to emerge to rule the world but will not succeed for the time is not yet! This will
Due to the prayers of the Saints that have been coming from certain regions of the earth, especially in
the Caribbean, it will bring great shaking to other nations.
Four front-line leaders of the world will be moving from the scene.
I shall make a statement. They will know that I am God. Syria will be brought to its knees; China will know
the power that I hold. Prepare for a shake-up of the US, Cuba, and Japan.

Many countries will be conquered through loans that they are borrowing from other countries. This is a
warning for countries that keep borrowing. Many loans will default, and many countries will find
themselves in trouble.
Many countries will be suffering from terrible disaster on the land, sea and skies. God is calling his people
to draw near him. God is calling on the United Nations to do their best to help - to live up to their
My wrath will be upon Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Eastern Europe, Palestine, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Iran,
USA (especially Massachusetts and Kentucky).
There are untold murders in Mexico that shall be revealed shortly.
There are serious plans against the Mexican and the Colombian President for political reasons. Pray for
their safety and security.
Pray for the United Nations as they will be heavily targeted because of treatment by their own.

The Lord revealed two different nations crying. One cried with hate and anger against the Lord, while the
other cried in lamentation and fasting for God.
God is calling the nation leaders of the world to bow to Him, the most High God, completely, and allow Him
to lead and guide them. Only then will positive and lasting change come. (Psalm 127: 1- 2)
I shall make a statement. They will know that I am God. Syria will be brought to its knees; China will know
the power that I hold. Prepare for a shake-up of the US, Cuba, and Japan.
Pray for the United Nations. Crises will begin to hit globally, and they will be caught off guard. What is
written on paper is not what is taking place on the ground. The United Nations needs to get back to the
original mandate, international peace, security, and economics issues. This will lead to many resignations.
God needs them to seek Him, and seek His people for spiritual guidance. Without a revelation, the people
will perish. There are growing issues within the United Nations that will be made public.
There are many persons who will leave the US to reside in some of the Caribbean countries due to political
There needs to be a united effort to deal with the refugee crisis. Member states from the United
Nations need to re-negotiate the Preamble of the 1951 Convention on Refugees. There is going to be a
heavy influx of refugees that will be running for their lives to Hawaii, USA, and to some European
nations. We need to pray for them.
Watch the USA, Japan, North and South Korea, Africa, China, Belize, Canada and Russia, Jordan and
Pakistan, Spain, Israel and Sweden. We should pray for those countries because the worst is yet to
come. However, in all of this God will get His glory.

There will be more breakthroughs on drug cartels in Spain, Guatemala, Mexico, Turkey, Honduras, Atlantic
City and Jamaica.
The rivalry involving America, Russia and Siberia will increase.
Watch Iraq, Iran, Russia, Turkey and China. There will be civil wars in Serbia and Afghanistan.
Russia, Iran, and North Korea must be closely watched. There are more to these nations than meet the
There will be an increase in Canadian immigrants going to the USA.
Affairs of Food Supply

Mass production will be the cause of some food poisoning.

Pray that global world leaders will put plans in place in the event of famine that will hit the globe. In
particular, health, food, shelter, storage, and logistics.

Many countries will require help more than ever before because of the natural disasters and wars that will
take place.
Some countries will be hoarding their currency and food stuff because supplies will run low. Stockpiles will
be the order of the day - Genesis 41-47. This will affect the larger trading countries more, leading to
global problems for smaller countries.
Too many chemicals in the food and harmful drugs are causing side effects, damaging the human body.
Scientists must stop the experiment study if they are not sure what they are doing and seek God's
guidance and help. Unless they heed God's word it will cost the lives of millions as time goes by.

We must pray and be cautious before we eat fish, because a great deal of waste matter is filtering from
the soil into the water which will cause pollution and the fish will become harmful for human consumption

Cyber & IT Challenges

Many countries will begin to release radio-frequency identification (RFID), biometrics, and tracking
devices, especially among the poor. Many will come in ID forms and other formats. A system is coming in
place in the West that has already started in Canada and Europe, that will be revealed in America that
will open the eyes of Christians in America.
We will see cyber-electronic devices, IDs, and other data-driven systems that will be implemented under
the guise of boosting national security and bringing economic growth to countries, but the Lord tells His
people to be ready.

Mass disruption in world communication will cause world economies to decline drastically. Western
countries, be prepared for subtle attacks from the enemy. Increase your intelligence. Do not reveal all
the plans and tactics put in place. Destructive devices can be planted anywhere in your country and air
strikes can be done.
Serious problems ahead regarding the Internet crashing. There will be hacking of banking information,
loss of sensitive information done by terrorists, and it will bring great exposure and blackmail. Systems
will be coming after banks, forcing them to engage in activities that are wrong. Pray, saints! Danger
Too much frequency is in the atmosphere which will cause communication to be increasingly difficult and
also harmful to human beings. Gases and toxic waste from all around the globe, some of which is hidden
and disposed, will bring much harm to humans.

There will be great problems with the communication systems and massive disruptions with land and water
worldwide. Major attacks will take place on communication systems.
WikiLeaks will expose more high-end companies for their continued unethical business practices, and many
will be shocked.

Droughts & Land Fires

Fires will burn in diverse places in America, Africa, and west of Indonesia.

More bush fires will break out in other areas, and more lives will be lost.
There will be dust storms in Africa. Pray for them.
Watch out for the word vortex.
We will also see in some parts of the Earth drought like never before. Massive starvation will take place,
even the very rich will be impacted. The playing field will be leveled.
We will also see the manifestation of Haggai 1:11. There will be drought upon the land/ground, mountain,
grain, new wine, oil, men, livestock and the labour of your hands.
Economic Class Status Flip Floping

For the Lord said that he will make provisions for the poor who have been despised. Many poor shall begin
to rise.
Leaders should stop robbing the poor and destitute. While the poor suffer, you sit in your private
chamber and make mockery of them when it is your mistake that is causing them to suffer. Many that
are now suffering wish that they had not been born. The lives of the young and elderly, the youth are
being snuffed out.
Many in high places will be brought low. I shall save the west. The blood of the innocent cries out! The
slaughtering of My people bring joy to the wicked.

Many of the rich will begin to cry out for mercy from God because of the various things they shall
encounter. The Lord is speaking to His people everywhere to be ready for His return.
Mighty men and women, especially those who turn their backs on God, will fall from their haughty
lifestyles, and this is the beginning of earth's sorrows. Those who promote it will soon drink from the
bitter cup which will be poured out on the earth, and they will reap what they have sown.
The leaders who are destroying the lives of human beings will themselves be destroyed one way or the
The Lord is taking down those of the rich who extort the poor, so that some of them will sit down at the
doorsteps of the poor and be seek help from them, but some will be seeking help to be rich again quickly.

The luxurious living for many rich will come to an end.

The wealthy want their riches to remain, so they are determined to find a way to keep it.
We are in a season where many politicians are implementing principles and policies that are negatively
affecting the poor, the vulnerable and the voiceless. God places leaders in position to help other human
beings and utilise all that lies in their power. But too many hidden motives and desires have caused many
to suffer. The Lord says His hand shall be heavy upon them. According to Proverbs 31:8-9, "Open your
mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge
righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy."
 We will see the shaking of world systems: industrial, economic and godless commercialism and
religious, as more countries will begin to align with the anti-Christ system. There will be famine
and water shortages in some countries, while more floods, fire and earthquakes will continue in
other areas; and civil war will break out
Great change will take place in the global economic system. Many will look up to God whether they like it
or not. Psalm 121

Schools & Education

Many schools will close in the US because of natural disasters. Many will be taken by surprise.
Pray for the security of schools and for the education system of the nations. Pray for God's divine
protection of the children because there is a determination to snuff out the future of nations through
death, doctrine, or deliberation. Too many children/young people are slipping through the cracks of the
education system while there is blatant disregard for the gifts and purpose within each one. The Lord
also says His children are not being trained as they are to be - for Him. Too many of His innocent ones
are being treated like garbage - killed and discarded without remorse.
The spiritual hedges of protection are down! Prayer and the Bible must be returned to the schools, or
what we saw with the shootings and tragedies will be nothing compared to what is to come.

Financial & Economic

There is a coming together of the Joseph and Daniel companies that will rise with the solutions globally
for the things that are happening now, which will cause a great revival. New wine and new oil will be
poured out upon them. (Acts 2; Joel 2) {These are companies that are consultants to the Power Brokers,
Political leaders and Industrial / Workplace leaders )
Many banks will be investigated for unforeseen ongoing fraudulent practices that, among top managers
with politicians will cause harm for their clients or customers.

More mergers will take the banking

Pray for the strength of the US Dollar. Should it weaken, it will create an economic tsunami on other
nations, especially 'Third World' nations.
The stock market will take a drastic hit that will cause their recovery time to be longer.
There are going to be great changes in the business sector, both government and private sector - both
locally and globally. This will increase taxes on the poor.

There will be changes in the banking system. Dwindling cash flow will be the cause. Most of the finances
will end up in the confines of those in charge. Be wise in investing money. Deception looms and will be
widespread. Because of the lifestyle of those in charge, famine, hunger, fewer homes, shortfall in
education, increase in violence and debts, gambling are on the increase. Those in charge are not even
aware of how destructive this is to the generations to come. Many homes are robbed of proper
maintenance and are left destitute. It also diminishes the lifestyle of the family.
There will be exposure in the financial sector that will cause great embarrassment in the country.
There will be great shifting and shaking in Wall Street Also; scandals are going to break out in the US
Treasury Department, which might bring national demonstrations.

As cash flow continues to dwindle, there is a lot of storage of gold and silver being done. Many have
turned to idol worshipping to secure their wealth.
As the cashless society draws near, which is the fulfilment of God's word, we must revere God and ask
for his mercies each day.
Christians need to employ excellent investment strategies; for buying properties (real estate) and
starting businesses. (Jeremiah 32)
In some parts of the world, the economy will turn around, but those who thrive in the downturn will not be
pleased about that!
We will see economies rise in some countries and fall in others.
Many car dealerships will go out of business because of the strong competitive market (US).

Many of the hierarchies are planning how to extract and keep monies from the various sectors.
Many real estate personnel will have to seek other sources of income.
 Real estate will take a nosedive because of problems.
The FAA needs to seek newer ways of handling all types of fraud, especially when it concerns their very
own. The Lord wants the authorities to put systems in place to monitor engineers who are servicing
airplanes globally as there will be several mishaps that do not appear to be accidental.
Mergers will take place in airline industries, all new airline workers need to be properly screened for
security reasons.
Many demonstrations will take place among workers from fast-food franchises because of low salaries.
There will be inflation; things will become scarce. There will be labour problems and low wages. There will
be rampant starvation, and God wants His people to stockpile. Stockpile water and gold.
Economic disruption; There will be inflation; things will become scarce. There will be labor problems and
low wages. There will be rampant starvation,
Many more will be made redundant, which will bring an increase in crime. Pray for the USA.
Apple will be shaking and sales will be diminishing significantly.
Winn Dixie chain of supermarkets will be struggling to stay afloat. Pray against its closure.


 The oil situation will become worse in the near future. We should not set our eyes on price reductions.
There will be problems with import and exports because of the global financial meltdown. Revelation 18:
There is hope for countries that will put their trust in God.

Medical Diseases & Government Reg of Health

GREAT SHIFTS IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY! Shortage of medication will take place.

A major disease is going to hit those practicing a sexually immoral lifestyle, and many of them will die
without a solution being found if they make no change to their lifestyle.
A major sexual disease will emerge. This comes about from promiscuous, indiscriminate, careless sexual
behaviour as well as bestiality. It will destroy the health of many. Doctors will not have a cure. The Lord
says "Cease from your reckless lifestyle!" Some are already suffering silently. Many have been doing
these things to get rich and many will die.
The FDA needs to employ the use of herbs from the earth which are solutions for health problems as
stated in Genesis 1.
A disease outbreak is pending for the US. Pray that God will have mercy.

Yet, there will be plagues and diseases like never before in some places. Those who call on me will be
Many plagues are going to break out on those who practice witchcraft and sexual immorality, and those
who rob the poor. (Revelation 9: 21; Revelation 16) There are going to be a lot of skin diseases
happening, because the kingdom of heaven is at hand and God is warning His people to be ready

Plagues and sicknesses will break out, but there will be a mighty revival of the Holy Spirit
Pray against another disease that will be attacking infants.
Something is about to unfold with the Food and Drug Administration from New York to California.
The enemy wants to slow down the birth rate globally, particularly among the boys.
The World Health Organization should be very vigilant. The health of all nations is at risk. Everything we
consume should be protected from those who don't care about the food we eat because of greed and
the pursuit of wealth. This can cause blood disorders and unknown incurable diseases from canned goods
and fish.
A system must be put in place to check all the fish.
There needs to be regular testing of all water supplies.
There will be confusion and unknown illnesses.
There will be major breakthroughs in medicine. However, the discrimination regarding who gets help will
be very evident.

There will be rising issues that will affect the sperm bank in southern California and Sacramento. This will
cause great problems and affect health and impact many both spiritually and naturally.

Environmental Natural Disasters & Pollution

Disaster is about to happen in areas and states that have never happened before. It shall baffle many
scientists. We shall see fires and floods in places and prominent buildings like never before, and many
shall know that it is a sign.
Hurricanes and disasters like never before that will puzzle scientists.
I saw in the Spirit the extinction of Dolphins due to severe pollution. Due to the severe pollution that will
be taking place, many will become infected from every class level. However, the poor will be more
susceptible to the health hazards.
Many problems will arise in the oceans, which can cause major losses, especially with tuna fish. Many who
eat tuna fish will get sick because of ocean contamination.

More problems within the ocean. More fish will die.

Polluted water, insects destroying vegetables and ground provision. More fish dying, more war on land and
Serious problems with marine life. May fish will die and there will be great pollution.
Kentucky and Texas are going to get hit with disasters. will be weeping and wailing from the west, USA
(especially Massachusetts and Kentucky).
Many impending disasters are set to take place in the United States. God will use these disasters to
remind them of who He is. Some states will declare a state of emergency as continuous flooding occurs.
More floods and disasters will continue to hit the world. There will be more natural disasters worldwide in
the forms of tsunamis, earthquakes, and hurricanes. Pray for all means of transportation and protection
of the people.
Nations need to be ready to assist other nations because a chemical disaster is at large. Many seas are
going to be polluted due to rebellion in man throughout the ecosystem.

Pray against a major oil explosion at a plant in the USA.

Six states in the USA will suffer greatly.
The United States of America will experience more disasters that they have never bargained for because
of their rebelliousness towards God.

There are gases that are released into the atmosphere that are causing serious health issues and
pollution. World Health Organization is responsible for the health of the nations.
There are more forest fires expected to burn in California that will force some of the people to reside in
other states.
There will be changes in the desert, ocean and seas.
There will be problems with vegetation as well as volcanic eruptions, increase of earthquakes in diverse
There will be weeping and wailing throughout the country. Many will be coming under great stress and will
flee to the Appalachian Mountains.
There will be a lot of activity on/with the sun, and scientists will have their hands full.
We are going to see a lot of problems with the cosmos (cosmic convulsions) similar to Exodus 10: 21 - as a
sign of God's displeasure in the earth. All these things will affect crop, property, and life. We will be
seeing greater flooding, more bloodshed, and pestilence.

A massive tsunami is pending for Jamaica. Should it hit, it will spread over lowlands and travel inland
swiftly. If we pray, God will avert it. We also need to pray against a Category 5 hurricane hitting our
island and pray for the protection of those who live in low-lying areas.
God does not destroy a city without warning. Jamaica will be one of the countries to be contacted. Don't
be like Esau or walk after strange gods! Don't be disobedient! This is a warning to Jamaica. Don't be
Pray also for the smaller islands in the Caribbean - Turks & Caicos, The Cayman Islands, The Bahamas, and
all the other small islands in the Caribbean as well as Jamaica. Pray against those islands disappearing
under the sea as a result of disasters.

Pray for Montserrat and against volcanic eruptions.

Pray, because more disasters will be taking place in India, New Jersey, Boston, Kentucky, and The
There will be volcanic eruptions in Hawaii and Montserrat of the Caribbean Islands.


There are devious plans to capture our youth from every direction, ravage them emotionally, spiritually,
mentally, and present to them a set of new rights, new wrongs and new principles.
The Lord says every family will be visited. When making plans, whether spiritual or secular, see to it that
you ask the Lord for direction for everything that you do. It will not be business as usual.

Human trafficking ring is about to be broken and exposed. Known persons of influence will be caught in
the midst.
if people don't change the way they think and operate, we will see that the suicide rate will increase to a
level we have never seen before
More crises will spread concerning the children globally. Pray for the children.
Parents will be in mourning for the lifestyle that their children have adopted! It will hit homes hard.
Pray against a mass suicide among our young people. There is an urgent call to reach and engage our
children and youth for they have been left unprotected spiritually and are being robbed from every
angle. Pray for and truly care about the welfare of our children and youth.

Pray for the youth, for many are deceived and are turning to drugs and prostitution.
The Spirit of the Lord says that there needs to be more attention placed upon children everywhere
(globally) who are neglected (rejected) and without shelter and food.

There is a new wave of Hollywood Elites on the rise, being groomed for a different strategy to sweep
away the young minds of our nation - our children - through blatant expressions of witchcraft, uses of
technology, music, as well as strategic focus on health and wellness that have nothing to do with the
principles and Word of God. The Lord says we are to be vigilant in protecting our children in these areas.
There is an evil conspiracy that is penetrating the world in the form of a network to confiscate wealth
from the elderly. This will be carried out by relatives and friends of families. It will be done by
technology, which is now being formulated in its highest form.
Homelessness will increase within the US by 80 per cent.

If the United States of America (USA) political administration - both Democratic and Republican parties
- do not change from the direction they are heading, more people will become homeless. We will begin to
see violence erupt, crisis, and chaos. The Lord is not pleased with the treatment of the poor. We will
begin to see more disasters break out in different states because of the treatment of the poor
[Proverbs 30:8-9]. Who IS speaking for the voiceless, the poor, fatherless, and the widow?
The Lord is calling America to focus on helping those within - especially veterans - with food and shelter.
The Lord says many times America focuses on helping other nations, but those within need urgent
There will be widespread divorce going forward. Wives and husbands who want their marriages to be safe
should tell their spouses to be truthful to them before it is too late, and that if they continue to hide
their lifestyle, things will become worse and there will be a great separation which will have a significant
effect on businesses, friendships, churches and children. This is the time all married couples should get
before God and rededicate their lives so they can be examples to the younger generation, or else the
younger generation will become worse than the current one.
Racism & Prejudice
Fifty per cent of the world's leaders are getting caught up in useless gender issues.
The spirit of oppression that fuelled slavery in the past is in play now, but it goes beyond race. The truth
is hidden behind racism. God is going to expose pockets of truth on this issue and many leaders will have
serious decisions to make; some of which will also expose them.
There is restlessness within the US police force. Racism within is causing the divide to widen. Pray for the
police force throughout the United States.

There will be a false coming together of white and black officials depicting the eradication of racism
within the US, starting from the top.
There will be a wave of different prejudices coming to the fore across the world to bring division among
race, color, ethnicity, language, and tongue.

Social & Mass media

A lot of exposure will take place globally which will set a lot of people free.

More journalists will be murdered as they try to expose high-level corruption.

The global media is doing great harm to life and the population of the earth. And because of their doing,
the media will suffer greatly. The action of the media is hurting the future generations, and the hands
of the Lord will be heavy upon them
There will be administrative problems at CNBC News (US), which will lead to significant job losses among
other problems.
There will be changes among the social media giants. Many will fall under the pressure.
There will be great exposure in mainstream media globally.

Laws and Legislation

A number of legislations will change locally and globally to adopt certain lifestyles, which will come
 Abortion  Education  Security
 Border Control  Gender Equality  Sex
 Economic Development  Immigration  Trade
 Many will fall through these main areas.
Both parties need to put away politics and fix the immigration system - that the poor will benefit. As they
obey, there will be great blessings upon the nation of America.

Frightening new laws will be decreed globally in 2018, and the Lord said His people should look up as
redemption draws nigh. We will see shaking and shifting in every sector in 2018.
New laws will be put in place to oppress the Church. and these will be implemented under the guise of the
interfaith - read Revelation 12.

The Lord says a time of darkness is at hand and life is about to change drastically. He says many judicial
and legislative changes and accepted or acceptable ways of life that are in play are going to shock many
Christians. Many watchmen are asleep and will only be alarmed when the thief is already in the house.
We are in a season where many politicians are implementing principles and policies that are negatively
affecting the poor, the vulnerable and the voiceless. God places leaders in position to help other human
beings and utilise all that lies in their power. But too many hidden motives and desires have caused many
to suffer. The Lord says His hand shall be heavy upon them. According to Proverbs 31:8-9, "Open your
mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge
righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy."
Exposure is coming in the education sector in the United States of America. The agendas and plans that
are not of God will be brought down. Many will not want to believe what they hear or see because it will
be that shocking. But the Lord says it is necessary to bring it to light that it will be clear what the plans
of the enemy are concerning our children and the future of the nation.

USA Presidental
Also, the most powerful world leader will have mixed thoughts about walking away from his
responsibilities. No one knows the depths of the pain that he has in his heart because of the
responsibility. The Lord says that the people must pray for stability
There are dangerous plans against President-elect Donald Trump because he is a threat to ISIS and other
special interests. Pray for him. Trump must depend on the wisdom of God to run the country. God is
sending some to help him, some of whom will come from uncommon, unpopular and low places. There are
some from culturally different backgrounds, but have some of the solutions that can save the nation
from economic disaster - just as it was with Joseph and in the time of Daniel and the three Hebrew
Christian leaders who are counselors/advisers to the president and governors in the USA, God says that
you're asleep and need to be awakened. He is going to shift you out and shift in true watchmen who are
vigilant and sensitive to the Holy Spirit; those who will not be afraid to speak what God is actually
I saw in the Spirit a decision made by the President of the USA this year within the economic sector that
will shock the world.
More will go from the White House
Pockets of civil war will continue to erupt in America as a result of the US elections.
Pray for Bill Clinton's health and against anything unforeseen happening

Pray for the Bush family.

The Lord says that the gates within the nation must be guarded - the churches, private sector and the
government (federal, state, and local). Whatever the church allows to slip through could be the
beginning of the end.
The Lord says the next US president <{2016}> could cause more damage than past presidents altogether.
The Lord says the solution that the United States needs is not in a political party, but in God Himself.
He is getting ready to raise up political leaders who will fight for His will to be accomplished.
There are untold things about Bill Clinton and Obama that will be revealed shortly.

Two past presidents are having serious problems now because of the things they did in the past. There is
a scandal that will break out in the 'Big House' that will shock the world.

USA Political

Both political parties don't want a third political party, but God shall raise one up in due season.
Many in the Democratic Party will be very disappointed in their own party when the Republicans begin
their duties in January 2017. Some will resign while some will join other parties.
America is infiltrated by the enemy. The enemy is within. God is calling out the prayer warriors to cry out
for America. Your prayer will determine the future of the nation. Pray for GITMO!
The Lord says that the US government is about to experience serious, heavily influential, and manipulative
forces that will affect polices and state governance. We must pray against ulterior motives hidden
under good morals. Many women and men will be appointed to positions of power and great influence, but
their motives are less than wholesome, and are dangerous to the Christian faith and to the country.
America needs to unite, both Democrats and Republicans to bring change to the nation. There is a plot to
divide the country. There is an undermining and an undercurrent taking place. What is happening in
Ferguson, Missouri, is a distraction for the enemy to strike. God wants them to open their eyes and see
what is happening underneath.
Cease your fighting among each other, Republicans and Democrats. You are walking in pride, and I hate a
proud look. Prepare your hearts - I will pour out fresh anointing. This is your season.
God is calling America to unite, repent, and get back to the place; otherwise there will be more famine,
and disaster will hit them. Be warned. For the Lord says, a nation is evaluated by the way they treat the
poor, not the way they treat the rich. America must get back to the things that allowed them to be
great in the past: humanitarian and the family.

God is calling back America to repent, return, and restore (Joel 1 and 2) as the enemy wants to bring
further decline to the nation. (Lamentations 5)
God is calling both past and present United States presidents, Congressmen, senators, and government
leaders at all levels to unite and come together in repentance and prayer for the nation regarding
economic and political policies that are hurting the nation. As they do so, this will avert problems ahead
and restore prosperity.
Pray for all the mayors in the US. Pray also that they will educate themselves more because they will be
easy targets. Many of them will suffer and many will be abused verbally and physically.
There is also going to be a big division between the mayors and the police in the US. There are laws and
policies already in place that will render many in positions of leadership useless.

If in the upcoming elections the wrong party in 2016 wins, it will be devastation for the USA and the
world. Millions will sink into debauchery if the wrong party wins. They will allow the ungodly lifestyle to
spread and be so eminent among the nations of the world that destruction of properties, businesses, the
economy, education (downward trend - spiralling) will take place. There will be a great lack of integrity
because even those who did not have the mind to engage in immorality will adhere to it.
Leaders, members & admin staff of governments, prepare your souls.
More exposures are coming for both the Democratic and Republican Parties - many will be forced to hand
in their resignations.

Some are saying, "If we don't win the election, then I need to get as much as I can before I leave
The Lord is calling upon Capitol Hill in the United States of America to humbly come before the Lord,
both Democrats and Republicans, and seek Him for the nation and its unity. They are spending too much
time plotting against each other, while the nation is suffering. For the Lord said, "Nothing is hidden
from Him, God." God is going to show a sign in Capitol Hill that is going to bring everyone to their knees.
And they will know the power of God.

The Republican Party needs to tread carefully regarding immigration and health care as it has the
potential to bring chaos and defeat.
Pray and cry out for free and fair elections. There will be a lot of surprises in the elections. Corruption
within the ballots.
There will be a great upset in the 2016 presidential election, and instead of them saying they want to
bring Republicans together, it is going to cause greater division between them.
Watch the Republican Party in 2016.

Unrest & Riots in the USA

 God wants all airlines worldwide, pilots, security, ground staff, and flight attendants to check
everything 100 per cent before take-off! Check planes, baggage, everything thoroughly! Take
heed of this warning!
 Pray for the security of all the malls in America.
 There needs to be tighter control of security on all levels of transportation, USA and other
nations, be warned! More security should also be placed at schools and post offices and all
government buildings, as well as mega-churches and small churches.
 Pray against riots in the USA, attacks by the enemy, confusion, political turmoil, deception. There is a
stronghold over the nation and many have become blind. Many say, "Let us go for the lesser evil," but
voting for the lesser evil can turn into the greater evil.
There will be a significant decrease in law and order which will affect the entire world.
There will be civil unrest and dissatisfaction, which is caused by corruption in its highest form.
America needs to unite, both Democrats and Republicans to bring change to the nation. There is a plot to
divide the country. There is an undermining and an undercurrent taking place. What is happening in
Ferguson, Missouri, is a distraction for the enemy to strike. God wants them to open their eyes and see
what is happening underneath.

More scandals are coming out of the sports arena.

Pray against radical attacks in Staten Island and the Yankee Stadium

UN & Military & Political Conflicts

An undermining is coming - the leaders of some countries infiltrating other countries they think have oil
and other resources to rob them of it. It is worldwide. There are scientists trained to go into countries
as tourists and learn everything from the locals. They have been sent.
Many US soldiers will be court marshalled for hacking into classified documents.
Meteors will fall and there will be increased testing of weapons in the sea. (Joel 2: 30 - 32, Jeremiah 9:
15 - 23).
Nations will turn against nations because of the spirit of betrayal that has been attacking.
Pray against war between America and China, which can escalate into World War 3
Pray for China, for they shall suffer many disasters.

Russia is about to strike the enemy in a different dimension, and from those strikes, there is going to be
great exposure and information leaking about who is really behind the enemy.
The devil is using strategic measures to start World War 3
There is a major explosion that will take place between China and the USA. It has to do with a married
diplomat and politicians who are raping and sexually abusing young boys and girls.

There will be wars in the ocean.

 Cuba, there is going to be a revolution, revival, and awakening that will break out in Cuba. God wants His
people to pray for Cuba as it will be a short window. Many stronghold will come down.
 Furthermore, the USA pulling out of Syria will cause a regrouping of radical Islam and a re-emergence
of ISIS. This will put the USA in greater danger and set a death trap for Syria, the USA and Israel.

 Infiltration in many countries, and before they know it, wars will break out, and this war will be caused
by insiders. Money will be given to instigate this evil.
 Jamaica must also be careful about pulling out of the Monarchy and CARICOM.

 Many countries will be conquered through loans that they are borrowing from other countries. This is a
warning for countries that keep borrowing. Many loans will default, and many countries will find
themselves in trouble.
 Other countries are going to pull out of the European Union.
 The Lord is going to shake down every idol that has been placed or positioned in His House. From there,
the governments of the nations shall feel His hand at work! The Lord is ready to deal with ungodly
nation leaders, and many of them will be exposed and ashamed
 There are some vital codes of conduct worldwide that will be coming under serious scrutiny to be
changed. Every nation will be impacted one way or the other.

Exposure and Unveiling of Leaders

All five-fold ministries that are functioning for and focused on fame and power, God will visit with them. 
Many are not living holy, for the Lord says, they have not hallowed His name, nor are they pleasing Him. 
He says they must remember Matthew 7: 22 – 23.

False divinity among the churches, which will have a great effect on the government system.
God is getting ready to purge the churches.  Many will be leaving, but many more will be coming in as they
leave.  Shepherds need to guard the flock as grievous wolves will be rising up.
John 10 – this is the season of exposure.  The true shepherds versus wolves and hirelings and false sheep. 
In the same way that we have false sheep.  True sheep know the true shepherd’s voice.  False sheep
follow false shepherds.  If they were true, they would have a desire for the Word.  True sheep stay in
God’s presence and study His word and will not be easily deceived.  There is great deception coming. 
The true heart will know His voice while the false hear will follow others.  We will see the rise of the
Pharisees because they were not true sheep.
There are exposures of the Vatican investigation of the Vatican City State, revealing years of deception
that will lose many all over the world and will lead to a great falling away.
There will also be a mighty purging of the cardinals in the Vatican.
Some of the ministers are not living right.  “Walk upright and holy before Me!  I have seen your deeds –
they are not hidden.  I shall expose your doings if you do not turn from your wicked ways” says the
Lord.He has called them together to renew their vows and consecrate them.  Some have other women
with their wives.  I am now ready, says God, to pour into you and renew your vows.  Many have gone after
filthy lucre, but I will abundantly pardon.  The Lord says He is going to refill and renew them.

Men and women holding church titles while twisting the truth for their profit and gain will be exposed!
There is a spiritual alignment taking place for God's people before His return. The Lord says many of the
leaders in the Body of Christ, who take their call and position simply and were not faithful to the call on
their lives, God is about to replace them. The Lord says many of My sons have already left the earth,
including Oral Roberts and R. W. Schambach. Discern! For many who seem to be their successors do not
have My Spirit and are deceiving many.
For the Lord said, "A lot of evil will be exposed by the end of this year 2018 and into the next year." This
is a warning, as God is not pleased. He has given many warnings, and many have not heeded. As exposure
takes place, things will become worse. Therefore, all Christians need to live holy lives, and all unsaved
persons need to repent and turn their lives to Him now.
Four front-line leaders of the world will be moving from the scene.

Interestingly, it is a time where Exposure of the truth among us is going to run rampant because God will
ensure that anything hidden in the dark comes to light.
Many earthly governments will experience collapse. The Lord shall expose many prominent politicians
around the world, especially in the
China, Germany, Norway, Switzerland,
Dominica. Grenada, and Pakistan, Uganda,
France, India, South Korea, USA,
Leaders, leaders, leaders of the world be warned! The eyes of God are watching you. You cannot do your
wickedness beyond your allotted time on earth. A massive fight for world leadership will take place and
it will cause war to escalate out of (man's) control.
Many kings/leaders are receiving dreams and visions in this very hour, but because they lack the
manifestation of the Daniel and Joseph anointing to bring interpretation, this has caused problems and
lack of opportunities. Without a vision the people perish!

Many people will turn against their leader, which will result in secret/contract killings. We will even see
situations similar to the French Revolution of 1789 emerging once again
The Lord says He will expose corrupt politicians and officials globally who have been getting rich by
stealing from the poor. Many are going to be surprised.
The political hierarchy within the US shall be exposed for their deception with which they have been
suing to blindfold the eyes of the American people and for getting their total attention through
deception - murder, witchcraft, extortion, gender issues, sex and abortion.
The Spirit of the Lord says that it is time for accountability from the leaders worldwide, for His
judgment is sure, and He is not mocked!

There will be an exposure of well-known leaders, and they will be replaced by those God-fearing
individuals who are willing to obey Him.
There will be betrayal and infighting within many administrations and there will be some administrations
that will be overthrown. The long-standing reign of some leaders will be coming to an end while some new
administrations will be short-lived because they have refused to follow God's instructions. Many have
put their trust in man - and that will bring defeat. (II Kings 13:1; II Chronicles 15; II Kings 33: 32;
Jeremiah 22: 15 - 16; I Kings 14: 21)
Three world leaders will go down and suffer defeat in 2018..
Thus sayeth the Lord, harken unto my voice, be zealous and repent for behold I am coming quickly and
nothing is hidden from me, sayeth the Lord God Almighty.

We will see exposure at levels we have never seen before, particularly among political leaders globally.
There will be many plots, fabrications, and murders and the question many will ask is, 'Who can we
trust?' Many who are speaking against corruption are the ones who are actually involved. The Lord says
no one is safe - He will expose many.
World leaders have robbed the nations and especially the less fortunate with more taxes and fewer
amenities for them to live normal lives. They are treated as if they are not human. Beware, the eyes of
God the Creator are watching!
Spiritual Church

God is expecting His prophets to sound the alarm regardless of their physical and spiritual locations
The spirit of the Lord is using the Biblical term 'The Sea of Glass' in Revelation 4: 6 and 15: 2, pointing
out the urgency now until His Return the ever-increasing watchfulness of the saints, especially those
who are called to be watchmen, because of the increase cunningness of the devil and his agents. Are the
nations' leaders and God's people prepared for the unapproachableness and majesty of God? The answer
is NO
A huge, dark serpent has been released from the abyss to deceive the very eyes of the people. And sadly,
the churches will be affected by this serpent as well. There will be many activities to deceive the
people. Furthermore, a global conspiracy will be unveiled before the public.

There will be manifestation of evil spirits in humans that has never been seen before.
God is calling the body of Christ to cry out for discernment of spirits. Be careful who you endorse and
what you endorse. If a person's focus is not on Jesus Christ, then they will fall away (Jeremiah 17:5-8).

There will be great deception that will hit both Christendom and the secular world\
The spirit of apostasy will increase. Christians, guard your hearts!
Many Christians will be deceived, many Christians will be blessed. There will be traumatic events that will
shake the Body of Christ.
We also see the manifestation and the emergence of the apostate (fugitive /traitor )church (falling
You will see the rise of the great white whore. As the global anti-Christ system rises (Study Revelation 13
& 17), there is going to be a great persecution of the saints in some regions. Many Churches and secular
organizations will form unholy alliances to maintain their economic status and it is going to bring them
into great captivity.
A wind of change is coming.  God wants to restore leaders and all of us to a more dedicated life of working
for Him.  Be faithful, trustworthy, holy, loving and caring toward each other.  We are His voice on
earth.  Therefore, our lifestyle must be pleasing to Him.
Acts 3 – This is a time of refreshing.  Do not leave my presence until you receive the refreshing.  The
time for signs and wonders are here.  Are you ready to receive that anointing?  I will be pouring it out.

God says He will not accept a double-standard life from believers as He requires holiness. Too many of His
people pretend and live a double lifestyle. The Lord says He will lift a standard. As His people live holy,
then one shall chase a thousand and two will put ten thousand to flight (Joshua 23: 10), many will be
released from bondage, while many others will fall away in bondage and deception (Luke 13: 16, Judges 3:
14 and Judges 10:7-8).
In these times, God is looking for more intimacy from/with His people through pure worship, because He
wants to reveal His mighty power, and this will cause others to revere HIM more. The Lord says to
remind His people and all the nations that HIS JUDGMENTS are sure and that all nations shall come and
worship before HIM, and the time is coming soon where His people - the Redeemed - shall be delivered
from these satanic deceptions and cruel devices at work that are designed to distract God's people and
pull them away from their ultimate reward.
The Lord is calling the Church to get back to basics. Pray as never before, because there will be a rising in
the manifestation of the spirit of Jezebel; and many false prophets will rise, which will bring great
harm. God is calling the Church to teach the Books of Revelation, Daniel and Ezekiel.

This is a time for God's people everywhere, regardless of their status, to stay at HIS FEET - be in tuned
to what He is doing and what HE needs us to do and to accomplish through them for HIS GLORY!
The Lord says, “Another Step” He is calling the Body of Christ to take another step of Faith, another
step of Holiness, another step of readiness because the rapture can be anytime.  Another step of Soul-
winning.13. God is calling His people to a place of intimacy with Him, so that He can speak to His people
as there is serious deception ahead.
Many true prophets of God are about to be persecuted as the prophet Jeremiah was persecuted. Are you
ready for change that is coming? Who is on the Lord’s side?” The Lord is speaking more in this very
hour. “Who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying,” says the Lord. For God
is about to break the backs of all nation leaders because He is about to manifest in ways we have not
seen before, and it will pass on from one generation to the next.
Something is about to happen worldwide that will wake up the Body of Christ and cause a united move in
the right direction.
The Lord says take note of Psalm 33: 10 – 12 which says “The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to
nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the
plans of His heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has
chosen as His own inheritance” Note also Proverbs 19: 21 which reminds us, “There are many plans in a
man’s heart, nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand.”

The Spirit of the Lord says amid the crisis globally, Christians need to look up, for their "redemption
draweth nigh". There is hope coming for those who are on the Lord's side.
The time for change has come.  Many have no example to follow that is why the unsaved behave the way
they do. A great revival will break out locally and globally and no one should try to hinder God's work.
For the Lord says, it is time for the people to stop worshipping idols and serve the true and living God
-apostles, evangelists, prophets will be chosen and sent to many nations.  God is now ready to forgive,
cleanse, wash, purge, renew and bless!

Spiritual revival and a changing of the guard.

The Eastern regions of the world will experience a visitation from the Lord God that will astonish the
whole world. The wicked ones will suffer greatly and some will die in the process. Turning to God is the
answer for their survival.
There will be mighty outpouring from God’s spirit upon vessels taking place at the same time.
We will see more signs that will physically and spiritually be manifested in the sky.
Christians must position themselves all over the world for a great harvest of souls within the next decade.
Great harvest. Pray for the children.

How many are willing to go into the mission field - India, Africa, China and Russia are calling. The
Caribbean also.
The Lord says His people should prepare for a great harvest of souls that are coming home.

God is saying to the body of Christ. Prepare to reap a great harvest of souls. Fear not! Move in the
power that I the Lord have given you. There will be signs and great wonders and a year of many mighty
miracles - wealth transfer, open doors. This is the word of the Lord God almighty who is mighty in
battle. Take comfort all who have waited and prayed and suffered for my name sake.
It shall come to pass that a worldwide evangelistic encounter will hit the Earth. The Holy Ghost will be
with His people, and there are those who will bow.
There is a spiritual explosion that is about to happen within the USA that will cause many to scatter
seeking for new church, and for some, it will deter them from finding a church home. "Because of lack of
knowledge, My people perish. Many have gone back to the beggarly elements. I am preparing you, my
people, to go back into the harvest field to reap the harvest," says the Lord
Church, prepare for the harvest as many will surrender and come to the Lord!
Matthew 22:37-40; Genesis 46:18; Hebrews 7:18;
I Corinthians 13:4-8; Romans 1:31; John 3:16
II Kings 15:2; Psalms 25:6;
/There are souls to be saved and countries that Christians have yet to enter to witness to them and a line
is drawn.
 To all Christian leaders, beware! See to it that you set your houses and ministries in order!
There will be a supernatural visitation for all God's people. Be at the place in God to receive it,
so that the souls for which you are responsible will be blessed! Don't let wolves creep in and
steal your flock! God is about to bring down the hirelings and your church and ministry will be
left desolate!
There is a remnant of prophets God is raising up globally who will not bow down to Baal.
This is the season that I am gathering all my remnants to pray and to seek my face, and willingly turn away
from the corruption of this world. Prepare your hearts before me. I am God, worship no other God
before me.
The Lord is calling all the genuine prophets of God to seek Him as before and remain in his presence.
God is calling the prophets to a higher and deeper level in the Spirit to show what is ahead, but only those
who are ready, willing, and faithful shall experience His power. (Revelation 4: 1)
Many of you have lost your zeal.  Saith the Lord, I will visit you and pull you out of your comfort zone.  I
will make the provision for you to go.  Come before me and seek me.  Many have fallen before Me behind
closed doors.  I see your lifestyle.  Are you ready to go into the world?  I have sent you and you have not
gone.  Are you ready? I am preparing you to go into the mission field.  Many will go from country to
country with missionaries to reap the harvest. All true believers prepare yourself!   This is the time of
the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit. (Joel 2:28) the harvest is ripe.
The body of Christ needs a new mindset; they must renew their mind says the Lord. There will be an
outpouring of the spirit of the Lord and wealth and prosperity.
A new government of God; those unseen rejects who have remained faithful and have stood the process,
will rise to the top. It will be a year of uncommon moves of God. Many of the power hungry and wicked
leaders will be stripped and removed.
The Spirit of the Lord says that each Christian SHOULD NOT be distracted now because the real fight is
against Christendom - accomplishing the work of God now. The devil has been using influential and
political figures to cause delay to physically and spiritually abort ministries and the purpose within each
person. Christians need to come together and fight against the forces of darkness in and for every
country. There is a trumpet that has been blowing against us - Daniel 7:21-22, and we need to stand as a
strong unit against it.
There is going to be a time of double portion, restoration, and restitution for those who have been
faithful and those who have lost. There will be purging and purifying, and mass healing will pour out in
the Earth for those who have been afflicted. God says that as we lift Him up, He will bring great men
unto us. Many curses shall be broken, and many tongues will be silent in 2019.
To every pastor across the world and in the US who has been wounded and persecuted for my name sake,
for I have seen your pain and heard your prayer, gird up your loins, prepare, and eat and drink. You who
have been in the back side of the desert, you who have lost much, for your time to arise has come. You
shall run past chariots, you shall leap over walls. Get ready to be used even more than before. I am
strengthening a remnant to carry my word and to do the great commission. Be focused and unmovable.
Be strong; do as I tell you. Get ready! The vision I the Lord have given you. The resources are coming -
the abundance of rain wealth and great resources. Be bold and courageous. Stand firm and do as I say,
for I am the lord and there is none beside me.
There is going to be an uprising! The Body of Christ is entering a time where it is going to see a season
that has not been experienced before by this era. There are times it has been heard that there is a
paradigm shift, but this is going to be a dispensational alignment. So God is rapidly going to be shifting
different ones in positions quickly, and the Lord is going to use those who are willing. Some are already
at the door with the skills, the fortitude, the will, and the determination. Every Christian denomination
is about to experience a stirring and shaking and the Dagons within shall fall.
Many great men (like Elijah), who allow fear to move them, are worried. God will raise up more Elishas. We
are about to see some mantles shift in powerful churches. God will change leaderships from the bottom
up in order to get His church in order. Leaders within My Kingdom, now is not the time to play or you will
be moved.

A lot of church ministers have gone into silence because they fear losing their wealth. God will replace
Many will become wicked and have great hatred towards God and His bride (The Church). With cruel
hatred, they will rise up against My people, but like Ammon, I will cause those who rise against Me to fall
in their own trap and be defeated before My face. Do not harden your heart, turn and repent.
Thus sayeth the Lord, harken unto my voice, be zealous and repent for behold I am coming quickly and
nothing is hidden from me, sayeth the Lord God Almighty.
The Lord is calling all sinners to harken unto his voice now as the spirit of the Lord tarries on the earth,
for now is the season and the time to receive salvation. Says the Lord, "All who are heavy laden come
unto the Lord your God and I shall give you rest. Behold I stand at the door and knock, I am knocking at
the door of all hearts. Do not turn away from me or my word, but listen unto my voice and receive total
healing and restoration at this hour sayeth the Lord. God says I love you with an everlasting love."
Do not lay hands on everyone simply because they are there, The Lord must direct you, especially in this
season because you can get hit spiritually and be defeated by the enemy.
God is calling the Body of Christ to prepare both spiritually and naturally for the harvest of souls.
Backsliders will return and many souls will be coming to the Lord. Cast your net again for the great
catch. "Every soul is valuable to me," says the Lord. Areas where you failed before, try again. (Luke 5).

The Lord says many of His people have become passive. They've stopped fighting spiritually and are
getting into the flesh, which is bringing many of them into problems. Remember to put on the WHOLE
Many churches that have started, like the Philadelphia Church when it was all about the leading of the
Holy Spirit and holiness have become like the Laodicean Church where they are only concerned about
money, the gift and are not bearing any fruit and have defiled their members. The leaders of these
churches have become adulterers, prostituting the anointing, living unholy lifestyles and in such
churches, the tongue has become their strongest stronghold. The Lord says woe unto those leaders who
have caused many Christians, especially young converts, to fall away.

Many Christians have turned their backs on the Lord because of the things of the world. He is calling back
all backsliders
The number of backsliders have increased as a result of:
 Instability or double-mindedness. They don't know God for themselves and He is not their
 Being easily led astray by lies and entertaining jealousy, pride, undermining, competing with
brethren, fornication, mistrust, unforgiveness as well as remaining unhealed of emotional and
mental hurts.
Many call My name and lift their hands but their hearts are not with Me. 

Entertainment Industry
(Dwayne Wade).Oprah Winfrey, Moses Davis (Beenie Man) Time is running out. The Lord wants him now!
God is calling Usain Bolt to turn over his life to Him now and obey His Voice and international media will be
aggressive against him.
Heather Locklear: Pray against suicide. She needs healing and deliverance right now! She believes everyone has
turned their backs against her. God loves her and needs her now.
Opioid crisis deepens in United States, another well known celebrity shockingly passes from an overdose.
Pray also for US politician Paul R. Leonard and his health.
Pray for Courtney Walsh and Marcia Griffiths
Pray for Lady Gaga, Beyonce and Alicia Keys. A shaking is coming for them.
Pray for Pastor Joel Osteen and his family.
Pray for Serena Williams and her family. Beyonce and Jay-Z will encounter many accusations that will test
their marriage as never before. More shaking will take place in Hollywood.
Pray for the following Hollywood stars:Robyn Rihanna Fenty, Mariah Carey, Gabrielle Union she needs to be
careful of the roles she accepts (and pray for her husband,
Pray for the following sports persons: Usain Bolt That he will give his life to the Lord. Pray for his parents'
health also. Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, West Indies cricketers Courtney Walsh and Brian Lara.
Pray for their health and their economic well-being and that they will come to the Lord fully.
Pray for the healing of Bishop Eddie Long.
Pray for the health and salvation of William 'Bill' Cosby.
Pray for the salvation of 'Beenie Man', Capleton and Sizzla.
Pray for the salvation of Stevie Wonder, Paul McCartney, Ishawna Smith.
Pray for total deliverance for Prophetess Juanita Bynum from the plans of the enemy.
Queen Latifah: The Lord says that she is to surrender to Him now while He may be found. Time is running out
on her.
The Lord is calling all recording artistes, including George Michael and Boy George, to give their life to
Him before it is too late. The Lord is also calling Donald Trump to surrender now, to invest in his soul,
turn over his life to the Lord. The same applies to Kim Kardashian and family. The Lord is also calling
Lionel Richie and Quincy Jones to receive salvation. Pray for Bishop Noel Jones.
The Lord needs Tiger Woods' full attention because it is time for him to surrender to Him totally for he is
chosen to preach God's Word and that they all will come and know the true and living God.
A large number of celebrities are about to go bankrupt.
A popular world leader will be leaving the scene.
We are at a crossroads. exposure will come to many things - good or evil.
There are many movie producers who shall exit the movie production industry because of health issues,
including from the big C, drug-related problems, and severe depression.
There is going to be a lot of whirlwind and shaking within the entertainment industry because of personal
issues that will greatly affect their reputation.
A shift is occurring even as we speak, and instead of Christian entertainers, He God is preparing True
Worshippers to release His sound for the end time. God is stirring and consecrating those who will be
UNASHAMED and UNAFRAID to declare the Sovereignty, Majesty, Power and Awesome Omnipotence,
Omnipresence and Omniscience of our God! He will bestow greatness upon them to bring TOTAL glory to His
name and as they remain humble before Him and study His word, then they will increase in His Spirit daily
and innumerable souls will yield to Him. Many hearts and minds will be healed and souls won for Him God!
African, Latin and Caribbean Christian worship and praise music is about to rise to the fore in unprecedented
ways among the general audience and move beyond the comfortable place. These worshippers must seek to
learn other languages, because the Lord is going to use them beyond those who speak their own language.
God wants to take worship to another level that breaks the barriers of language and culture and He needs all
the Worshipper to be ready to do this. Some will begin to speak and understand languages that are not their
native tongue. An uncommon outpouring is taking place, and we must position ourselves to receive it!
The Lord is calling upon Christian entertainers to ensure that souls, prayer and feeding of the poor must be
the priority; and there must be unity like never before.
The Lord says that these Christian artistes can no longer just go to a performance - they need to recognize
the significance of what they do and more importantly, their role as they stand before the souls the Lord is
allowing them to reach. They must ensure that they are covered as they go out and ensure that their families
are covered before they leave especially the male Christian artistes. The female Christian artistes must
ensure that their head covers them. All must ensure that there are genuine intercessors praying for them at
all times but especially when they are doing live performances, particularly (but not only) in other nations.
The gospel music industry is going to experience a shaking that will last for years to come because He is
displeased with the strange fires and the strange aromas that have been coming up to Him. He is displeased
with the messages of compromise that are being offered up and that cause His people, His children, to be led
into a life of compromise. He is placing, within the New Wine Skin throughout the nations, New Wine, and
they will rise up with a no-nonsense attitude and the determination to know and genuinely serve the true and
living God and Creator of all mankind, and many church leaders, who even now, compromise concerning the
principles and the word of God, will be scrambling to try to gain ground to keep or win the youth and children
The songs of praise and of worship that will come forth through them will be songs that reveal the heart of
God. An uncommon outpouring is happening, and God is giving an opportunity now to those current Christian
artistes to be a part of this new move that God Himself is making Meanwhile, He is allowing those who have
been on the "back side of the desert" those who have waited for years unnoticed and who stood under the
processing of God - those who have been waiting on the timing of God and receiving songs and sounds of music
from Him stay in His Presence, you are about to come forth in His timing remain humble before Him.
There are those Christian Artistes - groups and individuals - that the Lord has been speaking to and using
different circumstances to get their attention and let them know that He needs them to cut back on their
tours and international performances and spend time in His Presence so that He can speak to them; because
He wants to use them beyond what they currently do, to reach them beyond what they (the artistes) see.
The Lord says He needs them to recognise/be reminded that they are souls before they are their fans.
There is a rising of ministers of music that God is causing to take place and they will be anointed and ordained
pastors, apostles, and ministers. They are required to live lives that are holy before the Lord even behind
closed doors.

Your places of amusement will soon be laid waste. Avoid large gatherings in such places.
Places of pleasure and amusement will become as nothing.
There will be a thorough investigation on Epcot Center in Orlando Florida, which may cause a shutdown of
the Centre.
God's judgement of His people during times of moral decline, spiritual apathy, and worldly compromise bring
about drought, barrenness, pestilence, and affliction. (II Chronicles 7: 13-14)
Hollywood and the film industry will no longer hold back their mandate to 'transform' and significantly affect
the thinking of the youth, but God is about to expose the hidden agendas of Hollywood!
The Lord has been speaking to many entertainers, singers, actors, musicians, and managers to turn their lives
around and serve God. Some have walked away from serving God to pursue a career. They have chosen silver
and gold, fame and money over holiness and righteousness. Many have passed away and are now in a place of
no repentance. The Lord says He is calling on many persons in the entertainment industry to turn to Him now.
What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? The Lord says for it is appointed to you
once to die and after, the judgments will come. Choose this day who you will serve, Jesus or money. There will
be many who will lose their lives to drugs, suicide, sickness, and diverse destruction. There are many
musicians who grew up in Church and were trained by their parents and church leaders to be ministers of
God, but they have walked away from their calling, and I am calling you now to return to me, says the Lord.
The Lord is about to visit the Gospel and Christian music industries, for they have become sheer
The gospel music industry is going to experience a shaking that will last for years to come because He is
displeased with the strange fires and the strange aromas that have been coming up to Him. He is
displeased with the messages of compromise that are being offered up and that cause His people, His
children, to be led into a life of compromise. He is placing, within the New Wine Skin throughout the
nations, New Wine, and they will rise up with a no-nonsense attitude and the determination to know and
genuinely serve the true and living God and Creator of all mankind, and many church leaders, who even
now, compromise concerning the principles and the word of God, will be scrambling to try to gain ground
to keep or win the youth and children over.
Those who have compromised and have engaged in heresy will experience the hand of God, and the favor they
once had will be removed. The Lord says He is calling all members of those industries to accountability. He
says He is displeased with the level of compromise and the lack of true reverence and worship that are taking
place, leading the many of the youth in the wrong direction. The Lord says He is about to speak, and there
will be shifting and changes. Those that have been pushed to the back and ignored, who He has tested and
approved, will be brought to the forefront for saving of a generation. Those who have been given the
opportunity for which they asked and vowed they would spread the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ but
have compromised and have broken their vows will be shifted to the back.
Thus saith the Lord, "You have refused to obey my words by removing the prayer and worship from the land,
and the youth, which was ordained from the beginning. I am the Lord thy God - there are no other gods
before me. If you continue to worship idols, then you will continue to live in darkness.

The Prophecies given are for 2008 onward.

Disclaimer: God reserves the right to hold His hand back from any form of judgments pending subject to
the repentance of nations and individuals. Jonah 3: 5-10; Exodus 32:14; Jeremiah 18: 7-11; Amos 7: 3-
6; II Kings 20: 1-11 and I Corinthians 13:9.
Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6).
He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and rises up kings (Daniel 1: 20-23).

2015 Prophecies from Dr. Patricia Green
Prophecies from Dr. Patricia Green 5/20/2015 Prophecies from Dr. Patricia Green
Dr. Patricia Green Founder of Joy Ministries worldwide to get them baptized and speaking in tongues
Author of 4 Endtime books, 5 about to be published Seeing Muslims getting saved from her books
Gone all over the world, Africa, India and Israel
The Prophetic Word from Holy Spirit during the 2008 Democratic race between Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton.
When I received this word from the Lord, Hillary Clinton was slightly ahead in the Democratic race.
 “Barak Obama will win the democratic nomination and he will be the next president of the United States of America.”
I quickly said, “Lord, do you expect me to vote for a man who supports abortion and homosexuality?”
“Child I did not tell you to vote for him. I am telling you he will be the next president of the United States. Barak Obama
is a fork tongued devil.”
“Your country has been pushing for abortions and homosexuality so I am giving you a president who will promote
abortions and homosexuality. But be rest assured, My hand of judgement will come against your nation while he is
Tsunami Dreams and Vision Excerpts taken from “The Seven Spirits of Yahweh” Pages 48, 49, 88 by Dr. Patricia Green
First Tsunami Dream These next two dreams and vision occurred within ten days of each other and they
pertain to the United States. In this dream my husband and I were traveling in a vehicle in North Carolina. We were
driving up a mountain road when we saw a policeman with his blue light flashing as a warning signal. He had stopped
traffic which prevented us from proceeding up the mountain. In the dream, I got out of the vehicle and walked up the
steep mountain road and the officer motioned for me to stop. Then all of a sudden a large wave rolled over the crest of
the mountain and was heading towards me. I placed my back to the wave and was able to ride on the crest of it until it
washed me back to the bottom of the mountain. At that moment in the dream, I knew that the Atlantic Ocean had
washed in as far as this mountain in North Carolina.
Second Tsunami Dream In this second dream which occurred ten days later, I was at a beach on the East coast.
There were many people at the beach enjoying the sand, sun and the ocean. There were some college aged boys who
carried a couch and a rug to the edge of the shoreline as a joke. I warned them that the tide would come in and wash their
couch away but they just ignored me and laughed. Then all of a sudden I saw this massive wave that was taller than the
hotels and buildings and it was posed to crash onto the beach. In all my life, I had never seen a wave this high at the beach
or in pictures. It towered above the tops of buildings.
Third Tsunami Vision The third warning about this massive wave came in a vision. In the vision, I was walking
side by side with Yahshua in heaven and He spoke these words to me. “Patricia, I want to show you some things.”
Yahshua parted the clouds so I could see on the earth below. I saw myself on the earth and there was a mighty wave rising
up ready to crash on the shore line. Before this mighty wave hit, I was lifted up. The wave was hundreds of feet tall. Then
Yahshua spoke these words to me. “This wave will hit the East coast. Warn the people to get out. This mighty wave will
devastate coastal cities and will wash inland for many miles. Florida will be decimated. Washington, D.C. will be under
water. New York Harbor will flood the city. In North Carolina, the water will come as far as the mountains. The water
will not go beyond the Appalachian Mountains. There are those who will not believe what you are reporting. They will
perish in the wave. Millions of people will lose their lives. Nothing of this magnitude happens on the earth unless I
speak it through My prophets. I have shown many of My prophets this tsunami and they are also reporting it will
                Yahshua did not give me a day or even a year when this massive tsunami wave will hit, He just instructed me to
warn people. As a prophet of the Lord Most High, I am posting this warning for all to see. Many will think it could never
happen and they will not heed this warning. But those who have an ear to hear what the Spirit of Understanding has
revealed will take the necessary action to be safe. Ask Yahweh to give you His answer through His Seven Spirits.

Three Devastations Coming to America Holy Spirit also spoke this prophetic message. “The United States
of America is about to swing into a new season. At first it will be a prosperous time, but it will be short lived. Next it will
be a season of devastation from all directions. The first devastation will hit and when she is reeling from that one, the
next will be right on its heels. When it looks like it cannot get any worse, indeed it will. This series of devastating events
will cripple your nation and bring her to her knees. She will realize that she is no longer the powerful nation she once
was. Look to the skies and you will see the first devastation. Look to the seas and you will see the next devastation.
Look to the earth and you will see the third devastation. I the Lord of the heavens, the earth, and beneath earth have

National Distress and Martial Law for America

Excerpts from “The Final Seven” Pages 94,95,107, 116,117,119,120 By Dr. Patricia Green
The Lord said, “I want to show you things that will happen in the United States of America during these years of
tribulation. It will be a time of great national distress. All these things will occur in the final years before I return.” This
is what was revealed to me through Holy Spirit.
I saw a vision of a huge ash cloud and bits of debris were falling to the earth.
I saw bridges collapsing and falling into the waters below. Causeways that connected islands to the mainland were
collapsing leaving people stranded on islands without food or supplies.
I saw deep fissures in the earth’s surface as a result of great earthquakes.
I saw tall buildings crumbling to earth in a heap of rubble, much like the Twin Towers collapsed.
Many people were dying because medicines were scarce during this time.
Power supplies will be cut off to major cities and it will plunge people into darkness. 
There will be dams that break which flood the lands and the people below. Hoover Dam will be one that breaks.
Universities, colleges, and schools were shut down because of the national disasters.
I saw people being killed with guns and Holy Spirit said that martial law would replace the civil law of the land.
The imposition of martial law would mean the suspension of civil rights and civil law would be replaced by military
authority. There would be curfews, roadblocks and check points to maintain order and control. An executive order signed
by President Obama has already broadened the government’s power to enact martial law even in peaceful times.
Collapse of United States                 “The United States of America will fall because of her wickedness. I raise
nations up and I take nations down according to My will. I bless nations that follow My commands and I curse nations
that disobey My commands. All that will happen to your nation will be a result of your nation’s sin. As a nation you
have clamored for rights. People say that those rights are a freedom, when in fact it is bondage. Homosexuality is not a
civil right; it is bondage to sexual impurity that destroys the covenant of marriage that I established. Abortion is
bondage because of the emotional destruction that comes from taking a life of an innocent child. Sin is bondage and all
sin is abhorrence to Me.”
                “The United States of America is a whelp; I gave her birth to be an ally of Israel. The United States will
decrease and Israel will increase in the end. At the end of the age, there will be no greater nation than Israel. I will
cause events to happen that will diminish the power and influence of the USA. People will say this cannot happen, but
indeed it will happen, because I have spoken it! Nations that had great power in the past ages no longer exist because I
declared their demise. You are a modern day Jeremiah, My child. You will declare these things and the people will scoff
at you and say you have not heard from Me. But truly I say to you, these things will happen before I return. Do not fear
to speak My truth. I am all powerful. I can wipe out a nation with My breath. With My voice I can flatten mountains,
move islands, and create earthquakes, floods, and famines. Man is frail compared to My great power and with My
outstretched hands I protect, provide, and possess My chosen and holy people. I want you to know that no matter
what I show you about these end times, you are in the palm of My hands. Do not fear or worry. Just know that I am
with you and I will bless you and your family.”
                “When famine, pestilence and disease strike the nations, I will protect and provide for My children. There will
be a distinction between My people and those of the world. Tell My people not to fear because I am in control. In the
end, the righteous will shine as bright as the morning sun and the wicked will perish. I am preparing My people so they
do not die from the sword, the pestilence, and the famine.”
                “Many will get saved during this horrible time. The fear that the end is near will cause people to seek out
Christians for truth. Just know that all must proceed as Holy Scriptures has stated. The sword will be the nuclear war.
The famine will result from the drought when I withhold the rain. The pestilence will be a new strain of a disease that is
not known and there will not be a cure. It will quickly kill people like the black plague. The war will last five years and
the famine will quickly follow. My children will need wisdom to survive this tribulation. Food will be scarce, but My
children will be prepared for the famine. I am instructing My children to begin to fill up their storehouses before the
famine strikes, just as I instructed Joseph while he was in Egypt. It would be wise to begin storing provisions before the
outbreak of the war.”
                “The landscape of America is about to change. There will be many signs I perform as a warning to your nation.
The waterways will become poisonous. The hills will begin to tremble. The stars will lose their brilliance. Your sun will
begin to emit flashes of radiation. Weather patterns will change. My hand is on the weather. These things will not
happen by chance because I will cause them to happen with My outstretched arm. Most meteorologists have an
explanation for the weather phenomenon, but during this time it will defy all human reasoning. Until people come to
realization that I am Yahweh and I am in control, they will be confused about the weather events that will occur on this
earth. In the north there will be warmer temperatures. In the south, there will be flooding. In the west, there will be
earthquakes. In the east, the seas will roar with extraordinary force. The central plains will see a great hurricane that
will dump great amounts of rain. The landscape will change. The Appalachians will be the furthest point east before the
Mississippi River expands its boundaries. The ocean will come as far as the Rockies in some areas. The Grand Canyon
will begin to fill with water. Lake Michigan and Lake Huron will combine to form one large body of water. The
geological plates will shift.”
                “Hell is expanding! Tell the people that hell is expanding.  This saddens My heart. I never created hell for
mankind. Those in rebellion and disobedience to their Creator will be eternally damned. The landscape of America is
about to change. I will establish cities of refuge for the ones who know Me intimately. These cities will be a place of
safety under My wing of protection. Call to Me and I will show you and guide you to a city of refuge in these perilous
times. Stay close to Me and I will instruct you. In the dark of the night, some will have to flee. My angels will protect
you and My Spirit will guide you. Do not fear My little children. I am with you and I will never leave you nor forsake
War with Russia “The battle is about to begin. Do not remain silent, child. Whatever I tell you, shout from the
roof tops. War is coming to America. There is wickedness in high places both in the spiritual realm and the natural
realm. They are plotting behind the scenes to take America down. Important information was given to the Russian
government regarding the USA and the Russians will use this information to attack the infrastructure of your nation.
Many will hear of this plan but will ignore it, thinking it could never happen to their beloved nation. There is
wickedness in high places in government, banking and independent companies who line their pockets with gold at the
expense of your people. Truth has been suppressed. Your country has become a nation of lies. Darkness is about to
overcome your nation. A deep darkness will cover the people because they loved the lies and not the truth. But all is
not lost. Do not despair My children. For out of the darkness comes My glorious light.”
2015 -2018 john-paul-jacksons-prophetic-headlines answer fulfillment

 Big Regulations Hit Small Banks

 Blight in Grains Spreading
 Chicago up in Arms – Death Toll Mounts
 City Tunnels Closed after bomb
 Credit Markets Freeze Up
 Cyber Attack Cripples Grid – Multiple Collapses with Restart Efforts
 Decay in America - Is the Infrastructure of America beyond repair?
 Demand for Classic Seeds Skyrocket
 Derivative Panic Hits Global Markets
 Does God Play Softball? – Hail the size of softballs destroy thousands of homes and Autos
 Drought Continues to cause Prayer to Rise
 Food Prices Lead Nation’s Escalating Inflation Woes
 GPS loses it GPS – How Long Until We Know Where We Are?
 Israel says if Missiles hit Jerusalem, Mecca will be hit within minutes
 Loss of Identity – The Cost to Belong to the New Euro Community
 Martial Law to be extended for 30 More Days
 Military Cuts Number of Soldiers
 More Explosions in Tel Aviv – Radioactive traces found
 New United America being Pushed – Canada, Mexico, USA in Talks
 New Years Terror – Out With the New, in With the Old
 NFL Postpones all Games Until Answer Found
 Nuclear Disaster Under the High Seas
 Ocean Temperature Rise Spreading – Millions of fish dying
 Politics and Trust the new Oxymoron
 Radical Solutions Create Shockwave – Administration says, “We Ran Out of Answers”
 Record High Temps Accompany Record Drought Swept South
 Record Set for Number of Cities with Riot Curfews
 Sysco Co and Kraft Considers Guards on Delivery Trucks as Food Nears 40% of the Family Budget
 The Great divide – The new Normal on the Mississippi River
 The New Face of Robinhood – Flash Mobs Loot Rich Neighborhoods
 The North Pole is Now Found in North Russia
 The Rise and Fall of the political parties – New third party gains ground
 The Washington Monument tilts more, Delays announced to other Monument repairs
 Three Planes down from Solar Tsunami – Search Continues
 Too Big to Fail – Fails – Nations Bank being pushed
 Volcano Erupts Near Tokyo, 7 Million Dead, Another Million Missing
 Washington DC Riots continue
 What other Secret Weapons Does Israel Have? – Has Israel Played all it’s Cards?
 Where is The Navy – Why didn’t we See it Coming?
2015 -2018 john-paul-jacksons-prophetic-headlines answer fulfillment

 Too Big to Fail – Fails – Nations Bank being pushed

 Decay in America - Is the Infrastructure of America beyond repair?
 The Rise and Fall of the political parties – New third party gains ground
 The Washington Monument tilts more, Delays announced to other Monument repairs
 The Great divide – The new Normal on the Mississippi River
 Washington DC Riots continue
 Chicago up in Arms – Death Toll Mounts
 Where is The Navy – Why didn’t we See it Coming?
 New United America being Pushed – Canada, Mexico, USA in Talks
 GPS loses it GPS – How Long Until We Know Where We Are?
 Three Planes down from Solar Tsunami – Search Continues
 Volcano Erupts Near Tokyo, 7 Million Dead, Another Million Missing
 City Tunnels Closed after bomb
 New Years Terror – Out With the New, in With the Old
 Record Set for Number of Cities with Riot Curfews
 Martial Law to be extended for 30 More Days
 Military Cuts Number of Soldiers
 Nuclear Disaster Under the High Seas
 Ocean Temperature Rise Spreading – Millions of fish dying
 Blight in Grains Spreading
 Drought Continues to cause Prayer to Rise
 NFL Postpones all Games Until Answer Found
 Does God Play Softball? – Hail the size of softballs destroy thousands of homes and Autos
 The North Pole is Now Found in North Russia
 Cyber Attack Cripples Grid – Multiple Collapses with Restart Efforts
 More Explosions in Tel Aviv – Radioactive traces found
 Politics and Trust the new Oxymoron
 What other Secret Weapons Does Israel Have? – Has Israel Played all it’s Cards?
 Loss of Identity – The Cost to Belong to the New Euro Community
 Radical Solutions Create Shockwave – Administration says, “We Ran Out of Answers”
 Israel says if Missiles hit Jerusalem, Mecca will be hit within minutes
 Record High Temps Accompany Record Drought Swept South
 Demand for Classic Seeds Skyrocket
 Derivative Panic Hits Global Markets
 Food Prices Lead Nation’s Escalating Inflation Woes
 Sysco Co and Kraft Considers Guards on Delivery Trucks as Food Nears 40% of the Family
 Big Regulations Hit Small Banks
 Credit Markets Freeze Up
 The New Face of Robinhood – Flash Mobs Loot Rich Neighborhoods
The late Prophet John Paul Jackson said he would have a dream, a vision, or a trance or something, and he’d see
a newspaper come to him. He’d look at the top of the newspaper and read the headlines. Sometimes it would tell
him a month or even a day; sometimes it would tell him a year but he wouldn’t remember the month or the day.
He specified that these headlines may not necessarily happen in the same time frame as “The Perfect Storm” (by
the year 2020), because he didn’t know that. Here are headlines and subheadings that were shown him in the
Spirit, and his description of them:

Volcano Erupts Near Tokyo 7 Million Dead, Another Million Missing

(This was the first headline the Lord gave him; it was in September of 1985. This was a little more that a
headline. This was the first time a newspaper came to him flat, then stood up before him.) He found himself
standing across from Tokyo on a high hill or mountain. A tree was just finishing blossoming nearby. A high-
speed train had just gone by on railroad tracks that were a little in front of him and somewhat downhill. He
looked across the city of Tokyo and there was a huge mountain in the background that was half-covered with
snow. He saw a plume of smoke or steam come out the side of it. A little while later he saw another come out.
Then he saw a third plume come out the side. A short while later he saw the mountain shake – he could hear all
the noise to the city (all the hustle and bustle of a huge city)… When it erupted he remembered saying, “Oh, this
is worse than Mt. St. Helen’s!” When it blew, smoke and ash came toward the city; it was like steam and water,
and the water was so hot it just melted things it hit. A short while later, all the noise became muffled and then it
was just quiet. Absolute quiet. At the time he had this vision, Mt. Fuji was a “dead volcano”; now it’s become
active again. John Paul said, “One day, this will happen”.
Too Big to Fail Fails Nations Bank Being Pushed
He believed that because of certain bank failures a national bank is going to be pushed, and that they’ll
nationalize Bank Of America and that it will change the entire banking system in the USA & perhaps in the
world. It will set a precedent for the next phase of economic things…
Decay In America Is the Infrastructure of America beyond repair?
Meaning it takes so much money to repair the deferred maintenance that we have, that we don’t have the money
to do the deferred maintenance any longer.
The Rise and Fall Of the Political PartiesNew Third Party Gains Ground
The Washington Monument Tilts More, Delays Announced To Other Monument Repairs
It wasn’t just to the Washington Monument, there were delays announced to repairs for other monuments in
Washington, D.C.
The Great divide The new Normal on the Mississippi River
It was like this was a headline a little while after an earthquake, and they were no longer able to go all the way up
the Mississippi from New Orleans, which changes the way business can operate around the Mississippi River.
Washington DC Riots Continue
Chicago Up In ArmsDeath Toll Mounts
Where Is The Navy Why didn’t we See it Coming?
Something had happened in the Gulf of Mexico and/or on one of the coasts, and the navy should have spotted this
issue before it happened and they didn’t. Somehow, it bypassed the radar; it got around our protective grid.
New United America being Pushed Canada, Mexico, USA in Talks
It was like there had to be something economically done with Canada, the United States, Mexico and maybe
South America; a worldwide economic issue had arisen and the solution that was being pushed was that we
become – instead of the United States – it was almost like, United America.
GPS Loses Its GPSHow Long Until We Know Where We Are?
It was like GPS no longer worked like it was supposed to work.
Three Planes Down From Solar TsunamiSearch Continues And others were missing but he wasn’t given a
City Tunnels Closed After Bomb
New Years’ TerrorOut With the New, in With the Old
Record Set For Number of Cities With Riot Curfews
Martial Law To Be Extended For 30 More Days
He said this was more than one city.
Severe Military Cuts Number of Soldiers
Nuclear Disaster Under the High Seas

Ocean Temperature Rise Spreading Millions of Fish Dying

Something had happened and they’d narrowed it down to two or three things. One of them was the earth opening
and the heat from deep in the earth was released into the sea at such a rate (the fissure was so large) they were
thinking that was what was causing the ocean’s temperature to rise. Whales, walruses and porpoises were dying –
millions of fish were dying. This was in the Pacific Ocean.
Blight In Grains Spreading
It was like one blight would hit and you’d think it was done, and about that time, it would hit another type of
grain. More than one grain was affected.
Drought Continues To Cause Prayer to Rise
NFL Postpones All Games Until Answer Found
Does God Play Softball?Hail The Size Of Softballs Destroy Thousands Of Homes And Autos
The New North Pole Is Now Found In North Russia
The magnetic North Pole had moved so much that it was no longer under the North Pole it was in northern
Cyber Attack Cripples GridMultiple Collapses with Restart Efforts
More Explosions in Tel Aviv – Radioactive Traces Found
Politics And Trust The New Oxymoron
What Other Secret Weapons Does Israel Have?Has Israel Played all it’s Cards?
Loss of Identity The Cost to Belong to the New Euro Community
Radical Solutions Create Shockwave Administration Says, ‘We Ran Out of Answers’
Israel Says If Missiles Hit Jerusalem, Mecca Will Be Hit ‘Within Minutes’
Record High Temps Accompany Record Drought-Swept South
Demand for Classic Seeds Skyrocket
Derivative Panic Hits Global Markets
Food Prices Lead Nation’s Escalating Inflation Woes
Sysco and Kraft Considers Guards On Delivery Trucks As Food Nears 40% Of the Family Budget
A little bit of what John Paul remembered reading had something to do with food being so expensive, people
would actually rob food trucks while the food was being delivered into the store. The companies tried locking the
trucks with padlocks, but people were beating the truck drivers and robbing the food trucks, and using some kind
of a torch or saw or something to simply cut holes in the sides of the trucks while the driver was in the store.
Big Regulations Hit Small Banks
Credit Markets Freeze Up
The New Face of Robin HoodFlash Mobs Loot Rich NeighborhoodsThe Late Prophet John Paul Jackson;
 •   Too Big to Fail – Fails – Nations Bank being pushed
•    Decay in America - Is the Infrastructure of America beyond repair?
•    The Rise and Fall of the political parties – New third party gains ground

•    The Washington Monument tilts more, Delays announced to other Monument repairs
•    The Great divide – The new Normal on the Mississippi River
•    Washington DC Riots continue
•    Chicago up in Arms – Death Toll Mounts

•    Where is The Navy – Why didn’t we See it Coming?
•    New United America being Pushed – Canada, Mexico, USA in Talks

•    GPS loses it GPS – How Long Until We Know Where We Are?
•    Three Planes down from Solar Tsunami – Search Continues

•    Volcano Erupts Near Tokyo, 7 Million Dead, Another Million Missing
•    City Tunnels Closed after bomb

•    New Years Terror – Out With the New, in With the Old
•    Record Set for Number of Cities with Riot Curfews

•    Martial Law to be extended for 30 More Days
•    Military Cuts Number of Soldiers
•    Nuclear Disaster Under the High Seas

•    Ocean Temperature Rise Spreading – Millions of fish dying
•    Blight in Grains Spreading

•    Drought Continues to cause Prayer to Rise

•    NFL Postpones all Games Until Answer Found     (first season game is Sept 6)
•    Does God Play Softball? – Hail the size of softballs destroy thousands of homes and Autos
•    The North Pole is Now Found in North Russia

•    Cyber Attack Cripples Grid – Multiple Collapses with Restart Efforts
•    More Explosions in Tel Aviv – Radioactive traces found     
•    Politics and Trust the new Oxymoron
•    What other Secret Weapons Does Israel Have? – Has Israel Played all it’s Cards?

•    Loss of Identity – The Cost to Belong to the New Euro Community
•    Radical Solutions Create Shockwave – Administration says, “We Ran Out of Answers”   
•    Israel says if Missiles hit Jerusalem, Mecca [or Tehran?] will be hit within minutes
•    Record High Temps Accompany Record Drought Swept South

•    Demand for Classic Seeds Skyrocket   

•    Derivative Panic Hits Global Markets

•    Food Prices Lead Nation’s Escalating Inflation Woes
•    Sysco Co and Kraft Considers Guards on Delivery Trucks as Food Nears 40% of the Family Budget   
•    Big Regulations Hit Small Banks
•    Credit Markets Freeze Up

•    The New Face of Robinhood – Flash Mobs Loot Rich Neighborhoods
John Paul Jackson's Southern Drought Prophecy Appears to Be Coming to Pass
11:30AM EST 11/16/2016 Michael Snyder

A heavy air tanker drops fire retardant over the Boteler wildfire near Hayesville, North Carolina, U.S. Nov. 10, 2016.
( REUTERS/Courtesy of Michael David Chiodini)
A record-setting drought has gripped the southern United States, but most people have no idea that this drought is
the fulfillment of a prophecy that was given four years ago.
Back in 2008, John Paul Jackson released a DVD titled The Perfect Storm in which he detailed many of the
prophetic events that God showed him would soon come to America. In 2012, he released a video update to The
Perfect Storm that you can view on YouTube right here. In that update, he shared a list of future headlines that
God had revealed to him over the years. Some of these headlines have already happened since that time, and now
we are watching another be fulfilled right in front of our eyes.
Specifically, I am referring to this headline: "Record High Temps Accompany Record Drought Swept South."
In an article titled "July's Extreme Heat Breaks Records Across South," detailed many of the high-
temperature records that have been broken in the South in recent months, but in this article I am going to focus on
the crippling drought that is plaguing the region.
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In addition to the headline above, John Paul Jackson was shown several other headlines regarding drought and
famine coming to America, including the following:
 "Drought Continues to Cause Prayer to Rise"
 "Demand for Classic Seeds Skyrockets"
 "Food Prices Lead Nation's Escalating Inflation Woes"
 "Sysco and Kraft Consider Guards on Delivery Trucks as Food Nears 40 Percent of the Family Budget"
And of course, John Paul Jackson is not the only one who has been shown that these things are coming to this
The following is a very small portion of what Terry Bennett was shown in April 2011:
I was also warned, by the appearing of the black horse and its rider, about famine. The angel said, "There will be
a famine of food in your nation!" Not only this, but also the prices of food, particularly grains, will dramatically
rise. We will see not only shortages and high prices, but I was shown significant starvation occurring during this
time. Death followed this black horse!
Dr. Patricia Green correctly prophesied the election victories of Barack Obama and Donald Trump in advance,
and she was also shown that famine is going to hit America.
"I'm instructing my children to begin to fill up their storehouses before the famine strikes just as I instructed
Joseph while he was in Egypt."
With those prophecies in mind, it is extremely alarming to see what is happening all across the southern portion
of the United States right now. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, most of the southern half of the country
is experiencing some level of drought at this moment.
The drought in California has been raging for quite some time, but what has surprised the experts is how dry it
has been in the Southeast lately. The following is from an EcoWatch article titled "Record-Breaking Drought and
Wildfires Plague Southeast":
The atmospheric spigots have been turned off across most of the U.S. over the last several weeks. According to
the weekly U.S. Drought Monitor report from Nov. 10, more than 27 percent of the contiguous U.S. has been
enveloped by at least moderate drought (categories D1 through D4). This is the largest percentage value in more
than a year, since late October 2015.
The upward trend of the last month is worrisome given the outlook for the coming winter: Drier-than-average
conditions are projected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration across the southern half of the
contiguous U.S., a frequent outcome during La Niña winters.
To say that the drought in the Southeast is severe would be a tremendous understatement. At this point, some
cities in the Southeast haven't seen any measurable rain in about 50 days.
No measurable rain (at least .01 inches) has been tallied at Birmingham's Shuttlesworth International Airport
since Sept. 18, approaching a two-month-long dry streak, topping their previous longest dry streak on record – 52
straight days – from fall 1924.
Nine minutes of sprinkles Nov. 4 and another bout of sprinkles on Oct. 16 has been the entirety of Birmingham's
rainfall so far this fall.
Anniston, Alabama, and Rome, Georgia, have dry streaks now approaching 50 days.
And unfortunately, it appears that there is not going to be any substantial rain for the region anytime soon.
There are no signs of any significant rainfall through the end of the month across the Southeast, AccuWeather
Senior Meteorologist Henry Margusity said.
The region needs days and weeks of a steady, soaking rain to completely eliminate the drought.
"Things will only get worse before they get better,"Margusity explained.
Whenever conditions are this dry, it is inevitable that there will be wildfires.
Right now more than 100 major wildfires are raging across the Southeast, and some of the worst are in the
mountains of North Carolina.
As you read this article, more than 1,000 firefighters are battling dozens of large wildfires in the North Carolina
mountains. Gov. Pat McCrory is referring to these fires as "California wildfires in North Carolina," and he is not
exaggerating one bit.
If what we are witnessing is truly the beginning of the fulfillment of what God showed John Paul Jackson, Terry
Bennett and Patricia Green, then we should expect drought conditions to continue to intensify in the months
And as you can see above, they said things will eventually get so bad famine will strike America.
Most of us couldn't imagine something like that ever happening in this nation. But these are men and women of
God with very long track records. As I noted above, Dr. Patricia Green correctly prophesied the election victories
by Barack Obama and Donald Trump in advance, and John Paul Jackson has a track record of correctly fulfilled
prophecies that is exceedingly long.
As I end this article, I also want to remind everyone of what God showed Heidi Baker regarding the future of
America not too long ago.
I saw bread lines, soup kitchens, and I saw people wearing beautiful clothing. Their clothing was not worn
out. Now in my nation when people are hungry you can tell. I mean they are in shredded rags. They don't have
shoes or they have flip flops. Most of them [have] no shoes. They are hungry and they know they are hungry.
They come for food, not because they are beggars, but because they are hungry.
These days a lot of Americans have become complacent and are feeling pretty good about things.
But the events that are warned about in this article are coming, and I would encourage everyone to get prepared
while they still can.
Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed are solely the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of
Charisma Media.
Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho's First Congressional District, and you can learn how
you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled "Living A Life That Really Matters" is
available in paperback and for the Kindle on
Sunday, November 20, 2016 shane-warren-john-paul-jackson-americas.html
Shane Warren John Paul Jackson America’s Judgment begins 2018, 2020 the end of the world
Shane Warren had visions from the Lord of the Future of America and he was told judgements will  begin 2020.
He was shown a great earthquakes taking place because of the division of Israel and he was shown riots across
America and an economic crisis.
This corresponds with the visions of John Paul Jackson which saw riots and an economic crisis after the year
The year 2020 will begin a depression of 10 years where with we may see riots across America in 2023 that will
leave New York city burning with ashes This will all lead to the time of tribulation around 2030 
 Iran, Russia and China Conspire to Kill  Major Riots Across the U.S.A. 
Dollar   People Will Demand Entitlements 
 The Dollar Will be Worthless   Many Will Return to the Church 
 New Madrid Earthquake Divides America   Two Sided Coin: Judgment & Revival 
 They Divided My Land, Now I Will Divide  The 400 year Judgment Cycle 
Their Land  America’s Judgment Arrives in 2020
 Silver Will Rise Far More Than Gold 
The time line is clear for a Projected time of economic collapse and judgments to begin by 2018 lasting 10 years
to prepare for agenda 2030 and biological war at that time. Look it up research it and find ways to make some
money and help people. As much as i say believe in the lord we need real actions with real help. So Get ready for
real and put it all on the line.  
 2017 sign of woman on the moon  begins judgments 
 2018 Economic collapse starts off
 2020 Economic collapse  Begins 
 2023 Disaster event
 2024 China Russia Attack America around this time ?
 2030 Agenda begins extermination program 
 2033 Daniel timeline projected 3rd temple event with blood moons   
The sign of the Woman Begins 2017 beginning the time of travail in the church Rev12:1-2. After the Woman of
2017 the Sign of the dragon will appear which is a devil armada in space sending angles fallen to earth to kill the
man child before it is born.This will all lead up to the beginning  of the tribulation which will immediately start
after the manchild is born and taken to heaven first 1260 days of the tribulation Rev12:5-6, the man child is a
group of men or children born which will be taken to heaven  and receive a rod of iron to rule the nations
 2017 sign of woman on the moon 
 Sign of Dragon 
 Angles fall to earth to kill the manchild 
 Manchild born taken to heaven 
 Tribulation begins 
 Woman runs into the wilderness 1260 days 
 Dragon Satan falls persecution begins
 Woman with wings escapes 3 1/2 years 
 Dragon makes war with Jesus at his coming
Chuck Youngbrandt Destruction of America
Chuck Youngbrandt is a prophet with visions from the Lord with contacts to Dumitru Duduman as he saw the destruction
of America by Russia and other nations.
 A fault line from Chicago to Saint Louis will divide and one side will drop 20 feet
 City of Chicago will have a massive earthquake and be destroyed
 Lake Michigan will tsunami 15 stories high and destroy Chicago
 The Great Lakes will crash through the Mississippi river  and reach the gulf of Mexico
 After the big earthquake of Chicago Midwest within 37 days Russia and China and its allies will attack America
with nuclear weapons while America is at here weakest 
 Nuclear attacks on Florida will sink it into the sea slow
 The US will be attacked by Russia, China, Japan, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Serbia and 1 other 
 Russia will attack from the east and China from the South West and Mexico from the South 
 China and Japan will attack Russia during the invasion 
 China will kill men women and children with no mercy in California
 Russia will use neutron bombs to eliminate large areas of population
 Russian occupation may last 7 years not the tribulation

 US Military will Round up rioters and shoot them on the Spot and leave the dead on the Street
 US Military will not be well supplied with material
 Farmers will not have what they need to grow food
 Weather will go out of control and go along with economic collapse
 People will wait in long lines to get small amounts of food
 The light of righteousness will diminish and darkness will pervade in the land 
 The land of America will be dead and people will get out of the cities and go into safe zones 
 Israel will be attacked by Egypt and Syria on Yom Kippur to be pushed into the sea in a week
 Israel is finished but the hand of God stops the army  and counter attacks with small numbers
 Israel survives the war 
 A 10 state confederation is formed in Europe leading to the rise of the Antichrist  

 A very large hurricane will happen in September in the Gulf  

 A Large Star burning like a small sun will come and hit the earth across America
 Government will move to the center of America
  The Church is slack and closed during times of need and will not act
 The churches in disobedience to God will die leaving a small remnant
2017/ 2018 jeremiahjohnson-tv-blog
2018 Prophetic Word: Cancer, Baby Boomers, Trump, and the Nations
The following is what I have received for the year 2018 and beyond during a 21 day period of prayer and fasting.
I fully recognize that I “see” in part (1 Cor 13:12) and submit these prophetic words to the body of Christ so that
they may be judged and put to the test accordingly. I firmly believe that the spirit of true prophetic ministry
testifies and points to Jesus Christ. The first part of the word directly deals with the body of Christ. Part two of
the word however deals with politics and the world. It is my opinion that while the prophetic words in part two
do not directly point to Christ, they are intended to prepare the body of Christ for the days ahead by offering a
prophetic perspective and narrative to what is happening in the world as God has revealed to me.
My prayer is that these prophetic words may serve as a template for intercession and active partnership when and
where God directs. May they be read and received as a small contribution among other prophetic words that are
being given by trusted prophets in the body of Christ. Certain sections of these prophetic words will apply to
some, other parts will not. I encourage those who read this to seek the Lord and if He reveals that the shoe fits,
then wear it. If not, let it pass you by and impact the intended audience.
The Body of Christ Has Cancer
What a shocking and horrible claim to make regarding the body of our Lord, but this is the exact phrase I
continue to hear as I stand in the council of the Lord. As we know, when someone is diagnosed with cancer, it
typically is located in a specific area of the body. I believe that I have heard from God that the body of Christ
indeed has cancer, but I do not believe God means that ALL parts of the body have cancer.
As I have wept before Him at His diagnosis of parts of the body of Christ, I have cried out and begged him to tell
me how bad the cancer is. In what stage is the cancer? Is it curable? What exactly is the “cancer”? God continues
to quicken my spirit to 2 Timothy 2:15-19 as Paul says to Timothy,
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed,
accurately handling the word of truth. But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further
ungodliness, and their talk will spread like gangrene (CANCER). Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus,
men who have gone astray from the truth saying that the resurrection has already taken place, and they
upset the faith of some. Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, “The Lord
knows those who are His,” and, “Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness.”
 The specific cancer that God has revealed to me that parts of the body of Christ have is what the Scripture calls a
“scoffing spirit.”
2 Peter 3:3-4 says, “Know this first of all, that in the last days scoffers will come with their scoffing,
following after their own lusts saying, “Where is the promise of His coming?”
God said to me, “Beware of a scoffing spirit that is spreading like cancer in My body concerning the return
of my Son Jesus. There will be false teachers, prophets, and apostles that will rise in the earth that will
scoff at these last days and claim that My Son has already returned and will not come again. They will not
teach on the reality of hell, the fear of My name, nor the urgency of the hour that you live in. They are
killing the zeal and passion that I’m desiring to arouse in my Bride prior to the sending of My Bridegroom
Son. You must look for those who accurately handle My word of truth.”
He continued, “In order to eradicate the cancer from the body, I am raising up apostolic and prophetic
messengers that will cry aloud and spare not. They will challenge and confront these false apostles,
prophets, and teachers like never before. As the Scriptures say, the faith of many will be upset over this
growing cancer in My body. The cancer is not only limited to the teaching that My Son has already or will
not return, but also the scoffing spirit that will  reject the call for urgency and holiness in the body.   You
are about to witness the highlighting, focus, and emphasis of the return of My Son in the earth like never
before. I’m going to mark and grip messengers with My holy fire that will leave them blessed with
groaning and travail.  You will see two contending movements that will rise in the body in the days ahead,
says God. One movement will seek to pacify and put the body to sleep as the cancer spreads and another
opposing movement will cry out for the return of My Son Jesus and warn the body of their need to be
sober and alert in these days that you live in” says the Lord.
I want to sound the alarm in the body of Christ and warn you to watch out for false apostles, teachers, and
prophets who are claiming and will claim that there is no second coming of Jesus Christ. A scoffing spirit
concerning these last days that we live in is the cancer that will attempt to spread throughout the body of Christ in
the days ahead. Look for a contending movement and burst of wildfire to break out in other parts of the body
concerning the return of Jesus Christ and the reality of hell and what awaits those who are not ready. A hunger
for the harvest fueled by the second coming of Jesus is being released in the earth. The fear of the Lord and
waves of holiness and preparation for the Bridegroom will mark many messengers and church communities in
2018 and beyond. The oil of lovesickness if coming!
Absaloms on the Loose The Lord began to talk to me about the spirit of Absalom that is upon some
in the body of Christ who are attempting to expand their ministries through self-promotion and attaching
themselves to the church leaders and the generals of this generation. (2 Sam 15) I felt an extreme urgency from
God that He is desiring to warn the generals of multiple large movements in the body of Christ to be on guard
against Absalom’s in your midst who through self-promotion and flattery will attempt to steal the hearts of the
people God has called you to minister to.
These Absaloms on the loose will refuse to be tested, consecrated, and processed. They will sow confusion,
discord, and strife in networks, churches, and gatherings. Having the appearance of being the real deal in their
speech and outward actions, inwardly they are full of pride and selfish ambition. God specifically showed me a
“wannabee” spirit that rests upon the Absaloms that are on the loose. They want the platform and recognition,
but are unwilling to pay the price and wait their turn for promotion. They force doors of ministry open and
constantly use the platform and relationships they have with others as a point of leverage in conversations and
gatherings. We must pray that the Absaloms on the loose will be exposed in the body of Christ in 2018. Many
generals that lead movements and church leaders are in danger of being deceived and mislead by Absaloms.
Many saints are in danger of being deceived by the Absaloms on the loose into believing they are tried and tested
leaders when they are not. Beware!
Here Come the Baby Boomers God showed me that there are many men and women in the body of Christ
right now born between 1946-1964 that have been “overlooked”. In 2018, God is going to begin to promote and
grant favor to men and women in the body of Christ who have been overlooked and reward them for their
faithfulness and courage even when they have suffered disappointment and rejection on many occasions. I heard
God say, “Great wisdom is missing in My body.” I said, “Where is it Lord?” He said, “It’s with the baby
boomers who have been overlooked, but now they will be revealed carrying great wisdom to My body for
such a time as this! If you were born between 1946-1964, God says, “This is your year! Do not continue to
feel sorry for yourself or believe that I have left you on the sidelines. I say to you this year, it is time to
get off the bench and get in the game. The young generations are in great need of the wisdom you carry,
wisdom that has come at times from your own failures and mistakes. Nonetheless, you have much to offer
and if you are willing and available, I will cause a vibrancy and fresh wind of My Spirit to come upon you
and enable you to fulfill My will in and around you, says God. Some of you have even had some measures of
success in your younger years, but have fallen prey to discouragement over the last ten years. I will
strengthen you” says your God. “I will cause you to rise to the occasion and fulfill the assignments I am
about to release to you this year. Be encouraged and of good cheer. I will fight for you and win your heart
over to me like never before. This is your year says God! Books are still yet to be written, young people
are still yet to be led. Projects must be completed. Some of you will even marry. You will not be defined
by your divorce. Do not become discouraged! I’m with you and for you!”
The Hispanic Awakening God began to show me the convergence of large gatherings of hispanics and
latinos in 2018. I heard God say, “When the cries of the prisoners reach the ears of the deliverers, revival
breaks out! I am setting the Hispanic and Latino prisoners free in 2018. I have seen and heard the cry of
those who are in religious  bondage and I will bring great deliverance this year! Look for the Hispanic and
Latino Gideon’s to arise! These are men and women who I have encountered and revealed a warrior
identity to. Though they be from humble beginnings, I will anoint them with My Spirit to tear down the
Baal idols even in their father’s home. I am freeing My Hispanic and Latino sons and daughters from
the  religious bondage and control that has been suffocating and oppressing them for years. My Gideon’s
will rise and bring great deliverance and freedom to the captives who sit in church every Sunday. A
revelation of My deliverance, My grace, and My Fatherhood will be extended to My Hispanic and Latino
people in 2018.”
Donald Trump God has visited me on numerous occasions in the last several weeks (January 2018)
concerning Donald Trump and He continues to remind me of the prophecy I received concerning him in July of
2015 that was also published by Charisma Magazine and went viral around the world. The prophecy God spoke
to me was this,
“Trump shall become My trumpet to the American people, for he possesses qualities that are even hard to
find in My people these days. Trump does not fear man nor will he allow deception and lies to go unnoticed.
I am going to use him to expose darkness and perversion in America like never before, but you must
understand that he is like a bull in a china closet. Many will want to throw him away because he will disturb
their sense of peace and tranquility, but you must listen through the bantering to discover the truth that
I will speak through him. I will use the wealth that I have given him to expose and launch investigations
searching for the truth. Just as I raised up Cyrus to fulfill My purposes and plans, so have I raised up
Trump to fulfill my purposes and plans prior to the 2016 election. You must listen to the trumpet very
closely for he will sound the alarm and many will be blessed because of his compassion and mercy. Though
many see the outward pride and arrogance, I have given him the tender heart of a father that wants to
lend a helping hand to the poor and the needy, to the foreigner and the stranger.”
 The days and months following the release of this prophetic word in July of 2015 were full of bitter accusation
and attack from thousands across the body of Christ. To this day, I still stand by this prophecy I received and
gave. I truly believe God has and is using Trump as a type of trumpet in America, but he is like a bull in a china
shop and his words must be sifted through in order to hear the truth He is speaking at times.
Then two days before Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, I received and published another
prophetic dream in which a baby with the face of Donald Trump was brought to a church and given to an older
woman who was a nursery worker at a church. The woman began to rock baby Donald and sing over him. This is
what she sang, “Donald, you have a crooked way in you, but through the intercession of the Church, God is
going to change you.” She sang this tune over Donald several times and then I woke up.
Having had a significant amount of time to pray through this dream, I have become convinced by the Spirit of
God that there is a tremendous amount of weight and responsibility that now rests upon the Church as Donald
Trump has been elected President. Per the dream, Donald has clearly been given by God as a gift to the Church
and she must engage in intercession in order to drive out the crooked way that is inside of him. Donald Trump is
not the savior of America, and the Church must not go back to business as usual now that he has been elected. In
prayer, I heard the Spirit of God say, “The presidency of Donald Trump will be defined by one thing: his
character. You must know that his character can be greatly shaped and forged through the faithful
intercession and prayers of the Church.”
Pondering and praying through Trump’s presidency in 2018, I received a vision of his right hand that began to
turn into an IRON FIST. God spoke to me and said, “Trump’s grip is going to tighten while the liberal agenda
loses its grip.” I saw the liberal agenda in America gasping for breath as the Trump agenda (the iron fist)
squeezes and suffocates its opponents. I saw desperation, wild accusation, and startling trepidation descend upon
Washington. Then I began to see something that both surprised me and caused me to pause. The iron fist of
Donald Trump was too much for the American people to bear. The pressure and strength of his grip while at first
was reassuring, in the end, it brought great unnecessary destruction. I felt an alarm go off deep within my spirit.
God said, “I have raised Donald Trump up for four years as a battering ram and trumpet in this nation, but
without a serious sanctification and softening of his heart and words, there will be great trouble and
danger that will mark his run for a second term. Even those who were once for him, will see the error of
his ways and begin to cry out for his soul. Do not be deceived by the wealth and change that Donald has
and will bring to America, for I am after far more than the gifts I have irrevocably given him, I must
have his heart so that I can order His steps.”
 The following night after receiving this word, I had a prophetic dream where I saw Donald Trump crawling
around on the White House lawn eating grass and acting like an animal. Immediately I cried out to the Lord in
the dream and said, “God, shall Donald Trump become like Nebuchadnezzar? Shall he become so consumed
with his success that he begins to credit his accomplishments to his own strength and power? Will you
remove sovereignty from his life?”
 God spoke to me and said, “Donald Trump is in great danger of becoming like Nebuchadnezzar in the years
ahead. He will have great success, but the Church must pray for humility and the Daniel Company to arise.
Just like Nebuchadnezzar, if Donald breaks away from his sins by doing righteously and showing mercy to
the poor, I will prolong his prosperity.” (Dan 4:27)
I woke up from the prophetic dream with a tremendous burden upon my heart. To be honest, I could not believe
what I just received. Could the prophetic narrative surrounding Donald Trump completely change without the
prayers of the Church, the rise of the Daniel Company, and a repositioning of his own heart? Could Donald
Trump have been raised up by God Himself like a Cyrus and bring necessary change to America, but through his
own pride, arrogance, and forsaking of the poor end as a Nebuchadnezzar? The answer is: ABSOLUTELY.
Saints, this man desperately needs our prayers! God is prophetically warning us now in 2018 before its too late.
While I have not been given permission by God to directly prophesy into Trump’s potential second term, I do
sense strongly that there is potential great danger and trouble ahead for America if he is re-elected. He has
currently been granted the “iron grip” that will run its course and fulfill its purpose, but Donald Trump may very
well be a type of pioneer or trailblazer that must recognize when His mission is complete and it now becomes
necessary to turn the nation over to another that can capitalize on the momentum he helped to start, but do it in a
much more wise and tactful way. We must keep praying for Donald Trump and for the purposes of God to be
manifested through His life and presidency, but do not be surprised if Donald’s grip and force becomes too much
in the days ahead for many to bear. The attacks, plots, and plans against him will become more and more bizarre
in the days ahead. I believe God is releasing a very clear prophetic narrative with Donald Trump so that the
intercessors, watchmen, and prophets know how to pray and act in the days ahead.
The Daniel Company I’m convinced through prayer that Donald Trump desperately needs a Daniel
Company to arise in the United States that will faithfully give him the word of the Lord and advise him with
Godly counsel at strategic times during his Presidency. Donald Trump has and will even appoint some of those in
the Daniel Company. God has revealed to me that Sarah Huckabee and Mike Pence are specifically carrying this
anointing and have undoubtedly been placed around Trump for such a time as this. On Inauguration Day (January
20, 2017), I gave the following public prophecy in Merritt Island, FL: “Mike Pence will not bow down to Donald
Trump, bur rather will stand up to him. I am giving Mike Pence a backbone like never before and he will
faithfully deliver the truth to Donald Trump again and again” says the Lord. Then God said “I myself will
stand up in the midst of the UN council. Those who oppose Israel, I will oppose. Those who defend Israel,
I will defend” says God.
I believe God has also revealed to be that even Benjamin Netanyahu is part of the Daniel Company that is
surrounding Donald Trump in an attempt to keep him from becoming a type of Nebuchadnezzar in the years
ahead. On December 29, 2016, I gave the following prophecy that was recorded, God says, “Benjamin, though
small in the eyes of many men, has gained great favor with Me. I will use him as a frontrunner in the
nations of the earth to expose the plots and plans of the enemy. He will be a trusted adviser to Donald
Trump and help him navigate through turbulent days ahead. Donald will be a friend to Israel and Israel
will be a friend to Donald and America.” 
The Daniel Company is also those in the body of Christ who will fast and pray for Donald Trump . They will
walk in holiness and the fear of the Lord. They will contend against any pride or arrogance that will attempt to
overtake Trump in the days ahead. God will give them clear prophetic dreams, visions, and strategy for the body
of Christ on how to pray and what to pray for. They will be a tremendous catalyst and key in the hand of the Lord
to turn America toward God like never before. Donald Trump is not the savior of America, but he has indeed
been raised up by God for divine purposes and the enemy will attempt to thwart his destiny without the prayers
and prophetic intelligence of the saints.
Nikki Haley: United States Ambassador to UN God continues to speak to me concerning Nikki
Haley, the United States Ambassador to the UN. On May 30, 2016, I gave a prophecy concerning her that
declared, “You must recognize that Governor Haley from South Carolina is my Esther of the hour! My body
on the East Coast must stand with her, for the time is now! Open up your arms to her and do not be blind
to the anointing and favor that I have placed upon her life for such a time as this” says God.
On October 6, 2016 I received another prophecy that was recorded and said, “Governor Haley from South
Carolina will be strategically used to guide and navigate her state and nation through crisis in the days
ahead. She is carrying a strong Esther anointing and the intercessors will find strong favor with her” says
God. It wasn’t but several months later that she promoted, invited, and accepted a position by Donald Trump to
be the United States Ambassador to the United Nations.
Several weeks ago (January 2018), I received another prophetic dream where I saw her face on the Ace of spades
as it was placed in the back pocket of a young man. God spoke to me and said, “Nikki Haley is an ace in the
hole of this nation. The Esther anointing I have given her will increase and she will receive more and more
publicity in the days ahead. Look for her leadership and charisma to be a steadying force in the nations
that will unite those who see clearly and warn of those who are blind. I will use Nikki as a plumb line that
will both unite and divide the nations.”
 I want to be clear and say that I do not believe God is specifically saying that He is raising up Nikki Haley to
replace Donald Trump. Now would I be surprised if Nikki Haley becomes the first female President in the years
ahead? No. Am I prophesying that? No. What I am saying is that God is asking the intercessors and saints to keep
an eye on her so that we may pray and continue to look for the manifestation of the Esther anointing upon her
life. She has been strategically chosen for her role in the nations.
 Canada: A Nation Ripe for Revival
 God says, “There is a young people movement coming out of Canada. I have heard the cries for revival and
awakening and I’m releasing the fellowship of the burning hearts. Grassroots revival communities will
begin to flourish in 2018. There are mighty outpourings of My Spirit coming. I am doing away with an old
religious wineskin in Canada and will pour out new wine into gatherings of believers who embrace family
and the moving of My Spirit. My apostles and prophets will gather in Canada in the days ahead and form
an alliance together to see sustained revival and reformation in the land.
I say to you, “Beware of the Islamic agenda that will continue to increase on a governmental level in
Canada. The government in Canada will cry out ‘Peace, Peace when there is no peace’. Trudeau has come to
bring a peace offering to the nations when I have called him as a man of war. There is a warrior inside of
Trudeau and I desire to put strong conviction in him. Heavy intercession and a great birthing of worship
will come forth out of Canada in response to the liberal agenda rising in the Government. Thousands of
Muslims will be converted in Canada. New sounds of worship and prophetic intercession will come forth in
2018. I’m doing a new thing in the midst of the coming storms. Hold on My people says God for days of
great shaking are coming to Canada. Great glory upon My Church and great crisis upon the nation. Keep
your eyes on the news!”
South Africa And Australia: The Pure Ones
 God says, “I am releasing a prophetic reformation in South Africa and Australia. I’m calling forth My
pure one’s even now, those who have not been defiled by the craving for fame and fortune. There is a
firebrand generation in South Africa and Australia that I have reserved for such a time as this. They are
the seven thousand that have not bowed their knees to Baal. There is much Baal worship taking place in
South Africa and Australia. Men and women worshipping themselves and the gifting that I have given
them. Many large churches building their own kingdoms and claiming to do it in My name. There is a
sleeping and slumbering spirit spreading in South Africa and Australia. My pure ones the prophets are
about to sound the alarm and call My Bride to awake and make herself ready.
  I say to some of you, “You are not to leave South Africa and Australia for the United States. You are to
stay in the place you were born in and dig the pure wells I have called you to dig. The desire to move to
America has become a source of selfish ambition and carnal desires. I say to some of you in South Africa
and Australia, “Stay home! My plans and purposes will be manifested in the days ahead and you must not
grow weary now. I’m raising up companies of prophets, My pure One’s who will give My word without the
fear of man. Do not grow discouraged because of the seeker friendly spirit that has overtaken the body
in South Africa and Australia.
  There is a coming divine connection between South Africa and Australia in the days ahead. Look for My
pure ones, the prophets to rise and give language to the ache and cry of the South African’s and
Australian’s. A revival of holiness is coming. The true gospel of My Son Jesus will be preached in the days
ahead. A strong and mighty remnant will lift up a cry for the return of My Son in South Africa and
Australia. The forerunner messengers are coming. They are those gripped with the oil of intimacy and the
urgency of the hour. Now is the time” says God.
In His Service, Jeremiah Johnson January 21, 2018
2017 Prophetic Word: The Trump Presidency and the Increasing Polarization in the Church
For the last several years, I have felt a tremendous burden from the Spirit of God to shut down all active ministry
and travel in the month of December to seek Him concerning His heart for the following calendar year. My main
request before God every year has simply been, “As a prophetic voice, how can I help prepare people for the
days ahead?” By God’s grace and through personal consecration, He has always answered me clearly through the
Bible, prophetic dreams, visions, and encounters.
On November 27, 2016, I had a visitation from the Holy Spirit in my home in which He very clearly told me to
get off all social media immediately, stop consuming all caffeine and sweets, and consecrate myself for when His
word would come to me. As I responded in obedience, I began to receive several significant prophetic dreams
concerning the year 2017 and beyond. Each time that I awakened, I sensed the deep abiding presence of God and
began having further fellowship and conversation with the Spirit, asking for greater clarity and wisdom. On the
22ndday of the fast, I sensed a release from the period of consecration and also permission to share what I have
received from the Lord. I ask that you would judge the following prophetic words concerning 2017 and beyond
with sobriety and prayerfully consider what I believe God is revealing. May the Holy Spirit grant us His wisdom,
divine strategy, and perspective in the days ahead.
Part 1: The Trump Presidency
 A Bitter Cold Winter
I received a prophetic dream in which the Spirit of God showed me very troubling weather patterns coming in the
winter of 2017. Some of the coldest and most severe weather that has ever landed in America will fall in the
winter of 2017. Great snowfall and treachery will mark this period of time. As Donald Trump is inaugurated and
set into office, the brutal winter in various parts of the United States will be a direct reflection of the coldness of
men’s hearts toward this man and his presidency. As the bitter winter lays hold of certain parts of the United
States, we must recognize that this is a specific prophetic sign of the cold and bitter hearts of men toward
Donald’s victory and election.
Donald Trump and Russia
The next prophetic dream I received was a special and unique dialogue between Donald Trump and Vladimir
Putin. The Spirit of God said to me, “The eagle (Trump) and the bear (Putin) shall partner together and they
will both be hunted by the liberal media.” I saw great potential for wealth, creativity, and innovation with these
men. The Spirit said to me, “Donald Trump will not be remembered for building bridges or even burning
them, but for the grace that I have given him to create them.” God began to show me that Donald Trump will
create deals and make deals across the world that have never been thought possible. Many will be astonished at
the grace and favor that he will walk in.
As I inquired of the Lord further about Trump and Putin’s relationship, I heard the words, “Their friendship will
cause tremors and earthquake like activity among the liberal media and parts of the government like
never before. Their talks will cause the conspiracy and accusation levels to rise to an all time high.” I
believe that the watchmen and intercessors need to lean into the wisdom of God concerning these men and not
give into carnal fear and speculation. There will be a false prophetic narrative concerning the United States and
Russia that will be fueled by soulish fear and mere speculation. Look for divine perspective and prophetic insight
to be released concerning these two men and nations.
The last prophetic dream God gave me was the spiritual awakening that is coming to Russia and how underneath
Putin’s reign, the Spirit of God will begin to move among the Russian saints at unprecedented levels. Look for
religious liberty to expand in the days ahead as Trump and Putin’s friendship grows.

Donald Trump and China

The next prophetic dream I received was Donald Trump placing a crown of thorns upon the nation of China. In
the dream, God immediately reminded me of the prophetic word (Click here:    ) that I had received from Him in
July of 2015 concerning Donald Trump and his destiny. In the prophetic word that was released, the Spirit
specifically said, “He will be like a bull in a china shop.” God began to speak to me and say, “During Donald
Trump’s presidency, he will not only be a thorn in the side of China, but also a bull to their shop
(economy).” The Lord continued, “The bullies (China) will lock horns with the bull (Donald) and it will
cause great tension and strife among the nations.” 
Donald Trump and Israel
On December 20, 2015, I received a prophetic word concerning the year 2016 and specifically Benjamin
Netanyahu. Part of the prophecy that was recorded and published said, “Benjamin Netanyahu is greatly
anticipating the 2016 elections far beyond most American’s and for good reason, as I have placed a humble
spirit within him and he has not taken offense as President Obama has spit in his face and plotted evil in
I believe that Benjamin Netanyahu is greatly relieved and comforted by Donald Trump being elected President of
the United States and beyond ready for President Obama to leave office.
Several days later (within the last 30 days) after receiving the dream concerning Trump and China, I received
another prophetic dream in which I saw Benjamin Netanyahu and a mighty prophetic anointing that came upon
him. God said to me in the dream, “Benjamin, though small in the eyes of many men, has gained great favor
with Me. I will use him as a frontrunner in the nations of the earth to expose the plots and plans of the
enemy. He will be a trusted adviser to Donald Trump and help him navigate through turbulent days
ahead. Donald will be a friend to Israel and Israel will be a friend to Donald and America.” 
Donald Trump and the Church
Two days before Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, I received and published a prophetic
dream in which a baby with the face of Donald Trump was brought to a church and given to an older woman who
was a nursery worker at a church. The woman began to rock baby Donald and sing over him. This is what she
sang, “Donald, you have a crooked way in you, but through the intercession of the Church, God is going to
change you.” She sang this tune over Donald several times and then I woke up.
Having had a significant amount of time to pray through this dream, I have become convinced by the Spirit of
God that there is a tremendous amount of weight and responsibility that now rests upon the Church as Donald
Trump has been elected President. Per the dream, Donald has clearly been given by God as a gift to the Church
and she must engage in intercession in order to drive out the crooked way that is inside of him. Donald Trump is
not the savior of America, and the Church must not go back to business as usual now that he has been elected. In
prayer, I heard the Spirit of God say, “The presidency of Donald Trump will be defined by one thing: his
character. You must know that his character can be greatly shaped and forged through the faithful
intercession and prayers of the Church.”
As I attended an event on April 9th, 2016 called, “Asuza Now” in Los Angeles, California where some 70,000
Christians gathered for a day of prayer and fasting, God spoke to me and said, “If elected, Donald Trump will
legislate stadium Christianity in America. If elected, Hillary Clinton will abolish stadium Christianity in
America.” God showed me that there are going to be several historic and significant gatherings of believers
contending for a third great awakening under the Trump Presidency. We must understand that the Church in
America has gained great favor with Donald Trump winning the election, but we must also be committed to
faithful prayer and intercession that any crookedness in him would be repented of and driven out.
Part 2: The Increasing Polarization in the Church
As I sought the Lord concerning His heart and words for the body of Christ in the year 2017, I heard Him say,
“Polarization.” Polarization usually refers to how people think, especially when two views emerge that drive
people apart. I believe that we are about to see the emergence of one of the greatest polarizations that the Church
has ever seen. The first area God showed me is concerning the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the second area is
regarding apostolic ministry.

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

In an open vision, I saw the ministry of the Holy Spirit being substituted and replaced like never before in various
parts of the body of Christ. In 2017, some churches are going to engage in entertainment and fleshly-driven
marketing techniques that the earth has never seen before. Parts of the church are going to give themselves to
becoming a sub-culture for the world. I heard the Lord say, “The false gospel that produces false converts will
be spread like wildfire in 2017. Church attendance, the number of church services, and financial increase
will deceive many who are looking for soulish confirmation of success.” He continued, “Church leaders who
started the ministry being led by My Spirit will begin to drift away from My voice in 2017 and operate
from a realm of man-pleasing and carnality.”
While the ministry of the Holy Spirit will be substituted for and replaced in various churches and ministries in
2017, the Spirit of God also showed me a remnant of saints and churches in America that are going to welcome
the ministry of the Holy Spirit like never before. There will be powerful visitation and encounters fueled from the
place of prayer and fasting. Signs, wonders, and miracles will be demonstrated so that people will not put their
trust in men, but in the Lord. We are going to see truly Spirit-filled churches rise in America. Church leaders are
going to experience a fresh awareness of the fear of the Lord and begin to preach messages that will cut to the
heart of real issues with which we must deal with. I heard the Lord say, “It’s time to shut down the drive-thru
church that is bound by watches and calendars and get into the place where you’re governed by My
Face.” I saw many church services and conferences that were scheduled for shorter periods of time actually be
extended in 2017 as the Holy Spirit’s presence and power begin to move.
Be on the lookout for the increasing polarization that is coming in 2017 regarding the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Be warned concerning churches and ministries that will choose to glory in their own flesh and ideas, but also be
encouraged by the churches and ministries who will value devotion to Jesus, prayer, and having an ear for what
the Holy Spirit is saying.
The Apostolic Ministry
I received a prophetic dream in which the Holy Spirit said to me, “Of all the five ministries functioning in the
body of Christ, the greatest level of deception is operating in apostolic ministry. There is coming an
increasing polarization to this ministry. On the one hand, you will witness true apostles rise who walk in
authentic apostolic ministry, but on the other hand, you will see false apostles rise who will spread soulish
and false apostolic ministry.”
In 2017, I saw God raising up fathers, apostolic preachers who will proclaim Jesus Christ and all of His glory.
The Holy Spirit will anoint their declarations and restore fascination and love for the Beautiful One as they
These fiery heralds will help usher in revival to the Church centered upon the knowledge of God and
encountering the person of Jesus. This company of burning and shining lamps will devour the Word of God.
They will say “yes” to fresh encounters on the road to Emmaus where the unveiling of Christ will be made
known to them through the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets. God’s eternal purpose in Christ Jesus shall be
manifested to this generation through these apostles.
Apostolic ministry that does not recognize that to gain revelation concerning Christ is everything and to forfeit it
is futile is not authentic apostolic ministry. The primary calling of ALL true apostles is to unveil the glorious
person of Jesus Christ to His body. (Col 1:17; Eph. 3:8-11)
Apostles have been commissioned by the Father Himself to uncover and reveal Jesus Christ as the foundation, the
cornerstone, and head of the Church. True apostles consistently teach, preach, and prophesy on the life, death,
burial, resurrection, ascension, and second coming of Jesus Christ.
If HE Himself is not their central focus and message, they are NOT legitimate apostles. It is a terrifying thing to
recognize that you can hardly find ANY well known apostles in America that are actually “Christ-centered” or
even preaching “Christ.” We seem to be hearing every “revelation” besides Jesus from apostles and prophets!
Paul was not known as an apostle of “deliverance,” “spiritual warfare,” “prophetic,” “faith,” or the “supernatural”
etc. He was an apostle of Jesus Christ.

The Apostolic Networking Merry-go-round

In 1 Thessalonians 2:5-12, Paul writes concerning five specific earmarks of apostolic ministry. They are as
1. Apostles do not lord their authority over the saints, but rather they minister in gentleness as a nursing mother
tenderly cares for her own children.
2. Apostles are full of fond-affection for the saints and impart life and love through relationship, not networking or
3. Apostles are not greedy and do not desire to be a financial burden to those to whom they minister.
4. Apostles are fathers who exhort, encourage, and challenge the saints to walk in a manner worthy of God’s call on
their life.
5. Apostles do not come to flatter saints with their words nor do they seek glory and praise from men.
I received a prophetic dream where God said to me, “My people must be warned of the coming apostolic
merry-go-round. In the days of Paul some claimed to be of Cephas and others Apollos, yet it is no different
in the days that you are living in. False allegiance to man is what has caused the immaturity of much of the
apostolic ministry in America.”
We are living in a day and age in which in order to be a spiritual son or daughter to many so-called apostles, one
must pay their monthly dues or be labeled “false sons and daughters.” In other words, these charlatans are asking
people to rent their name per month so that they can declare that they are operating under “apostolic covering and
authority.” Through fear, intimidation, and control, the apostolic networking merry-go-round is being established
and advanced in America. In a gifted generation that is hungering for fathering, they are being prostituted and
pimped and don’t even know it. If anyone dares to challenge these so-called apostles, they will be blacklisted and
the minions working in these networks will be told not to associate with these individuals. A secret society is
being formed within these networks that more resembles the mob rather than the bride of Christ.
Unfortunately, in order to preserve their public image and reputation, these “apostles” will only network with
certain individuals from whom they can benefit. It’s all about money, applause, and public image. I’m convinced
many of these con artists posing as apostles need to go open up a business in the world and stop bringing their
greed and filth into the body of Christ. They are using and abusing the saints as they fill up their travel itinerary
and boast about how many leaders are submitted to them. It’s disgusting in the sight of God.
The problem with most of the apostolic networking in America is that Jesus is being sold out and being
merchandised, and the apostolic ministry turned into a marketplace for prostitution and casual harlotry.
Apostles Know it is Better to Give than Receive
Paul the Apostle ministered to the body and Elders at Ephesus for a period of more than three years. As an
apostolic voice and father in their lives, he shares his heart and motives with them in a crystal clear way when he
says, “I have not coveted anyone’s silver or gold or clothing. You yourselves know that these hands of mine have
supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of
hard work we must help the weak…” (Acts 20:33-35)
As a called apostle, Paul had no desire to be a financial burden to the saints there. He labored among them in the
marketplace and set a powerful example for other called apostles throughout the ages. Seeking to explain his
actions, he reminded the leaders that, “we must help the weak” and the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, “it is
better to give than receive”. (v.35)
How does Paul’s heart and passion for apostolic ministry in Ephesus compare to current apostolic trends that
charge fees and require specific honorariums to come minister? Why do many so called “modern day apostles”
demand to be treated like a Hollywood celebrity and operate in a spirit of greed and mammon and act like its
The Spirit of God wants to make it clear: because many of them are not apostles and are acting like scam artists
who push their multi level marketing strategies in order to get rich quick. For a so called “apostle” to require
specific honorariums to come preach and to charge saints certain “fees” to be a part of a networks is nothing more
than Babylonian harlotry.
I’m convinced that a majority of those claiming to be “apostles” and running “apostolic networks” are really just
business type CEO’s who need to take their manipulation, charisma, and lust for power and money somewhere
else besides the body of Christ. Go sell your products and schemes to the world and stop defiling authentic Christ
centered apostolic ministry.
We are going to see the rise of true apostles in this generation who recognize that it is better to give than receive.
These fathers will give all they have away free of charge and consider it an honor and privilege to share and
impart the portion of Christ that God has given them to this next generation. We must not be surprised when the
names of these authentic apostles are not recognized by the public, but known by their Father in heaven.
The Shepherding Movement Reborn
I received another prophetic dream in which the Spirit of God has specifically shown me that in the next 15-20
years, we are going to see the “Shepherding Movement” of the 1970’s REBORN through some apostolic leaders
in America who will prey upon this fatherless generation of millennials.
There is a newer apostolic wineskin currently operating in the body of Christ that believes that individuals who
do not submit to their authority are wounded, rebellious, and prideful.
This new apostolic company thrives on titles, showmanship, control, intimidation, fear and releasing “new
revelation” that must be swallowed by their followers.
Their over-emphases will be the same as those in the 1970’s, namely: authority, submission, and accountability,
all of which are biblical truths that will be blown out of proportion and hammered upon the next generation.
In the midst of this coming apostolic disease, we must not lose sight of true apostolic fathers who, through love
and care, will properly impart both their own lives and revelation of Jesus Christ, and raise up and release
genuine sons and daughters. These apostolic reformers will be relatively unknown to many and will give birth to
true sons like Timothy, the true shepherds that this generation so desperately needs!
We must have true voices in the body of Christ who will not compromise their DNA for the sake of connectivity
and platforms. Forging friendships with one another with the hidden motivation of seeking greater visibility and
notoriety is idolatry. There are many unholy alliances forming among church leaders. The religious apostolic
games need to stop. Let’s get back to private devotion with Jesus and move beyond the public prostitution of
gifting and notoriety.
God is looking for a generation of men and women who will find their voice in the wilderness, not from being
connected to a network. A soulish search for validation and significance has driven too many out of the
wilderness and into the arms of false apostles who are looking to prey upon the next generation. In 2017, we are
going to witness the shaking and dismantling of apostolic networking like never before. Motives, attitudes, and
the flesh is going to be exposed and what has been built upon the altar of performance and greed will be burned
in the fire. From up out of the ashes and rubble will come a generation of sons and daughters who will find their
identity, purpose, and destiny from their Father in heaven. They will be a mighty force in the kingdom of God
and resolve to know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
The Final Word
In 2017, Donald Trump is going to need the prayers of the saints like never before. Some might have prayed for
him to get elected, but now it’s time to pray that He is protected and respected. Look for Russia, China, and Israel
to continue to be in world news and events during the Trump presidency. Remember that the bitter cold winter
that is coming to America in 2017 is a prophetic sign of the hardness of hearts toward this man and his victory.
Let’s stay on the alert and through intercession and prayer, let’s ask God to forge His character in our
45th President and that any crookedness would be driven out of Him.
Finally, be on the lookout for the increasing polarization that is coming to the Church, especially regarding the
ministry of the Holy Spirit as well as apostolic ministry. We are truly going to see extremism manifest like never
before. There will be carnal ministry versus the ministry of the Holy Spirit and authentic apostolic ministry
contrasted to false apostolic ministry. May Jesus Christ be glorified and let His kingdom come and His will be
done, on earth as it is in heaven.
I am Yours in Christ Jesus,
Jeremiah Johnson
{God Sharing in Gold}
“Trump shall become My trumpet to the American people, for he possesses qualities that are even hard to
find in My people these days.
Just as I raised up Cyrus to fulfill My purposes and plans, so have I raised up Trump to fulfill my purposes
and plans prior to the 2016 election. You must listen to the trumpet very closely for he will sound the
alarm and many will be blessed because of his compassion and mercy.
“I have raised Donald Trump up for four years as a battering ram and trumpet in this nation, I am going
to use him to expose darkness and perversion in America like never before, but you must understand that
he is like a bull in a china closet.
Trump does not fear man nor will he allow deception and lies to go unnoticed. You must listen through the
bantering to discover the truth that I will speak through him. I will use the wealth that I have given him
to expose and launch investigations searching for the truth.
Many will want to throw him away because he will disturb their sense of peace and tranquility, but though
many see the outward pride and arrogance, I have given him the tender heart of a father that wants to
lend a helping hand to the poor and the needy, to the foreigner and the stranger.”
“Trump’s grip is going to tighten while the liberal agenda loses its grip.” I must have his heart so that I
can order His steps.” but without a serious sanctification and softening of his heart and words, there will
be great trouble and danger that will mark his run for a second term. Even those who were once for him,
will see the error of his ways and begin to cry out for his soul.
Do not be deceived by the wealth and change that Donald has and will bring to America, for I am after
far more than the gifts I have irrevocably given him,
"Donald Trump is in great danger of becoming like Nebuchadnezzar in the years ahead. He will have great
success, but the Church must pray for humility and the Daniel Company to arise. Just like
Nebuchadnezzar, if Donald breaks away from his sins by doing righteously and showing mercy to the poor,
I will prolong his prosperity." (Dan 4:27)
Mike Pence will not bow down to Donald Trump, but rather will stand up to him. I am giving Mike Pence a
backbone like never before and he will faithfully deliver the truth to Donald Trump again and again" says
the Lord.
Donald Trump and the Church
SPIRIT OF GOD say, “If elected, Donald Trump will legislate stadium Christianity in America. If elected,
Hillary Clinton will abolish stadium Christianity in America.”  "Donald, you have a crooked way in you, but
through the intercession of the Church, God is going to change you." “The presidency of Donald Trump
will be defined by one thing: his character. You must know that his character can be greatly shaped and
forged through the faithful intercession and prayers of the Church.” 
 Donald Trump and Israel from prophetic dreams
God said "I myself will stand up in the midst of the UN council. Those who oppose Israel, I will oppose.
Those who defend Israel, I will defend"
“Benjamin Netanyahu is greatly anticipating the 2016 elections far beyond most American’s and for good
reason, as I have placed a humble spirit within him and he has not taken offense as President Obama has
spit in his face and plotted evil in secret.”
“Benjamin, though small in the eyes of many men, has gained great favor with Me. I will use him as a
frontrunner in the nations of the earth to expose the plots and plans of the enemy. He will be a trusted
adviser to Donald Trump and help him navigate through turbulent days ahead. Benjamin Netanyahu is part
of the Daniel Company that is surrounding Donald Trump in an attempt to keep him from becoming a type
of Nebuchadnezzar in the years ahead. Donald will be a friend to Israel and Israel will be a friend to
Donald and America.” 
Donald Trump and Russia “The eagle (Trump) and the bear (Putin) shall partner together and they will
both be hunted by the liberal media.”  “Their friendship will cause tremors and earthquake like activity
among the liberal media and parts of the government like never before. Their talks will cause the
conspiracy and accusation levels to rise to an all time high.” “Donald Trump will not be remembered for
building bridges or even burning them, but for the grace that I have given him to create them.”
Donald Trump and China
“He will be like a bull in a china shop.” God began to speak to me and say, “During Donald Trump’s
presidency, he will not only be a thorn in the side of China, but also a bull to their shop (economy).” The
Lord continued, “The bullies (China) will lock horns with the bull (Donald) and it will cause great tension
and strife among the nations.” 
 Shall Donald Trump become like Nebuchadnezzar?
 Shall he become so consumed with his success; that he begins to credit his accomplishments to his own strength and power?
 Will GOD remove sovereignty from his life?”
 Could Donald Trump have been raised up by God Himself like a Cyrus and bring necessary change to America, but through his
own pride, arrogance, and forsaking of the poor end as a Nebuchadnezzar?
The answer is: ABSOLUTELY
J J personal analysis and opinion for 2nd term
I believe God is releasing a very clear prophetic narrative with Donald Trump so that the intercessors,
watchmen, and prophets know how to pray and act in the days ahead.
We must keep praying for Donald Trump and for the purposes of God to be manifested through His life
and presidency, but do not be surprised if Donald’s grip and force becomes too much in the days ahead
for many to bear. The attacks, plots, and plans against him will become more and more bizarre in the
days ahead.
While I have not been given permission by God to directly prophesy into Trump’s potential second
term, I do sense strongly that there is potential great danger and trouble ahead for America if he is
re-elected. He has currently been granted the “iron grip” that will run its course and fulfill its purpose,
but Donald Trump may very well be a type of pioneer or trailblazer that must recognize when His
mission is complete and it now becomes necessary to turn the nation over to another that can capitalize
on the momentum he helped to start, but do it in a much more wise and tactful way.
Two days before Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, someone received and published a
prophetic dream in which a baby with the face of Donald Trump was brought to a church and given to an older
woman who was a nursery worker at a church. The woman began to rock baby Donald and sing over him. This is
what nursery worker sang, “Donald, you have a crooked way in you, but through the intercession of the
Church, God is going to change you.” nursery worker sang this tune over Donald several times.
This person became convinced by the Spirit of God that there is a tremendous amount of weight and
responsibility that now rests upon the CHURCH as Donald Trump has been elected President. Per the dream,
Donald has clearly been given by God as a gift to the CHURCH and the CHURCH must engage in intercession in
order to drive out the crooked way that is inside of him. Donald Trump is not the savior of America, and the
CHURCH must not go back to business as usual now that he has been elected.
The Daniel & Joseph Company
Donald Trump desperately needs a Daniel Company those in the body of Christ those that walk in holiness and
the fear of the Lord; fasting and praying for Donald Trump; that will faithfully give DJT the word of the Lord
advising DJT with Godly counsel at strategic times during his Presidency.
Sarah Huckabee and Mike Pence are specifically carrying this anointing and have undoubtedly been placed
around Trump for such a time as this. Donald Trump has and will even appoint others of those that are in the
Daniel & Joseph Company.
They will contend against any pride or arrogance that will attempt to overtake Trump in the days ahead. God will
give them clear prophetic dreams, visions, and strategy for the body of Christ on how to pray and what to pray
for. They will be a tremendous catalyst and key in the hand of the Lord to turn America toward God like never
before. Donald Trump is not the savior of America, but he has indeed been raised up by God for divine
purposes and the enemy will attempt to thwart his destiny without the prayers and prophetic intelligence of the
Donald Trump and the Church
from prophetic dreams pre & post 2016 election
We must understand that the Church in America has gained great favor with Donald Trump winning the
Nevertheless, we must also be committed to faithful prayer and intercession that any crookedness in him
would be repented of and driven out. There is a tremendous amount of weight and responsibility that now
rests upon the Church as Donald Trump has been elected President.
Per the dream, Donald has clearly been given by God as a gift to the Church and she must engage in
intercession in order to drive out the crooked way that is inside of him.
Donald Trump is not the savior of America, and the Church must not go back to business as usual now
that he has been elected.
God showed me that there
are going to be several historic and significant gatherings of
believers contending for a third great awakening under the Trump Presidency...

Donald Trump and Russia As I inquired of the Lord further about Trump and Putin’s relationship, I heard the words, 
Look for divine perspective and prophetic insight to be released concerning these two men and nations. There is
great potential for wealth, creativity, and innovation with Putin and Trump. There will be many false prophetic
narratives concerning the United States and Russia that will be fueled by soulish fear and mere speculation.
Donald Trump will create deals and make deals across the world that have never been thought possible. Many
will be astonished at the grace and favor that he will walk in.
I believe that the watchmen and intercessors need to lean into the wisdom of God concerning these men and not
give into carnal fear and speculation. As there is a spiritual awakening that is coming to Russia that underneath
Putin’s reign, the Spirit of God will begin to move among the Russian saints at unprecedented levels. Look for
religious liberty to expand in the days ahead as Trump and Putin’s friendship grows.
Donald Trump and China
A prophetic dream I received was Donald Trump placing a crown of thorns upon the nation of China. In the
dream, God immediately reminded me of the prophetic word (Click here:    ) that I had received from Him in July
of 2015 concerning Donald Trump and his destiny. In the prophetic word that was released, the Spirit specifically

Donald Trump exiting personal analysis

He has currently been granted the “iron grip” that will run its course and fulfill its purpose.
Donald Trump may very well be a type of pioneer or trailblazer that must recognize when His mission is
complete and it now becomes necessary to turn the nation over to another that can capitalize on the momentum
he helped to start, but do it in a much more wise and tactful way.

I believe God is releasing a very clear prophetic narrative with Donald Trump so that the intercessors, watchmen,
and prophets know how to pray and act in the days ahead. My personal analysis and sensing that there is
potential great danger and trouble ahead for America; The attacks, plots, and plans against him will become
more and more bizarre in the days ahead. If he is re-elected, do not be surprised if Donald’s grip and force
becomes too much in the days ahead for many to bear.
We must keep praying for Donald Trump and for the purposes of God to be manifested through His life and
presidency, but.

The Final Word & Prayer Points

Let’s stay on the alert and through intercession and prayer, as Donald Trump is going to need the prayers of the
saints like never before. Some might have prayed for him to get elected, but now it’s time to pray that He is
protected and respected.
Look for Russia, China, and Israel to continue to be in world news and events during the Trump presidency.
Remember that the bitter cold winters that are coming to America is a prophetic sign of the hardness of hearts
toward this man and his victory. Let us ask God to forge His character in our 45th President; and that any
crookedness would be driven out of Him.
2018 March This was paraphrased, cut & pasted by M L Fowler III from

I ask that you read with prayer for discernment and personal revelations. MLF3rd
2017 Prophetic Word: The Trump Presidency and the Increasing Polarization in the Church
For the last several years, I have felt a tremendous burden from the Spirit of God to shut down all active ministry
and travel in the month of December to seek Him concerning His heart for the following calendar year. My main
request before God every year has simply been, “As a prophetic voice, how can I help prepare people for the days
ahead?” By God’s grace and through personal consecration, He has always answered me clearly through the Bible,
prophetic dreams, visions, and encounters.
On November 27, 2016, I had a visitation from the Holy Spirit in my home in which He very clearly told me to get
off all social media immediately, stop consuming all caffeine and sweets, and consecrate myself for when His word
would come to me.
As I responded in obedience, I began to receive several significant prophetic dreams concerning the year 2017 and
beyond. Each time that I awakened, I sensed the deep abiding presence of God and began having further fellowship
and conversation with the Spirit, asking for greater clarity and wisdom.
On the 22ndday of the fast, I sensed a release from the period of consecration and also permission to share what I
have received from the Lord.
I ask that you would judge the following prophetic words concerning 2017 and beyond with sobriety and
prayerfully consider what I believe God is revealing.
May the Holy Spirit grant us His wisdom, divine strategy, and perspective in the days ahead.

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