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Section A: Literary prose

1. A rainstorm has just passed.

2. In the first paragraph, the writer writes: "Then the breeze died too, and there was no noise.”
This shows that before, the breeze made a sound, but now the breeze also died, and there's no
more sound. “Presently even the sound of the water was skill.” The text says, this means that
the water wasn’t even making a sound and was calm and quiet. “The rain ceased” shows that
the rain is now quiet, and there's no more sounds of dripping and water.
3. We can feel sorry for Simon from the first paragraph, where the author writes, "Simon's body
lay huddled on the pale beach. ‘The word huddled means that he was scared and weak, and
maybe trying to get away from someone or something.
4. “Moon bodied creatures with fiery eyes.” This shows that they have fiery eyes, and they are not
a normal animal / creature but a strange and weird thing.” With their fiery eyes and trailing
vapors.” This shows that they have steam coming off of them, making them more weird and
5. “The water rose further and dressed Simon’s coarse hair with brightness.” This washed away
the blood stains and made his hair bright, shiny and silverish. "The line of his cheek became
silvered and the turn of his shoulder became sculptured marble.” Marble is a very beautiful rock
this is used to make beautiful sculptures, and it is used to described this dead body, which must
mean it is very majestic.
6. At the start of the paragraph, we saw Simon dead, blood spilt everywhere and he curled up like
a scared mouse hiding from a human. At the end of the paragraph, no blood was left, all that’s
left was his beautiful corpse and majestic viewing hair, changing the readers viewpoint.

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