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Highlight the cultural significance of these games as you play through stories and
resources made by First Nations who can speak to it.

01 - Buffalo Run
Student pick a partner and stand back-to-back, they are instructed to make
up an elaborate handshake. When the music starts, the partners run
opposite directions around the field or court, when they pass each other
they do the handshake and keep going. When the music stops, they need to
find their partner without crossing through the middle of the track and sit
back-to-back. The last group to sit back-to-back get to do exercises in the
middle and then join back in..

02 - Beaver Tail
Students place a pinnie or flag in their shorts as a beaver's tail. Students
then try to steal as many pinnies as they can. Once you loose your tail you go
to the side and do the designated exercises and cheer for your peers.

03 - Run and Scream

Students line up on the baseline of the gym and on the whistle they run as
far as they can while yelling outloud the whole time. As soon as they run out
of breath to yell they stop in that spot. The player who gets the farthest wins.

04 - Teepee creeping
Most of the students lie down in groups of three on the ground as a teepee.
The rest of the students are wondering around as either people or wolves.
The peple can join a teepee by laying down on one side, thus kicking the
person on the other side out. They need to get up and find a new teepee. The
wolves are trying to catch people as they go from teepee to teepee. If you get
caught you become a wolf.

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