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The corona (covid-19) pandemic is defining as a global health crisis of our time and
greatest challenge we have faced since World War II (UNDP, United Nations Develop
Program). In early December 2019, caused by a novel severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS_CoV-2), occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. On 7 th of January
2020, the authorities in China declared the isolation of the new CoV type. On 12 th of January,
2019-nCoV was designated by WHO, aid on 11 th of February 2020 was assigned COVID-19
name (WHO, World Health Organization).

The first case was identified, the infection was possible spread from animal to human a
zoonotic agent. A record human to human route by transfer confirmed a surge in cases in Wuhan
and globally after the shutdown of the Wuhan market and relocation of cases in China.
Although, china declared that this is a f—of new cases but have been reported at the beginning
of April of 2020 of viral re-emergence (John Hopkins Coronavirus, Resource Center).

This COVID-19 associated with person to person through droplet in contact transmission
is flack of stringent infection control and prevention or no proper protective equipment, and it is
danger to extreme highest level. Since, it is emergence in Asia, the virus has spread all over the
world infecting millions of people and causing hundreds pf thousands of deaths. Every people
are losing jobs, income within way of knowing when normality will return (WHO, World Health


Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried, thoughts, and

physical change like increase blood pressure. People with anxiety disorder usually have
recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns. They may avoid certain situations out of worry. They
may also have physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, dizziness, or a rapid heartbeat
(APA, American Psychological Association).


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