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Garcia, Shaina
Labrador, Chingmei
Lumbre, Jessica
Mabalot, Steve
Ortega, Maria Centennia
Pedines, Sheryl Ann
Sensano, Amethyst


Music and Art therapy both fall under the umbrella term ‘Expressive Arts Therapies’,
which includes music and art. Humans have used these arts to express themselves and heal for
many thousands of years. Still, it is only since the 1940s that expressive arts have been formally
recognized as therapeutic tools, playing an important role in the assessment and treatment of
many mental health conditions.
When people are experiencing intense, complex, or confusing emotions, the use of
creative therapies can help them to manage and communicate their feelings in ways that
language cannot always accomplish. They can help to address traumatic or uncomfortable
situations without the use of words, which can, in turn, help to nurture personal growth and
healing transformation. It is not necessary to be good at music or art or to have any musical or
artistic background in order to enjoy the benefits that these expressive therapies can provide.
What is Music Therapy?
Music therapy emerged as a therapeutic tool after World War I and World War II, when
both amateur and professional musicians attended veterans’ hospitals to play for those who had
suffered physical and emotional trauma.
Everyone can connect and respond to music, and music therapy uses this connection to
facilitate positive changes in emotional wellbeing and to enhance communication between an
individual and their therapist. Music therapy can help:

 improve mood.
 strengthen coping skills.
 encourage emotional expression.
 relieve stress and symptoms of anxiety.
 facilitate and develop social and communication skills.
 improve self-confidence and independence.
 enhance self-awareness and awareness of others.
 improve concentration and attention skills.
 recall and process traumatic experiences.

What is Art therapy?

Art therapy isn’t simply about creating art. Unlike art classes, where the focus is on
learning specific techniques and creating pieces of finished work, art therapy focuses on the
inner experience, expressing the inner world and focusing on feelings, thoughts, perceptions and
whatever comes up during the creative process.
It uses a variety of methods, such as drawing, painting, sculpture and collage as a means
of self-expression. The process of working with materials such as coupon bond, color, and
creating a final product that has been shown to have healing properties that help people:

 explore and share their emotions.

 strengthen their sense of self.
 manage stress.
 work through their problems
 learn better coping skills.
 uncover different aspects of their personalities.
 boost self-esteem.

The main aim of art therapy is to enable positive growth, through engagement with the art
materials and the art therapist, in a safe and creative space.
After 30 minutes of rendering Music and Art therapy, the patient will be able to:
1. Reduce symptoms of psychological disorders.
2. Enhance their memory as to recall and process traumatic experiences.
3. Express of underlying thoughts and feelings especially for those who traumatized to
speak about painful or complicated issues.
4. Cope with emotional conflicts and increase self-awareness.
5. Facilitate and develop social and communication skills.
6. Provide a sense of freedom.


My patient has a depression disorder. However, during the music and art
therapy, when soft music was played, my patient drew a beach, coconut tree, sun,
and a person together. She explained that ‘’someday isunto kayat ku a papanan
intun makaawidak kasi isu’t dream ku’’. Therefore, there are different shapes,
colors, and objects were used in the drawing.
The different colors used in the drawing are brown, blue, green, yellow, and
orange. First, the color brown represents stability, structure, and support. It
suppresses feelings, providing a safe haven away from the pressures of the outside
world in which to think about and solve problems. Second, the Green represents
the great balancer of the heart and the emotions, creating equilibrium between the
head and the heart. From a meaning of colors perspective, green is also the color of
growth, the color of spring, of renewal and rebirth. Third, from a psychology
perspective, blue is reliable and responsible. This is a color that seeks peace and
tranquility above everything else, promoting both physical and mental relaxation.
Fourth, the color psychology of orange is optimistic and uplifting, rejuvenating our
spirit. In fact, orange is so optimistic and uplifting that we should all find ways to
use it in our everyday life, even if it is just an orange-colored pen that we use.
Orange brings spontaneity and a positive outlook on life and is a great color to use
during tough economic times, keeping a person motivated and helping the person
to look on the bright side of life. And last, yellow is creative from a mental aspect,
the color of new ideas, helping the person to find new ways of doing things. It is
the practical thinker, not the dreamer.
From the meaning of shapes, curves and circle was used. Curves depict the
delicate and intricate nature of an object or design. It adds a subtle touch, which
enhances the overall visuals. The curviest and waviness is an amazing element to
portray the flexibility of rules of an individual. The Circle, which is frequently
associated with infinity due to its circular outline. The circle also represents the
The sun gives life and symbolizes the conscious mind. And It is also
symbolizing the determination to live and the creative force of life.
The Coconut tree represents the relaxation & a symbol of good health. It
symbolizes the things that people normally hold. The Crown symbolizes concepts,
emotions, and self-concept. Social contacts, goals, and level of happiness or
dissatisfaction are represented by the Branches. The Trunk, on the other hand,
reflects one's sense of self, as well as the integrity of one's personality.
The person represents the ideal self, or self-concept. It depicts a person's
attitude toward the world, as well as how social life and the inner world coexist.
Knowledge, communication, creativity, and sociability are all represented by the
head. Hair is associated with virility, sexuality, and sensuality. Arms is a symbol of
adaptability and social integration. Legs, on the other hand, symbolizes interaction
with life, as well as help, stability, and security.

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