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Jasmine Samoa 
Ms. Carmen Jones & Ms. B 
7th Grade English 
11 November 2017 
Ads Have Negative Effects on Kids  

What do you like to buy? Advertising to kids has negative effects. Kids 

get obesity, diabetes, and low self-esteem from to too much advertising.  

Ads get kids obesity.​ ​”The rates of obesity in America’s children and 

youth have almost tripled in the last quarter century. Approximately 20% of 

our youth are now overweight with obesity rates in preschool age children 

increasing at alarming speed . ​Ads are making kids see junk food a lot make 

them want it all the time. When they eat it all the time they get fat.​According 

to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity has more than 

doubled among children ages 2 to 5 and ages 6 to 11. In teens ages 12 to 19, 

rates have tripled because of advertising (American Psychological ​. Ads are the reason kids are eating so many kinds of foods 

that will make them obese.​ ​Obesity in kids is from ads.   

Ads get kids diabetes. ​A typical kid sees nearly five thousand TV ads for 

food and drinks every year. Almost all of them will be for products high in 
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sugar, salt, and saturated fat (Stop Junk Food​ ​Diabetes is 

something kids will get if they dont stop watching ads all day. ​To make these 

ads, the food industry hires experts to exploit how kid’s thinks—even how they 

see. They’ve figured out what colors they responds to best and what kinds of 

characters they'll love most. Creepy, right? ( ​It’s so bad that 

adults are working so hard to harm kids. Kids get sucked in and eat all 

unhealthy foods. ​If kids don’t watch ads they can be healthy. 

Ads get kids lowselfesteem​. ​Groups of children are subject to endless 

stereotyping Children of color are often portrayed on TV as criminals or not 

intelligent ​Ads are bringing down kid’s self esteem.  

Females are too thin and males are too muscular. Children grow up with 

unreal expectations of how they should look and act and this lowers their 

self-esteem.​ Girls are always thinking they dont look good enough because 

what they see on instagram and ads.​This is why kids will get lowselfesteem 

from ads. 

Kids get obesity, diabetes, and low self-esteem from to too much 

advertising. We gotta stop let​ ads bully us kids and make them changes.  

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